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Single Weretiger DILF by Lizzie Lynn Lee (5)

Chapter Five




Wilhelm hadn’t argued with Juliette when she’d written off her ability to quiet baby Leah as some similarity she might have with the baby’s mother. But he knew deep down that Juliette and Carol were nothing alike. Juliette was a natural with the cubs, and he was sure it had nothing to do with scent. He’d never given Juliette and motherhood much thought before, but Leah looked so at home in her arms, it sparked a tiny pang inside him.

Wilhelm was a workaholic, and though he shared some time with beautiful women now and then, it had only ever been casual. He enjoyed their company, they met his sexual needs, and then they parted ways. He didn’t have time in his life for things like setting up a family home and having cubs, and had never given it much thought. His brother had ensured their line would continue. That was enough for him.

Seeing Juliette take so easily to comforting his niece made him wonder if he hadn’t been hasty in deciding that family life didn’t interest him.

He’d wanted Juliette from the day he met her, but he’d never wanted her more than he did at that moment.

He took a deep breath and inwardly scolded himself. How could he think of such things when he’d only gotten the terrible news of his brother’s death a few hours earlier? What the hell was wrong with him?

He stood and carefully lay baby Thomas in the crib next to his desk. Of course he was devastated at the loss of his brother, and it broke his heart even more what it would mean for his niece and nephew, to grow up never knowing their parents. That was the hardest part of all this—the unfairness of it for their sakes. But the truth was that he’d almost mourned the loss of his brother years earlier, when he refused to have anything further to do with Wilhelm and had cut him out of their lives.

He’d never even met Leah and Thomas until today, when he was forced to become their caretaker. So it hurt to lose the chance at reconciliation he’d always hoped for, but he’d truly lost his brother long before today.

“The rent problem will be fixed today, don’t you worry, Juliette. Gunther, please look up the records and find out why Juliette got a letter stating her rent was going up.”

“Was going to double,” Juliette reminded him.

“Yes, that. Make sure to figure out how such a mix-up could happen, because I know I didn’t authorize any such thing.”

Gunther nodded, and headed back out into the larger office. Wilhelm dropped into his large desk chair with a huff of breath. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your offer of help. But I know you have a shop to run. Are you sure?”

“Noelle and Andy can hold down the fort. We sold out of a few things that only I make, but I can do that tomorrow, no problem.”

“Excellent. For the record, Leanne wouldn’t be my first choice as a nanny.” Wilhelm would immediately hire a new one if he knew what to look for and believed he could find a good one on such short notice. “I’ve only spoken to her on the phone, but I find her disagreeable. She’s been taking care of the babies since they were born about three months ago, so she’ll do for the time being.”

He watched Juliette holding Leah for a few more moments. “I suppose the best place for them really is at their home. I have some formula, but . . . it was a mistake to bring them here. Not enough supplies they need. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Juliette tilted her head. “Like you said, Wilhelm, you’re most comfortable here. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“You really mean to stay?” Was it too good to be true?

“Am I imposing on you?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then I will. Since my hands are full, would you mind calling the shop for me?”

Wilhelm called Bonbon and explained to Noelle that she and Andy would be minding the store, and even got Juliette to agree to let Andy try his hand at a couple of candy varieties she typically liked to make herself. She could see no harm as she wasn’t able to do it. Wilhelm was in a considerably better mood when he hung up the phone. His heart lightened.

“I think Dusfrene was a little too excited that you won’t be back until tomorrow. I suspect a mutiny at hand. You might not have a store anymore when you’re back.”

Juliette snorted. “Andy wants to be a patissier. I should’ve let him practice more at the shop, but I am too OCD. I worry my sweets won’t be perfect if I don’t do it myself,” she said. “But that’s okay. Noelle and Andy know how to run the shop and I get to spend time with these precious cubs. Look at them, Wilhelm,” she turned at him, “your niece and nephew are so beautiful. Guess the gene runs in the family, yes?”

“So, you think I’m beautiful?” Wilhelm couldn’t resist to tease.

Juliette’s cheeks colored. “I’d kill for eyelashes like yours.”

Wilhelm let the grin dominate his face. The Subzero Queen was melting. Who would’ve thought that her kryptonite was babies? Juliette went back to gazing at the cubs with adoration. Her face looked so serene and her eyes glowed beautifully that Wilhelm wanted to round his desk and kiss her. No. That would be a bad move. He didn’t want to jeopardize anything at this stage.

“I’ll have Gunther arrange to take the twins back to my brother’s place, and you can go and grab anything you need, or you can ride in the limo with them and have them stop for you. I’ll provide anything you ask for, including anyone in my office you may want to help you. Of course the housekeeper will be there as well, and while she does not seem matronly, she’s a sweet person. If it weren’t for her bad arthritis, I’d feel comfortable leaving the twins with her.”

“Sounds fine by me.”

“I have someone to meet here very shortly, so I’m going to go arrange things with Gunther and see to that. Are you sure this is all right? It feels like an incredible imposition.”

“Oh my God, Wilhelm, stop asking. I offered and I meant it. I want to help.”

As he walked around the desk, he stopped and put a hand on her shoulder. Without giving it much thought, he cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing her jaw. “Thank you. So much.”

The urge to bend over and kiss her was so strong, Wilhelm almost did it. Leah’s sniff brought him back to reality—a reality where he couldn’t even get Juliette to go on a date with him, let alone welcome his kiss—so he pulled his hand away and went to set things up with Gunther.