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Envy by Amarie Avant (32)


Chapter 38

Black Friday

Pulling the cell phone away from her ear, Raven turned the volume down as Liam ranted about wanting to see Royael for Thanksgiving. Too late. She smirked and pressed the delete button. She’d moved from the condo that he’d bought almost three weeks ago while he was in Chicago overseeing the hotel construction.

She couldn’t help the grin on her face when applying lip gloss in the guest bedroom at her mom’s home. If Liam thinks I’m as conniving as Elise, hell, I’m up for the challenge.

Her cellphone pinged. Raven grabbed it up from the dresser and noticed a text message. “You’ve got the wrong number.”

Eyebrows furrowed, she clicked on the text. It was from Sharon’s number. Raven hadn’t noticed that she’d added Sharon to the mass text for Thanksgiving. It was easier sending out a group message for holidays in order not to miss everyone, and she honestly hadn’t deleted Sharon’s number. Apparently, Sharon was playing a game, or perhaps the lady had simply changed her phone number. Whatever.

A rap came at the door. Raven put all thoughts of Sharon to the back of her mind. “Come in.”

“ReRe.” Charlene’s head was just in the door. “Damien’s been calling up the stairs for you for the last five minutes. You have a visitor.”

Raven smiled. After Damien heard the heart-shattering story of Charlene’s rise to fame, they'd reconciled. They both understood her mother better.

“Who?” Raven tugged at her cable-knit sweater.

“I don’t know, but hurry up. We’re going to miss the Black Friday sale. Turkey is my weakness. You know Mama made me eat all that food, so I overslept. You barely ate anything and should’ve woke me up. Besides, Damien won’t dream of letting me blow a ton of dough like this every day.”

“Okay.” Raven stuffed her feet into suede boots and hurried down the stairs. A man stood at the door with a bouquet of roses. William? Unlikely. They’d broken it off before the plane could launch. She’d apologized. He’d even taken some of the blame for putting school first.

The visitor handed her the red bouquet and asked for her signature. When she did, he said, “You’ve been served.”

“Motherfucker!” She slammed the door and opened the envelope.

“What’s that, Raven?” Damien asked, walking down the hall. “You look worried.”

“Liam wants joint custody.” She handed Damien the court petition, not the least bit fazed, irritated beyond repair, but not worried. This was only the beginning of hurting Liam. Wherever Sharon was, she'd been right. Even if Liam owned Scandalous, Raven still had the letter he gave her about aborting Royael. No way in hell was she going to let the letter leak and embarrass her baby, but holding it over his head was good enough.

“I thought you two had that all arranged?” He scanned the documents. When Raven looked down at the floor, he added, “Royael’s been cranky; when’s the last time she saw him?”

“Not too long ago …” Six weeks to be exact. The beginning of forever, as far as I’m concerned.

“Raven, you can’t keep Liam from seeing his daughter.”

Uninterested in a fatherly scolding, Raven crossed her arms. “Why not? I should tell the judge about those Delacroixs and how they tried to pay me to get rid of Royael. Liam can’t just come back and decide he wants her. Let him try, the judge will know all about his grimy-ass family. If that’s not enough, the whole world will, too!” If it has to come to that …

“You said Elise wrote the letters from each of you to each other. Seems like you and Liam have just caught the worst of his family’s dealings.” Damien patted her shoulder.

“Uh-huh. Tell Mom, I’ll be back.” She grabbed her keys and hurried out of the house.


Rain descended in torrents, seeping into her sweater as she stood outside of her car in Liam’s driveway. She leaned down to give the steering wheel a good, long honk.

Hands stuffed in his leather jacket, he hurried past the front door and jogged over the fragmented stone bridge. She tossed the court papers at him. Sighing, he took hold of the soggy documents.

“Raven, I was drunk. You hurt me. I hurt you. But I still want to see Royael. Can we go into the house and talk?”

“You think you can come into my life and take my child?” Her voice was eerily calm—too calm for the pounding of her heart and the quaking of her angry spirit. The genetic makeup of a serial killer surged through her veins. The rain pummeling her skin started to boil.

“I’m not trying to take Royael.” Liam sighed. “Come inside. We can talk like grownups, for the sake of our little girl. We’re soaking wet.”

I’m the one who takes care of Royael.” Her lips barely moved as she spoke. She didn’t even wipe the rain and tears from her face. “I’ve nurtured every cold; changed every stinky diaper. I breastfed her! You don’t know the pain of birth! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just leave us alone!”

“No, Raven, everything will not go your way. Despite the summation of everything, I love you. I just don’t trust you anymore. We have to make this about Royael.”

“Hell, no! You tried to take my daughter.” Her hair was drenched and her clothes stuck to every inch of her body. “I guess you think Scandalous is the only magazine. Come at me with all you got. I dare you. Try to take my child! I’ll have every dirty secret that you, your mom, that bastard Jonathan. I’ll have the Lemaître and Delacroix names looking so dirty that it’ll take—”

“You can't fucking do that, Raven!” His voice rose. “It won't be safe—good. It won’t be good for you.”

“Are you threatening me?” Raven could hardly see for the rain falling. Taut lips bluer than her eyes, she looked at the man she’d love to hate. She hated him with all her being. When Estella broke the news about Jonathan not being his father, Raven had been right there, by his side through every moment.

Where had this bastard been when Elise falsely claimed Jonathan was her father? When he came to the coffee shop, he’d been filled with what she now knew was the other “L” word. Not love, but lust. He'd said they could be together because Jonathan wasn't her father.

Yes, they could fuck. They did. That was all he wanted. Liam never took into consideration that the truck-driving rapist was Raven’s dad.

“Fuck you, Liam!”

“C’mon, Re. We’ve been best friends since we could string together a sentence. Let’s go hash things out like—” He took hold of her arm. She winced. He let go. “What’s wrong with your arm? I barely touched you.”

“Don’t pretend to care!”

“Did someone hurt you—”

“Get over yourself! Fuck the chivalry. You wanna know who hurt me? Only you, asshole. You hurt me!” She got back into her car.

Pulling at the doorknob, he tried to open it. He jumped back when the Challenger roared to life and sped in reverse. The car almost hydroplaned in the rain. “Raven, wait!”

Wiping away tears, she forced the stick into drive and mashed on the gas. You won’t be taking Royael! Focusing on that thought, her foot pressed harder. She rounded the first curve and zipped by massive pine trees. Body tensed with anger, she took to the next bend. The car swiveled as it rode over the third arc. Skimming over the sleek road, it veered toward the opposite side and flipped sideways, skirting toward the low railing … heading for the cliff. The drop off.