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Date The Billionaire by Summer Cooper (83)

Chapter Eight

Mary and Lillian were sat out on the patio in the morning sunshine eating breakfast when Ben made his appearance at the gate.

“Good morning, Ben. Care for some breakfast?” Lillian asked cheerily.

“I’ll take a coffee with you, thanks, but I’ve already eaten,” Ben replied as he joined them at the large wooden table.

“You sure get up early, Ben,” Mary remarked.

“Got a fair bit to do today. Had an email last night and I need to spend the day working. Need to have an article written by the weekend. No big deal but it needs to be done,” Ben said as he accepted the mug of hot coffee from Lillian.

“That’s too bad, we were hoping you could join us on a trip today,” Mary said.

“I’m really sorry girls but I have to earn my keep if I want to stay in paradise,” Ben said. “Anyway, what are you planning? Another day at the beach?”

“Oh heavens no, not today. We realised we were short on clothes for this sort of weather so we thought we’d go to Faro and do some shopping,” Lillian replied.

“You should find all you need in Faro. Great town. But sorry, I really can’t go with you this time. I have an idea though. How about an adventure for you both? You ever been on a train?” Ben asked.

“A train? I’ve never been on a train in my life. That would be incredible!” Mary replied. “But we don’t speak Portuguese like you. I’m not sure we could manage it on our own.”

“Say what, girl? We got all the way from West Virginia in an airplane. I’m pretty sure we can manage a little ole train trip,” Lillian exclaimed.

And so through breakfast it was arranged. Ben would drive them to the local station and from there they would catch the train to Faro. Ben gave them his phone number and once they got back to the local station he would come and pick them up again. It was all so simple and so well planned. Nothing at all could go wrong. Nothing.

Good as his word, Ben dropped them off at the train station and returned home to attempt to work as he thought about Mary. Perhaps he should have gone with them, he pondered, pacing the courtyard with a watering can while taking a break. Somehow, those two alone in a big town just wasn’t a good idea. He could drive to Faro and find them from the station. Wouldn’t take him long and the work could wait. It was just work after all. He sighed and sat down at his laptop and began to type. They were grown women after all. He sounded like an old mother hen fretting like that. He got up to make a cup of tea. They had his phone number. All would be well.

* * *

Mary and Lillian had boarded the train that arrived on the dot with a flurry of horns and bells to announce itself. Mary had ordered them two tickets to Faro in her best Portuguese, reading from an app on her phone. The guard smiled, repeated the phrase back to her and then politely said, in perfect English, “Have a wonderful vacation, ladies.”

Mary and Lillian looked at each other and the guard, laughed, and thanked him.

The trip was short but both of them were excited to be on a real train for the first time in their lives. They were amazed at the coastal scenery just outside of the window and both were excited to see not only boats resting on sand at the low tide but horses in areas spotted with grass. The landscape changed so quickly here. The train slowed as it approached the stations and the women anxiously looked for any signs to tell them where they were stopping each time.

People got on and off but the ladies stayed put, not seeing the word they were looking for. The train departed once more and they started to worry they’d somehow missed their stop when the train started to slow once more.

“Maybe we’ve missed it?” Lillian said anxiously, feeling a moment of helplessness as she looked around at the train filled with people. She didn’t know if any of them spoke English and without Ben, she was feeling the language barrier. It was a little bit terrifying.

“It’s okay, Momma, I’m sure we just haven’t got to it yet.” Mary observed her mother. Her intuition told her all she needed to know. “Don’t worry, if we’ve missed it we’ll just get another ticket back and ask the conductor which station we need to get off at. It’s alright.”

She patted her mother as the train came to a halt finally and gave her a reassuring smile. Staring through the window they saw the sign on the station platform stating large and loud they were now in Faro. Following the throng of other holiday makers and locals, they disembarked onto the busy platform with relieved laughs.

“See, that wasn’t so hard.” Mary took her mother’s arm.

They followed the crowd out of the station and onto the main road that lead into the town itself. Unlike the little villages, this was a real town with large buildings towering above them. They walked down the long boulevard into the town centre, heads spinning from one side of the road to the other taking in the mixture of modern and Moorish architecture.

The obvious first stop was a small café for a well-earned coffee and a pastry.

The two of them looked around at the milling shoppers and workers in both amusement and amazement. Neither of them had ever experienced city life at home, and abroad it was a bigger thrill. They sat sipping the hot coffee and nibbling on their food as they people watched.

“This is good, but we came for clothes and I haven’t seen anything like a clothes shop, Mom,” Mary said eventually.

“Well they all gotta dress, right? They don’t all sit home making the stuff like Gramma would. I’m sure they have clothes shops. Let’s get these finished and go find some,” Lillian replied, slurping the last creamy dregs of her coffee.

Mary took out her phone and prodded for the translator and rather proudly paid for the coffee and food. Then the clothing search began.

They hadn’t gone far before they came across a small bazaar run by two Indian women. Small on the outside perhaps, but inside it seemed to have endless aisles of all manner of clothing. They wandered the aisles for an age, passing each other to compare selections, coming together to swap choices and all the time accompanied by the two Indian women both offering suggestions and sizes.

As they made their way to the front of the store with their choices, they looked at each other in shock.

“Is this it then? We don’t need to go anywhere else. That was easy,” Lillian said, laughing.

“I don’t think we could carry much more if we wanted to,” Mary agreed, pulling out her wallet.

“Are you sure we need all this?” Lillian asked Mary, nodding at the huge mountain they’d selected.

“Well, yes. We need suitable stuff and this is it. We might as well get it all in one place I reckon. Cheer up Mom. We don’t get to do this every day,” Mary teased her mother, passing over her card for swiping.

“Just as well your dad isn’t here. He would throw a fit seeing me buying clothes like some runway model. You’re right. Once in a lifetime needs once in a lifetime treats,” Lillian said.

They waddled out of the small shop loaded up with bags and headed towards the seafront to find another well-deserved coffee. As they got towards the front they found themselves in a large throng of people milling around a large group of huge white tents. Towards the centre of the little tent city, they found an area of tables and chairs set out and plonked themselves down.

“There seems to be some sort of fair going on,” Lillian said as she scanned the crowd around them. “Maybe we have to pay to sit here,”

“No Madam, you don’t need to pay to sit down, but I would recommend you buy yourself a ticket to try the wine. It is quite wonderful,” a voice said from behind.

Sitting in a chair at an adjoining table, Lillian stared into the handsome face of a tall, dark Mediterranean looking man.

“I beg your pardon?” Lillian stuttered, both shocked at his impeccable English and his good looks.

“It’s a wine tasting, Madam. You go to that tent there,” he said pointing to one of the tents on the side, “And buy yourselves a wrist band. They will give you a glass and you can sample all the fine wines here.” The man raised his own glass to her and turned back to his table to converse with the well-dressed young lady he was with.

“Well, I don’t mind if I do. I’m about ready for a drink. Would you go and take a look how much it costs, Mary? I’ll watch the bags and rest my legs just now if you don’t mind,” Lillian said.

“Fine, Mom. Have a sit and give me a minute. If it’s too expensive we’ll just go find a cola somewhere okay?” Mary replied.

Mary headed over to the ticket tent and came back with a wrist band for them both and two glasses.

“Thought we’d start with this white one okay? The woman selling the bands said it was a good place to start,” Mary said as she settled down in the chair next to Lillian.

The woman had been right. The wine was light, fresh and crisp and not too dry. They both loved it. Lillian turned around to thank the man in the seat behind her and he in turn made some of his own recommendations, which they were happy to try. As the afternoon wore on the several wine servings were beginning to take their toll, and both Mary and Lillian were noticing the effects.

“I think, daughter dear, it might be wise if we attempt to find our way back to the train station. Don’t want to keep young Ben waiting all night for us now do we?” Lillian snickered as she downed the last of her wine.

“I think you might be right. I didn’t realise we’d spent so long here. Wonderful though, isn’t it? Maybe we should start something like this in town when we get back,” Mary replied, standing up and gathering bags.

They said their farewells to the man and his companion, and set off back the way they’d come. It was a long walk back up the hill to the train station, and the pair called for another coffee on the way, but soon they were back on the platform just as the train was pulling in to the station.

“Are we sure this is ours?” Lillian enquired as Mary scanned the name on the train.

“I guess they either run that way or the other way, Mom. Along the coast see?” Mary replied pointing to the notice board with the train layout on it.

They climbed aboard and Mary more confidently ordered and paid for their tickets.

The train had barely left the station before Lillian dozed off as the train rocked her to sleep.

Mary gazed out of the window, watching the landscape fall away as they sped along the track following the beautiful sandy coastline and the crystal clear sea. Mary was convinced it was the most wonderful place she’d ever seen in her life. Even better than in books or TV. She too drifted into a peaceful slumber as the train rolled on.

Mary woke with a jolt as a train guard shook her shoulder. She looked up at him confused and then out of the window. The train had stopped and the platform seemed unusually quiet.

“Hello?” Mary tried with the guard as she shook her mother to wake her up

The guard started pointing at the ticket in her hand and made a lot of gesticulating and ranting in their general direction. Mary, still groggy and totally confused, tried again.

“English? Do you speak English, sir? I do not understand,” she tried pitifully.

“Ah, English, of course, I should have known. You have not paid for your tickets, madam. You only paid to Livramento,” the guard replied, pointing at their tickets.

“Well, have we passed Livramento, sir? We really need to get off there. Our friend is meeting us,” Mary replied.

“Then your friend will be disappointed madam. Here in Spain, we take ticket jumping very seriously indeed,” the guard replied.

Lillian reached across from her seat towards the guard, now awake and terrified.

“Spain? We’re in Spain? Oh God, no! We need to be in Portugal! In Livramento! Please don’t put us in jail. I have heard awful things about Spanish jails,” she shrieked. Her eyes were round with fear and the guard saw tears forming in her eyes as she started to sniffle. “I’m too old to be going to jail.”

“Jail? Oh no, I don’t think you’ll be going to jail. But you’ll have to buy new tickets. And get on the proper train, of course. I think we will let you off the visit to jail. This time,” the guard replied, grinning at his partner who had arrived to help handle the situation.

“We’re Americans, you know? On vacation. We haven’t been here long. I’m very sorry, sir. Could you point us in the right direction for Portugal?” Mary asked.

“Ah, Americana? Yes, that makes sense. Follow me please, ladies,” the guard said as he nodded and smiled to his colleague, escorting Mary and Lillian off the train. “This train will be going to Seville. A wonderful city. Most beautiful. But not where you want to be going.”

Mary and Lillian followed obediently behind the guard as he escorted them to the platform where they would find their train back to Portugal. With a flourish he printed off two tickets.

“Americana Ladies, the next train will be yours. Stay awake and alert, please. The tickets this time are free, a gift from the wonderful country of Spain. But please, do not do this again, or it may be the Spanish jail. Enjoy your vacation,” the guard said, tipping his head and leaving them on the platform.

“Oh good grief! What on earth have we done?” Lillian gasped as she took a seat on a platform bench.

Mary shrugged. “We fell asleep and missed our stop. I’m sure plenty of people do it all the time. It was very kind of him to sort our tickets though. What a delightful man.”

“You’d best call Ben. Let him know what happened and that we aren’t in some jail cell rotting somewhere,” Lillian replied with a tired sigh as she closed her eyes.

Ben was sat out in his courtyard, gazing at his laptop screen and pondering. He had written a good article that contrasted the wonders of wild flamingos in the nature reserve and the excitement of paragliding over the pristine waters of the sea. Readers liked that sort of thing. The excitement mixed with the calm. It covered a lot of bases. Those that wanted to spend hours looking at wildlife and water could still feel they were in an exciting place, and those full of adventure and drama could tell their mothers about the wind in their hair as they went paragliding. Something for everyone in there, Ben thought, as his phone vibrated on the table.

He reached down to pick up the phone didn’t recognise the number. Mary, of course. They would be in Livramento waiting for him. He answered the phone.

“Ben? Is that you, Ben? It’s Mary.” Her panicked tone set him on edge immediately.

“Hello. I guess you’re waiting for me to pick you up?” He hoped, but her tone warned him something was wrong.

“No, well not just yet.”

“I thought you’d be back by now?”

“Yes, yes we should have. But we seem to be in Spain. You know, that country next door?” She sounded rather sheepish and he had to smother a chuckle.

“Yes, I know Spain. For some reason, I am not in the least bit surprised. Let me know when you get to Livramento and I’ll be right there.” This time he let the chuckle come through, it sounded like she needed some reassuring.

“Thank you, Ben. I knew you’d understand. I’ll talk to you later.”

Ben laid the phone down on the table and smiled. Then he laughed. He closed his laptop and laughed some more as he went in to make himself a mug of tea. No sense in rushing. They would be at least another hour. Time enough to water the plants he’d missed earlier. Only those two could go out for a simple trip into town and end up in Spain. Chaos did seem to follow them at times. He felt some of the tiredness seeping from his body as he thought about Mary and couldn’t wait to pick her up from the train. There was going to be one kicker of a story coming his way.




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