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Captive Bride: A Dark Obsession Romance by Dark Angel (253)


Kaden's huge cock on display in front of very first reaction is to lick my lips. But my second reaction definitely involves my heart skipping a beat. 

I have never seen a cock that big before. I didn't know they made them as wide and long as that monster.

The blowjob thing isn't so much a joke anymore to me. I really want to blow him! Putting that cock in my mouth and doing a decent job on it starts to feel like not just my duty as a gracious gal showing how thankful I am, but it is like a challenge to my very capabilities as a grown woman who prides herself on being good in bed.

Now, you have to understand, I'm as sex positive as the next girl. 

Okay, scratch that, I'm actually sex positive. I'm not one those girls that hates her own pussy and rarely orgasms. Like, I take care of myself and when I'm going to sleep with someone, they're going to take care of me, okay?

Like blowjobs aren't exactly the first choice option on my mind for sexual activity, no matter how much I like hot dogs more than tacos, I prefer the hot dog in the taco? Okay, that's gross. 

I just want you to know how wild it is that I'm craving, craving that footlong special he's wielding right now. Wielding, yes, like a fucking weapon because that massive cock has my eyes widening to their limits. My mouth is watering. I want to tackle this monster. I am going to suck that cock so good, or die trying. Seriously, I'm willing right now to take the risk and choke myself on that big bad Wonder Willy.

I giggle. Wonder Willy? That's so silly. That's not a silly dick, even if it is perhaps a novelty size. But this is all business. 

I'm so nervous...but, shit, I should not be laughing when the man I am trying to provide a Thank You Blowjob has just shown me his massive man meat. Seriously, I can't return my eyes to their normal sizes and now I'm giggling stupidly.

"Oh, no, I'm not laughing at," I start stammering. "I'm just a tad delirious on dick right now," I offer by way as explanation. I turn my head away from him a grimace. Dear lord, did I just say that? Maybe the next time I'm at the library, I'll find a thesaurus and think of better things to say when expressing myself. Or I'll consult the dictionary first. I think I can be safe going to the library without running into him. I mean, otherwise I might point at his gorgeous face and laugh or something.

"Don't you think you should get to know him before you laugh at him?" Kaden says. The grin that spreads over his face could spread my thighs in an instant. I want to do the splits right on that pretty face. But, I was already giving him a thank you blowjob, and this is so not about me. I have to make up for laughing at that cock now! I have to suck it so good...

Okay, my watering mouth tells brain to shut up.

"I have every intention of doing just that," I say, doing my best to sound cool and collected and not like a grown woman that laughs at huge dicks. 

I am not playing around here. I may not be literally rolling up my sleeves, but that’s basically what's happening here. You would be rolling up your sleeves, psyching yourself up, and dropping to your knees, too, if you saw the big meaty offering before me. It is the longest, thickest pole I've ever decided to climb. The purple head is calling to me, the veins I can see are letting me know that this cock is no joke! I swish some spit around on my tongue and prepare to put the massive head in, get myself acquainted with it and psyche myself up for swallowing it and, well, swallowing what's going to come out of it. Because, damn, you just know that a cock like that with even sizable balls to match is not going to be a teaspoon of cum. We're talking bottoms up, shot glass down the throat. So, as I said, blowjobs may not always be the sexiest thing in the world, but I can't deny that there's heat pooling my belly thinking about licking that cock up and down and then sucking it hard as I can in my mouth. I want to make him reconsider everything he knows about suction after I suck him off.

Kaden looks me in the eyes, and those beautiful orbs are pouring piping hot lust down my throat. Someone get a squeegee to get me off this floor, good grief! "Actually," he says, tucking a finger under my chin. "Why don't you take off all of your clothes, lie back on my desk, and take me so deep it blows both our minds. I have a feeling that if you two dance slow to get nice and acquainted, we'll both enjoy the ride." He's so fucking charming that his invitation to get murdered by his cock down my throat? Sure, I'll take him up on that offer. 

"What makes you think I'll take off all my clothes?" I can't help myself, I can't just strip naked without some teasing. I don't want him to think I am easy just because I am going to completely strip down and make sure I leave a good ass print on that fancy desk. "A blowjob is one thing," I say, narrowing my eyes at him and then raising an eyebrow.

Kaden steps closer to me, undoing his cuffs. He pulls off his jacket. Then his shirt, doing it that way that makes the pecs and biceps flex so good you want to throw your panties at the man who does it? Kaden is a thousand times hotter than any man I've ever seen. He goes for the belt and my eyes are rolling back in my head. He kneels down to take off his shoes, then socks. The pants come off. The underwear slide down, making that monster cock do a little bouncy sproing as he pulls down the boxer briefs. 

"I think," Kaden closes the distance between us and presses his forehead to mine. "You want to take off your clothes and let my touch your body while you suck my cock. I even took mine off, that's fair, isn't it?" His hands cup my ass and squeeze tight. 

I think I might faint. Oh god. Nothing about this is fair. I am going to explode. My hands are trembling. He releases my ass and steps back. I do my best to take off my clothes. I know I can't possibly have the grace he did unwrapping himself like the present he fucking is, but, hey, I'm working with some good parts. That has to count for something. When I pull my last drop of clothing off -- and just so we're clear, I took off the shirt, the bra, the pants, the panties, but I left the heels on -- Kaden's eyes take me in and something wild sparks in them. He takes both of his massive arms and swipes every last thing off of his desk. It all shatters to the floor, making a massive mess. But do I pay any real attention to that?

Hell no.

Kaden swoops me up in his arms and lays me on his desk. My ass and back are on the desk. He spreads my thighs wide and my head is hanging off the desk. The deeper to take you with, my dear. I know this trick. Much smaller guys have had a deepthroat in this position, and it was a challenge. But I have never wanted to take a cock -- in my mouth -- like I want to swallow Kaden up right now. 

I extend my tongue and look up at him. He's stroking the full length in his fist and I gulp a little. Good god, how am I going to take that whole thing?

Kaden's other hand makes its way to my breast, fingers softly trailing at a maddeningly slow pace. There's just enough pressure in his touch that it is more than a gentle tickle, but not quite enough that he's full touching me. His fingers roam and Kaden starts drawing soft circles around one of my nipples. 

I practically purr at his touch. The closer he gets to my nipple that's aching for him, the more I want to arch into his hand and start begging him to touch me more. I'm so eager for his fingers to just brush over my nipple I feel like I might explode if they don't. Okay, so death by horniness might help death by cock. I'm about to find out. Or at least I'm about to die waiting to find out, and I need to gather my composure enough to start working the massive cock before me.

Dropping the head onto my tongue, I finally taste Kaden's cock, salty pre-cum making the purple head slick in my mouth. My lips caress the very tip of the head in soft kisses. Then I take my tongue and lap on the sensitive underside. Taking the full head in my mouth, I make sure my suction is as tight as possible for maximum effectiveness. I suck hard on just the head, sucking him with an intensity that pumps his dick before my hands even get there. I focus on my breathing and my suction and I've got this blowjob by the balls. 

Okay, you know what I mean. Not that I won't give those balls a good tug when I start taking him deeper. I'm sucking his cock so hard it could almost be too hard, and that's a good thing. I have to meet this challenge with everything I have! Nothing says thank you like throwing yourself on the sword. In middle school we called in the pork sword, but this is more like the Kobe beef or fancy steak of cock. The Excalibur of swords.

Kaden captures the nipple he's been teasing between his fingers and so gently teases it between his fingertips. The connection of his fingers to my nipples is like setting off dominos of lust in me. I moan a little on his cock, being careful to keep my suction and keep pumping hard, fast, with everything I have. 

He runs his other palm up from just above my pussy to between my breasts. The slow trail makes me sigh, the way he touches me like teasing with its own payoff. I'm the kind of girl that generally doesn't like to be teased, but the rising tension within me is enjoyable. My pulse is racing, my face is getting flush. My eyes are rolling back behind my closed eyelids. Kaden's hands know exactly what they're doing and I'm ready to take the ride wherever it goes.

My back arches in time with his movements on my body, hypersensitive and responding to his every touch. When he touches me I feel like I am going to explode, the building heat in my belly spreading through my body and coming to a boil within me. It is almost like Kaden knows the dynamite he's set off within me and he's letting the fuse go over with a deliriously slow burn. If he is, that's just even sweeter nectar to my arousal. I have never felt more turned on than I do right now, and he's not even fucking me. Kaden's hands on me are better than anyone I've ever fucked, anyway. It really says something about a man that he can touch you and that makes you feel wetter than any actual other dick has. I might swoon here in a minute, if I wasn't so focused on priming the pump and getting this cock ready for me to take it.

One of his hands grabs my whole breast, and the other trails back down to my pussy and traces around the folds. He wants to up the intensity now and my body responds with a symphony of electricity brewing beneath my skin, every nerve racing to heighten sensation where he touches me. I feel my clit twitch with need.

I will retaliate the heightening of the pleasure stakes! More moaning from me, more cock for me. I take my hands and start twisting them in opposite directions, both fast up and down his cock, stroking full fisted. I do my best to maintain my mouth's suction over his cock while I take as much of his foot long in my mouth as I can. I have to feed myself the inches slowly, widening my mouth and then my throat as I take him in. When I'm confident that I am taking more of him in my mouth, I amp up the speed and try to torture him best I can. I mean this in the nicest, shoving all your massive cock down my throat, sort of way. It will feel just as good to give him more as it does as he gives me more.

I hear him release a deep, low groan, dragging from his throat. I look up and see him blinking for a minute, then look down at me and bite his lip, and I know I'm making excellent progress. Of course, every time I think I must be close to pressing my nose up against his balls and knowing I've taken all of the cock, then there's more. So I keep chugging away like the little cocksucker that can.

Kaden drags a finger over my clit, then his thumb starts to circle it, and I'm coming undone in that hand. I grip his hips and I slide his cock deep into my mouth. I go slow and keep sucking hard as I can, and I want to jump for joy when I take him deep down my throat and my nose is pressed against his stomach. I mean porn star you could find me in the record book of fuck kind of deep. I slowly swallow his length in and out, staying deep and sucking hard as I can. I don't risk pulling that cock too far out just yet and I'm keeping it deep.

His string of expletives and the way Kaden squeezes my breast for dear life? Thumbs circles on my clit like he's trying to race me to orgasm? I'm pretty damn proud at this point. I mean, I must be doing a pretty good job and I didn't even have to unhinge my jaw like I thought I might need to. I let my hands trail to his balls and I delve behind them with one hand to stimulate the stalky feeling of more cock (I know, it is so big) and that huge cock spurts thick loads of cum right down my throat I am almost certain it is straight into my stomach. That's how much force is behind that massive cock. I swallow him up as he comes and my pussy is quivering the way he keeps working my clit. His other hand goes to my other breast and that sets me off, rocketing the sensation just over the edge to the point I'm making stifled moans and little cries against that huge cock. It just vibrates him in my mouth and he's roaring like a fucking lion. 

I saw the massive cock, he came, oh, I conquered. I don't think I've ever been more proud of anything in my life. Goodness, take that every accomplishment ever. Long after he's done coming down my throat, I keep sucking him, doing long, licking strokes now. He pulls me up off the desk and I’m upside down, his cock still in my mouth and his mouth on my pussy. I scream out against him and his tongue delivers the killing blow. I come so hard that I swallow his cock with such force that if I could hurt that beast, I would have, yelling around it. One arm wrapped around me while I shudder through the aftershocks of that incredible orgasm, and his other arm comes around and pulls my mouth off his cock. He flips me back around and sits me on top of his desk. 

When I lock eyes with Kaden, I realize we are both buck ass naked and breathing heavy. "That was..." I don't know the right word for it. 

"Exciting," Kaden offers with a boyish grin. Like, who gets to be that much man and so damn charming? 

I try to catch control of my breath. I wipe my forehead off with the back of my hand. "Yeah, that was--"

Kaden pulls me off the desk and claims my mouth with his. My lips part for his, and his tongue ventures inside my mouth with a tenderness I didn't know someone so cocky could have. He's crushing me to his chest, holding me in his massive, muscular arms, and I feel like I'll fallen into some kind of dream. I wrap my arms around his neck and let the kiss go deeper. Matching his every intense move with my own, our tongues are dancing together. If this is a dream, I have to squeeze every last drop of the pleasure out of it. I grind my pussy against him, wiggling so that my nipples graze along his chest. I feel like a wild animal with this distinct urge to rub my body all over his, mark him as mine somehow. The truth is, I want to him to mark me in some way, too. 

I break the kiss. He looks hungrily into my eyes. Good, that means he wants me at least a fraction as much as I want him. 

"When you fuck me up against this window, pull out and cum all over my tits," I say. I hope my voice sounds sultry, because this is by far the kinkiest shit I have ever said in bed.

Except I'm not in bed. I'm a swanky Manhattan office with the Wonder Boy Kaden Charles, asking him if he'll come all over my boobs. 

Shit, I wasn't even asking. I was commanding.

Kaden's tongue grazes his lower lip. "Yeah, I can do that." His mouth goes to my neck this time, and one of his hands dips inside my dripping wet pussy. His fingers work through all the sticky cum dripping from my folds from where he made me come so hard earlier.

I whimper at the touch. His fingers are firm and invading this sensitive, delicate place on my body that he's already rocked tonight. I don't know how much more my body can take. God, that huge cock inside of me? I'll figure out how to take it because I'm greedy for it. It felt so good in my mouth, I can't wait to feel it in my pussy. 

Kaden slides three fingers into my pussy, I look down, three wide fingers, and brings his thumb to my clit. My eyes are rolling back in my head and he hoists me up to put my nipple in his mouth. Umm, I will have no problem at all taking that huge cock the way he's stretching me around his fingers now. He slides the fourth one in and me legs shake together. His knees spread me apart and he pumps those fingers into me so fast that I am moaning loudly. 

"Put your hand over my mouth," I beg. "Someone will hear us!" I don't want to get the guy in trouble.

"Well, if my 11 o'clock gets here early, they'll know better. Let 'em hear," Kaden says, and sinks his teeth into my nipple. I'm so close to coming that I want to beg him to slide that cock in me.

But I don't have to. He feels me trembling and lets me get to very edge, when I am neediest, and slides that massive cock deep in my pussy. My legs are pressed up against the glass. My body is pressed tight to it and sliding up and down as he pumps into me. His tongue laps over my nipples. I am making so many sounds, I sound like a circus more than a woman. If I wanted to be quiet, I wouldn't know how with the sensations rippling through my body. I am shaking all around him. There's an almost piercing pressure inside me, his cock is hitting so deep inside me.

Every ounce of being tenses up with the intensity of him ramming that massive cock inside me, and I exhale and release it all and I think I might blast off into space. Seriously, I'm a trembling pile of body parts in his arms and I'm yelping, moaning out against his every touch. His soft tongue turns to nibbling teeth, my nipples aching with need for him to keep it up. He takes one of my breasts into his mouth and his hands roam all over my body. I am a heat map of where he's touched me. He's fucking me so hard I actually start to get paranoid about the window he's pushed me up against. But he's fucking me so good that I figure if this is how I'm going to go, I could think of worse ways. 

Kaden's mouth trails up my neck and closes over my mouth and I moan into his mouth. His tongue teases over mine and makes me shiver. He pulls his massive cock almost completely out of my pussy and strokes long and deep back into me, kissing me while I melt around him. Long, deep strokes into my pussy builds the pressure up inside of me and I swear, it makes everything else I've ever done seem like it hardly qualifies as sex. I'm shaking all around him and my body is slick against the glass. 

Breaking the kiss, Kaden pulls his cock out of me, pulls me off the glass of the window, and bends me over in front of him. Just standing there with nothing to hold onto, I think that I'm definitely going to fall over when he slides into me, but he holds me up. I'm shaking but I keep myself standing as much as I can. Kaden's huge cock slides back into me, impossibly deeper now that he's fucking me from behind. I yelp out a strangled cry at how fiercely my whole body is getting taken under by a wave of orgasmic pleasure. I'm sticky wet down my thighs and it is dripping down more. I have never been so wet in my life and that's just the beginning. 

"I love the way your pussy clamps down on my cock." One of his hands is on the small of my back. It makes me tingle for the soft touch against my skin when he's fucking me so hard I may have to nap for a year afterwards. Protein shakes will be necessary. "You won't break my lust muscle, Brittney. He appreciates the bare hug." Kaden lets out a small, seductive laugh that curls heat inside my body like smoke ready to rise from me. "Come for me," Kaden growls, dragging his other hand to my clit and stroking it so softly. 

I turn into an animal, bringing my hand to close over his and make him touch my clit more. Be careful what you wish for, because as soon as my hand closes over his and works my clit over with him, I strangle his cock like I'm seeking vengeance against it. I come so hard that my ass is going to be sore all day from how hard I pressed down. I exhale, inhale and that flutter within me has me at maximum capacity for pleasure. I am falling down from an incredible high of the best orgasm I have ever had in my life. I don't think this experience could possibly get better.

Until he turns me around then and brings me back to the glass. Kaden fists that huge cock and pumps a massive load of cum right onto my breasts. He glazes me like a donut, shooting huge ropes of cum over me. 

My eyes pop a little just watching, like, seriously, that cock just keeps giving. 

While he's still going, I pull my tits up to my face and extend my tongue, starting to lick. He finishes the last of his cum load on my tongue and I look up at him before I swallow. Our eyes lock and I gulp down the still-warm end of his orgasm.

"Fucking incredible," Kaden says, his hands resting on his hips that makes him look like he needs a cape flapping in the wind or something. 

Seriously, he is fucking incredible, that was such a good fuck, such a good orgasm I believe he may be sent from another planet to save me from substandard fucks and such. Ladies of earth, I am not sharing this. This is the kind of cock you have to lock down. The kind you get and then start thinking about two things -- when you'll have it next, and how you're gonna psyche yourself up to take a monster cock like that fucking you to death again. I mean, you want it, but you still hold your breath for a second after too, you know?

"Yeah, that was amazing. No one has ever fucked me like that," I say. I hear myself trying to breathe and I giggle a little hysterically. Oh god, that's returned. You'd be giddy, too, if you just got piped hard by solid gold Wonder Boy banker with the cock that never stops giving. I dip a finger down and lick up more of his cum. 

"You want a tissue?" Kaden turns to reach for the box off his desk.

"Well, I'd be ungrateful if I didn't take what you offered me," I say, sliding my finger to pick up the last line of his sticky good stuff. "This was about a thank you blowjob, remember?" I say, reminding myself that the reason I can't walk straight this week is a blowjob. I almost laugh again at that notion but when I stick my finger in my mouth, I can't laugh.

Not the way he's looking at me. Like he wants to start all over again. And damn my lack of self-preservation here, because despite everything, I think, I would go again. I'd be laying against that desk, or bending over it though, because I'm barely breathing normally and my heart is still hammering in my chest. I suck that finger dry and watch him watching me, thrills shooting through my body at his attention.

"You were fucking incredible. I feel more than adequately thanked," Kaden says with a mega-watt smile that makes me think flashbulbs of old cameras are about to go off. 

"I'm glad," I stammer out, trying to figure out where my clothes are. "You have an 11 o'clock. I think I better get going," I say, eyes to the ground as I sight the clothes I abandoned earlier. 

He walks toward the same direction, and that massive cock is at eye level with me. I shiver, thinking, dear god, that cock was deep inside me and is still shimmering from all of my cum. 

"Let me clean this off for you," I say, wrapping both hands around it and sliding the full length of that incredible cock into my mouth. I feel him start to stiffen up more in my mouth, and I suck a few more seconds than is polite. I like the feel of it jerking in my hands. I guess I can leave him wanting more, too. I pull the cock out of my mouth and look up at him. "All better now."

Kaden's hand cups my cheek and I am frozen on the spot, wondering if he's going to stab that massive dick right back down my throat and if that's exactly what I want. He says nothing, and drops his hand. 

I stand up and don't know what to say. I start putting on my panties, getting dressed again to get out of the room before I climb aboard Wonder Boy's amusement part for very wet girls. I start to put my bra on and that's when Kaden decides I need a helping hand.

His mouth is at my neck, his hands close over mine and clasp my bra. Coming back forward, he smoothes the cups over my breasts, molding them against my skin with his massive hands. 

I run my lower lip through my teeth. This man's every touch is so good, like a drug I'm getting addicted to. I step back and slide into my shoes, put my top back on. 

Allowing myself the indulgence, I watch him stretch. The man is sexy as sin. . He is the picture of male perfection. Body of a god. Face of an angel. I snap a picture with my mind. 

"This was...we should," I start and now my hand is on my hip. "Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm sure you can stalk me again should you want to do this again, or some equally enticing variation." That's my best attempt at being smooth. I turn on my heel and head out the door.

"Yes, we should, Brittney," I hear that sexy voice say just as I'm leaving. My name has never sounded so good in my life. My nipples are sore just thinking about it and my mouth runs dry. I didn't think my mouth could ever be dry again after all the saliva I worked up to choke down that huge cock. I need a bottle of water and then a nap. Maybe I need to open my mouth in the shower. This workout is so much better than anything I'd do at the gym, if I went more.




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