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Captive Bride: A Dark Obsession Romance by Dark Angel (15)


His touch sends fire racing through my skin.

Sparks burn through me in a manic blaze.

Every touch of his fingers, every flick of his tongue, and I’m burning up and I can’t find it in me to mind.

I never knew that anything could be as intense as the pleasure racing through me now.

One moment I’m unthinking, lost in it completely. The next I’m so overwhelmed, I feel the need to run away.

How much can I possibly take?

No one’s ever touched me the way Tristan is now.

No one has ever looked at me with the fire presently burning through his green eyes.

I feel ready to collapse under that gaze.

This man is more than I ever thought a person capable of being.

With every movement, with every touch, he’s showing me that I am as well.

I scream his name as another orgasm rips through me, my legs shaking frantically around his head.

“God, Tristan!” I moan in equal parts shock and amazement.

His tongue only moves faster as I come, knocking the wind from my lungs in a rush.

I’m left breathless in its wake, floating mindlessly in nirvana.

“Yes, say my name again,” he says, his tone edging on an order.

I feel his teeth nip at my inner thigh, stinging the flesh where they come in contact.

I do as he says, his name leaving my lips in a breathless cry.

He stands, looking down at me with hunger in his eyes.

The murky green of his gaze washes over me, seeming to take in every inch, and his lips pull back into a lustful smile.

“Put your head on the pillow,” he says, his voice husky with lust.

My body quivers at the thought of what’s to come, but I book no argument.

I turn from him, slowly crawling the length of the oversized bed.

I feel his eyes on me the entire time, the knowledge of his gaze causing me to move slower. I love that he’s watching me; chills race through my skin at the thought.

I reach the head of the bed and rise to my knees, head turning to find him.

“Lie down,” he tells me.

My obedience comes easily at his command; I don’t even think of questioning him.

Some far-removed part of my mind is screaming that it’s insanity to trust a man you’ve just met. One more glance at Tristan sends it scampering into silence.

Insanity or not, I do trust him.

I feel safer in this room with him than I ever have with any man before.

My own home felt like a tomb compared to the energy that I feel here. It pours off him in waves. His power, his passion.

My heart soars at the sight of him, a feeling that’s utterly strange within my chest.

I feel a love more powerful than I thought possible.

More still, I see it returned in his eyes.

He looks at me now, emotion rolling off him, his face a testament to words both profound and unspoken.

My mind fills with only him.

My body aches at the distance between us.

Whatever reservations built within me turn to ash, and I lay myself down in the center of the bed.

My eyes are glued firmly to him.

Outside, the rain continues to fall. It patters fast and hard against the windows and the terrace door.

It slides down the glass, warping what little moonlight manages to make its way inside.

The ghostly images of its descent play across his skin, mingling with the candlelight to shroud him in an ethereal glow.

He looks more than human in this moment, more than just a man.

He is the embodiment of beauty and power, a shining beacon for me to cling to.

I’ve never known true desire until now.

I need him in a way that’s all but incomprehensible, my body trembling in the depths of my longing.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he says, drawing my attention back to his mouth. “I mean fuck, Isobel. You really are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

I’m not a stranger to compliments. I’ve been called beautiful before. The words have never meant anything to me; they’re just words after all.

Hearing them come from his mouth is another experience entirely, though.

I feel beautiful, and all the more so because he believes it.

“I need you,” I say, meaning it.

I need him in so many ways. I need to feel him, to touch him.

Most of all, I needed him to do what he already did, draw me kicking and screaming from my own worst nightmare.

I needed him to save me. I need him to save me still.

He reaches down to the hem of his shirt, pulling it quickly over his head.

My eyes greedily drink in his exposed flesh, trailing from his collar bone to his sculpted abs, his defined pecs and strong arms.

Every inch of him is carved with strength, making me feel smaller just for being in his presence.

He unbuckles his belt with deft hands, eyes never leaving me as he does.

My breath catches in my throat as he slides them down, freeing himself before me.

I scan the length of him.

He’s absolutely massive. His cock is throbbing before me. His size leaves me equal parts terrified and thrilled.

I quiver all over again at the sight of him.

Instead of climbing onto the bed, he turns to the chair behind him, picking up a silk tie that’s been casually strewn across it.

“Put your hands above your head,” he tells me.

I do, looking into his eyes as I obey.

My mind turns to the first time I saw him, to the darkened corner of the lobby.

I can practically feel his hands around my wrists, the intense powerlessness I felt at their touch.

I breathe deeply, calming the emotions that race through me at the thought.

He walks around the side of the bed, looking down at me from his vantage point.

I feel his hands on my wrists, pushing them together. The tie slides around them, delicate fabric caressing my sensitive skin.

I feel as it begins to tighten and look up to watch.

He binds my wrists tightly, securing them to the headboard with practiced hands.

I give them a tug, experimenting with the length.

The constraint leaves me feeling utterly powerless, and I wonder at the spark that spreads through me at the thought of it.

I turn to find his eyes. They pierce me in question.

I answer with my own, my chest heaving in anticipation.

He walks slowly back to the foot of the bed, looking me over slowly, as if admiring his handy work.

I bite my tongue to keep from rushing him.

The simple truth, though, is I’m half-crazy with impatience.

I don’t think I can go another second without feeling his hands on me, without tasting him again. My mind races as fast as my pulse, yearning for him.

Finally, he climbs onto the bed, crawling across my lithe form.

His mouth finds mine in a rush, the kiss hard and frantic. I kiss him back with equal desire, the taste of his tongue making me groan in pleasure.

His hand finds my breast, kneading and pinching with expert precision. My nipples stand unbelievably hard in the dim lighting, and I feel myself growing wetter by the second.

He slips a hand between my legs, touching me more fiercely than he did before, eliciting a moan of pure desire.

“Spread your legs,” he tells me.

I gladly obey.

He rises to his knees, my own now on either side of him.

My skin is flushed with heat. I feel energy whirl throughout me, driving me to madness.

“Tristan...” I start, unable to keep myself from begging any longer.

“Shhh,” he tells me. “Don’t talk.”

I close my mouth, biting down hard to keep the words from spilling free.

Between my legs, he’s rock hard.

His cock is bigger than anything I’ve ever imagined.

I don’t know much about sex, having never had the opportunity to learn.

I know without question though that I absolutely need him inside of me. It’s all I can do to stop myself from telling him so.

From the look on his face, I’d say he already knows.

He takes his time in taunting me, kissing the length of one thigh, his eyes never leaving mine. His teeth flash out, biting at my skin, his tongue tasting me.

I grind my teeth in frustration, my eyes straying to his cock every other moment.

His lips pull away from my leg.

“Look at me,” he says, turning to once again hover over me.

I stare into his eyes as he lowers himself on top of me, the forest green pulling me in yet again.

I know by the new look in his eyes that the moment has finally come.

He stares at me possessively. His look says that I am his, no one else’s. It says he is claiming me.

I want him to.

I need him to.

I feel his hips slide between my legs.

I feel the pressure of his enormous cock pressing against me.

He looks back into my eyes as he starts to slide himself into me.

The pressure makes me gasp, pain and pleasure mingling inside of me.

“Tristan,” I choke out, this time without being silenced.

“Isobel,” he answers, the words sounding like prayer.

He slides deeper into me, and I cry out, my every nerve coming ablaze.

The pain is negligible. It’s the pleasure that sends me into panic.

I breathe hard, my legs tightening around him as he pushes himself deeper into my pussy.

He is endless, each inch sending white-hot electricity racing through me.

I gasp, I moan, I shake at the contact, my body clenching hard against him.

I cry out as he enters me completely, a yell tearing its way from me in my utter ecstasy as he begins to thrust in earnest.

I pull tightly on my restraints, overcome with the desire to touch him.

He slides into me, slowly at first, gaining speed by the second.

“Isobel,” he chants.

My name has never sounded sweeter than it does coming from his mouth.

I lift my hips from the bed, frantically trying to match his movements with my own. I grind against him, driving him ever deeper into me.

A fire begins to build in my core, its flames leaping out to singe me entirely.

Sounds I never knew myself capable of making find their way into my lips. Feral, primal. The intensity of the moment is stunning me.

I push against him, clenching around the length of him as I do.

I hear him groan in response.

“Fuck, Isobel,” he chokes out.

He increases his speed, shoving himself deeply into me.

Still, I want him more, so I thrust even harder in response.

The fire in me is building. I feel it growing larger by the second.

It races through me, stunning me with its infernal heat.

I redouble my efforts, driving him as deep into me as I possibly can, my thighs clenching around him furiously.

My ankles lock together behind his back, my arms pull tightly against my binds, the pain of the tie digging into them, only adding to my pleasure.

I feel my orgasm building, more intense than any I’ve felt yet.

My entire body seems to erupt in flame, consumed entirely by him.

I go completely rigid as I come, my pussy clamping down onto him. I scream in pure ecstasy, nerves aflame.

My fingernails dig grooves into my palms as the breath leaves my body.

Still, I continue to come.

The orgasm racking through me seems to last an eternity.

I struggle to breathe.

My thoughts cease entirely.

There is nothing in the world but this.

Nothing but him.

I scream his name again, sounding like its own prayer now.

The orgasm passes slowly, my body still feeling the ache and the bliss for several moments after. When it’s passed entirely, I look to him in utter fascination, my body trembling in the aftermath.

He kisses me once, slowly, before re-positioning himself between my legs.

My chest continues heave, my legs shaking worse than ever as I struggle to draw breath.

I look up at him, into those piercing eyes.

They tell me what he’s thinking without any single word.

A grin tugs at his lips.

We’re nowhere near finished here.




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