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A Bear For Christmas: A Shifter Holiday Romance by Kassandra Cross (2)




Three Weeks Later…


Megan looked out across the snowy landscape as the train whipped through the countryside and made its way towards the mountains. She and her best friend Alyssa were sat on the Amtrak that was ready to take them off for an incredible adventure, and Megan was feeling positive for the first time in a long time.

They had booked their own private cabin, complete with beds and a shower for their overnight journey from Washington DC up to Vermont, and even though it was small, it felt like a palace. It signified them being free.

Alyssa poured sparkling wine into plastic beakers before handing one of them to Megan. The girls held their glasses together whilst Alyssa made a toast to them for finally getting away.

“Here’s to new beginnings,” Alyssa smiled. “And for having a relaxing Christmas break over the next two weeks, without having to worry about any of that shit back at home.”

The girls gave each other a knowing smile before they clunked cups and drank. It was sweet, and much warmer than it should have been, as it had been out of the refrigerator since earlier that afternoon, but Megan didn’t mind. She was too busy being glad and grateful that she was finally able to switch off and focus on the festive period ahead.

She pushed back into her chair, and the world flashed by her eyes as she looked out of the window. She had never been up to Vermont before, but Alyssa was a seasoned skier and had planted the seed long ago that this was the perfect winter break, rather than heading south to Miami and partying in the sunshine.

Megan had always secretly harbored a desire to spend Christmas in the mountains, but she had never had the perfect excuse to escape her regular life until now. And so, it was only natural that the two girls took the bull by the horns and made the break.

Megan had initially toyed with the idea of going somewhere warm. She’d had visions of her and Alyssa sipping mojitos, whilst they sunned themselves under palm trees as the warm breeze rolled over them, and they dipped their toes into the ocean. The East Coast was in the midst of one of the coldest winters Megan could ever remember, and she was in desperate need of a break, especially after everything that had been going on with Cody.

She had finally managed to escape him, and now he was in jail. After the last assault, she had known that enough was enough, and she was glad to finally be free of him… but she was still wary of him being released early. He had only been given three months, and she was fully aware that he may not even serve that. It didn’t seem fair that he got to walk away with such a lenient sentence after he had spent the best part of a year torturing her and making her life hell. But Megan was a realist, and she knew that karma always had a way.

 She felt the tears well up behind her eyes. But she refused to succumb to them.

Why am I such a disaster at relationships? She thought as she sipped the warm wine. I always pick the psychos. It’s about time I found a nice stable man… The thought was wonderful in theory… and yet she knew it was something that she still wasn’t ready for.

Rebuilding her confidence was going to take some time.

The air in their cabin was a little on the chilly side, and Megan found herself pulling her coat around her shoulders and shuffling down in her seat. They had only been on their way for an hour, but she could see that Alyssa was already getting stir crazy.

Megan looked at her and grinned.

“Oh come on,” Alyssa said as she blew hot air into her cupped palms to try and warm herself up. “We can’t just hide away in here for the entire journey. I’m already bored and frozen stiff.”

Megan laughed and shook her head.

“Let’s head on down to the restaurant and bar cart to see if there’s any action down there…” Alyssa let the statement hang in the icy air between them and Megan rolled her eyes.

“It’ll be fun,” she said enthusiastically. “We can get the bar tender to make us some cocktails, hopefully there’ll be some cute guys for us to talk to… we may even get lucky!” Alyssa winked, as she jumped to her feet and started dancing on the spot.

“Get lucky? Are you insane! The last thing I’m thinking about is getting involved with anyone,” Megan rolled her eyes. “Plus, where do you think we are? We’re on an Amtrak, not a cruise ship! Cocktails?” She laughed and buried her head in her hands, “You’re crazy Alyssa.”

“Maybe,” Alyssa grinned. “But it’s better to be crazy than boring, now come on.”

Alyssa grabbed the cup of warm wine out of Megan’s hand and pulled her to her feet. Megan groaned and tried to resist, but her friend had spoken, and she knew that she had no choice in the matter. Plus, she really was cold.

“I’ll ask one of the stewards to get some heat on in there for when we get back,” Alyssa smiled as she slid open the door to their cabin.

The corridor of the train was deserted, and bounced along nicely as they thundered their way across the country.

Alyssa looked up at Megan and smiled widely, before she hooked her arm through hers, and they both made their way along the hall, before starting to head down to the bar cart.



The carriage that housed the bar was, as Megan had predicted, more than a little disappointing. They sat at a dirty table, surrounded by overweight, middle aged men, and Megan couldn’t help but glare at Alyssa with an I told you so look on her face.

Alyssa shrugged her shoulders, trying not to laugh, as she looked down and scanned the drinks menu.

“Well, you were right about the cocktails,” she finally admitted with a wry smile.

“Was I not just right about everything?” Megan hissed through gritted teeth. “We’d be much better off back in our cabin, freezing our assess off.” She smirked. “Anything has to be better than being sat here looking desperate and like borderline alcoholics… because let’s face it, I’m pretty sure the rest of the people in here are,” Megan whispered.

She looked around, most of the other clientele were men with dozy, flushed complexions, and she could easily imagine them all stood outside an AA meeting with their free cups of coffee, smoking cigarettes and spitting on the sidewalks.

Megan shuddered, they really didn’t belong there.

“Okay Princess,” Alyssa joked. “Let’s get a nice chilled bottle of wine to take back to our luxurious suite… how does that sound?”

“Very funny...” Megan pouted as she rolled her eyes. “We should have gone to Miami,” she folded her arms across her chest and winked.

“You haven’t even given this trip a chance,” Alyssa slapped the menu down on the table. “I know that this probably isn’t the best start, but it’s all part of the adventure. Trust me, okay? We’re going to have a great time,” Alyssa smiled and placed her hand on Megan’s forearm, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Megan smiled back sheepishly, maybe she had been too quick to write the trip off. They had only just got started and the train wasn’t so bad. Plus, the more she was seeing the beautiful snow outside, the more she was craving the quiet, small town, mountain life that they were hurtling towards. In a few hours, they would be in the middle of a winter wonderland, and she was sure that it would feel magical and completely different to anywhere she had been before.

“Sorry,” she smiled. “I know I’m hard work at the moment.”

“You don’t need to apologize to me,” Alyssa said warmly. “What are best friends for? Now come on, let’s grab some wine and head back, you’re right about the people in here… I feel guilty by association.”

The two girls giggled as they ordered their drinks, paid the bar tender, and made their way back to their room.

A couple of hours later, and they were both fast asleep in a wine haze. As the train travelled smoothly through the cold winter night, and they were tucked up so comfy and warm, that they didn’t wake once.