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Rush by C.E. Vescio (6)

Chapter Six


Scarlet tried to keep her attention on the doctor, but her eyes kept wandering back to the small viewing window on the door.

The man who had been looking in was now gone. She had never seen him before, and wondered who he could be. He wasn’t a dancer. He was too muscular and broad-shouldered for that. Her first glimpse left her wanting more. As she leaned forward a little, she could see Edward North pass by the window, talking to someone.

“Luckily you don’t have a concussion,” the doctor said. “Or any stress fractures, but you’ll need to take it easy for few days. Your wrist will be sore tomorrow, and the bruising to your back will take some time to heal.”

Scarlet watched the woman scribble something on her clipboard. “I’ll prescribe you some mild painkillers, anti-anxiety medication, and Motrin.”

“Thanks.” Scarlet tried to smile. “I don’t think I’ll need anti-anxiety—”

“If you experience any post-traumatic stress,” the doctor said, “call the number on the prescription I’m giving you. The hospital’s psychologist will be happy to see you.”

Scarlet just wanted to go to bed. It was almost two a.m., and she was tired of talking to the cops, to the psychologist. Nora wouldn’t stop texting, and soon Edward would probably want to talk as well.

She could still hear all the voices in her head. They jumbled together to make a garbled mess of anxiety.

“Get some rest,” the doctor said, handing her a piece of paper. “If your pain worsens, give me a call.”

Scarlet nodded as the doctor opened the door to let herself out. Then, she scooted to the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath. She caught her reflection in a mirror across the way, and reached up to brush some dried blood from her neck.

The events of the night were idly drifting through her head. It was like a bad dream. She wanted it to be a bad dream. Never did Scarlet expect one of the best days she had would accompany the worst. It didn’t seem fair.

Now what?

One thing she knew for certain—she wasn’t going to tell her parents. Her father would freak, and demand she move back home. Despite being almost twenty-six years old, Scarlet still avoided confrontation with her overprotective father.

Scarlet raised her head to the door as Edward and the other man walked in. She couldn’t help but stare. He was taking up a good portion of the doorway he had just walked through. His slightly messy mop of brown hair threw off the rest of his rigid disposition. The rolled-up sleeves of his un-tucked Oxford shirt fit tightly around the defined muscles of his forearms. He had a handsome face, but a hardened expression. He didn’t look particularly thrilled to be in the room.

Scarlet turned her attention to Edward, suddenly wanting to burst into tears. “Mr. North,” she started. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.”

Edward held up his hand and shook his head. “Why on earth are you sorry? If anyone is at fault here, it’s me. I should’ve been more aware of outside issues concerning your promotion.”

Scarlet looked back and forth between the men. Suddenly, she wanted to know exactly who Edward’s friend was.

“What do you mean?” she asked. “What outside issues? Who—”

“Scarlet.” Edward pointed to the man. “This is my stepson, Alex Strong. He’s here for your protection while we figure out what’s going on.”

Scarlet looked Alex up and down again. He kept his arms firmly across his chest as he nodded to her.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Rush,” he said.

“Stepson.” She frowned. “Protection?” She swallowed back the tears. Her heart began to beat faster as Alex tilted his head to study her.

“He’s a personal bodyguard,” Edward explained. “Not to mention, a man I trust with my own life. His company is going to provide North Pointe with security measures until we can figure out who’s behind this attempted kidnapping.”

Scarlet inhaled as a wave of nausea hit her hard. Hearing the words “attempted kidnapping” made everything come flooding back in visceral clarity.

“Jesus,” Scarlet breathed. “I don’t understand why— Victoria couldn’t have—”

She didn’t want to finish the sentence. She’d already spoken to the police, telling them Victoria threatened her. Seeing Edward, she realized she probably shouldn’t have said anything. Even if Victoria wasn’t pulling an elaborate stunt, it would still cause problems to point fingers.

Edward sank down to sit with Scarlet. He put an arm around her, hugging her close. She wasn’t used to him being so attentive. Less than twenty-four hours ago, he hadn’t cared at all.

“Everything is going to be fine,” Edward said softly. “But I want to keep the rumors low, and the safety high. Do you understand?”

Scarlet blinked, registering what he was telling her. She slowly nodded and remained silent.

“I know that Victoria has been somewhat of a bully,” Edward went on. “I will deal with her in my own way, but I highly doubt she would go to this extreme.”

“So it’s worse,” Scarlet said. “Like…”

“You are to remain focused on this upcoming ballet season.” Edward shook his head. “I feel that the best way for us to move forward is to build a safer environment for you.”

Scarlet looked up at Alex. “And you… You’re my…”

“Bodyguard, ma’am.” He nodded. “You’ll be safe under my protection.”

Scarlet looked him up and down. “Like … all the time?”

“It sounds overwhelming,” Edward said. “But I’ll explain more tomorrow. For now, Alex will see you home safe so you can get some rest.”

“Mr. North.” Scarlet frowned.

He held up a hand. “Please, call me Edward.”

“Edward.” Scarlet brought her hand up to her head and rubbed her temple. “I-I don’t mean any disrespect, but I really don’t think—”

 There was some commotion outside, muffled voices and a shriek of concern she knew could only belong to Jason. A moment later, the door flew open, and her friend burst into the room.

“Holy Nancy Kerrigan, are you okay?” Jason held a hand to his chest. Nora and an older man were right behind him. Scarlet focused on the group, realizing the third party was Nora’s father, Andrej.

His entrance made Edward stand straight up. “Mr. Brevic.” He gave a short nod. “Good to see you.”

Andrej ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair. The corners of his mouth were turned down, and his brow was furrowed in his usual scowl. She liked the man. He obviously loved his daughter a lot, but he was an abrasive businessman with a detached edge. He was virtually nothing like her own father.

“Wish I could say the same,” he answered with his Eastern European accent. “Nora woke me up and insisted I drive across town to see if Scarlet is alive or dead. Everything is an emergency.”

“I’m sorry she made you come down here, Mr. Brevic,” Scarlet said.

He waved a hand dismissively as he cast an inquisitive look at Alex. “I see Edward is handling things.”

“This is Alex,” Edward explained. “He’s Scarlet’s new bodyguard. His company will be providing the company with personal security.”

Jason smiled wide and looked Alex up and down. “Well, hello, sailor.”

Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

“Man of few words.” Jason winked. “I dig it.”

Nora pushed past Jason hug her friend. “This is such crap,” she said. “I could kill that awful Victoria myself. Where does she get off thinking felony assault is funny?”

“Everything is fine,” Scarlet said automatically. “I’m alive. And it wasn’t Victoria.” She glanced at Edward. “I think they were Russian.”

“Russian?” Nora blinked.

All the attention in the room shifted to Scarlet.

She cowered a little. “I wasn’t sure at first. But listening to Mr. Brevic’s accent, I know they weren’t the same. Similar, but not the same.”

Andrej and Edward exchanged glances. Edward shook his head a little, then smiled back at Scarlet.

“Try to remember as much as you can,” he said. “A detective will be by North Pointe in the next couple of days to talk to you.”

Nora hugged Scarlet tighter. “This is so awful … and so close to the house! I got home and cops were everywhere!”

“We can’t leave you alone for a second.” Jason tsked at Scarlet.

“I trust the police to find who did this.” Andrej reached out and placed a hand on her knee. She retracted a little from the touch; it sent her nerves over the edge. She blinked away the building stress.

“Sorry,” she muttered. “I’m just—I’m on edge.”

Andrej backed up, turning his attention to Nora. “Maybe you both should stay at the house uptown. It’s fenced in with an alarm system.”

Nora waited for Scarlet to answer. Fences and alarms sounded nice, but Scarlet knew staying in the Brevic mansion would just feed her anxiety.

“I’d rather just go home,” Scarlet said. “Sleep in my own bed.”

“It’s okay.” Nora gave her an encouraging smile. “We’re here for you.”

Edward motioned for Scarlet to get up. “I know you’re tired and want to get some rest, so Alex will drive you and make sure you get settled. I’ve arranged for him to stay close by at Hotel Carlyle in case you need anything. He’ll pick you up tomorrow and bring you to North Pointe. Rehearsal is as scheduled.”

Nora made a face like she wasn’t sure she heard correctly. She titled her head to the side. “Can someone attack me so I get my own bodyguard?”

Jason chuckled and whispered something to Nora, making her smile widen. Alex rolled his eyes.

“The security detail is just until I feel that North Pointe is safe again,” Edward said. “I want the community to know I’m taking every precaution in wake of this attack.”

“And Scarlet is okay with this new arrangement?” Andrej spoke up. “She’s the one who has to deal with the spotlight.”

Scarlet pushed the rising anxiety back. All eyes were on her, but all she wanted to do was look at Alex. She found it hard to look away from him.

“I don’t…” She shook her head to clear all of the recent mess. “A lot’s going on. I just need to sleep. Alex can take me home.”

Nora pursed her lips. “Okay, well … Jason is staying with us. You know, for added protection.”

Jason snorted. “Perhaps you don’t remember when Scarlet had to save me from the bird that flew into my apartment.”

“Still,” Nora argued, “you’re a familiar face. I think that will be a comfort for her. Right, Scar?”

Scarlet glanced back up to Alex. “You really have to be around me all the time?”

“’Fraid so,” he responded curtly.

So that’s it. I have to walk around with a watchdog like I’m some damsel in distress.

She knew it was a better alternative than losing her new promotion before it started. “Okay,” she agreed, slowly getting to her feet. “It is what it is.”

“Great,” Alex said quickly. “Let’s get going.” He held out his hand to signify Scarlet should start walking.

Kind of pushy, Scarlet thought.

“Have Scarlet in my office by eleven thirty tomorrow morning,” Edward called after Alex.

“Will do,” he responded. “Night, Edward.”

“See you at the house,” Nora called after them.

Once outside, Alex pointed to a parked black SUV. Scarlet breathed in the fresh night air, and tried to relax. Alex walked to the passenger door and reached to open it at the same time as Scarlet. Their hands touched. Scarlet froze. Alex had the better grip on the handle. His eyes met hers, and cleared his throat.

“Sorry,” she murmured. She pulled her hand away as Alex opened the door for her.

Once Scarlet was safely inside, she closed her eyes and leaned back.

“Seatbelt,” Alex said as he started the car.

Scarlet opened her eyes, but kept her gaze forward as she did what she was told. “It’s just a few blocks down the road. Go straight, then turn left on Clay Street.”

Alex nodded, gripping the steering wheel.

 The silence that settled in the car made Scarlet’s discomfort creep back up. She didn’t want to ride in any vehicle, but her body was so sore she didn’t dare suggest walking.

She clasped her hands in her lap and stole a quick glance to Alex. His stiff posture and permanent frown led her to believe he wasn’t thrilled to be in his current situation.

“So.” Scarlet cleared her throat. “You from around here?”


“Oh,” Scarlet said, when he didn’t elaborate. “Um, so you’re Mr. North’s stepson?”

Alex let out a sigh loud sigh. “Yeah,” he muttered under his breath.

Scarlet bit her lip, sensing his irritation. “I’m sorry if this is a lot of trouble for you,” she said.

Alex gave her a side-glance. “Are you always this apologetic?”

“Excuse me?” Scarlet frowned at him.

Alex navigated the SUV out of the parking lot. “You’re acting like it’s your fault you got attacked, your fault your friend’s dad is a dick, your fault I have to babysit you. It’s not. It’s my job, but don’t think I’m here to braid your hair, trade life stories, or give you a shoulder to cry on. I’m your bodyguard, not your friend.”

Scarlet blinked at him. “You’re kind of a jerk.” She turned her head away from him.

“So I’m told,” Alex replied.

Scarlet bounced her knee irritably. She tried to keep her thoughts from straying too far from her anger. Every time she cast a glance to Alex, her chest got tight, and she wondered what lay beneath his rough exterior. She didn’t want to stare. She was afraid he would notice, and then she would have to say something to him. She wasn’t positive she wanted to engage him in a conversation. Since meeting him, it was like she stepped onto a rollercoaster. It made her mind and heart race.

Stop looking at him.

The short car ride couldn’t be over quick enough.

As Alex parked the car in front of her building, relief washed over Scarlet’s body. She wanted rest, even if her mind was wide awake with confused thoughts.

“Stay put for a sec.” Alex walked around to the back of the car and opened the back hatch. He kept his attention on Scarlet as he reached for a small black case. Then he turned and surveyed the street around him before closing the hatch.

Scarlet watched him from her spot in the passenger seat. Alex walked to her door and opened it for her.

“I have to clear the house,” he told her. “As a precaution.”

Can this night get any more bizarre? Scarlet wondered.

She got out of the car, pulled out her keys, and walked up the stairs. Once she unlocked the door, Alex climbed the steps behind her. She moved aside to let him walk in first.

Alex stepped into the house. He placed the black case on the hall console table, and un-holstered his gun.

Scarlet hovered near the door, unsure what to do next. She eyed the gun, hugging her arms to her chest. “Should I stay here?”

“If you don’t mind,” he replied.

Scarlet nodded, and Alex began his search. She craned her neck to watch him as he checked behind the living rooms curtains before moving on to the kitchen and downstairs rooms.

When he disappeared up the stairs, Scarlet turned her attention to a circular mirror above the hall table. She brought her hands up to her face, fingers tracing the dark circles under her eyes. I look horrible. She moved her hands to her hair, and attempted to fix the mess it had become.

Scarlet stopped when she heard Alex come back down the stairs.

“The house is secure,” he said, putting his gun away. “You’ll have a guard stationed outside starting tomorrow night, but you don’t need to interact with him if you don’t want to. I’ll wait in my car until your friend gets home.”

He opened up the black case. “You’ll need this.”

Scarlet looked at it questioningly.

“It’s my standard client pack,” Alex explained.

“What’s it for?” Scarlet asked.

“Precautionary measures,” Alex responded. “A disposable cell phone with my contact info, a Taser, pepper spray, whistle … things like that. It’s best if you don’t inform others that you have these items. It’s added precaution.”

Alex lifted out the black Taser and showed it to Scarlet. “Power button is on the side. Aim the prongs to the front, and press this red button on contact. Look through the rest in the morning. If you have any questions about it, let me know.”

Scarlet blinked at him. She’d never had to use a Taser, or pepper spray. “Oh.” She managed a smiled. “Got it. Thank you, Mr. Strong.”

Alex walked to the door and opened it. “You’re welcome, Miss Rush. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

She lingered in the doorway, and watched him for a moment as he made his way back to his car. “Scarlet,” she called, making him stop and look back at her. “You can call me Scarlet.”

Alex hesitated a moment before nodding at her. “Call me Alex.” He tilted an imaginary hat. “Get some rest, Scarlet.”

Scarlet nodded and turned back to the door. She could feel his eyes watch her as she let herself into the house.

When she was safely inside with the door locked, she leaned against it, and let out a long sigh. Wow. She took a deep breath. The somber-faced bodyguard gave her a slight sting of excitement.

The night had been one long blur, and standing at the end of it, she knew the roller coaster ride was far from over. Alex Strong intrigued her. She allowed herself to admit it.

Opening her eyes, she let out another deep breath, and headed up to bed.