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Wicked Winter Tails: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set by Nicole Garcia, LeTeisha Newton, Sadie Carter, Kaiden Klein, L. Madison, Kat Parrish, Luscious Lee Grimm, Christy Dilg (58)



There’s a heaviness on my left side. Either I’m losing it, or I’ve gone through a real transformation. Internally, I feel different, more alive. Energy is heaving through me and I wish I could work some of it off. I look over and find Soraya lying on my shoulder, asleep, which explains the extra weight. I’m about to wake her when gravity does it instead. We hit a road bump and she tumbles forward, hitting her head on the back of the seat in front of her.

“Ouch, shit.” She’s holding her head and mumbling some obscenities.

I don’t say anything. Instead, I’m waiting for her to say something to confirm it was or wasn’t a dream.

I’m subtly following her every movement, or so I thought, when she looks over at me.

“What?” she asks, frowning and rubbing her head. “Why are you looking at me like that? Shit…” She reaches for her bag, starts to dig inside, and comes out with a mirror. “I’m going to have a huge-ass knot. It’s already coming up.”

She turns toward me. “Do you see it?”

I couldn’t care less about the knot on her forehead. My mind is elsewhere, and I’m considering outright asking her if the whole werebeast and her being a wolf is real. But if it isn’t, she’ll laugh me into another world.

Anyway, I’ve been looking at her the whole time. And it doesn’t matter what I say—she won’t believe me. “There’s nothing there, Soraya.”

I push my head against the headrest and turn my attention to the homes we’re passing, decorated with colorful lights and other festive decor.  That’s when I see the large Santa on the roof and conclude, I must have been dreaming. We’re still on the bus.

She nudges me on my shoulder.

“Come on, look again…here.” I do. But this time, instead of turning to look at her directly, I look through the compact mirror she’s holding. My gaze falls on the lady sitting across from us. It’s Rose. She smiles. Not even two rows behind her, Caleb’s wearing a pair of shades sitting next to Roman. I gasp, bringing my hand to my chest. Roman winks at me. I ditch the mirror and turn completely around. He’s really there and so are the rest of them. Hot damn, it was all real, which means the spell I did to bring us back really worked.

I place my hands flat against my thighs and look at them, considering the amount of magic I have in each one of my fingers. I’m itching to make sure it’s still there. If I could move just one thing, I’d be satisfied. The urge is strong, and my fingers start to tremble.

The bus is slowing down. I turn to the window where my gaze settles on the fallen leaves and then up to the tree branches. Raising my hands, I think about moving a small patch of the fallen leaves. Seconds later, they’re floating in the air. I rotate my finger around and watch as they spin but stop when I hear the whispers coming from passengers. It’s a good thing no one knows I was the one making them move. Still, I’m completely satisfied, and the suspense is gone.

Soraya places a hand on my knee. “You all right, babe?”

I smile and nod. “I’m good.”

She smiles back and snuggles against me. “I’m going to get some more sleep. Wake me when we get home. And just so you know, if Roman is moving back in with you, he’s going to need a trash bag for his clothes. I’m not sharing my side of the closet.”

Giggling, I rest my chin on her head and release a long breath. “You know we’ll be home in a little while, right?”

“It’s fine.”

I’m grateful to have her as my best friend. And I’m even more pleased to know regardless of what form she takes, she’s on my side.

This could have very well been the best yet worst trip of my life. It was certainly an interesting one. I lean back and turn my attention to the window. I can see Roman’s reflection and it comforts me. I’m drifting off into thought when the driver’s voice starts to come through the loudspeaker.

“We’re less than twenty minutes from our destination of Melbourne, Ohio. Thanks for traveling Greyhound. I hope you’ve enjoyed your trip.”

We soon arrive home. I can’t wait to get off the bus and wrap my arms around Roman. I’m looking for him when he comes up behind me, slides his arms around my waist, and whispers, “Whether in this world, or in another, I’m never leaving you again. We may not have as much drama here, but I’m certain I can keep you entertained.”

Soraya whispers in my other ear, “And if he can’t, I can always bring you back to Paranormal Realms to experience more adventure.”

Narrowing my gaze at her, I say, “You know, I kind of do see that bump now.”

Her mouth gapes as she brings her hand to her forehead.

“So not funny, Winter. Now, just for that, we’re putting up a Christmas tree, doing the decorating thing, and having everyone over for a huge holiday dinner.”

I huff, probably out of habit more than anything, before looking at Roman. Considering what we’ve been through, the idea doesn’t seem so bad now that he’s here and we’re together.

Caleb and Rose come up.

“What’s so funny?” Rose asks.

“Oh nothing. Just the knot on Soraya’s head,” I say playfully. 

Soraya pokes out her lip.  “Keep it up and you’ll be baking too.”

“I’d like to see that one.” Roman smiles slyly and winks.

I point a finger at Soraya. “Not happening.”

“I’m going to leave you folks to it. It’s not been fun. And I hope we don’t have to do it again anytime soon,” Caleb says. He’s about to turn and walk away when Rose stops him.

“Hold on. I’m leaving as well, so we can split the bill on a ride.”

Caleb rubs the back of his neck. “Cool.” I’m still sensing some tension coming from him as far as I’m concerned. We’re going to need to clear the air soon; maybe have a one-on-one chat.

“Tomorrow, we need to get together and talk but today I say we get some rest. Things will be different—”

A stranger comes from nowhere and cuts Rose off before she can finish.

“Excuse me, are you Rose White?”

Rose looks at him suspiciously. “I am.”

“Then this is for you.” He hands her a letter and walks away.

We all wait patiently as she reads it.

“Umm, guys, I don’t think we’ll be getting any rest tonight. It looks like we’re being called on by the Paranormal Realms council.”

I’m not sure what that means but judging by everyone’s faces—things just got real.


The End