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Sweet Deception by Ellie Jean (15)


Waking up to an empty bed is a normal occurrence for me, but after last night, I am more than delighted to be entering a new day twisted and entwined with the most sumptuous young lady I have ever met.

Wait… Why are her limbs not around mine? She must like her space…

Reaching my long arm out to find my Sweetness, I rub cold sheets. Springing forward out of the plush, delicate bed, becoming apparent I am alone in my king size bed yet again…

Glancing at the clock, the hands point to six-fifteen in the morning. With the long day ahead of me, I’m already late, but all that can wait. Isla is my first priority this morning. Grabbing my black satin robe, I go in search of my little slice of heaven. Hungry after last night’s encounter, she maybe decided to make some breakfast?

My kitchen is designed with the latest trends, encompassing the newest contemporary appliances. My love for cooking is a luxury. Only when a special occasion presents itself for my family and closest of friends do I prepare meals. My work schedule takes up all of my time. Striding purposefully around the corner, I am confronted yet again with another quiet and lonely kitchen space. Where could she be?

“Fuck, Isla, where are you?” I yell, even though it’s quite clear I am alone in my apartment. What must I do to gain her trust? I pride myself on remaining calm and strong at work. If a situation falls apart around me, I stay impassive and stoic at the best of times, never letting a competitor, a supplier, or anyone fathom exactly where my head is at. So, collapsing on my lounge, and burying my head on my hands, I am bewildered with a sense of uselessness and uncertainty. I’m being unraveled from within. Taking up residence inside my body and mind is a dark-haired beauty, surrendering me to her every desire and gratification. An experience I’m lacking in.

A complication…something I could live without… But I’m thinking about Isla here. I need to man up. She deserves to be reassured, having my trust, standing by her no matter how many times she runs.

Twenty minutes later, I am freshly showered, pulling on my dark grey slacks ready for the day’s events to unfold. Smelling sex in my room and on my sheets keeps me smiling. Vivid images of last night’s ministrations circulate through my head. Isla lying on my bed. Me on top of her. Her whimpering. Soft moans filling the space. My dick begins to uncontrollably harden. Easy now, boy…down…

Before I end up masturbating to relieve myself, I dress in my white shirt and light blue tie, easing my pants on, grabbing my suit jacket as soon as my polished black shoes are tied.

Breathing in the sweet smell of sex for the last time this morning, I enter the elevator with the biggest smile on my face, taking it down to the waiting car.

Thomas opens the back door. “Good morning, sir. A sleep in this morning, that’s very unlike you. Are you feeling all right?” The smirk on his lips reveals he understands why I’m delayed. As a first, I’m caught off guard.

“Fine, Thomas, just fine,” I mumble as he closes the door.

A snicker falls out from his mouth.

Watching the ocean, the tranquility and beauty eases my rising heartbeat. Looking at the sun reflecting off the brilliant blue water calms me enough to start absorbing my hectic day at work and my evening’s celebration with my family and somewhere in-between, a conversation with Isla.

Attention off track again. Hearing the beep of my phone snaps me back to reality. My meeting this morning is an important one for the development in Las Vegas. Panic has probably, possibly, settled in with my secretary due to my lack of attendance. Expecting to see a text from Lydia, my breath catches when I see a photo of my beautiful Isla filling up my phone screen. My sheets are visible, as is the pillow case under her ebony locks. Her shining violet eyes pierce through me, her plump lips are relaxed, smiling for the camera. Depicting her laying on her back, with the sheet just covering her voluptuous breasts, exposing enough supple pale skin to drive my dick into a raging steel pole.

Enjoy your day. Think of me… Thank you for my gift last night!


Your Sweetness

As if I could stop thinking about her, especially with the image now imprinted on my iris. Every part of my brain is now highlighted by Isla’s name, body, and scent. Surrounding me wholly, all I want is to be encased by her. I can’t stop smiling as I read her words, ‘Your Sweetness’. Damn right you are…

With a tap of a finger, I text:


Keep thinking of me, my Sweetness.

I am busy tonight, but dinner tomorrow night at 7PM.

Thank you for your present.


A xx

Hoping Isla will understand my prior commitment. I will make it up to her tomorrow in more ways than one. I hunger for more and more, confusing the crap out of me. How can four days change my life so irrevocably? Ask me five days ago if I would be thinking about a lady every minute of the day, falling head over heels for her, I would say that’s impossible. Something that is never going to happen to me. I’m too focused on work. And possibly scared to repeat the tragic events of my past. Relinquishing my position in our family business to take on a behind the scenes management type of role was my request and one not taken lightly by me and my family five years ago. I am heir to be the motherfucken boss. My teenage years groomed me for my future and what it would mean. And as a stupid, know-it-all, head-up-my-ass male teenager, that’s exactly what I dreamed about becoming every goddamn day. My dream life. The women, the power, the prestige, the respect, and the money. It was all mine to take. Not understanding my father’s need to retire, under my uncle’s order, it had been predetermined that until I was ready to take over, he would guide me and the rest of our family business. I hated that my father would leave the business before I was ready to take on the full reigns. But, I didn’t have a fuckin’ clue! The preparation given was wrapped up in sweet, sugar-coated candy straps, nothing like the real scene. Money oozed everywhere, women fell at my feet and anywhere else I wanted them, grand parties every night of the week. Respect from every person. Christ, I got my hands dirty when it was necessary. I’m trained to be one of the deadliest forces within our family. Needed for extreme circumstances. Most of the jobs, though, bypassed me, given to a kid trying to come up the ranks.

Free to do anything, my life buzzed with glitz and glam weaved with blood and gore. From the highest of highs to deathly lows. Meeting Catherine at age twenty-two, dressed in a flowing tight-fitting silver dress, with heels that called to every red-blooded male within a fifty-foot radius, an image I will take with me to my grave, was unexpected. We fell hard for each other and fast. I showed her the world and she became my universe. But being in the family business I was expected to fulfill all duties and that meant getting more blood on my hands as tension rose between feuding families. She had suspicions about the business I was in but I couldn’t tell her what I was involved in. Secrecy may have kept us safe. But unfortunately flaunting her around was our undoing. It took her death for me to get my head out of my ass. There would always be some sort of revenge being plotted. I wouldn’t risk that heartbreak again. It was time then for me to wise the fuck up… Life changed dramatically then and again now.

The ride to work seemed shorter than normal. Striding through the grand doors of The Raven never fails to move me. Full with daily pride upon entering my world reminds me of the lengths and years taken to build such a conglomerate. A powerful man to be respected throughout the International business world.

Snapping me out of my reverie, my phone vibrates.

Yes. Call me later.

Your Sweetness xoxo

Smiling like an immature boy, sensing today and tomorrow are going to be the longest days of my life.



Behaving like a teenager coming home after curfew, I turn the key to my apartment door as the dark night is embracing the first sign of orange for the start of a new day. Peeling myself away from the strong arms of Alex nearly tore me in two, but knowing a busy day lays ahead of me strengthened my resolve to discreetly leave his warm bed, still lingering with the scent of our encounter. If I should stay, hours would pass with delectable scenarios being played out with this gorgeous man, ensuring I would end up late for work, if at all. To top everything off, Jules and myself are managing a baby shower today, so it’s best for me to leave before this dream became a reality. Snapping a few shots of Alex, before I went, sprawled out in his bed with the fine sheet exquisitely wrapped around his glorious manhood and ass. Sleeping peacefully, not having a worry in the world. Contrasting starkly with my world. I’m envious of him.

Lighter than I have been in days—heck more like years—I bathe in a flash, dressing professionally in one of my relaxed style suits, fixing my hair up in a loose bun. Applying minimal amount of makeup today. Setting up an event requires professionalism but not at the expense of being comfortable and the ability to run to places if something goes amiss. Which is almost certain to happen.

After thirty minutes, I casually stroll into the office. Amazingly, Jules isn’t here yet so I start the daily routine of organizing our offices and program.

Looking over the schedule for tonight’s event, we need to be at the venue by lunch to coordinate the flowers, lights, tables, menu, cake, and any other unforeseen problems. A baby shower is ordinarily straightforward to manage, however, we gave particular consideration to make every little detail exact. Scanning Mrs. Maddock’s large file, I make sure all the necessary information is there, so when lunch time arrives, everything we need to take with us to the site is ready. This event is more like a wedding than a baby shower. Everything ordered is of the finest quality, the most prestigious companies used. The client requested the location as it held a significance for her. I coordinate the flowers and the lighting. The florist meeting us there so we can decorate to Mrs. Maddock’s specifications. Kameron devised a delectable white chocolate mud cake with raspberry swirl throughout. A family favorite she worked hour upon hour to create. A masterpiece of the highest quality. After numerous sample testings, Mrs. Maddock eventually agreed to the delicious recipe the cake goddess will bring today, iced in a white traditional fondant icing, tastefully decorated with yellow and light green trimmings.

“Well, well, well. What’s this? Isla beating me into work for the first time in… like…forever?” Jules booming voice makes me swing around on my chair. Her smile is infectious and I can’t overlook the fact I am full to the brim with happiness for the first time in my life. My face splits in two. Rushing to her with my arms stretched wide, ready to embrace her, I want to tell her everything.

“Give me a hug, my bestest friend. What a glorious day it is today.” Overly enthusiastic, wrapping my limbs around Jules, I squeeze her tighter as she tries to wiggle out.

“Well, I can tell what’s making you all smiley today. I assume your ride home with the fine Mr. Stalker was interesting?”

“Jules,” I say ecstatically, “it wasn’t just interesting. The night was thrilling, astonishing, and ahh! Breathtaking! I’m floating on cloud nine this morning. Nothing could tear me out of this exuberant mood, thanks to Alex and the attention he lavishes on me. Especially his stimulating hands, desirable mouth, and titillating tongue.” I roar with laughter. Jules stands wide-eyed for at least one second before joining me with my craziness. We both laugh until our eyes tear up. Striking me full force that this is one of the rare times I have indeed felt contented and cared for. Loved…maybe?

Jules grabs my hand and leads me to the desk. She heads to the kitchen, taking two glasses, then the iced tea out of the fridge, bringing them over. She places her slight frame down on the chair opposite me.

“Now spill, Isla. With approximately twenty-two minutes before we organize our butts into gear to orchestrate the baby shower of the century, start talking.” Jules looks at me and takes a sip of her tea. Her eyebrows arch and her lips form into a thin line. I need to tell her now before she reigns hell on me.

Reliving the highlights of last night’s encounter with the one man I can honestly see myself opening up to, she sees my face taking on shades of red and heating my body to the core…again. Keeping some of the magical memories only for me, my mouth betrays me, clearing up any doubts I am falling big time for Alex. And at this precise moment, I just don’t give a crap who finds out.

This is dangerous territory…

After what seems like an eternity, Jules pushes her chair back, stands up, and jumps in the air exclaiming, “Woohoo!” Before I can react, she exuberantly swoops down and grabs my arms, yanking me to my feet, twirling me around as she does, reminding me of primary school, spinning and spinning until we collapse, laughing at ourselves. Except this time, we stop in a tight embrace, remaining upright.

“I’m so happy for you, Isla. This is your time to shine.” For the first time in a long time, I think Jules could be correct.



Putting the final touches on the cake table and the guests’ tables allows my mind to be shut out from everything else. It’s our task to foment a serene, classical, and stunning atmosphere for our client’s baby shower. For the past three hours, we’ve been tying large pastel yellow satin bows onto the backs of hundreds of chairs, the diagonal configuration for each bow, measuring the correct length, slope, and size is tedious work. Jules arranges the two-foot elaborate crystal vases in the middle of every large table. Perfectly coordinating the assortment of blush, lilac, and pale yellow blooms cascading from them. Surrounding them with elegantly tall, thin, silver candle holders is my job. I pray the small crystals skillfully entwined over them will reflect the light later in the night. Subdued muted green mini satin bows, encrusted with small diamantes are placed with love and precision in the middle of each plate for every individual guest, as are the crystal champagne glasses and silver cutlery.

The fairy lights are weaved throughout the ivy and diamond-like garlands. Making an elaborate boundary for the cake and candy buffet table. Complementing the guests’ table arrangements. The giant glistening crystal chandeliers hanging above the guests’ tables will allow for dimmed lighting throughout the night creating a fairytale quality to a sophisticated, luxurious, and glamorous baby shower.

At five in the afternoon, Kameron and her staff burst through the door carrying in two large boxes which I pray is the cake. Pointing to a small trolley, the men put the cartons there while she dismisses them with a wave and carries on to me capturing me into a huge hug. Leaning against me, she sultry whispers, “Was last night kinky?”

Stepping back, eyes as wide as saucers, I gasp and start fanning myself with my hand. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Laughter bubbles out of my mouth as Jules joins us to see what the commotion is all about.

“Place the cake where it belongs.” I wink at both of them as I turn looking at the table which showcases small baby toys, bringing the focus of the night to this point, thanks to the spotlight placed directly above. Kameron places the intricate creation upon its silver pedestal before she dusts the whole surface with a glittery powder, similar to Tinkerbell, which she assures me will be like shimmers of crystals catching everyone’s eyes as they celebrate this wondrous occasion.

Now all that is needed is the family heirloom knife Mrs. Maddock gave Jules and I at her last appointment.

“Jules, where did you put the knife so I can tie the bow around it?”

“I thought you placed the knife in the box with the candles and the ribbons.” She stops what she is doing and looks at me expectantly.

“Wasn’t the knife with your list of items?” My hands are sweating as I start searching the boxes for the darn knife.

“It’s not here, Jules.” I’m yelling like that is going to solve the problem. Crap…The celebration is supposed to be underway in two hours and the knife she entrusted with us to keep safe isn’t here. We should be leaving by now, offering each other a high five and a glass of expensive champagne like we usually do after another successful memory created for a valued client. The only memory we will be having is Mrs. Maddock tearing us to shreds if we don’t rectify this major problem.

Grabbing my bag, I shout to Jules and Kameron, “I’m going back to the office to find the knife. Kameron, do you mind staying with Jules to help clear out the boxes and extras if I leave? Thanks so much. We will make it up to you!” Not waiting for a reply, I run out of the grand doors to the elevators, pre-occupied in thought…

I’m at The Raven again…

Horns are blasting all around me making my impending headache worse. Stepping off the curb, a parked black SUV catches my eye. How I wish it was the black limo Alex and I had gone to dinner the other night. And mmm, with Alex inside…


“Watch where you’re stepping, lady,” someone shouts, snapping me to attention as I recklessly fling myself backwards in the gutter before I become flat as a pancake. My head’s not in the game. Our reputation is about to be ruined if I don’t move my butt.

Running across to Jules car, I nearly crumble to the ground when I realize I didn’t grab the car keys from Jules… How can this be happening?

Straightening my shoulders as random tears start to roll down my face, I take in where I am. Our office isn’t far from The Raven. Options are: hail a cab or walk. With peak hour traffic, walking, running, or sprinting would be quicker.




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