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Foreplay: A Bad Boy's Baby Romance by Rye Hart (82)



Things with Enzo had been going great – magical even. However, it almost felt like too much too fast.

My first impression of his mother was a disappointment. I couldn’t make out any words from their conversation, however, it was evident that the queen didn’t approve of me, just as Enzo predicted. I spent that evening in bed scolding myself for getting into such a hairy mess.

“So you spend the entire day at his house avoiding the queen?” Patrick had come over, and the two of us were trying to get my sewing machine working so I could fix a pair of his best work pants. He tinkered with the bobbin, but couldn’t get it loaded.

“Here, let me try.” I took the bobbin from his hand. “Yes, pretty much. I still think things are going to blow up in my face. It’s all too good to be true.”

“That’s not true, and there is no such thing. Good things happen to good people. It’s kismet, fate, or whatever other cool words that describe a miracle.”

“Selena has already given me hell over that fake news story.”

“Yeah, but how fake was it? I mean, looks true to me. Especially knowing he popped that cherry you’ve been hoarding.”

“Oh, like you didn’t have a lot to do with that. You’re the one who talked me into waiting more times than I can remember.”

“That’s because I wanted you to wait for the right guy, like I didn’t. It’s a big deal, it should be with someone special, like a prince of a small European country.” He gave a little laugh and took the bobbin back for another go.

“This machine is the devil. Let’s burn it and go buy another one.”

Patrick gave it one last try, and the piece slipped into place. “Got it!” He put in a piece of fabric to test the machine, and it sewed like a charm.

I walked away and went to sit on the couch across from him as he prepared to sew his pants.

“He’s really going to be King you know. I mean, soon. His father is sick. Compound that with all the other issues with his mother, his daughter, and my job. I’m just not sure I fit into his life. I think I should call it off before I’m in too deep.” I felt the tears pool in my eyes, and Patrick lifted his head and stared as they fell down my cheeks.

“Uh, oh, girl. I think it’s already too late. You’re crazy about him.” He looked back down, and the machine came to life again, the little motor humming like a buzz saw as he stitched the seam.

“I’m just so frustrated. Why can’t things work out as I want them to?”

“Whoa, there. You’re already setting yourself up for failure when you haven’t even begun to try. So, dry those tears and buckle up buttercup. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. But it sounds to me like he’s worth it.”

I thought about how wonderful Enzo was and how he had treated me with such respect and tender care. He’d also stood up to his mother for me and that had meant a lot.

We’d visited with Esme too, and she was such a little sweetheart, that I could see myself caring deeply for that girl. She had so many stories to tell, and she was only nine, that it made me feel like I hadn’t lived quite enough. Maybe it was time to change that.

“You know what? I think I will.”

“That’s my girl. Get back on that pony.” He blew me a kiss and made an obscene gesture with his tongue and the two of us shared a laugh. “If it were me, girl. I’d take my chances with a rich, handsome prince any day over worrying about my job or that bitch Selena. He could take care of you.”

“I’m capable of taking care of myself. You know how adamant I am about that. I can do it. I’m hoping Selena will be over her crush and realize it isn’t going to happen with her, but I know it’s just wishful thinking.”

“Well, I’m going to catch hell from her if I don’t run. I’ve got a private party to work, so I’m going to test this seam and see how it holds up.” He gave me a wink, and sashayed out the door.

I starting to freshen myself up in anticipation for Enzo’s visit that day. When he showed up, I was surprised to see that he’d driven himself, which I didn’t even know was an option.

“Nice car, I didn’t know if you had a driver’s license or not.” I slid into the car and was overwhelmed by the smell of leather as I pulled on my seatbelt.

“Thank you, and yes. It was one of the first things I did when I bought a place here. I don’t get to drive the car much, but it’s always serviced and ready for when I do want to. Besides, I thought we could use a little time alone. The guards and even Lucas make it hard for me to unwind at times. I’m hardly ever left alone.”

“I guess, but it seems like it would be nice to not have to do certain things. Like laundry, dishes, cleaning. I swear it’s never-ending.”

“As a child, I would go down and watch the laundry staff back home. They’d let me use the iron and fold napkins, but my mother would have a fit. She didn’t understand why I would want to hang around with them, but I loved it. It was one of the only times I felt normal.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I love doing for myself. I mean, this business with Selena has really got me worried. I need my job. I’ve always taken care of myself. Even when I was younger. My mother raised me alone, and we worked for everything. When she remarried, I was only seventeen, and her husband didn’t want any kids, so there was no room for me. I moved in with a friend and finished high school then went to college.”

“You’re amazing. I’ve never been with a woman who has stood on her own two feet like you. You take my breath away.”

I didn’t know what to say as the blush rose to my cheeks.

We arrived at the restaurant, and he pulled up to the valet and got out. Then he opened my door and took my hand.

We walked inside, and Enzo whispered something to the maitre d, and soon we were on our way to the back to an intimate table. He nodded his thank you and the man left us alone.

“I hope you enjoy the view,” he said, gesturing to the panoramic cityscape that spread out before us.

“It’s lovely, thank you.” I looked around and was glad that I’d opted for the dress and not the pants and heels I’d almost put on.

We started with more wine, and it tasted like heaven compared to the cheap stuff I had at home. Then we ordered as we talked more about our lives.

It was amazing to hear all of the stories of him as a boy in the huge castle estate. “It’s really a castle? Like one from a fairy tale?” I just couldn’t believe that people still lived in them.

“Yes, a real castle. It’s beautiful and homey.”

“And you’ll be king soon, so will you have a throne?”

“Technically, I have a throne now. It’s a lovely ornate chair next to my father’s, but we never use it. Once he is gone, I will take his throne to the memorial room, and another will be commissioned for me.

“Does Esme have a throne?”

“Esme doesn’t now, but she will. As soon as I’m king, I’m going to declare her as my birthright.”

“She isn’t now?”

“Technically, I am not supposed to call her a princess. But it’s my first order of duty, even though she’s always been the princess in my eyes.”

“Why wouldn’t be declared a princess now? She’s the king’s granddaughter, and from what she told me, she loves him very much.”

“That was my mother’s doing. She thinks my daughter is an embarrassment.”

I was about to remark on how awful I thought it was when someone cleared their throat next to me.

I looked up, and Selena was there with her sister, Emily and the two of them gave me a disappointed glare. Selena’s was the harshest.