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Hard & Fast: A Hard Thrusting Racing Heart Billionaire Romance by Vale, Vivien (11)

Chapter 11


I yawn as I turn the key to lock my door.

Being an overachiever has its merits, but being up at the crack of dawn isn't one of them.

The early morning light streams in through the hall windows, between the skyscrapers from across my building.

I'm always up this early, eager to get to work and do what I do best. The thought of motors and technology, and the glamour of the fast life gets me going. My job's exciting, but it doesn’t make my mornings any less brutal.

New York often feels shadowy because of the towering steel buildings that adorn every street. Lucky for me, I have somewhat of a view every time I leave my apartment. I can just barely see the shimmering sunrise through a break in the building.

It's not so cold with spring in the air. Pretty soon, early rosebuds and flower blossoms will line the paved streets instead of snow.

It's been a long winter and I'm ready for rebirth.

Braden seems to be that rebirth for me. He's all I can think about and I can't say I hate that.

We had sex in the powder room but that was it. I didn't go back to his place. I'm trying to draw some lines in the sand. I'm trying to keep some semblance of boundaries up even though I can't resist Braden.

I walk out of my building and say goodbye to the friendly doorman. I live in a pretty upscale place. I make good money doing what I do, and while that's not the reason I'm in it, it's part of the reason why I stay and don't legitimize my job.

I walked to my car where I always park it on the street. I drive a pretty inconspicuous BMW. It goes fast, but not as fast as I'm used to cars going.

This morning, however, there are a couple people in suits leaning against the hood of my car.

I approach them.

"Hey, that's not your property."

"Mrs. Lockhart?" one of them says to me.

"That's Miss to you sir, and how do you know my name?"

"We're gonna be the one asking you questions, understand?" he flashes his badge from his inner suit pocket.

Fuck. I feel like walls might as well be crumbling down on me.

I already know they're here because of the racing league and my involvement with it. I've been hoping this day would never come, but here it is.

"So you're official, what's it to me?" I ask, trying to blow them off.

"Ms. Lockhart, I think you're gonna be very interested in what we have to say. My name is Mr. Harrison, and this is my partner Mr. Sanchez. We're investigating a certain Braden Masterson that we know you are well acquainted with."

My heart sinks as I realize this is more about Braden than it is about me. Suddenly, I'd give anything for this to be about me. Look at me wanting to take the fall for a man I'm not even committed to yet.

Sanchez says, "We've been tracking Braden for a long time. And it's come to our attention that you've become close to him very quickly. This is unusual behavior for him. Normally, his circle is so tight that we can't get an edge in. But with you, things may be different."

I try to get into my car, but they block me.

"What do you guys want? I don't know what you're talking about, and why you’d be investigating Braden."

I try to play off my innocence.

"Please Ms. Lockhart, don't be evasive with us. We know you're in on it too. You're part of a high-stakes illegal racing league in town. We know all about your work and what you do.

“But like I said, we're more interested in Braden at this point. He's been bribing officials and officers for ages. And we know that he's developed an incredibly illegal car modality that he's been using to win these races. We want to use that to expose him."

Oh my gosh, they’re referring to Braden's new technology. How could it be illegal? Do they somehow know more about it than I do?

I have my own questions about his methods, but now I can see clearly the FBI does too.

"Well I don't know anything about it," I say honestly.

"That's okay," Mr. Harrison says. "Nobody knows about the technology yet. But we want you to use your position as someone who is close to him. Get to the bottom of his new invention, and find out whatever technology Braden is using to get ahead. You're gonna find and bring the information to us.

“Once we have that information, we're gonna leak it to the competing racers and everyone will realize what Braden's been doing to win. The organization will crumble from the inside."

Wow, these guys must be really confident in their abilities to sway me that they're gonna reveal their entire plan.

The sun is barely breaking across the sky. My day hasn’t even begun, and yet I already have to deal with this?

"I don't know why you think he would trust me with something like that. I'm barely involved with him. In fact, I've barely even met the guy."

Mr. Sanchez says, "You're so beautiful though Jenna. It will be easier for you to glean information from him, than it would be if we drag him down to our headquarters."

This agent is hitting on me and it doesn't make me the least bit uncomfortable. I know I'm strong and I can handle myself even with the threat.

He continues.

"You know we're going to arrest all the racers once the head of the franchise comes down. Once we have Braden Masterson, we're gonna take down the entire racing ring, and that includes you."

I look at him closely, but try not to reveal any emotion. They really are planning on bringing The Billionaires Club to its knees.

"You and your team are under threat. But if you help us, we can ensure your safety. We can grant immunity to your team in exchange for doing our dirty work."

Oh, they're bribing me now? That's rich coming from law enforcement. These guys are really starting to ruin my day. Most of all, the thought of Braden getting hurt and being wrapped up in the middle of this, makes me feel afraid for him.

If I work for these guys, I'll be part of his demise. But if I don't help them, it sounds like I'll be planning my own fall from grace. It's an impossible choice, one I'm not at all prepared to make.

Mr. Harrison says, "You know Jenna, you don't really have a choice in all this. Once everything falls apart, all the racers are gonna be rounded up and put in jail. You'll be swept up in the fray along with your team. Unless of course, you decide to help us."

"Excuse me, when did we decide to operate on a first name basis?" I say to them, trying to avoid answering the question.

"We're going to get everyone sooner or later, Ms. Lockhart. You'll just make it easier for us and yourself if you cooperate," Harrison says to me.

I feel hesitant and very caught off guard. I don't know what to do. There doesn't seem to be a choice in the matter, but I definitely don't want to do this. I can't be the one to bring Braden down. I have more integrity than that. Besides, I care about everyone who’s been part of the circuit.

I put my sunglasses on and try to act cool as a cucumber.

"I'll think about it."

I push my way past them and into the driver's seat of my car. I'm upset about this turn of events and I don't how to respond. I just know I have to get away from here, so I could think. I hit the gas and drive away as fast as possible.

Once I’m far enough, I allow myself to unravel. This can’t be happening. Right when I’ve connected with Braden and we have a chance for things to begin, this nonsense has to come falling down around us.

I don’t know what Braden and I are yet. I don’t know if this is a fling that will fizzle, or if there’s really something meaningful here. But, I do know that every instinct tells me to protect Braden.

I worry about my team too. I have a responsibility to them, and I feel pulled in all directions. I can’t protect everybody. I may not even be able to protect myself.

The day’s starting to look bleak and I decide to take a drive out of city limits to clear my head before I go into work. I can’t face my team just yet.

Somehow, someway, I have to find a solution to this problem. I’ve never dealt with cops before. I’m not the one doing the bribing. I have different concerns.

Suddenly, as my dreams begin to fade, this illegal club seems not worth it. If I lose Braden over this whole thing, none of it will have been worth it. Of that I am sure.

I speed past city limits and into open space where I can race and become one with the road. Only then can I begin to sort out a solution.