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Curveball Baby by J.M. Maurer (12)

Chapter Fourteen


I don’t have to steal a glance to my left. There’s no need. In awe of her, I can’t take my eyes off the woman sitting next to me.

She peeks over from her spot in the driver’s seat, her expression filled with concern. “Now that I’ve showered and changed, as soon as I get you back home, I’ll make you some lunch. I know you drank another juice at my apartment, but I promise you’ll feel a whole lot better once you’ve got some food in your tummy.”

I already feel better. How could I not? After all, I woke up to the most beautiful woman in the world.

“Despite my reaction, I think you should know what I saw back there was pretty damn impressive. Next time, though, your text with a change of plans should probably include something like, ‘Up to my arms in deer. Might not want to come. But I promise I’ll see you as soon as I’m done.’ Yeah.” I nod with enthusiasm. “That’ll do it. I don’t think I want to witness any deer butchering again.”

Addison takes a left and shakes her head with a giggle as we head up the last hill before we get to the house. “I’m sorry. I had no idea you’d show up.”

Back at the house, she parks in the drive, cuts the engine, and turns in her seat, facing me. It’s all I can do not to lean over and kiss her senseless. Instead, I thread my fingers through hers and bring the back of her hand up to my lips, placing a tender kiss on her talented hand.

“What’d you do with Tommy?” I ask, not ready to go inside just yet.

She rolls the back of her head along the headrest and shifts toward me in her seat. “I tell you what. Over lunch, you tell me about baseball. After lunch, we’ll take the cruise on the lake you promised me. Then, if you’re feeling up to it, I’ll tell you about Saint Hubert. Deal?”

She drives a hard bargain, but since I’m the one who put the subject on hold, I knew this day of questions would eventually come. I squeeze her hand and set my sight on her sky-blue eyes. “Sweetheart, what am I supposed to do when we’re out in a boat and you up and pass out on me?”

“Ha! I’m pretty sure you know me well enough to know Addison Hunt does not up and keel over.”

“Oh yeah.” I lift my brows. “What if my story’s pretty gruesome?”

She jerks her head off the headrest and shoots me a look. It’s the “yeah right” look, which makes me think she already knows my story. It wouldn’t surprise me. It was plastered on the front page of every sports paper as “The Tragedy that struck Ben Peterson.” Heck, a simple Google search would have led her straight to every word ever written about me.

Her gaze softens as she looks back at me; it’s as if she somehow understands. “How about we enjoy our cruise, then afterward you can share with me what happened the night you were on the mound?”

I knew it. She knows. And frankly, I’m relieved.

I close my eyes as Addison runs her fingers along the left side of my head. The way she trails her soft touch along that spot feels so good. I’m not sure how she does it, but without being told, she seems to know exactly where I’m broken.

“Ben.” The soft tone of her voice draws my attention away from her touch and back to her eyes. “It’s okay. If it’s too painful to talk about, you don’t have to tell me. But it’s a big part of you, and I’d like to know about it. I’ll be here to listen when you’re ready to talk.”

I’m ready to tell her. But at the moment I’m caught between the sadness in her smile and the feel of her palm warming my cheek. I take her hand and slide it around so I can kiss her skin before I speak. With my eyes fixed on hers, and hers locked on mine, I stare back feeling blessed for merely having met this woman.

“I’m ready, Addy. And I’m not sure you fully understand, but I promise someday soon you will.”

She arches a brow as an emotion I can’t quite decipher flashes across her face. “How about we go on in before Mrs. Tinley comes out and starts banging away at the window?”

Honestly, I’d rather take my chances in giving Mrs. Tinley a show, but of course, I don’t tell Addison my thoughts on that whatsoever. However, I can take her inside and lock the doors. Smack. I feel the figurative slap across the face. This time, I don’t need Mrs. Tinley pointing it out. I caught myself with this one all on my own.

Seriously, Bender? What are you thinking? How can you possibly be so insensitive?

No, with this being Addison’s former childhood home, the question on my mind should be if Addison feels comfortable being here.

Heading to the house, I follow close behind and watch as she enters when I open the front door. She takes a short pause and quickly looks around. Then without so much as a glance back, she moves in a beeline path straight for the fridge.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she says, turning in a circle, her brows furrowed as she takes in the kitchen, looking rather confused. “I’m famished. It’s been a while since I’ve eaten.”

Watching her, I’m not sure if the kitchen’s been remodeled or what it is about the house that’s got her thinking. But with the lilac top and fitted jeans hugging her sexy hips, she looks beyond beautiful standing there in the middle of the kitchen. I move in behind her, place my hands at her waist, and turn her around until we’re standing face to face.

Now that she’s exactly where I want her, I take her cheeks into my hands. She peers back at me and runs her tongue along her lip. Unable to stop myself, I lean in to within inches away. When she doesn’t seem to object, I kiss her like I’ve been dreaming about all summer long.

I nudge her with short movements until her back is against the fridge. There, I let my hands roam. The feel of her rounded belly makes me want to tell her how much I love her. Instead of words, I let my touch say just how I feel about her. She opens up and kisses back with the same heated frenzy I’m giving her. With her hands at my sides and her lips attached to mine, it’ll be next to impossible to stop myself from forever kissing her breathless.

But if I don’t stop now I’ll either take her into a room or have to settle for a very long, cold shower. This connection we have, I hope she feels it, because I’ve never had a woman drive me this wild. Before I lose control, I slow the pace of the kiss, and then reluctantly rest my forehead against hers.

“Addison,” I pant out. “I’ve been dreaming of this. All summer long. Every night and every day. I’ve wanted nothing but to feel you in my arms, to hold you with my lips all over yours. And now that I’ve done it, I hope it’s not long before you let me do it all over again.”

Addison works on her breathing, her face brightening through a silly grin. “Judging by the kiss you just gave me, I’d have never guessed. By the way, this is the first time anyone’s kissed me in the kitchen.”

“Then I’m thrilled to be your first. But, Addison, are you okay with all this? I don’t want this to feel strange or anything. I want you to feel comfortable being here.”

“I had a rough moment last month when I found you out back. I haven’t really been over here since…” She trails off and looks around.

“Since you sold it?”

“Yeah. How did you know about that?”

I nod to my left. “Nosy neighbor doesn’t keep much to herself.”

Addison laughs. “It’s kinda like that around here. But the house…” She takes another quick look around. “The rooms are the same but pretty much everything else has undergone some major updating. It actually looks gorgeous.”

“You are beyond gorgeous. But are you okay being here?” I need to know almost as much as I need to kiss Addison again.

“I’m good. I wondered how I’d react to being back, but with you here I feel a sense of serenity and calm. It’s kind of strange. And it’s not what I expected, but it’s a feeling I like. However, I won’t last long if I don’t make feeding this baby a priority.”

I pull her into my arms and rock her side to side. “I certainly don’t want to keep either of my babies waiting. I’ll make lunch. You can take a seat. But first I’d like to kiss you one more time.”

Surprising me, she taps her lips to mine, then starts chatting about the baby wreaking havoc on her bladder.

Leaving me in the kitchen, she takes off down the hall. I get to work mixing a salad and stuffing lots of protein into a hoagie bun. Taking care of my babies, I can’t help but smile. Not only do I have Addison back in my life, but I’m starting to believe she might even accept the piece of paper I’m still hiding.