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Blessing of Luna (Wolfgods Book 1) by Blaise Ramsay (23)











soft falling snow covered the camp, forcing most of the remaining lycans who hadn't retreated to the mountains into their tents to huddle around fires to stay warm. Kain chose to stay with Damien and Jill.

Jill stroked his soft sandy fur as he whimpered to try to comfort him while his natural healing ability did its best to close fresh gashes.

Damien was still unconscious. He had been for days; showing no sign he could hear anything going on around him.

Kyle came in to make sure to check on him from day to day, giving him more morphine if it seemed like his pain flared up again. “Still no change. His heartbeat is weak but he's still alive. He doesn't seem to be in any pain either. Jill let me handle Kain. He looks bad this time. You stay with Damien. I think you're the only that will be able to get him back.” Kyle said, trying to sound reassuring. He genuinely looked worried that Damien wouldn’t come out of his coma at all.

Jill had just laid down next to Damien on their bed when Lune came in with Gabriel and Holt.

“Still nothing?” Holt asked, concerned.

Jill shook her head, her hand caressing Damien's chest to feel the soft rise and fall of each breath. “I don't understand. Kyle says there's nothing wrong. He's not in pain or anything but he won't wake up.” She said, her voice choked with tears.

Kain shifted back into his human form and politely pushed Kyle off of him. He put on the jeans he’d brought with him and made his way over to Gabriel's side. “Gabriel, why don't you take Jillian with you to check on the females in the mountains? You can see if they need anything.”

Gabriel nodded, seeming to understand Kain’s intentions. “We'll see if things are going well in town as well. I hadn't heard any more in regards to Charlie's efforts. It may be helpful for us to check on the situation there while things seem quiet.”

Kain nodded to him, requesting that Holt keep everyone out of the tent so he could do what he needed to do. Holt nodded, walking out with Gabriel and posting guards at the tent opening.

Kneeling down next to Damien's bedside, Kain put his hand on his friend's forehead, the other on his heart. “Damien, I know you can hear me. I know something is wrong. I'm going to try to help you but I need you to open your mind to me.”

Damien’s eyes twitched giving Kain the signal he needed.

Closing his eyes, Kain used his connection to the gods to enter into Damien's mind. He was one of the few lycans more closely in tune with the wills of the gods. He knew the dark god better than anyone in the lycan race. His family had long been cursed to bare a burden far heavier than even the highest noble.

When he arrived, he found Damien's mind in a state of disarray. Red fibers reminding Kain of tendons that connected muscle tissue to bone hung loosely like threads of a spider web.

The empty space was dark save for the nebulous sea of stars above him. He stood in awe at the scene around him, his breath taken at the majesty of the design. He’d never witnessed anything like this in the mind’s eye of any lycan he’d had to save in the past in the same way.

Something about Damien was more than he or any of the lycans knew or could probably even comprehend.

Kain had to focus to get his attention back on the matter at hand. He’d come to save his friend from whatever these tortured vines were that seared his flesh the moment he touched them.

“Kain.” Damien’s voice sounded weak as it echoed in the void.

“Damien, where are you?”

“I don’t know. I can’t move. I’m so tired.”

Kain weaved through the vines, taking in the subtle wisps of the voices he could hear throughout the tangled jungle.

Only the heavy beating of wings alerted Kain to the presence behind him. His chest grew heavy, his eyes closed as the dark god made himself known.

The scene changed to a darkened abyss void of light, the once majestic light above Kain’s head became covered by darkened, angry clouds.

“Alexander Kain. My brother's pet bloodline. What business do you have here?” Barghast's dark voice echoed in the space around them.

Kain turned to meet the dark god's eyes. “I think you need to ask what business you have here? This body belongs to a Purifier. You have no reason or right to enter it.”

“I have plenty of a reason to be here, Alexander Kain. Watch how you address your god. A forsaken child like you has no right to speak to me so disrespectfully. The Purifier is in a deep sleep. He will rot in his own mind, posing no threat to me or the plans I may have for my brother’s children.” Barghast smiled a wide-fanged grin, moving his huge clawed hand.

Kain suddenly felt himself restrained by the very tendrils he'd been trying to avoid. The feeling equal to being stung by a jellyfish, searing his flesh like a hot iron. He felt his strength suddenly ripped from him, forcing him to his knees. The very blood in his veins felt as though it were being drawn out of his body.

“I had no plans to torture you, Kain but since you've once again become a thorn in my side, I suppose I can make an exception.” Barghast smiled as he got into Kain's space, taking his jaw in his claws.

Ignoring Barghast’s presence, Kain drew on his will to call out to his friend. He needed help or both of them were going to die.

“Damien! You have to wake up! Don't let him take control!”

“Kain.” Damien stirred, hearing Kain's call to him but felt so tired he couldn't get his body to respond.

Barghast's hand landed across Kain's face. “Damn you, Kain. Why is it you always see fit to interfere with my plans?” With a strong beat of his wings, he took off into the darkness in an attempt to keep Damien from waking up.

“Damien, wake up. Jillian needs you. Please. Don't let Barghast hold you prisoner. This is your mind. He has no power here if you don't let him have it. He will kill us both if you don't wake up.” Kain felt his strength dropping. The dark god’s power draining him of his life the longer he was held prisoner.

Damien opened his eyes to find himself ensnared with the red fibers. His determination to get free reignited as he thought about his lover being left alone in the world. He felt a strange feeling of warmth rise up inside of him only to manifest in a radiant light.

Markings of blue in the likeness of ancient runes covered his body, incinerating the fibers. With an angry roar, the dark god was driven out of his mind, freeing both him and Kain.

Kain dropped to the ground, shaking against the weakness. A warm light illuminated the gloom, transforming the plane back to the glorious sea of stars.

“I'm sorry, Kain. He got in when my mind was weak. I couldn't fight him. Thank you for coming to get me.” Damien smiled, helping Kain to his feet.

“You are welcome. I am just glad I made it in time.” Kain replied, winded.



When Jill arrived back at the tent, her heart jumped out of her chest. Damien was sitting up in bed with Kain on the floor beside him. The two of them talking and laughing.

“Damien!” Jill threw herself into Damien’s arms, gripping him tightly around his chest. “Oh, thank Luna! I'm so sorry!”

Damien held Jill close, her beauty radiating even more vibrantly in his newly changed eyes. The sound of her voice made him think about how the angels of heaven sounded.

The strong smell of jasmine and pine permeated her skin, exhilarating him. He almost couldn't control himself. His desire for her blistered inside of him.

His lips met hers in a sweet embrace. His hand ventured down her back. The other tangled in her plush, raven hair.

“I'll leave you two to catch up.” Kain said, slightly chuckling. “It is good to have you back, Damien.”

“It's good to be back. Thank you again, Kain.”


following morning, Damien woke up feeling surprisingly well. The sun peeked over the horizon turning the clear sky a blushing pink against the fading blues and grays of the night.

He'd made love to Jill multiple times during the night, each time more passionate than the last. Her body craved his after being deprived of his love for so long.

No one else was awake so he made his way down to the pool he and Jill nearly made love in the night of the First Moon event.

A pup made its way down to the pool drawing Damien’s attention. “Well hello there. Where's your mom?”

The pup's mother came shortly after. “I'm sorry, my lord. He ran off. I was trying to get him before he got all of the way down here. I know we're supposed to be in the mountains but he forgot his favorite stuffed toy. It has been a nightmare to try and get him to sleep without it.”

“It's okay. You don't have to address me so formally.” Damien picked the pup up, laughing as he tickled his stomach. “Come on, let's get your toy so your mom can get back to the warmth of the caves.”

Damien walked with the pup and his mother to the camp.

Kain met him at the opening, surprising Damien to see his friend was slightly bowing to him. “Good morning.”

“Kain, what's with the bowing? You know I don't want any special treatment.” Damien said rolling his eyes, giving the pup to his mother.

“Something I forgot to mention to you after our encounter was a part of your power awoke inside of you. It was what set us free from the dark god's hold. It is my duty to serve you.”

The way the lycan mother addressed Damien suddenly made more sense to him. Holt and Kain must have mentioned to the pack that they were to treat him differently since a part of his soul awoke during his encounter with Barghast.             

“Kain, I don't remember what happened. I just felt a warmth inside of me as I thought about Jill. I don't remember much after that. I don't want anyone treating me like I'm some sort of deity or royalty. I just want to stay me, okay.”

Kain nodded. “As you wish. I respect that humility in you. I would gladly follow you as an alpha if you so choose to take the title one day.”

“Oh please, Kain. This newborn, an alpha? He's barely a lycan. I bet he hasn't turned once yet.”

“For the gods’ sake.” Kain smacked his head with the heel of his hand as Nathaniel walked over to him with Vincent and Kaden from his pack.

“So, pussy boy, how about we go a few rounds once you get a pair between your legs? I'd love to shove Kain's little pet's face into the ground to show just how pathetic you are.”

Damien rolled his own eyes. He'd dealt with assholes like Nathaniel in high school. They didn't bother him then either.

“Look, I don't know what your problem is. Quite frankly, I don't really give a damn. I've dealt with jocks like you before. Whatever macho issues you may have, you can deal with on your own time. As far as 'going a few rounds', I'll pass. I have better things to spend my time on.” Damien replied, turning his back on Nathaniel.

He heard Kain snicker as he started to walk away only to have his shoulder grabbed.

“Don't you dare turn your back on me, newborn. I don't appreciate being disrespected by someone who barely can call themselves a lycan. Let alone someone who hides behind Kain and Gabriel because he doesn't have the balls to stand up against me himself. Either you face me in five days or I'll be sure to make your life hell until you do.”

Damien shoved Nathaniel off of him only to get in his face.

Kain placed his body between the two lycans. “That's enough, Nathaniel. Damien refused your challenge honorably. I told you the next time you opened your mouth, it better be useful or I would put you in your place, personally.”

“Fang off, Kain. This is between me and your little man crush. If he can't handle his own against me, then he can't handle it on the battlefield.”

A fire burned inside of Damien, making him angry. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew Nathaniel was right. If he didn't stand up now then he couldn't let himself step on the battlefield and hope to be useful against a vampire.

“You know what, asshole. I'll accept your challenge.” Damien said, getting back into Nathaniel’s face.

Kain smiled in respect for Damien's choice. “Very well. The rules of combat stand. Nathaniel, since you have disrespected the honor of what it means to be an alpha, your title will be what is at stake.”

“Fine. If I win, Damien has to hit his knees and surrender to my authority as an alpha and join my pack,” Nathaniel replied, an arrogant smile curving on his lips. He thumped Damien’s forehead with a flick of his finger. “Got that? Once I plant your face in the dirt, I want to see your belly in submission. No more hiding behind Kain.” He shoved past Damien, laughing.

“That guy really pisses me off. The hell is his problem?” Damien asked Kain, still upset.

“Nathaniel is Lune’s younger brother. He is an arrogant pup. He did not have to fight to earn his title. He took it in a hostile takeover of Sombra's pack after he passed away. Perhaps if he learned more from Sombra he would not be the way he is. I will train you myself, starting tomorrow. He is right, you need to change. I can teach you how. You will need to hunt as well. Meet me by the pool at sunrise. I suggest you rest up, you will need your strength.” Kain walked back to his own tent, zipping the door closed behind him.




“Damien, you've been acting strangely since this morning. Is there something wrong?” Jill rested her cheek against Damien's back. Her fingers tickled his skin as they ran down his shoulder, following the path to his hip.

“Nathaniel challenged me to a fight. As much as I hate to admit, it has me nervous. Kain says he's going to start training me but Jill, what if I can’t do this? They all have such high expectations of me as a Purifier. Kain actually bowed to me.” Damien couldn't help the nervous feeling welling up inside of him.

All of a sudden it seemed like everyone's expectations of him reached new heights. He was terrified of letting them down.

Jill kissed his shoulder, letting her hands run down his back and sides around to his stomach. “Don't worry about any of that. We aren't expecting you to fight this war alone. If Kain is training you then Nathaniel won't be a problem either. He's one of the strongest lycan fighters we have. For now,” Jill spoke low and hot in his ear as her desire for his attention grew. “Let me enjoy your company. Let me pleasure you.”

Damien felt chills go down his spine as her hands slid up the front of his muscle shirt. Her nails lightly tickling the muscles of his abs up to his chest. He raised his arms, letting Jill take his shirt off, raising up on her knees behind him so she could plant kisses on his neck and shoulders.

“Come up here with me. I want to get between those gorgeous legs of yours.” Jill backed up on her hands and knees, her finger beckoning Damien to join her on their bed. Her back arched and eyes half-closed in a seductive fashion. Her hair fell across her face, down her shoulders.

She wore only her underwear, licking her lips as she enticed her lover.

Damien rubbed his face. Jill’s favorite crooked smile curled along his face as he crawled up to her.

After leaning up against the makeshift headboard made of pillows, Jill nestled between his legs, resting against his bare chest. His hand felt warm as ran across her cheek, down her neck. Their lips met in a loving kiss.

“You're so beautiful. I honestly don't know what I did to earn someone so beautiful and strong.”

“You existed. That’s enough for me,” Jill reached up to pet Damien's face, her eyes dreamy as she stared into his. “Your eyes are like jewels. I don't think I've ever seen eyes as deep purple as yours. It's like Tenebris made you for me.”

Damien ran his hand up under her shirt, silently begging her to take it off. She obliged, granting him access to remove her bra before kissing her shoulder. His fingertips slid down her arms in sweet appreciation of her beauty.

Jill craned her neck, her pleasure soaring as his hands ran over her skin. The feeling of his lips on her neck and breasts made her heart beat harder. Her breath grew heavy with heated passion.

Everything she had done to win his love led up to these glorious moments when all else happening around them faded into the background. His love seeped into her with each touch; each gentle kiss on her body.

It wasn't long before Damien had Jill on her back, their clothes laying in piles on the floor. The late winter afternoon brought about a snow chilling the wind. It drove them under the blankets of their bed as a shield. Their arms and legs entangled.

Jill let out a soft gasp as she felt Damien slide into her from behind, the suddenness of his entry didn’t allow her body time to adjust around him. He went so deep into her she felt the sting of pain in her hips, making her wince. She unconsciously tried to get away from him only to have him hold her firmly against his hard body.

Damien's finger rubbing her tender flesh made Jill’s pleasure surge. Her body longed to give him all he wanted to take with each thrust into her tender opening. She was so wet. His rich, deep, sexual scent intoxicated her to the point she became drunk on his love.

Damien held Jill’s hip firmly to keep her still. His other hand held her throat, turning her head so he could plant loving kisses on her jaw.

Jill’s nails dug into Damien’s thigh the closer she got to her orgasm. Small gasps and whimpers escaped through clenched teeth with each profound thrust.

He rolled them over so Jill was on her stomach, his body pressed against her while making love to her as if it were the first time.

Jill had to bite down on the pillow to avoid crying out against the pleasure flooding her body. Her nails dug into her lover’s arm as he took her.

The sudden arrival of her orgasm made Jill’s muscles pulse around him, taking him deeper into her. His own orgasm made him dig his teeth into her shoulder, his hand holding her hip so tightly he knew it would bruise but he couldn't stop himself. He wanted her to take all of him into her womb.

When he finally released her, Jill stretched out her back to loosen her muscles against the strain. She felt slightly nauseated at having to handle everything Damien had to give her.

“Sex is always so hot with you, babe.” Damien kissed her neck, his tongue lapping up the sweat on her shoulder. “I have to admit you surprised me. I had no idea you were able to get so aggressive when making love.” Jill snickered, out of breath.

She wanted more. More of his attention, more affection, more love making. “Would you lie on your stomach for me?”

Damien lay down next to her, smiling as he crossed his arms to rest his chin on them.

Jill lay down on top of him. The curve of her stomach met his back, fitting her pelvis in the curve just above his butt. Her feet caressed his calves and thighs. She let her hand stroke her lover’s throat, softly kissing his jaw before moving up to his ear to nip it.

It was more than she could have ever imagined. The love she felt for Damien was deeper than it ever had been with Lucius.

To her, everything they had been through was worth this one moment. She was going to savor it, savor him until he had to leave her to meet Kain.




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