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Ace of Harts by Dani René (13)

I sat on the sofa with my legs crossed. My laptop perched on my thighs as I typed out the marketing plan for Tribal Fuel. Every time I glanced up watching the brothers go through the paperwork that Bash had brought. There was no mention of anything else between them, which was good. At least they were having a civil conversation. I observed their interaction, it looked so natural to see them together. Triston had called James, who was on his way over. They had a plan to go to the apartment and have Blake arrested. There was evidence in the documents that Bash brought that could help our case. “I am going with you Triston.” Bash was adamant that he wanted to go, but Triston didn’t want to hear about it.

“No, I want you here. Protect Emily, I want to be the one to knock this son of a bitch out!” I stared at Triston. He just asked Bash to stay with me. “If he knows we’re onto him, he is going to try something,” he continued. “Please brother?” He held out his hand. I held my breath. Was this the moment they finally made up? The seconds ticked by as I watched the exchange. Bash grabbed his brother’s hand and they shook on it.

Bash nodded, “I will stay with her.” The buzzer went and I knew James was here. I needed a drink. My nerves were shattered. I didn’t want Triston anywhere near Blake, but I didn’t want Bash near him either. Triston opened the apartment door and it filled with testosterone. I walked into the kitchen, I couldn’t sit anymore. I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

Bash turned to me. “Em, I am here and I won’t let anything happen to you.” He took my hand, I nodded and gave him a small smile.

Triston walked back into the kitchen. His eyes fell on my hand in Bash’s and I saw his eyes flicker with darkness. Pulling my hand away I walked over to him, “Please be careful.” I pleaded. He wrapped his arms around me and mumbled into my hair, “Of course I will!”

“Mr Hart, we need to go.” James’ deep voice echoed in the open plan area. He sounded serious and I knew he was ready for a fight. Although I was hoping it didn’t come to that.

“Sebastian, thank you for staying with her.” Triston gave him a nod then looked down at me, giving me a soft kiss. “I have to go angel; I will be back soon.” He turned and left with James. It hit me with sudden ferocity and I felt faint. Bash’s arms were around me in an instant. “Emily!” He scooped me up and carried me to the living room. Sitting me on the sofa, he walked into the kitchen. “Can I get you some water or tea?”

I shook my head, “Can you get us some wine? In the shelf over there?” I pointed to the wine rack and sat back. I turned on the iPod I couldn’t handle the quiet anymore. I should have gone with them, but I knew there would be no way in hell Triston would have allowed me to go.

Bash came back with two glasses of red. “Here you go,” his smile was warm. His presence calming, I relaxed a little. He sat next to me in comfortable silence, listening to the song. I guess he was waiting for me to say something. “Thank you for staying,” I turned to him.

“Where else would I be?” His eyes locked on mine and I saw it. I saw the look I didn’t want to see on his face. I stood up. I needed fresh air. “Come with me.” I walked towards the balcony doors and tried to slide them open with one hand, the other holding my wine. I felt Bash behind me. He reached out to help me and his hand brushed mine. “Let me,” his whisper in my ear, causing me to shiver at his proximity. As soon as the door slid open far enough I stepped out and away from him, “Bash, please don’t?”

“I was helping you open the door,” he frowned in confusion. He was completely unaware of himself, or he was just good at hiding it. I smiled and turned to face the city. We stood side by side watching the last traces of sunlight on the horizon disappear. “It’s beautiful up here,” his voice sounded far away like he was deep in thought.

“Yea, it is,” the lights twinkling on as the sun finally set. “It was nice to see you and Triston talking this afternoon,” I turned to him. “I mean, I was just happy you both didn’t punch each other,” smiling at his amused expression.

“Well, he knows I could kick his ass. I am sure he didn’t want to have that happen in front of his girlfriend,” he joked. I turned to him, seeing his face betray the emotions as he said the words. I knew he liked me, it was obvious. I just wish this wasn’t so difficult.

“Bash—” before I could finish, we heard a loud crash in the bedroom.

“What the fuck?” Bash put his glass on the table and ran inside. I followed him in. Grabbing the large knife laying on the kitchen counter. He walked slowly towards the noise. I followed close behind. My heart hammering in my chest, I felt the prickle of fear over my skin.

Bash pushed the door open and my breath caught when we came face to face with Blake. “Ah, there’s my little wife, got the other brother to protect you now? Drop the knife,” he aimed the gun at Bash. The realizationof the situation dawned on me and I shook with fear. Bash dropped the knife. “What the hell do you want man? Leave her alone!” Blake’s eyes blazed with anger. His eyes flickering between the two of us. I silently prayed that Triston and James would have forgotten something.

“Shut up! This has nothing to do with you! Come here Emily,” his sneer made my blood run cold. I knew I couldn’t refuse him; he would hurt Bash. Walking towards him I shivered. He grabbed my hand, pulling me next to him. I took a deep breath, my eyes locked on Bash’s. “Now, you and I are going to take a little trip. If your boyfriend over here tries anything, I will show him who is boss.”

Blake’s arm wrapped around my throat as he dragged me back towards the broken glass doors. “Emily!” Bash took two steps forward when Blake shot a warning into the ceiling. I screamed and shut my eyes. Fear paralyzingme. “Go! There is a fire escape you’re going to climb down and no fucking tricks!” I walked on shaky legs towards the stairs.

I was on the first step when I heard a shot. Spinning around I looked up, noticing Blake had gone back inside. I heard a shout and something smashing. I ran back up and made my way into the bedroom. The two men were fighting, but I saw blood and fear grabbed my throat. Bash landed a cracking punch and Blake flew into the glass door of the balcony smashing it to pieces. My hands flew over my mouth. Blake’s face was bleeding and I blinked the tears away.

Turning around I saw the gun laying on the floor and Bash’s arm bleeding. I was in complete shock. “Call 911 Emily!” Bash shouted and I snapped out of my shock. My whole body was shaking, adrenaline pumped through my veins. I grabbed the landline and dialed. “Yes, I have an emergency. There is an intruder in my home, someone has been shot. There’s blood, I don’t know. Yes,” I mechanically rambled answers to the lady on the line and gave her the address. When I hung up I ran to Bash. I grabbed a scarf and tied it around his arm. The shot grazed his arm, there was blood everywhere. My hands were red and I started crying. Without thinking I grabbed him in a tight hug, “Oh My God, I am so sorry!” His right arm embraced me. My tears soaking his t-shirt.

“Shhh babe, it’s okay.” I pulled away to see the blood on his face. I shook my head, he was hurt. This was my fault. If he didn’t stay with me he wouldn’t have been hurt. My mind was moving at a million miles an hour.

“Let me clean this?” I mumbled. He nodded.

“Let me check on the douchebag outside,” he went to the balcony. I went into the bathroom and found the first aid kit. I went to the bed and sat down. Bash walked back in, “He’s out cold,” sitting opposite me he smiled. “Ouch!” He winced, his lip was split. I pulled out a cotton swab and soaked it in antiseptic. “Sit,” I ordered. He sat next to me and I dabbed at his lip. Cleaning his wounds. I dabbed at his eyebrow and he winced again.

His hazel eyes watching me intently as I worked. “You’re so pretty,” his voice was low. Almost a whisper, my heart thudded. I knew I was blushing and I shouldn’t be.

“Bash—” He leaned in and I felt his lips on mine. My eyes closed. It was a soft chaste kiss, warming me after the cold I felt. His right hand stroked my cheek softly. He didn’t do anything more. Just our lips touching was more than I could take right now. I opened my eyes in shock.

I stood up shocked at my actions. “Bash don’t!” The buzzer went, saving me from something I shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. I ran to open the door and the world crashed down with the noise of medics and police.

The rest of the evening was a blur until Triston got home.




I got up and walked into the kitchen. The silence was deafening. It was 3 am and I hadn’t slept. Every time I closed my eyes I would see Blake, the gun, and Bash. The fear would envelope me and then it was Triston with the gun shooting Bash. It played in my mind, over and over until I couldn’t take it anymore. I turned on the kettle, made a mug of coffee and settled on the sofa. Unlocking my phone, I noticed a message from Bash.


*I am sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep, but I definitely don’t regret it. B*


It happened in the heat of the moment, it didn’t mean anything. I kept repeating that in my head. Hoping that it would make it easier to forget. It happened, but it will never happen again. I couldn't do that to Triston. I couldn’t do that to me. I didn’t want to lose Triston over something stupid. Yes, Bash saved my life and I would be eternally grateful. But he wasn’t going to get me as a reward.

“A penny for your thoughts Miss Reid?” I jumped at Triston’s voice. “Shit, I am sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” His expression apologetic, as he flopped onto the sofa next to me.

“It’s okay, I was just a million miles away. I couldn’t sleep,” I explained why I was sitting on the sofa at 3 am in the dark. Triston’s hand stroked my leg slowly. “I know,” his voice was calm and relaxed. “I am taking a few days off, with you. We are leaving tomorrow; I have the plane on standby.”

“What? Why?” My head turned in his direction.

“You need to get over this and frankly so do I. We need time off Emily.” He got up and walked into the kitchen. “I want you out of this apartment for a while. We can fly to Miami. Go shopping, swimming, whatever you want.”

“Miami? We have so much work to do here Triston.” I protested, but I knew I would never win this one. He had made up his mind. He was right, I needed to get away.

“I know, but we can take two days. When we get back on Thursday evening you will feel a bit better and Friday is our meeting with Mr Jacobson.” He made a strong case, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.

“If you’re sure, okay.” Triston smiled and nodded. It sounded like fun, maybe it would be good to get away. Also, it would give me space from Bash before we started the events for Tribal Fuel. “I think it would be good.”

“Good, now can we go to bed?” Triston scooped me up and carried me to the guest bedroom.




The car pulled up to a private airfield. Triston wasn’t joking when he said he had the plane on standby. We didn’t pack anything, apparently this was a shopping spree vacation. I think he just wanted to take my mind off everything that happened. He had James and his team fixing and securing the apartment. There was a new security system being installed as well.

I didn’t reply to Bash’s text and I didn’t plan on it until my phone rang before we took off. I knew it would be him. I hit the answer button.

“Hello, Bash.” I stepped into the belly of the plane and slid into a seat.

“Emily, I just wanted to check in, you know, see how you’re doing. I uhm—”

“Bash, I am fine. And you?” I didn’t want to prolong this conversation. I looked at Triston, he was watching me with a steely gaze.

“I am good; the pain is gone.” I nodded.

“Good, listen Bash I can’t talk right now, we’re about to take off.” Triston winked and got up to get us drinks from the bar.

“Why? Where are you going?”

“We’re flying to Miami for a couple of days.” I looked out of the window, I needed this to end. I wasn’t ready to talk to Bash.

“Oh, please let me know when you’re back?”

I nodded again. “Sure, I will.”

I hung up before he could say anything else. “Everything okay?” Triston slid into the seat opposite me. Placing a drink in front of me. I nodded, “Yea, Bash was just checking in. You know,” he gave a stiff nod and buckled himself in.

“You know if Bash wasn’t there last night, I—”

“Emily, you do not need to tell me about what would have happened if my brother wasn’t there. I know. I trusted you last night and I trust you now.” He smiled. My heart sank at his words and I suddenly felt sick. I wanted to tell him about the kiss, but after what he had just said I knew it would hurt him beyond words. It was at that moment I decided not to mention anything about the kiss. I grabbed the glass and downed the liquor in one gulp. I leaned back and closed my eyes, I needed to get some sleep.




“Emily,” Triston gently shook me awake. I opened my eyes and realized we had landed. “Wow, I slept right through that,” smiling up at Triston.

“Yes, but it’s good, you got some rest.” He grabbed my hand and we made our way off the plane. It was a clear day and I was excited to be spending time with Triston. Away from everything that happened over the last few weeks. It’s been a crazy rollercoaster and I wanted to get off. There was a car waiting to take us to our hotel. I watched the beautiful blue ocean speed past us as our driver made his way from the airport. “This is so beautiful Triston, thank you,” I turned to him. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

“Only for you angel,” his warm fingers traced circles on my thigh. I felt my body respond to him in the way it only knew how. The need I felt for him was almost crippling. I couldn’t believe that I could want someone as much as I wanted Triston. I leaned my head on his shoulder inhaling his scent. “You are amazing,” I looked up at him, getting lost in his steel-blue eyes.

“So are you, don’t you ever forget that okay?” I nodded.

The driver pulled up to the beautiful Acqualina hotel. It was located on Sunny Isles beach and I am sure Triston booked a sea view room. The thought of the balcony facing the ocean made me smile. I couldn’t wait to get our short holiday started. “Angel?” Triston was staring at me; I was lost in my own thoughts. Grabbing his hand, we made our way to the reception desk.




I was right, our room had an ocean view. It was beautiful. Furnished in light colors it gave a feel of being on an island. The pastel palette was calming and I needed calm. I dropped onto the large king size bed and the tension in my muscles eased. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. Sitting up I caught Triston watching me with amusement on his face. I stood and walked over to the large glass doors. We had our own private terrace with a lovely two-seater bench. A small breakfast table and two chairs. “This view is amazing!”

Triston pulled off his t-shirt and walked up behind me. The heat of his body radiating on my back. He leaned in and rested his chin on my shoulder. “It is. I have a few ideas of what we can do while looking at that amazing view,” he teased. His tongue snaking its way behind my ear. I closed my eyes savoring the sensation. His teeth bit my sensitive earlobe. Electric currents shot down my body gathering at the furnace between my legs.

He pulled my tank up and over my head. Unclasping my bra dropping it on the floor, where it joined my top. Biting my shoulder and licking the tender skin, he moved his hands down my arms. I felt my nipples harden as his hands traveled back up my stomach and cup my breasts. He tweaked and pulled at the hard buds causing a small moan to escape my lips. I could feel his hardness pressing against my ass. I pushed back against his groin and I heard the low growl escape his lips.

His caress moved back down my stomach and found its way into the drawstring sweats I was wearing. His right hand slid into the waistband of my panties and I felt his soft warm fingers. “Triston,” I moaned out loud. I placed my hands behind me between us as I stroked his erection through his jeans. His fingers played with my moist entrance causing my body to ignite with wanton lust. He groaned as I stroked him. A smile curved my lips, I loved having an effect on him.

“Shhhh angel… No noise,” his voice was so deep and low. His teeth biting my neck, sucking the sensitive skin into his hot mouth. I was slowly losing control. Opening my eyes, I looked out at the ocean watching the waves crash onto the shore as my lust burned. He plunged his fingers deeper inside me. Hooked them as he massaged my sweet spot. His left hand tweaked my rock hard nipples. Electricity shot through me, my nerves were tingling. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last. I moved my hands to the window, holding on as my knees started to buckle.  “Give it to me!” He growled the order in my ear. Deep and scratchy causing my orgasm to rip through me with ferocity.

His assault was relentless as he continued to plunge into my sopping entrance. I couldn’t take another one. My knees felt weak. I couldn’t hold myself up. “I want every bit of your pleasure,” he whispered. With his left hand, he pulled down my sweats and panties. They fell at my feet as he pulled away his right hand, “Turn around.” I did as he said, my eyes locked on his midnight blue ones. He licked his index finger, then the middle finger. The sight causing me to shiver with lust. “I love the way you taste.” His devilish smirk was haunting.

My eyes took in the bare chest of the man I loved. Every inch of his perfectly sculpted body on show in front of me. He lifted me, carrying me to the bed. Laying me down, he unzipped his jeans. I laid back watching him move over me. Kissing me hard, his tongue invaded my mouth. Fighting for control and I submitted to him. He moved his mouth over my neck, down to my stomach. He reached my thighs, kissing and blowing lightly on my skin. His beard felt scratchy against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. Lifting my head, I watched his mouth on my entrance. His tongue flat against my hot slick sex, lapping at me like I was his only nourishment. “Triston!” His teeth bit down on my clit causing my hips to buck into his mouth.

“I said you need to be quiet!” He growled. Continuing his assault on my pussy. I needed him, ached for him. I wanted him to fill me right at that moment. As if reading my thoughts, he sat up. Licking his lips slowly while watching me writhe on the bed. “On your knees! Now!” Obeying him I got up and kneeled in front of him. Still shaky from my orgasm I held onto the bed. “Do you need a spanking dirty girl?” I nodded quickly.

A hard swat landed on my right ass cheek. I yelped and I knew there would be more where that came from. The sound loud in the silence of the bedroom except for my moans. Another slap, two, three, four, every part of me on fire. Suddenly he slammed into me hard causing me to scream out, another slap. I knew I was dripping wet by now. My mind was completely lost, I couldn’t think of anything else but the feel of him sliding in and out of me. Gripping my ponytail hard, he pulled me back against him as he filled me deeper than he ever had. “You’re my bad girl aren't you?”

“Yes,” was all I could say.

“You like my hard cock inside you, angel?” His voice was dripping with desire.

“Yes,” I breathed.

“You were made for me,” he slammed into me. I was teetering on the edge of a cliff and Triston was going to push me over. “Come for me, hard!” His words were my undoing as I felt my release wash over me. My body shaking with the pleasure that only Triston could give me. He slammed into me again, grabbing my neck with his other hand holding me in place as he took me, making me his. Deeper and harder, his body went rigid and spasmed and I felt him come undone inside me.