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Ace of Harts by Dani René (4)

I decided on my black knee length skirt with my silver cashmere top for the meeting today. My nerves took over, this was an important presentation and Triston was counting on me to deliver. A prospective client that was worth millions! This was my time to show Triston that I was made for this job. I wasn’t sure what made me more nervous, being with him or the presentation.

The apartment buzzer alerted me that the car was here. Making my way down to the foyer, I took a deep breath before opening the door. The car was waiting I saw Charlie was in the drivers’ seat. Triston was leaning against the door of the SUV in his black suit. Wearing a black dress shirt and silver tie. His shoulder length hair tied back in a bun, his steel-blue eyes sparkled. I decided that being with Triston was making me more nervous than the presentation. I walked up to him and smiled. “Mr Hart,” I nodded.

“Miss Reid, you look...” His eyes roamed my body. His unfinished sentence hung in the air. I felt myself shiver, the fire ignited in my stomach and I ached for him. He held out a hand to me, “Come on beautiful, let’s get this done.” I took his hand and he helped me into the car, I slid into the plush leather seat, “Hello Charlie, how are you?”

He smiled back at me and gave a small nod, “Miss Reid.”

Triston slid into the seat next to me. His leg brushed against mine and I felt a surge of electricity. I wanted him, right there in the back seat of the car, my whole body yearned for him. “Triston, I…” he looked at me, his gaze was soft.

“Emily, let’s get through this meeting and we can talk at lunch okay?” I nodded. His hand found mine and he squeezed it. I wasn’t sure what to think anymore, I didn’t know what to say to him. I liked Bash, but there was something about Triston that pulled me towards him. Something magnetic, that I just couldn’t ignore anymore.




“Je Te Veux Events is the most prominent company in New York, with a reach worldwide. Our current event calendar and client lists are proof of that. Mr Jacobson, we have the experience and the staff capable of handling international events such as yours. Mr Hart prides himself in his hands on approach with all the events we organize.” My eyes met Triston’s and he smiled, winking at me. I felt a surge of confidence. “This will be in your best interest to entrust your worldwide events to us. Let me assure you that Mr Hart is demanding of his staff and runs a tight ship. We can do this.” My eyes met his and I saw them darken at my mention of him being demanding. I bit my lip to suppress the giggle threatening to escape. His eyes focusing on my mouth with a devilish smirk curving his lips.

I stood at the front of the room, 8 sets of eyes on me, but the most important were sparkling steel-blue. I could see Mr Jacobson debating what I had just told them. He was a short stocky man with a kind face. He broke out into a large grin and I felt myself relax. “You’re a little firecracker! I like you! Mr Hart, congratulations, you have our account, I will have our lawyer draw up the contracts.” He stood and shook Triston’s hand. “As long as this beautiful young woman is handling my account.” He smiled back at me and I felt a blush cross my face.

Triston smiled, “Certainly Mr Jacobson, she is my best girl!” He looked over at me, he was beaming and so was I. We did make an excellent team. “Well, you better hold on to her, don’t let her get away!” Mr Jacobson walked across and shook my hand, he exited the conference room leaving us to pack up. I shut down my laptop and slid it into the bag. Rolling up my charger cable I turned as Tristongrabbed me and swung me around. “Thank you!” His lips on mine, deep and hungry. His tongue demanding entrance to my mouth. He licked into me, tasting me. I moaned pushing my body against his rock hard torso. He let me down but kept his arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me into him. When he pulled away he looked down guiltily, “Sorry, I uh… let myself get carried away.”

I reached up to touch his face, he grabbed my wrist and he stepped back, “Don’t! Let’s get lunch.” He turned and walked to his seat to collect his briefcase and laptop. Confused by his sudden change in emotions I grabbed my bag and walked to the door. Why does he pull away like that? It just didn’t make any sense! I was still reeling from the kiss when we stood side by side in the elevator. The current flowing between us was palpable, he needed to decide what he wanted.




“A bottle of champagne…” Triston handed the menu to our waiter. He looked at me and smiled, “Thank you for today, you were amazing!” I blushed, I was excited that he saw my ability today. He looked so handsome, so happy. “It’s a pleasure. It was amazing doing the presentation, it’s my dream come true. Thank you for giving it to me Triston.” The waiter brought our champagne and Triston motioned for him to leave it. He picked up the bottle himself and untwisted the foil, popping the cork and pouring a glass for each of us. “To us! We make an amazing team Emily,” we clinked glasses. His smile took my breath away.

My phone started ringing, I looked down. Sebastian’s name flashed on my screen. I grabbed it and set my glass down, “Just a sec…” I got up, walking over to the bar area, “Hello?”

“Hey darling, I just arrived in Brazil! It’s beautiful and hot, and I wish you were here.” Sebastian sounded excited. No unreleased tension filled me hearing him, he sounded like he was on holiday and I smiled. “Well, I hope you have fun. I am having a…” I glanced back at Triston, he was busy on his phone, “…lunch meeting, I have to go. See you Sunday?”

“Sure, I just wanted to hear your voice. Chat soon darling.” The line went dead and I took a deep breath. This was definitely not going to work. I walked back to the table and slid into the booth.

“Everything okay?” Triston enquired. I nodded and smiled, picking up my champagne and gulping it down. I didn’t know what I was doing.

“Yes! A friend, just checking up to see how I am doing.” He frowned, nodding an acceptance to my answer. He picked up his phone, scrolled down and held the phone to his ear, “Jessie, we will be out all day. Cancel my 3 o’clock. Miss Reid and I have somewhere to go.” He hung up and looked at me, “You want to do something with me? To celebrate?” I wanted to spend every moment with him. How could he not see that?

I smiled. “Sure! What did you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise, we need to take you home and you need to get changed.” I looked into those beautiful eyes, he looked truly happy. His smile crinkled his nose.




I decided on my black denim shorts, white tank top and a pair of converse. Triston said we would be walking so I wanted to be comfortable. It was the end of May and we were having amazing weather. I left my long brown hair loose down my back. When I made my way to the living room Triston was sitting on my sofa working on his laptop. He looked up when I walked in and smiled. “You ready?”

“Yes! Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” He shook his head. Walking back out to the car his fingertips lightly brushed my lower back sending a current through me. We slid into the back of the car and Triston called out to Charlie. “To my apartment Charles, I need to get out of this suit.” His gaze fell on me at that moment and I blushed furiously imagining him naked. The fire that seemed to be permanently burning inside me flared and I squirmed. He drove me absolutely insane with wanton lust. I so much wanted to be with him, just to get to know the person behind the mask that he had up. I wanted him to let me into that amazing mind, and maybe then into his heart.

We pulled up to Triston’s apartment. He told me to wait in the car. I checked my phone, nothing from Bash, I guess he was busy.

Triston slid into the seat next to me ten minutes later. Dressed in a pair of trainers and a pair of tight black jeans, with a casual blue tee. His long hair hung loosely on his shoulders.

He told Charlie to drive us to the ferry, I wasn’t sure where we were going, but I was excited. It had just hit midday and we had the whole afternoon ahead of us.




We stepped onto the Staten Island Ferry fifteen minutes later. Triston still didn’t tell me what we were going to do, but he did tell Charlie to take the afternoon off. “Are you ever going to tell me what we’re doing?” I pleaded. I pouted and crossed my arms. “I will throw a tantrum; you do realize that?!” I giggled, he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him. Such a small gesture but so perfect. It felt like we were a real couple.

“Soon!” He laughed. I rolled my eyes and he leaned closer to me, he pulled me tighter against him and his eyes seared into mine. I felt my body tingle, “You roll your eyes at me Miss Reid and I will take you across my knee right here on this ferry!” My body trembled at his threat, the thought of him taking such a dominant role over me had my heart racing. I looked into his eyes, challenging and teasing.

“Promise…?” I cocked my head to the side and licked my lips. His eyes darkened and I saw the desire dancing in them. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the back of the ferry. Since it was practically empty, no one ventured this far back. He pinned me against the wall and put a hand either side of my face, “Do you really want to challenge me, Miss Reid?” His voice laced with desire that tugged at my core.

I looked into his midnight blue gaze and I could tell there were things running through his mind that I ached to know. Naturally, in my stubbornness to obey, I nodded. “I do Mr Hart; I enjoy challenging you.” He searched my eyes with a dark smirk on his face, his expression was full of danger. I knew now he wanted me as much as I did him. He leaned closer and I ached for him to kiss me, his warm mouth just inches from mine. My mouth felt dry, my heart racing at his closeness.

I licked my lips deliberately, his eyes flickered to my mouth. Watching my tongue, chewing on my lower lip. I released it with a coy smile. I couldn’t believe his eyes could be any darker blue than they already were. He grabbed my bottom lip with his teeth and bit down gently. Currents shot down my spine, collecting between my legs and I felt myself moisten at the pain. I moaned into his mouth. He softly sucked my lower lip into his warm mouth and my knees trembled. Suddenly, he released me and stepped back. “Later…”




We got off the ferry, hailed a cab to The Conference House. This was where Triston wanted to hold the charity event. After the incident in the ferry, I kept the teasing at bay. I wasn’t sure I could handle another one of his luscious assaults on my body.

We walked up to the beautiful historic house with lush gardens. There was a forest in the distance and a large gazebo which could provide cover for a catering area. “This place is amazing!” He looked at me and smiled.

“Isn’t it? I think it will be perfect for our fundraiser, and you my dear will be heading it all up. I wanted to bring you here to show you what you would be working with.” He looked down at me and smiled, “Think you can handle it?” he winked and I wasn’t sure we were talking about the event anymore.

“Trust me, Mr Hart, I can handle it!” I walked off in the direction of the gardens and I heard his footsteps behind me.

“You’re a stubborn girl aren’t you Miss Reid?” I walked faster, my heart racing as he followed, his footfalls quickening to catch up to me. The gardens were vast with beautiful trees, it looked like a fairytale forest.

“I am Mr Hart; think you can handle me?” I teased him. Our good mood from winning the account was contagious, I felt carefree. I glanced back and saw him a few steps behind. I haven’t felt as excited and happy in such a long time. I feel like I can’t stop smiling, mostly due to Triston. I ran into the forest area between the trees, the sun was still high and the shade felt good, cooling me down. I hid behind a large oak tree, “Miss Reid, I do like games… very much so, but what do I get when I find you?”

“You will just have to find me and see for yourself, Mr Hart!” I shouted as I darted behind another tree. I heard his deep laugh and I heard his footsteps on the grass, he was close. My heart hammered against my ribcage, I giggled to myself. My phone beeped just then and I knew he heard it. I moved to another tree, I could see him from my hiding spot. I pulled out my phone.

Unlocking the screen, it was a picture from Bash. He was on a coffee farm, my smile faltered. I shook my head and shoved the phone back in my pocket, I could deal with it later. I turned to get a glimpse of Triston, but he had disappeared from my view. I frowned and turned the other way, crashing into something hard. I looked up into steel-blue eyes, “Boo!” he laughed and grabbed me around the waist, the closeness of his body had me trembling. He pinned me against the large tree trunk. My back flush against the tree. “Now Miss Reid, what is it that I get?” He leaned in and I felt his warm breath on my face. His intoxicating scent overwhelmed my senses and I arched my body into him.

I smiled and looked into his beautiful sparkling eyes. My hand resting on his torso. I felt the hard ridges of his abdomen, I felt the need to lick him, he felt so delectable. “What is it that you want Mr Hart?” I whispered.

His devilish smirk returned and he leaned in closer. His mouth next to my ear, sending delicious tingles through me. “What I want might be something you can’t handle Miss Reid…”

His lips brushed my neck and I moaned. Feeling every rock hard inch of this beautiful man pressing against me sent electricity flowing through me. The need I felt at that moment surpassed anything I had ever felt.

“Why don’t you let me decide what I can or can’t handle Mr Hart?” My voice was a hoarse whisper. His hands ran along my arms, causing me to shiver. He deliberately teased my lips with his tongue, the same way he did the first night outside my apartment.

His hands reached my hips and he held me in a vice grip. Pulling me into him, his groin rigid against me and I knew I was slick with desire. His mouth was warm, it covered mine and he devoured me. Letting go of any inhibitions he may have had he kissed me and I let him. My hands tangling in his silken long hair. I felt his stubble on my chin, he growled into the kiss as he pulled me in tighter.




I plated the takeaway stir-fry on two plates and looked up. I smiled looking at Triston sitting on my sofa, again. He was working as usual; I don’t think he ever stopped. We had just got back from Staten Island and he wanted to buy dinner. I was too tired to go out so we decided on takeaway. I enjoyed the afternoon with him. The kiss was incredible, but once we got on the ferry it seemed like we were back to business. He didn’t mention the kiss or anything else for that matter. “Triston, dinner is ready.” I called to him and he nodded, “Be right there.”

We sat at the counter and ate in comfortable silence. I poured us each a glass of white wine. “Do we have any meetings tomorrow?” I enquired.

“No, but we need to work on the marketing plan. If we don’t get it done I think we may have to put in some hours tomorrow and Sunday.” I looked up quickly, Sunday, “I uh… have plans on Sunday.”

He looked at me clearly taken aback. “You do?” I nodded. “Right, we will have to finish everything tomorrow so you can go out on your date. Or whatever it is. We can work at my place. I have my office set up with two desks, so we won’t get in each other’s way.”

I swallowed, watching his reaction. He seemed jealous, trying to gauge his expression was difficult. He held a brilliant poker face. “Sure, sounds good.” I licked the fork, this was so good. I looked up, his eyes dark and dangerous. “You are deeply distracting you know that?”

I cocked my head to the side, “What do you mean?”

He looked down at his plate, smiled and finished the last of his dinner. I watched him, waiting for his response. He really did frustrate me, most times. Swallowing his food, he picked up his wine and took a sip. He caught my stare and smirked, “I mean exactly what I said, you’re distracting.”

“Distracting in what way Triston?” I asked incredulously. He shook his head, got up and took his plate to the sink. He started washing it, I smiled.

“Don’t do that.” He ignored me and proceeded to dry his plate. He opened the cupboards and found the one that held the crockery, placing his plate inside.

“Done!” He walked back to the counter and grabbed my empty plate. Following the same procedure, I watched him wash the plate, dry it and pack it in the cupboard. He looked at his wristwatch, “I better go, it’s late and you need to sleep.”

I stood up, finishing the last of my wine. I leaned against the breakfast bar, “Do you like being so demanding?” I asked. His smirk answered my question. His eyes taking in every inch of my face, he finally settled on my eyes.

“I do. It’s how I run a multi-million-dollar empire, Miss Reid.” He was frustrating me. He kissed me with such intent earlier, that couldn’t have been all business to him. I felt something more. “So this,” I gestured between us, “is just business?”

He folded his arms across his chest and looked at me. He leaned against the sink, we were at odds. Standing opposite each other, neither one of us knowing what to say. He looked so sexy in his ripped blue jeans and too-tight tee. His muscles and veins were prominent and defined and I ached to run my fingers along them. “You are my employee Miss Reid.” I felt a physical pain in my chest, his words were cold. I couldn’t let him see me cry, although I wanted to slap him.

“Well, Mr Hart, I suggest you not kiss your employees in the future, it’s not professional. And I suggest you leave now.” My face hardened to him and I could tell he was frustrated at my words. I felt the tears burning my eyes, but I refused to let them spill.

“Emily…” His voice softer now. I stopped him before he could say anything more.

“Good night Mr Hart, I will see you for work, tomorrow.” I walked over to the front door and held it open for him. He grabbed his laptop and phone from the living room.

His eyes betrayed him as he walked past me. I saw some emotion there, but he didn’t let it show any further. He stood on the threshold and looked at me, “Emily…”

I shut the door in his face. Hearing his footsteps on the stairs I slid down the door as the tears flowed down my face.




I had arrived at Triston’s penthouse apartment four hours ago. It was perched high above Central Park, located at a sun-flooded corner of the tower. I noticed a wrap-around terrace with exquisite outdoor furniture. The open plan living room and dining room elegantly furnished. Modern furniture and masculine colors conveyed his style perfectly. Blacks, greys, and blues. A classic design with beautiful cityscape and Central Park views. The artwork that hung on the walls had beautiful accentuating colors. Reds, oranges, and purples. His office was old worldly, furnished with two deep mahogany desks. A wall filled with books and a stunning Chesterfield sofa. He didn’t make mention of last night and neither did I.

Making us both coffee and setting out croissants we got to work. He was relaxed and professional with me, as much as it hurt I knew I had asked for it. I just couldn’t play his game anymore, not when my feelings were real and his weren’t. I knew I was falling for him, but he clearly didn’t feel it. I couldn’t do anything about it, I wanted this job. He clearly viewed this as a business transaction and I was not prepared to be one of his deals.

“Miss Reid, where are we with the layout plan?” He asked pulling me from the painful thoughts in my mind. He looked up from his laptop and when his eyes met mine I felt a surge of love for a man who would never feel it for me. “I was about to email it to you, as well as the schedule for setup and breakdown.”

He nodded and carried on typing, “Good.” He didn’t look up again, his voice clipped and serious. There was an icy tension in the room now and it was distracting. My phone beeped, I picked it up and unlocked the screen. Bash.


*Hey darling, hope you’re not working too hard. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Bash x*


I smiled. I felt a blush heat my face. I didn’t care if Triston noticed it, he shouldn’t be bothered by me seeing anyone. We were professional after all, but deep down it tugged at my heart. As much as I wanted to ignore my feelings for Triston, I couldn’t.


*Work is boring and busy. I can cook dinner tomorrow. x*


His immediate reply beeped and I felt Triston’s gaze on me.


*Sounds good. A girl that cooks, what a bonus… lol x*


I smiled at his response and felt excited for tomorrow. I didn’t feel the same magnetism I felt with Triston, but I liked Bash. He was sweet and relaxed and he made me smile. I needed to give it a chance with Bash. I wondered what I should make, I knew he wasn’t vegan, so that made it much easier. “Boyfriend?” Triston stared at me, his gaze demanding, but his voice was cool and calm. “Maybe, who knows…” I answered nonchalantly. Something flickered in his gaze, something dark.

“Mmmm…” he looked back at his screen and carried on working.




I closed my laptop and slid it into my bag. We had finished the whole marketing plan and I was starting to see double from staring at the screen all day. I checked the time, it was six. I needed to get dinner, take-out would be good. Triston came back into the office holding two glasses of chilled white wine. Condensation clouding the glasses and I felt the need to hold it against my face to cool me down. “Join me?” Handing me a glass he turned and walked into the living room.

I followed him, “What’s this for?” I held up the glass.

“A drink to thank you for today, is that okay?” Nodding, I took a sip. The wine was crisp and refreshing after the long day.

“Sure, I will just have one though I haven’t eaten.” I sat on the sofa and watched him move to the docking station for the iPod. “We can remedy that, I know a lovely little place—” He scrolled through the albums and pressed play. “No thank you.” I cut him off. I recognized the music filling the living room, the ethereal Icelandic band Sigur Rós. I had a couple of their albums. Hoping to change the subject I gestured to the speakers, “I like them.”

I took in his appearance as he stood at the stereo. Dressed in blue ripped jeans, that seemed to hug his hips and thighs. His white tee hung loosely on his upper body making me wonder what was beneath. I couldn’t help but notice how sexy he looked.

He nodded, “They’re really good. I figure we could relax for a bit and talk.” Making his way back towards me, he slid onto the sofa next to me. “Look Em, I am not used to being with anyone in any way other than business—” I sat forward and looked at him.

“Please, don’t explain anything, it’s okay, you are my boss that’s all. I understand.” I stood up and put the glass on the table. I walked back into the office and grabbed my bag and coat. I didn't feel like doing this, I was already angry and I didn't want to fight.

“Emily,” he stood up and watched me walk passed the sofa, but he didn’t make a move to stop me. He had his chance and he didn’t take it.

“I better get going… See you Monday.” I got to the door and grabbed the handle, turning around I mistakenly looked back. There was a pleading in his eyes and it tugged at my heart, all I wanted to do was run into his arms and never let go. I was so confused, what did he want? He made this choice when he said we were nothing more than boss and employee.

His smile had a certain sadness attached to it, “Goodnight Emily.” And there I had my answer.