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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (8)

Chapter Seven

“Princess, please calm down,” Elysia pleaded as she scurried on the floor, trying to salvage the glass.

Keira picked up another vase, smashing it to the floor. “I’m through with calm. I refuse to be held captive in this room!” she yelled. It was the fifth piece she’d destroyed, and Keira didn’t care if the items were invaluable.

She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and couldn’t take another minute of the confinement. Elysia was gracious and helpful and brought her anything she needed, all except the one thing she wanted most…to leave. If she didn’t get out of the castle, she was going to kill someone.

“Miss Keira, you know the king’s orders. I cannot disobey Angus,” the handmaiden explained. Keira eyed the female. She was a tiny little thing, and Keira could overpower the dragon shifter in their human forms. Would Elysia shift to keep her from fleeing?

“Ugh! I don’t care about orders. Don’t you get it? Angus doesn’t make my rules. In fact, he needs a swift kick in the balls as a reminder of that little fact,” Keira snarled.

“Princess!” Elysia gasped, her faceted amber eyes bulging. “Don’t say such a thing. You know threats to the king are treasonous.”

“No, I’m in line to be his queen, remember?” Keira snarled disdainfully.

“Aye, that you are,” a familiar deep voice interjected from the doorway. Elysia jumped, and Keira turned to face Angus.

A week had passed since their return to Khoth and Keira remained a prisoner. Not that she was locked in a cell or treated poorly. In fact, most went out of their way to give her anything she requested, so long as it didn’t involve leaving the castle.

Legette was the only exception. He didn’t hide his contempt, and she suspected Angus’s second in command blamed her for Angus’s long absence.

Despite her lack of freedom, Keira felt incredibly strong. Khoth rejuvenated her cells and breathed new life into her body. She knew once she shifted and went for a swim, her strength and power would increase tenfold which only fueled her desire to return home. Her soul needed the water.

“I am verra glad to hear you have finally accepted my proposal,” Angus husked as he prowled into the room. Heated eyes caused Elysia to sidestep the aroused dragon and make a hasty exit.

“In your dreams, dragon-breath. I was merely reminding Elysia that I am not subject to treason.”

“I should bend you over my knee this instance for destroying the Havon collection. You selected these pieces as gifts for me, and I cherished them,” he admitted, and Keira’s rage quickly deflated.

She looked at the broken glass and sighed. “I’m sorry, Angus. I had no right to break your things. I’m at my wit’s end. I need fresh air. I need water,” she pleaded.

“And I need you,” Angus murmured, and she saw the raw emotion beneath his words. When she didn’t respond, he continued, “I know ‘tis hard on you, Keira. But until I am certain Cyril poses no threat, I willna leave you withoot protection.” The words were a vow, and Keira no longer doubted Angus’s intent on protecting her.

Angus didn’t want to harm her, but he wanted something far more frightening. He wanted to mate with her. That wasn’t a vow an immortal took lightly because it meant for eternity.

Keira was attracted to the dragon king, but she refused to entertain any long-term plans. She wanted to go to her family and see if her memories could be triggered. Her entire existence remained a void, and she couldn’t make decisions past that until it was resolved.

“Cyril won’t hurt me. He always took care of me and lavished attention on me. Whatever is going on between you two has nothing to do with me,” she responded for the hundredth time. It was a repeated conversation each day.

“You doona know the real Cyril. It has always been aboot you. The very reason his Buggane are destroying this planet is so he can weaken me and take you. The damage started before I left Khoth because he wanted you for his own. I have been researching his actions since our return. You recall the tablet Mack and Kyran discovered when they were here?” Angus asked, and she nodded her head.

It was shocking to see the tablet inscribed with her name and the stasis spell. Unfortunately, the memory spell wasn’t found anywhere; otherwise, they might have broken it. Angus believed Cyril was responsible, because of a symbol etched on the surface that belonged to him. Keira didn’t know what to believe. Anyone could have put that mark there, incriminating Cyril.

“I discovered a hidden chamber connected to where the tablet was found. The remains of the sea dragon Cyril used to cast the spell were inside the chamber. It was your cousin, Tanner. Dark magic is no’ to be trifled with, and I reiterate, he will take you again, and there is no telling what he will do this time. He has to know that we discovered his gruesome cave,” Angus finished, his intense scrutiny making his words all too real.

It didn’t matter that she had no recollection of her cousin. Tanner was dead and had been used in the spell to bind her memory and put her to sleep for a thousand years, and that was enough to rip her heart from her chest. Every second of pain, anger, and loss barreled through her body and she dropped to her knees.

Bowing her head, she fought the brimming tears. Losing control would not change her situation or help her. There would time to mourn later.

A heavy hand landed on her shoulder. Angus’s masculine scent filled her nose and soothed her ragged nerves which exacerbated the situation. The male confused her rattled brain. She wanted to push him away, demanding that he release her from his prison, and yet, she also wanted to fall into his arms, accepting his comfort.

He and Cyril were almost identical, she reasoned, in that they both held her captive, all the while claiming their care and devotion.

So why did she feel safer with Angus? A warning bell went off every time she was around Cyril. Not that she fully trusted Angus, but her instincts told her he was honest.

“I don’t remember Tanner,” she admitted and met faceted green eyes. They were mesmerizing and held her in place. Angus reached to stroke her cheek and heat exploded where he touched.

“Och, I swear I will find a way to free your mind. ‘Tis no’ right. You and Tanner were close. Your favorite pastime was exploring shipwrecks.” Angus paused, and she saw the wheels spinning before he added, “Come, I’d like to take you somewhere,” he invited with a mischievous grin.

Her skin continued to burn where he caressed her cheek. “What did you have in mind, Hotness?” she replied coyly, and watched his reaction to her nickname.

“You, naked and writhing beneath me,” he husked in the next breath.

Heat spread like wildfire straight to her core. Angus’s words weren’t offensive. In fact, just the opposite, and she imagined his description. The visual was arousing and moisture pooled between her legs.

Keira perused the length of his body. Angus wore the same black leather she’d seen on all the knights. She expected the king to dress differently but was glad he didn’t. The hide paid homage to the perfection of his body, hugging every muscle.

“In your dreams, dragon-breath. Where are you taking me?” Keira asked, needing to focus on a safer topic while she tried to smother her desire for the dragon.

The knowing smirk had her balled fist flying before she could stop it. Aiming for his handsome face, Angus blocked her punch with little effort. He quickly cradled her hand in his. Perfectly shaped lips pressed against the back of her hand and she swayed from the burning flame that licked across her skin.

Keira contemplated throwing caution to the wind. She wanted to taste his lips and feel his body against hers. Light green eyes captured her gaze again, freezing her in the gem depths.

All Cuelebre’s eyes were brilliant, but Angus’s put her under a spell. Positively hypnotic.

“I’m taking you oot,” Angus murmured, breaking the trance.

Shaking off her burning desire, Keira brightened. “Out? As in, outside?” she asked hopefully.

“Aye. There’s something I want to show you. I think it will please you.”

“Anything outside these walls will please me,” she replied, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Oh my Gods, yes, let’s go,” she squealed with delight.

Angus led her to the door with a palm that spanned her lower back from hip to hip. “‘I apologize that you canna leave withoot guards, but I willna take any chances with your safety. Cyril is an evil bastard,” Angus cursed.

Anger radiated off Angus in waves, and the servants and knights shied away from them as he led her through the castle. Keira had her doubts about Cyril, but she didn’t see him from Angus’s perspective.

Angus nodded to the guard by the main door and her thoughts scattered as they left the building. Taking a deep breath, Keira stepped away from Angus and threw her arms wide, twirling in a circle. The walls of the castle were closing in, and this was a moment of freedom, albeit a small one.

“Thank you so much. I needed this. Poor Elysia is probably tired of hearing me curse your name and threaten you,” she confessed.

The deep chuckle caught her off guard. He rarely showed a light and playful side, and she liked his laugh. “No wonder Elysia seemed so terrified. She’s probably worried I will behead her new charge. She’s been withoot a genuine purpose for centuries, and she always adored you. And, if you’re happy now, wait until we get to our destination,” Angus professed.

Keira smiled, unable to hide her excitement. How quickly her wayward hormones were sucked in by Angus’s charm. “There’s more?”

He leaned in and his hot breath whispered over her ear. “I haven’t even started, Turquoise.” His warm lips nibbled at her lobe and seared her flesh, causing her to wonder if a brand was left where he kissed.

Without warning, Angus stepped back and removed his leather vest, tossing it her way. Her hands fluttered to catch it before it smacked her in the face. “Wh…what are you…doing?” she stuttered through a raspy voice.

His heavily muscled chest, free from the clingy fabric, swelled with confidence. Angus smirked, aware Keira was admiring his body.

Her eyes snagged when he went for the buttons on his pants. Swallowing hard as he popped the top, she didn’t miss his knowing laugh. “Don’t flatter yourself, Hotness. I’m just admiring the view,” she scoffed. Okay, that was a lie, but she’d never admit that to him.

Her mouth dropped a second later when Angus shed his leathers. He wore nothing but a sly grin, and Keira was speechless. She had seen him naked when they walked through the town, but people had surrounded them. Now, it was the two of them and it felt far more intimate.

Arousal, hot and determined, powered through her system, and when he stepped closer, it took all her strength to remain still and meet his gaze. A nudge to her abdomen tempted her to look down, but she held her ground. It was a sizeable nudge. One she wanted to explore in detail if she were honest.

Sighing, she ignored her libido and his satisfied smirk. Keira knew he could smell her arousal, but she smelled his, too. It was mutual attraction, nothing else, she told herself.

“Hold these,” he instructed.

“Yes, my hands need something to squeeze,” she teased and rolled the fabric between her palms, stroking it while she stared seductively at Angus’s crotch.

It was her turn to smirk when his shaft jerked, and Angus released a groan. His gaze hooded, and just when Keira thought he might kiss her, his entire body shimmered, and colorful light enveloped him.

Keira took hasty steps backward, aware of what came next. A hand went to her eyes, shielding them from the brilliant explosion of color. A split second later, she was looking up at an enormous dragon.

She’d seen his dragon right after they’d crossed into Khoth. She hadn’t taken the time to appreciate the creature before she took off running. Now, she was awed by its magnificence.

Angus’s dragon was as big as one of the airplanes she’d traveled in while on earth. His scales were black as night, like his hair, and had an iridescent quality. Pale-green eyes were set wide on his long reptilian face and were as big as her head.

“Are you ready, Turquoise?” Angus’s voice reverberated in her head as the dragon laid flat to the ground.

“Yes,” she answered honestly. She was excited over the prospect of spending more time outside.

It took some effort, but she clambered over the enormous hind leg and reached his back. She felt like a tick on a dog sitting on the enormous beast. His scales were smooth and soft beneath her body. Huge leathery wings extended and beat once. The wind they created blew her long green hair across her face.

Keira hunkered down and grabbed hold of his shoulders. A subtle tingle built in intensity as they left the ground, but the liftoff was surprisingly quiet.

Glancing back, Keira noted the Máahes standing on the stone wall that protected the castle, their weapons ready. She sensed their discomfort at their king’s departure and wondered what Angus said to make them stay behind. Their main purpose was to protect him, and they couldn’t do that with him out of sight.

“They’ll be right behind us. We have aboot an hour to ourselves,” Angus said as if he’d read her mind.

“Where are we going?” she tried again.

“To a spot you claimed as ours shortly after we met. “Tis located at the tip of Mt. Batia.”

“Are you hoping it triggers my memory? If so, I think you’ll be disappointed. Nothing has worked.” She heard the venom in her voice and tried to mitigate her snarl, but failed.

“Nay. I merely want to take you oot of the castle. I know how confined you’ve felt. This place immediately came to mind.”

“What was I like when you knew me before? I can’t imagine I am the same female you fell in love with,” she probed as she sat up straight.

Angus was flying slow, and she relaxed on his back. She trusted he would catch her if she fell, and Keira spread her arms, enjoying the warm air against her face. The world below evaporated, and she breathed deep, feeling free and adventurous.

“You are verra different from the female I met, but you are also much the same. You never allowed my station to impede you and have always spoken your mind. The biggest difference is that you are far less confident. I look forward to the day you release your self-doubt, whether you regain your memories, or not. Trust your instincts, Turquoise. They won’t fail you,” he explained.

Angus’s words struck a nerve. Not because he was wrong, but because he was right. Keira allowed her memory loss to dictate her life and she needed to focus less on her past and start living. She was home and should embrace that.

“You’re right. Thank you for reminding me. Now, when can I see my family? I want to be in the sea, Angus,” she implored, hoping he would see that was best.

“I promise you it will be soon. The last thing I want is to keep you from your family.”

“What have you missed most about Khoth?” she asked.

“Aside from you, I missed the castle. ‘Tis where I grew up and had my most important moments in life. I didna realize I had become a shadow of my former self until I returned.”

Angus had lost as much, if not more, than Keira. Acknowledging that softened more of the harsh edges. If he kept his promise, and allowed her to go home, she may want to date the male.

The dragon’s speed slowed, and its wings flapped gracefully, descending towards the ground. The smooth landing was impressive considering the enormity of the creature.

A gasp left Keira at the sight before them. Perched high on his back, she had a perfect view of the clear lake.

The purple hue of the moon glittered across the surface. She slid from Angus’s back and stumbled in her haste to reach the lake’s edge. His leathers fell from her hand, and she dropped to her knees by the shore.

“Thank you,” she mumbled. “I have needed this.” Dipping her fingers into the cool water, energy hummed through her body, filling some of the void.

Without a thought, she shucked her clothes, and dove in, headfirst. She was finally home, and nothing was going to pull her away again.