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Let it Be Me by Holford, Jody (3)

Chapter Three

When Megan opened her eyes the next morning, two things immediately registered: she hated sleeping on couches, and it had been far too long since she’d seen a set of deliciously sculpted abs and perfectly toned arms like the ones in front of her.

She rolled onto her back and groaned. Garret, her brother’s boyfriend, sat on the edge of the couch, a cup of coffee tempting her out of her foggy state.

“Rough night, Princess?”

Garrett had been at work when she’d shown up at Parker’s apartment. He must have come home after she’d fallen asleep.

The memory of Adam’s ice-cold tone surfaced. “Not really. Is that coffee for me?”

“Of course,” he said.

It was a toss-up as to whether the coffee or the man smelled better. She looked at him through blurry eyes. “Why couldn’t you have fallen in love with me instead of my brother?”

His smile twinkled nearly as much as his dark brown eyes. He set the coffee on a coaster on the table in front of the couch.

Tapping her on the nose, much like another big brother, he laughed. “Gorgeous as you are, you’re not quite my type.”

She pouted her lips and rolled onto her side, her knees curling into his back. “That’s what they all say.”

Though, really, no one had said, or done, anything in a long time. Good or bad. Between school and the crazy hours she worked caring for Charlie, there wasn’t a whole lot of opportunity for anything else.

Parker wandered into the living room mid-yawn, scratching at his also bare chest.

She sat up, dislodging Garrett from his seat. “Jesus. Do you two not own shirts?”

“Stupid to cover up something that looks this good,” Parker said in his gravelly morning voice.

Garrett laughed and went to kiss her brother good morning. Megan picked up her coffee cup, the blankets snuggled around her, and took a sip. It was perfect. Unlike so many other things. Adam had completely shut down last night. It was as if he’d pulled a blackout shade down to block the sun. Her happiness had dwindled along with her mood when he’d left it up in the air as to whether she’d stay in Charlie’s life.

His tone and expression had taken on that inhuman, unaffected tone she heard only now and again. Usually when he spoke about his ex-wife. Megan didn’t want to think about never seeing Charlie again. Tears burned her eyes and she tried to blink them away. Parker dropped onto the cushion next to her, jostling both her and her cup. Fortunately, it didn’t spill or she’d have to be mad at another man.

“You sleep okay?” She felt his eyes on her but hadn’t been able to blink away all the tears, so she kept her gaze fixed on her coffee cup.

“I’m going to make breakfast. You staying?” Garrett asked.

“Sure. Thanks,” she said.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She couldn’t control the erratic pace of her pulse any more than she could the nausea invading her stomach.

“You going to look at me?”

When she did, the concern in Parker’s eyes nearly unraveled her. She whispered around the lump in her throat. “I’m going to miss Charlie so much. I promised him I’ll still see him, but now I don’t know if that’ll happen. I figured if I were still part of his life, it wouldn’t be so hard on him. But Adam’s not really the kind of person to make room in Charlie’s life or his own schedule for an ex-nanny.”

Parker patted her leg and, reaching for her coffee, took a sip of it. “Mr. Roboto will realize Charlie is better off having you around than cutting you out completely. He’s probably just worried about finding a replacement. You’re kind of unique.”

Megan laughed on a sniffle. “I don’t know if he sees it that way.”

Setting the cup down, Parker grinned at her, his eyes more fully awake. “You’re good for Charlie. Adam knows that. Despite the emotionless exterior, you say he wants what’s best for his son, right?”

She bit her lip, but still it trembled. “He does. He’s a really good dad. But obviously Adam has his own issues with people leaving, and I don’t want Charlie to think I’m just someone else walking out of his life.”

“Like his mom? Come on, kid. This is different. Charlie’s smart. He’ll know that. Adam shouldn’t be raising that kid to shut people out or write them off. You’re not leaving the country or going into hiding.”

“He’s a good dad, Parks.”

“When he’s there.”

She couldn’t deny that, but she and Parker were used to parents whose presence mattered more than their paychecks, and even though she didn’t know a lot about Adam-the-man versus Adam-the-boss, she knew that wasn’t true for him.

Parker clapped his hands on his pajama-covered thighs and stood up. “We should be celebrating. You’re a teacher. For real. You did it! My baby sister got hired to teach the world’s youth.”

Happiness washed over her, brightening her mood from the inside out. “I really did. Well, Brockton Point’s youth.”

“No work for you today. First breakfast, then shopping, we’ll go for lunch, and maybe see a movie.”

Her older brother never failed to pull her out of a funk. She was glad it was the weekend and she’d have some time to settle her feelings. Parker pulled her up, and they went into the kitchen together. The scent of bacon and toast filled the air, and Megan’s stomach growled audibly.

Garrett, who had apparently grabbed a shirt on the way, laughed. “They don’t feed you on the other side of the Point?”

Only the true locals called Brockton Point, Maine, the Point. Garrett had grown up in the coastal town and, when he’d met Parker in culinary school, had persuaded her brother it was the ideal place to live. Megan had come for Parks and fallen for the town. And many of the people in it. Garrett, of course, Stella, Charlie, Adam. No. Not Adam. Just his son.

“There’s food on that side. It just doesn’t taste like yours,” Parker said, interrupting Megan’s train of thought.

His brother kissed Garrett on his broad, muscular shoulder. The look Garrett sent him made Megan’s stomach tighten with happiness for her brother and want for herself. It was what her parents had. What she yearned for—the connection and fulfillment of being loved by someone unconditionally.

“You two set the table,” Garrett instructed.

Putting her wants and her worries out of her head, Megan went to the cupboard and forced herself to think about only the moment she was in.

It was a pretty damn good one.

“It’s too expensive,” Megan argued, even as she all but drooled over the Kate Spade handbag.

“It’s not,” Garrett said firmly.

“Even if it was, you’re well worth it. The only thing you need to decide is which color,” Parker said, holding the exact same bag, only in pale blue. Megan held the yellow one, and there was a gorgeous gray one sitting on the glass shelf.

“We could just get all three for her,” Garrett suggested, looking over Meg’s head at her brother.

She swatted him on the stomach. He would, too. Before her brother could reply, she spoke. “Gray. Definitely the gray.”

“Subtle and sexy. Like you,” Garrett said, nodding.

“He means classy,” Parker said, exchanging the blue for the gray and carrying it to the checkout.

Garrett threw an arm around her shoulder after she’d put the yellow one back and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I meant sexy. He just doesn’t like to think that because you’re his baby sister.”

Megan looked up at him. “Again. Why’d you have to choose him?”

He laughed and nudged her forward.

The morning had been nothing short of perfect. A delicious breakfast with two of her favorite men, then her parents had called and said they were thinking of driving to see her later in the summer. Both retired teachers, they were enjoying the opportunity to put miles on their brand new RV. The house where Parker and Megan had grown up in Vermont had become more of a base than a home in the last year. A rest stop. She missed her parents, but it was nice to have her brother so close.

Once they paid, the three of them stood on the cobblestone path between the outdoor mall stores debating where to grab a late lunch. Megan’s phone rang, and she stepped to the side as she pulled it from her pocket.

Adam. It wasn’t the first time he’d interrupted a day off. “Hello?”

“Megan. I realize today is your day off, but I need to head out early in the morning for another overnight trip,” he said.

No “How are you?” or “How’s your day?” Not that she should expect that. He was her boss, not her boyfriend. Megan swallowed wrong at the same time the thought popped into her head, and she started to cough.

“Are you all right?” he asked, papers shuffling in the background. Adam never did one thing at a time.

“Fine,” she said between coughs. “I’m fine. I’ll be home later this evening. I can stay in the main house so you can leave early.”

Parker and Garrett gave her twin scowls. She held up one finger to say she wouldn’t be long and then turned so she didn’t have to face them.

“Actually, I was hoping you’d be able to come home now. To my house, I mean. Not your apartment. I’d like to speak to you about finding a replacement.”

She sighed. All good things must come to a grinding halt with Adam at the helm. He’d seemed genuinely sorry for making her miss the interview, but that appeared to be a distant memory now.

“It’s my day off.”

“I understand that. But I’d really like to get this ironed out. I know you aren’t leaving for a while, but I have some…requirements that I’d like to discuss with you. I’d feel better if we could do this today. Now, if possible. I can pay you overtime.”

Her fingers tightened on the phone. She nearly growled into it. “Not everything is about money.”

She thought she heard him sigh but couldn’t picture it. A sigh was the sound of a dreamer or a thinker. Adam was a doer, a number cruncher, a let’s-get-it-done guy.

“No. You’re right. This time, it’s about Charlie. I only want what’s best for him, and I know you do as well. So I’d rather not leave things in the air if possible. Could you please find time?”

Her heart may have actually stopped at the sound of “please” coming out of Adam’s mouth. She could picture his lips with startling clarity, forming the word. Her stomach tilted upside down as she imagined him saying it in a whisper. Thoughts of a different kind, a not-appropriate-for-a-boss kind, jolted her heart.

“You definitely know my weak spot,” she said quietly, thinking of Charlie.

“I figure it’s because we have it in common.”

Adam’s car was in the driveway when she arrived home. She hoped he wasn’t planning on heading out—a.k.a. into work—since she was here. Most of the time he was respectful of her days off, but if he needed to go into the office at any given moment, he didn’t mind asking. Why would he? Not like you ever say no. Because, in her mind, saying no meant letting Charlie down.

When she didn’t hear the television or talking, she wondered if Charlie was feeling okay. He’d bounced back pretty quickly the other day, but maybe he was lying down. Megan snorted. Yeah, right. Maybe Adam had arranged a playdate. Though on the days his dad was able to be home—particularly full days—Charlie usually stayed glued to Adam’s side. Her boss might be on the demanding side and a definite workaholic, but he loved his son and made sure Charlie knew it.

Megan set her subtle and sexy new Kate Spade on the side table in the foyer and slipped off her shoes. The house was large, especially for two people. Adam had purchased it after his divorce. He’d wanted a place where Charlie had room to grow and bring home friends. He didn’t want his son in a crowded one-room apartment, he’d explained in the first of two interviews she’d had for the job. He’d had very particular thoughts on what his son would and wouldn’t have in life. And though he’d never elaborated on that a few years ago, Megan got the impression Adam had lacked all the things he wanted for his son.

When Megan walked into the kitchen, she came to a halt. Like she’d stepped in wet cement, her feet refused to move. Adam sat at the kitchen table, laptop open, wearing a T-shirt and chatting on the phone. Now that she’d seen him without a shirt, it was so much easier to see the definition of his chest, his strong, sculpted biceps. How was she only just noticing this? He’s usually in a suit and tie. Which held its own allure, if she were being honest. You’re not. Stop being honest. This is your boss. Be professional.

He saw her and gave a small wave. When they’d first met, Megan wondered if she’d be able to work for him without falling for his good looks and the kind way he had with Charlie. Then his Type-A personality showed itself, and with his lists of dos and don’ts, she’d quickly realized it wouldn’t be a problem. Add to that the disdain in his voice when he spoke of marriage or romance and any fire that could have burned was quickly extinguished.

When she finally met the one, he wouldn’t be a workaholic. His family—starting with his wife—would come before anything else. She cared about her career as well, but it wasn’t everything. Her parents had both loved teaching, but it was always clear they loved each other more. Even when Adam was home, his mind was often elsewhere. She might not know her boss well, but he wore the damage of his ex-wife leaving as clearly as his suits and ties.

“Sure. How about you just don’t let my son work the bar?” Adam said, gesturing for Megan to sit down. He had papers spread out around him and what looked like an empty cup beside his computer.

“Okay. Thanks, Dec. I’ll see you in a bit.”

He hung up and smiled, almost tentatively, at Megan. Suddenly, and oddly, nervous, she sat across from him and folded her hands together. Unfamiliar butterflies stretched their wings in her stomach, making themselves known.

“Charlie’s with Declan?” Stupid question, since he just said so. Still, not typical.

“He is. I wanted to discuss some things with you and thought it better that we have privacy.”

Megan’s brows pushed together. “Okay,” she said, drawing out the word and tightening her interlocked fingers. He wouldn’t make her leave early, would he? He wouldn’t do that to Charlie.

“Can I get you something to drink?” He began to pile his loose papers on top of one another.

Not once in the time she’d worked for Adam had he offered to get her a drink. Or anything else. Even last night, his offer to fold the laundry had been random. And it was his and Charlie’s laundry.

“I’m fine.” Megan still needed her job and paycheck. She had a small stash, but it would go quickly without an income. Besides that, she absolutely could not leave without saying goodbye to Charlie. Unease crept up her throat.

“All right. Then perhaps we can just start our discussion,” he said, closing the laptop.

Panic took flight in her stomach, a small bird winding up for a hard flight. “Great.”

“You’ve offered to find me a replacement for Charlie,” he began.

“Yes.” For August! Had he found one himself?

“I’ve been thinking about that. About what Charlie needs and how different his needs are from when I hired you years ago.”

She unfolded her hands and pressed her palms flat on the smooth wood of the table. “Okay.”

Adam cleared his throat. “I think both his and my needs have changed. I’m happy that you’ve achieved your goal. I know how badly you want to be a teacher, but selfishly, I’m sad to see you go.”

Sad? But that’s a human emotion. He had to mean for Charlie. Or maybe you’ve misjudged him and he has more of a heart than you thought.

“I’m sad to leave, but we always knew this was temporary.” Which made it not one tiny bit easier.

He tapped the cover of his laptop softly. “I did. But I hadn’t given any thought to how Charlie might feel at having another woman walk out of his life.”

Her heart curled into a ball. Wow. Talk about aiming a canon directly at her chest. “As I’ve told you, I really don’t want to just walk out. My role in his life might change, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be part of it. I really do love Charlie, Adam. You know that.”

Adam glanced down at the paper he’d just stacked in front of him. Neat columns with notes in each were penned on the top page. “I do.”

Raising his eyes, he held her gaze in a way that made the table all but disappear between them. Megan sucked in a breath. “He and I both know you love him and he loves you. That’s what Charlie needs. He needs more than a nanny. He needs a mom. A stepmom. Someone who will stay. For good.”

Coherent thought trickled out of Megan’s brain. Was he asking—? No. No! No way. Holy shit. Was he asking her to stay and be in his and Charlie’s lives permanently? At nineteen, she had considered Adam Klein old. Plus, he was a bitter, divorced father. She’d always told herself she didn’t find him attractive. But apparently she’d known how to lie to herself with strong conviction.

Adam shifted the laptop aside and leaned on his forearms. Megan’s eyes traveled over and up until his gaze locked on hers, and she couldn’t look anywhere else.

“Reece sees her son about four times a year. He deserves more than that. If I hire another nanny, we’re going to find ourselves in the same situation eventually. What Charlie needs is a woman who will be a permanent fixture in our home.”

Adam sighed. “I need a wife.”

The room tipped sideways, like a cartoon house. Her feet were still firmly on the ground, but everything around her was crooked with a blurry little haze. She was spinning and couldn’t stop. She wanted to be a wife. She’d always wanted to be a wife and a mom and a teacher. But this? It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. She was supposed to meet someone, have him fall madly in love with her, then realize his life wasn’t complete without knowing she’d be his. Megan would return these sentiments, and they’d plan a beautiful wedding while mapping out all of the quirky, romantic details of their happily ever after. She loved Charlie. And Adam? Well…Adam…her thoughts went to how wonderful he was with Charlie. And those abs.

“Megan? Are you all right?” His voice sounded far away.

Adam rushed around the table and dropped to his knees in front of her, turning her so she was facing him in the chair. Oh boy. Definitely not what she’d imagined all of the times she’d dreamed of this moment. Yes, there’d be a gorgeous man down on one knee—her brain did a quick flashback to his abs and the way sometimes, when he wasn’t thinking too hard, a small smile tipped the corner of his lips. Yes, there’d be a man who loved children the way Adam loved Charlie, but the man who asked her to marry him would also love her. And he’d have flowers. Candles. Poetic words that told her how much he couldn’t live without her.

So not Adam’s style. She’d never thought about his style before. Her focus was always Charlie.

He took her hand, and sparks flew up her arms, a flame to a wick.


He came into focus, kneeling in front of her, inky strands of hair falling across his forehead. Without thinking, she reached out and brushed a few from his face in slow motion. He inhaled sharply, and when she lowered her hand, they both remained still. Just staring. Breathing. In and out. That was all she could manage.

“Do you need a doctor?”

He was worried about her. “What?” Her voice came out as a whisper.

“You’ve gone pale, and you’re shaking.” He pressed a hand to her forehead, and it didn’t help to settle her thoughts or her racing pulse.

“I’m fine. Please back up. I’m fine,” she said. She needed a moment. A deep breath that didn’t taste like Adam’s spicy, sexy cologne. A second to believe what was happening was actually happening. For five years, she’d never let her thoughts stray down this road. They were night and day. Black and white. Polar opposites. He wouldn’t even let her read Charlie the fairy tales she loved because he didn’t want his son to have unrealistic expectations about life. He was the haughty king to her innocent princess. There was no way something between them could work. But the sensations trickling over his skin, just from a casual touch, said otherwise.

Adam stood but pulled a chair over and sat in front of her, watching for signs she might lose it again. Don’t. Pull yourself together. She squared her shoulders and found her voice.

“You want to get married?”

His harsh bark of a laugh cleared any residual cobwebs. “Want? No. But I’m willing to do anything for my son, and I’ve decided a union between myself and a nurturing, loyal, and stable woman will be best for him.” He paused for a second, then added, “In addition to this, I think it will increase my chances of partnership. But of course, that’s secondary to Charlie’s needs.”

Megan scrunched her forehead. Partnership? A union? That sounded oddly…calculated. Was he calling her nurturing, loyal, and stable as a compliment? Those were nice, but he could throw in sexy or hot and it wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

“I think, as you know us best and my time is beyond limited, it would make things far simpler to have you vet the prospects.”

The air seemed to disintegrate around her, and her mouth went dry. “I’m sorry?”

Taking a deep breath of his own, Adam kept his voice even, as if he were explaining something that was already clear.

“I don’t have time to date in the typical fashion, and if I’m honest, I don’t want to. I don’t want to spend extra time away from my son or work to waste time with unsuitable matches. I’m not interested in romancing a woman or waiting for feelings to develop. I want a companion for myself, but the key is finding someone who will be there for Charlie. I have a list of things I need in a spouse. You can find candidates that meet the requirements, saving me time, because I’ll only meet with those you feel are a strong fit.”

The dryer buzzed from down the hall. She stood automatically to go grab the laundry, a robot on autopilot. He grabbed her wrist, confusing her even more.

“You don’t have to get that.”

She stared at him, then looked at how his fingers—strong and narrow—encircled her wrist. “I need…I… I need a minute.”

He nodded, released her, and she hurried down the hallway, leaving Adam sitting in the kitchen. As she transferred shirts, shorts, and socks into the basket, his words jumped around in Megan’s head. Candidates. Prospects. Suitable companion. What the actual hell?

She carried the basket on one hip and went back to the kitchen. Maybe he wouldn’t be there. Maybe she’d caught Charlie’s fever, gone into a state of delusion, and would find she was alone in Adam’s house making up weird stories. But no. He sat right where she left him.

His eyes eagerly scanned hers when she came closer. He stood to take the basket from her arms, and for reasons she couldn’t fathom, she held on tight. Like if she let go, reality would go with it.

“So? Will you help me? You’ll be well compensated for any extra time, I assure you.”

“You want a wife.”

He cringed at the word. “Yes.”

“And you want me to find her.”

He tugged on the hamper, and it came free of her clutches, scratching her fingers in the process. “Yes.”

Megan was right. Reality and reason slipped right out of her hands with the fresh-smelling clothes.




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