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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (13)

Chapter Twelve

“I told you douche-dicks this would work,” Nate telepathically messaged to their group. Angus would have laughed but was intent on finishing the job.

“Don’t be such a prole,” Lorne snarled back.

“Bet you are glad he thought of it,” Blaine insisted. “Otherwise that filthy slime would be all over your talons.”

Angus had to admit it was genius of Nate to use runes to adhere scales to their claws, front and hind legs. Not that the acidic blood would have hurt them, but it made cleanup much easier.

This mess was a far cry from the intimate moments he shared with Keira a few hours ago. More than anything he wanted to be back in his bedroom, sinking into her moist heat.

“Here you go, wankers. The return of your brethren,” Blaine snarled as he heaved the carcass to their enemies below. As bits of flesh fell from the dead ogres and landed on stunned Buggane, Blaine’s dragon blasted a sheet of fire towards the ground.

“Not exactly the approach I had in mind, but that will work,” Angus conceded as he took in the scene.

His talons tightened around the burden in his grip. Fifty feet outside the tree line the ground went from lush and fertile to sparse and barren. He recalled the serene meadow that used to fill the location. The ache in his chest twisted, and the loss hurt on a visceral level.

Unut was more advanced than he’d expected. He envisioned Akilam and his ilk living in trash heaps. Mack’s comparison to an ancient Mayan city, crude and primitive, was apt. There was a main structure made of rock with dozens of other smaller buildings scattered around it. The walls surrounding the city of Osiris were high in places, but no deterrent to a dragon. He wondered why they even had walls, given that their enemy could fly.

A foghorn echoed below. Angus noted the sound came from the largest Buggane he’d seen. “That’s Akilam. No doubt he just realized the rumors of your return are true,” Legette replied in his head. Akilam met Angus’s gaze, and the male’s jaw dropped. Yeah, his first in command nailed it. The leader of the Buggane wasn’t expecting a visit from the King of Khoth.

“I remember that fucker. He’s mine,” Kyran snarled from atop Angus’s back. He heard the slide of metal screech behind his ears and knew Kyran was itching to fight. Angus was determined to protect Kyran as much as possible. Not only would Zander be pissed if something happened to his brother, but Mack would have his balls, and he preferred they remain attached.

Angus had watched Kyran battle many times and knew he was a vicious warrior, but the hulking creature could make lunch out of him with one bite. If the enormous tusks didn’t dice him in halves, the claws would.

“We’re on a mission. Stay focused. No one engages until we are done returning their dead,” Angus ordered.

“Leave me here,” Kyran pleaded. “I will work my way to that putrid fuck and slice his green flesh from his body, bit by bit.”

“Nay, Kyran. I willna risk–" A diamond-tipped arrow pierced Angus’s left wing, cutting off his words.

Angus was away from Khoth too long and forgot the skill of the Buggane. He’d become complacent after centuries of facing demons and skirm, and not receiving any major injury. Buggane were skilled warriors possessing weapons capable of incapacitating dragons, and Angus had best step up his game if he expected a victory.

“Legette, your king needs you,” Kyran shouted as they plummeted to the ground.

Unable to control their trajectory, Angus scrambled for a way to save Kyran significant injury. Flapping was futile. They were going to land in the middle of the compound, and the creatures were aware of it, if their bellows were any indication.

“Jump off before I hit the ground. I canna steer us clear, so we will be landing in the middle of the action. It seems you may get your wish, after all,” Angus relayed to Kyran.

Kyran’s knees left Angus’s side, and he felt the vampire balancing on his back. Angus extended his wings, slowing their momentum as much as possible, and heard Kyran’s war cry before he jumped.

Angus pulled his wings close to avoid more injury, and black dirt shot in every direction as his dragon crashed to the ground, leaving a ten-foot furrow in his wake. A heavy weight slammed into him, and he sailed to the right. The hit was disorienting, but he quickly flipped to all fours before the Buggane could strike again.

Angus called up his fire and let a torrent loose, incinerating the toxic ogre on the spot. An area of green caught his eye and Angus glanced to see grass sprouting on the side of the bloody furrow his body left in its wake. The urge to shed more to help heal the land hit hard. He wanted to see his realm whole again, but sacrificing himself wasn’t the answer.

Kyran came into view and disrupted his thoughts. Buggane surrounded the vampire, but he was not dismayed. “Mack is going to be pissed she missed this. Is she above you on the killboard, yet?”

Kyran laughed as he sliced off the leg of a Buggane. “This will put me ahead of her, but none of us will ever catch up to Gerrick.”

No, Angus thought, no one would catch up to the surly warrior. He’d had a single-minded focus for centuries to eradicate every archdemon and skirm on the planet. Shae made him smile again, but the reason for the scar on his face would always make him ruthless. He would never forgive the archdemons for the pain he suffered because of their evil ways.

Angus roared when a boulder the size of a small car careened into his side. He bellowed a stream of fire, and nearby Buggane took cover behind the stone huts. They should be afraid of him, he thought. That’s what happened when you fucked with the king. Angus carried the flame of Khoth in his chest, and it wasn’t your average dragon fire.

Angus made his way to Kyran’s side, wanting to protect his friend. His wing was damaged and he needed to shift and heal, but couldn’t while they were surrounded.

“Och, nice of you to join me,” Kyran said with a smile as he ducked a meaty fist. Angus kicked the Buggane with his hind leg and the creature’s chest caved in, spilling acidic blood to the ground.

“How’s that?” Angus relayed to the Vampire Prince.

“Nice blow. Lotta force behind that fat arse of yours,” Kyran joked before swinging his sword, beheading the creature.

Several dragons landed, forming a semi-circle around Angus and Kyran. Legette tipped his head to Angus, and all waited for instruction. Every cell in his body urged him to eliminate as many as they could, but logic told him they had limited time, and they still needed to cleanse Heqet and consecrate the ground. Additionally, Buggane outnumbered the Cuelebre, several of which were injured, and he wouldn’t risk his dragon’s lives for revenge. There would be another day for that.

“Eliminate those around us and then we finish our task. The rest will have to wait. And, I need to shift and heal this wing before we leave,” Angus instructed before he used a talon to tear through flesh and sinew.

Kyran sprang and used Angus’s hind leg as a platform to jump onto the back of a Buggane. The vampire’s blade sliced through the thick neck, and another head rolled across the ground.

Legette and the dragons eliminated those around them. Angus felt Kyran’s reluctance to retreat, but Angus reminded him they needed to return to their mates ASAP. Akilam wouldn’t sit patiently for long, and Angus worried he would attack the castle.

He concentrated on his shift but found it difficult to reach his center so he could allow the change to human form. It made him wonder if the Buggane had altered their diamond-tipped arrows to cause more damage to the dragons.

Pain lanced his system and Angus struggled for several minutes before the shift took over. He waited a few moments for the healing to begin then returned to dragon form, taking to the skies. Urgency spurred him on. There were at least three more trips to make to Heqet, and then he needed to consecrate the ground. He needed the help of the medicine males to do that.

“Legette, have the Mundunugu at the site and ready to go as soon as we are done. I doona want to be gone from Keira any longer,” Angus admitted as thoughts of the female ran through his head. He needed to get back and make sure she was safe.

Cyril’s powers would alert him Angus was away from her. He may as well give Cyril an engraved invitation to kidnap her again. Angus wasn’t naive enough to think the male had given up his vendetta against him.

* * *

Keira watched Mack pace her bedroom, wondering if she’d been wrong in her assessment of the female. She appreciated the snark and sarcasm, but the female had a violent side that was downright terrifying.

Mack’s slender frame ate up the stone floor. “I hate not being there with Kyran. He might need my help. If those Buggane touch one hair on his head, I’ll slaughter the whole fucking lot,” she snapped and looked to Keira.

The female’s whiskey-colored eyes were crazed, and Keira took a step backward to remove herself from the line of fire, should Mack lose control. The small blade in the female’s hand didn’t put Keira at ease, and she felt better with space between them.

Keira shuddered at hearing Mack talk so nonchalantly about murdering the giant ogres, and she reconsidered her affinity for the female. “Are you serious? I hope I never encounter them.”

“You haven’t experienced Khoth until you’ve met the Shreks of the realm,” Mack joked. “Don’t be afraid of them. Sure, they’re big, but they’re not very fast. And, I imagine your sea dragon could rip them to shreds.”

Keira hadn’t thought of it that way. She wondered if she fought many battles because she didn’t feel like a fierce warrior like the female standing in front of her.

“Why aren’t you afraid of them?” she asked, thinking about Mack’s size in comparison to the massive beasts.

“I learned a long time ago that fear is pointless. It stands in your way and weakens you. Any object can be used as a weapon, and every being has weaknesses you can exploit, once you discover them. NoFear, that’s my motto.”

“I wish I could live like that,” Keira admitted as she sat on her bed, crossing her legs. Mack was right. Fear was debilitating. She was slowly pushing it aside, but it was hard when she had so many unanswered questions.

One thing she knew was she spent an incredible night with Angus and never told him he made her feel more alive than she’d felt before. And now, he was battling Buggane, and if he didn’t return, she would never get the chance.

Mack stopped and faced her, hands on her hips. The stance accentuated her muscular frame, and Keira’s eyes snagged on her arm that was covered in colorful tattoos. Mack was no wilting flower. The female had a shark on her bicep. It was an apt depiction given Mack’s fierce attitude. And, that day’s t-shirt, ‘I want pizza, not your opinion,’ paid homage to her bold personality.

“You can live like that. You stop yourself, no one else does. From what Angus has told us, you didn’t take shit from anyone and did what the hell you wanted. I’m not sure what you’ve been through, and I don’t need to know. Trust me, I’ve had my share of shit dealt to me, but I took my life back. I didn’t sit around whining about it. There is a reason Angus gave up everything, including his kingdom, to find you. My point is, I know you have it in you,” Mack replied.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. “Come in,” Keira called out, suddenly feeling underdressed in her jeans and t-shirt.

The staff saw her as Angus’s queen, and she understood that carried certain expectations and responsibilities. She preferred dresses, but also enjoyed the comfort and practicality of the casual attire. Oh, well, she amended. The staff would have to learn to accept it. She was going to dress as she saw fit, not how others felt she should. Baby steps. Taking her life back was one small decision at a time.

Elysia stuck her head around the door, and when she saw Mack, a smile bloomed across her face. The door swung wide, and Keira saw a box in her maid’s hand and a pink furry animal on her shoulder. When the animal began chattering, Keira recalled hearing the noise in the forest. This must be a female Kippie.

Mack squealed, and the animal quickly scurried from Elysia to Mack’s open arms. Angus was right. The animal was a furball, and Keira couldn’t resist touching the soft pink fuzz. As Keira and Mack fawned over the adorable animal, Elysia started laughing over Mack’s sarcastic t-shirt.

“Oh, that one is brilliant. I wear the one you sent back with Blaine all the time. See?” Elysia said as she opened the silk robe of her staff uniform. Underneath the garment was a bright pink shirt, displaying an image of a dragon that was rubbing its bottom along a path, leaving fire in its wake. Keira couldn’t stop from laughing to the point her side ached.

“That is hysterical!” she barely managed through teary eyes.

“Isn’t it? Mack, you’ve got to send me pictures of all your shirts so the Barista sisters can carry more styles. Their store can’t keep this one in stock,” Elysia explained.

“I’m thinking of designing a line of t-shirts. I’ll have all my crazy-ass slogans offered in an array of styles. I was thinking I could call the collection ‘Made With Sass’. I could offer them to all realms,” Mack shared. “And, if this little girl needs a home, I’ll take her,” Mack cooed as she cuddled the pink Kippie.

“Oh, that would be wonderful. I found her a couple months ago. Looked like she’d been attacked by a Redcap, and was near death. I nursed her back to health, but she’s become so tame, I feared she wouldn’t survive if released back to the wild,” Elysia explained.

“Say no more. Nate’s going to have a fucking heart attack when I bring another Kippie to Zeum, but that makes it even better,” Mack said with a laugh, “I’ll call you Squeak, and Pip is going to love you.”

“Mack, I think the clothing line is a fabulous idea, and the name is perfect,” Keira stated and her eyes went to the package in Elysia’s hands. “What do you have there?” she asked, changing the subject as she watched Mack love on Squeak.

“Oh, sorry. This package was just delivered for you. Please let me know if you need anything else, Princess,” Elysia murmured with a bow as she held the parcel out in her hands.

“Is this from Angus?” Keira asked when she accepted the paper-wrapped box. As soon as she touched it, a peculiar sensation crawled up her arm and fogged her brain.

“It could be. I’m not entirely positive because a service delivered the parcel. If you’ll excuse me, I have chores to attend to,” Elysia replied before she left the room.

“What is it?” Mack asked as she made her way closer.

Keira couldn’t divert her gaze. It was as if a magnet held her attention, and she was rooted to the object in her hands. “Don’t know,” she mumbled before she tore the brown paper from the object, uncovering a simple white box.

Her heart sped up, and her eyes widened as she scrambled to remove the lid. Keira tossed the top to the bed, and the rest of the world receded when she saw the beautiful ring inside the box. The large pink diamond sparkled brighter than the Khoth stars at night.

Keira was attracted to anything shiny. It was the dragon part of her wanting to collect and hoard precious gems. Light flashed from the ring, and Keira’s heart settled as one thought dominated her mind. Leave the castle now and don’t allow anyone to stop you.

Something was off, but Keira couldn’t concentrate on that. Nothing mattered but leaving and heading for the mountain.

Her mind whirled as a plan quickly formed to sneak around the staff. A nearby vase sparked an idea. She could say she was going for flowers from the garden, and the vase could double as a weapon if she ran into trouble.

She would have to send Elysia on an errand. No doubt the servant was waiting outside her bedroom door to meet her every need. Then she would need to get past the knights that would be waiting in the halls. She could knock them over the head with the vase. Yes, that would work, she thought. Urgency rode her hard as she remembered Angus would return soon.

Thinking of Angus had a temporary pang ring through her chest. It made her stop for a second before the imperative to keep going kicked in, and she was back in motion.

She cracked her bedroom door to see if Elysia was in the hallway. A hand landed on her shoulder, and she jerked, trying to shake it off. Keira felt a squeeze and spun around to stare into Mack’s worried gaze. Keira’s body turned and was moving before she knew what was happening.

Suddenly, Mack grabbed her hand and yanked the ring from her finger, and the world came back into focus. Elysia entered the room, and Mack held the ring, inspecting it.

“What happened?” Keira asked, grasping her head. The disorientation reminded her of when she woke in the cave. Her hands tingled and her breathing sped up. She wasn’t asleep like before, but she didn’t understand what happened, aside from the urgent need to leave the castle.

“You were under a fucking spell,” Mack spat.

“Should I get King Angus?” Elysia asked.

Blood dropped to Keira’s feet, leaving her lightheaded and dizzy. “No. I’m fine. Don’t bother him. He’s busy trying to heal Heqet,” she mumbled, lost in a daze.

The pull to the ring hadn’t vanished. She wanted to snatch the jewelry from Mack’s hand and take off. It was hers.

“Give it back. That’s mine!” Keira demanded, and thrust her hand toward Mack.

“Okay, Smigel. This ring isn’t your precious. Trust me, you don’t want it,” Mack said turning the ring over as she touched it in several spots.

“Why not? It’s just a ring,” Keira declared, transfixed on the beautiful pink stone.

“Because I can feel his power tainting it. This trinket is as powerful as the tablet that held you in stasis,” Mack informed her as she tapped one final location and pumped her fist in the air. “Yes. Another one bites the dust. That was too damn close for comfort. Not to mention creepy as fuck to watch you get all crazy-eyed.”

Like clouds parting to reveal the sun, clarity struck, and anger replaced her confusion. She understood enough of what Mack had said to get that someone was trying to enchant her again. “Who did this?” she growled, ready to draw blood.

“That would be Cyril. He needs to get over his God complex and give up already. He lost to a much better man,” Mack asserted with a wink. The female was partial to Angus and took every opportunity to sway Keira in the same direction.

“Are you sure it was Cyril?” Keira asked.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t go there. Long story short, I have an ability to cancel spells, and I never forget magic once I’ve felt it,” Mack explained as she stuffed the ring back into its original box.

“Sorry to doubt you. I’m just having a difficult time believing Cyril would do something like this,” Keira explained.

“Girlfriend, you need to take off the blinders and see Cyril for the piece of shit he really is. But, more importantly, what are you going to do now?” Mack asked with genuine concern.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, but he owes me an explanation,” Keira admitted.

Was Angus right about everything? She didn’t believe Cyril was capable of such evil, but after this, she had to consider Angus was telling the truth. Keira slumped to the edge of her bed as she thought about her next move. Why did it seem like she took one step forward, only to take two steps back?




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