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King of Khoth: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 9) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (24)

Chapter Twenty-Three

“So when does this partay begin, bitches?” Mack blurted as she walked into the bedroom.

“Mack!” Keira shrieked as she jumped up from her chair.

“Careful, your Highness. The brush is still in your hair,” Elysia warned.

“Sorry about that, Elysia,” she replied as she grabbed the object dangling from her long, green tresses. “Mack, it’s so good to see you again. I’m glad you guys made it for the ceremony,” Keira told her friend.

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything. None of us would,” Mack said and gestured to the group of females behind her. One by one, they filled the room and stood together. “Let me introduce you to the rest of the mates. This fabulous woman is Elsie, Zander’s mate. And that’s her sister, Cailyn, and her best friend, Jessie. The gorgeous redhead over there is Shae, and standing beside her is Tori. The lovely angel in our posse is Illianna, and Ember is the most recent addition. She’s holding sweet Brantley. And last, but not least, Princess Isobel, but we call her Izzy,” Mack relayed on a winded breath. “Damn, name tags would be easier with our growing numbers. This shit is exhausting.

Keira looked to the group, agreeing with the idea. She would never remember all their names.

“Och, what am I? Chopped liver?” exclaimed a tall female with long auburn hair and amber eyes. She was one of the fiercest females Keira had ever seen, and her eyes burned with fire, causing Keira to wonder her true nature. Was she a dragon, as well?

“Oh, snap,” Mack interjected. “I figured you two had met. My bad. This is Breslin, and she is a part of the Dark Warriors. I’ll introduce you to the males later,” Mack added.

“It’s so nice to meet all of you. Thank you for being here. I know it means the world to Angus,” Keira said to the group. She was awed by their presence. Each carried herself with confidence and strength, and Keira felt honored they were attending her ceremony.

“Pretty green, mama,” little Izzy exclaimed as she reached for Keira’s hair.

“Very pretty. She’s a sea dragon, sweetie. I bet she knows mermaids,” Elsie told her daughter.

“I know several mermaids. Would you like to meet one?” Keira asked as she matched the little girl’s smile.

Izzy jumped up and down, waving her hands and shouting, “Yay! I get to meet a mermaid. Mama, I need new sparklies. We need ta go shopping. No bad tings here, so I can go. Yay, yay, yay!” Izzy’s enthusiasm was contagious and had everyone smiling and laughing.

“No, there are no demons here. You are safe,” Elsie murmured. Keira recalled what Mack and Angus told her about the little girl being hunted. “It’s been a welcomed change of pace from the Tehrex Realm. Shopping sounds heavenly,” the female said with a sigh.

“Khoth has droves of sparkly dresses, and shoes to match. Trust me on that one. Angus built a larger closet just to house all the shoes I’ve acquired since returning. And, don’t get me started on the jewelry. Dragon’s are the best at picking out shiny gems,” Keira declared with widened eyes. “I wish I could join you, but I will be busy for the next several days. How about I write down the names of my favorite stores?” After the ceremony, she planned on holing up in their suite for a month doing something a whole lot more fun than shopping, but she couldn’t share that information with the little girl.

“Speaking of sparkly things,” Mack interrupted. “Where is this necklace? I will look it over while Elysia makes you shine for Angus.”

“Please take it,” Keira answered honestly as she reached to the vanity and handed Mack the piece of jewelry. “I’d love to get my memories back. Not that it will change my plans, or feelings, towards Angus, but I hate having holes and pieces missing.”

“Shit, this has one helluva powerful spell embedded in the charm,” Mack remarked as she ran her fingers over the silver.

“That’s what the Mundunugu said, but they can’t counteract Fae magic,” Keira shared and sat back down in the chair facing Elysia. “I sense several layers, but I think I can break through it. Ready to remember?” Mack asked with a mischievous grin.

“We’ll give you some privacy,” Elsie interrupted as she grabbed Izzy’s hand. “See you after the ceremony,” she called out, and the other females spouted well wishes, and followed the Vampire Queen from the room.

Butterflies took flight in Keira’s stomach. She wrung her sweaty palms and took several deep breaths. It was the only thing she wanted besides Angus. Nerves wracked her system as she feared it might fail. What would she do if she never got her memories back?

“Let’s do this,” Keira announced and steeled her resolve. It had to work, she decided.

“Hold onto your tits,” Mack joked, and her fingers slid across the pendant. First left, then right, then diagonal. Suddenly, Keira’s back arched as an intense surge of power rushed through her head, and attacked her mind.

Pain followed in its wake, and Keira swore her brain was going to splatter across the mirror and ruin the light green dress she was wearing. Fear crept in as the pain intensified. What if the amulet was designed to kill her if disarmed?

A few moments later, the pain eased and trickled away. Her vision cleared and she released the breath she’d been holding. She glanced over to see Elysia kneeling beside her on the floor.

“Are you okay, Highness?” Elysia muttered.

“Oh, thank fuck. I thought I killed you. Angus would’ve skinned me alive had that happened,” Mack confessed as she helped Keira to a sitting position.

Keira shut her eyes as the memories flooded her mind. It was overwhelming, and she cradled her face in her hands, allowing her past to soak in. Everything Angus, and her family, said was true. She remembered her loving childhood, her family and friends, meeting Angus and falling in love…all of it. And, it was incredible.

“I’m fine. Just in shock, I guess. I can’t believe it worked. I have so much to tell Angus. Thank you, Mack. I owe you big,” she professed, and threw arms around the spiky-haired female.

“You owe me nothing. Finish getting ready so you can mate the love of your life. Angus is waiting,” Mack encouraged as she helped Keira stand.

She was relieved to see her hair wasn’t ruined, and the flowers remained in place. Her skin was pale, but a little makeup would fix that. “He’s waited long enough. I’m anxious to become his queen,” Keira conveyed and met Mack’s eyes in the mirror.

Elysia quickly finished the last touches to her makeup while the females talked and laughed. A knock interrupted the chatter, and Keira’s father peeked his head around the door.

“My Kiki, you look so beautiful. You remind me of your mother. I know she’s smiling down from Kavu. It’s time, Keira,” Cygnus commented with tears in his eyes. The purple hue sparkled with joy and sadness. Keira walked over and hugged him tightly.

“Father, I have incredible news. My memories are back. All of them. I remember our home in Saqara, the first time you took me hunting, Mother’s beautiful magenta-colored sea dragon. Everything. Gods, I love you,” she muttered, and her father squeezed her so hard she thought her dress would split open.

“That’s the best gift you could give me. This day is doubly blessed, Kiki,” he replied and offered his arm to her.

Their small group exited the room with Keira’s arm linked in her father’s. Mack and Elysia rushed ahead of them to take their positions. When she reached the doors to the courtyard, Keira’s breath caught.

Thousands of sprites glowed in the night sky, and the lavender hue of the moon was the perfect backdrop. The garden was alive, each flower in full bloom, as if waiting for this moment. The sound of the kippies’ mating call was the only music that played, and her heart leaped in her chest when she spotted Angus.

Her king waited patiently in the center of gathered people, with Legette to his side. Angus was drop-dead gorgeous, wearing a white button-down shirt, pale green tie that matched her dress (and his eyes), and black slacks. He looked so different in the formal attire compared to his leathers. So distinguished, and down-right sexy.

As her hormones went crazy, Keira rushed down the path to his side, pulling her father behind her. Angus chuckled when she reached his side. “Anxious, Turquoise?” he whispered in her ear.

“My body took the wheel,” she murmured and kissed his cheek. “Guess what? Mack broke the memory spell,” she whispered in his ear.

Angus’s head jerked back, and he searched her eyes. “Och, that is fantastic, love,” he blurted, and picked her up, squeezing the breath from her chest. His lips found hers and he kissed her deeply.

“Hey, you two. You’re supposed to save that for after the ceremony,” Legette interrupted.

“Nay, my friend. This couldn’t wait,” Angus said, and placed her back to the ground. Her head was spinning from all the excitement, and she tried catching her breath as she smoothed her dress.

“You look ravishing, by the way,” he husked and grabbed her hand. Instant heat flared between them, and Angus threw a sexy grin her way.

Legette raised his hands as soon as her father took his place beside her brother. A moment of panic surfaced, and Keira glanced around, searching for danger. This would be the perfect time for Cyril to attack. Their guard was…not down, she realized, as she scanned the area. The parapet was filled with wall-to-wall dragons. She noted the line of cannons was a new addition and exhaled her relief. They were not about to let anything get through their protections. Not on their special day.

“Mating ceremonies have been a highlight during my time as king, and I am honored to be the one to join our King and Queen,” Legette announced.

“We doona usually form circles during matings on Khoth, but I’d like to incorporate that tradition from my newest family,” Angus requested.

Legette glanced around and nodded. “That is fitting. Please form circles around the couple,” Legette ordered. Once their friends and family moved in closer and stood around her and Angus, Legette opened his mouth, exhaling dragon smoke.

The white cloud formed above their heads and Legette reached up with his index finger, drawing the Gods rune. The moment the symbol was complete, blue light pulsed outward and lit up the sky. Everyone froze as they glanced upward. Even the sprites stopped moving and looked to the beauty above. Keira would never forget the colorful sight.

“Keira has chosen Angus, and they are to be united for all of eternity. Family and friends have gathered to join in the celebration of their love and commitment.” Legette traced a uniting rune in his dragon smoke.

“With a touch of your hands, you reach each other’s thoughts,” Legette intoned, and Angus clasped her hand. Keira felt his joy, relief and peace mirror her own. “With a gaze, you touch each other’s soul,” Legette recited.

Keira stared into light green eyes and saw her future.

“With that gaze, you brought me life," Angus vowed.

“You kissed my lips, and reached my heart,” Keira added and Angus bent to tenderly touch her lips with his.

A tendril of her soul left her chest and twined with Angus’s, filling every cell in her body.

“I vow to love you as my most precious treasure. To put you in the highest place of honor and respect. To stand as your pillar of support and shoulder of strength. To cherish you and to care for you, for all the days of my life,” Angus vowed.

“And, I promise from this day forward, I will give you all my love, and you shall not walk alone. As your love is my anchor, and your trust my strength, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home. As the smoke rune bonds our pledge, it has no beginning and no end. And so shall my love for you, until the end of time,” Keira promised.

“The pledge you’ve made in front of these witnesses is ever-lasting and unbreakable. You will walk together through deep green forests and on shores of sand. You are the star of each night, the brightness of every morning, and the story of each guest,” Legette shared. “May your future be blessed with many little ones,” Legette announced, and Keira heard several catcalls of agreeance. “I have waited a thousand years to say that. I feared I’d never have the privilege. And now, to seal the bond with your mating flight.”

Angus handed Keira the container of glass beads formed at the Civappu. “Ready, love?”

“Absolutely,” Keira said as she turned, allowing Angus to unzip the back of her dress.

For dragons, this was a natural and beautiful part of the ceremony. All shyness or embarrassment was tossed aside, and excitement and joy took its place. Keira’s wing had healed, and she was anxious to take flight next to her mate.

The circles spread out and gave them room. In a rapid shift, Keira stood before Angus in her Stoorworm magnificence. Angus handed her the container of glass, and quickly shucked his clothes then shifted. In dragon form, he angled his large reptilian head to her and waited until she took off. Moments later, Angus joined her in the sky and took her straight up towards the purple moon.

Call your dragon fire, Mate,” she encouraged Angus.

Angus’s wide chest heaved in, and when he opened his mouth, Keira could see the fire deep in his throat. Clasping the bowl with both hands, she turned it over and dumped the colorful beads the moment Angus released his fire. The heat and flame melted the glass that dripped and fell through the sky. The object twisted in the wind and sizzled when condensation hit it.

Lightning flashed, and struck the glass sculpture, morphing the shape even further. It plummeted to the ground and landed in a cushion of smoke provided by Legette’s rune. Even from the sky, Keira could see the various branches and twists to their mating sculpture. It reminded her of a tree. Instinctively, Keira knew that meant life. They were going to have many dragonettes. Tears formed in her eyes as she saw the depth and breadth of the gift the Gods bestowed upon them.

We are truly blessed. I love you, Angus. You are my forever,” she murmured.

“Aye, that we are, Turquoise. You have made me the happiest male alive,” he declared, and they raced to the sky, celebrating their union.