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Bedroom Rodeo: A Billionaire Romance by Sarah J. Brooks (155)

Chapter 7

Although the pool party was exciting, Sophia really needed to get Drake away from the other women and back up to her room. She wasn’t done with him yet, and it was near ten o’clock. Sophia only had two more hours with Drake, and she wasn’t about to spend them in the pool with all of the other women.

“Should we head back upstairs?” Sophia whispered in Drake’s ear.

Drake felt his body instantly react to the thought of being alone with Sophia in her room again. The sex between the two of them was intense, and he was all rested up for some serious fun. The sexual connection between them was strong, but Drake didn’t know if it was strong enough to make up for the emotional connection that Sophia seemed to block off.

He was not used to caring too much about the emotional connections, but Drake knew that was going to be important for him in picking the woman he wanted to get to know more. He needed someone that was going to challenge him both physically and mentally. He needed that sexual connection, but also the emotional and intellectual connections were a necessity for him.

“Ladies, I had a great time tonight. I hope you all sleep well and Allison, I’ll see you bright and early in the morning.”

Allison blew Drake a kiss and turned around as he and Sophia got out of the pool together. She couldn’t stand to look at Sophia at all with Drake, and it made her sick to think that the two of them were going upstairs together.

“Aren’t you going to go talk to him at midnight?” Emily asked.

“Nope, I think he needs to sleep one good night.”

“But what if Sophia keeps him in her room and doesn’t let him sleep all night long?” Emily asked with worry in her eyes.

“You can’t police his behavior,” Scarlett added.

“Well, I think it’s stupid. I’d at least go say goodnight to him to make sure he was in his room instead of hers,” Emily added.

“I think you’re making a good decision. Get a good night’s sleep and just have a fun day tomorrow with him,” Scarlett said to Allison.

“Thanks, I’m just not going to worry about it. I need my sleep, and I’m not going to stay up and wait for him. I’m actually going to head to the shower and then bed right now,” Allison said, wrapping herself in one of the large plush towels.

“Goodnight,” Scarlett said.

Scarlett was nice to all of the women. There just wasn’t any reason to be catty or rude to them. That wasn’t who Scarlett was. Plus, the rules of the week were clear; every girl got twenty-four hours with Drake. There really was no need to police the situation at all, and she was happy that Allison agreed with her on that.

Drake and Sophia made their way upstairs to her room, both of them wrapped in towels. The cold evening air had them shivering by the time they got there, and Sophia went straight to the bathroom to turn on the hot water again.

“Another shower?” Drake asked.

“I think we can find something else to do in the warmth of the shower stall if you’d like.”

“Oh, I’d like.”

Drake grabbed a hold of Sophia and brought her into the shower with him. The warm water pounded down on their bodies and his body slowly rose to greet hers. It surprised him just how willing his body was to go another round with the beautiful Sophia. That went to show just how much a man really craved sex. Even when his mind told him to rest, his body told Drake to have more sex.

Her fingers wrapped around him as her lips touched his. They moved slowly at first, but then Sophia started to move faster, her fingers sliding up and down his shaft to tease him and get him as hard as possible.

“I can’t wait to feel you inside of me again,” she said breathlessly. “My ass is waiting for you.”

Drake raised his eyebrow at the idea of having anal sex with Sophia again. She certainly did like sex, that was a big advantage for him. For a moment, he flashed to a picture of what their life might be like if he chose Sophia. They would be thin and fit through having so much cardiovascular activity that the amount of sex would provide them with.

He grabbed her and bent her over the bench at the edge of the shower. The warm water beat down on them as he slid inside of her easily. His body pressed in and out of her as she moaned out with the echo of the bathroom offering an additional moan to them.

Emily held on tight to the bench and thrust her hips hard back against Drake. She wanted it harder and moved with him to get him to thrust more and more. He read her signs and did as she requested. Soon he found himself thrusting into her with all his might.

She screamed out in pleasure with his movements, and it just fueled him on more and more. Soon he felt his body as it got ready to release. He didn’t have any control over himself anymore. His body was exhausted, yet fully aroused and ready to give in to the pleasure of the moment.

“When you’re ready to cum, slap the back of my head hard,” Sophia said as she felt Drake getting close.

“Why?” Drake asked with a shocked expression. He had never had such a request from a woman, and it had really thrown him off.

Drake slowed his thrusts and instantly felt his impending orgasm disappear. Was Sophia one of those women who liked to be hurt during sex? Drake was definitely not into anything like that.

“It will make my ass tighten, and your orgasm will be insane.”

Drake didn’t like the sound of that at all. He certainly wasn’t going to slap a woman, even if she wanted him to. That was just one of those things Drake wouldn’t do during sex or any other time. There weren’t that many things about sex that Drake would say no to, but hurting someone was a definite one in his book.

He continued to thrust, and just as he was about to cum, he reached down, grabbed Sophia’s long red hair and pulled on it roughly as he came with a hard thrust. He knew it wasn’t what she had asked him to do, but he really didn’t feel comfortable at all with her request.

Drake had been with plenty of women who liked to play a little and tie each other up and do those kinds of things, but he had never been asked to hit a girl before. That was a huge no-no for him. He just didn’t get off on that kind of thing at all.

“It’s called a donkey punch,” Sophia said as she stood up.

“It is?”

“Yeah, you’ll have to try it sometime. I hear it makes the guy’s orgasm absolutely insane.”

“I don’t think it’s for me. I’m more of a gentle guy,” Drake said.

Sophia just laughed and slid back under the warm water of the shower. Drake joined her for a moment before getting out, making his way to the large bathtub, and turning the water on. He still couldn’t believe that Sophia had asked him to hit her while they were fucking. It actually had started to bother him, and he needed to wind down and hopefully talk with Sophia a little before their time together was over.

“Are we taking a bath?” Sophia asked.

“Yes, I’d love to take a bath with you.”

Drake poured some bubbles into the bath, and before they knew it, there was a huge pile of fluffy bubbles filling the bathtub.

“I don’t usually take baths,” Sophia said as she watched Drake get in. “I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep and drown in the bath.”

“I’ll keep you safe.”

Drake held his hand out as Sophia climbed in and sat right in front of him. The intimacy of the bathtub instantly made Sophia uncomfortable. She wanted to run out as quickly as possible, but she also knew that there wasn’t that much more time with Drake, and she couldn’t miss out on that.

“How did you think of this idea to have all these women here at your house?”

Drake laughed a little and remembered back to his lunch with Robert and how they had first started to talk about the idea. Drake had wanted a fight to the death, he snickered under his breath. It was probably much better that Robert had stopped that idea.

“Robert is married and so happy. I’m getting close to forty years old and thought I should try to find a good match for me. But it’s not like the clubs are a good place to meet quality women, so most of the women I meet are purely for one night of pleasure.”

“Do you have a lot of one-night stands?”


There was no use in lying to Sophia. He wanted a woman who was alright with his past and was still willing to work with him on a future. No matter which one of the women he picked during the week, Drake was going to be honest with them about everything. He knew that the only way it would work out with a woman was if he were honest.

“Did you pick us all, or did Samantha?”

“It was actually Samantha and Robert, but they know me very well. I’ve worked with both of them for years. I think they did a pretty damn good job.”

“Of course they did, they picked me,” Sophia said, reaching behind her and starting to stroke Drake’s cock.

He reached his hand under the water and stopped her. Drake was starting to see Sophia much more clearly. She used sex to avoid any sort of real intimacy. Through sex, she could distract people and avoid answering questions or even having to deal with her real emotions.

“I’d love to get to know you more,” Drake said as he started to kiss Sophia’s neck. “Tell me about your mother.”

Sophia froze at the mention of her mom. Not only did she not want to talk about her mother, she really didn’t want Drake to ask about her childhood or family or anything about her past.

“My life is pretty boring, how about your mother?” Sophia said, quickly changing the subject.

“My mom is one of the sweetest women I know. She is what inspires me to find my partner. She and my father are still very much in love.”

“That is inspiring,” Sophia said as she continued to avoid talking about her family.

Drake let the silence fill the room as he moved his hands up and down Sophia’s arms. He could tell she had a lot of walls up, and there was no way he was going to break through them all in one night. But he was willing to let their final hour together be total silence if that was what needed to happen to get Sophia to actually open up a little.

Two minutes passed, and the silence continued. Soon, it had been a whole fifteen minutes without either of them talking. Sophia felt so uncomfortable, but she wasn’t about to ask any more questions because she knew that would mean that Drake would ask her more questions as well.

“Why don’t you want to talk about your family?” Drake finally asked.

Sophia took a deep breath and then decided she was just going to go for it. She was going to tell Drake about her family and just hope that it didn’t totally scare him away.

“My mother worked harder than any woman I know, all because my father gambled away our money on a consistent basis. The only reason I started to work so young was because we didn’t have money for food because of my father. It was a tough life, but my mother was always there for me.”

Drake continued to stroke Sophia’s arms as she talked. It felt like a small victory in her giant wall that she had built up around her. It was something new to Drake, a deep conversation with a woman who actually just wanted to have continuous sex. But Drake was really happy that Sophia had decided to give it a try and trust him.

“So you get your strength from your mother,” Drake said sweetly.

Sophia tried to hold back the tears, but before she could stop them, they were flowing like they hadn’t flowed in years. Sophia wasn’t the type of girl that cried, in fact, she hated girls that cried.

She got out of the bath before Drake could even comfort her. Sophia quickly moved to the bedroom and dried off and started to put some sweatpants on. She made sure not to look at Drake as he came out of the bathroom and stood near the bed, watching her.

“It’s OK, Sophia. You don’t have to be strong all the time.”

Sophia looked up at Drake and saw such understanding in his eyes. As he walked toward her, she felt safe; she had never felt safe to show her emotions with a man before. Sophia let the tears come and wrapped her arms around Drake’s neck as he stood next to her.

Her tears were so genuine, and Drake thought they had probably been saved up from years of doing things all alone. He held on tight to her and didn’t let go. More than anything, Drake just wanted Sophia to know that there were people in the world that wouldn’t hurt her. There were people that actually cared about her, and he was one of those people.

They stood at the edge of the bed for the last fifteen minutes of their time together. Drake was prepared to stay with Sophia if she needed him. He didn’t need to leave her. He could stay all night long if she really needed him, but as Sophia pulled away from him, Drake saw in her eyes that she wanted him to leave. The emotions of the moment were a lot for her, and she needed some time alone.

“Thank you for a great day, Sophia, I’ll never forget it.”

Sophia grabbed Drake’s hand and walked with him to the door of her room. Her face was coated with her own tears, and she just looked up at him and smiled. There wasn’t much she could say after totally crying like she just had done.

“Me too,” Sophia finally was able to get out.

“You sleep good tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Drake said as he opened the door and started down the hall toward his room.

He stopped and turned back to look at Sophia as she watched him walk down the hall. She looked beautiful and vulnerable, and much more like the person Drake thought she was. He waved to her one last time before turning and continuing down the hall.

“See you tomorrow,” Sophia managed to say.

As Sophia closed the door, she collapsed into tears up against it. She had spent her entire adult life trying to avoid talking about her past, and in the last week, she had done it twice. Sophia couldn’t stop the tears, and she didn’t know if she really wanted to stop them. It felt good to finally get some of that grief out of her.