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Caught On Tape: A Billionaire Bad Boy Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (8)

Chapter 8


“Cut,” yells Mason my assistant director and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I hear clapping from the rest of the crew, and Mason is giving me the thumbs up. With a slight bow of my head I walk off set.

Todd has been hovering at the far end of the studio. The second my eyes spot him, a few unwanted butterflies take up residence in the pit of my stomach. I’m not sure why, but the fact that he’s watching puts me on edge.

Then, to my horror, he seems to be making his way toward Alice and me slowly, and deliberately. I don’t know what to make of it. I can’t judge his facial expression, but he’s not smiling.

“Great stuff, Sophie,” Alice pats me on the back. “I love the way you shine on camera. You literally light up the screen.”

I shake my head and laugh.

“Mason’s been in your ear, has he?”

My best friend puts her hands on her hips and stares at me, mouth agape.

“How could you say such an awful thing?”

We both giggle.

“Here comes Mr. Broody,” whispers Alice and I have to agree. Todd looks anything but happy.

“Now,” Alice holds her clipboard in front of my nose. “This is your next scene. It’s a bit longer than the previous one, and you have a few more lines. It’s also the first time we’ll introduce your new companion.”

Alice flicks over the page.

“Where is he?” I look around.

“Out the back. His owner said he wanted Goliath to rest as much as possible before the scene.”

I chuckle. Goliath sounded about as temperamental as the best of the main stars.

“Are all standard poodles so delicate, or does it go with the name Goliath?”

Alice shrugs.

“You’ll be alright then, with the lines?”

“I’ll give it my best.”

It’s my turn to give her the thumbs up.

“Do you know what his problem is?” I thrust my chin in the direction of the sourpuss Todd.

“Bad hair day, I think,” whispers Alice. “I hear he fired the hair stylist this morning.”

He what? I stop myself from making an outburst, as Todd is now standing in front of me.

His hands applaud softly, and he smiles. He even bows his head a little.

“Well done Ms. Palmer,” he says.

Suddenly my mouth is dry, and those pesky butterflies have multiplied to about a hundred.

“Thank you.”

I don’t know what else to say.

“Is there anything I can get you?”

Is this Todd Alexander being nice? I furrow my brow. A nice, steaming cup of strong, black coffee would be awesome, with something sweet and fatty, but my senses are on high alert.

Why would superstar Todd, offer to get me something? I’m sure there’s some underling in the production team—our general dogsbody—who will get me a cup of coffee when I have my first break.

I decide to play it safe.

“No, thank you.” I try and sound cool, calm and collected.

I still can’t believe he fired the hair stylist without talking to anyone about it first.

“I’ll be at the back of the set,” Alice interrupts us. “I think Mason’s ready for you.”

I nod.

There’s something I need to do before I go back to filming.

Before I follow Alice, I pull Todd to the side. I don’t want others to listen in.

“I hear you fired our hair stylist?”

Todd shrugs.

“He was no good.”

Anger wells up in me. This man really is impossible.

“It’s your first day here and you fire the stylist. It doesn’t work that way.”

I know I’m yelling but I cannot control my temper any longer.

“News flash, Todd Alexander. You can’t just fire someone on your first day. No, let me rephrase that. You do not have the authority to fire anyone on any given day. Basta.”

Both hands are on my hips. I’m breathing hard, as if I’ve just sprinted an eight hundred meter race.

Todd’s expression is difficult to read. Is he looking at me bemused or is he getting angry?

“The man hasn’t got a clue,” Todd explains.

I hadn’t thought him to be stupid. Surely there’s a brain somewhere in that pretty head of his?

“I don’t care,” I start again. “We are not firing and hiring people simply because we feel like it. This is not a big budget production. We’re all doing our best here, including that hair stylist.”

Todd points to his hair.

“But he got my hair wrong. He’s useless.”

I roll my eyes skyward. It’ll be a miracle if I survive this film with Todd Alexander in it.

Suddenly, I have a whole new level of respect for my father who has been a director for a lot longer than me. I’m sure he must have worked with some difficult actors in his time. Dad must be a saint, I decide, before I turn my attention back to Todd.

“Look. Tell the man how you want your hair done, and I’m sure he’ll be able do it. It’s called communication. You should try it sometime.”

Todd shakes his head.

“Why should I have to tell someone how to do their job? That’s pointless. If the man doesn’t know how to do my hair, he’s got to go.”

I stomp my foot. A rather childish act, I know, but I need some way to vent out my frustration other than by punching Todd right between the eyes.

“Listen to me, you stubborn, insolent, arrogant excuse for a man. You’re not firing the hair stylist or anyone else for that matter. Just because you don’t get your own way, doesn’t mean other people have to suffer.”

Todd’s stare takes my breath away. I cringe inwardly, and am reminded of the restaurant scandal. Is he going to hit me after showering me with a barrage of abuse?

Relief washes over me when Todd turns and walks out, without so much as uttering another word.

When he’s gone, I breathe again.

Only now do I realize my whole body is shaking.