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Envy by Amarie Avant (33)


Chapter 39

Six Weeks Earlier

Raven breathed in and out, calculating how long she held the breath. It didn’t cut through her anxiety as she sat on the couch in her condo. She turned on the TV. Just like her mother, Raven had made her own connections with Stork. The private investigator told her to turn to channel five at approximately 3:00 PM. for the afternoon news. Every once in a while, Stork paid the main anchorman to deliver a code, the answer of which would only be known by a select person. Today, as the recipient of the code, only she knew the answer.

“… that’s awful. What’s the world coming, to?” The main anchorman shook his head; his perfectly rosy cheeks almost made this a joke. “Soon we’re going to hear that there has been a sighting of a purple-spotted chicken.”

She gasped as the newscaster gave the sign and the co-caster laughed in high definition. This was no laughing matter. Picking up the remote, she rewound the program and paused.

During her private meeting with Stork, prior to visiting the prison, he’d outlined a set of instructions. “Remember everything, verbatim. When you arrive at the guard station, you’ll stay behind. The guard will find a nail clipper in your pocket and hold you aside. The money should be in your boot.”

The domineering guard got chummy after Charlene left, and she’d handed him a thick wad of cash—more money than she’d made in the last couple of years at the coffee shop.

She’d smiled at Royland upon entering the visiting room that day. He’d been enraged with Charlene. The switch to her heart was OFF. Raven had even winked at Royland. Then Charlene turned around. Raven stood stark still, pretended to be in shock. She’d faked fear but was not afraid. Not one iota. She knew his fate.

The guard went to Royland’s cell and left a rather large present. As soon as Royland had been escorted back to his cozy-cemented chamber, he’d be beaten within an inch of his life by three of the roughest anti-KKK prisoners that Alabama had to offer. After which, he’d do a stint at the infirmary and there, amongst healing wounds and unbeknownst to him, his DNA would be tested.

Feeling like she’d sink through the cushion and suffocate slowly, Raven hopped up. Every filament in her body was on fire, every sense hyped. She pressed the rewind button again, let it play, and then mashed the rewind button, repeating the process over and over as the tip of her thumb lost all blood circulation. Self-torture.

“… sighting of spotted-purple chicken …” The screen froze on the co-anchor’s wide mouth, teeth, and cocked head.

“Royland Timothy Alder was my father,” Raven whispered into the empty room. Fuck, the truth was engraved in her brain. Falling back, she could gouge out her eyes—his eyes. They were his blue eyes. She turned her arms over in front of her, looking at the lightness of her skin because of Royland Alder.

Instead of letting the hate break through, she went to Victoria’s Secret. She decided not to hurt herself because Liam had already promised that tonight would be a good night.

Except, when she arrived, love didn’t love her anymore.


“Only family and friends, sir,” the lady with Dallas Cowboy scrubs instructed at the nurses; station. This was Liam’s umpteenth time asking about Raven’s status. Her tone had gone from empathy to apathy.

“I’m her fiancé,” he said quickly, hands on top of his head.

The nurse hesitated. Yes, she knew of him, so it made the dynamics of patient confidentiality easier. “All right, Ms. Shaw is still in surgery. I, or her doctor, will inform you the moment we have an update.”

Damp jeans stuck to his thighs as Liam sat. He glanced at the clock. Raven had been in surgery for hours. Who hurt her arm? Almost a month ago, before Raven stopped allowing him to see Royael, their daughter didn't say she was seeing anyone. He'd asked.

She'd dated Chris in high school, but didn't seem like a woman who'd cling to abusive men. She was much too strong and opinionated to be some man’s punching bag. Liam's hands were in such tight fists that it hurt.

Thinking about Charlene, he pulled his cell phone out for the first time. There were eleven missed calls and even more text messages from Char, looking for Raven.

He called back, but Damien answered. In an out-of-body experience, he spoke with Raven’s stepdad. A while later, a doctor in green scrubs came to introduce himself as Charlene ran into the waiting room. The rain had done a number on her hair, transforming her into the Medusa he remembered as a teenager, fitting her demeanor.

“I’m Dr. Abdu.” The surgeon addressed the jumble of nerves, shaking her hand. “… Raven’s stabilized.” The doctor looked back and forth at them, explaining her condition.

“She’s okay?” Charlene’s hands were at her chest.

“Yes, ma’am, given the level of the car accident, I'd say she's doing fairly well. She had lacerations to the head, and we had to clean a lot of glass. Her left ankle is in a cast. She’s resting now.” He led them into her room.

Raven’s eyes were closed as she laid in a sanitized bed with bandages to her forehead. The beep of the heart rate monitor cut through the silence as they crowded around her. It had stopped raining, and the only window cast a dim light from a gloomy day.

“I do have a few things I need to discuss with you.” Dr. Abdu turned to Liam.

“What do you mean to him? I’m surprised you’ve even allowed him in here. He’s not family.” Charlene huffed, pulling the ribbed coverlet to Raven’s neck.

“You’re the fiancé, right?” Dr. Abdu asked.


“He’s not the fiancé!” Charlene cut in, turning away from her child.

“You’re the baby’s father?” Dr. Abdu looked down at the medical charts.


“So what this bastard is the baby’s daddy, but he’s not in the picture,” she assured, turning to shoo Liam away. “You can go now. I’m here, family is here!”

“Sir, are you or aren’t you the baby’s father?” Dr. Abdu’s bushy eyebrows crinkled together as he watched Charlene shove Liam. He scanned the chart, saying, “Raven is about … five weeks pregnant.”

Recalling the hotel grand opening, Liam nodded, taking a seat.

Charlene glared at him. “You bastard. Can’t strap it up?”

Ignoring her flair for the dramatics, he asked, “Is-is the baby okay?”

“Yes.” Dr. Abdu name was called over the intercom. “This is urgent. I’ll be back.”

When he walked out of the door, Charlene walked over to Liam. She looked down with disgust. “I want you to leave! If you had any respect for Raven, you’d go, now!”

Head in his hands, Liam’s voice was muffled. “No.”

“It’s clear that you don’t care anything about my daughter, so you need to go.” She tugged at his bicep, but he didn’t budge. “Raven told me all about Camille Kerr, cheating bastard.”

“I never cheated. Camille was just one of many models who get invited to functions to lighten the mood.” Liam paused. He couldn't explain all the calls Camille made to him before and after the event. He'd snuck away to tell Camille to stop. “Besides, Raven did. Raven has some abusive boyfriend hitting on her.” She broke my heart. He probably broke her arm. I’ll break his legs.

“What the hell are you talking about? Raven doesn't have a boyfriend, and if you've laid one hand on my child, she'll be a billionaire soon.”

“I'd never hurt her.”

Charlene chortled. “Oh, so you must mean physically only? Damn right, you've hurt her. She told me about those sluts from the club, I bet there's more. I hope your nasty ass catches something with those sluts you’ve been sleeping with. Oh, and if my daughter gets an STD, I’m beating your ass, then I’m suing your ass!”

He was at his boiling point, but it wasn't the time to remind Charlene what a lousy mother she'd been as Raven grew up.

“Excuse me, Charlene.” Liam stood abruptly and looked down at the psycho. “I’ve loved Raven the whole time.” He'd used a condom on all women besides her, but that wasn't something to tell her mother. Besides, the two women from the club were to console his broken spirit. He had never wanted any other once his eyes set on Raven’s.

Dr. Abdu strolled into the room and handed him an ultrasound picture. Charlene tried to snatch it from him, but he sidestepped her.

Dr. Abdu scratched his shiny beard. “Now, we have a more pertinent matter to discuss. We’re keeping Raven for observation.”

“I thought she was just sleeping.” Charlene sank into the chair. His stance foreshadowed doom better than any costar she’d ever worked with. Liam took a seat next to her, in his own state of panic as she tossed a sequence of questions.

The doctor held up his hand. “We’ve noticed wounds of a self-inflicted nature along her forearm, in addition to old scars across her left wrist.”

Liam massaged his temple.

“Have any of you observed behavior typical of self-mutilation? Wearing long sleeves in the summer? Periods of depression? Have you seen any unexplained scars? She had leather wristlets in her belongings—besides style, that is a prime indicator …” He went on to explain the warning signs.

“Oh, my God! The day … the day that Marcus Weber came to my house,” Charlene sputtered, and then put her hand over her mouth, stifling a sob. “Her hand was cut when she washed dishes. I never put knives in the sink, and I didn’t remember the cut when we went downstairs, maybe … But I’m her mother, I should know these things.”

“I haven’t …” Liam scoured his brain for signs. He’d seen a scar on her calf, but it was old, and she’d been the world’s most adventurous tomboy as a kid. As for her wrists, well, she always wore bangles.

“Dr. Stanton will perform a psych evaluation then we’ll go from there.” Dr. Abdu made for the door.

“This is my fault. I shouldn’t have served her those papers.” Liam stopped pacing to stand in front of Raven. He touched her cheek and hoped she was comfortable in her dreams. “I never apologized for leaving her …”

“No, this isn’t your fault. It seems I’ve blamed you for everything,” Charlene started. Liam opened his mouth to say something, but he was at a loss. “I wasn’t paying attention. And then we went to see Roy Tim—Royland …” Her voice broke, and she told him the story.


Raven had been awake as her mother told of their encounter with Royland, or just what Charlene knew of their encounter. Her mother had such a hard time getting out the words. Raven noticed she didn’t mention Royland’s full name or that Alder was the famous Black Beauty Murderer.

Pain medicine plunged Raven into a dark, shameful sleep.

After humiliating herself in front of Liam, she went home. In her room, the windows were drawn. A blue glow from the paused TV was her only light. The co-anchor’s face was still tilted in a hearty laugh, and the studio lighting caught his chiseled cheekbones. The main anchor that Stork had paid to deliver the sign had a carefree smile. With tear-stained cheeks, she slid onto the floor, holding her beloved tin box.

It had been years since Raven did this. Ironically, the box was one of a few items to withstand the fire. Though she'd long ago decided to never do this again, she'd kept the box. The euphoria started with the accident while at her godmother’s house at the age of fourteen, when she’d wanted to know more information about her mother. The accidental cut while slicing apples for a pie had sparked something inside of her. She’d been afraid of it, in the beginning. It was years later and in a state of chaos before she’d cut again. And now, as she leaned against the wall, feet planted before her, her hands grazed the box.

“I won’t ever let Liam hurt me, again,” she vowed. Slowly, her fingertips went from the top of the box to the latch. She opened it. Taking out its only contents, a razor, she contemplated if she wanted to make this next move. Yes, she felt the numbness that overtook her in her Godmother’s kitchen the first time. She felt nothing, like she’d done so many times before while cutting. Breathing came easy as she watched red liquid pooling around her arm.

It burned when bright light flooded into Raven’s eyes. She lay on a firm bed with her left ankle encased. Through shaded eyes, she watched Liam and Charlene at the foot of the bed, their backs to her. A man with a Middle Eastern accent spoke. When he mentioned pregnancy, she bit her lip so as not to scream.

Raven hadn't been on birth control before Liam. He was her only weakness. During the beginning of their quick, tumultuous relationship, she’d made a visit to the doctor for birth control.

Then she heard the doctor telling them about the cutting. Maybe it’s a good time to say the kitchen scene after Marcus was an accident? But that would be a lie. After the doctor excused himself once more, Raven listened as her mom brought the conversation back around to Royland. There was tenderness in Liam’s voice. She hated that. For her sake, they spilled their hearts out to each other. He told Charlene how he got a letter from Raven—Elise—that she wasn’t going to keep the child. That was the reason he’d left. He thought Raven hadn’t wanted to see him again. He mentioned a call he’d made about seven months later. Raven tried hard, but she couldn’t remember a call. Then again, she’d chucked her cell phone into the meadow by then. Her heart filled with anger at his words. Here he is trying to make himself sound good in front of my mom!

She blacked out again.




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