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The Dragon's Secret Son (Dragon Secrets Book 4) by Jasmine Wylder (45)

Chapter Seven

Doria woke up to the smell of food wafting through the air. She was instantly starving, her stomach rumbling loudly. She concentrated slightly and she could hear the bacon sizzling, and smell the eggs cooking in the pan.

She usually woke up early, grabbed a protein bar to power her workout, and then ate a quick bowl of oatmeal at her desk at work. This was usually enough to keep her satisfied most of the morning, but she had gotten pretty good at ignoring the rumblings of her stomach lately, especially when she was staring down a deadline and she was really focused on the work in front of her.

Doria made her way downstairs to find Rob standing over the stove cooking the delicious breakfast. For some reason, she figured he would have a butler or a full-time chef to make all of his meals and keep him happy and fed. But there he was cooking up a storm like it was something he always did. She could not deny how sexy it was to see a man fixing her breakfast, especially when he was only wearing a pair of silk pajama bottoms.

Nothing had prepared her for the sight of him totally topless. His body was incredible. Every single muscle was rippling and defined, so hard. He appeared to have been chiseled out of marble with flesh stretched over it. It was like a Renaissance sculpture come to life. She felt the warmth of desire spreading over her body. She tried to ignore it and took a seat.

“Hey there,” Rob said. “I hope you are hungry this morning.”

“I am,” she replied.

Rob sat a plate in front of her and scooped three eggs, six slices of bacon, and a sliced-up avocado on her plate.

“Wow, that is a bit more than I usually eat for breakfast; it’s delicious.”

“Really? I thought I gave you a small portion. Well at least its small to my usual,” Rob said.

Doria noticed he had about eight scrambled eggs, ten slices of bacon, two avocados, and a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and peanut butter in it. Plus, a large mug of black coffee.

“Wow…” Doria remarked. “How do you stay so ripped eating all that?”

“It’s because I eat all this. High protein, and good healthy carbs. I am very active. I lift weights two hours a day and about another hour of cardio, plus I’m practicing baseball most of the year for at least three hours on non-game days and a good hour on game days if we are at home. I have to feed the beast,” Rob said with a smile. “There is more oatmeal on the stove if you want some.”

“Oh, I’m good. I’ll do well to finish all of this,” Doria replied.

She noticed that it was barely after five in the morning. She had slept like a rock; as she looked out the window she could see the sunrise coming up over the desert. It was beautiful.

“I actually wasn’t sure what time you woke up,” Rob said. “But I’m an early riser. I always have been.”

“Oh, me too. Usually my friends and I get up early and hit the gym near where we live and then I head to work right after that. It works pretty well for me. I like to start the day with exercise; it really gets me energized.”

Doria willed herself to stop talking. She must have sounded like a total spaz. But she was nervous. She wasn’t entirely sure why, but she figured it was just a variety of things happening. The realization that she and Rob were mated, the fact that there was a deranged werewolf after them, and the fact that she was sitting there with the most attractive man she’d ever met and he had just cooked her breakfast. It was all overwhelming, and she felt like a giggling schoolgirl.

She tried to breathe and just relax.

“Well, you are welcome to use my gym downstairs. It’s fully equipped. I used it already this morning. It even has a steam room, a tanning bed, a Jacuzzi, and an electric massage chair.”

“Wow, that is not excessive at all,” Doria said a bit more sarcastically than she intended it to be. But then again, she couldn’t help but feel that Rob was somehow trying to impress her with all of this, and she especially hated it when rich people tried to flaunt their belongings.

Rob smiled. “I think it is a little lacking, but then again I like to live in style.”

Doria rolled her eyes and finished her eggs. After a few bites of bacon, she was getting a bit full.

“So, how am I getting to work?” Doria asked. “My car is at home.”

“Well, I can arrange for someone to drive you or you can drive one of my cars,” Rob said.

“I can drive myself,” Doria replied. “Do you have any cars that aren’t super flashy and ritzy?”

Rob thought a moment. “You can use my old Pontiac. I’ve had it since high school; I kept it for its sentimental attachment.”

“Ok, that would be fine,” Doria replied.

“You sure you don’t want to drive the Porsche?” Rob asked.

“That won’t be necessary,” Doria said. “I prefer to keep a low profile.”

Rob did not reply.

“Thanks for breakfast,” Doria replied as she ran upstairs to take a shower.

She realized that she was being a little bit snippy with Rob, but she was a strong, independent woman and she hated being cared for. The whole thing was really starting to get to her. She was basically being told that she was betrothed to Rob, she was not able to go to her own home because some psychotic was after her, he was trying to pamper her like she was a child, and on top of that this whole thing had been forced upon her by a wild animal attack. She was a victim who was still being victimized. If she ever found the person who had thrust this curse upon her, she would make them pay dearly.

Doria tried to put it all out of her mind by the time she got to work. She expected Rob to have somebody following her or in some other way keeping tabs on her, but as far as she could tell he was giving her space. Was he finally getting the message that she really was not ok with any of this?

The only thing she was ok with, which of course she could not tell him, was the fact that she could no longer deny that she was so attracted to him. Just being near him made her tremble. It was like some odd addiction that had just come out of nowhere and she hated it. She hated that she had no control over the way she felt around him. Every part of her body and soul yearned for him; she thought endlessly of his touch, and how it would feel to have him deep inside of her. It was almost all she could think about.

But it was so far beyond her control that she was trying to fight it. It was wrong for her to be so wrapped up in a man she hardly knew and didn’t really like that much. Or was it that she did like him, even the bad and terrible parts of him, and that was the thing that was so hard to understand. It was tying her head in knots.

Doria tried to focus on work, and on finishing that piece. Her boss was adamant about having it today. She couldn’t tell him that she had been kidnaped by werewolves last night and so she was a bit off her game today. That would not have gone over well.

There was something else going on with Rob; she could sense his presence somehow. Ever since they kissed she kept having this nagging feeling in her mind, it was like something bad was about to happen but it never did. She felt like she needed to find him, track him down, and be close to him. It didn’t make any sense to someone as independent and strong minded as she was. What in the world was going on? Maybe she really was losing her mind.

She got through the day somehow, finished the piece on Rob, and even managed to insert a sidebar for Dan as she had promised him, and then she went to Rob’s place. The drive to his home was a long one, but it was pretty peaceful. He lived in Paradise Valley, where most of the wealthy elite and the celebrities who had homes in the area lived. It was far from where she lived and of course it was beautiful. She loved to watch the area changing from one locale to another as she made the trip out there.

She was tempted to swing by her house to pick up a few things; after all she only had one set of clothes. She felt weird putting them back on this morning after she’d worn them yesterday. They didn’t smell as far as she could tell, but she hoped that no one else noticed the same outfit. Maybe they just figured she was on another laundry cycle.

She arrived back at Rob’s feeling a little tired, but then again, she’d forgotten to eat lunch. That happened to her sometimes when she was in the middle of a story. And then she craved sweet things. She hoped Rob had ice cream; she could see it being in her future.

When she arrived she didn’t see Rob anywhere. It was possible that he was still gone for the day. She was not totally aware of how much work went into preparing for World Series Playoffs, but she imagined it was a lot more prep work than most people thought.

She set the alarm system with the code that Rob had given her and then went upstairs to her room. She was hoping she might catch a quick nap before dinner.

When she entered the room, she noticed something different about it. The closet door was open. And it was no longer empty. She’d marveled before at how big the walk-in closet was and how it seemed so much bigger when it was totally empty, but now it was totally full of brand new clothes.

She walked through the closet pulling out different articles of clothing that were all her size. They were gorgeous. She could not resist trying several outfits on. They all felt amazing, adhering perfectly to her body as if they’d been tailor made. It was unreal.

Rob had arranged to have her entire closet outfitted with amazing, expensive clothes? And they were part of her own style too. Everything there was something that she would wear. How did he know? She wasn’t sure whether to be creeped out or super impressed by this. And when it came down to it, she was a little bit of both.

A knock on her bedroom door came right then. She finished putting on a sleek blouse with a great skirt that made her hips really pop and then answered the door.

Rob was standing there. He took a look at the outfit and gave her a small standing ovation right there as he entered the room walking past her without an invitation. He was walking slowly, circling her as his eyes scanned the outfit up and down.

“Well, it looks like Sheila did a great job,” he said.

“I’m sorry? Sheila?” Doria asked.

“Sheila is my personal tailor. I asked her to pick out some clothes for you since you are going to be here for a while, and of course it’s too dangerous for any of us to go back to your place right now.”

“Ah, that explains it. This is… amazing…” Doria said. “I hope you can take some of this stuff back and get the money. I don’t need this much stuff at all. Just a few outfits would have been fine, cheap ones so I could pay you back.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Rob said.

“I do worry about it. I don’t like handouts. Nothing in my life has been given to me and I don’t want to start now. I like to earn my own way in the world. Besides you’ve already saved my life, something that I can never repay.”

Rob held his fingers up to her lips. He leaned closer. She could smell his sweet breath, his succulent scent invading her nostrils. “Don’t worry about it. Sometimes people like to do for others, just because they are in a position to. I don’t expect anything in return.”

Doria sighed. She was not going to win this argument. Besides, she did need clothes.

But she hated feeling pampered and catered to. That was not the way she was raised, and it was not the type of person she was. Rob was an alpha and he seemed to have a need to give to others, but not for the reward; just so he could do it. Or maybe he really had more money than he knew what to do with.

“Late day?” Doria asked.

“Not really, I’ve been home for a few hours.”

“Oh, I thought I was alone when I got here.”

“No. I heard you come in. I was down in the gym.”


Rob smiled. “You think this body built itself?”

Doria laughed. “I guess not.”

“I have to stay in the best possible shape now.”

“Weird question, but since you are a wolf why bother? Any time you need to perform you can just tap into it, right?”

“I can, but that is a slippery slope. I can easily lose control and transform in front of everybody, and I can also become addicted and reliant on the wolf to do things for me. I didn’t ask to be this way, but I don’t think of it as a curse anymore. It is a valuable tool—a great power. But you have to use great power correctly, or the power ends up using you.”

“I understand that,” Doria said.

“Get dressed. I’m taking you out to dinner. Wear something fancy…” Rob said as he walked out of the room.

Doria watched him walk down the hall to his own room. A moment later she heard his shower running.

Fancy? She was hoping for an easy-going evening at home with a glass of wine, maybe a steak or something. But she was intrigued, especially by the idea of getting dressed up in one of those amazing gowns and being taken to some amazing restaurant, feeling almost like a princess. She felt a bit silly about it, but then again what woman did not want to feel this way?

As she showered and then began to prepare for the date, she began to wonder if maybe Rob was doing this just to court her because he truly believed they were destined to be together. She had not really resigned her mind to think that it was definitely supposed to happen with the two of them, but her body had other ideas. The more time she spent around Rob the closer she felt to him, the more she desired him, the more she craved his touch, his presence, and even the deep, bassy sound of his voice. She just wanted his strong arms to wrap around her.

She kept replaying the scene over and over in her mind when he was fighting Kade. He changed most of the way into a wolf. And then he changed back… it was so different to watch someone else do that. She’d only ever seen herself and she hated to watch it. She despised seeing her flesh being covered by fur, her bones and muscles reshaping, shifting, and the result being some dreaded animal standing in the mirror where her normal self was just a minute before.

But it was different when she saw Rob do it. There was something primal, unbridled, animalistic about it that turned her on like a furnace, her whole body getting warm to the very thought of it. And the way he fought as the wolf; he was so fast, so strong. It was as if he had been able to tap into a primitive urge of rage and power that no normal man could even dream of. She was in love with the beast. She knew it. She could not lie to herself; she was not sure exactly how she felt about the man yet, but the beast inside of him was beautiful.

She finished doing her hair and makeup and then put on the most exquisite red dress she had ever laid against her skin. It fit her perfectly, shaping every single curve that most clothes off the rack struggled to accommodate properly. The world was not designed to embrace a bigger woman like her, but Rob was.

She knew that he found her very attractive, he had since the moment he laid eyes on her. At first, she thought he might just be attracted to her power, her confidence, and the way that she carried herself in the world. Ever since she was young she had been blessed with bulletproof self-confidence. She loved what she saw when she looked into the mirror and even though at times she had convinced herself she was wrong (mostly because other skinny women had worked so hard to convince her she was) she knew deep down that she was right; she was a knockout. She had been blessed with a large, soft chest, curvy hips, and a large backside.

She turned to the side and looked at her butt in the mirror; the dress fit against it nice and snug, but still perfectly comfortable. She wondered if Rob had it designed that way on purpose so that he could see her large derriere. She smiled at the thought.

As she’d delved into his past and looked at the women he had been tied to, she noticed the pattern that most of the women were curvy, BBW’s like herself. The tabloids had a field day with this sort of thing and had called Rob out on it several times. He always smiled and winked without replying. The man liked real women apparently. And Doria was about to show him a real woman…

The restaurant he took her to was breathtaking. It was a five-star restaurant called Galla’s located just outside of Scottsdale’s wealthier district. She figured that Rob would have hired a limo to drive them, but he drove her himself which was actually sexier. She loved the way he maneuvered the car in and out of the traffic and the command he had over the machine beneath him.

And it was a machine. He had pulled a car out of his massive garage that she had never seen before. It was the newest version of the Ferrari. The car looked almost otherworldly as if it was going to turn into a spaceship and take them to some far away galaxy or something. It moved almost as if you were floating on air; it was unbelievable the way that it handled.

Doria felt a bit out of place in a restaurant this nice. It was located on the top floor of a big building. She didn’t even know it was here and she imagined that most people did not. As she looked around she was flabbergasted to see several celebrities in her midst. She could not believe her eyes, but Ryan Gosling was eating dinner just on the other side of the restaurant, she saw a new rapper called Realyez hanging with some friends at the bar, an NBA superstar at another table and several executives that she was sure worked in the entertainment business also. They were all just there hanging out and eating like normal people.

She had never been in a room with so many stars before, and even though she had never considered herself to be a star struck type of person, she could not help but feel a bit flushed and nervous. But she did her best to hide it well; after all, she could not have Rob thinking that she was gushing like some schoolgirl over celebrity crushes. Besides she doubted any of them were werewolves like Rob; she had to think that made him a cut above the rest.

When the waiter came, Rob ordered for the both of them. He ordered a variation of Fettuccine that she had never heard of and probably could not have pronounced if she tried. It sounded French, though she did not think this was an exclusively French restaurant.

The waiter took their orders and returned a few minutes later with a big bottle of wine. He uncorked the wine and then poured them both generous glasses of the merlot. Then he brought out a plate with very small, but hard looking bread she was unfamiliar with. Last the waiter opened a few of the seasoning dishes he’d brought with him. He took a few scoops from each of the three containers of powdery looking substances and mixed them together in a small bowl. Then he finally poured in a very carefully eyeballed dose of extra virgin olive oil, finishing it off with several gently laid leaves of parsley.

When he was done, it looked so beautiful on the small plate he laid it on that she didn’t even want to disturb it enough to eat it. Rob smiled at her; he must have sensed her amusement, but he did not say anything. He grabbed a piece of the bread and using the knife he spread a thin layer of the concoction over it. Then he laid it on her plate in front of her.

“Take a bite of this, chew it slowly savoring the flavor. And the second it is gone take a small sip of the wine. Prepare to have your mind blown.”

Doria laughed. “Ok.”

She did as he instructed. The bread was the most delicious thing she had ever put between her lips. The sauce was like a floodgate of flavors opening up and swirling around inside of her mouth. It was amazing. She remembered the wine as she swallowed and took a sip.

Doria grabbed onto the side of the table as the amazing flavors intensified and now mixed in with the wine. It left her whole body feeling almost orgasmic. It was the most intense thing she’d ever eaten. How was such simple food able to have so much effect on her?

“Wow…” she said as she swallowed. “Just… wow…”

Rob laughed. “It isn’t that good for everybody; there is something about those spices and herbs mixed together that activates a primal part of our wolf brains. It tends to have a certain…effect on us.”

“That’s insane… how did you discover this?”

“I didn’t; it was taught to me. One of the perks of growing up as a pure blood.”

“I see. Question…when a hybrid is created do they ever age beyond that point?”

“You will age unless you are mated. That is the only thing that will stop aging and guarantee immortality for any wolf.”

“How many hybrids are mated?”

“Not many; it is highly unusual for a hybrid to be chosen as a mate for a pure blood. It has only happened a few times in history. So, you are very special.”

“Wow, that is really messing with my head.”

“That’s only because your mind is still fighting what your heart knows to be true. It’s ok; I don’t ever want to pressure you to accept your destiny. It is something that will eventually happen naturally.”

“I appreciate that,” Doria said. She wasn’t sure why she said anything. The deeper she got into this the more she resented it, but she also knew he was right. Her natural instincts, her feelings—they were all leaning to the acceptance of it all. It was almost like her body was breathing a huge sigh of relief.

It was frightening. She wanted to run from it as far as she could, shout in the face of the powers that be and tell them all that she would decide who she was. But the more she thought of doing this the more she just wanted to curl up in Rob’s arms and let him take away all of her pain.

The food arrived and Doria ate it slowly, savoring the flavors and subtle nuances of tastes that this exotic meal was providing for her. It was so simple, yet it was so much better than anything she had ever tasted. She had never really questioned the quality of food before. It was food, after all. How could it be improved upon so dramatically.

“Any luck on finding Kade? Do you and your family have any leads?” Doria asked.

Rob smiled. “No; not as of yet. But he will turn up. He is hiding low. By getting rid of his tribe, his powers are significantly weakened. He was an alpha and now he is a lone wolf; an alpha draws power from the creation of his pack if he isn’t born into one and then he can only draw the power if he kills the alpha. At least it’s that way with hybrids.”

“So, he should be pretty easy to defeat?”

“Yes. He should be, but you can never underestimate the crazy. He is single minded in his goal; he might be working on creating another pack right now. Although, time is on our side since it takes until the next full moon for a new pack to be activated. He has to inflict the bite on people until then to get them turned. But if he dies before that moon then they will become normal humans again.”

Doria shook her head. There was so much she did not know, but she loved to listen to Rob explaining it. She loved to hear his deep voice going over the rules so eloquently; it was a huge turn on for some reason.

“I feel that there is so much I don’t understand about all of this; I don’t even know the extent of my own powers.”

Rob looked at her. “Well, you’ve never had anyone to show you. The one who bit you was trying to end your life; they were not trying to turn you. So, you never had a tribe.  Until now.”

“Well, if I’m supposed to be mated to you then I’ve always been a part of your tribe, right?”

“No. The power that determined you and I are meant to be together occurred the moment our lips touched. It is not preset. It happens when the cosmos decides that it is to be.”

“The cosmos? The powers? Who is in charge of all of this?” Doria asked.

“We don’t know; I do not know any more about who controls the afterlife or the universe than you or anyone else does. All I do know is that there is a cosmic force, some unifying being that controls all of existence. Most people call that a deity and they have different religions to merge beliefs about this. So, I don’t know who or what made us mated together. But I thank them every day since it happened.”

Doria looked up at Rob’s eyes. They were so honest, so pure. She had never really noticed this before. His eyes were sexy, so perfect looking, but there was something else deep inside of them; he was an extraordinary person.

“So, what’s next?” Doria asked as the valet pulled their car up to the door.

She hoped that the evening was not over yet. She was having an amazing time.

Rob winked at her as he opened her door. “You’ll see.”

She laughed as she got in.


“I love this one,” Doria said.

The painting in front of her was beautifully done. It was the picture of a small girl playing with a puppy in the front yard of a modest house while dark storm clouds full of striking lightning roared in the background. Her mother was standing in the doorway begging the child to come inside.

Rob stood beside her sipping champagne. He nodded and looked at the painting more closely.

“Are you picking up any vibes from it?” Rob asked.

“Vibes?” Doria replied.

“Yeah. What do you think the artist is trying to say?”

Doria laughed. “Who says they have to be saying something special? Maybe it’s just a picture.”

“Possibly, but I think that the storm clouds represent life’s dangers, while the puppy and the sunny front yard with the flowers represent the world’s beauty. The little girl might get hurt by the lightning strikes or the wind, but she is oblivious to it all as she is wrapped up in playing with her puppy and enjoying life. That is the spark of youth. Meanwhile the mother is begging the child to come inside. She could easily walk five feet, pick the child up and force it back inside where she would be safe, but she wouldn’t be doing the child any favors. She can’t always be there; the child is going to have to face the world without her and she is going to have to fend for herself. All the mother can do is guide her and hope that the child makes the right decision.”

“Wow, that is beautiful,” Doria said. Being an art buff was the last thing that she ever thought bad boy Rob Thompson would ever turn out to be. But here he was teaching her a thing or two.

“I’ve been interested in art since I was a kid. I wanted to be an artist at one time, but then again I don’t have that particular talent.”

“You don’t think that what you do is art?” Doria asked. “You’ve never seen yourself play baseball then.”

Rob stepped beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist. She was a bit surprised and instinctively she wanted to step away, but she did not move. She realized how right it felt, how safe and secure; she wanted that feeling to never end. This was the way her life was supposed to be. This was where she belonged.

Then why was she fighting it so? Was it just that she was so thick headed that she could not stand to give in to a choice that had been made for her? She knew that this was it and she honestly could not determine which way of thinking was more childish. She needed to just give in and let it happen; she knew that she would be much happier. Maybe she didn’t have to be so tough anymore? Maybe she didn’t have to be so cautious and so headstrong in this world. Why couldn’t she just give in to it?

“Well, you are the writer; I consider you to be a great artist in your own right. Painting images with words; you are really good,” Rob said.

“I’m a journalist; I’m hardly an artist. I think that the whole artist thing has eluded me a bit.”

“I disagree. You have a way with words; you should never underestimate yourself.”

Rob was standing close to her right then, she noticed. His arm was wrapped snugly around her, pulling her closely to him. She could feel his warmth, his love for her, his need to protect her, and it was overwhelming her senses. She wanted to just relax into him. He was standing above her so tall, so powerful. And before she realized it his face was lowering down to hers.

The second his lips touched hers, Doria felt her whole body going weak. It was even more intense than their first kiss. It was sweet, slow, yet passionate. But she could feel the beast inside of her roaring to life. The need, the yearning of the beast that she’d worked so hard to keep buried inside of her for so long, was coming to life. She needed to hold it back… just hold it back…

Rob’s hand moved closer towards her belly and as he touched her she felt a total calm roll over her body and her mind. The beast that had been threatening to unleash from inside of her was now gone and all she felt was total passion and total bliss inside of the kiss.

“I have something to show you,” Rob said as he pulled back.

Doria smiled as he grabbed her hand and led her out of the gallery. She could only imagine what he had in mind to show her.

“You want me to do what?” Doria asked.

“Jump up there,” Rob replied.

The two were standing in the middle of a dark alley looking up at the top of a fairly tall building. It had to be at least fifty feet up to the top. What was Rob thinking?

“I can’t jump that,” Doria said.

“Sure you can; not all at once though. You see that small ledge about twenty feet up? You can land there and bounce up the rest of the way.”

“I think you have grossly overestimated my power,” Doria said.

Rob smiled. “Here, I’ll show you.”

In a flash, Rob leapt up to the ledge and sprang himself upwards until he landed on the top of the building with ease. Doria could not believe what she’d just witnessed. It was the most incredible thing she’d ever seen and she had watched herself change into a werewolf on several occasions.

Was she really capable of this? Rob seemed to believe in her, but then again, he was an alpha pure blood. Could she really do this?

Rob was peering over the edge now with a big smile on his face.

“Come on up,” he whispered, his voice somehow projected and ringing in her ears. That was something else he needed to teach her.

Doria took a deep breath and concentrated on bringing the wolf out just a little bit. She could feel the rage welling under the surface, the wolf growling from inside its human cage; it wanted to play.

She let out a horrific roar ripping through her throat, as if a new being had just leapt out of her and her body followed flying upwards through the air with a burst of speed she did not even know she was capable of. She felt herself falling slightly but the second her toes touched down on the ledge, she sprang her legs downward propelling herself up higher and higher. It was the most incredible feeling she’d ever known as she flew towards the heavens eventually sailing over Rob’s head and landing on her feet on the rooftop he was standing on.

The head rush was fantastic; the adrenaline roaring through her veins and hitting every single organ was awesome. She felt her heart beating wildly in her chest and the beast roaring beneath. It wasn’t finished. It wanted more, threatening to eclipse her real self and emerge out into the world. She was afraid of this; once she tapped into the beast she had trouble holding it back. She was going to change… no… not here… she did not want to change in front of Rob… and definitely not in public. The rage… it was so tough to ignore… so strong…

“Easy…” Rob said. “Easy… just breathe deeply and remember your real self. Remember Doria… remember Doria… You own the beast. Not the other way around.”

Doria heard Rob’s words and followed his instructions. Slowly she felt the rage, the losing grip of her own self starting to strengthen as she came back and the beast retreated once again. And she was now herself again. That was close.

“There you go,” Rob said. “You see; you are still in control.”

“Wow, that was amazing. I always wondered what I was capable of, but I can’t control it when I tap into the wolf power. It just consumes me and I can’t let that happen. I can’t control it.”

“You just did,” Rob said.

“Well, that’s only because you were here…”

“No. I just said words to you. You did the rest. You don’t need me to keep a handle on things. Besides, I’m not that great at controlling mine either. It’s true that using the beast is a slippery slope; it can erupt and consume you, but you have to practice mastery over it. It’s not you, and you can’t let it control your life.”

“I still can’t believe I was able to do that,” Doria said. “The rush of the power is intense.”

“That’s only the surface,” Rob said.

With that he leapt over the side of the building and fell all fifty feet straight down landing with expert precision on the ground below, barely bending his knees on impact. He motioned for Doria who was looking over the side.

She smiled and jumped.

The ground was flying up to meet her and she panicked for a brief moment when she realized that she might not be able to draw from the wolf powers fast enough to brace herself for impact. But the second she thought of it she felt the surge of strength jolting through her body and into her legs a split second before she hit the ground.

“Fun, huh?” Rob said.

Before Doria could answer he was running down the street at a rapid speed. Doria could not hold back a laugh before she started running after him. He had to be running over thirty miles per hour going down the empty street and turning onto the freeway entrance. She tapped closer into the wolf, and ran after him eventually catching up beside him. She felt a bit exposed right there with traffic passing them by, but hopefully no one was going to notice too much that they were running way faster than they should have been humanly able to.

It was a blast. The wind was whipping through her hair, against her skin, her cold sweat was clinging to her body in the cool breeze, the dark night was cradling them, wrapping them up like some sort of an ancient and comforting blanket.

As she ran she could practically hear the earth humming around her, the real sounds of the planet calling out and beckoning to them. They were part of it now; they were a part of something bigger and better. The world was alive with life and she could finally feel it. It was as if a part of her had finally been awakened and she never wanted to deny it again. It was a part of her now; it didn’t have to be a curse.

She was ready to embrace it all now.

“So, I hope you enjoyed yourself this evening,” Rob said.

They were standing in the living room after just returning from what Doria could only describe as the most insane adventure she’d ever been on. The discoveries she’d just made were priceless; she had discovered things about herself she never thought possible and her life would not be the same any longer.

Doria stared into Rob’s eyes right then. Everything suddenly clicked in her mind and her body. Everything else shut out of her thoughts, the world disappearing into another realm she did not care to know or think about right then. It was finally perfect and she knew that it was futile, stupid even, to fight what she knew to be right. It was time to accept the beautiful reality she kept pushing away.

Doria grabbed Rob’s face and planted her mouth on his hard. He responded in kind pressing his mouth against hers vigorously, his tongue sliding into the hot wetness of her mouth and mingling quickly with her tongue, drawing it out and suckling on her oral appendage.

She felt the tingles moving all over her body as her skin heated up until it felt like she was on fire. She could feel both the intense passion of herself and the wolf rising up inside of her, and the wetness began to explode between her legs. She wanted him so badly. She had never felt a lust this intensely, this strong. It was too far gone to hold back; she was going to do this.

Rob’s hands were all over her body right then, the unbridled passion he’d been holding back was suddenly being let out all over her as he ran his hands, his fingers against her, his body rubbing on hers.

She could feel his hardness, his girth through his pants pressing against her. Oh, she wanted to touch it, suck it, pull on it… she wanted it so deeply inside of her. Finally,… it was time…

In an instant Rob had the dressed pulled off her body. She was standing there now in just her bra and panties, her body on full display for him. He smiled as he looked her over, a hungry look in his eyes getting even hungrier.

She felt the aggression moving through her as a growl escaped her and she quickly ripped the clothes from his body as well, leaving the tattered pieces on the floor at their feet. He smiled and kissed her harder, almost swallowing her tongue pulling it into his own mouth and sucking hard on it. She let herself go, let him take over.

She could feel the wetness burning for him as it dripped through her panties; she’d never felt so much before. Her core was totally burning, hot, dripping for him.

Rob suddenly picked her up and ran up the stairs to his bedroom, closing the door behind him with his foot and laying her on the bed. His hands were behind her releasing her bra and allowing her chest to reign totally free now.

“Oh, those are so beautiful,” Rob said. His face quickly buried between them as his hands squeezed her breasts, cupping them in his large hands. He pulled back and pushed her melons together, then placed both of the nipples in his mouth, licking and sucking… biting…

“Oh…” a groaned escaped Doria’s lips. Her chest was so sensitive… his mouth on her breasts stoked the fires of her desire causing it to burn even hotter and hotter.

Rob ripped her panties from her body, tearing them into with one quick motion and dropping them over the edge of the bed. In an equally swift movement he ripped his own boxer shorts off exposing his long, thick, rock hard member finally before her. She felt slightly faint at the sight of it. She had imagined a dozen times what it looked like exactly, and it was more perfect than she ever could have dreamed.

She was so wet… she needed it so deeply inside of her.

Rob moved between her legs and she felt his hard, large head against her tight slit. He bent over and kissed her softly.

He was just about to enter her when she stopped him.

“What’s wrong?”

Doria was suddenly very nervous. Why hadn’t she brought this up before? She hadn’t rehearsed this. This was so awkward…

“Um, I’ve never… it’s my first time.”

Rob’s eyes flashed with surprise.

“I was a virgin when I was bitten and I just always thought that it might bring the wolf out of me and I might hurt the person I was with. It… it just never felt right before…” Doria tried to explain. She felt a bit stupid.

Rob kissed her. “It’s ok. You don’t have to explain. I’ll be very gentle.”

He pushed slowly into her, pausing as her lips wrapped just around the head and cradled it. She felt the pressure, the tightness even with the juices that were dripping out of her so much.

Rob pushed a little harder, but slowly and she felt the sharp pain then. It was intense, knifelike, as if a part of her was being ripped open. She gasped, taking in a deep breath and letting it happen. It was perfect. She knew it was the beginning of the most intense love that she ever could have imagined. Everything had clicked for her then. This was all meant to be; her life had a different purpose now. She was finally going to embrace who she was and be proud.

He was fully inside of her now, pausing and letting her get adjusted to it. He leaned forward and kissed her again, sweetly and gently. Doria wrapped her legs around his tight torso and waited as he moved in and out of her, slow at first, but getting quicker as it went on.

The pain began to lessen and she found her hips getting into the rhythm as her body suddenly healed the damage that had been done when he first entered her untouched center. The wolf powers had healed her completely within seconds and now all that was left was pure bliss and pleasure as his thickness moved in and out of her tight wetness.

She looked into his eyes, her legs squeezing tighter and tighter as he grew thicker and stretched her more tightly around him.

And when they came together, the world— for both of them— had truly changed.




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