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Cockloft by K.C. Lynn (4)



It all happened so fast. I had no time to anticipate it. One minute I was blasting him, furious for his thoughtless comment, then the next minute I’m up against the wall, his mouth claiming mine in a hunger I’ve never known.

A blinding, dangerous lust that can only be described as combustible.

“God, I hate you!” I mumble, but fist his shirt to pull him closer, completely helpless against the spell he has over me.

It’s infuriating.


And, oh god, it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.

“Likewise, Blondie,” he fires back, never severing contact. “Jesus, you taste fucking incredible.”

Our tongues duel in a passion of anger and unrelenting desire. My teeth sink into his bottom lip, hard enough that I taste blood.

Sweet jesus, I really am a vampire.

Growling, he lifts me off my feet. “You want it rough, baby, I’ll give it to you rough.” His hips push forward, hard cock driving between my legs and pinning me to the wall.

“Oh god!” The fiery whimper purges from my throat, exploding through the air between us.

He grips my jaw and pulls back, his lips hovering just above mine while those dark chocolate eyes peel away every layer I fight to keep in place.

“Tell me you want this. If you do, I’ll fuck you in a way you’ll never forget. If you don’t, then I’ll walk out of here and never turn back. It’s your call but I need to hear you say it.”

I couldn’t tell him to leave even if I wanted to. Not now. Not when I’ve never felt more alive in my entire life.

“Bring it, Fireboy,” I breathe with more confidence than I feel. “Let’s see what you got.”

His lips curl into that infuriating yet sexy trademark smirk of his. “Buckle up, Blondie, I’m about to take you on the ride of your life.”

Pushing from the wall, he tosses me on the bed, his large body following down on top, mouth claiming mine once again.

His lips are like gasoline, setting my soul on fire one kiss at a time.

Our hands are as urgent as our mouths. Mine pull at his shirt while his tear at my dress, ripping it from my body. He tosses what’s left of it onto the floor without a care in the world.

I should be horrified that he would do such a thing, especially since it’s an original piece that has yet to hit the market. But I can’t find enough forethought to care, not when his lips are passing over the bare skin he’s revealed. When his hot mouth closes over one taut nipple, all thoughts leave me on a rush of blinding heat.

“Yes!” My fingers spear through his hair, back arching.

“Goddamn, you’re on fire,” he growls.

I am, my body is like an inferno. This need—the hunger I’m feeling—there are no words to describe it. I’ve never burned for someone like this—never. I’m sure this makes me certifiable since I hate him…kinda.

His tongue lashes the fiery tip, inflicting the most exquisite torture before his teeth grip so hard it borders on pain. A beautiful pain that shoots to the center of my core and has me close to the edge of destruction.

We need to get this show on the road before I embarrass myself and he finds out just how long it’s been for me.

What a mood killer that would be.

Before I can finish ridding him of his shirt, he climbs to his feet, taking his incredible mouth with him. I’m about to maul him like a sex-starved nymphomaniac until he reaches behind him and pulls his shirt off. That’s when all coherent thought flees me.

My eyes roam over his naked chest, admiring his bronzed skin and chiseled abs. His body is nothing short of perfection. He looks like he’s been sculpted by an artist, every line hard and profound, just like that bitable jaw of his.

I’m brought out of my appreciation when he leans forward and slips his fingers in the edge of my panties. My breath stalls in anticipation as he slowly drags the material down my legs, leaving me completely naked for his view.

He pushes my legs apart, lust raging in his eyes as he takes in my most intimate spot. “Oh, baby. Fucking hermosa eso es lo que eres.” Fucking beautiful is what you are.

I have no idea what he just said. He could have cussed me out for all I care, because hearing Spanish fall past his lips is the hottest damn thing that’s ever graced my ears.

Smiling, I milk his appreciation for all it’s worth and stretch out beneath his heated stare, my arms going above my head. “You gonna stare all night, Fireboy? Or are you going to take me on that ride you promised?”

His eyes darken further, turning to molten lava. Grabbing my hips, he pulls me to the edge of the bed with one hard yank, stealing the air from my lungs.

“You know, Blondie,” he starts, the slightest hint of that accent peeking through his dark voice. “I’ve been wondering something.”

“What’s that?” I ask, feeling ridiculously breathless.

He kneels before me, the breadth of his shoulders spreading my legs further apart. “If this pretty pussy tastes as sassy as your mouth.”

Before I can think of something witty to throw back at him, his mouth lands on my aching center.

My back bows off the bed, an intense pleasure racing through my body.

“So fucking good.” The vibrations of his words add to the sensations soaring through me.

I’m not going to last, there’s no way, not with a skillful tongue like his.

The heels of my Jimmy Choos dig into his shoulders as I begin fucking his mouth like a greedy whore, my fingers tangling in his hair—fisting and gripping.

A guttural growl erupts from him, his tongue working harder and faster. When his fingers join that beautiful mouth of his, there’s no stopping my destruction.

Lights explode behind my eyes as I’m swept up into a storm of divine oblivion, traveling to a place I’ve never been, where only he and I exist and the promise of endless mind-numbing pleasure.

He’s relentless, devouring me until there’s nothing left to take.

My lungs continue to fight for air as I float back down from the orgasmic high. Skin damp and mind blown from the magnitude of what just happened.

Now that is what I call an orgasm.

Slowly, my eyes flutter open and I brace myself, fearing I’m about to be called out on how quickly I succumbed, but instead, I find Mr. Expert Pussy Licker staring down at me in smug amusement. Only, there’s no denying the desire in his eyes.

“One down, plenty more to go,” he says, reaching for his belt.

I lift a sarcastic brow, trying my damnedest not to let my eyes wander to where I really want to look. “You’re awfully confident.”

I’m not fooling either of us, least of all myself. If his dick is as skillful as his tongue, I’m in for one hell of a night.

“Oh, baby, I’m more than confident and I’m about to back it up.”

Before I can anticipate it, he flips me to my stomach in one quick move then lifts me to my knees.

Oh shit, that was hot.

What’s even hotter is the dresser I’m facing with the mirror attached to it, leaving nothing to the imagination. My eyes collide with his, the reflection of us stealing my breath.

“This pretty ass is all I’ve thought about since finding it pointed in the air a week ago.” His large, warm hand coasts down my back and smooths over one round globe before he lays a resounding smack, the sound echoing through the room.

A cry of pleasure spills past my lips, the delightful sting making my pussy ache for more. I push back—seeking—craving…

“You like that?” He lays another one to my other side, dragging a whimper from my throat. “I am finally going to fuck the sass right out of you, Blondie.” His voice is dark, thick with promise.

“Fuck away, Fireboy,” I toss out the challenge, my eyes remaining on his in the mirror as I silently dare him to do his worst.

His chuckle trails into a groan. I hear the crinkling of a wrapper before his hard cock slips between my legs as he coats it with my arousal. Shivers rack my body as he passes over my sensitive clit, moving to the spot I need him most. His fingers dig into my hips as the head of his cock breaches me.

My face drops into the mattress on a moan, back arching as he fills me with every impressive inch he has.

“Chingado, que rico.” Fuck me, that’s good. The thickly accented words leave him in a heated rush. His first few strokes are slow but hard, hitting me deeper than I’ve ever felt. “So fucking tight,” he groans, his voice tight with restraint.

Panting, I grip the sheets, relishing in the stretch of my body and how perfectly he fills me.

“It’s good, baby?”

“So good,” I admit shamelessly.

Growling, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks my head back, bringing my face up to the mirror. “Watch!” he demands. “Watch me fuck you, and never forget it.”

I’m riveted, witnessing our carnal connection as his powerful body hammers into me from behind, sheer dominance filling his expression. It’s raw, passionate, and unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

One of his hands moves from my hip and dips between my legs, fingers delving—seeking. His other hand remains wrapped in my hair, anchoring me in place for his unrelenting thrusts.

For the first time in my life, I finally know what it feels like to be dominated.



Fucked within an inch of my life.

His slick fingers move to the crevice of my ass, hovering over the secret entrance. Every muscle in my body stiffens, my breath trapped within my burning lungs.

“You ever been taken here before?” he asks, his gruff voice raking over my senses.

I shake my head, unable to speak, my eyes remaining on his in the mirror.

“Lucky for me.” That’s all he says before slowly slipping a single finger inside, just barely breaching.

“Oh shit!” I cry out the curse, overwhelmed by the burning pleasure. If he didn’t have a hold on my hair, I’d have dropped again.

“Easy, baby,” he croons, slowly working his finger until it’s seated deep inside.

“God, Gabe,” I whimper, unsure if I want more or for him to stop. My mind and body are at war, but in the end, my body wins as I submit to the dark desire he inspires within me.


“Yes,” I breathe.

His hips pick up rhythm again, his finger matching each hard stroke of his cock. I push back, meeting him pound for pound. Our sweat-slicked skin slaps against one another, the carnality of it all fueling something within me that I never knew existed.

“That’s it, baby. Take it. Take all of me.”

If I took any more, I’m sure I’d die of pleasure. I already feel close to combusting, a fire raging inside of me like never before.

“Touch yourself.”

The dark command has my eyes colliding with his again.

“Do it, let me see what your fingers look like when they’re touching that pretty pussy.”

A heated moan parts my lips, his filthy words bringing me close to the edge once again. So close that when I reach between my legs, my perfectly manicured nails skimming over the swollen bundle of nerves, I fall apart.

I lose myself in another mind-numbing orgasm, this one even more intense than the last, which I didn’t think was possible.

“Good girl, come all over my cock.”

A few more hard pumps and he propels over the edge with me, my cries and his groans mingling together, filling the air between us.

When he pulls out, I fall to my stomach, my mind and body sated. I feel him drop to his back next to me but I don’t dare move. I can’t. Not until I try to grasp the reality of what just happened.

Minutes pass before I’m finally able to turn my head. I find him watching me with an expression I can’t decipher.

“Just so we’re clear, I still don’t like you,” I tell him, trying to catch my breath.

The smallest hint of a smirk tugs the corners of his mouth, making my heart skip a beat. “Noted, but for tonight, I say we continue to take out our hatred on each other.”

“Deal,” I agree, almost giddy with the knowledge that he’s not finished with me yet.

“Good, now get your pretty ass over here and let me hold you. We’ll rest up before tackling round two.”

I’m unable to hide my smile as I roll over to him, his strong arms engulfing me as I rest my head on his chest.

If round two is anything like the first one, I might be in more trouble than I thought.