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Big Daddy: A Mountain Man's Baby Romance by Rye Hart (127)



Monday morning came too fast for my liking. I rose with darkness still lingering outside and the swirl of snow circling the entire building. Resting a hand against the cold glass, I peered out at the city that was still tucked in under the blanket of clouds. It was going to be a long and cold drive to work.

I took a long, hot shower to thaw the chill from my bones, and dressed for the day before exiting my room to walk down the dark hallway. Both Alyssa and Penny’s doors were closed. I walked by them as quietly as possible so I didn’t disturb them.

The lights were on in the kitchen when I rounded the corner to cross through the dining area. I stopped in surprise to find Penny standing in the kitchen with the coffee pot full of water in her hands. She started in surprise as well, splashing water onto the tiled floor.

“I’m sorry,” Penny said, cheeks reddening. “I didn’t think you got up this early. I was just making some coffee.”

I reached up to absently run a hand along the silk fabric of my tie. I loosened the knot slightly because it felt a bit too tight all of a sudden. Grabbing a towel that was hanging on the edge of the kitchen island, I crouched down to wipe the water up from the floor. It gave me a small amount of time to take in Penny’s dainty bare toes, with nails that were painted a purple color, before I straightened up.

“I find it’s easier to beat the traffic when I get up early,” I answered.

Penny turned to pour water into the coffee maker. I found my gaze resting on the patch of visible skin between her sleeping shirt and baggy sweatpants. The skin along her waist appeared smooth and soft. She really was a petite thing still, but she had plenty of curves to show off.

What the fuck are you doing?

Hot shame filled me, and I twisted around to hide the fact that I had appreciated the view a little too much. It wasn’t like I was a sexual hermit. I had my fun; I just didn’t allow myself to get into anything too deep. Ever since Kelly had left me, I’d kept my heart under lock and key. My cock? Well he was a different story. And right now, he was showing way too much interest in Penny. I needed to get ahold of myself, and fast. I would not allow myself to become that creepy guy pining after his daughter’s best friend. The thought left a bad taste in my mouth. Still, she was so damn beautiful.

Penny closed the lid to the coffeemaker behind me. “I swear Alyssa could sleep through a nuclear war, but I have trouble sleeping in strange places.”

I nodded my head in understanding, but she looked a little embarrassed.

“Not that your house is a strange place,” she said quickly.

I raised my hand and offered a warm smile. “It’s ok Penny, I know what you mean. It’s been a long time since you’ve been here.”

She nodded and looked grateful that she hadn’t offended me. Her sheepish smile tugged at my heart- and my crotch.

“It’s just that being back here brings up a lot of memories for me,” she said softly.

The smell of coffee filled the kitchen. I brushed past Penny on my way to the pantry to grab a few apples to bring with me for breakfast. The moment my skin touched hers, a jolt of electricity shot through me. I tried my fucking best not to look at her to see if she’d felt it too. I turned to find her seated on one of the breakfast bar stools while she waited for the coffee to finish brewing. A conflicted expression crossed her freckled face. Her long blonde locks were tangled and pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head.

“It’s just strange being back here,” she said. “I remember coming down here all the time to play with Alyssa, but then I remember Dad. That’s when my feelings really get complicated.”

I grabbed the coffee pot when it beeped a few seconds later to signal that it was done brewing. Setting two mugs down on the kitchen island, I poured us both a full cup of steaming hot coffee. I inhaled the aroma deeply with a sigh. The first sip nearly scorched the back of my throat, but it tasted wonderful. Penny knew how to make a good pot of coffee.

“Is that weird?” Penny asked, cradling her cup close. “I mean, that I’ve avoided places that make me remember my dad for so long?”

“I’ve avoided my hometown for the past ten years,” I said. “Just because it reminds me of my parents who are buried in the cemetery there. I suppose it’s somewhat normal.”

Penny sipped at her coffee thoughtfully. “Do you miss your parents?”

“Sometimes,” I said, shrugging. “It’s been ten years since they both passed away, but I do occasionally get the urge to pick up the phone to share something with them.”

“That’s what I do sometimes.” She tapped a manicured finger against the side of her coffee mug. “I sometimes call my mom’s townhome, thinking he’ll be there to pick up the phone before I realize it’s been a long time since he has been around.”

“Speaking of your mother,” I started and watched as a guarded expression fell across Penny’s beautiful face, “I wanted to ask you what is really going on between you two. I know how close the two of you are.”

“Were,” Penny corrected darkly. “We were close. Things happened over the past few years, is all.”

My interest was piqued. “Such as?” I pressed gently. “I know your mother loves you. Nothing would change that.”

“It’s not about love. It’s about her respecting what I’m trying to tell her.”

“What is that you’re trying to tell her, then?”

Penny shrugged her shoulders, and she gazed down at the kitchen island to avoid my eyes.

“A lot of things,” she said softly. “She has her ideas about how I should live my life. I have my own ideas of how I want to live my life, or who I want to be a part of it.”

“I hate to break it to you, but all parents have their ideas of what their kids are going to do with their lives. It’s just part of being a parent.”

The corner of Penny’s lips curved up. “I’m sure that Alyssa would very much agree with me when I say it’s aggravating.”

“It’s not meant to be pleasant,” I said, grinning. “In all seriousness, Penny. I don’t want you to push your mother away because of a minor disagreement. You are obviously welcome here at any point in time, but don’t push your mom away. Once your parents are gone, they are gone. You know that.”

“I know,” she said. Picking up her coffee mug, she hopped off the bar stool without spilling an ounce of liquid this time. “Well, have a good day at work. Thank you for this inspirational morning chat.”

Her coyness tugged at me as she walked out of the kitchen in the direction of the living room. I watched as her perfect ass swished while she walked and nearly slapped myself to break the spell. Blue morning light was pouring through the windows now. I glanced up at the clock above the stove before pouring the rest of my coffee in a to-go cup. I needed to get the hell out of here before my thoughts got me in big trouble.

The private underground garage was frigid, as I expected it to be, when I took the private elevator down. Frost covered the front windshield of my car, so I sat in the driver’s seat with the heater on blast while I scrolled through a few work emails that were waiting for my attention.

An unfamiliar number from New York popped on my caller ID halfway through an email I had been reading over. I answered the call with a frown.

“This is Gabriel Bradley.”

“Gabriel. It’s Nikki Lewis.”

I sat back in my seat, surprised to hear Nikki’s voice for the first time in years. She didn’t sound different on the other end of the phone.

“Nikki,” I said. “It’s been forever. How are you?”

“I’ve been good,” she said, and I heard a smile tug at her lips. “And I’ve heard amazing things about you from a few people in New York.”

“Amazing things, huh?”

“Amazing things,” she repeated with a laugh. “I don’t want to cut our conversation short, but I just want to make sure that my daughter is okay over there with you. I know that she had taken a private flight back to Chicago to spend Christmas break there.”

The hurt in Nikki’s voice was unmistakable. I ran a hand through my hair nervously because I didn’t want to get in between the two of them, but I understood Nikki’s concerns at the same time.

“She seems fine,” I said. “She arrived over the weekend with Alyssa. The two of them have been shopping and sight-seeing together.”

“Has she mentioned anything to you about me?”

“Not really,” I said, thinking back to our conversation in the kitchen. “I get the sense that she is upset about something.”

“When did our daughters become so complicated, Gabriel?” Nikki asked with an exasperated sigh. “I’ve tried everything to get her to come back home to talk, but she wants to avoid me like the plague. I don’t understand it.”

“I have no idea what’s going on, Nikki, but I made it clear that I don’t think she should push you away. Whatever is happening between the two of you, it isn’t worth your relationship with one another.”

“Try saying that to Penny. She is hardheaded, like her father.”

“More like you,” I corrected with a small laugh. “I’ll keep an eye on her if she does decide to stay here. Meanwhile, I’ll encourage her to consider going back to you for Christmas.”

“You’ve always been such a good friend, Gabriel. Bless you.” A male voice cut through the background suddenly. “I better go, but let’s catch up soon. I’m heading into the city right now for a meeting.”

“Talk with you soon.”

I spent the drive to the office in silence while I tried to wrap my head around the conversation with Nikki Lewis. Something had happened, all right. I doubted Penny’s reasons of just wanting to live her own life, but I wasn’t sure it was my place to push any further. I would make myself available if Penny wanted to talk more, but other than that, I wouldn’t get involved.

I parked in the parking garage next to the building my office was situated in. Huddled against the snowy wind, I hurried into the lobby to take the elevator to the tenth floor. Neil Morrison greeted me when the elevator doors slid open.

“Surprised to see me?” he asked wryly.

I stepped out of the elevator with a shrug. “A bit. I didn’t think you were going to be coming in today.”

“I thought we could celebrate your new research,” Neil said.

We crossed the lobby that was still quiet and dark. A few of my employees, the early birds like me, nodded in acknowledgement when I passed by them.

“Celebrate?” I repeated and unlocked my office door. “How do you propose we do that?”

I set about opening the blinds to my office windows, even though there was no warm sunlight to come through.

“Yes,” he said. “I have some VIP passes to an exclusive new club on Wednesday night. What do you say?”

I was tempted to remind Neil that Alyssa was home for Christmas break, but I remembered that Alyssa had mentioned in passing that she would be busy on Wednesday night with Penny. Getting a few drinks did sound good. Maybe I could find a woman’s company to enjoy and get my mind off the troubling feelings Penny awoke in me.

“You’re on,” I said, nodding. “Wednesday night it is.”