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A Weekend with the Mountain Man by Nicole Casey (90)


They say life is unfair and that we shouldn’t expect it to give us the chance to change everything that ever happened wrong in our lives. People always say that we should accept the crap that life tosses at us and try our best to make a good life out of what we have.

I am one of the few who can say that saying is utter bullshit.

When this whole affair started, I was just another young stripper at a club. However, maybe it was because I was the only one who cared to aid a grieving friend or maybe it was just pure luck, Daxter Horndale asked me to meet up with him. That date changed the course of my life forever.

Hannah once told me that we cheated. He didn’t really deserve his father’s money and I didn’t really do anything to deserve the wealth I have now. We faked our marriage to get here. What she keeps on forgetting was the middle portion of our story, the part where we had to slowly fall in love despite knowing it was all just a show.

While we did gain the wealth and the Horndale corporation, we didn’t push forward with completely running the whole business. Daxter worked hard with his father to understand how their business worked and they both chose a suitable CEO to work hand-in-hand with them. Daxter could have taken that position but to my delight, he decided to focus on Moda Auteur. He was now the CEO and President of that venture and I became the Vice President.

Together we managed to take over the fashion world. Every new opportunity available to us we took it and worked hard with our designers and analysts to make sure each step was a success. We even got to sign a deal so that several Hollywood studios would use our clothing as part of their costume wardrobes for some movies.

For a while, I feared Daxter would get the crazy idea of spending millions on a new home but he once again proved he had matured. He sold our condominium unit and bought a modest two-story home in the suburbs, inside a very elegant neighborhood. It wasn’t that expensive and he didn’t overload the garage with a ton of new cars.

We did sell my old hunk of junk. In exchange, Daxter bought me a brand new Camaro for my birthday. During the first few days driving it I could only think about how my car might suddenly transform into Bumblebee and Daxter wouldn’t stop teasing me about it. Well, at least that meant that in his eyes I was a hot chick like Megan Fox, right?

Joel and Carmen finally got to relax now that they weren’t too busy handling the family business. I got to spend a lot of time with Carmen, hanging out at different beach resorts or to just shop whenever we could get out of our houses. Sonya came with us from time to time and it was really delightful to learn that she was done with her next book and that it wasn’t just topping the sales but was also being adapted into a Hollywood movie.

Of course, there were those nights where we would just feel exhausted and too tired to even have sex. It was those nights where I could expect some plain, good old fun. More often than not, Daxter would drive us out to spend time at Mercury Wild. Jasmine and Lyla had become good friends of mine and over time I got to introduce Hannah as well. Fortunately for us both, they all accepted Hannah too.

They even asked Hannah if she would prefer to work there instead of continuing her life as a stripper but to nobody’s surprise, she decided to stick with her job. She loved the attention she got from all those men and the tips she was earning covered all of her expenses anyway. At least she did say she wouldn’t ever feel embarrassed to come to me or Daxter in case she ever needed financial help. She even agreed to model for some of the new clothes we were selling.

Mercury Wild had become a sort of usual joint for us now. It wasn’t just a bar and restaurant. It wasn’t just a rich gentlemen’s club. It kind of became our second home because all our friends were there, not to mention it did have some of the best drinks and the best food in town.

It was during one of those nights at Mercury Wild that Daxter shared us the big news: Moda Auteur was just listed as the top fastest growing fashion company in the past five years! I never would have expected that level of success but it was one that I was grateful for.

Well, there was a lot to be grateful for. People almost never get a shot to turn their lives around like this and both Daxter and I succeeded but we only did so because we worked together. It was through our teamwork and through our love that we got to where we were now.

It was now a year following our wedding and we had made it a point to reenact our wedding during our anniversaries. It may seem silly to some and for others, it could get old really quickly. For us, however, we never wanted to forget the circumstances that got us together and the fake marriage that somehow managed to work out.

I was just happy that my life had improved. Daxter’s life had improved. We both got into a fake marriage for selfish reasons but in the long run, we fell in love. In my book, that would count as my “happily ever after”, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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