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Holding On To Hope: "She was brokenhearted and chasing dreams. He was lovestruck, chasing her." (Second Chances Duet Book 1) by Mystique Roberts (2)



 Sitting at Club Fusion, after a run through of our upcoming show, the guys and I are enjoying are having a few drinks and enjoying a night out. I take in my surroundings and grin. I am finally where I want to be in life and only plan on getting bigger in this industry. I mean what can I say? I’m twenty-three, single, an up and coming musician, and have the world at my feet. I don’t mean that to be cocky, but I made music my life and now, I am seeing the rewards.


We are in the VIP section, having a few drinks when I see my ex, Lauren, walking up to me with a beer in one hand and a cocktail in the other. Great, here we go. I shake my head and finish the Bud Light in my hand with one gulp. Ever since we broke up, Lauren has tried to make me jealous by hooking up with anyone and everyone, and when she isn’t being a revolving door for men, she’s begging me to take her back. We broke up because she couldn’t handle my fame. She couldn’t handle the women that came with it, and she started going off on fans. To be honest, she made it pretty easy for me to end things.


“Lauren, what are you doing up here?” I say rubbing my eyes to ease the tension I feel building. She seems to sense the curtness in my tone, because she raises her hands as if to say she’s innocent.


“Take a chill pill Chase, I just saw you guys and thought I’d say hi. Here, thought you’d like another beer.”


I glance at the beer in her hand and back to her, meeting her eyes with a curious glaze. She probably wants to hookup or rekindle our relationship and the latter definitely isn't happening. A fling for the night could be fun though.


“Sure, that’s all.” I say sarcastically, reaching out for the bottle in her hand. “Whatever, thanks for the drink.”


She smiles, “You’re welcome. Save me a dance later?”


I roll my eyes, I knew she wanted something.


“Yeah, give me a few.” I say, humoring her.


She heads back to the bar and I finish the beer she brought, plus one more before heading to find her on the floor.


“Dude, Chase, where are you going?” I hear Cole call.


I turn around and point to the dance floor.


“Just going to dance with Lauren, then headed home. MY home… not hers, so before you go there, don’t.”


He laughs and shakes his head, probably not believing a word I said, I’m not sure if I even do. I spot Lauren by the D.J booth, swaying her hips in a tight, little silver dress. Yeah, maybe taking her home wouldn’t be such a bad idea. I think. I get closer, grab her hips and start dancing. One thing leads to another and we’re heading toward the door, her lips hardly leaving mine.


We get outside and the cool air sobers me up slightly, forcing me to realize this is a bad idea.


“Whoa, Lauren, I’m sorry. I can’t do this; I don’t want you to think more of it. The drinking and dancing just clouded my thoughts. Don’t be mad.”


She tenses up and shoves me away from her. I see the anger written all over her face.


“Oh, because you have your choice of women now, I’m no longer good enough? Fuck off Chase.”


Before I can say a word, she turns and heads back inside. I shrug, that was a disaster waiting to happen anyway. I find my bike and text the guys I’ll see them tomorrow. As I’m turning onto the highway and I try to focus on the road, but my vision starts to blur. I shake my head, thinking maybe I just got going too fast. I only drank a few beers, so surely that’s not it. I stop at the red light, using the time to rub my eyes, hoping to clear my vision. A green light flashes ahead and without looking I take off, thinking it’s my light. That’s when I hear the brakes and look to my left.


I see the car, but my response time is slow. Maybe I drank more than I thought. I try to swerve without jerking too hard, but the pavement is slick from the warm summer rain we had earlier. All I can think is ‘this is it’, before my bike swipes sideways and I hit the ground. Sliding across the pavement like a hockey puck on ice. I hit the grassy patch on the side of the road and can't do anything but lie there. I stare at the night sky as I hear brakes squealing and people screaming. The only thought I have is that my career just got started a short six months ago, and now everything may end.


“Someone call an ambulance!” I hear a woman's voice scream, and then I feel warm hands lightly touch my face.


“Stay with me hun, help is on the way. Stay with me. Don’t move, but blink if you can hear me.” A soft voice above me says. I look at the grey-haired woman and blink three times, so she knows it's not involuntary.

“Okay, good. Okay, dear can you tell me your name? Don't move, but can you speak?


I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Frustrated, I close my eyes and breathe. Then, I open them and try again.


“Chase… Chase Franklin.”


I somehow get the words out.


“Okay, Chase. The ambulance is on its way. So, you just hang in there, you will be okay.”


I look in her bright green eyes and try to stay awake. The only thing keeping me in the moment is the feeling of her soft hand in mine. The paramedics arrive and the woman moves out of the way letting them work.


“Careful! He looks to have severe head trauma, multiple lacerations to the body and could have broken bones. We don't know the extent of his injuries, especially to the spine or neck. Slow and steady everyone, let’s get him stabilized before we move.”


I feel them lift me onto the gurney and the pain is excruciating, I can’t take it. Without having the stranger's hand in mine to keep me anchored to reality, I slip into the darkness.














A year ago, I made a promise to myself. I promised that I would take chances, that I would focus on myself and put everything I had into making my life exactly what I want. I promised myself I’d make a change and tomorrow that is exactly what I am doing. It’s been a long year and although my heart still aches, I know this leap I’m about to take is exactly what I need. I’m sitting on the floor in my old room at my parents, packing up the last few boxes of my belongings, my head jerks as Key to My Heart by Jessica Jarrell comes through my Bluetooth speaker. My music from my phone is shuffling and until now, it has been a steady mix of upbeat rap and heavy metal. I was trying to stay distracted and busy, thinking of my new life and that music was helping. I forgot this song was downloaded. I stop for a second as thoughts of Josh start to fill my mind.


To this day, I remember when I first heard this song. My sister and I were leaving the beach. I was in the passenger seat of her car texting Josh, we hadn’t been talking long, but my heart was already his and she knew it. As I put my phone down this song started to play and Taylor turned it up.


She said, “Listen, this reminds me of you. Well it reminds me of how you feel about Josh.”


I was so happy and scared, because it was exactly right. The song is basically the girl saying this man has the key to her heart. That he makes her feel so many emotions and she wants to tell him but doesn’t want to look stupid. So, she just stays quiet and imagines that he knows and they are happily together. Josh and I did everything together, I met his whole family at a weekend getaway, we spent every weekend together and one or two nights a week. He met my parents and it was just perfect. Although we were just “dating” but not seeing other people, it was the best time in my life. According to him he really liked me, but wasn’t ready for a serious relationship, I wasn’t quite either, but I fell anyway. It seems falling in love isn’t a choice, it’s an involuntary response…like breathing.


I loved him, love I should say, because those feelings haven’t faded in the slightest. My heart physically aches as I am reminded of the man I love, who also is the man who broke it into a million little pieces only a few short months after I handed it to him. Tears start to swell in my eyes; I close them and hold my breath, desperately trying to hold myself together. I have cried enough over this man and I told myself that the last time was the LAST time. I’m on to bigger and better things. I slowly start to control my breathing just as the chorus starts to play. The lyrics bring back every fucking memory and a cruel reminder of how happy I once was. I glance at the picture on my laptop screen, which is propped up on my bed.  I’ve worked really hard to move past this, but I haven't had the strength to change the picture yet. It’s of Josh and I sitting under the table umbrella, outside at the winery, the bright blue sky fading into a lining of trees behind us. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been. We are both smiling so big. That weekend was amazing, I had never been so happy in my life.


Then, unexpectedly my world crashed. Everything he ever said was a lie. Turns out my ‘prince charming’ was just a player, playing a game of cat and mouse. He lured me in like he was dangling a piece of cheese over a starving rodent. Man did he do it so well, he told me everything I needed to hear for me to let my guard down; not only that, he followed through with all the actions. Him ending things took me by total shock and left a gaping hole in my heart. When I can’t keep myself in check any longer, instead of crying I grab the closest thing to me and chuck it as hard as I can towards my speaker. Luckily, I happened to grab a stuffed animal and the speaker merely hit the floor with nothing but a soft thud, knocking a few pictures off of my desk in the process. That didn't give me as much relief as I thought it would, but I get up and focus on packing. I shut my laptop, wipe my tears and crank some heavy metal music. Thank God I was offered my dream job a few months ago, working on The Metal Madness Tour this summer. I am so happy to be moving, traveling and doing everything I’ve ever wanted. Maybe, just maybe, the shattered remains of my heart will find a way back together.




I have almost everything packed up, when my mom calls from upstairs.


“Honey! Dinner is ready! Come on up and eat!” I finish taping the box as I shout back.


“Okay Mom! I’ll be up in a sec!”

I get up and take another look around my bedroom. My childhood and most of my adult life is in this room. It’s so crazy to see it bare for the most part. When I moved out a few years ago, I left most of my things making it look more like a guest room. Now, it’s nearly empty, only my bed, boxes piled up against the walls, and a few possessions remain scattered throughout my room. I will be leaving stuff here; I won’t have room for everything as I will be traveling for the next few months, so I am only taking the essentials right now. It is still crazy; I am sad, happy and nervous all at once. I have so many memories from the last twenty - four years, here in this little town. I am glad to be able to have a chance at making my dreams come true and move on, but it is bittersweet.


As I walk out of the room, my hand rubs the purple wall that has white drywall mud splatters on it, so the texture is rigid. I remember when I was thirteen and my birthday present was to have my room redecorated however I wanted. My dad, being a drywaller and painter, redid the whole thing. My room was painted purple, with the splatter on top. I was so happy it was crazy. I smile at the memory, but part of me feels sad that my life has gone so quickly. That is why I’m grateful to have this opportunity to jump.

I make sure my expression is light and happy so that my mother doesn’t see anything but happiness on my face and head upstairs. She has questioned me doing this from the start. I know she means well, but who gets this chance? I never thought I would, so I am definitely not passing it up.  As I get closer to the kitchen I can smell the aroma from dinner. It smells like garlic, basil and onion. Mmm, I am hoping it’s something Italian. That’s my favorite. Sure enough I get to the kitchen and my mom is smiling at me. I see homemade meatballs, spaghetti and garlic bread.

“I made one of your favorites!” She says happily as she’s slicing the garlic bread. I maneuver around the granite topped, island in the middle of the kitchen. My mom cooks so much; she needs a bigger place to do so. The little kitchen has a stove and refrigerator on one side and an island in the middle of the room with cabinets lining the wall opposite the stove. She definitely needs more cabinet space. If I ever somehow make enough money, I want to get my mom a nice place to live, something big enough for all the family gatherings she has.


I sneak a bite of sauce and reply, “Thank you mom, it’s so good!” She seems happy to have made me happy.


I know she is sad that I am moving so far away, but she is happy I am trying to make my dreams come true.

“So, honey,” she pauses with a curious look on her face, “what was the crash sound I heard a little bit ago?”


Ugh, I was hoping she didn’t hear it. I just shrug my shoulders and say, “Nothing mom I accidentally knocked my Bluetooth speaker over, no big deal.”


I hope she takes that for an answer, but she just gives me the “as if” look. I’ve been a bit emotional the last few days. I guess that’s to be expected with this type of thing. I just have a feeling everything my life has been is about to change completely.


“Mhm, okay, I was just making sure everything's okay.” My mother replies as she makes a bowl of sauce and fills a serving dish full of noodles to place on the table. I grab the plate of bread and we head to the dining room when I almost slip on the hardwood floor, damn fuzzy socks.


“Hope! Geez, be careful you klutz. You just about dropped the bread. Go grab the stuff for salads.” She laughs as I place the bread on the dining room table and then she calls for my sister and dad.


“Oh, thanks Mom, so glad you care if I’m okay.” I laugh, just giving her a hard time and get the lettuce, shredded cheese, bacon bits and assortment of dressings out of the fridge.


“You’re not bleeding or broken, you’re fine,” she jokes. We all sit at the square, cherry oak table and I look around at my family, trying to memorize their faces because after tomorrow, I will no longer see them every day. My mother with her shoulder length blonde hair, and greenish eyes, my sister almost her identical twin, pale skin, blonde hair and blue-green eyes. My dad, whom I resemble, with his dark brown hair and soft, blue-grey eyes.


“I can’t believe you’re leaving in two days.” Taylor, my sister, says bringing me out of my thoughts. She digs into the spaghetti, but looks at me with sadness in her eyes.


My sister and I had our differences growing up, but ever since I said I was doing this and moving we have been closer than ever. Now I am sad, although I know this is what I need and want.


“Ugh, I know Tay, I know. I am so happy to be going, but I am going to miss you all so much. I’m only a phone call away though.” I say with tears slowly pooling in my eyes. I look at my plate and blink rapidly to control them. The thought of leaving my family is painful and scary all at once, but I have to do this. Your passions can’t just hang in the background, they are in your soul for a reason, they have to be your footsteps in life.


She smiles at me and replies, “I know Hope, it’s just going to be so weird without you being here. You best believe I will be visiting you all the time!”


I smile and nod, “I know, you all better.”


“You just don’t be getting any ideas Taylor Michelle,” my mom says, “You have some things to finish before you up and move. School just started.”

I laugh, my sister just enrolled in cosmetology school, and she wants to come on the road with me someday and do the hair and makeup. I told her it was a big possibility. I wink at her, we have discussed this already.


“She knows mom,” I interject, “She will do what is best for her.”


Tay looks at me and smiles. After dinner, we all clean off the table and Taylor washes the dishes, I dry.


“You know you can seriously visit as often as you want, if I’m on tour and we're close you can just meet up. Maybe I can get you backstage to meet Fading to Light!? I know how hot you think Jay is. Just think of seeing them up close and personal.” I say, trying to make her feel better.


“I know. I can’t freaking wait. I know I don’t really listen to that music, but those guys are sexy, let me tell ya.” She says handing me clean dishes to dry. “I just don’t know what I will do without you here all the time. We’ve only been no more than an hour apart our whole lives, it's crazy.” She says shaking her head.


“It is, it will be strange for sure. I am sad, but I just have to take this chance Tay. I will regret it if I don't.”

She nods. I know Taylor understands how badly I need this change. She was there when I drove home that night after Josh broke up with me. She was there when I shattered and broke into a million pieces. I cried for hours and when I couldn’t cry anymore I laid there staring into space, questioning myself how I got in this position. Why did I let my guard down? Why did I let myself fall? Unrequited love is one of the most painful experiences I have ever been through. There were days that I only held it together long enough to get through the work day, but just barely. Some days I’d sit at my desk and if I let my mind wander for even a second the aching would overwhelm me and the tears would start to flow. Causing me to hurriedly wipe my eyes and pull myself together until five o'clock, then as soon as I reached my car I’d let them free. We finish the dishes, making small talk about her finishing school, and then get our pjs on. Everyone curls up in the living room, my sister and I on the black, leather sectional, my dad in his gray recliner and my mom in hers. We watch a couple of movies and just relax. If I didn’t know I was leaving tomorrow, this would feel like a normal night. I look around to my family, cherishing the last few moments we are having, as it will be the last I have for a while.




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