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Rush by C.E. Vescio (14)



Chapter Fourteen


Just make the first move, she thought.

The eve of the gala arrived, and Scarlet found herself fidgeting on the sidewalk in front of the flat, with Nora at her side, waiting for their ride, courtesy of Andrej Brevic.

Scarlet still wasn’t ready for a reception in her honor. It wasn’t anything she was used to, and she certainly didn’t know how to prepare for it.

Scarlet felt uncomfortable in the gown Edward North had picked out himself. It was a lace and tulle evening dress that cascaded to her shins in soft layers of cream and gray. Her top was accented with a midnight blue ribbon that wrapped around her midsection and up to her shoulders, where it formed straps. It was much too fancy for her, and almost felt like one of the ballet costumes she had dreamed of dancing in—and those were reserved for the stage.

She didn’t feel fancy enough to wear it, and she wasn’t thrilled to be wearing high heels, since her big toe was acting up in revolt with her endless practicing. The nail had cracked down the middle, and would fall off completely in a matter of days.

To keep calm, she kept her thoughts on Alex, and how she was inexorably attracted to him.

“Stop fidgeting,” Nora whispered.

“I can’t help it,” Scarlet responded.

The temperature had warmed a little, so she didn’t bother grabbing anything to cover her shoulders. The night air felt good on her skin.

Behind them, one of Alex’s men sat perched on the front stairs, flipping the lid of a lighter up and down, looking up and down the street. He introduced himself as Jim Kaminski, but didn’t say much else.

“What’s with the stand-in?” Nora asked, shifting her costume bag.

Scarlet shrugged. “Alex said he would meet me at the venue. Why do you care?”

Nora smirked at her.

“What?” Scarlet asked.

“You know what.” Nora playfully pushed her.

Jim cleared his throat, getting to his feet. “Limo’s here.”

The car pulled up and Yuri jumped out. He walked toward the back of the limo, straightened his suit jacket, flashed a smile, and opened the door for the women.

“Evening, ladies,” he bowed, slightly.

“Thanks for the pickup, Yur,” Nora took a step, but turned away from Yuri and threw her costume bag into Jim’s arms. “Can you get that? Thanks.” She batted her eyes at him before climbing into the limo.

Jim turned to Scarlet. “Remind me again, which one of you is the diva?”

Scarlet suppressed a chuckle and shrugged at Jim before hurrying after her friend.

Jim let out a sigh as he sat down in the passenger seat with Nora’s belongings.

Nora kept the knowing smirk on her face for the duration of the car ride, but Scarlet remained silent.

Scarlet caught a glance of the Yuri looking at her through the rearview. He winked at her, making her blush. She lowered her gaze to her hands and began to mess with the fabric of her dress. She felt very out of sorts, being so dressed up.

The ride to the Palace Hotel wasn’t very long. The historic hotel off Market Street was lit up with the night’s festivities. Scarlet spied the long wall banners displaying her face. A shiver of excitement enveloped her body. She closed her eyes, remembering when she used to practice in her grandmother’s studio. Scarlet remembered that clumsy little girl, who worked hard every day to become a graceful ballerina.

This is unreal. It’s more than a dream.

The prima position and all it entailed had been a flight of imagination for Scarlet. It was always unreachable because of a list of imperfections bestowed upon her by past instructors. She didn’t listen to them, and Edward saw through all of it. He gave her a chance, and paved the way to this moment.

Scarlet opened her eyes, and sat back in her seat.

Nora leaned over Scarlet to get a better look out the window.

“I don’t remember the gala being this big last year,” Nora commented. “That’s a good thing, right?”

The limo pulled up to the curb, and the driver got out. Scarlet gazed up at the curved arches over the doors, and suddenly a strange sense of panic replaced the excitement.

Nora’s hand rested on her shoulder and pushed. “This will be a fun night,” she whispered. “I know it.”

Scarlet swallowed her nerves and emerged from the car. Jim the stand-in made his way to the door, holding it open for the women.

Scarlet was supposed to meet up with Ivan, who had the role of Apollo. Then Edward was supposed to introduce her with him as escort. However, when she entered the building, she saw Alex there, waiting.

His eyes locked with hers, and her breath caught in her throat. He was dressed in a classic black suit and tie. He looked deliciously handsome, standing in the full elegance of the hotel.

Scartlet’s cheeks flushed, and her thoughts traveled back to the Library dance floor. She could still feel the rush as she teased Alex, lifting her skirt for him. That confidence was gone, and only raw nerves were in its place.

She watched Alex’s gaze travel up and down her body. “Miss Rush,” he said. “You look…” He shook his head slightly. “You look very pretty.”

“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” Nora gushed. “Belle of the ball.”

Alex smiled and nodded. “Absolutely.”

Nora clasped her friend’s hand in her own and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I have to go get suited up and hope there’s at least a little room to warm up. I’ll find you after the performance.”

“Okay,” Scarlet said. “Break a leg.”

“Broken bones are never a factor!” Nora called as she grabbed her costume bag from Jim, and hurried up the nearest staircase.

Once she was gone, Alex nodded at Jim. “Lance is in the court area,” he said. “Meet up with them and see what he needs you to do.”

Jim gave Alex a lazy nod, walking off in the opposite direction.

“None of you are very talkative.” Scarlet smiled.

Alex’s eyes shifted away from her. “Follow me.” He motioned to a hallway off to the right.

Scarlet smiled and reached for his forearm. “Lead the way.”

He hesitated and looked down as she looped her arm firmly through his. Scarlet could sense the tension so she gave him a reassuring squeeze.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“No, it’s just…” He stared straight ahead as he carefully unwound his arm from hers. “I don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”

Ouch. She studied Alex’s face for a moment as he kept his attention elsewhere. His expression was blank, and she couldn’t read him. “Fine.” Scarlet took a step away and narrowed her eyes. “Just walk ten steps ahead of me like you’re paid to do.”

The anger spike had come out of nowhere, and she heard it in her voice. Alex flinched at the outburst.

He just wasn’t interested, it was clear. Whatever moments she thought they’d had over the past few days meant nothing to him.

He’s your bodyguard, not your friend.

“I just meant—” Alex started.

“It’s fine.” Scarlet motioned for Alex to lead the way.

The back way to the reception room was devoid of people, and Scarlet knew this was the last of the calm before the storm. She followed Alex to a door.

The tightness in her chest returned. She held her breath, willing it to pass.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” she said quickly, opening her eyes. “Yes, everything is good.”

She wanted to push him away so she wasn’t thinking of him all the time. He had gotten into her head, and now he wouldn’t leave. Having him close and disinterested was just torture.

No, she thought. This is my night. This is about me. Be selfish, be vain… That’s what they want anyway, right? Be the mysterious ballerina, the “it” girl, the one everyone is jealous of. Be that.

As much as Scarlet was trying to psych herself up, it wasn’t working.

She opened the door and entered the lounge. Armand, Edward, Madame Adele, and Ivan stood around in a circle. They turned to acknowledge her.

“Ah, good, she’s here.” Edward winked. “And looking utterly flawless.”

Madame Adele gave her a once over, and nodded her approval. “Good choice on the dress, Edward. It accents all the right parts of her body.”

Scarlet nodded despite the woman’s veiled insult. Ivan glided over to her with his arms open. He was his own force to be reckoned with. He never turned off his performance face. Scarlet wasn’t sure if it was because he was fake, or he just loved being a ballet dancer that much.

Ma chère.” He kissed her hand and threw her a dashing smile. “Si belle.”

Although he had dated Jason on and off, Ivan liked to boast he went either way, and that meant flirting with anything that moved.

Alex watched the man make a grand bow before taking Scarlet’s arm and looking at his reflection in a nearby mirror.

Edward nodded to Alex. “Everything set?”

“Yes, sir,” he replied.

Alex’s gaze traveled to Scarlet’s. The glance sent a shiver of want down her spine. She wanted to know what he was thinking. She wanted him to escort her into the garden court instead of Ivan. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to kiss his lips, and feel his arms around her.

But it didn’t happen. Instead, she stuck to Ivan’s side and went through all the motions.

Scarlet was soon swept into the fray. She couldn’t stop to think for even a moment as the lavish party spun around her.

Edward showed her off. She had met a hundred people and there was no way she would remember any of them. The faces were all a blur, and the attention was exhausting. She wouldn’t be formally introduced to the entire party until right before the performance, and she appreciated there was little time to think about Alex.

 Andrej Brevic joined up with them, making a point to tell Scarlet how pretty she looked. There was small talk, more compliments, flashes of cameras, and Scarlet didn’t have to remind herself to smile. It was automatic once she was in the spotlight.

The night dimmed a little when Lyn St. Claire made her pose for photos with her daughter.

“Edward.” She approached the group with Victoria on her arm. Scarlet wanted to roll her eyes at the matching shimmering gold gowns they wore.

“I have your VIPs,” Lyn said.

Scarlet went cold as she realized who was standing with them. Why is Isobelle Laurent here?

The woman was a magnetic sight, donned head to toe in a sequined black sheath dress and expensive jewelry. An intense-looking man accompanied her, and Scarlet knew right away it must be Balthazar Maxim. Scarlet forced herself to smile at the duo.

“Mr. Maxim.” Edward held out his hand, keeping the peace. “Isobelle. So glad you could make it.”

Really? Scarlet’s face got hot, and she fought to keep the smile on her face. He invited them?

“I wouldn’t miss it,” the man said. “Please call me Balthazar. I’m happy you reached out. Smooth over some of the misunderstandings going on.”

He shifted his attention to Scarlet. “And so nice to meet the new prima. I was sorry to hear of your misfortune, but it looks like you’ve bounced back with tenacity.”

Scarlet’s smile faded. He didn’t sound very sincere, but Scarlet wasn’t about to talk back to him. “Thank you, sir.”

Isobelle threw Scarlet a once-over before turning her attention to the others in the group. Her lips pursed, and she shifted her weight as if uncomfortable with being there.

Edward nodded. “Meet my chief investor, Andrej Brevic. His daughter is a soloist in tonight’s performance.”

Balthazar nodded to him. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“Nora,” Isobelle spoke up. “His daughter is a very graceful ballerina. Principal material if I ever saw it.” She spoke with a heavy Spanish accent, and some said she faked it to appear more exotic. She lifted her head, clenched her jaw, and looked away from everyone.

“How about some shots for the Chronicle of our prima, former prima, and first principal?” Lyn asked, gesturing to a wiry photographer and a chubby reporter standing on the other side of the group. The duo looked ready for a fight to break out between the women.

Scarlet glanced at Victoria, noticing how much more dramatic she looked. Her red hair cascaded down her shoulders like a satin sheet, and her gold dress had a plunging neckline that almost went to her belly button.

Scarlet couldn’t help but feel a twinge of anger at the mother-daughter duo. They had brought the photographer and reporter over on purpose, so Edward couldn’t possibly refuse without some sort of negative article going out.

“I think it would be good to get some positive media out,” Lyn said.

Victoria smirked at her with perfect red lips, as if daring Scarlet to say no.

“I think that’s a great idea.” Edward nodded, not skipping a beat. He motioned for Scarlet to stand in the middle with Isobelle and Victoria flanking her. She tried not to let her face tell the story of her thoughts as Victoria put a cold arm around her shoulders.

“Nice dress,” she whispered. “Did you buy it at a thrift shop?”

Scarlet fought not to respond to her. She hated that Victoria got to her when she was obviously jealous.

Victoria’s fingers squeezed her shoulder, digging her nails into her skin.

“You two should try to get along,” Isobelle whispered. “You’ll never know when you may need each other.”

A few flashes of the light later, the trio parted quickly and returned to their respective parties without a word.

“Can we get an interview, Mr. North?” the reporter asked.

Edward nodded, finally giving Scarlet some freedom. She wanted to get away from the knifelike stare of Isobelle.

She retreated quickly to find her parents. She weaved through the crowd until she spotted Sarit and Mikael Rush sitting at one of the reception tables.

Even though there was a considerable age difference between her parents, they always looked perfect together. Her father was tall with graying hair and dark eyes. He looked distinguished in his black and white tuxedo. Her mother had the same chestnut-colored hair and crystalline blue eyes as Scarlet. Sarit wore a conservative black dress with a high neckline, and an intricately woven gold and red shawl that Scarlet recognized as her grandmother’s.

 “Udiya.” The woman smiled at Scarlet. Her mother always called her by her Hebrew name, the name her grandmother had given her.

Scarlet hugged her mother tight. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve had one of those weeks.”

“Clearly.” Her father frowned, but stood to hug his daughter. “But, you are quite the vision, so it must be worth it.”

“We’re so proud of you,” her mother said. “And glad you’re safe and sound.”

“You’re telling me.” Mikael rolled his eyes. “She’s always finding ways to keep my blood pressure up. Now I have to worry about her being kidnapped.”

Scarlet let out a nervous laugh, not wanting the conversation to shift back to the attack.

“Once you meet my security agent, you’ll feel better. He’s great. Ex-military, too. You’ll love him.”

Her mother raised an eyebrow. “Is this a bodyguard or a boyfriend?”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” Mikael chuckled. “She’s married to this damn company, now.”

Scarlet ignored them, looking around for Alex, knowing he wouldn’t be too far. He was standing against the wall, scanning the crowed.

“Alex,” Scarlet called.

His head snapped to the sound of her voice, and he lifted his chin in her direction. He hesitated as she motioned him over. He held up a hand as if to say “no thanks.” She motioned more urgently, and he walked the opposite way.

“I’ll go get him,” Scarlet told her parents. She quickly took off after him, wondering why he was ignoring her. “Alex.”

He stopped, turning his attention to her. “What is it, Scarlet? I’m working.”

She pursed her lips, frowning up at him. “I just need you to reassure my parents that I’m safe.” She pulled his arm. “Five seconds of your time.”

“I have to finish my current sweep,” Alex protested. “Maybe later.”

“Just real quick,” she insisted, reaching out to grasp his arm. “My dad’s been stressed—”

“Not my problem,” Alex said gruffly. Scarlet released his arm in surprise. “I’m not here to appease you or any member of your family. I’d appreciate if you’d just leave me to my work.”

Alex gave her a slight bow, turned, and walked away.

Scarlet watched him, dumbfounded, as he let himself out of the set of double doors that led outside.

She shifted her attention back to the table where her parents sat. Her father was frowning deeply. She lifted a finger to tell him she’d be right back, and took off after Alex. She pushed open the doors to the outside courtyard and stared at Alex.

He had his hands on the railing that overlooked the lower garden. His head was down, like he was trying to catch his breath.

She marched over to him. “Alex, what the hell is your problem?”

“Go away, Scarlet,” he muttered.

“No.” She put her hands on her hips. “There’s no reason for you to be so rude.”

Alex kept his head down. “There’s nothing in my job description that says I have to be polite.”

The garden lights twinkled while the sound of water cascaded down the fountains around them, drowning out the noise from the party. The slight August breeze cooled the air and carried the scent of magnolias through the air. The soft pink lights danced from the gas lamps that hung delicately from wrought iron posts.

The night was perfect, but Scarlet still wanted to scream. Her feelings pulled her in different directions, and Alex was giving her full on whiplash. She wanted him to take her in his arms, kiss her deeply, and make all the frustration subside.

She tapped a toe on the ground and sighed. “I’m sorry, did I do something? I thought… I mean, I felt…”

Alex looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “Please. Just leave me alone.”

“Why?” Scarlet asked. “You’re comforting one minute, then the next minute you’re a total jerk. Are you borderline, or what?”

Alex lowered his gaze to her. “That’s not it at all.”

“Then what?”

“I just have issues.” He gritted his teeth. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

Scarlet threw her hands up in the air and let out a sigh of aggravation. “You know, this is supposed to be such a great night for me, yet I can’t manage to—”

“I’m sorry I’m putting a damper on your perfect night.” He rolled his eyes.

Scarlet’s frustration peaked, and she stomped her foot on the ground, like a child. “You’re infuriating. You’re insufferable, rude, and … and I can’t get you the hell out of my head! It’s not fair!”

She looked out over the gardens. The lights before her were so gentle and romantic, yet here she was, about to throw a tantrum because of a man. How dare he make me feel like this.

“I just don’t understand,” she breathed. “You make me crazy.”

She continued to gaze out to the garden, unable to look back over at him as her tears surfaced. Don’t you dare cry.

Her skin tingled as he placed his hands on her bare shoulders. She trembled against their warmth.

Alex was so close she could feel his breath on her neck. She wanted so badly for him to kiss her skin and tell her he wanted her.

“How crazy?” he whispered into her ear.

Scarlet inhaled deep, her chest expanding against the tight binds of the dress.

“As crazy as you make me?” His breath was soft against her cheek, sending a shudder through her body.

Alex ran a hand down her arm to the front of her dress, his thumb barely missing her breasts. He turned her to face him, his eyes searching hers.

“Crazier,” she breathed.

He placed a finger under her chin to tilt her head up, and pressed his lips softly against hers.

She relaxed as his arms wrapped around her. As he pulled her close, she rose up on her tiptoes, closing the remaining height difference.

Gently, he placed his hand on the side of her cheek, pushing closer into her. His other hand caressed the small of her back, pulling her into him. Scarlet inhaled deeply, taking in the faint smell of vanilla spice from his jacket as any and all distance between them was no more.

As the kiss intensified, Scarlet became lost in it, like her life depended on that moment. This was what she wanted, and it was perfect. She may not have known much about him, but she knew she needed him.

The confusion melted away as her thoughts lingered on him and how his lips felt as they danced with hers. She never wanted it to end.