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Gentlemen and Brides: Regency Romance Collection by Joyce Alec (110)


Life had changed dramatically for Alice in a few weeks, especially since the revelation that she was the Duke of Lanzaby's long lost granddaughter. Her grandfather was a dear, sweet man who had cried on meeting her. As the two dukes watched Alice and Edmund take a walk around the grounds, they couldn't help notice the similarity between Alice, her mother and her great-aunt.

"I should have seen it all along. There was an iridescence about her that was somehow familiar and different all along. Her effect on Edmund was no different than the effect my dearest wife had on me when we first met. I should have made her make up with her sister. Alice could have been in all of our lives all this time."

The Duke of Lanzaby agreed.

"I have a feeling this visit is more than to just to reacquaint me with my granddaughter," he smiled, knowing that the young marquess was going to request Alice's hand in marriage.

"I will, of course, agree," he continued, "but it seems like I am losing her after just meeting her. I must look on the bright side. If she has a son, he can be my heir, and I won't have to choose my nincompoop heir who just happens to share a small amount of my bloodline. The young people today, why can't they be like our generations."

As the old men continued their talk on the follies of youth, Edmund and Alice were enjoying some alone time. Edmund was a little more nervous than usual, and he would start sentences and never finish them. Alice wondered what was going on.

"My lord, are you quite well?"

"Alice, it is my intention to ask your grandfather's permission to seek your hand in marriage. From our time together, I have grown to love you immensely. I cannot imagine my life without you."

He spoke so fast; he felt like his life depended on getting these words out as quickly as possible. He looked at her to see her reaction.

"That would make me very happy, as I have grown to love you, too, Edmund. However, I would like to stay with Grandfather for a little while to get to know him. You understand that, don't you? After our wedding, where will we live? Will it be in London?"

"At our estate in Cholmosley. His Grace was correct in that I have not been a very good landowner, or very responsible, but that will change. I will need a good estate manager, but as you will be my wife, I had hoped for your input in this."

"I would like for Betty and Jim to live on our estate. I would be uncomfortable in asking her to be in the household, but Jim could be the farm manager. He's a good man. And I'd like Mrs. Dempsey to come as our cook. I want to give her security, and if not for her, I would never have met Betty. You know Betty searched for me every day I was missing."

Alice felt good. She was going to be able to repay the kindnesses that had been bestowed upon her.

"You see, within moments, you have already solved my dilemma. I am blessed in having you in my life, my dearest, and I will do everything in my power to make you the happiest woman. You came into my life when I didn't think I deserved redemption."

Edmund's mind was on Bosley whose plan had backfired. Edmund had allowed himself a moment of glee when Bosley had heard of Alice's heritage. With the information Alice and Betty had supplied, and the fact that Connie gave Bosley up, the duke had discretely made it known about the Earl of Bosley and his propositioning of young maids. Connie had been in a long line of maids to steal on his behalf. While he wasn't formally charged, he was now persona non grata in London.

"Shall we go inside and make the old dukes happy?" Alice smiled at her soon to be husband.

"Yes, my dearest, let's go home and make this official."

Alice was happy. Never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned this moment. The closest had been when she could remember nothing of her past and Edmund and the duke were her world. The sense of security she felt with them had only deepened. They loved her, and now she would get to know her grandfather. She belonged to someone now. And her family was only going to get bigger. She knew the Lord worked in mysterious ways, and through her sadness of being passed over for adoption, she had never let it change her pleasant demeanor. And now she found her way home.

"Home," she said to herself as she looked over at her grandfather. This was home, for now at least. It was a new concept for her that home would actually mean her home, not just a place where she lived at the pleasure of another.

"Alice, why are you crying?" Edmund asked with concern as he realized that Alice was no longer by his side but standing looking up at the great house.

"These are happy tears. I've just realized what home is. It isn't a house; it's the people. You and the duke made me feel at home from the moment we met. And this feeling has just intensified. I've never felt like that before. Thank you for being in my life and for wanting to spend your life with me. It feels wonderful to be loved."

Edmund couldn't help but rush to his beloved and gather her in his arms, etiquette or not, he had to kiss her tears away because otherwise she would see his tears of joy. She was right. Home was a connection between people and his home was with her.

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