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Caught On Tape: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (22)

Chapter 22


My reflection is smiling back at me. Doris from makeup is fussing over something amiss in her makeup kit.

“I had it yesterday, I swear I did,” she mutters to herself as her fingers swiftly move through the contents of a Mary Poppins type bag.

“Don’t stress, D,” I say and wink at her. “I’m sure you’ll be able to work your magic with me with whatever you’ve got in that magic bag of yours.”

She stops fussing and smiles at me over the tin square spectacles perched on the edge of her nose.

“Mr. Alexander,” she starts, and I interrupt her.

“How many times have I told you to call me Todd?”

“I can’t recall,” says Doris with her eastern European accent and goes back to what she was doing. She’s mumbling something in her own language.

“Lloyd, my man, what’s happenin’?” I hold my hand up for my hairstylist to give me a high five whilst Doris has finally found what she’s been looking for and is now busy applying something to my neck and face.

“T.” Lloyd slaps my hand. “Usual?”

I nod.

Briefly I recall our first attempt at working together and cringe inside. Was that really only a few weeks ago? Was I really an asshole, or was it just a bad hair day for me?

I shake my head. Move on, Todd.

“So, my friend, looking good,” says Lloyd and starts wetting my hair. “Doris,” he turns to my makeup artist. “Have you seen how our superstar here is looking fantastic today?”

Doris, like she does every day, ignores him, muttering in her mother tongue.

“Doris doesn’t share your opinion, my friend,” I needle Lloyd, who laughs.

“I mean, look at ya, man.” He takes a step backward. “There’s something different about you today. What is it? You using a different aftershave? Or a different soap?” He pauses and puts his index finger on his chin in pretend thought. “I know what it is. A woman. You’ve got the definite glow of having been with a woman.”

Instead of a reply, I just continue to smile. If I start denying the allegation, it will only fuel the fire. Best to stay silent.

“I’m right, huh?’ continues Lloyd, still working away on my hair.

“You are in my way,” Doris tells Lloyd when they both want to work on the same side of my head.

“I was here first,” Lloyd points out, and Doris snorts.

“Doris,” I say. I know just how to placate the woman. “I think it’s time for an espresso and one of your biscuits.”

Grumbling, Doris heads to the kitchenette.

I grin. I know Doris only makes those biscuits because I like them. First time she offered me one, I raved about how delicious they were, and ever since then, she brings an entire tin full of them. And they are divine.

“Here you go, Mr. Alexander.” Doris gives me my espresso and leaves the open tin of biscuits on my dresser.

“You can have some too,” she tells Lloyd, who’s smiling. “I take break so you can keep working.”

I laugh. Doris has a really good heart, and I’ve come to realize her gruff manner is just a way to hide her big soft heart.

I reckon the woman would walk through fire for people she cares about, and I know she cares about all of us. I heard she was the first one to comfort Lloyd after my explosive outburst and told him if he was to go she would go to.

A knock on the trailer door has all of us turn.

“Come in,” I call, wondering who it could be. Is Sophie going to pay me a visit?


Emma walks in.

The atmosphere changes as if someone turned on the freeze button. Doris quickly puts the biscuit tin away, and Lloyd swallows.

“I need to speak to Todd,” Emma explains. Doris ignores her. Lloyd nods.

“Alone,” adds Emma. Her tone is about as icy as the temperature in the room since she walked in.

“We’ll just be five minutes,” replies Doris, and Emma just stares at them.

“What part of no is difficult for you to understand? Is it the n or the o?”

If it was up to me, Lloyd and Doris could stay. What could this woman have to say that my crew can’t hear?

I’m about to say so when Lloyd and Doris hurry outside.

“I won’t be long.” Emma shuts the door behind them. She comes toward me. I wish I had a weapon—well, not really, but I do feel a little vulnerable by myself in my makeup chair.

“So, Todd, darling,” she says, drawing a little circle on the back of my shoulder.

I’m about to say I’m not your darling when she continues.

“I’ve been speaking to Eric about my problem, and I think we’ve come to an arrangement. We struck a deal.”

Alarm bells start to ring faintly. Would Eric really speak to Emma about anything, let alone arrangements?

“And Eric has agreed that I stay on and Sophie stays in her current roles.”

I frown. Something doesn’t add up here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

“Really? And what exactly is in it for you?”

As far as I can tell, there’s nothing different being proposed to what’s currently happening.

“I’m glad you asked…” Emma purrs, and her face is very near mine now, too close. I can’t stand her perfume. It’s sickly sweet and overpowering. “All you have to do is agree to have dinner with me.”

The faint alarm bells seem to ring louder. This sounds dodgy. Why would Eric agree to do a deal with Emma involving me?

“Afraid, Todd Alexander? Afraid of me? We’re only talking dinner, not a life commitment.”

What harm is there in a dinner? And maybe if I agree to this dinner, she’ll get off Sophie’s back.

Sophie. What would Sophie say about this? She doesn’t have to know, I guess.

Right. She’ll never know. And I’ll do it for Sophie.

My mind is made up.

“Okay.” I nod.