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Blank Canvas: Diva's Ink by Liberty Parker (32)




No, no, no. Fuck no! I can’t afford to be late! I need this job. How can this happen today of all days? Alexander, my step-dad said, “Get a Ford. If I’m paying for it, you’re not getting some foreign piece of shit." At least a foreign piece of shit would probably have started in this cold weather instead of this temperamental piece of trash he picked up from his co-worker’s kid.

No, I’m not good enough to get anything new after graduating with honors from Texas UT of Arlington, which is the only school Alexander would allow me to attend. I got what he thinks I am worthy of, which is usually whatever is cheapest.

You see, my mom got pregnant with me when she was right outta high school, during what she calls her “party phase.” She won't tell me who my dad is; says they're both better off without each other ‘cause he was young and reckless, and she didn't want that for us. Guess it doesn’t matter what I want.

She also says that he would’ve resented us, and that she doesn't want that for him, either. So instead, I get a step-dad who thinks I’m a walking, talking example of how teenage lust can ruin your future forever.

I graduated from college with a Master’s Degree in Web Design and Accounting. I’ve tortured myself enough with Alexander’s hatred of me, and I will do anything to get out from under his house and rules. This job is a way for me to do that and being late won’t help my cause.

Mom knows how much my sister Sadie and I stress over how we are treated by Alexander. He obviously hates me, and he controls everything Sadie does. She and I ended up taking a two-week trip to San Diego, California. Alexander believes we went so Sadie could meet with a Professor about a different intern program for her Physical Therapy degree.

Mom helped us make it possible for that trip to happen. She knew I needed an escape and Sadie wasn’t about to sit back and accept me out on my own. We may be half-siblings, but you would never know it if you saw us together. We are more attached than most twins. We did some shopping, sight-seeing, and baking in the sun during our trip, and we both came back with beautiful tans. Wonder if Alexander will notice and cause a scene just to be able to say I’m a “bad influence” again?

Sadie’s twenty and going to be a junior in college this year. She’s officially getting to start her internship as a physical therapist in the same office as Skylar. Sadie met Skylar when she was on her way to a full-ride scholarship for track, when she and Alexander got into a nasty heated argument. He rudely informed her that if she took the scholarship, she’d no longer get any help from him and would be completely cut off from the family. He can’t stand not to have her under his thumb. I guess that means he controls which college she attends and what she does with her life as well.

I think Sadie would’ve been all right without him anywhere near her life, but she would never have been happy without mom or me being around. If Alexander cut her off, he would do everything in his power to make sure we followed in his direction. I knew she wanted to take the scholarship and say, “fuck you dad!” but she wouldn’t take the chance of never seeing mom or me. I know the way that girl’s mind works as well as my own. Lord knows she tells me every detail of her life. I’m not complaining, I love her more than anyone or anything in my life.

As to why Alexander didn’t want her to take the scholarship for track, you have to understand, track and sports are beneath Alexander’s vision for our family. He just can’t fathom the thought of his daughter doing anything beneath him and his many stuck-up, snobby, money-hungry friends. They see anything that causes you to sweat as being pathetic and useless, unless of course you’re the captain of the football team or cheerleading squad. Oh and let’s not forget tennis while we’re at it. Damn, I hate him and the way he stole her dreams. During Sadie’s senior year of high school, she fell and tore the tendons in her ankle. Mom ended up taking her to the ‘Where We Make You Feel Better’ clinic for physical therapy and that’s where she met Skylar Rage. Skylar was an intern there and a fast friendship was formed. Shortly after they met, I was introduced to Skylar and now we have all been friends for close to two years now.

Now that I’ve graduated, Skylar’s setting me up with this amazing job opportunity, but of course I’m running late and it’s all because of this piece of shit that won’t start. Skylar’s dad is the President of an MC, the Rage Ryders. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well over time, along with the rest of her family and they’re all great to both Sadie and me. I’m interviewing at Allen's Web Design, which is run by her dad's MC Brother, Bomber.

Knowing most of the guys, I know this MC family is nothing like what you read about in the papers or in novels you can find in the book stores. I’m not sure if everything they do is legal, but they're not evil and don’t mistreat or beat on women.

They're a bunch of amazing men who accepted me and Sadie as one of their own almost immediately. When I first met them, I realized that they are just a big, lovable family. I’m going to have to call Bomber and see if I can reschedule, which is so not going to look good. I hope he knows by now that I do not, nor would I ever, take advantage of my friendship with their family.

I call but before I can utter a word, he immediately cuts me off, informing me that club business has come up and he needs to reschedule our interview for later this afternoon. Finally, something is going my way. I tell him that’s perfect, and explain to him the reason for my call, so he offers to send a couple of his guys to take a look at my car. This day is turning out to be a winner for me, at least so far.

I hang up and let the thought of what this could possibly cost me sink in. Alexander will only let me stay at home for so long, and I’ll have to move out. I don’t know why he is so anxious to get rid of me, but I’m more than happy to leave. I need a job so I can add as much as possible to my savings. Sadie is mad because she wanted to move out with me, but he won’t hear of it. He will not allow it because she needs to finish school first like I have, and then they will talk about it, but I know that he just doesn't want her with me.

Ryder and Kid show up not long after the call. I have had a crush on Kid, he’s Skylar’s brother, since the day she introduced us. I have never been able to act like a normal human being around him, and today is no different as he starts asking questions about my car, and all I can do is shake my head. I can’t help that I get all flustered when I look into his hazel eyes. For someone with such a high GPA, I sure do play the part of a total loser perfectly. I still can’t get over how hot most of these guys are. At five-foot ten with long, blonde hair and grey eyes, I feel that I’m pretty average looking. I think my body is my best asset, since I work out and stay in shape, but I know it takes more than a nice body to get a guy like Kid to give me the time of day. It is what it is, I suppose.

Finally, my brain and mouth reconnect and I’m able to explain that my car won’t start. Hallelujah, I can speak! They do their thing, shaking this and moving that, trying to start it and listening to sounds, and after a thorough look under the hood, they discover that it wasn’t just the battery, it needs new plugs and wires as well.

My mom pulled up about that time and came over to find out what was going on, "Riley, sweetie. What is going on with your car?"

"Hey, Mom. It wouldn’t start this morning so Bomber, the man I have the interview with today, sent a couple of the guys over to look at it. They say it’s the battery, the plugs, and the wires.” I see my mom staring at them, so I make introductions. “Mom, meet Ryder and Kid. Ryder is Skylar’s boyfriend, and Kid is her brother.”

It takes a few minutes to click into place for her, then you can almost see the light bulb click on over her head. She nods and holds out her hand to shake theirs, then without saying a word, she pulls out her wallet and hands over her credit card. I start to protest, but she puts her index finger to my lips and shakes her head. It isn’t very often my mom will do something for me that Alexander won’t approve of. It looks like mom is willing to help me and if I’m guessing right, she’s hiding the statement from Alexander.

With the knowledge of what my car needs to run again, I ask them when they think they can get the parts to fix it. They assure me they can today, but it will be later because they have some club business to attend to first. I thank them and try to hand them my mom’s credit card, which they decline, saying that they have the parts that I need already at the shop and being part of the family, they won’t take my money, rather, my mother’s husband’s money. Was this actually happening? I feel like Alice in Wonderland and I just fell down the rabbit hole. Things like this do not happen to me, but dammit, I’ll take it.

It’s been three hours, and I get a call from Bomber, telling me that Ryder is coming to pick up my car. He asked if I could catch a ride back with him too so we can move on with my interview, which I agree to do. I have to take a record-breaking shower, since I don’t know how long it will be until Ryder gets here.

I just now made it down the stairs when Ryder pulls in to pick me up. My hair is still damp, it takes too long to dry since it touches my ass, so I have to go with the “air dry” look today.

This time Ryder is alone. I’m not going to lie, I was hoping Kid would be with him, but I get over it and hop in. As we pulled up to the garage, I notice there are motorcycles lined up in front, which isn’t surprising since we’re close to the clubhouse. I also see Skylar's navy-blue Chevy Tahoe sitting off to the side. Thank God, she's here.

As I walk through the office doors, I hear what sounds like Skylar teasing Kid about something, I just can’t hear what, so I keep walking and stop in my tracks, shocked at what I am witnessing. Skylar is chasing Kid around the office as he holds her purse above his head, teasing her. "What's the matter, sis? Are you too slow to catch me, or are you just too short to reach it?" I start laughing at the scene taking place in front of me and soon, I’m bent over, gasping for air with tears rolling down my cheeks. These are two grown-ass adults acting like a couple of teenagers.

Skylar stops long enough to ask, "Whose side are you on, anyways?"

"Always the side that's winning," I say as I give her my award-winning smile. She doesn’t care for that answer, but Kid smirks.

"Jeez, Riley. Thanks a lot. Next time you need help, let’s see if I help you out!" Skylar scolds.

“Calm down, Skylar. Riley isn’t your rescue team. You can do it all on your own with no one's help, and you know it," Kid chuckles as he speaks to Sky.

"Damn straight I can. Oh, and Kid? Payback is a bitch! Trust me, you moron. I will pay you back," Sky threatens.

“I’m sure you will, you little monster," Kid says, still laughing at Sky.

"So, Riley, after your interview, what do you say we pick up Sadie and go out to eat? Then we can go hit that new club that opened up on Main Street?" Sky suggests.

"You mean Vogue? I've heard that place is wild, Skylar! You think I can keep up with you and Sadie?" I ask, playing with her.

"Ha! You’re joking, right? I’ve seen you in action, remember? I don’t think we can keep up with you.”

"Riley, let’s go in the back office and have this interview," Bomber says from behind me, making me jump.

"Oh hell, Bomber. Where did you come from?” I gasp out, trying to catch my breath.

“Well, it's called walking up the walkway and through the doors," he says sarcastically.

"I know that, but you were so quiet," I say in bewilderment.

"I had to learn how to get places undetected. That’s what Uncle Sam used to pay me for. Now, are you ready for your interview?"

"Yes,” I respond to Bomber, then turn to tell Skylar, “I’m on for tonight."




Two hours later


I aced my interview with Bomber and I start Monday. This weekend is all mine, and tonight we’re going out to christen a new dance floor at Vogue and show off our dance moves.

I’m heading out to the garage to find someone for a ride home when Ryder runs up to me telling me my car is fixed and ready to go. This day has been unbelievable! I’ve ogled over hot men, my car is repaired, I have a good job at Allen’s Web Design, and now I’m going out with my girls. What a perfect end to a perfect day.

I head home to get ready and grab my sister for a wild night of dancing and drinking. After not having to put much of an effort at convincing Sadie to go out, she comes to me, "Hey Riles, what do you feel like wearing? Sexy and glamorous, slutty and easy, or relaxed and fun, but still with the right stuff?" Sadie asks.

"Let’s stick with the latter and let you look like the easy one,” I say with a wink.

"Hahaha! You’re too funny, Riles," Sadie replies rolling her eyes at me.

"Well, I can’t help it if it just comes naturally for you, Sadie girl." I knew I had limited time to run before she gets her hands on me. Just as I predicted, I ran as she chased me, jumping on my bed to get away.

Unfortunately, that did not stop her from coming after me. We are having so much fun running around and laughing that we miss mom trying to get our attention. "Ladies, I just want to let you know that Alexander just called. He has business that is going to take him out of town for possibly the entire weekend, so how about tomorrow, we go out and celebrate your new job and internship? Let’s do shopping and lunch. How does that sound to you girls?”

"Mom, that sounds wonderful. It has been such a long time since we have spent a day together, just the three of us. It’ll be so much fun!" Sadie and I squeal. I also can’t help this nagging feeling that is haunting me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, something feels off and I can’t figure out what. Looking at mom’s face she looks drained, almost like she hasn’t seen sleep in days. She’s started acting stranger than normal here lately too. As soon as we’re looking like supermodels, we go downstairs to tell mom good night. There is a knock on the door. Sadie goes to answer it, and I hear, “Kid, what are you doing here? Skylar was supposed to pick us up. It’s girls’ night out.” I walk over to the door to see what is going on.

"Hey, Riley. I was fixin’ to tell Sadie that Skylar and Ryder were in the middle of a ‘discussion’ so she asked me to come and pick you ladies up and escort you to the clubhouse. Some of our brothers were hoping we can tag along with you girls tonight, but it sounds like Sadie has a problem with it." Kid was joking, of course. Sadie looks at Kid, and if steam could come from someone’s ears, it would be coming from hers. She doesn’t take someone taking what she says and twisting it into jokes well.

“I did not mean it like that Kid! Jeez." Sadie dramatically rolled her eyes at him. "Don’t be so damn sensitive! You’re a badass biker, for fuck’s sake. Don’t take things so personal. I just wanted to spend some time with the girls, but you guys always make things kinda fun too," Sadie says to Kid, trying to make up for offending him. It looks like it’s working.

"Sadie darlin’, shut up. Tumbler has been asking when he is gonna to get to see you again, I think the big guy misses you when you’re not around,” Kid informs her.

“I wouldn’t mind taking a ride on that biker. I could spend hours with that hottie," Sadie says, winking at me.

"Well then, Sadie girl, I think we can make that happen," Kid says with a straight face.

"Oh no, the hell you are. Not tonight! I’m not going to be stuck out at a club by myself while both you and Skylar are getting felt up by hot ass men. I’m not sitting and drinking shots as I watch the world pass me by, alone!" I scream.

"My dear, sexy Riley. I promise that I will personally look after your welfare and make sure you’re most definitely not left drinking shots watching anything pass you by," Kid says to me.

"Well, that would be very much appreciated, Kid. Thank you for taking such an interest in my well-being. I don't want to be stepping on your toes where you can't pick anyone up, though." I can’t let Kid know what he’s made me feel for him over the last year.

"Don't worry about me. I have no interest in picking up another woman tonight. I’m not leaving your side because I’m kind of hoping for the opportunity to get to know you a little better.” Am I hearing this correctly? Is he saying he wants to spend time with me…alone?

"I’m sure I misunderstood you, Kid. Are you saying that you really want to spend time with me, or am I a charity case because I’m being ditched?” I whisper to him.

"What in the hell did you just say to me? Did you seriously just call yourself a charity case? Do I look like the kind of man that needs to find a charity fuck to you? I can get all the damn pussy I want at the clubhouse. If you haven’t noticed, the whores there would love me to fuck them until they couldn’t stand. Don’t ever insult you or me like that again because I will personally bend you over my knee and wear your ass out. That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard in my entire fucking life, Riley," Kid says as he turns around to me so fast that I almost lose my balance. His face is bright red and I think I pissed him off. I just do not understand why. No one has ever wanted me before, not like this anyways. Just then, Sadie clears her throat. Damn, I forgot she was there.

“Okay then. I think it’s time to go before mom decides to call the cops and have you arrested. She looks like she is about to clobber you upside the head and tie you up. Either that, or she is going to tie us up and never let us leave the house again,” Sadie says, attempting to lighten the mood. She’s looking at mom, trying to get her to laugh but it isn’t working. “All right biker, time to go!”




We arrived at the clubhouse twenty-five minutes later. Skylar and Ryder seem to have gotten over their “discussion,” and were currently trying to see whose tongue can reach whose tonsils first. "Do you two ever give it a rest?" Kid looks disgusted as he asks them. "You do realize she’s my sister, Brother? I mean, really! I should be taking you out back and making you prove that you’re good enough for her. You know I love you, but no one will ever be good enough for that girl, and you know it, not even you," Kid says, looking at Ryder like he is sick to his stomach.

"Yeah, don’t I know it, Brother. Best day of my life when your sister finally figured out that we were worth taking a chance on," Ryder responds.

"All right, can we get this night started? I’m starving. Between my internship and working out with Hitler over there,” Sadie points at me, “I feel like I’m about to fly away. Starvation does nothing good for my mood. So, where’s my hot stud-muffin for the night? You promised, Kid. Please don’t say you played me?” Sadie says with a raised eyebrow.

“No, of course not. Let me go and tell him you agreed to let him take you," Kid says, taking off up the stairs. After a few moments, Tumbler comes down the stairs with the biggest smile on his face. He's one of the twins in the MC They look like they were made in a test tube, they’re so perfect.

"So, is it just the six of us, or are there more coming along?" I ask.

"Nope, just us. Let's hit the road ‘cause I’m starving. Riley, we are going on my bike. I’m glad you wore jeans, but I must say I’m going to be beating some ass tonight if anyone looks at your ass. I intend to be the only one admiring how gorgeous your body is," Kid says with his eyes glued to my ass, not even trying to hide it. I can’t help but roll my eyes at his childish ways.




The guys took us to the Texas Roadhouse, my favorite place to order a steak. I have to say, I loved every second on the back of Kid’s bike. I never knew the freedom you feel from the openness and speed. It’s an adrenaline rush unlike any I have ever experienced before. It also helps that I had a tiny orgasm thanks to the vibrations from the Harley. It has been such a long time since I had an orgasm of any kind that my body apparently is looking for a release. For a bunch of tough and rowdy bikers, they sure take care of us. They are smooth and respectful, not only during our ride to the restaurant, but also assisting us getting on and off the bikes.

For the first time, I have someone paying attention to me for a change. I’m attracted to Kid; I always have been and always will be. I’m kinda hoping that he is feeling just a little of what I feel for him. Each of them have their hands on our lower backs as they escort us into the restaurant. I feel beautiful and wanted for the very first time in my life. Please don’t let anything ruin this night, I beg silently. Kid is a dream I would love to have for just one night. One night, and I will be happy.





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