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Foreplay: A Bad Boy's Baby Romance by Rye Hart (89)



A coronation ceremony had always sounded like a big deal until it actually came time. A king only got his crown in one of two ways: because his father died, or something had happened that was life-altering. Either way, it usually wasn’t an exciting ceremony, and even though others found a reason for celebration, I couldn’t think of any.

I sat with my father in his room the entire day before, and we’d talked about the duties and what would be expected of me as we had ever visit since his decision to renounce the throne to be present for my coronation. But I was having a hard time concentrating.

“You look like a man with too much on his mind, and somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with your crowning ceremony.”

“Do you think you could have ruled as a single man?”

My father smiled and nodded his head, but that wasn’t his answer. “I had a feeling it had something to with a woman. Your mother tells me that you have met someone back in New York. A girl who worked as a waitress during the gala season.”

“She wasn’t a waitress, but she worked the charity events. She coordinated the entire event series. She was amazing at it; a born leader.” I couldn’t help but remember my first impressions of her. How she’d been so strong and such a leader.

“She sounds like a busy woman.”

I shook my head. “Not anymore. I cost her the job, and she left me uncertain that she could fit into our lifestyle.”

My father cleared his throat. “The royal life is not for everyone, son. And most have misconceptions about how we live, how we feel, or that we’re even human at all sometimes. What do you think she couldn’t handle?”

I met his eyes. “She didn’t like the way Mother treats Esme, for one. And she doubted that she’d be happy in a place where she was unwanted. We caused a bit of scandal back in the States, and she didn’t want to ruin things for me.”

“She sounds like a considerate young woman. She put your needs ahead of hers; she’s already proving to be a fine partner; someone who could step back and let you shine. Your mother has often times had to do that for me.”

“I gave up. I had to get back home and I just, I didn’t want to have to coax her. I wanted her to want to come with me. Instead, she ran as fast as she could.”

“She probably realized how serious things were getting.”

“Or she didn’t think that she’d ever be accepted. Why would she if my own daughter isn’t?” I got up and walked to the window.

After a long awkward silence, my father cleared his throat again. “Will you be at dinner tonight?”

“Yes, Father. Of course.” He knew that Esme and I always attended formal dinner with him and Mother.

“Very well, then. Very Well. I think I’d like to rest now son. Leave me to my peace.” He excused me, and I headed off to spend the rest of the few hours before dinner fitting for my robes and preparing my mind for what was to come.

Lucas came into the room just before dinner. “I thought I’d come see you on your last day as Prince Enzo. I thought I might have to squeeze in a few disrespectful jabs while I can still get away with it, for tomorrow I shall address you as King Enzo.” He was very dramatic, and I knew he was worried about his position. I didn’t have to promote my assistants, but there was no way I was going into this without him.

“I’m sure you’ll still have a chance to rib me now and then when the others aren’t around. As my lead attendant, I’m counting on it.”

His eyes turned down as he nodded his head and bowed. “It will forever be my honor, Your Royal Majesty.”

“Not Majesty, yet my friend. Tomorrow. Tonight, we drink.” I poured myself a drink and lounged back against the couch which had always been my favorite. I would miss it once I was down the hall in the King’s chambers and considered for a moment taking it with me.

Lucas poured himself a drink too. “How are you? And don’t give me any bull.”

“I miss her.” I closed my eyes. “I wish I had time to run to her, but I can’t disappoint my family or my country. I will be king and perhaps after I’ll go to her and see if her heart has changed.”

“I’m sure you’ll see her again. I’ll even bet you that she’s missing you just as badly.” He put the drink to his lips and took a long pull.

“You know as well as I do that she’ll move on in no time. Some man will come along and sweep her off her feet, and I’ll be a distant memory.”

“Ah, I don’t think so. No, I think she’s crazy about you.” The bell tolled for dinner and Lucas got to his feet, and after giving me a quick bow, he offered to walk me to the dining hall.

He paused outside the dining hall and shook my hand. “Have a nice dinner.” He chuckled and walked away, and I let out a long breath before going inside and taking my seat. As usual, my mother would wait to walk in with my father, and minutes later they arrived. I stood as she helped Father to his seat at the head of the table. She took her place to his left, and I sat on his right. And once she sat, we did too.

“Esme should be along soon,” said Mother in her usual clipped tone.

Esme knew she was supposed to be down on time and I hoped that she’d have a good reason for being late. My parents sipped their wine and held hands across the table as I’d never seen, and after a moment, I began to get nervous.

“Maybe I should go check—”

My mother’s head turned, and she smiled and nodded at the door as Esme entered with her nanny, but after a scolding look at my daughter, who was smiling ear to ear, I looked up and realized the woman with her, wasn’t Margarite at all.

I shot to my feet. “Cindy, you’re here?”

“It’s not a daydream, son.” My father let out a chuckle, and then Lucas entered behind them as well as Margarite. “Tonight, we have a few special guests.”

I looked at my mother who was smiling and as we all sat at the table. Esme offered her seat to Cindy and taking the other side of me.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was in a gorgeous white dress with sparkles that made her blue eyes shimmer as she took my hand.

“Well, when the Queen asks, you come.” She gave a smile toward my mother and inclined her head, but I was stunned.

“Mother?” The woman had never approved of anyone or anything before, and though I didn’t understand what had changed, I wasn’t going to question it either. “That’s wonderful.”

“I want my son the King to be a happy man, so I thought it only appropriate that you have a strong, charming woman by your side.” She glanced down at Esme. “By both of your sides.”

Esme giggled, and it was the first time I’d ever seen her smile at my mother. It was then that dinner was served and we all sat for the very first time as a family, all getting along and making pleasant conversation.

As dessert was being served, my father tapped his wine glass, and one of his attendants stepped forward and brought a paper and pen. Father cleared his throat. “Attention,” suddenly it was so quiet that I could hear the ticking of my father’s pocket watch. “Tomorrow we honor my son as the new King, and all of his rules shall be respected as law across our country. But tonight, I still have time for one last royal decree.”

I sat taller in my seat and hung on my father’s words. This was his last official decree, a time when so many pardoned the accused and changed frivolous laws; I knew before this small gathering that he was about to announce something of great importance.

“Esme Mira, daughter of the deceased, Sofie Mira, and His Royal Highness, my son, and future King Majesty of Aramis, Enzo Seraphino Roche, I hereby declare that you, my granddaughter, are my blooded birthright and shall be recognized as such in all means of title and dignity from this day forward. Such is my last and final decree.” He raised his glass high. “All hail Princess Esme Roche.”

I couldn’t believe it. What I had planned for my first decree had been my father’s last.

Every glass raised and Esme jumped from her seat and ran around the table into my father’s arms.

And the rest of us joined in, “All hail Princess Esme Roche.”