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Cards Of Love: Queen Of Pentacles by Leah Holt (4)

Chapter Four


Was it wrong that I drove home with a pit in my stomach? I don't get nervous. I don't get anxious. I don't get infatuated, let alone obsess over a man who was still a stranger.

I was normally in control of everything; my thoughts, my feelings, my body, my world. . . It had always been manipulated by my hand.

But today my body did things I didn't tell it to do, it was coaxed into arousal with nothing more than his bright green eyes and wolfish smirk.

I spent my time stealing glimpses of the man who had stormed into my heart, quickly taking small bits of it as his own. I made it a point to walk by his desk when I didn't need to, to leave my office and talk to Beth when all I really had to do was push a button.

It was as if I was tumbling down this rabbit hole, unsure of what I would find at the other end, but needing to see it anyway.

Tossing my keys onto the stand by my door, I dropped my bag and kicked off my heels. A small smile was holding my lips perked, my muscles buzzing with anticipation.

I have a date tonight. . .

The thought made my stomach tumble as tiny wings flapped against my ribs, causing my skin to bristle. It was a real date, with a real man. Not with a guy I couldn't stand, not with a man who couldn't tell the difference between romance and demands.

Ash was a real man. A man worth swooning over, a man worth the hot prickles and tornadoes in my gut.

Snatching an apple out of the fruit basket on my kitchen counter, I took a big bite, and headed for my room. Standing in front of my closet, I folded my arm across my torso, and stared into the rainbow colored curtain of dresses. I wanted something classy but sexy, something that bled elegance but screamed the word yes.

Holding up a pastel blue A-line, I twisted in the floor length mirror. Scrunching my face, I stuffed it back into the closet and pulled out a deep burgundy dress.

The neckline dropped to the crest of my breasts, the skirt had movement, swaying back and forth against my thighs. The open back would create a pallet of skin, showing off the contours of sleek muscle.


Turning on the shower, I washed my hair and shaved my legs. Soaping up my body, my hands ran over my nipples and Ash's face emerged in my mind. The way his fingers pinched my nipples, the feel of his firm hands on my hips.

My skin tingled as I felt the ghostly touch of memories on my body. Gentle fingers slipped down over my stomach as I closed my eyes. Sticking my head under the water, the soap washed away as the tip of my finger hit the sensitive bundle of nerves between my thighs.

I couldn't remember the last time a man had this power over me. I hadn't self-served with a real guy on my mind in forever.

Most of the time it was Ryan Reynolds who stole my breath at night while I laid alone in bed. But not today, today it was someone tangible. Someone who had already made my sex clench and throb. Someone who had been inside my body twice in the last three days.

Ash was going to be my weakness, and that thought scared me a little. The control was dwindling, my ability to see straight was crashing hard like the thin crest of a building wave.

Drying off, I slipped the dress over my head, and did my hair and makeup. I felt good, beautiful on the inside and out. Checking myself over one last time in the mirror, my anxiety peaked over how easy it was to get this lost in Ash.

The way he looked at me, the way his eyes would spark and the vein in his neck would go wild when he was close made my knees shake.

His eyes never left my face, as if he was etching every detail into his brain because he was afraid he would forget them the second I was gone.

Isn't that what I should want?

Grabbing my purse and keys, I locked my apartment and headed for the elevator. Standing on the sidewalk, a cab pulled up and stopped before I even had my hand up. Hesitating, I looked into the back before climbing in.

It's empty, he's probably just good at spotting a customer.

This was the city, you could never be too careful. A lone woman, all dressed up was just the same as holding out a raw piece of meat to a hungry lion. I wasn't naive, my father made sure of that.

Climbing into the back, I said, “Sergio's up on Tweny-third, please.” The car rolled forward, slipping right back into traffic as if the road was empty.

The restaurant was only a few blocks away, but I wouldn't dare try to walk that far in these heels. With my luck I'd trip and fall, spraining my ankle or at the very least the damn spike would break off, leaving me to wobble the rest of the way there.

Opening my door, I dug around in my purse. Pulling out my money, I asked, “How much?”

Waving his hand, the man's mouth turned down as he looked back at me and said, “No, you're all set.”

“All set?” Crooking a brow, I started counting the bills. “No, I should pay you, I don't want a free ride. You work hard and deserve to be paid for it—here.” Holding out the cash, I tried to force him to take it.

Brushing it away, he shook his head. “It's already been paid, you're all set.”

“Already paid? How's that possible?”

The man pointed his finger towards the restaurant, so I followed it. Leaning against the building, Ash was looking over at me, wearing that big smile he always seemed to have. Biting his bottom lip, he stood up straight and started over.

“Thank you, George.” Sticking his hand in the passenger side window, he shook the driver's hand. Taking a step to my side, he gripped the top of the door and looked down at me. “I told you, I'm a gentleman.” Ash reached inside, clasping his hand around mine and guiding me out of the car.

“That was a gamble, ordering me a cab and not telling me. What if I was early and grabbed a different one?”

“Does it matter?” His smile thickened, eyes twinkling under the street lights.

Smirking, I let my gaze settle on his. “You're a smart ass, you know that?”

“I never said I wasn't.” Placing his hand on the small of my back, he started forward. “Our table should be ready.”

Entering the restaurant, the girl at the front desk gave Ash a smile that seemed way too  friendly and familiar. My insides twisted with something foreign, a feeling that I didn't quite recognize. . .


Taking in a deep breath, I regained control of myself. It was stupid to feel so protective over something that wasn't even mine yet. We had just met, this entire thing—whatever the hell it was—hadn't been defined in any way.

“Right this way, Mr. Devoy.” Holding two menus to her chest, the young woman walked in front of us, leading us through the dinning room.

The place was packed, same as it always was. I was honestly even surprised that we were able to get a table to begin with. When he told me to meet him there, in the back of my mind I was pretty sure I'd show up to him changing the plans because we didn't stand a chance at getting in.

Ash braided his fingers into mine, holding them firmly as we zig-zagged between tables and diners. A small area was roped off in the back, the table adorned with a bright white cloth and a candle in the center.

As we walked closer to the table, I could see rose petals sprinkled over the fabric, painting the white with deep red splashes.


My throat tightened, making it hard to swallow. No one had ever gone out of their way like this for me. Not once.

You never gave anyone else a chance.

Ash let go of my hand and pulled out my chair. “For you,” he said, kissing my cheek as I slid onto the plush cushion.

“How did you do this?”

The hostess sat the menus down, giving Ash another smile that made me cringe and my blood boil. I didn't like how she was looking at him, it made me want to jump up from my seat and pin her to wall so she wouldn't question if she could go home with him when we were done.

Stop! You're thinking crazy!

“Your waiter will be right with you.” Her eyes lingered on his, her lips broad and flirting as if he was sitting alone.

“Thank you, Olivia.” Ash gave her a tender smile, arching a high brow.

I had to do my best to not go all wild cave-woman on the girl. But I held it together, reminding myself that he was there with me, not her.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't question if they had slept together at some point in time, if he had laid his smooth talk on that young girl and got her into his bed before we met.

It worked on me, there was no way he hadn't used it before.

“So, you know her. . .” Drawing out my words, I lifted the water to my mouth and took a sip.

“You could say that.” Shifting in his seat, he watched me closely.

“Could I?” I knew my tone had given away everything that was going through my head. The drop in sound, the hard pitch, it was more than obvious.

Chuckling, he placed his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers. “Go on, ask me already.”

“Ask you what?”

“You want to know if I slept with her, so ask me and I'll tell you.”

Well did you? The question sat on my tongue, singing it like hot coals.

It's none of your business, Nol.

I couldn't—no, I shouldn't ask or care.

If it was in the past, that's all that mattered. I wasn't that naive to think he didn't have a history outside of me. I was no virgin, it wasn't fair to rain holy hell on him for his past.

“I wasn't thinking—”

“Yes you were.” His jaw crooked, eyes penetrating me to the core. “So ask me, ask me if I slept with her.”

Fuck, how the hell does he do that?

He was so bold, unafraid to speak his mind no matter what it was. I saw it when he approached me at the bar, it's what drew me to him. I loved how he didn't talk circles around what he wanted or what he was thinking. I didn't have to guess what he meant or what his intentions were. It was a nice change for once.

Fiddling with my hands under the table, I danced my eyes around his face. Of course I wanted to ask him, but I wasn't sure I really wanted to know the answer.

“Does it matter?” I asked, pursing my lips.

Ash smiled, lowering his hand to the table and picking up a single petal. “This isn't that type of question. If you don't really want the answer, don't ask. But, assuming this is going to eat you alive, I'm telling you to ask me.”

Looking down at my hands, I spoke softly. “Well did you?”

“No, I didn't.” Exhaling an audible breath, my body relaxed. Running his finger up and over the soft rose petal, he lifted it to my cheek and slipped it against my skin. “Feel better?”

“I feel ridiculous.” Letting out a heavy exhale, I forced my eyes to his. “I'm sorry, I don't know why the thought bothered me, it just did.”

“Don't, don't do that to yourself.” His smile filled his face as he cupped my chin and lifted my head higher. “Don't ever doubt me, don't doubt us.”

“Us?” I asked, unsure if I had heard him right.

“Yeah, us.” His thumb slipped back and forth over my jaw, following the curve. “I like you, Nola, and when I decide I want something, that's all I can think about.” Holding my face in his hand, his eyes went hawkish as they narrowed. “And all I've been thinking about is you.”

A waiter walked up to the table as Ash released my face, letting his fingers brush against my skin with the weight of a spider-web.

My flesh tingled, burning under hidden flames. Flames only I could feel, a fire only I knew was there. Touching my cheek, I let my fingers rest where he had just been.

He had taken another sliver of my heart, another small bit just for him. Ash was claiming me in pieces, pieces so small I wouldn't have noticed if my heart hadn't been empty to begin with.

It was a lonely world I lived, because I had chosen work over friends, work over boyfriends and a life outside the office.

My father had molded me into the perfect machine. A stern faced, cold-hearted woman who only saw numbers, pages, and power. Heading the magazine came with more than just a bigger paycheck. I had authority over everything.

Which meant I had no desire for anything else—until Ash. I'd make time for this man if it was last thing I did.

What is going on with me?

Placing our orders for drinks and dinner, the waiter took it all down and left us alone again.

Ash sipped his water, his eyes never leaving me once. I couldn't help but feel like I fucked up this special night he had planned with my jealousy.

“This really is beautiful, I can't believe you did this all for me.” Running my hand over the table top, I let it hover just above the petals. “It's amazing.”

Holding out his arms, his lips thinned as he sucked in air. “I told you before, you're a beautiful girl and I'm just a simple man trying to impress you. But don't get me wrong, I'm not soft, as you know.” Winking, the corner of his lip pulled back.

“That I do know.” Giggling, my cheeks blushed and my heart sped up.

Maybe I didn't ruin it after all.

The rest of our dinner was incredible. He told me about how he grew up in South Jersey, and how he had two older brothers. He spent a few years playing football in high school and that got him through college.

Which didn't surprise me; six feet tall, broad shoulders, muscles that had muscles—I wish I had the chance to see him in those tight pants.

We talked about the different places we wanted to visit if we ever had the chance and listed all our favorites; favorite food, band, movie, book—it was perfect.

Holding my hand, we walked through the restaurant. Passing the hostess, he gave her a big smile. “Have a good night, Olivia.”

The girl grinned back, darting her eyes between the two of us. “You too, Uncle Ash.” Throwing her hands to her mouth, she immediately said, “Oh crap, sorry. I didn't mean—”

Holding up his hand, he cut her off. “It's alright. Tell your dad I'll be over Saturday to help him fix that window.”

Olivia nodded, saying she was sorry again with an apologetic half smile.

Uncle Ash. . .

I'm a fucking idiot alright.

Stepping outside, I squeezed his hand with both of mine. “I wish I hadn't asked you that about her now.”

“It's fine, it's kind of funny actually. Gross, but funny.”

“So she's your niece, is that how you did all this?”

“Well, that and my oldest brother owns the place.” Ash chuckled as he unbraided our fingers. “So, where to now?” he asked, wrapping his hands around my hips and spinning me into his chest.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Maybe I worded that wrong, I think I should have asked, your place or mine?”

“Well, I guess that depends.” Swirling my finger against his chest, I looked up. “How thick are your walls?”

A devious smile emerged on his face as he took a small step back. Waving his hand in the air, he yelled, “Taxi!”

Stuffing me into the bright yellow car, he barked at the driver. “River St apartments.” His hand slipped up my thigh, moving dangerously close to my sex, only to pull away.

Ash did that over and over again, bringing his fingers to the very brink of touching my most delicate part. I could feel him there, I could feel the pressure of his fingertips. He was torturing me, making me wet, making my sex clench with each temptation of his touch.

Curling his arm around my shoulders, he pulled me into his chest. It felt so perfect to be in his arms. The small nook wrapped my body, capturing me and licking me inside.

Bringing his lips to the shell of my ear, he traced the curve with his tongue.

And I moaned.

He slipped his fingers under my dress.

I moaned again.

Flicking my panties to the side, he dipped two fingers into my pussy. My thighs opened wider, giving him all the room he needed.

He worked my body as if we had known each other for years. His hands knew where to touch me, his fingers knew how much pressure was just right to make me crumble.

Hot air splashed over my neck as he nuzzled his face into my hair, pushing his fingers in until they reached the knuckles. Nipping at my throat, he pulled out, plunging in hard. Over and over he drove his fingers in and out.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I was trying so hard to stay quiet, to not let one noise escape.

Ash bit my neck, sucking the skin and dragging the sharp edges of teeth down to my collarbone. His hand moved faster and faster, his thumb swirling in rapid circles over my clit.

Every inch of my being was trying to stay silent, to not give the driver a show so he would keep his eyes on the road and not on us in his rearview mirror.

Gripping Ash's thigh, I dug my nails in hard, replacing my voice with a violent scratch. My legs were trembling as the orgasm cracked against my clit like a whip. The groan came, Ash stole it from the air with a filthy kiss as he drove his lips onto mine.

His hand stopped moving, but his thumb, fuck that thumb kept massaging my clit, drawing out the orgasm like the last note in a song. It hung there for an eternity, turning my body to mush.

Pulling his lips from mine, Ash lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “This is just the beginning, don't think that's the last time you'll come tonight.”

I sat breathless, still trying to figure out which way was up and which way was down. Raking my hand through my hair, I could still feel a very faint tingle running up and down my body.

His smile grew wide as the cab rolled to a stop.

And I knew I was in for one hell of a night.