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Climax by Holly Hart (99)


I see Kieran walking towards me. He’s coming from the other end of the long, carpeted hallway that leads to number thirty-seven – the room we’ve shared so many times. He looks good. Well cut dark denim jeans hug his thick, powerful legs. A light brown, aged leather jacket is unzipped to his breastbone, revealing a trademark white tee caressing his chest. On any other day, I wouldn’t be able to resist throwing myself at him …

… but not today.

As we close outside the door, Kieran opens his mouth to speak. I don’t know why, but it irritates me. Ever since Mickey told me that he’s signing away my future – the fool – I’ve been simmering with rage. Kieran’s not the reason I’m angry – but that doesn’t mean I’m going to spare him the brunt of my rage.

Some of the anger bubbling inside me must show on my face. Kieran’s forehead wrinkles.

“Quiet,” I growl, making a zipping motion across my lips, “Until we’re inside.”

Kieran shrugs. He’s one of those guys who seems too chilled out to get angry. Inexplicably his relaxed calm ratchets my own irritation up another notch. I wave the key card next to the door. The mechanism inside clicks and a green light flashes. I kick it open.

“Leather suits ye,” Kieran grins the second the door hisses shut behind us. “It’ll look better on the floor…”

My eyes flicker down. I threw on the outfit before I left home without paying attention to it. On second glance, I look like an assassin – knee length black suede boots over close-fitting leather trousers. Black, naturally. All topped with a – black – canvas jacket.

I stride up to Kieran. My boots leave white dents on the cream carpet floor, like footprints in freshly fallen snow. I prod him in the chest. “We’re not getting fucking married.”

Kieran frowns and chews his lower lip. He doesn’t say anything, which pisses me off. I want him to do something – anything. I wouldn’t even care if he picks me up and throws me onto the bed to knock the wind out of me.

But this silence is frustrating on so many levels.

“I couldn’t agree more…” Kieran finally growls, his eyes glittering dangerously. A different Sofia Morello, on any other day – a day when she hadn’t been betrayed by her brother – might have taken Kieran’s calm as a warning.

A different Sofia Morello might have realized that just because Kieran isn’t spitting with rage, that doesn’t mean there isn’t fury bubbling like lava just beneath the surface.

But there is not a different Sofia Morello today.

Kieran shrugs his leather jacket off his shoulders. The white cotton pools and wrinkles across his chest, and stretches around biceps that are almost too large to be believed. He tosses the jacket onto the bed, kicks off a pair of black Chelsea boots, and lies down. His eyes follow me as I pace back and forth.

“You heard, then?” I growl, striding towards the bathroom, and turning back towards Kieran the second I reach it. “You heard what that good for nothing, rat-faced, drunk, pathetic excuse for a human being, that I call my brother, did?”

Kieran nods.

Why isn’t he saying anything?

“You know he wants us to get married? Us! Married! My father was right; Mickey doesn’t have what it takes to lead this family. If he thinks he’s going to get away with this, I’ll –.”

I pause. The truth is I’ve got no freaking idea of what I’m going to do. Mickey holds all the cards. He’s the head of the family; that means the soldiers will follow him. Out of respect, not that he’s earned it. As much as it hurts me to admit it – even in the silence of my head – I’m a woman, and I was born second.

They won’t follow me. Not yet.

“I’ll kill him,” I yell. “I should have done it the second he proposed this mad plan.”

I stride back towards the bathroom, fists clenched. I see my hair streaming out behind me in the mirror, glowing russet brown in the lamp lights. It looks like a trail of sparks – almost as though my anger is coming out in the form of fire.

I turn back towards Kieran. He’s so relaxed it looks like he might fall asleep. I pick up the nearest object to hand – a spare pillow – and hurl it towards him.

“Wake the hell up!” I shout. The tiniest, most hidden part of me feels a twinge of regret at what I just did. Kieran isn’t responsible for this. But that part is buried underneath a mountain of anger, and it’s fighting a losing battle. I walk towards him. “Why aren’t you angry? Pissed? What kind of man are you?”

Kieran glances up at me. His glittering green and brown eyes steal the air from my lungs. Even as angry as I am, I can’t deny the effect this the Irishman has on me.

“Yer cute when yer angry,” is all Kieran says. A grin plays on his lips. He’s playing me – winding me up, and I hate it.

I stand in front of Kieran, legs spread. My fists are clenched into balls by my side. I might be imagining it, but I think steam is coming out of my ears. My voice acquires a horrible, keening, mocking tone. I don’t like this side of me, but somehow Kieran provokes it.

“Didn’t you hear me, Kieran?” I say, leaning forward. “I asked what kind of man you were. What are you planning to do about this?”

Kieran looks up at me like he’s having all the fun in the world. I can’t bear how calm he’s acting. Slowly, so slowly, he moves his legs to the side of the bed and lets his feet fall to the floor. He stands up, straightening his clothes – delaying the inevitable.

Delaying the second he has to talk to me.

All I can think is that Kieran is doing it out of cowardice. Never mind that that doesn’t make a damn lick of sense. After all, I heard the rumors of Kieran’s role in the mission to save Casey Byrne’s life. He’s no coward.

“I don’t get mad,” Kieran says with a light voice. “I get even.”

“Wha’s tha’ suppos’ta mean?” I ask, screwing up my face. I copy Kieran’s accent, mocking him even further. I barely notice as he takes a step towards me. “Read tha’ on t’ back o’ a box of Lucky charms, did ye?”

Kieran takes another step forward. He’s so close that I can feel the heat crackling from his skin.

“Say that again, will ye?” He asks. Kieran sounds reasonable, but his eyes give his true feelings away. They narrow, and burn into me. I should take the warning. Of course I don’t. I can’t control myself.

I lift my arm to flick my fingers at Kieran dismissively. “Oh, go on,” I hiss mockingly, “ what are ye goin’ ta –.”

My famous last words.

Kieran’s hand jumps out at what seems like the speed of light. He’s too quick – by the time I realize what he’s doing, his fingers are locked around my right wrist.

“I think,” Kieran smiles, looking satisfied, “that someone needs a lesson in manners.”

“Get off me,” I growl. But it’s not lost on either of us that I’m sounding a whole lot less self-confident. I bite my lip. Even pissed-off Sofia should have known not to tweak Kieran’s tail. He’s a beast of a man,with a foot and a hundred pounds on me. Just because he’s got the temperament of a saint – patient, calm and relaxed – doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his breaking point.

Kieran leans forward. His breath tickles my cheeks. “Or what?” He says – growls, really. “Big, brave girl like you must have a plan? No?”

“Get off!”

Kieran shakes his head. His fingers travel up my arm, abandoning my wrist, but never relinquishing his grip. I glance down, and notice that he’s left a white ring around my wrist, where the blood couldn’t get in.

“Hey!” I yelp. While I was distracted, Kieran played me like a Times Square hustler. His other hand leaps out like a king cobra and grabs my other arm. He’s got me locked in, and I don’t think he’s going to let go.

A satisfied, victorious smile dances across Kieran’s face. He looks goddamn handsome like this – not that I’d ever admit it to him. He’s smug enough as it is.

“Let go of me!” I say, meeting Kieran’s stare; his domineering stare. His eyes are burning a path down my face. I didn’t know he could act like this. It’s all kinds of scary – and kind of hot at the same time. Kieran’s revealing a side of him I never knew existed. I like it.

“I think, Miss Morello,” Kieran says, licking his lips, “it’s about time someone showed ye what happens when ye don’t behave…”

“What are you –?” I croak. My tongue is dry, my mouth drier. I don’t know if Kieran’s about to fight me or fuck me; and every nerve ending on my body is screaming at me to do different things: run; kiss him; struggle; apologize.

I’m tongue-tied and held tight. I can’t act on any of my instincts, even if I knew which to follow.

“I think yer anger is fake, Sofia,” Kieran growls. He pushes me towards the bed. “Not all of it – but some.”

I shake my head, and my hair flies from side to side. “And what are you going to do about it, Kieran?”

“Teach ye a lesson.” Kieran says. His eyes are full of desire, his voice breathy and tight. The way Kieran is looking at me, I know that what’s about to happen will be intense, and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

He pushes me backwards, and, before I know it, my back collides against the firm mattress. Kieran is on top of me before I steal a second to escape. He binds both of my hands with one wrist, and presses them against my stomach.

“What are you doing?” I ask again. This time my voice lacks conviction. I know exactly what Kieran has planned, and I’m excited, not scared. The desire in Kieran’s eyes provokes a response in mine. My pussy is hot. If it wasn’t for Kieran’s weight pressing me down, I would be bucking my hips against his body.

I don’t know where this new excitement, this tremendous heat – this overwhelming desire – has come from. It feels like it erupted out of nowhere, hitting me like a steam train.

Kieran leans down and presses his lips against mine. There’s nothing gentle about this kiss. Kieran is taking exactly what he wants, when he wants it. He bites my lip, hard enough that my eyes water. The second he releases my tender flesh, I shake my head to one side. It’s as though I’m telling him that I’m in control, when in reality that is so, so untrue.

“I wasn’t lying, ye know,” Kieran growls, his voice rumbling through my body, “when I said ye looked good in leather.”

“I’m glad,” I hiss back, “I get you so excited. Now. Get. Off. Me!

“No chance,” Kieran smiles, his eyes twinkling. The truth is, I wouldn’t want him to get up. I struggle underneath Kieran’s weight, but the more I do, the more I sense the desire growing inside me.

“I’ll make a deal with ye, doll,” he says, his face lighting up. I close my eyes. Whatever comes out of Kieran’s mouth, I know is going to benefit him more than it does me. “Ye do one thing for me, and I’ll get off ye…”

“What is it?” I pant. I’ve given up struggling. I’m dreaming of Kieran’s lips on my nipples, his tongue between my legs…

“Ye stop fecking moaning…” Kieran grins.

A surge of anger rips through me. It’s the kind of anger a person gets when they know they are in the wrong. I struggle underneath Kieran one last time, but it’s all a sham. I’m going to give in, we both know it.

I bite my lip, grimacing. “I wasn’t –.”

But Kieran doesn’t even give me a chance. The second he hears the complaint escaping my mouth he drags my bound wrists above my head. I look up at him with impotent fury. He’s in complete control, and he knows it. I shouldn’t have taunted him.


I think I’m going to enjoy what’s about to happen a whole lot.

“You like it rough, baby?”

“I’m not your baby,” I growl, but my eyes give Kieran the response he’s looking for: yes.

Kieran drags one boot, then the other from my legs without unzipping them at the sides. The pain makes me wince, but it’s soon forgotten. Kieran’s rough fingers unzip my trousers and drag them down. He doesn’t even take time to blink before pressing his fingers against my soaking pussy.

“Let me go,” I whisper, pushing my hips up to meet his touch. I’ve given up any pretense that I’m resisting him.

Kieran shakes his head.

“Let my hands go,” I growl, the fire relighting in my eyes, “and you’ll see me naked.”

Kieran’s head tacks to one side for a fraction of a second, and then he releases me. I drag my jacket and my top off, until I’m left in just a bra, with my panties and leather trousers tangled at my ankles. I kick them off, struggling underneath Kieran’s weight. I realize with a flash of guilt that I’ve given up struggling, but I’m too horny to care. I’m desperate for Kieran’s touch; for the things I know he can do to me.

“I meant it, ye know,” Kieran grunts, flipping me over. Before I know it, I’m looking face down, and Kieran’s fingers are grazing my bra strap. “Yer cute when yer angry.”

I can’t speak. I’ve got a face full of bed sheets. My bra comes loose, and falls off my shoulders. I feel the air caressing my burning hot nipples, and then Kieran’s fingers as well. I jerk with pleasured surprise, then back my hips up into him, pressing my ass against his stiffening cock.

I gasp as Kieran’s fingers leave my pussy; then I feel them against my ass. He fumbles to undo his belt, and my desire builds inside me as I hear his fly buttons popping. And then his cock is out, and it’s pressing against the lips of my pussy.

Kieran doesn’t wait a second before filling me with his entire length. My eyes water and my fingers clutch tightly within the sheets.

Kieran starts to fuck me because that’s what this is; it’s not making love. He powers into me with long, fast strokes, his hips barely coming flush with my ass before he’s pulling out again. His cock enters me like a jackhammer; and before long, sparks are exploding behind my eyelids. The room echoes with the sound of Kieran’s palm slapping against my ass. I groan with pleasure, imagining the reddish glow my ass must have right now.

“Do it again,” I groan, desperate to feel the stab of perfect, delicious pain ripping through my body.

Kieran obliges. The room echoes with a slap.

“I need –.” I moan, cut off by an explosion of fire between my legs. I try to make my mouth work again, but barely get any further. “I need to –.”

I need to see your face.

Kieran reads my mind. He flips me over mid-stroke, and dips his mouth to mine, but this time it’s me who is biting his lip. I scratch his back and dig my fingernails into his ass, pulling the Irishman ever deeper inside me. I can’t even see him. My head tips back as an explosion of pleasure crackles across my skin, and Kieran’s mouth falls to my breasts like a wild animal.

I feel a swell of power growing, surrounding me – like a kite carried along by a hurricane. This orgasm is going to hit, and there’s nothing I can do except dive out of its path; or into it…

My pussy clenches around Kieran’s cock. I’ve got seconds now, before I come. I scratch his back, and Kieran grunts and drives into me harder, faster, again and again.

Then it hits me. My pussy squeezes Kieran’s cock one last time, and he releases a jet of heat inside me. He collapses on top of me, breathing heavily. My skin is coated in sweat. Kieran’s exhausted, ragged breath tickles my chest.

Christ that was good.

I run my fingers through his hair. I can’t talk. Not after that.

I feel like I should apologize to Kieran. I never should have taunted him like that. I allowed my worst intentions to get the better of me.

“Kieran,” I whisper when I’m finally able, “I’m sorry.”

“For wha’?” He asks, looking up at me.

“For speaking to you the way I did.”

Kieran grins. I don’t expect that response. “Ye don’ need to apologize, gal. Because this thing between us – it’s nothing, isn’t it? Just a fling…”

Kieran stares at me when he says those words. They hit me like a punch in the stomach. My breathing quickens, though I try to hide it. Kieran’s right – even though I think he’s trying to make a point when he says it. After all, I was the one who set the ground rules. I was the one who said that Kieran wasn’t allowed to “catch feelings.”

Except – now I’m the one who’s infected.

I nod. My voice catches in my throat. “Yeah –,” I whisper. “That’s right.”

Kieran picks himself off me. My skin cries out for his touch. “So’s,” he says, picking his T-shirt up off the floor, “I guess we better figure out what to do.”

God, I hate how businesslike his tone is. I know I shouldn’t. I’m getting what I want – what I deserve. But I hate it nevertheless. I let Kieran speak, because I can’t.

“Fer now, gal, we put on a charade. Act like we’re gonna get happily married. Then we can figure how ta get out of this mess. Does tha’ work fer ye?”

I nod, dumbfounded. It’s a good plan. But just when I’ve realized I feel something for Kieran, I sense him pulling away.

It hurts.




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