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Captive Bride: A Dark Obsession Romance by Dark Angel (101)


Bobbi and I race down the streets of the city with the siren on. I’m going as fast as the car will take me, and I don’t even hesitate to plow through alleyways, onto sidewalks, and over the side of the highway. I surpass every car and every pedestrian. Nothing will stop me from getting there on time. I just have to get there. I don’t even think about what will happen if I don’t. Deep in my heart I know that I’ve got to save Elena. I know she’s in trouble. This could be the end.

“Come on, Leo, that’s too fast. We’ll never make it if you get us in a wreck. Just be careful. Come on, think straight.”

I hear the words, but I don’t even listen. I know that we won’t wreck. I don’t have time for a wreck, and so even though I’m flying, I’m laser focused on the road. My only mission in life is to get there on time and to save my angel.

Finally, I see her house and I drive up onto the grass. I jump out of the car while it’s still moving. Bobbi leans over to put on the e-brake before she jumps out to be my backup. We rapidly bang on the door, jiggling the knob, and as I realize it’s locked I kick it open.

I race through the house yelling for Elena.

“Elena! Elena, honey, where are you? Just call my name, tell me where you are, baby. Elena!”

I hear noise from the kitchen and run in that direction. Once I’m there I find my great horror. Barry’s got Elena pinned to the ground, with his knees on her throat, and he’s trying to stab her with a giant hunting knife. She’s struggling every which way to avoid it, but I see her strength giving out. All I see is red. I jump into motion immediately, pulling Barry off of her. There is coffee and glass everywhere. When she sees me I know that she’s relieved, but then her head falls back to the floor and she gasps for breath.

Barry stumbles to his feet and he tries to swipe at me, but he misses. I punch him in the face and he falls backward, and I go in for more. I’m just pounding on him. He gets a few in on me, but mostly it’s just me pulverizing him, this bastard, my own brother the murderer. I can’t believe what he’s become, and mostly I can’t believe he almost stole the love of my life away from me. She would’ve been gone forever.

Bobbi is helping Elena up and getting her out of the way. I try to see if she’s alright or not. She’s got some cuts, probably from all the glass. I don’t think he stabbed her. This momentary lapse in my focus allows Barry to reach for my gun. He knows it’s his only chance since I’m beating him to a pulp. We both struggle for the gun, but his plan defeats him as it goes off. A shot’s been fired, but it’s Barry who has been wounded. In his efforts to kill he’s accidentally fired it upon himself. He’s wounded, thank God, but not dead. It’s over. I leave him in a pile of his own blood and go to check on Elena. Any one of us could’ve been shot, and I’m so grateful that it wasn’t her. She’s my dream come true, and she’s still here.

I hold her and kiss her, and whisper my desperate apologies into her ear. She holds me in her arms, and I tell her that she’s safe now. Forever she is safe.

Bobbi has called for backup and they arrive quickly and with an ambulance. Barry’s wounds are tended to, and he’s taken away. He will be locked up for a long time for this. My brother, the insane criminal.

I’m just overwhelmed with satisfaction in knowing this whole ordeal is over. I try to reassure Elena. She’s crying, clinging to me tightly, but she appears to be okay, aside from a cut on her head and a couple of scrapes. I want to mend them for her. I want to make everything better for her. She’s been through more than anyone deserves, and I wish I could just make it all go away. I want to fix everything for her.

Bobbi sees our affection and takes that cue to get everybody out of the house so Elena and I can be alone. In this moment, I’m just with her and I can hardly see the people around us anyway.

“Look at me,” I say gently to her. “Look into my eyes. I want you to know that this whole thing is over. You will never be hurt again. I promise you that. Okay?”

“Yes, Leo,” is all she says. I can tell she’s overwhelmed. The extent of these circumstances would gut just about anyone. My girl is strong, though.  And now I want her to know that I will be strong for her, and she can finally relax; no more nightmares, no more terrors. It’s all over.

We kiss and our tongues find each other, and we connect once more as real, true blue soul mates. It’s in this place that our love resides and whenever I’m connected to it, I’m connected to her and the whole world melts away. I try to make her content and to pacify any sad feelings she may have. I want to be her world forever now. She is mine.