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Lil' Red & The Big Bad Biker by Glenna Maynard (1)



I haven’t left Blackwell Castle since I entered its walls when I was eight years old, until now that is. The first time my mossy green eyes set sight on the massive prison, I had thought it magnificent. I didn’t know a monster lurked behind the walls waiting to own me like a stag’s head mounted on the walls. Slipping away from my Prince wasn’t easy. I faked a headache and retired to my chambers early during dinner. At least that is what Carmichael assumed was happening.

Snuffing out my candle, I let the glow of the moon lead me through my room and through the tunnel entrance that is hidden behind my wardrobe. The tunnels have been closed off for years due to disrepair, but I used to hide in them as a child to escape Carmichael. Hiding from him is how I discovered their existence in the first place.

The tunnel is damp and overrun with rats, but I can’t allow my fear of them to halt my progress.

I’ve been dreaming of this day since I learned what kind of man I was promised to.

The tunnel comes out near the stables and Fergus, a young stable boy is waiting for me.

With no time to spare, I mount my stolen horse. With the click of my heel against the steed he sprints into the darkness, with Fergus riding closely at my side on a horse of his own. My red cloak blows behind me as we race away from the castle and in the direction of the forbidden forest—Wolfenstein territory.

Riding horseback in my gown isn’t ideal but tonight the four red moons will crest, and the forbidden forest is my only hope to escape marrying Prince Carmichael.

I can’t do it. I won’t wed such a cruel man.

The nightmare I dreamt the night before echoes in my thoughts.

“I can’t do it, Grandmother. I just can’t.” I stare past the woman who has been my only family since my father died in the great war. The war really wasn’t that great, that is just it’s given name. My mother still lives but she is not well. She hasn’t been the same since she lost my father. She sits in the same chair every day, staring longingly out the window at the dirt road that leads to our home. Even though she knows he is gone she still watches and waits for his return home. My mother refuses to accept the truth. That my father is dead and never returning.

My eyes focus on the church. The stone building next to the village square taunts me with the white wedding roses and ribbons that adorns the garland that is wrapped around the stair railings on either side. There is a wedding today but thank the Gods it isn’t mine.

Weathered and worn hands clasp my much younger and softer ones, directing my attention back to my grandmother. Long silver and black streaked hair rests tightly in a bun at the top of her head as her amethyst eyes burn into mine. Her crows’ feet appearing deeper today than they had yesterday. The hooded red velvet signature cloak she wears hanging heavily on her boney shoulders. “Child, I know you don’t love him, but it’s already been written in blood. Your father and his father both signed the wedding decree when you were aged seven years. There is naught to be done.”

Shaking my head, a lonely tear trickles down my freckled cheek. I can’t accept that. I won’t. “There has to be another way. Ginny said that the dark witch can see other worlds. She has powerful magic.”

“Ginny said,” she mocks in her raspy voice. “Hush that talk. You want the King to hear you and whip you at the square?”

“Faster,” I urge the black stallion, as the memory assaults me.

If we don’t reach the border of the King’s land soon, I will lose my head. Carmichael will see my escape attempt as treason. He’d love to take my head and the land that belongs to me by birthright.

“There she is,” I hear a member of the royal guard shout.

“Hurry, M'lady! I'll slow down, distract them, save yourself!” Fergus cries before turning back.

I never should have involved the lad. He is the only one who would help me though. How sad that a boy of one and two was the only one willing to attempt to save me.

Swallowing hard, I duck my head just as an arrow shoots past my shoulder.  Patting my thigh, I feel for the dagger I managed to procure from one of my own guards.

I’ve never used it, but I feel confident that if it comes down to me or a guard, I will choose myself.

I hear Fergus cry as his horse goes down. “Kill the traitor to the crown!” I hear the guard cry as his broadsword slices through Fergus’s neck. I shudder and gasp as his head rolls down the grassy knoll.

The beating of more hooves draws nearer, and I fear I won’t make it.

Just as I reach the tree line the four red moons break through the clouds.

Rubbing the amulet my friend Ginny gave to me in her last letter, I cross the border of the forbidden forest and wish with all that I have for magic to save me, to take me as far away as possible from this land as possible.

My horse whines as the wind begins to howl around me, sounding like the urgent call of a lone wolf.

My amulet glows; the bright white light blinds me, and I shield my eyes…