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Fake Fiancé Next Door: A Small Town Romance by Piper Sullivan (128)

Chapter Four

Wesley waited for Elizabeth to exit the Library before he turned to face his brother.

“How in the hell did I not know of this?” he demanded harshly. “Father must have known of their standing when he betrothed us. Why did he allow such disobedience from his own Faction?” He stepped up before the fireplace and lit the kindling with a flick of his wrist.

Flames burst to life before his eyes and he drew the heat into his pours like a soothing balm.

Lance stepped up beside him and clasped him on the shoulder, his contact meant to soothe and relax. Wesley looked down at his sibling and exhaled softly at the look of utter trust and support he saw. No matter how badly things went, he always had his brother to lean on. He’d done his damndest to be there for Lance and now their roles were reversed.

“Why did you promise to let her go?” Lance asked after a few moments. “There are only three available females amongst our Faction and the other two aren’t nearly as beautiful as Elizabeth.”

Wesley stiffened at his brother’s declaration, but quickly dismissed it as the compliment it was. He wasn’t interested in his soon-to-be sister, he just stated a fact. She was the most gorgeous creature Wesley had ever laid eyes upon and he had no intention of letting her go.

Yes, he’d promised to release her from their engagement. But he knew, deep down, that once she read those documents of Phillip the Peaceful, her view on the Ancient Ways would never be the same.

In a way, he regretted what he’d done to her. She grown up blindly believing in an obsolete way of life. She’d soon realize that the Ancient Ways were abandoned because of their hateful actions and murderous ways. He cursed her family for adhering to such an evil way of life.

He’d delay the ceremony for years if that’s what it took to make her realize that he wanted her more than anything else in this world.

“Because I had no other choice,” Wesley answered and turned to look at Lance. “I have no intention of letting her out of our arrangement,” he continued. “I mean, did you see her? She’s fucking gorgeous,” he declared and smirked. “I’ve never believed in love at first sight, but after meeting that beauty, I think I do now.”

Lance returned his smile and clapped him heartily on the back.

“Yes, brother, you’ve landed the perfect mate,” he agreed and then sobered. “Let’s just hope your little charade doesn’t backfire on you.”

Wesley clamped his lips together and merely nodded. There was much more than just his upcoming marriage depending on his little white lie. Were the opposition to learn that his mate-to-be was a Coffer supporter, there was no hope in hell that he’d keep her safe from either side. They would both want her: one would see her dead and the other would want her for a brood mare.

Shaking his head to dislodge the fear that surfaced at the thought of losing her, he turned and walked over to his desk. Taking the phone receiver in his hand, he dialed the number for the main library which was in the formal Royal House underground. Henry, the wizened old librarian took his sweet time in answering. Wesley filled Henry in on the Princess’s ignorance of their ways and requested the old documents be brought up from the vault for her to peruse.

“Are you sure that’s wise, Your Majesty?” Henry asked after a moment of silence. “Those scrolls are very fragile and very valuable. I’d hate to see anything happen to them.”

Wesley smiled at the old man’s concern. He was, for all intents and purposes, a true bibliophile. Henry loved his book as if they were his own blood-born children. He’d probably throw his life on the line to protect them.

“You have my word that nothing will happen to them Henry,” Wesley consoled. “Both Lance and I will keep a close watch on them. Besides, if you’d met the Princess, you would see that there’s not a deceitful bone in her body.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Henry hastened to agree. “I didn’t mean to insinuate otherwise, please forgive me and my eccentric ways,” he pleaded.

“No apology necessary,” Wesley said and then paused as a brilliant idea flashed through his mind. “Henry, may I ask another favor of you?”

“Anything, Sire,” Henry readily agreed.

“Perhaps you could make yourself available should the Princess have any questions about the manuscripts. You know them better than anyone else and you are a wonderful teacher. I imagine you would provide a more comfortable study companion.”

Henry inhaled sharply on the other end and Wesley had a brief moment of panic. He hadn’t considered that Henry didn’t like to come above ground. He was an old dragon and the lack of extreme heat took its toll on him. He instantly felt guilty for asking so much of his friend. He opened his mouth to say such when a pleasant laugh echoed over the phone line.

“I would love to,” Henry exclaimed exuberantly. “I haven’t been above ground in decades. What better way to spend some time than with the lovely future Queen?”

Wesley laughed at the man’s haste in agreeing to keep the company of a young dragon.

“For all you know, she looks like a grotesque beast,” Wesley quipped to which Henry merely laughed harder.

“I remember her as a child, from when you were betrothed. She was a fetchingly serene girl, I’m more than sure she grew into quite an exquisite young woman,” he said.

Wesley’s smile dimmed instantly. He’d momentarily forgotten his newest obstacle.

“I should tell you Henry, Princess Elizabeth’s parents are followers of the Ancient Ones, that is the reason for my request,” he explained. “I want her to read the writings of Phillip the Peaceful and make up her own mind about Modernism.”

“Ah, yes,” Henry agreed. “If anyone can convince her of the misconceptions of Modernism and the barbarism of the Ancient Ones, it will be Phillip. I will do my absolute best to help her understand Sire, you can count on me,” Henry declared.

“I knew I could,” Wesley praised and said his goodbyes.

Replacing the receiver in its cradle, he turned back to his brother who still stood by the roaring fireplace. It had to be over a hundred-fifty degrees in his office and yet he still felt a slight chill. He hoped that Elizabeth wouldn’t take long to convince, his dragon needed the warmth only the Earth’s core could provide. He also needed the comfort only his mate offered.

“Everything will work out,” Lance reassured.

“Let us hope,” Wesley stated. “Should the other side learn of a royal supporter, there won’t be a safe place anywhere on earth for her to hide.” He narrowed his eyes as fresh anger welled within him. He wished he’d sent for her sooner.