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Best Jerk by Lulu Pratt (159)

Chapter seventeen





As I finish dressing for the ball, my phone sounds and I smirk when Grace’s name appears on the display.

I swipe up, revealing a picture she snapped of herself in black lace lingerie.

Groaning, I take in every addicting curve of her body and run a hand over my freshly shaven jaw.

She doesn’t play fair.

Seconds later, another picture appears. This time she’s wearing her gown for the evening.

I want to salivate at the way the cerulean material clings to her tits and the dip of her waist before cascading over her perfect hips.

Her thick hair is flowing in big brown waves over one shoulder and her plump lips are coated in red lipstick.

She looks fuckable. And it’s my intent to fuck her hard.

I got us a suite at the hotel where the ball is being held and I can’t wait to put it to use.

Looking forward to the evening, I whistle while adjusting my bowtie.

My movements still when I hear rustling behind me.

The hair on the back of my neck stands up as someone clears their throat.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Tension locks my jaw and I turn slowly to see Brick crowding the doorway of my room.

“The weight she’s put on is fitting. Grace was a little waif of a thing when we were together. What’s your secret?”

I don’t answer, refusing to engage in a dialogue with this lowlife.

“This is why you needed extra time, huh? I sent you to do a job and you fell for her conniving little ways.” He shakes his head at me. “Rookie mistake.”

As he throws his insults, I just glare from across the room.

Brick shrugs, seemingly unbothered. “I can see why you were hesitant to do the job. Grace has a way about her. Makes it impossible to focus on anything but how she’s making you feel in the moment. Lost under her little spell, you don’t consider anything else except the present. Time and consequences don’t exist anymore. Or so you think.”

He chuckles again.

“Trust me, I’ve been there, Wilcox. The little bitch is quite crafty. Plays the victim and then disappears with a shitload of my money.”

Barely leashed fury makes me clench and unclench my fingers at his assessment of Grace.

I’m going to kill him.

“I hired you to do one job and you couldn’t deliver, Wilcox.”

Brick steps further into my room, his hand resting against the pistol on his hip.

“I’m disappointed in you,” he continues his monologue. “Your dumb ass fell in love with her. Do you think she will ever love you when she finds out what you did? I have a better chance winning her back.” He laughs. “At least she knows I’m a snake. You lied to get close to her. She’ll never forgive you for that,” he says knowingly.

I keep my face impassive as I absorb his words, refusing to let him witness my grief. I shove down the regret and focus on what’s important.

Watching him closely, I know that time is not on my side.

“What do you want?”

“Nothing,” he sneers. “I think it goes without saying that you’re fired.”

I continue to stare at him.

“Someone else is on the job. She’ll be back in my bed tonight.”

Shades of red cloud my vision. I can hear the blood racing through my veins as my body continues to tense, ready for attack mode.

“If you touch her, I’ll kill you,” I warn menacingly.

Brick pretends to look affronted.

“I haven’t had the pleasure yet. But my guy is on his way now. Send my apologies to the driver you hired. Make sure he knows it’s nothing personal.”

I need to call Grace and warn her not to get in that car. Beg her not to open the door at all.

While Brick stands there looking proud of himself, I retrieve my phone from the hard surface of my dresser and call Grace.

Brick watches me mockingly as the phone rings three times, four times, five times before going to voicemail.

Swearing, I abandon my calm demeanor and charge toward him.

“You rat-faced bastard. Where is she?!” I yell, my hand shooting out to encircle his neck.

Not anticipating my attack, his eyes double in size before he tries to fix his face to appear emotionless.

“Where is she?!” I roar again.

Foolishly, he reaches for the gun. Before he can take aim at me, I release his neck and knock his arm off balance, swiping the weapon in one fell swoop.

With the butt of the pistol, I hit him twice over the head.

He croaks out in pain and I want nothing more than to end his life right there.

But I need the information he can offer first.

With the gun trained between his eyes, I break my silence.

“Tell me where she is. Now.”

Even as blood trickles from his temple, he smirks at me cockily.

“Like I’d ever tell you.”

“Tell me or you die,” I threaten pressing the gun against his forehead.

“You’re not stupid.”

At his taunting, I pull the gun back and shoot his left leg without a single emotion claiming my face.

“Tell. Me.” I demand again.

“Son of a bitch!” Brick screeches reaching down to touch the wound.

“Tell me where she is or next time it’ll be your head!” I spit angrily.

Wheezing from the pain, Brick relents and falls to his ass in the process.

Disgusted by the prospect of having to clean blood from my carpet, I level the gun at him again.

“He’s taking her back to Ravenwood,” he forces out between shallow breaths.

I deliver a swift kick to his face, pleased when I hear a crunching noise.

“You know I need more than that, Brick. Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t look too good on you,” I sneer down at him.

“His name is Nate…” Wheezing prevents his words from flowing naturally. I wait patiently. “He intercepted the driver you hired and picked her up.” A long pause stretches as he gathers his breath. “They were on Route 264 headed east the last time we spoke.”

With that tidbit of information, I finally allow the pistol to crash against his skull knocking him unconscious.

Phone in hand, I head to the front of my house to leave.

I’ll send someone to deal with Brick later.

Again I try to call her but there’s no answer.

Assuming the worst, I kick the door in frustration.

Is she hurt?

The thought is an unwelcome one and I know I just need to get to Grace. I need to know that she’s okay.

On my personal cell, I call the limousine company that I’ve always used.

The owner picks up and recognizes my voice right away.

I loosely explain my situation and request the info he’s able to see from the tracking device on the limo.

With the info saved in my memory bank, I urge him to call me if the limo changes course. He promises that he will and also states that he will get local law enforcement on the trail as soon as possible.

Speeding out of my driveway, I steer my car in Grace’s direction.