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Foreplay: A Bad Boy's Baby Romance by Rye Hart (118)


The sun was high in the sky when I finally woke up on Monday. With a glance at the clock, I saw it was already well into the afternoon. After getting a fresh round of painkillers at about four a.m., I had passed out and slept for hours. My body needed the rest, but I still felt horrible for sleeping all day. My leg was sore, but my back finally felt better. Dr. McGee assured me it wasn’t injured, just sore from my fall. With the painkillers still coursing through my veins, I felt better.

I slowly pushed myself up, adjusting my pillows and leaning back with a groan. Every part of my body felt like lead, but I was just grateful the pain had finally faded. The night before had been harsh. Not only did I spend most of it writhing in unbearable pain, but my mind constantly spun around thoughts of Tara.

Seeing her again felt like something between a dream and a nightmare. When she’d walked into my hospital room the other day, my entire life changed in an instant. It had been ten years since I’d laid eyes on her, and after what I’d done, I was sure, step-siblings or not, I never would again. After I finished to military school, Tara went off to college. By the time I enlisted in the army, she hadn’t been home in months.

I stayed away for a long time, only returning home when I had no choice. During those times, Tara stayed at school, and when she started PT school, I was discharged from the army and became a firefighter. Our lives were always circling around each other, but they never intersected until now.

A part of me wondered if Darren didn’t plan things that way. It was his sole mission to keep me away from his daughter when we were seventeen. He did everything in his power to break us up, and when he couldn’t, he convinced my mother to send me away. It wasn’t entirely his fault. My behavior back then was borderline criminal. I was even on the verge of getting expelled from school, but Darren never would have suggested something as harsh as military school if it hadn’t been for my relationship with Tara.

I couldn’t blame him. No father would want their daughter with a guy like me. Even now I knew Darren would never approve of us being together, but that didn’t stop me from wondering. All night, I switched between cursing my nurses while fighting through my pain and remembering how it felt to hold Tara, to kiss her lips, to hear her whisper my name.

I barely slept that night, so when Dr. McGee finally ordered another round of painkillers, I was grateful. Not only did I get a reprieve from the pain but my thoughts of Tara finally faded while I slipped into oblivion. My dreams were scattered and incoherent. Nothing came into focus except Tara’s face. I dreamed of her pale blue eyes on and off throughout the day, and when I finally woke, they were the first thing I saw.

I groaned and rolled over, trying to keep myself awake without making the pain return. Five minutes later, a nurse came hurrying into my room.

“Oh!” she said, surprised to see me sitting up. “You’re finally awake.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Those painkillers are no joke.”

“You needed your rest,” she said with a knowing nod. “How’s your pain today?”

“Better,” I said. “I think the painkillers are still working.”

“That’s great.” She smiled and moved to take my vitals. I fell silent while she took my blood pressure and temperature. She jotted a few things down on my chart and then turned toward me with a furrowed brow. “Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want the T.V. remote?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m fine right now.”

“Your physical therapist was doing the rounds earlier,” she said. “I’ll let her know you’re awake now.”

“Tara?” I asked, hope blooming in my chest.

The nurse nodded and smiled. She hurried from the room, and I felt my heart begin to race. I hadn’t expected to see Tara again so soon, but the prospect of seeing her face was enough to send waves of excitement coursing through my body.

It was another ten minutes before she arrived. In that time, I adjusted my position twelve times, trying to find the most comfortable position that would make me seem the least weak. I hated that Tara was seeing me this way: broken and bedridden. It wasn’t my proudest moment.

When she came into my room, I smiled and watched her walk toward me. She was wearing the same outfit from before. Her body looked even better today, now that my mind wasn’t clouded with pain. The seventeen-year-old I held in my memory couldn’t hold a candle to the woman standing before me.

Her body swayed just right with every step she took. Her curves had always been enticing, but now that she was older, they were more defined. She exuded confidence, and that alone was enough to make me hard beneath my hospital blankets. I swallowed and told myself to get it together. If I couldn’t control myself around Tara, this would never work.

“How are you feeling today?” she asked, her blue eyes searching my face.

“Better,” I said with a nod. “Last night was pretty fucking brutal, but today, I’m all right.”

“Did the pain keep you awake?” Tara asked, ready to take notes on her chart.

“Yeah,” I said. “Most of the night.”

“What did they give you?” Tara asked, frowning and looking down at my chart.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Whatever it was, it worked.”

“Good.” She nodded and looked back at me. Her eyes roamed over my face and then down my body. I felt myself flush as she looked me over. I knew she was just visually assessing me, but it felt like more. My dick twitched, and I shifted on the bed. “Mind if I take a look at your leg?”

“Sure.” I nodded, and Tara moved forward.

“Tell me if anything I do hurts, okay?” she asked.

“Got it.”

Tara lifted the bottom of my blanket. I felt a sense dread wash over me. What would she say if she saw my erection? Fuck, why couldn’t I get the damn thing under control?

Thankfully, Tara didn’t lift the blanket far enough for it to matter. She moved it off my leg and examined the surgical dressings. Gently, she ran her fingers down the length of it, pausing every so often to apply pressure.

Her hands were warm and felt electric against my skin. I trembled at her touch and prayed she didn’t notice. I stared at her face while she worked. God, she was beautiful. I’d spent ten years imagining her face, but seeing it in person was better than I ever dreamed it would be. I could have stared at her for hours.

Now that my pain was gone, I felt more like myself. As Tara gently massaged my leg, feeling around for any tenderness, I felt a rush of confidence rise inside my chest. She ran her finger up my thigh, stopping just before she reached the blanket covered part. When she glanced up at me, I grinned.

“Don’t stop there,” I said, my voice low and husky.

Tara’s eyes instantly hardened. She lifted her hand off my leg and glared at me, not bothering to hide her irritation.

“What?” I asked, laughing lightly. “I’m just saying what we’re both thinking.”

“I’m not thinking about your dick,” Tara said boldly.

“You weren’t?” I raised my eyebrows. “Not even a little bit.”

“Did you feel any pain, Caleb?” Tara asked, sighing deeply and rolling her eyes.

“Only when you rejected my offer,” I said playfully.

“This little game you’re playing right now?” Tara said. “It’s not going to work on me.”

“What game?” I asked innocently.

“We’ll start your PT as soon as you’re discharged,” Tara said, ignoring me. “Your leg seems to be healing just fine.”

“Tara,” I began, but she was already heading toward the door.

I sighed and leaned back against my pillow. She disappeared almost as quickly as she appeared and yet again, I was left thinking about nothing but her. Her face. Her body. That tight little ass of hers. Everything about her called out to me, and I knew she felt the same way whether she wanted to admit it or not.

As the day progressed, my pain returned with a vengeance. Dr. McGee ordered more painkillers, but they were a different kind. Instead of easing me into a relaxed sleep, they were designed to keep me awake, so I could ease myself through the pain as it slowly reduced. I soon felt better, but I wished I could close my eyes and forget about Tara for a little while.

I knew I ran her off with my comments, but I didn’t regret them. I did what I always do: spoke my mind. If Tara ran away from me, it was only because she knew I was right. After all these years, there was still a spark between us, and damn if I wasn’t about to set it ablaze.

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

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