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Against the Rules (Harts of Passion Book 1) by M.E. Montgomery (33)


Cocky Guy: Have to work late tonight again. Sorry.

That made the third night in a row. I knew Jax had something going on at work that was taking a lot of his time. And while I didn't know exactly what it was he was working on, I could tell something about it was bothering him. He would come over to my apartment late, and I could see the stress lines creasing his eyes and forehead. I tried to be there for him, with a smile and a meal as he'd been for me in the days leading up to the dinner.

Me: Is it worth telling you not to work too hard?

Cocky Guy: probably not. But I'll try.

Me: I'll wait up for you.

Cocky Guy: That's a good incentive to get me out of here

Cocky Guy: Don't bother wearing anything you like or risk having it torn off.

I felt my face flame. After everything Jax had touched, licked, and done to me, I still blushed when I heard him talk like that. But I enjoyed trying to dish it back to him.

Me: Hurry, then. Maybe wearing nothing will lessen the risk...and the wait ;)

There was no reply for a few minutes.

Cocky Guy: Damn. Now I'm hard and forgot what I'm still doing here.

Cocky Guy: I'll be home as soon as I can. Be ready to be ravished. It's been too long since I had you.

Me: it's just been twelve hours!

Cocky Guy: like I said, too long!

I smiled. I did that a lot lately. And I loved that he thought of my small apartment as home. Not that we were living together, but Jax spent more time there then his condo. It used to surprise me that he preferred my place, given how much bigger and more modern his place was. But he said mine felt more comfortable, more like a home, and since he was the one working late, it made more sense for him to come to me than for me to sit alone in his place waiting.

I glanced at my phone. It was already seven, and if I knew Jax, he hadn't taken time to eat dinner. An idea occurred to me, and twenty-five minutes later, I was picking up soup and sandwiches from one of our favorite cafes to take to him. He might have to work late, but that didn't mean he had to work alone.

When I stepped out into the open area of his office space, it was dimly lit for the evening and very quiet. The last time I'd been here had ended with me squaring off with Jax. So much had changed since then.

Ellie's desk was cleaned off except for a neat stack of files, but light spilled into the hallway from Jax's office. I heard the low rumble of his voice, but paused when it was followed by a higher, sultry kind of laugh. Jax had never given me a reason not to trust him, but when he said he'd been working late, I'd assumed he meant alone, not with any co-workers, much less a woman. I tried not to jump to any conclusions, but a funny feeling settled in my stomach.

He's not Travis.

But the self-reminder didn't do much to push aside the sense of doubt. The woman spoke, followed by Jax's voice again, but I couldn't make out any of the words.

Better to know than to worry, I told myself. I took a deep breath and walked the remaining steps to the door and paused inside Jax's office. Jax, the mystery woman, and another man stood around a table studying what looked like building plans. The woman, who I couldn't help but notice looked like she'd just left a salon, was pointing at something. The other man was shaking his head, obviously disagreeing. Jax started to open his mouth, but my appearance caught his eye, and he looked up.

Within a heartbeat, his face morphed from frustrated to surprised to pleased. Not a lick of guilt. "Grace! What are you doing here?" The other heads swiveled my way, the man's appreciative as he looked me over from head to toe, the woman's much less pleased.

"I figured you needed to refuel to keep working at this pace." I nodded at the other couple. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you weren't alone. I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

Jax hurried to my side. "You're always a welcome surprise." He kissed me, lingering a second shorter than what might be deemed inappropriate in mixed company. His smile lit up his face, and his words were sincere. A slight sense of smugness replaced my niggling fear as I noted the disappointment that wrinkled the other woman's features. That, and guilt for being worried in the first place.

"Now I understand why the boss is more anxious to leave in the evenings." The other man who looked to be about the same age as Jax didn't bother to hide his admiration, particularly an uncomfortable interest in my breasts. I fought the desire to cross my arms over them, which were emphasized by the tight t-shirt I still wore because I hadn't bothered to change out of my comfortable clothes thinking it would be just Jax and me.

Jax shot him a dirty look and pulled me to his side, twisting my body in such a way that my breasts were pressed against his side that was both territorial and at the same time hid the asset that seemed to have attracted his colleague’s attention.

"Grace, this is Kevin, one of my project managers, and Clarissa, my lead commercial architect." He kissed the top of my head. "And this is Grace, my girlfriend."

The last part sounded a bit like a warning. I didn't mind. Kevin reminded me too much of Travis for my comfort level.

I smiled up at Jax. "I can run out and get some more food and bring it back for everyone."

He smiled but shook his head and stared pointedly at the other two. "Thanks for staying late tonight. I want a report tomorrow of everything we discussed tonight and anything else you think is relevant, so I have time to review it. I don't want there to be any question in the City Council's mind why this is in the best interest of Passion's economy and infrastructure. I'm sure by the time we're done, they'll find in our favor over whoever this mysterious fucker is that is trying to roadblock us."

Kevin's face grew serious. "It would help if we knew who is behind the other plan Alan Phelps is entertaining, or what they wanted it for. It feels sneaky, him alluding to an outside interest, but not telling you who or what. He's sly. I'm going to push to put this as a last-minute addition to the City Council meeting's agenda in two weeks. That'll force Phelps' hand. He'll have to present all the plans ahead of time. Then we can adjust our plans as necessary before the Council votes on it in the future."

Jax nodded. "As soon as anyone has wind of who our competition is, I want to know about it. The success of the rest of our business plan depends on that building. I don't need to remind you both of how important this is."

Again, heads nodded. I was impressed with how commanding Jax's voice was, how inspiring. How much it reminded me of how he took charge in the bedroom. As if she could read the direction of my thoughts, Clarissa spoke up for the first time.

She beamed at Jax, resting her hand on his. "You'll win, Jaxson. You know I believe in you," she said, her thumb rubbing small circles on the back of his hand. Her voice was sultry and practiced. I wondered if Jax had answered her siren's call in the past. An overwhelming desire to knock her hand off and maybe gouge her eyes out filtered its way into my thoughts.

"I'm sure Jax shows his appreciation for your loyalty every month in your paycheck. However, I don’t have any loyalty to you, so I’m going to start by asking nicely that you remove your hand from your boss." I waited until she looked at me, then stared hard at her, shifting my eyes to her hand and back to her. She seemed surprised, but I held my ground, a battle of wills.

Clarissa's mouth dropped open as she jerked her hand back as if burned. "Oh, I didn't mean anything—" At Jax's pointed stare, she swallowed and glanced at me. "I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." Her smile didn't reach her eyes, but Jax seemed amused.

Kevin, who'd taken a step toward the door during the exchange with Clarissa, grabbed his jacket. "I'll see you tomorrow, Jax." He smiled warmly at me, none of the flirting that had been present earlier. "Clarissa, I'll walk you to your car." His voice left no room for argument.

She held her head high as she strode to the door, but her voice was subdued as she said, "I'll wait until I hear from you, Jax, before I move much further ahead. Good night." She glanced at me, and I saw a wistfulness in her eyes before she masked it. She said nothing more as she walked out the door.

I blew out a sigh of relief as Kevin pulled the door closed behind him. "I'm sorry I broke your meeting up."

"I'm not."

I waved the carry-out bags. "Are you hungry?"

"MmHmm. But not for what's in that bag." His eyes glowed as he turned me in his arms. I could feel his sexual energy wrap around me as he took the bags from my hand and walked me backward. When my knees hit the edge of a couch, I sank upon the cushions. With the litheness of a panther, he followed my movements, creeping over me until I was reclined. His face hovered above mine. "I think I'll have dessert first," he murmured before his mouth covered mine.

His warm hand slid under my shirt and pulled the cup of my bra down. I gasped as his fingers pinched my nipple, shooting instant sparks to my lower abdomen. His mouth left mine to play where his fingers had been. His other hand slid under the waistband of my pants and immediately sought the heat he knew he'd find. I felt him grin against my soft skin. "Wet already? You want this as much as I do, don't you?"

"Mmm." Already, I was beyond words. I writhed beneath his hand that was now working its magic inside of me, and with only a few curls of his fingers, I was calling his name and coming hard all around them. I'd been so high from my orgasm, I hadn't even noticed that he'd pulled my leggings off until cool air hit my skin. Now, instead of his fingers, it was his mouth and tongue sucking and licking the overly-sensitive area, prolonging my orgasm until I was a pile of jelly, sated and breathless.

My body was still lightly pulsing when I heard the metallic slide of his zipper. I felt him rise to his knees between my legs, then he slid inside of me with my legs hooked over his arms as he gripped my thighs. My eyes flew open as he filled me at this angle. I could do nothing but hold on to his rock-solid arms and go along on this erotic ride as he set a vigorous rhythm.

"One more, Grace."

My head rolled on the couch. There was no way. Dazed, I watched as his powerful body slid in and out of mine. He hadn't even bothered undressing, as if his need had been uncontrollable. Even dressed, he exuded such grace and power, possessing me, yet giving instead of just taking his pleasure.

"Look at me," he commanded. I gazed at him through half-closed eyes. His eyes had turned so dark they gleamed like rich molasses. Lust, possession, and love stared back at me. "One more," he mouthed. He moved my hand between us, his fingers moving mine on my clitoris until I was once against gasping.

Never had I taken part in my own arousal with a partner before, and the image was more sensual that I would have ever imagined. It wasn't long before the powerful need that only he could create started to build once again. His hand left mine to continue on its own. He lifted one of my legs to his shoulder and held me firmly. With the new angle, my head rolled on the couch pillow, as the feeling eclipsed anything I'd ever felt before.

I felt his muscles tremble against my legs as he hissed, "Fuck. Grace!" just as I fell over the edge once again, this time taking him with me.

Jax's arms gave out, and he fell upon me as the last of the tremors wracked our bodies. With a grunt, he rolled onto his back, pulling me with him. I felt too hollow-limbed to move from where I flopped on top of him. He rested his arm on my back and tucked my head under his chin.

After a minute, I felt him chuckle. "Damn, woman. I'll never be able to focus on work again since you just made one of my fantasies come true."

I managed to find the energy to lift my head up, so I could look at him. "You've had office sex fantasies?"

"Ever since you first came to my office, I have."

I couldn't hold back my surprise. "With me?"

He smirked. "Well, I like Ellie, but no, she's never inspired that image for me."

I wrinkled my nose and smacked him lightly on the chest. "I'd imagine a lot of guys imagine having sex in their office at some point."

"Probably. But none of the women who've ever crossed my threshold have compelled such a desire to make use of that couch than you."

"I'm sure there've been several who were willing. Carissa among them."

His sigh made me think my comment must have frustrated him. "Why did you come here tonight?"

I was puzzled by his comment and worried that it wasn't a denial. "I was worried you would skip dinner again."

"Is that the only reason?"

"What else would there be?"

"Do you trust me, Grace?"

Now his thought process made sense. "Yes, I do, but knowing you've never had a long-term girlfriend leaves me wondering when my replacement will come along."

He flinched, and I knew I'd hurt him. "There's no one but you, Grace." His tone was intense despite the quiet way he spoke. "You can bring me all the food you want, but it's you that gives me strength."

My smile was shaky. "I think that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me. And you said you weren't charming."

His hand swatted my butt. "I said I wasn't a prince, not that I couldn't be charming. After all, it was my charm that got you to finally have dinner with me."

"I think that was actually my mother's work, but we won't argue the details," I said dryly. "We're here now, and that's what matters."

He kissed me lingeringly. "Now, where's the rest of my dinner? I need my nourishment if I'm going to keep my promise of what I've got planned for you once I get you home."

Funny how I found a renewed sense of energy with his words. We redressed and finished the sandwiches and the soup that was surprisingly still warm. As I sat at a chair at the table where Jax and his team had been meeting earlier, I took the time to look at some of the drawings of buildings that had been propped up against the back of the table.

"What are those?"

"They're potential designs for some of the buildings I'm developing downtown."

"Clarissa's work?"

He eyed me warily. "Much of it. She's good at what she does."

"She is." I eyed the pictures again, trying to find flaws, but finding none. I recognized one of the buildings already finished. I was hit by a surge of pride in Jax's vision, even if it took Clarissa to help him make it come to life. "I remember what this building looked like before you took it over. It's amazing what you've done." I quirked an eye up at him. "You've a keen eye for potential."

He smiled and shrugged as if it was no big deal, but if I wasn't mistaken, his cheeks took on a pinkish hue. Another picture caught my eye. "What's this one? Something about it looks familiar, but I can't quite place it."

"It was the topic of the discussion when you got here. It's the old printing press building. I plan to turn it into a parking garage. The city needs it desperately, especially if it wants to draw new businesses downtown successfully. I need it to make my new office spaces more marketable, or I run the risk of having premium office spaces with no room for parking. I thought I had a deal with the City Manager, but now he's hedging on me. It could end up being a poor investment if I can't get it."

I had to swallow my heart back into place. Now I knew why it looked familiar. It was the same building that the new Kidz Korner had hoped to purchase. Of all the buildings, it had the most checks in the 'pro' column. It had large open spaces that could be converted to gym floors and dance classes, it was on the bus route, and it already had an elevator. Best of all, it was cheap because it wasn't designed for offices so anyone else wanting the space would have more major renovations to make it ready for all of the office equipment and internet needs they would require.

Now, two causes I believed in wanted the same space. Both had valid reasons and legitimate needs for it. Both seeking to learn about the other. I sat down, shaken by the realization that I was the key to what each wanted. How could I choose? My loyalty was to Jax, but I'd also invested so much of myself and my time into trying to gain the building for the kids I'd come to care about so much.

"Grace, everything okay?"

No, I'm not. I know who your roadblock to getting what you want is. "I'm fine. I just spaced out for a few minutes." I faked a grin at him trying to relieve his concerned expression. "I think you wore me out. Maybe we should head home soon if you're ready."

"Sit. I'll clean up. Maybe you should ride back with me. I can have someone bring your car to you in the morning."

"No, that's okay. I'll be fine." And I need the time by myself to decide what to do. I can't tell either one without betraying the other. They could each use the information to fight against the other.

Jax finished cleaning up our dinner, then followed me back to my apartment. Concerned that I was still too quiet, he ran a warm shower insisting that it would help me relax. Long minutes later I returned to my bedroom to find the sheets turned down and a mug of warm milk and honey. While I drank, he brushed my hair, murmuring once again that I worked too hard and I should hire someone. Whether it was the homemade sleep remedy, the soothing brush strokes, or the slow, gentle way he made love to me, I fell asleep in his arms, only to dream of buildings crumbling on top of everything I held dear.