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Wicked Winter Tails: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set by Nicole Garcia, LeTeisha Newton, Sadie Carter, Kaiden Klein, L. Madison, Kat Parrish, Luscious Lee Grimm, Christy Dilg (24)

Chapter Seven


This place was hell.

Twice, he’d attempted to sneak off last night and twice, he’d been caught. The females who’d caught him had just dragged him back to his furs, growling something at him that he figured was a warning, then left.

He was stuck here.

And he was going slowly mad. How did these men do this day after day without losing their minds? He couldn’t just sit around doing nothing. He could feel his brain cells dying from boredom. Was that possible?

He guessed Nate could be right, and if he just hung tight, Logan and his team would find him. He hoped that Alice or Annabel hadn’t tried to contact him already. They’d get worried, then they’d convince their mates to start searching for him, and the last thing he needed was the Zerconians finding him like this.

He would never hear the end of it.

A group of females entered the room, calling out something. The men around him all rose and followed some of the women towards the door. Nate appeared beside him.

“Come on, time for our daily walk.”

“A walk? Are you serious?”

Nate laughed. “Exercise is good. Stops us from going soft.”

Rich stood and walked beside him. “Hate to tell you this, old man. But you’ve already gone soft.”

“That I have. That I have.” They walked out into the village in rows of two. Now, this held possibilities of escape. He surveyed the area, noticing at least eight females watching the thirty-odd males. Not great odds of escape when they were equipped with that freaky hair.

Shit. He didn't like his chances.

They were walked slowly through the village, and he took in as much as he could, knowing he might need to figure his way out of here quickly, and in the dark. But all too soon they were back in the building that housed them.


“Come, sit and talk with an old man about your plans to overthrow a government. Not often I hear that.”

He might as well. He had nothing else to do. As he followed Nate through the large room, someone called out something. He ignored it, guessing someone was getting a bit excited during their blow job. These guys really seemed to enjoy them, but who could blame them there was nothing else around here to break up the day.

But when Nate stopped and turned, Rich turned as well.

A blond-haired man stood a few feet away, two other men stood behind him. He looked younger than most of the men around here. He pointed at Rich and barked out something.

“That’s Eion,” Nate explained. “He wants to speak to you.”

Rich snorted. “I’ve got nothing to say to him.” He turned his back and walked away.

Nate whistled. “Brave move. He’s got a lot of power around here.”

“I thought the females had all the power,” he commented.

“They do. But Eion is the grandson of Elder Maren. He is very doted on, I guess you might say.”

“So, he’s a spoiled brat?”

Nate’s lips twitched. “Something like that.”

Rich wasn’t worried. The male yelled out something again, and he ignored him.

“He just said that you stole his female and he is going to ensure that the elders break your claiming.”

Rich sighed. “Tell him to go fuck himself.”

Nate said something back and then the room went quiet. Hmm, probably not good. As he was turning, he saw Nate stiffen, his eyes widening. Then someone slammed into him, sending him hurtling towards the ground. Rich rolled, throwing off Eion who slammed against the ground. Rich ignored the shouting around him as he jumped to his feet. Eion did the same, watching Rich with a snarl. He threw a punch. It was slow and clumsy. Rich easily ducked. He might not be a fighter, but he had a few moves. He swung back, slamming his fist into the other man’s stomach then followed up with a punch to his nose.

Fuck! That hurt!

Rich danced backwards, fighting the urge to cradle his hand. He waited for Eion to follow up, but the other man just fell to the floor, crying.

Jesus, that was embarrassing.

Females raced forward, pulling him back. His hands were secured by his back as other females hovered over Eion, seeing to his care. Rich turned away in disgust as he continued to sob.

Seriously. This place was fucked up.


“Laylla! Laylla!”

Laylla stood up and wiped the sweat off her face as Amira half-ran, half-walked towards her.

“What is it?”

“It’s Rich. There has been some trouble.”

Laylla raced over to her, alarm filling her. Trouble? What sort of trouble? “What happened?”

“Apparently, Eion attacked him.”

“Is he all right?” Eion was a bit bigger than Rich. Had he hurt Rich? What would she do if he had?

“I do not know. All I heard was that Eion attacked Rich and they had to be separated. They have both been brought before the elders.”

Laylla raced towards the building where the elders lived. There was a crowd outside, but everyone moved aside when they saw her coming. She moved past the guards posted and ran inside. The three elders stood on the small platform at one end of the building. Kneeling before them were Eion and Rich. She moved forward, her gaze fixated on Rich. He stared up at her, his gaze angry and confrontational but there was no blood or bruises that she could see. He wore the clothing all males wore, so his arms, chest, and legs were bare.

“Rich. You are well?” she asked, even knowing she didn’t understand.

He continued to glare at her but then turned his gaze to Eion. She followed his gaze, gasping as she took in the sight of the other male. His eye was swollen shut and there was blood under his nose.

“What happened?” Laylla turned to the elders.

“That is what we are determining,” Elder Maren said. “My grandson has been gravely injured by your male.”

Laylla straightened her shoulders. “I had heard that Eion attacked my male. If this is the case, then I shall demand restitution.”

“Call forth the witnesses,” Elder Torin commanded

Two of the female guards, Asta and Nastan, came in, along with three males, Roick, Masan, and Nate. The two guards spoke first, but they had not seen who instigated the fight, so they could only speak of how they separated the males.

Roick came next. “The foreign male started the fight,” he stated. “Eion defended himself.”

Eion smiled briefly, and Laylla’s suspicions were raised. Elder Maren gasped and glared at Rich. If he was found guilty, he could face punishment. One she would have to administer.

Nate stepped forward to testify next. “I am afraid that I have to call Roick a liar.” The small crowd that had been allowed inside erupted into murmurs.

Elder Torin tapped her stick. “Quiet or you will all be forced to leave.”

Silence fell.

Nate looked around with a small smile. “I was talking to Rich as we walked across the sleeping hall when Eion called out to Rich. He stated that Laylla was to be his female and accused Rich of stealing her.”

What? Laylla glowered at Eion. If she had returned in time for the ceremony, he would have taken part with her. But that did not mean she was going to claim him. Personally, she had little liking for the entitled male. He seemed to be under the impression that he was more important than everyone else because his grandmother was an Elder. Well, so was her grandmother and she was treated the same as everyone else. Who your family was did not matter. What you did mattered.

“My friend, Rich, doesn’t understand our language. He does speak Standard, which I also speak.”

Another muttering went through the crowd, and Laylla looked at Nate in surprise. He understood Rich. That meant she could learn more about him. Where he came from, how he’d come to crash land on Tiran.

But it also opened other possibilities. Things she didn’t like to think about. Like, was he already claimed by a female?

“Rich did not turn with Eion called out as he clearly didn’t understand that Eion was speaking to him. He had his back to Eion when Eion attacked, slamming into him and sending him crashing to the ground.”

“You say that Eion instigated the fight,” Elder Maren said with a frown. “Yet it is Eion who is injured.”

“Because he’s a terrible fighter,” Nate stated baldly. Nate turned to Eion. “A bit of advice. Don’t start a fight you have no chance of winning. Rich fought back because he wasn’t about to lie there and allow Eion to harm him. Will you condemn him for defending himself?”

Nate stepped back, and the Elders spoke in whispers. Laylla remained tense. It was Roick’s word against Nate’s. Everything rested on Masan’s shoulders. Masan was a quiet man, but sensible. She watched Rich, but he didn’t look worried. He’d crossed his arms over his chest and looked somewhat bored. Probably because he didn’t understand any of what was being said. But his bored look calmed her worries slightly.

She could tell Nate was telling the truth and he had no reason to lie.

The Elders finally parted. “Masan, you may speak.”

Masan looked around nervously then stared down at his feet for a moment. “It is as Nate said. Eion attacked the new male. Unprovoked.”

Her breath left her in a rush as the room erupted. Eion was protesting furiously, pleading with his grandmother. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at his behavior, although why she expected any different from Eion, Laylla didn’t know. But she did know that Rich would never act this way. His arrogance might be unusual for a male, but she realized that she liked that he was different from the other males.

Laylla stepped forward. “Permission to speak.”

Everyone quietened. The Elders turned to her. “As my male was the one wronged, I am within my rights to withdraw him into my care.” Where she could be certain he would not be attacked again. Not that he couldn’t defend himself, but whether he could defend himself or not wasn’t the issue. It was her right to protect him and she needed to be certain he would be taken care of.

“This will not happen again. Eion will be punished,” Elder Maren said.

“Grandmother!” Eion protested.

“Quiet,” she snapped at him. “You have disgraced your family by attacking another male unprovoked and then lying about it.”

Eion looked shocked. Rich smirked. Even though he couldn’t understand the words, he obviously realized that Eion had been reprimanded.

“Your male will be safe with the other males,” Elder Torin told her.

“You cannot guarantee it, though,” Laylla stated. “He does not understand our language or our ways. I wish to have him under my care.”

“And when you cannot be with him?” Elder Torin questioned. “If he does not understand our ways, he cannot be left alone.”

What Elder Torin said was true. Someone cleared their throat, and she turned. Nate stepped forward with a small smile. “Perhaps I could help. As I can speak to Rich, perhaps I can help him with the language and rules.”

Elder Torin nodded slowly. “You will drop him off to the unclaimed males holding during the days, Laylla, and Nate can help train him. Particularly since you are still working off your punishment.”

She wished to be the one training him, but she understood. Elder Torin still had to save face.

“Very well. But I wish to sit in on some of this training.” That way she could speak to Rich, find out more about what he was doing here.

Elder Torin frowned but nodded. “Very well.”


Rich followed Laylla as she clasped hold of his hand and pulled him from the room. The male who had attacked him glared at him as he walked past. Rich gave him a wink. The bastard was jealous, and who could blame him? Laylla was gorgeous, and she was his.

Except she wasn’t really. Because he still intended to leave as soon as he could make his escape. He didn’t know what had been said during this hearing or trial, but he guessed the truth had come out considering he wasn’t being dragged away and locked up.

Poor Eion, that idiot really didn’t have a clue how to fight. Rich wasn’t a fighter, and he’d kicked his ass. He almost felt bad for the guy. He’d lost the girl and got his ass handed to him.

Laylla led him to a small hut on the outskirts of the village. He looked over at what appeared to be a rock wall being constructed. Primitive but effective he supposed. He wondered who was building it since it was obvious none of the men did any physical work. He studied Laylla, noting her toned arms and thighs, the dust coating her skin. She looked like she’d put in a hard day’s work.

He frowned slightly. It didn’t sit right with him that she worked her ass off while he had sat around for most of the day. Except for one walk, a pathetic excuse for exercise, really. Rich might prefer a boardroom to nature, but he worked out regularly. He looked around in interest as she led him into the hut. The only thing covering the windows and door were animal hides. The floor was dirt with a few furs covering it. A raised box with more furs on it was obviously used as a bed.

Primitive and small. But it was tidy.

Laylla grabbed a couple of well-worn fur cloths then took hold of his hand again. She led him out to the stream, walking along until they reached a bigger swimming hole. She tugged at his ridiculous skirt thing. As soon as he got away from here, he was burning this garment.

“I missed you,” he told her, grateful for once that she couldn’t understand a word he said. He’d never be able to speak his mind if she did. “I was pissed at you when I first ended up in male day care, but Nate explained that you were being punished.” He couldn’t see any marks on her, so he hoped it hadn’t been a physical punishment.

She stripped then grabbed his hand, pulling him into the water.

“Shit!” It was surprisingly cool, and he took a step back. She glanced over her shoulder at him, her face intense. Then she grinned. Oh no, he didn’t like the look of that grin. She lunged at him, sending them both under the water. He came up spluttering, shivering from the cold. “Oh, you’re in for it now.”

He dived under the water, hearing her scream as he grabbed hold of her ankles and tugged. They played for a bit until they were both shivering. When they got out, she wrapped him in the largest fur before drying herself.

Rich sighed. “You know, I always thought being worshipped and treated like a king was my thing. But I’m starting to get a little annoyed by how one-sided our relationship is.”

What relationship?

He pushed that voice aside before grabbing hold of the back of her head and pulling her in for a kiss. When he drew back, satisfaction filled him at her glazed look. “We both like to be in control, sweetheart. If we were on an equal footing, this would be a real interesting ride.”

He kissed her again, nipping at her lower lip. He reached beneath her fur to cup her breast, thumbing the nipple. She made a small whimpering noise and pressed closer to him.

“You missed me too, didn’t you?” He slid his free hand down to cup her mound. Her moisture coated the palm of his hand. Damn, she was amazing.

She attempted to pull back and slide down to her knees, but he grasped hold of her hips, shaking his head. “Oh no, no sucking me off this time. Shit, listen to me, I never thought I’d turn down a blow job.” He turned her, pressing her hands to the trunk of the tree and holding them there. He nipped at her neck then blew a breath into her ear. She shuddered, pressing her ass back against him.

“This time, I’m in charge,” he told her. He slid his cock between her legs, brushing it against her warm folds. She groaned, and he closed his eyes, praying for some control.

He clasped hold of her hips, pulling her back slightly as he plunged deep inside her. Even though it had been less than a day since he’d had her, it felt like a lifetime as he thrust in and out of her tight sheath.

He smacked her ass, and she let out a low growl, glaring at him over her shoulder. He just grinned. “You liked it. I felt your pussy clench down on my cock.” He gave her another smack, felt her shudder.

He sped up, his balls tightening to the point of pain. He needed to come, badly. But he wasn’t coming before her. Reaching around, he cupped her breasts then twisted the nipples slightly before biting down gently where her neck and shoulder met. She cried out, and he felt her pulse around him as she came.

One, two, three more strokes and he came with a shout, nearly collapsing against her as his legs turned to jelly, his breath sawing in and out of his lungs.

“Jesus, baby. If that’s what we can do after one night apart, imagine what it would be like after a week.”

Or longer. But he didn’t want to think about that right now. He just wanted to go back to that tiny hut that had no running water or electricity or floors and lay curled up around his woman all night. He needed to spend as much time with her as he could.

Before he had to say goodbye.