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The Hunt 2 by Susan Bliler (30)

Chapter 31

Tyson devoured Cersi’s mouth and even just simply kissing her felt like a sigh of his soul.  He was home.

Lifting her off her feet, he shelved her ass with one arm as he backed her into the wall.  Their kissing was frantic, his heart hammering with the realization that not only was Cersi not fighting him off, but she was kissing him back.

Growling against her lips, he broke free and trailed his lips across her jaw and down to her neck where he licked and then sucked the skin there into his mouth.  Cersi moaned and bucked against him.  When the scent of her arousal filled the air, he realized his little badass liked his attention on the sensitive spot.  He kept at it, licking, nipping, and sucking until Cersi was writhing against him, panting as she demanded, “Tyson!”

He knew what she wanted, what she needed.  Hell, the smell of her wet pussy was perfuming the air and shredding his control, but he wasn’t having her like this.

Collaring her throat, he pulled back and stared down at her.  Her lust-filled eyes fluttered up to lock onto his.

“We aren’t doing this without the words, Beautiful.”

Her delicate brow furrowed and he continued.  “Cersi, if I take you to my room, to my bed, then I’m taking you into my heart.”  He shook his head once.  “Hell, you’re already there, but this ain’t about what I want.  You know I want you.  Always have.  But you gotta be in this too.”  His eyes dipped to her mouth when she bit her lip.  “I’m giving you me and my Monster.  If you want that, if you want us, you gotta say so now.  I need something too.”

His heart hammered as he waited and he had to mask his worry that she’d reject him again.  His anxiety only heightened when her eyes glistened, and she looked away.

“Tyson,” she breathed quietly.  “I’m sorry.”

Dread filled his belly.

“I’m so sorry,” she looked up at him just as a tear streaked down her cheek.  “I shouldn’t have run from you.  I was a coward and afraid.”  She snorted a watery laugh.  “I’m afraid right now.  I didn’t want to give myself to you and have your realize later that you’d regretted it.  I didn’t want you to be disappointed and toss me away, so I didn’t give you a chance.  I thought if I just pushed you away that I’d keep my heart safe, but when I got home, it felt like I was dying inside.  You wanted to know if love is real, but I want to know if you are.”  Lifting a hand, she cupped his cheek, her brows spearing down as she studied him.  “You feel too good to be true, but I can’t walk away.  Every time I walk away from you, I die inside, and for once I wanna live.  I wasn’t joking about not knowing how to love, but if you’re willing to be patient with me, I’m willing to learn…for you.”

Jaw ticking, he released a pent-up breath and lowered his head until his forehead was pressed into hers.  “I love you, Cersi, and if you let me, I’m keeping you.”

Eyes locked on her mouth, he saw her smile before she spoke the most powerful words he’d ever heard. 

“I love you, Tyson BloodMoon, and I ain’t asking permission.”  She pulled back to stare deeply into his eyes.  “I’m telling you.  I am keeping you, and I’m keeping my Monster.  You’re both mine, and I’ll do what I have to do to keep it that way.”

Swallowing hard against the emotion that clogged his throat, he lowered his lips to hers and this time his kiss was a gentle confirmation, a seal of their vows.  And because he was a Monster, the tenderness only lasted a moment before his kiss grew frantic.  Dropping his lips back to Cersi’s throat, he coaxed her back to the edge.  He smiled when he pulled back and saw that he’d given her a little hickey. 

Latching back on, he nipped and sucked until Cersi’s breath tore from her in ragged pants.  By the time he straightened and shoved off the wall with her, she was squirming in his hold, her hips pressing against him as she bucked and latched her teeth onto his neck.  Bitey little badass was gonna get herself fucked in the hall if she wasn’t careful.

Turning, he shoved the door to his room open and carried her over the threshold.  Inside, he used the sole of his boot to shove the door closed behind them before he carried his prize to the bed.  She hadn’t been back since that first night they were together, but Tyson had gone out of his way every single day to keep the space clean and to keep his bed made in case she ever graced him with her presence again.

In the room, he settled her on her feet and quickly looked around.  Disappointment filled him at how ordinary everything looked, so he held up his hands when Cersi reached for him and backed toward the door.  “Wait… wait here. I have candles, and an I-pod somewhere, we can have music too.  I can make this romantic.  I can make this right!” 

She opened her mouth, and he knew she was going to protest, but he was gone before she could. 

In his kitchen, he rummaged through the drawer and found three fat stubby candles that he kept for power outages.  Grabbing three soup bowls from the kitchen, he hurried back to the room to drop off his wares before he intended to go searching for his I-pod.

Three little saucers in one hand, one candle tucked under his chin and two-fisted in the other, he stepped into his room and slammed to a halt.

Cersi stood waiting, gloriously naked.  He couldn’t have kept his eyes from sliding down her frame if she’d paid him.  As he watched, she climbed up onto his bed on all fours and stopped once she was facing away from him.  She spread her legs a little wider and grinned over her shoulder at him, but his eyes were locked on her pussy. 

“Forget romantic.  You coming?” she asked.

Damn near, he wanted to say but didn’t.  Instead, he dropped the candles and the saucers right where he stood.  Glass shattered, but he didn’t even bat an eye.  He couldn’t.  He was too busy being mesmerized by the sight of her glistening pussy that was garishly gaping open in invitation. 


She was the sexiest fucking thing on the face of the whole damn planet.

“Ty-son,” she sing-songed and he quickly committed the dirty image of her to memory so he could savor it forever.  “I need you.”

Cersi dropped her shoulders to the bed and rolled her hips back.  It took him a moment to realize what she was doing.  She was giving him the chance to re-do their first time together.  This time, he’d do it right.

Eyes flashing brightly, he approached with deliberate steps, shredding his clothing on the way.  By the time he made it to the bed, his shirt and jeans and been destroyed, his boxers were gone too and glancing down he realized he still wore his hiking boots and socks.  Too bad.

One look up at Cersi’s dripping sex had him giving a mental ‘fuck it’. 

“Mine,” he declared in a hoarse voice that was polluted with the growl of Monster.

He was on Cersi before she could even move.  Jaw clenched tight, he went against his instincts and Monster’s wishes and slid into her slowly this time.  Part of his brain was telling him he should woo her, compliment her, tell her she was beautiful, but he couldn’t.  He was struggling hard to keep his skin and to stay gentle, but when she clenched her channel around him, a long snarl erupted from his throat.  He nearly lost the battle for self-control…nearly.

“Fuck me,” she panted.  “Fuck me like you’re my Monster.” 

He was a hundred percent sure she didn’t know what she was asking.  Another snarl lifted his lip, and he rolled his head on his shoulders when just for a second, fur pushed through his skin and his nails and teeth elongated.  Seizing up, he concentrated on keeping Monster at bay, but then Cersi started moving.  Rocking forward, she slid her slick pussy down his sheath until just the tip was buried inside of her before she slammed her hips back and buried him to the hilt inside of her.

“Cersi,” he growled, but it was almost unintelligible.

He was supposed to be gentle this time.  It was gonna be slow and sweet the way women needed it to be.

“Fuck me, damn it!”

Eyes rounding at his mate’s command, Tyson pushed deep inside of her.  Cersi threw her head back and moaned.  God, the things this woman did to him.  She was hell on his control and Monster wasn’t helping any.  The damn beast was right below the surface keeping tabs.  He wanted to make sure Tyson didn’t fuck this up.  And he wouldn’t.  He couldn’t!  This right here, this was everything.  Cersi was everything.

Fucking her in earnest now, he plowed into her feeling her body tighten and tense thrust by thrust until Cersi screamed out her orgasm.  Her channel seized around him and had him bucking into her erratically.  He wanted to tell her he loved her as he erupted deep inside of her, but words were too much right now.  Breathing hard through clenched teeth, his eyes locked onto where they were connected.  He smashed his hips harder against hers, forcing his dick as deep into her as it would go.  This was a lot like last time, only better, and this time Monster pointed out that this was the second time they’d taken her with no protection.  Monster wanted pups, and so did Tyson and Gods willing, it’d happen soon.

When he’d emptied himself fully, he slowly pulled out of his mate.  Cersi tried to roll to her side, but his hands caught her hips as he ordered her to, “Stop.”

Tyson’s eyes locked on where her legs were still spread wide.  The reddened puffy flesh of her pussy had his gut clenching and his dick going hard.  His cum was dripping out of her.  Just the sight of it had him ready to take her again.  Stomach muscles tensing and heart constricting, he sluiced his fingers through the cream seeping from her slit and lifted it to lube her ass.

He thought she’d protest, but with a sharp inhalation, she tensed only a moment before relaxing her hips.  Forcing a finger inside her ass, he nearly came again when Cersi moaned and flared her hips, taking his digit deeper. 

Holy Jesus fuck!  This woman was going to be the death of him!

Easing his finger out, he gathered more of his seed and circled her hole.  Seconds later, the blunt tip of his cock was probing for entrance.  He’d thought her pussy was tight, but slowly inching his dick into her ass had him nearly coming before he was even fully seated.

On the bed, Cersi was panting.  Her back was slickened with sweat, and she was mewling, her hands fisting the bedspread and her toes curling.

“This okay?” he managed to grit out.

“Y-yes,” she breathed.

When he was buried fully inside of her, he took a moment to enjoy the sensation.  His woman was impaled on his dick, the most sensitive part of her opened and speared, ready for him.

Smoothing his hands over the globes of her ass, he parted her cheeks and watched as he pulled slowly out and thrust back in.

Cersi was much more vocal now, and the way she squirmed before shoving her hips back to greet him had him grinning.  His beautiful little badass was no longer in charge.  He bucked into her twice hard in rapid succession and evoked a scream before Cersi reached back with both hands and raked her nails down his thighs.  His woman wasn’t his queen in this moment.  No, she was his horny little slut, and that was exactly how he wanted her.  Fuck, just that realization had a spurt of cum shooting into her. 

Gripping her hips, he started fucking her hard.  Chest pressed to her back, lips whispering dirty things at her ear, Tyson fucked her like he owned her, and he did, just like she owned him.

Sawing back in forth inside of her, Cersi’s body finally seized.  She screamed loud just as his balls drew up and shot his seed deep into her ass.  It helped to lube from the inside out, and because he could, he pulled out and shoved in a few more times, drawing out his mate’s quaking aftershocks before he finally settled on top of her, dick still buried deep between her cheeks.

God, he loved this.  He loved her!

Rolling onto his back, he pulled from her body slowly because he was reluctant to sever their connection, but he had something he wanted to say, and he wanted to look at her while he did it.

He groaned, and Cersi giggled before rolling over to face him.  Without hesitation, he pulled her close, threading one arm under her head in a makeshift pillow and snaking the other over her waist and then up the smooth plane of her back where he ran his fingers in tiny circles over her soft skin.

This!  This right here was life.  This was what his Dire wolf had been needing this whole time.  Her!

His eyes shone with emotion.  He had to swallow hard before he was able to get out a gruff, “Cersi, you’ll never know what it’s like to love somebody the way that I love you.  I love you so fucking hard.  You choosing me and Monster has meant more to us than…well, anything ever!  We know we don’t deserve you, but we’re gonna work hard to never let you down.  We’re gonna do all that we can do never disappoint you, to prove to you how much we need you.”

Cersi beamed up at him and shook her head.  “Pretty sure I love you more.”

“Impossible,” he growled and bent to nip her bottom lip.  “Im-fucking-possible, my beautiful little badass.”

Cersi’s tone grew serious.  “Tyson?”

“Yeah, baby?”

Lifting up, she settled the palm of her hand on his chest and rested her chin on top to stare at him.  “We…we didn’t use protection.”

“Mmm,” he grumbled.

“And I’m not on anything.”


Brow’s shooting up she asked, “Good?”

“Fuck yeah, baby, it’s good!  You don’t have a family, and my dire wolf didn’t have one either.  You had Vesa, and I had the guys, but we need something of our own.”  Lifting a hand, he cupped her cheek and then pressed his lips to her hairline.  “Together, we’ll add to what we have with each other.  We’ll make our own family.”

Tears flooded her eyes as she rasped out, “God, I-I really love the sound of that.”

Tilting her face up to his, he kissed her long and slow before pulling back.  She was so fucking beautiful, and he was so damn lucky.  He vowed at that moment to never forget just how lucky he was.  “Me too, baby,” he breathed lowering his head to whisper against her lips, “Me too.”