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Soul Redeemed (Sons of Wrath Book 4) by Keri Lake (32)


Ava’s body had grown weak, so much so, Calix had to hold her up against the shower tiles while he pumped out the last of his orgasm. For three days, the demon had ravished her against every wall and surface of his bedroom, and if not for Anna leaving the occasional bag of blood outside the bedroom door for her, she’d have surely starved.

Calix, on the other hand, had feasted on her like a king. He hadn’t sleep. Hadn’t seem to tire, at all.

They’d fucked so many times, she’d lost count. So many orgasms, she didn’t think her body could possibly mount another, but as his climax crested, his cock swelling inside of her and pressing against her walls with each water-slick glide, she tipped her head back against the cold tiles and allowed yet another explosion up her spine that shot to her limbs in a wash of warm tingles.

“Gods!” She collapsed forward, resting her head in the crook of his neck, while the last of his cum filled her. Her bones turned soft, and she could hardly muster a single twitch of her muscles as she allowed him to hold her while he pistoned his hips into her with the final spurts.

Nephilim were hearty species, but being half human meant she’d never match Calix’s stamina. Even so, it warmed her fragile, racing heart to hear his pleasured moans and know he was getting stronger. And bigger with each round of sex, too. Gods, surely any other male would’ve gone flaccid, each subsequent hard on less than before, but not Calix. The more they fucked, the harder he grew each time.

His lips found her throat, and the tickle of his kiss tugged a half smile that quickly faded when she felt his headshake and his groan rumble against her skin.

“Why did you let me do this to you? You let me take from you and take from you. I’m a fucking bastard who deserves the flames of Stygius for what I’ve done to you the last few days.”

“You’re an asshole who’s ruining my post-coital glow, so shut up and set me down.”

Still holding her against him, he turned her so the top spigot sprayed against her back while she continued to lay against his shoulder.

She hummed a moan, letting the warm spray soothe the ache in her battered muscles. “You’re stronger now, yes?”

“And you’re weaker.”

“I just need some rest. I’ll be ready again soon after.”

“I’m not taking from you again tonight.”

“You’ll take as much as you need.”

The hot spray cut off to a cold blanket of air that sprang goose bumps across her skin, and Calix pressed his lips to her cheek, carrying her out of the shower. Warmth engulfed her as he wrapped a towel around her body, as if she were a child in his arms, and when Ava caught their reflection in the bathroom mirror, that was exactly as she appeared, curled into his massive chest.

“I can walk, Calix. You can put me down.”

“No.” His grip tightened, pressing her against his body. “Tonight, I’m taking care of you.”

The light of the bathroom gave way to the darkness of his bedroom, and he set her down across his bed. The heady scent of sex still filled the room, and she caught the tremble of his hands that told her it excited him.

“Turn onto your stomach.”

She’d heard that command so many times over the last three days that her body moved on its own until she held her ass high in the air for him.

“No, baby. Not that.” He pushed her hips flat to the bed, spread her arms out at either side of her, and the towel slid down her back, covering her lower half. “It’s a temptation that’ll never tire, but it’s your turn now. Close your eyes and relax.”

The moment she did as he’d asked, Calix’s strong hands pressed against her back, moving in long, gentle circles.

An exhausted whimper escaped her as he dug his fingers into the tight knot of muscles, loosening the toxic vestiges of her toil. Ava was thankful she lay on the bed or she’d have collapsed into a pile of goo, as he eased the ache she wasn’t aware had twisted up there. Across her back, he rubbed and kneaded, knowing when to add more pressure and when to let up, like a pro masseuse.

“How’re s’good at this?” The slur of her voice reflected the relaxed state of her muscles, her drowsy mind begging for sleep. “You do this for all the girls, don’t you?”

A chuckle escaped him as he worked her arms, and Ava released a pleasured moan at the halo of pure heaven with each press of his fingers, and the rush of endorphins that had her feeling like she’d just taken a hit of Abyzz. “You’re the only girl who gets my premier service.”

“And you’re the only boy who gets me.”

His fingers stilled and his chest pressed against her back, his warm cinnamon breath fanning her ear. “Tell me that’s true, Ava. Tell me you’re mine.”

She’d wanted nothing more than to believe it herself, but a sadness settled over her, stripping away any such hope.

“Calix … I don’t think … I’ll never … I can’t bear a son for you. I’m ruined.”

“You’re more than enough. If it’s only you and me for eternity, I’m happy with that. I don’t want another.”

“You say that now, but … you’ll want a son someday. A legacy.”

“No doubt every male wants a legacy. Some are blessed to have a son, to carry on future generations. But few know the pleasure of having a beautiful female to enjoy the present.” He kissed her cheek and dragged his lips down to her back, kissing along her spine.

“Du amec,” she whispered into the sheets, thinking he wouldn’t hear her.

“Du amec,” he responded, and flipped her over beneath him. Leaning forward, Calix crushed his mouth to hers and stole her breath with another kiss.

* * *

Ava sat on the bed, sipping blood through the straw poked into the plastic bag, but crimping her lip, she pulled it away. “Ugh. This one tastes a bit metallic.”

“Logan hunted that one for you.” Calix smirked, pulling his dark jeans over his hips. “Child abuser. Said he had a bit of fun with him first. He worried there might be a strange flavor to it.”

“What kind of fun?” As much as she wanted to quit drinking it, she couldn’t stop herself. Perhaps it was all the sex with Calix, sapping her energy, but her craving for blood had doubled in intensity over the last couple of days.

“Said he made the asshole swallow shrapnel.”


“Who the hell knows? It’s Logan.” He shook his head, before slipping a black button-down over his shoulders. Nabbing his dagger from the nightstand, he sheathed it at his hip and rested his hand there. “I feel sorry for the kid who asks his daughter to prom.”

She eyed the blade at his side, then set her gaze back on Calix. “Think you’re going to need that?”

“Doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”

Ava smiled at that and polished off the last of the blood, shivering at the lead flavor as it coated her tongue. “Can I go with you?”

Tipping his head, Calix stroked a finger down her cheek. “Not yet, baby. Not until I find the bastards who’re after you. I don’t want anyone making the tragic mistake of taking what’s mine.”

She turned to kiss his palm and gripped his wrist. “Okay, Boss. If you say so. I need to find something to do, though. I’m not used to all this freedom.”

“I want you to enjoy it. Indulge. Relax for once.”

“What about you? Are you relaxed now?”

A roguish grin tugged the corner of his mouth, and Calix bent forward, urging her to lean back until his fists were planted at either side of her, his body held up by his massive arms. “More than I’ve ever been in my life.” He kissed her throat, and his growl rumbled against her skin, the tickle prompting her to laugh. “I’ll see you later, and we’ll pick up where we left off this morning.”

“Anything in particular I should wear?”

“Nothing,” he said against her skin, before kissing her jawline. “And a pair of heels.”

“I don’t have any heels. I’ve been living in your T-shirts and boxers for over a week.”

He pulled away from her neck and set a kiss to her lips. “We’ll have to fix that. I’ll let Anna know to order you some clothes. And heels.”

“In the meantime, I’ll see if Calla has a pair I can borrow. Or Sabelle.”

His lip twisted with disgust as he shook his head. “I don’t want the same heels that’ll have dug into my brothers’ backs.”

“Do you all enjoy the same kink?”

“I haven’t a clue what my brothers are into. All I know is their mates have developed an obsession with shoes since living here. I find them everywhere. The library. The game room. The Wreck Room. Nobody wears heels to work out.”

Ava frowned before her brows winged up with intrigue. “Do people fuck in the gym?”

“Depends on the people. Two mated couples? They’ll fuck in front of you, if they feel up to it.”

“Promise me we won’t ever be one of those couples.”

“Never. When I fuck you in the gym, you’ll be wearing nothing but Nike’s.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she caught his lip, dragging it between her teeth, before kissing him. “Have a good day at the office, baby. I’ll send you some texts later. Perhaps a preview for tonight.”

Calix hung his head and shook it as if trying to shake the visual. “Christ, I won’t be able to concentrate on a damn thing.”

“That’s kind of what I’m hoping for.” She smiled against his lips, giving one more kiss, and released him. “A girl could get used to this, you know.”

“If that girl is you, she should.”

As Calix strode out the door, Ava lay back on the bed, staring up at the gods painted across the ceiling. Only a short time ago, she’d stared at dull cement walls and ceilings, praying that she’d die during one of the injections, or that someone might find the underground hospital and save her.

She never dreamed she’d escape on her own and end up sprawled out on Calix’s bed in luxury. And the last thing she’d ever expected was for Logan to have forgiven her, going so far as to hunt for her and name his firstborn child after her.

Like a dream come true, she’d made amends with the brothers and their mates. Not a chance in all of Obsidius would she screw things up again.

At knock at the door, Ava covered herself with the towel just before a sliver of light sliced through the darkness.

“Miss Ava, dear, Master Calix has asked that I assist you in picking out some clothes.” Anna hobbled in, pushing a silver cart, upon which a laptop sat open.

Ava sat upright, holding the towel to her breasts, and tugged at the slit that showed most of her thigh. “Oh. I … didn’t expect that so soon.”

Anna’s eyeballs tracked her up and down. “Well, we can’t have you walking the halls in nothing but a bath towel. A few of the boys in this house would appreciate that a bit too much. Particularly Master Zeke.”

“Yes, of course.” Keeping the fabric to her chest, she kicked her feet over the edge of the bed and watched as Anna pulled up a website.

“Master Calix asked that you choose a wardrobe of clothes. And he asked me to remind you not to forgot the shoes.”

Ava slapped a hand to her mouth at the joke Anna wasn’t privy to. “Yes, we can’t forget the shoes.”

“I’d say a pair of black stilettos ought to please the Master. Wrath skin is rough for the wear, as I’m sure you know.”

The warmth of embarrassment filled Ava’s cheeks at the same time a snort of laughter escaped her. “Um. What?”

“Who do you think has to clean up all the shoes left lying about?” The old demon winked and cleared her throat. “Now, let’s get you something to wear, child.”

With a smile plastered to her face, Ava settled in beside the female. Things had definitely taken a turn for the better. And Ava’d be damned if she’d ever allow herself to be subjected to Oliver and his sadistic torment again.