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Climax by Holly Hart (48)


I reach down and run my fingers through Penny’s flowing red hair. I don’t remember feeling this content, not for a long time.

We’re lying on top of the bed, still slightly sweaty from sex, and I can’t tell if she’s awake or asleep. Her chest rises and falls gently, and my eyes are drawn to her nipples. One of her breasts is half-covered by long strands of hair, but the other stands proud and free.

I feel my cock responding to the sight.

Penny moans, rolls her neck and looks up at me. She winks at me when she notices my growing cock. “Like what you see?”

I glance down. “I could say the same to you…”

The thing is Penny is right. I’m just shy of thirty years old – hardly an old man – but I can’t remember the last time a girl had this kind of effect on me. I’m not saying I’m a two pump chump – I can outlast the best of them – but it’s hard to remember a time when I was ready to go for round two so quickly.

Penny rolls over, and combat crawls her way up my body. She rests her head on my chest, and now her hair falls down and covers my eyes. I scrunch my face up and blow it away. Penny giggles. It’s a delightful, innocent sound.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

I’m not an idiot. I know that Penny will remember what we just did for the rest of her life. Not because I’m a demon in the sack, but because no girl ever forgets losing her virginity. I saw the way Penny hid a grimace as I entered her, the way she bit her lip and hissed to mask the pain.

Penny cranes her neck until she meets my gaze. “What, you mean down there?”

I nod. “Did it hurt?”

Penny laughs out loud. “Are you kidding? With that thing between your legs? What do you think…”

It’s hard to hide the smug smirk that creeps onto my face. I don’t know what it is – maybe it’s just a guy thing – but any time a girl complements the size of your cock, it makes your day.

“I take it that’s a yes?”

Penny’s eyes widen. “I won’t walk straight for a week.”

I laugh. “I’m not sure I will either. You’re… You’re something else, Penny Thorne.”

Penny arches eyebrow. “I know,” she says. “But trust me, Charlie. However blue your balls are getting right now, it’s not even a percent as painful as –.”

She blushes.

“– Ah, hell: I guess there’s no need to be shy anymore, is there; as my vagina right now.”

I hold my hands, and pull my head slightly off the pillow. “Hey, you asked for it…”

Penny pouts. “I guess. But you didn’t have to be so –”

Enthusiastic?” I ask.

I trail a finger down Penny’s perfect, almost virginal pale skin.

I do it with a sense of pride, of ownership. I’ve done something of incomprehensible importance – something I’ve never done before. I took Penny’s virginity. She gave me the greatest gift that any woman can give. She trusted herself to me: so completely, so utterly, that she gave me her most vulnerable moment.

I don’t know what I can do to repay her, but whatever it is, I’ll give it.

“That’s one word,” Penny grunts. I blink, and shake myself out of this train of thought.

“I think it fits,” I interrupt. “Besides, how could I not be enthusiastic?

“What do you mean?” Penny says. She looks a little uncertain, now, as if she has no idea where I’m going.

I straighten my finger, and drag my fingernail down Penny’s breast. I stop an inch above her left nipple, knocking the fiery strands of red hair away, and start to circle the dime-sized patch of darker pink skin.

Penny hides a little gasp. Goosebumps breakout on her skin, and her arm hairs stand on end.

“You know what I mean,” I whisper.

I do it so that Penny has to strain to hear the words coming out of my mouth. So that she’s forced to move her head closer to mine. “Do I have to spell it out for you?”

Penny nods, and her soft, conditioned hair strokes my skin. I resist the urge to shiver with pleasure.

“Okay. You’re irresistible, Penny. Even if you hadn’t interrupted that meeting, I don’t think that I would have been able to stop myself. I’d have locked the doors to my office and seduced you.”

“What makes you think –” Penny whispers.

“– That I could?” I chuckle. I lean forward and nibble on Penny’s right earlobe. She closes her eyes and opens her neck up to me.

“Don’t deny it, Penny. I saw the way you looked at me the second you walked into my office. You couldn’t keep your eyes off me.”

Penny drags an uncooperative tongue across painfully dry lips. She seems to shiver as I speak. “That’s not how I remember it…”

“Oh, sure,” I say. I pinch her nipple between my fingers, and her eyelids flicker shut.

“I was looking at you as well: from top to bottom, Penny. Wondering what was underneath that sexy little skirt, wondering what the slit between your legs would taste like. Wondering how you’d moan when I lay you down on your back and fucked you on my desk.”

Penny pants. Her cheeks redden slightly, and I see her hand drift downward from where it’s resting on her belly. It’s an automatic, instinctive reaction. It crests the mound of her pussy before she realizes what she’s doing and drags it away.

I laugh. “Touch yourself, if you want,” I say. “I won’t judge you.”

Believe me, I won’t judge you.

In fact, suddenly it’s all I want to see: Penny on her back, probing her wet folds while I play with her breasts. I want to order her to touch herself. I want to see the look on her face when she agrees, when she fulfills her filthiest fantasies with me urging her on.

But Penny shakes her head. “No,” she pants. “I can’t. It still hurts.”

I lean forward again, and graze the topmost section of Penny’s ear with my teeth. “Still think you could have resisted me, Penny?” I whisper: “because I wouldn’t have stopped. You know I wouldn’t. I would have kept going until you stripped for me: until I got to cradle your perfect tits in my hands; until –.”

Penny sits up, startling me out of my train of thought. She has a wicked look on her face: the expression of a woman with a plan. I don’t know whether to be excited, or afraid …

…Very afraid.

“Can I touch it?” She asks, looking at my cock. It’s lying on my stomach, half-erect.

I’ve seen that thing every day of my life. It just hangs there, in between my legs. Sometimes it gets hard, and sometimes not.

Hell, I think it’s got a mind of its own. My cock long ago stopped being interesting to me. That’s not to say I don’t remember it from time to time – especially when I’ve got a Grade A girl like Penny riding it.

What I mean to say is, most of the time, I just ignore it.

But Penny doesn’t.

She’s got a look of wonder in her eyes. It surprises me, for a second, until I realize why. She’s a virgin – or at least, she was until recently – about as recent as it’s possible to be without it being now.

“Go to town,” I say. My cock is your oyster.”

That sounded better in my head.

Penny fixes me with an unimpressed stare. “Well, Mr. Big Shot, you better not expect me to swallow it…”

I tip my head back, and a frustrated sigh escapes through my teeth. I didn’t expect Penny to swallow anything. But now she’s suggested it, all I can think of is my cock disappearing past those perfect lips: the touch of her tongue on my shaft; the feel of her hands cupping my balls.

I know I can’t expect it to happen. Penny’s new to all this, she’s innocent – that’s what I like about her. I like that I get to show her the ropes, teach her how to love a man. Teach her how to pleasure a man.

I know all that.

But my body thinks differently. All it knows is pure pleasure. My whole life, it has had what it wants. My cock stiffens – just a fraction.

“Don’t do anything you don’t want to,” I say.

My voice cracks. I sound like I’m going through puberty in reverse.

Penny’s eyebrow arches. “Trust me,” she says. Her tone leaves me under no illusions. “I won’t.”

Still, Penny’s hands creep forward. She’s sitting on her knees now, leaning forward, shoulders hunched as she stares at my thickening cock with delight. As she folds over, her tiny, pert breasts scrunch together. The cleavage carves a delectable furrowed down her chest.

Penny bites her lip. “Maybe I should start charging,” she says; “a buck a look.”

I rake her body shamelessly from the bottom to the top. My eyes linger once again on her perfect chest. It draws me in, draws me back, every time.

“Don’t you dare undersell yourself,” I groan breathlessly. “You’re worth a hell of a lot more than that.”

Penny’s forehead furrows. “You’re the one paying…”

“Don’t forget,” I smile. “I can afford it.”

Penny does something I don’t expect. She punctures my bubble as effectively as if she’d drawn out a needle. She scrapes her fingernails on my balls. The sensation is so unexpected I jump, and my mouth drops open.

Penny giggles.

“I wondered what would happen if I tried that,” she says.

“I guess you got your answer,” I reply.

I swallow hard. My mouth is suddenly dry, and I’m looking at Penny in a different light. She doesn’t seem nearly so innocent anymore. She’s a minx, and a troublemaker, and all of that’s hidden in a perfect, angelic, virginal body.

“How does it grow like that?” Penny asks. She stares fascinated at my cock, which is quickly becoming fully erect. “Are you doing that?”

I shake my head. I’m tingling. I wonder what would happen if I told Penny to taste it. Would she? Or would she run a mile instead?

“No,” I growl. “You are.”

Penny looks up. A slow, delighted smile creeps across her face. “I hope so.” She says.

She leans forward, never breaking eye contact with me. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like Penny’s a seasoned pro, not a girl who lost her virginity just minutes ago.

She’s playing me like an expert. If she asked me to jump right now, I would ask how high. If she asked me to hand over my bank cards, I’d do it without another thought. She’s got me under her spell.

“What are you doing?” I whisper.

I need to know. Desire is surging through me like burning lava. My skin is on fire; my breath is ragged in my chest. I’ve never felt like this around a woman before. But Penny’s different. She’s not just a woman – she’s so, so much more.

She places one finger on her lips to silence me, and I do, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the scene that’s unfolding in front of me – on top of me.

Penny plants a kiss on me: on my cock; right on the tip.

I let out an involuntary moan. I can’t help myself. Everything she’s done, it’s been building up to this. All the tension, the erotic excitement, it’s beginning to overflow.

“Please…” I whisper, unbidden.

Penny stops. Her voice is hard. “Please what?” She asks.

How the hell am I supposed to answer that? What does Penny want from me? It’s obvious what I want: what I need. Pleasure: release; to lose myself entirely in the blackness of orgasm.

“Please,” I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut. “Please taste it.”

“Better,” Penny says.

She takes my cock in her hands. I don’t know how, but it’s like Penny knows exactly what she’s doing. She manipulates it with soft, careful strokes. Some women treat a penis like it’s the handle of a hammer, but not Penny.

She caresses it, spoils it.

“It’s so thick,” Penny gasps.

The crack in her breath breaks the façade she’s putting on – the display of arrogant competence, but I don’t care. Like I said, compliment a man’s cock and he’ll be like putty in your palm.

I nod. The noise my hair makes scratching against the pillow sound as loud as a jet engine in the quiet of my bedroom.

Then she does it.

Penny takes me in her mouth. She caresses my cock with her tongue, spins it around the tip until the first shoots of fire speed through the nerve endings on my skin.

Penny’s inexperienced, but it doesn’t matter. There’s something about her that turns me on like no woman ever has. It’s the naivety, and the innocence – but it’s not just that. It can’t be. It’s that around her, my drive quiets down. My endless restlessness seems to fade away.

I can be me.

I thread my fingers through Penny’s hair, and scrape the soft skin at the back of her neck. She feeds my cock deeper into her mouth, and moans around it. It’s the most erotic; the most exciting; the most achingly perfect sound I’ve ever heard.

I feel the telltale signs of orgasm beginning to grow: a tightness in my balls; a longing ache in my stomach. The details don’t sound that sexy, but right here – in the moment – I promise you that I’ve never felt anything like this.

“Jesus, Penny,” I groan. I’m going to –”


Penny nods her head as though she knows exactly what I’m about to say. There’s nothing like coming in a woman’s mouth – especially one like Penny. One you’re beginning to feel things for; things that go beyond just pure lust.

The fact that this girl, this perfect, angelic girl would do this for me blows me away. I close my eyes; my chest falls up and down with heavy strokes. My hand scrunches tight into Penny’s hair, the other one more firmly into the sheets.

I feel it surge. I feel the explosion deep down low. It’s like nothing I’ve felt before. Stars explode behind my eyelids, my buttocks tense, and an unbearable tightness releases inside me.

I lose time. I lose conscious thought. I lose any sense of where I am or what’s going on.

And I don’t care.

Penny doesn’t stop, even when my seed fills her mouth. She keeps going, milking me dry.

But enough remains of me to consciously promise one thing: when I recover from this, I’m going to give Penny an orgasm like she’s never experienced before. I’m not going to stop until her legs clench around my head, until her back’s arched against the bed sheets, and until she’s screaming my name.

* * *

While Penny’s brushing her teeth before bed, I grab my phone. I navigate to an entry in my contacts.

Harper Cole.

I compose a message. “Harper, call off the dogs. Penny’s clean.”

I don’t feel good having my lawyer continuing to dig into Penny’s background. Not after what just happened. If this girl’s conning me, then I deserve everything I get.

I hear the sink drain away in the bathroom, and Penny appears, a bathrobe wrapped around her body.

“Are you ready for bed?” I ask with an eyebrow raised.

Penny rolls her eyes. “For sleep, this time.”




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