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Doggie Style by Piper Rayne (24)



I shake off the feeling of dread over our small spat at the airport. I shouldn’t have said what I did. It was wrong, but damn if those small insecurities don’t surface every once in awhile. I mean, look at Leo. He’s practically perfect.

Hotter than sin? Check.

Stable and dependable? Check.

Supports himself? Check.

A master in the bedroom? Double check.

Loves animals? Check.

I’m not crazy to think that he can have anyone he wants and that someday that person may not be me.

What’s the big deal if I want my own room? Oscar’s ass will be up here non-stop and I do have work to do in order to find myself some more clients. Something feels off about taking money from my boyfriend now, especially with him being my only client. It’s like he’s my sole provider now or something.

My key card blinks red, so I pull it out and do it again. Red again.

Just fucking great.

I insert it slowly and release it slowly. Red.

I insert it fast and release it fast. Red.

I insert it slowly and release it fast. Green.

Thank the Lord because I did not want to head all the way back downstairs with my luggage and have to pass by Oscar and Leo in the bar. Leo would probably want to fix the problem for me. Which I don’t need him to do. I’m more self-sufficient than he likes to think.

The door shuts and a view of city fills every inch of the window that runs along the entire width of the wall.

I walk over, my hand over my heart. “So much to see,” I mumble.

I place my suitcase on the chair and zip it open to unpack my things. Lying on top of my clothes is a gift wrapped in paper with a ribbon around it. Attached is a note scribbled in Leo’s handwriting.

You’re by far more beautiful than this outfit will ever be, your skin silkier than the fabric it’s made from. But indulge me and put it on. It will only make you more mouthwatering when you model it for me…tease me with what I can’t see.



I pull on the edge of the ribbon and the other side opens, the paper falling to the sides.

Black lace is the first thing I notice. I pick up one piece, a skirt made entirely out of sheer black fabric. When I hold it up to my waist it looks like a perfect fit. It also looks like it will barely cover the globes of my ass. Next is a pair of cheek-hugger panties, also sheer but lined with a satin rim. Lastly, a bra with lace overlays hanging over each breast. A swift wind would reveal me. My fingers run along the delicate fabric. There’s no tags and for a minute I wonder, but no, he couldn’t have had the time to make this with the Hamilton show this weekend.

I check the time and know that if I truly want to get these germs off me, now is the time. So I run into the shower, the lingerie laid out on my bed until I’m shaven and smooth.

After a hot shower, I’m lotioning my body in preparation for putting on the lingerie. I mean, Leo and I haven’t exactly made love very much in the past few weeks. I’ve been bent over or pushed up against every item we pass. Not that I’m complaining—the man’s lust and need for me is enough to make my eyes bug out with hearts. It’s addicting and I crave his hooded gaze every time it leaves my body.

I don’t live in a fairy tale… I know that one day they won’t be there anymore and I intend to enjoy it while I can. He got me the lingerie and asked me to tease him. Request granted.

The door unlocks and begins opening. I run out with the towel tight around my chest and slam it shut.

“Ouch,” Leo says from the other side.

I peer out the peephole. Leo’s holding his nose, his suitcase still with him. The man hasn’t even gone to his room yet.

Of course he hasn’t, he wants to share a room. Those worried eyes of his from the check-in desk reappear in my mind.

“Why did you give me the key?” There’s aggravation in his voice.

“Sorry, I’m not ready just yet. Give me fifteen.” My eye remains against the peephole.

“What are you doing?” he asks, his voice a little lighter.

“Do you really not know? Come back in fifteen. Oh, and it’s going to be a room service night.”

He smiles, the one that shows all his teeth, and if you didn’t know the man, you’d think he just scratched off a winning lottery ticket.

“All right. Warning though, in fifteen minutes this key”—he holds up my room key—“will be inserted into this slot”—he demonstrates the key going into the slot—“and I’m coming in.”

“Got it.”

He laughs and walks next door to his room.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later to the second, the door opens to my hotel room. I’m on the bed, leaning with my head tossed to the side. My hair is loose and hanging, the skirt riding up so he sees the way the panties outline my ass cheeks.

He hurriedly shuts the door and toes out of his shoes, unbuttoning his jeans and letting them slide down his legs as he’s walking toward me. He takes a second to step out of them while grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and swiping it off his body.

I swear, this man’s body could make a lesbian question her sexual preference.

“I’m supposed to be gawking at you.” He wastes no time, his hands molding and sliding down my ass. “This is exactly how I pictured you.”

“Then I guess we’re in sync, huh?”

“God.” He grabs both my ass cheeks and a low growl rumbles up his throat. “I just want to bite it.”

“I never said you couldn’t,” I tease and his eyes light up in a way I haven’t seen yet.

I’m thinking my idea of slow lovemaking is out the window tonight.

He leans down, his teeth grabbing the side of my panties and snapping them back before his mouth grazes my skin. Who’s teasing who now? As he takes little nibbles of my flesh, his hands run up my back, causing a shiver to run the length of my spine.

“So you like?” I ask, my head looking over my shoulder, watching everything he’s doing.

“Like? I knew when I made it for you it would look amazing.”

I sit up, causing him to inch back and fall off the bed.

“I’d hate to spend the evening in an ER tonight.” He gets up so he’s standing at the end of the bed.

“I’m sorry.” I turn around and sit facing him.

His eyes focus in on my chest. He reaches out, his middle and forefinger gripping the thin lace fabric, and peeks under. “It’s going to be to resuscitate me. My heart will stop beating if you get any more gorgeous.”

My lips immediately turn up and he crouches down on the floor, his hands roaming up my legs and under my skirt.

“You really made this?” I ask, my own voice disobeying me with a quiver. “I wondered,” I whisper.

“Yeah. A perk of your man being able to sew.” His fingers are moving in and out of my panties, and more wetness pools on the delicate fabric. His thumb ventures between my legs, rubbing up and down. “Already so wet for me?”

I nod. “It’s beautiful and it’s not itchy or anything. I mean usually lingerie

His finger covers my mouth. “Let’s talk about that later. I need to devour every inch of you.” He rises and I fall back onto the mattress.

“Can I take a picture?” he asks. “I swear

I nod.

He climbs off the bed and digs his cell phone out of the pocket of his jeans. “I promise, Teegan, these will go nowhere.”

“I know.” I cross my fingers behind my back.

I model for him, lying there holding my head up with my hand. Then lying on my stomach with one foot up in the air. After he clicks off five or so, he places his phone on the night table and returns to the bed.

“I’m going to try like hell to take my time here, but no promises.” He sits down, grabbing me by the waist and swinging me over his lap.

The hard bulge of his erection rubs on my clit, wetting his boxer briefs. He lifts the lace fabric lying over my breast and his mouth covers my nipple, his tongue swirling it around and then using his teeth to lightly scrape my flesh.

I grip his shoulders and pull myself as flush as I can to him while still giving access to my breasts. His fingers dig under the panties and he fists my ass cheeks in his hands.

“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are in this outfit, knowing that I made it for you? I worked for hours imagining how it might fit, what you might look like in it, but never could I have imagined this.” He squeezes my flesh again and presses his hard shaft up so that it rubs me in the perfect spot. I let a moan escape my lips.

No one could miss Leo’s lion qualities in the bedroom. Nothing comes between him and what he wants. I’m the piece of meat dangling in front of him, but never has he been this eager to have me. I’ve never been this hot.

Without warning he lifts up and flips me over, covering my body on the bed. His forearms rest on either side of my head and his lips crash and collide with my mouth in a frantic and ravishing kiss. I’m tingling from head to toe when he finishes. “Do you mind if we keep you dressed?”

I shake my head.

“Good.” His fingers delve under the straps of my bra and he snaps it back in place. “I might have to leave the doggie business and just make you lingerie.”

Before I have a chance to say anything, his lips are on my neck and then my earlobe. He sits up for a second, pulling his boxers down and helping me out of my panties. Thank goodness, I can’t imagine ruining this outfit with the time it probably took him to make it.

“How do you want it tonight, Tee? Soft and slow or hard and fast?” He shifts his pelvis so once again his hard cock is rubbing up against me, and I’m desperate with want. I can’t even form an answer as sensation overtakes me and I squeeze my eyes shut.

“I think soft and slow, huh? We don’t usually practice the restraint to do that,” he says, the weight of his chest pushing me down into the mattress. I like him on top of me. There’s a safety and security in it that warms not just my body, but my heart.

“Usually you have me bent over,” I say in a throaty voice.

His lips turn down for a second. “Not tonight I won’t.” His knuckles brush down my ribcage, a stream of goose bumps rushing to follow his path. His hand weaves under my knee, bringing it up, leaving him ample room to situate himself between my legs.

His eyes never waver from mine while his hard length gradually enters me. He fills me and stills, still holding my leg in one hand and using his other to brush the hair off my forehead. “I could stare at you forever.” Bending down, he kisses me, his tongue doing a slow sensual dance with mine.

I moan into his mouth, my body revving up like a muscle car. First I roar with want, but then I purr as my owner treats me as though I’m his pride and joy.

His hips thrust and my moans grow into groans, my hand holding his head to mine, not wanting an inch of space between us. The pace is slower than Leo has ever gone with me and based on the number of times he’s grabbed my flesh, he’s using a lot of energy holding himself back. But he continues his leisurely pace as if he can tell this is what I need right now.

I want to roll him over, ride him like I know he loves, but there’s no time to separate, because his hand leaves my leg and I wrap both of them around his waist, locking him to me. His hands slide through my hair and our kiss turns feverish and chaotic while his thrusting increases in speed.

Soon his foot is heavy on the gas pedal and we’re racing down a road toward that cliff. Our labored breaths bounce off the walls, grunts and groans mixing into the melody.

“Never leave me,” I say and he picks up his head, not as dazed as I am in the moment.

“Never.” His eyes are stone serious but still hooded with the usual lust. His hands grip my waist and his fingertips press into me. “Never,” he repeats.

At that one word, my body loses all fight and I freefall over that cliff, Leo stilling inside of me, finding his own release. I fall back down slowly as though a parachute is softening my landing. When I come back from the orgasmic haze, I’m clutching Leo’s shoulders.

“Oh, my God.” I run my hand over his skin. “I’m so sorry.”

He looks at my fingernail scratches and shrugs, bending down to kiss me once more. “I like it when you leave your mark on me.” His lips touch mine, but I slide my face to the side.

“Leo?” I sigh.

“Baby, I’m a big guy, I can handle it.”

I guess Leo is my parachute.