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Cold Blood (Lone Star Mobsters Book 4) by Cynthia Rayne (20)

Chapter Twenty


Everything about Perdition shouted biker bar.

Etta lived in town but steered clear of the Horsemen, Pretty Boy notwithstanding, so she hadn’t hung out there. For the first time since the accident, they rode on Justice’s bike. He took it easy, so she didn’t have to hold on to him quite as tight. Etta was still working on her grip.

He shut off the engine after they pulled up. A couple dozen bikes surrounded the building. Even from the outside, she could hear raucous, male laughter, along with AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.

She took off her helmet and placed it across the handlebars.

“Well, we’re at the bar. What’s your proposal?” The curiosity was driving her nuts.

“All in good time.” Justice wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “As a heads up, me and the brothers ain’t on the best of terms, right now.”

“Because you’ve been workin’ with Beauregard?” He nodded. “Sure you wanna go in there?”

“Yeah, might as well get this show on the road.”

So they walked inside. The building had been a warehouse and maintained a rough, industrial feel. The vaulted ceiling sported two large exposed steel beams, and a pair of antique Harleys were suspended from them on chains.

A long, lacy string of ladies’ panties wrapped around the walls, along with the occasional framed poster of a naked chick draped over a motorcycle. Think on your Sins, the club motto was painted in blood red across the surface of one large wall.

It was a cross between a honky tonk and a frat house.

Dear Lord. What did I get myself into?


Axel waited for Justice at the corner of the bar.

He pointed to the back hallway, where the boardroom is located. And then he stalked off, assuming Justice would follow.

Justice escorted Etta to a barstool, and she hopped up. Pretty Boy was manning the bar this evening.

Justice flagged him down. “Two whiskeys, please.”

Pretty Boy grabbed a pair of glasses and filled them up.

“Can you hang out here for a second?” he asked Etta.

“Sure. Is there gonna be trouble?” Her eyes were wide.

 “Nope, I’m just gonna talk with the Prez.” It wouldn’t be fun, exactly, but Justice wouldn’t classify it as trouble either.

Pretty Boy flung a towel over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Justice. I’ll keep her company until you get back.” He set the drinks down.

“Thanks, brother.” Justice strolled down a long hallway through two double steel doors into a boardroom.  The doors had been stamped with the image of a stallion’s head, along with the club’s name. A quote from Revelations had been carved into the long oak table dominating the room: Behold a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death. And Hell followed with him. To match it, another Bible quote in a frame hung on the wall: And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

Justice wholeheartedly agreed with the sentiments.

Axel wouldn’t have used the boardroom unless this was an official talk. On second thought, he should’ve discussed guarding Mary with Axel, but he’d always found begging for forgiveness worked better than asking for permission anyhow.

Axel waited for him at the end of the conference table.

“Can I help you?” Justice asked, as he pulled out a chair and sat.

“From what I heard, you’re too busy helpin’ Beauregard.”

 “Yeah, well, you told me to take a break from the club.” Justice made air quotes with his fingers. “So I did.”

“I didn’t mean take up with Beauregard and the rest. I wanted you to clear your head, back off the weed.”

“Yeah, well, I did what I needed to. And, for the record, I’m clean and sober.”

Axel scrutinized him. “I’ll be damned, you are.”

“All I’ve been doin’ is watchin’ Tucker Cobb’s granddaughter. Nothin’ illegal.”

“Maybe, but you could’ve worked for anybody else.”

“I took the first offer I got. And don’t you dare give me any shit about it. We’re in this mess with the mafia because we’re keepin’ your momma safe.”

It was a low blow. Justice had no trouble going to bat for Eddie. Like the rest of the brothers, he loved her something fierce, but he wouldn’t let Axel take the high road on this one.

“Yeah, but—”

“But nothin’. Like it or not, and I don’t, we’re tangled up with ‘em now. Might as well make some cash on the side. It ain’t like I started runnin’ guns. This is under the radar.” Since the club had nearly been decimated by the FBI back in the day, the brothers deliberately kept a low profile. “And maybe they ain’t so bad, some of ‘em, at least. Beauregard’s a dick, but I don’t mind Ten so much.” Even if he had a spooky way about him.

Axel sneered. “You thinkin’ about joinin’ up?”

“Fuck no.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m ready to be back with my brothers. When’s my break over?”

Axel was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking it over.

“I’ll see you at the next meetin’ and don’t be late.”

Hot damn. My punishment’s over.


Meanwhile, Etta sat at the bar, taking it all in. Especially, the hellions, as Justice called them—gorgeous young things in Daisy Dukes, draping themselves on available bikers.

Nope, this ain’t a frat house, it’s a brothel.

It would take her some time to adjust, and if one of those girls came anywhere near Justice, so help her…

“How’s the arm?” Pretty Boy asked.

He’d come to the hospital, that first week, and he’d stopped by the trailer park to check on her as well.

Etta lifted it. “Better.” The doctor promised she be done with her wound treatment in a month or so. Etta was really looking forward to it.

“And how’s it goin’ with Justice?” He waggled his eyebrows.

“Great, actually.” Etta grinned. “In fact, he has a proposal for me.”

“Oh really?” He propped a hand under his chin and leaned forward. “I’m bettin’ he wants you to be his old lady.”

“I hate the term.”  Women, as a rule, never wanted to be referred to as an old lady. It sounded too much like an old maid.

“You’ll get used to it.”

“Maybe. And how’s Shep?” A few months ago, Pretty Boy and Sheppard became a couple. From what Pretty Boy told her, a gay couple was a bit of a stretch for the club.

“Amaze-balls.” He wore a wicked smile on his handsome face. “Emphasis on the balls.”

She snickered. “Glad to hear it.”

And then an older woman pulled up a stool beside Etta,

“Hi there, Eddie.” Pretty Boy kissed the lady’s cheek.

“Hey, darlin’.” She hooked a thumb at Etta. “Mind if I butt in on your conversation?”

“Nah, not at all. I should be takin’ some drink orders anyway.” Pretty Boy sauntered off to the other side of the bar before Etta could protest.

“Nice to meet you, Etta.” She stuck her hand out. “I’m Eddie, pleased to meet you.” Eddie was in her late fifties with vivid green eyes and manicured nails. She had twin streaks of gray at her temples, framing the rest of her dark brown hair.

She blinked. “How did you…?”

“Oh, I got the info from Pretty Boy, and Ace chimed in, too. You’re Justice’s….friend?” She widened her eyes.

Geez, these bikers gossiped more than the women at work. She hadn’t thought it was possible. Etta shot Pretty Boy a dirty look, and he shrugged in response.

“One of my sons is the president, Axel, and the other one owns this bar with me, Ryker. So I’m the unofficial mother figure around here, and I take an interest in all the brothers.”

And the women they’re datin’?

“Gonna ask me what my intentions are?”

Eddie laughed, and then her features sobered. “Since you brought it up…”

Etta didn’t know what to say. Discussing her personal life with a perfect stranger, was out of the question.

“I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t know you. What’s going on between Justice and me is private, for now at least.”

“Well, I like your backbone, even if I hate your answer. You’re right, we don’t know each other. Yet.” She grabbed the forgotten whiskey shot on the bar and lifted it. “To makin’ new friends.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Etta clinked her glass against Eddie’s, and they downed the alcohol. It burned a path down her throat.

 “I got a feelin’, people don’t say ‘no’ to you for long.”

“Hmm, smart and good-lookin’. Justice is gonna have his hands full with you. Tell you what, when it’s official, we’ll go to Hades for lunch, and you can tell me everythin’.”

“Well, he has to ask me first.”

Eddie smirked. “Honey, why do you think he brought you here? This time tomorrow, you’ll be one of us.”



When Justice walked by the pinball room, he found Ace sitting all by his lonesome. The room had three big screen televisions, but none of them were on. There were a couple of pinball machines along the wall, hence the name, as well as gaming systems like Xbox and PlayStation. He’d spent a lot of time in this room with the brothers.

Ace lifted a hand in silent greeting, which wasn’t like him. Normally, Justice couldn’t shut him up.

“What’s on your mind, brother?” Justice asked as he sat in a leather chair.

He shrugged. “Nothin’.”

“Come on, spit it out. What’s goin’ on?”

“Just ponderin’ some things.”

 “Why you gettin’ so introspective all of a sudden?” In his experience, Ace preferred living in the moment and didn’t like to think things through.

Ace shrugged. “Dunno. Ever get the feelin’ you’re stuck? Sometimes I think I’m treadin’ water in the present, like tomorrow will never come.”

“No.” All of his troubles had revolved around the past, not the present or future.

“I gotta do somethin’, shake things up.”

“Then do it. I should’ve snapped out of this funk, a long damn time ago. It would’ve saved me a lot of grief.”

“You’re happy with Etta, huh?” Ace grinned. For a second, he seemed like his old self.

“Yeah, I’m gonna ask her to be my old lady tonight.”

His brows lifted. “Wow.”

“Don’t get me wrong, we still got some things to shake out, but I can’t imagine life without her. No, I take it back. I know exactly what it’s like without her—dark and bleak. I don’t ever wanna go back there again.”

She’d brought him back from the brink. And there’s no fucking way he was going to lose her.

“Then why are you still talkin’ to me?” Ace slapped him on the back. “Go get her.”


When Justice returned to the bar, he introduced her to the rest of the bikers and the old ladies. Etta had a feeling this club would grow on her. They felt like a community, and she could use one of those. The hellions gave her wide berth, which she appreciated, and the whiskey definitely helped some.

Around midnight, he took her outside, and they stood by his bike.

“Are you ready? It’s proposal time.”

“It’s about damn time.” She raised her brows and then giggled, just a touch drunk.

 Justice took her hand in his. “Would you do me the honor of being my old lady?”

 “I thought you’d never ask.”

“That a yes?”

“It’s a yes!”

Justice pulled her into a tight hug, holding her close. When she pulled back, they were both grinning at each other like fools.

Although, there was something important Etta needed to discuss with him.

“I know the old ladies get name tattoos, but I can’t.” Etta quivered, thinking of Grady’s name carved into her back. She couldn’t, wouldn’t do that, not for any man, not even for Justice.

“Of course, you don’t have to get a tattoo. Unless you want to get one, and then I’m still pushin’ for those wings. I don’t give a damn about the tat, as long as I get you.”

 “Well, you’re in luck because I’m all yours.” Etta embraced him once more, and then she felt how hard he was, dragging against her lower belly.

Ever since the fire, she hadn’t felt even remotely sexy. He’d been very patient with her, giving her time to heal.

But she wanted to celebrate. They were both alive and mostly well, and she wanted Justice. Without thinking, Etta leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him, pressing her body against his.

“How’s the arm? You feelin’ up to this?” His voice had gone raspy and dark.

 “I’m fine, but you gotta be gentle.”

His grin was slow and sensual. “You can have me any way you like, Angel.”

“I’ll hold you to it. Tonight I’m gonna be in charge. Any objections?”


“Then let’s go.” Justice jumped on the bike, and she got on behind him. They took off for home.


When they got to the trailer, she stripped him.

Etta helped him removed his T-shirt, then he stepped out of his jeans and underwear. Justice laid back on the bed, propped up on his elbows. He was so handsome he just about stopped her heart.

For a moment, she simply admired him. Justice had a golden skin, almost like a bronze statue. It was a testament to the time he spent outdoors. Etta loved the Four Horsemen tattoo on his shoulder, a visual reminder of his bad boy nature. And while he might be a badass biker, Justice was a good man.

 Her man.

His body was all sinew and corded muscle. His abs stood out in sharp relief. When she flattened her palms against his abdomen, the muscles bunched beneath her fingertips.

Etta kissed his mouth. The lips were full and sensual, and she loved the taste of him, whiskey and sweetness. She kissed her way down the length of his neck, and then over his stomach.

Long before she reached his hips, and his heavy cock, he groaned.

His dick was already standing like a thick, corded tower, ready for her attention. It was flushed a deep purple, the veins stood out, pulsing. Etta teased him, by licking the silky length. Up and down, she swirled her tongue, tasting him. She slid a hand between his legs and cupped his balls, the hair was springy, tickling her palm.

Etta needed to show him how much she wanted him.

She dropped the strap on her camisole, and let it fall, leaving her breasts exposed to his ravenous gaze. His eyes were glossy, and he kept licking his lips, as though he wanted to devour her. She pulled it down to her waist.

Justice had seen every inch of her and hadn’t found her wanting. For once, she wasn’t self-conscious about her body. This wasn’t about pain, or fear, or degradation. This was about her and Justice, two people who needed each other so much, they couldn’t stand being apart. They belonged together.

He knew her inside and out, and she’d shared more with him than she had any man.

Etta met his gaze and opened her mouth once more, and then slowly tasted him. She flicked her tongue over the tip and savored his first drop of come. And then she sucked his huge rigid cock, letting it slip all the way down her throat, swallowing him.

Justice groaned, and she reveled in the sound. Etta wanted to make him lose control.  She braced her hands on his hips, to keep him from thrusting fully into her throat, so she could set the pace, and keep him on edge, giving him only a hint of things to come, and not satisfying all of his desires. Yet.

Finally, Justice threw his head back. “Please, I need you.”

Time to ride this stallion.

 “I’m gonna fuck you now.”

This time she wanted to be on top, needed to have him beneath her. She clasped his face in her hands, and then kissed him so he could taste himself on her lips.

He squeezed her ass as she climbed on top of him, wrapped her arms around him, and then rocked her hips against his. His cock rubbed against the crotch of her underwear. She could feel how thick and eager he was. Etta loved the sensation of his hard body, so powerful, and totally at her command right now. And she knew Justice was dying to get inside her.

I need this.

Etta stood and slipped off her panties, and then she straddled his lap once more. Justice entered her, and clutched her ass, as she bounced up and down on him.

And this time, she let go.

She surrendered to the sensuality of it, reveled in the way his cock felt in the slippery, core of her being, the friction it created. The sounds their bodies made as they moved as one.

She braced a hand on his chest, as she fucked him. All the while, his hands roved up and down her body, cupping her hips, clasping her waist, reaching up to grasp her breasts. Etta moved faster and faster, her breath coming in pants. He grunted, his hands clutching her hips.

She was on the verge of coming, and he met her gaze, as though he could sense it somehow. Neither one of them could look away. He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, with her legs locked around him.

Their movements became frantic, hurried. So fucking close.

She came first, and then Justice exploded.


The ride home had been a blur.

Etta said yes. She fucking said yes.

Justice could scarcely believe his ears.

All he could think about was being inside her once more, connecting with her. Justice thought he would never be whole again, never have the chance to have an old lady of his own.

And here Etta was, like a gift from above.

Etta lay curled next to him, naked and sated. Moments ago, they’d made love, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. Soon, he was hard again, as though his cock had a mind of its own. His prick was throbbing, heavy, greedy for her. He fisted a hand around it, pumping his dick, getting it ready for her.

Justice had to get inside her, had to fuck her. Now.

 “I need you again.” He dragged her beneath him, putting her on all fours, and when she didn’t protest, Justice entered her. Her folds were slick, puffed up. Etta was slippery, and he glided inside easily. Her pussy was still drenched from his come. Justice wanted to take his time, fuck her slowly, and make it romantic, but he couldn’t stop. His body was in overdrive.

God, she had the most delicious ass, apple shaped and rounded. He gave it a little smack. He was panting, unable to hold himself back. Evidently, his need was contagious. She smashed back into him, thrusting her hips. Justice ran a hand up and down her back. He desperately tried to think of something else, if only to slow himself down, but he couldn’t.

All he could think was….mine. She’s mine, all mine.

With a wail, she rode her orgasm, and Justice came inside her a second afterward.

Later, they snuggled in his bed.

He laid behind her, being the big spoon. If Justice had anything to say about it, they’d go to bed each night like this.

“So we’ve got a lot to plan out.”

Etta rolled over. “That’s right. I forgot to give you my proposal.”

“What’s that, Angel?” He already liked the sound of it.

“We talked a bit about kids earlier.”

He nodded.

“I know I’m jumpin’ into things, but I don’t see a point in wastin’ any more time.”

“Me either. You wanna adopt the little boy, don’t you?”

“Yes, his name is Tyler.”

“Then you should.” Etta deserved the chance to be a mother.

“What about you?”

“When I asked you to be my old lady, I meant it. We’ll be sharin’ everythin’.” Justice frowned. “Come to think of it. We need a house, too.”

Etta gulped. “Wow. That got serious really fast, huh? A committed relationship, a kid, and a mortgage.”

“Yup, but I’m excited.” He wasn’t a bit scared about committing to her, building a life together. But one thing, or person, worried him. “Although, somebody’s standin’ in our way.”


That brought the mood down. Her face blanched.

 “I can’t bring Tyler into this if Grady is still a threat.”

“No, it wouldn’t be responsible. The man’s willin’ to kill his own child, he wouldn’t hesitate to harm Tyler to get back at you.”

She buried her head in her hands.

“I don’t trust the police to handle it anymore, do you?”

 “The system failed me.”

“It did. Any idea where I could find him?”

Etta was quiet for a very long time. He knew she was struggling with this, so he didn’t rush her.

 “Etta?” he prompted, finally.

 “I know one place where he might be.”

 Etta picked up her phone and ran a finger over the surface. Justice thought she might give Frost a call, but she tucked it away instead.

“I won’t give you the location unless you promise me you won’t kill him.”

“You have my word.”




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