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Caught On Tape: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (33)

Chapter 33


Cameras are going off like machine guns, flashlights assault my eyes, and I try hard not to blink. I can’t begin to describe how I feel.

I stand next to the life-size statue of Oscar and hold up my own. Best film. I did it.

Did I step outside the Palmer shadow, or did I live up to it? I’m not sure, and right now, I don’t care. I am holding an Oscar, my very own.

Reporters are scrambling to get me to give them an interview. I’m in demand, and I’m enjoying it. Part of me wants to dwell on Todd’s speech and work out what he meant, but the other part, my ego, wants to revel in the glory of winning an Oscar.

As I walk back to the red carpet, people I’ve never met before are congratulating me. It feels amazing; I love it, I love it, I love it.

Alice hugs me again, her arms wrapped tight around me, and there’s a giant smile on her lips.

Dizzy with excitement and pleasure, I see my parents come toward me. Mum looks like a goddess. Dad is in a black designer suit, as usual, and doesn’t look his age at all.

He’s the first to wrap his arms around me and give me a huge bear hug.

“I’m so proud of you,” he whispers in my ear, and now I feel tears run down my cheeks.

“Mr. Palmer, Mr. Palmer,” shouts a reporter, and Dad releases me.

“How do you feel about your daughter winning an Oscar?”

Dad puts his left arm around my shoulder and smiles.

“I’m the proudest father in the world.” He gives me a kiss on my temple and pulls me close toward to him. “With this film, Sophie has proved she’s not just a Palmer, she’s bigger than that. She has proven to everyone she is a huge talent. Sophie brings her own talent and enthusiasm to movies, and tonight the entertainment world has confirmed Sophie has her own name and style—a name and style we will hear and see a lot more of in the future.”

If I was ready to burst with pleasure and excitement before my Dad’s little speech, I think now I’m going to explode with happiness for sure.

For years I’ve longed to hear Dad tell me he’s proud, and right here, right now, in front of a huge television audience, he has said so much more than I expected. It’s my turn to hug him.

As I put my arms around him, I see Todd. He’s on his own. My heart starts to beat a little faster as I realize he’s walking toward me.

I kiss Dad.

“There’s something I’ve got to do,” I whisper, and I walk toward Todd. Questions are swirling around my mind like bees around a beehive.

At the very least, I deserve some answers.

“Come to the car,” he tells me right away and takes my arm.

His fingers on my naked flesh send little electric shock waves through my body. Oh, how I have missed his touch. I ignore shouts from people I don’t know.

My parents will understand why I have left. Alice is too busy celebrating with Eric.

Briefly Mason’s face pushes its way into my mind. Poor Mason. I hesitate, but Todd keeps walking.

“Mason,” I start, not quite sure what to say.

“He’s a grown-up boy. I’m sure he can look after himself,” growls Todd.

At the car he opens the door, and once I’m in he slams it shut.

I have no idea where he’s driving to, but I say nothing. When he finally speaks to me, I just want to look into those gorgeous eyes of his.

He stops the car.

I look up and see a park. We’ve come here before, on one of our days off. A romantic at heart, Todd.

“Sophie,” he says as he takes my hands and looks me in the eyes. “I don’t know how to start or what to say.”

My heart is racing, and I’m glad I’m sitting down. My knees are jellylike.

“Start at the beginning and tell me the truth,” I reply and try and keep my voice steady. Part of me wants to throw myself into his arms, and the other can’t get the image of him and Emma out of my mind.

He lets go of my hands and he strokes my face instead.

“The beginning,” he mumbles and seems lost in thought. “Emma…she came on to me. I wanted nothing to do with her, Sophie, but when I pushed her away, she threatened me. She said if I didn’t go out with her, she’d kill the whole movie.” He stops and takes a deep breath. “She secured some of the rights, and she was ready to pull the cord on the whole thing. She’d do it, I know.”

A glimmer of hope flickers deep within me.

“I didn’t know what to do. I thought I had no choice but to go along with her demands. I thought I’d just go to the party with her and find you to explain what had happened. But, of course, she wouldn’t let me leave her side. She constantly threatened to destroy the movie.”

Todd pauses again. His eyes are still on mine. I feel tears well up in me.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know it sounds stupid, but I really felt I had no choice but to go along with that stupid bitch’s demands.”

I laugh.

“It’s not funny.” Todd pulls a face. “Of course, eventually I realized the whole thing was stupid. All I needed to do was to go and speak to you, and as long as you knew what had happened…everything would work out. I don’t know. I was just stupid.”

“Did you and Emma…you know?” I don’t want to say it, but I do need to know.

“Fuck no, no way.” Todd lifts both his hands in a claim of innocence. “Nothing ever happened between the two of us, and once I was sure she could do nothing to harm the movie, I kicked her ass to the curb.”

Happiness rips through me.

“I guess I shouldn’t have blocked you from my phone straight away,” I reply and take his hands.

Todd leans toward me, and his lips come down on mine. At first they are gentle and probing, and then they become more forceful.

When he draws back, I’m breathing hard, and I know exactly what I want…and what I need.

“Why don’t you take me somewhere more comfortable where we can really celebrate?” I mutter into his ear.