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A Weekend with the Mountain Man by Nicole Casey (113)



“Huh?” I mumbled out when he held my hand. It was shocking but at the same time, I felt giddy inside. It was like being back in college and how I’d jump a little bit with joy inside every time he would look my way.

“You are single, right?” he asked, just to clarify.

I nodded frantically and pondered about sliding my hand out from his. I just couldn’t do it though and instead flipped it around so I could squeeze his. “Why is that relevant all of a sudden?”

“Let’s pick things up where we left them,” he told me.

I scoffed and this time I did pull my hand out, “Where we left off? You fucked me and then drove me home. I texted you all week but you never cared to reply even once. I called you to let you know I was leaving the country and you didn’t even pick up the phone.”

Damon looked at me with hurt eyes and I could have sworn there was a tear swelling. He brushed it off quickly and then told me, “I know that. That’s why I’m trying to fix things by being the better man this time.”

Being the better man? Maybe he was indeed being a bit more mature. How could I really know though? I wasn’t going to just blurt out the truth about him and Jeremy unless I saw he was man enough to take hold of that responsibility.

“How do you plan on fixing things?” I asked him. I finished my milkshake and leaned back on my seat to get a better study of his face.

Damon did not disappoint. “I want to know you – genuinely, know you – and your kid too. No sex unless you’re the one who starts it. I promise you that.”

I bit down on my lip and nodded, “That sounds nice. Okay, then.”

“We’re officially dating?” he was like a kid who got to see the grand finale of fireworks on the Fourth of July.

“Yeah,” I answered. “Don’t expect me to tell you I love you or anything, that’s fucking ridiculous… but we are going out. You can have that much.”

Damon nodded and got up from his seat. He moved around the table and scooted me over so he could then sit by my side. As soon as he did I nearly drooled at how damn good he smelled. I was so tempted to bury my face in his chest and let him squeeze me in with a good hug.

“There is one other important rule: don’t you dare fucking date, flirt or fuck with some other chick while we’re together,” I reminded him. “Those playboy antics – throw ‘em out the window.”

He laughed and wrapped an arm around me, “I promise you I won’t cheat or even look at another woman.”

I nestled into his embrace and just soaked in the moment. He was being so sweet it was hard not to just let it happen. I then asked, “What do you want to know first – other than details about Jeremy.”

“What are your hobbies?” he asked me. “I mean, I don’t know what you’re really into. When we were in college you buried your face in books like a nerd. That’s why I barely ever noticed you – you were a damn fly on the wall.”

That caught me a little off-guard. Maybe I was a little too shy back in college. I just focused on studying so I could get the heck out of school and move on with life.

“You really want to know?” I answered with a grin. “I love going outdoors. Hiking, mountain climbing, rapid-water rafting and camping out in the woods are the kind of activities for me.”

“Not really the ‘chill at home with Netflix’ kind of chick, huh?” he asked. “I always thought you were the kind of nerdy hot girl who plays video games at home and drinks hot cappuccino while reading a book.”

I laughed so hard at that comment. It was a little cute to think he thought of me that way. I then shook my head and explained, “I can stay at home and chill for games or movies but I just prefer the exhilaration from the outdoors.”

“This was really fun,” Damon then told me. “Maybe next time we can go out at the park and just ride one of those row boats. I know it doesn’t sound exciting but it’s at least a bit exciting and we’re not in the house, right? Jeremy would have fun too.”

“Oh shit, Jeremy!” I jumped when he mentioned Jeremy. I quickly checked my watch and hurried to get up, “Hey, I gotta go. I need to pick him up. Uh, I’ll let you know the next time we’re free, okay?”

“Is that a date?” he asked with playful eyes.

I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek, “Yes, now scoot over. I need to go pick him up.”

Damon chuckled and bid me farewell. He volunteered to pay our bill and I dashed out of the diner and back to my car so I could pick up Jeremy. As I drove off, my mind wandered a bit and I couldn’t help but smile whenever I thought of Damon. He was still a little cocky rich boy but damn he was so handsome and turning out to be such a nice gentleman.

A few minutes later I was at the preschool and my son just walked out of the front doors with the rest of his classmates. I greeted him with a hug and gave him a big, wet kiss on the cheek.

“Baby, you’re always going to love mommy, right?” I asked him.

Jeremy looked at me with bewilderment and hugged me tighter, “Of course, mommy. Now come on, we got to hurry. The last episode of Dragon Raiders X is coming up!”

I chuckled and took him over to the car.