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Make Me a Marchioness by Blackwood, Gemma (23)


















Charles could not deny it. He was no stranger to London's underbelly. He had even been to Mallory's once or twice before.

But now that he traversed the filthy streets of Seven Dials knowing that Julia was inside one of those drab little houses, he saw it all with entirely fresh eyes. And the impression was not a good one.

Huge piles of horse dung lay unswept in the streets. At least, he hoped it was only horse dung. He averted his eyes from the worst messes. More than once, he and his companions had to step over the slumbering form of a drunk, lying in the streets with the litter. It was a far cry from the splendour and clean streets of Mayfair.

"I cannot bear to think of Julia in this place," he muttered to Harry, as the Duke steered him around an unsavoury-smelling puddle.

"Remember that this is where she spent most of her life," said Harry, which was not entirely soothing. "She is accustomed to this place. It will not distress her too much." He wrinkled his nose, sniffing the air. "At least, I hope not."

Charles endeavoured not to look too familiar with the mysterious, unassuming doorway that led into Mallory's gaming hell. "So, this is the place!"

Kit snorted derisively. "Honestly, Charles, would you really have me believe that you have never seen it before?"

The Duke of Rawly tutted. He clearly did not approve of a Marquess being spoken to in that manner by a man who had lately sunk as low as Kit Yardsley.

They had brought a pack of footmen with them, but Harry gestured to them to wait outside. "I do not want to start a fight unnecessarily," he said. "Though I am more than prepared to use my fists – and more – if I must. Chiltern, I know that Julia is very dear to you, and so I counsel you to keep a cool head. Perhaps it would be better if you stayed here."

Charles wondered what violence Harry saw in his face. "I am resolved to come with you," he said. "I can make you no promises, but I hope you will not be dissatisfied with my conduct."

Harry nodded, and lifted his hand to rap on the door to Mallory's.

It was opened by an enormous man with a bald head and several tattoos. He looked over the four gentlemen with a beady eye, and silently nodded them in.

"Now," muttered Harry, "remember what I told you. We are under no circumstances to alert Mr Mallory to the reason why we are here. Use your assumed names, and make enquiries where you can. Everything must be done in the greatest secrecy –"

"Julia!" exclaimed Charles. His heart thudded to a stop in his chest. There she was – pale and unhappy but as beautiful as ever, sitting at one of the sticky tables on the other side of the room. He could hardly believe it. Without a thought for their carefully constructed plans, he ran towards her.

Behind him, Harry cursed and made a grab for his arm. Charles shrugged the Duke roughly away and kept running. He felt the incurious eyes of the men at the gaming tables lap over him and look away again. In a place like Mallory's, it did not do to pay anyone close attention.


At last, she looked up and saw him.

Charles did not know exactly what he had been hoping for. He had pictured again and again, so many times that it was a torment which had driven sleep from him, the moment when he was reunited with Julia. In all his hopeless dreams, she had been happy, repentant, tearful – but never afraid.

It was plain to see that she was terribly afraid now.

"Charles!" she gasped. Even in her distress, the sound of his voice was musical on her lips. "You cannot be here! Please, you cannot be here! If Edmund sees you –" She looked around wildly. "Charles, for goodness' sake, you must leave at once!"

"I will do no such thing," said Charles, taking her in his arms. Julia struggled for a moment, but she was unable to resist him. Slowly, deliciously, her head fell onto his shoulder. Her hands clutched at his shirt. She was his again, his entirely, and he would never again let her go. "My Julia, it almost killed me to see you leave Harding Hall."

"I did it for a reason!" Julia wailed. "I cannot bear to see Edmund harm you or your family on my account. Charles, I beg you –"

Harry, Kit, and Rawly caught up at that moment. Julia broke away from Charles, completely astonished. "Your Grace! Lord Kit! Don't tell me Charles has dragged you into this foolish mission as well. I am afraid my decision is final. I have no choice but to stay here at Mallory's."

"That is entirely wrong," said Harry. He nodded at Charles in a show of generosity. "Chiltern, I'll let you do the honours."

"Julia," said Charles tenderly, "I'm afraid you have never been given the full details of your parentage."

Julia shook her head wildly. "I have already told you everything there is to know."

"Not everything, my love," said Charles. "I think you already had some suspicions that your father was married more than once?"

"What are you saying?" asked Julia, wide-eyed. She looked as though she already knew what he was about to say, but hardly dared believe it.

"I am telling you that you are the only living child of the late Duke of Westbourne," said Charles. "The only living legitimate child. Your name is Lady Julia Westbourne, and you have a claim to a portion of the Westbourne fortune. But that is all beside the point, my Julia – Lady Julia – for I have learned in these past days that I cannot live without you, Duke's daughter or not. Let me ask you now, for the third time. Will you marry me?"

Julia's lips trembled. For a moment, Charles was afraid that it was all too much for her. Then, like the sun breaking through clouds, she smiled.

"What do you think, Cousin Harry?" she asked, turning to the Duke of Westbourne. "Should a lady of my station stoop to accept the hand of a mere Marquess?"

Charles grabbed her by the waist and drew her to him, eliciting from her a soft but not displeased yelp of surprise. "I take that as a yes, my darling little minx?"

"A thousand times yes!" Julia laughed. Charles could have kissed her right then and there, in front of Westbourne, in front of Rawly, in the middle of that foul and stinking gaming hell.

"Unhand my sister."

Edmund was standing behind Harry, no fewer than seven men lined up at his side. Charles recognised the heavyset doorman and the unnerving Mr Silver. He moved in between Edmund and Julia. "Give it up, Mallory. We're here to take her away."

Edmund jerked his chin in Charles's direction. "I've warned you once, Chiltern. Once ought to be enough. Do you really care so little for your precious Annabelle? You know she's not beyond my reach."

"How dare you threaten my daughter?" growled Charles. Harry flung out a hand to stop him from launching himself at Mallory.

"You will address your grievances to me," Harry said, in thunderous tones. "I am the head of the Marsden family, and Lady Julia is not a Mallory, but a Marsden."

Edmund spat on the ground between Harry's shiny hessians. "What a pretty thought. I expect you can prove it, can you?"

"The King is looking over the documents as we speak," said Harry.

A mixture of anger and surprise flashed in Edmund's eyes. He had obviously thought Harry was bluffing. "Julia –"

"My name is Lady Julia Marsden," said Julia, with a voice that cracked like a whip. Charles saw every man's shoulders straighten in response to the absolute authority in her tone. The effect on Edmund was palpable.

"Lady Julia? My little sister – my own heart – a Lady?"

"That's right," said Julia. "And you will lower your eyes when you speak to me."

Edmund waved his men back. "Julia, this is wonderful. This is more than we ever dreamed of!" He extended his hand towards her as though he fully expected her to take it. "Think of the fortune that's owed you! Think of the mess we'll make of London society! Together, Julia." His hand began to tremble. "Come, sweet sister, take my hand. I am still your brother. You cannot escape me."

Julia's face crumpled. "Edmund, I must. I must leave you."

"What are you talking about?" His smile barely wavered. "We have a fortune now, sister."

"I have a fortune. And you will never see a penny of it." She tightened her grip around Charles's waist. "Gentlemen, please escort me out of here."

"Not so fast," growled Mr Silver. Julia let out a shriek.

"We have men outside, Mallory," said Charles calmly. "More men than you have here. Do you think it will be good for business, brawling with a couple of Dukes, a Marquess, and a Lord? You'll be finished the moment you lay a hand on us."

Edmund dragged his hand back, slowly realising that Julia was not going to take it. "Let them go, Silver," he said hoarsely. "Let them go in peace."

As Charles guided Julia towards the doorway, Edmund darted forwards and seized his arm. "Don't make the mistake of thinking this is over, Chiltern. I'll get you yet."

Charles shrugged him off and hurried Julia outside.

The footmen immediately surrounded them, standing in tight formation. Charles rubbed Julia's back. "We have a carriage not too far away, my love. Are you well? Can you walk?"

Julia blinked in the sunlight. "I am better now than I have ever been."

"Let's not celebrate prematurely," Harry cautioned her. "I don't take Mallory's threats lightly. He means to have his revenge on us, I don't doubt it."

Julia let out a wicked grin. "I wouldn't concern yourself too much with him, cousin." She unclenched her hand, revealing a crumpled sheet of paper closely written with columns of numbers. "Once the Bow Street Runners get a look at the way my dear brother has been conducting his business, I doubt Edmund will be in any position to meddle with me again. Though I may deign to visit him in his prison cell."

"You clever thing!" laughed Harry. "I must say, that was jolly brave of you, stealing it from right under his nose!"

Julia looked up at Charles fondly. "I have learnt to be brave. I have had a good tutor."

"Nonsense," smiled Charles, embarrassed and pleased. "Now, let's get you into the carriage without further delay. There's a hot bath waiting for you at Amberley House."

"Your home," Harry reminded her, opening the carriage door himself. Julia sighed with happiness and let Charles lift her inside.