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Hard & Fast: A Hard Thrusting Racing Heart Billionaire Romance by Vale, Vivien (40)

Hard Luck

Come first. Kiss later.

You were my best friend's little sister

You gave me your virginity.

But then you asked for my heart.

And I broke your soul.

Ten years later, I'm the King of Vegas.

Billionaire bad boy able to get any woman he wants. 

I think I'm tough. A player. 

But then you turn up on my casino floor. 


And I can't fight it. 

Everything comes rushing back.

The press of your body. 

The feel of your lips.

The smell of your hair. 

Will you give me a second chance?

You can forget. But can you forgive?

You give me thirty days.

But if you knew how much I felt about you...

All you'd need is one.


I take a handful of my thick, long golden hair and twist it tight, securing it in place with pins.

Then I ease on the wig and adjust the glossy black bangs so they sit at the top of my brow. I make sure the part is straight, as if it were made by a knife. I smooth down the hair around my face, moving my head from one side to the other.

I’m assessing myself, critiquing my reflection.

My new hair shines under the overhead light of the hotel’s dressing room. The cut hits under my chin, a dramatic frame for my face.

My gaze moves down, taking in how the soft gold silk dress I’m wearing hugs my hips and falls around my legs, rippling when I move. I look as if I’ve been dipped in honeyed ambrosia.

The dress has turned my hazel eyes to gold.

I planned my look this evening especially carefully. I want to walk out of this room onto the casino floor and into my new life as part of Roger’s Inner Sanctum, the elite escort service I’ll be working with from now on, and to exude power and mystery.

Of course, it’s my bad luck that my debut has to take place in the back rooms of the Alchema, the sleek and elegant hotel and casino owned by none other than Leo fucking Asher.

Leo’s come a long way from the boy who raced around the grounds of my father’s estate.

His father worked for us; his mother lost a battle to cancer when he was a toddler. Growing up, Leo and my brother, Jax, would spend their days teasing me and racing around the grounds of our California ranch.

We grew older.

Jax went east to boarding school; Leo won a scholarship and followed.

I stayed behind.

When the boys came home on holidays, Jax’s teasing turned into sharp jabs at my expense. His friendship with Leo had cooled significantly.

Maybe it was simply a case of growing older and growing apart, but I don’t know what happened. Jax would get annoyed when I’d ask and Leo would ignore the question completely.

By the time they went to college, neither one was speaking to the other, so Leo turned his attention to me. He would call me Golden, because of my hair and eyes. We would talk or sit together quietly for hours.

Then, ten years ago, he left California and transferred to Harvard. He only came home to visit once. It was the summer I turned eighteen.

Three months before my father had to shutter the mines that made the Reids the prominent family we were.

Five months before the beginning of the legal wrangling that left my family broke.

We lost everything.

Meanwhile, Leo made a name for himself in New York. Opening bars and then clubs, he had the golden touch because every establishment he worked on was a wild success.

Now, at 30, Leo Asher is a hotel and casino magnate. He not only owns the 55-story Alchema Hotel in Vegas, but the Nocturne in Monaco.

If I see Leo, I want to be the opposite of the girl he must remember: she was young, gentle, eager, shameless, and curious.

I try to assure myself that I won’t see him because otherwise I won’t maintain my calm.

Ten years ago, when I was eighteen and hungry to explore the things he made me feel, Leo ran his finger across my jaw one afternoon.

I let him see me shudder.

He called me Golden, and I opened myself to him.

Gave myself to him.

Gave him everything.

The memory quickens my pulse. I can see the flush on my cheeks reflected back to me in the mirror, feel the heat on my skin as it reddens before me.

My nipples harden under my dress, the fabric feeling suddenly restrictive, invasive, and giving me attention I don’t want because I memories I can’t forget.

I exhale and try to push the thought of him out of my head, angry that he still has this effect on me after all this time.

Control is exactly the thing I don’t want to grant him; it is precisely the thing he has over me now.

I want control of my body, but my reactions leave me as helpless as if his hot breath was between my thighs right now while he looked up at me, searing my soul with that wicked blaze in his eyes from that night.

“You won’t see him,” I say aloud to remind myself that even if I do see him, he won’t recognize me because I’m disguised.

It is his hotel. He’ll be busy tending to guests and putting out fires as comes with running a business.

He won’t recognize the woman I’ve become...beneath the disguise, or through the years.

I reapply my lipstick and draw a sharp nail across the bottom of my lip to catch any color which may have bled. It’s unnecessary. My lipstick is perfect.

I smile at myself in the mirror.

There’s a knock on the door—two short raps and then the sound of the electronic card beeping entry.

The door opens and Roger walks into the suite, moving towards the dressing room.

He’s tall and broad-shouldered. His clear blue eyes are sharp under black brows, and his white hair is clipped neatly. He looks and acts decades younger than his seventy-seven years.

The only concession to his advancing age is the silver-topped mahogany cane he’s forced to use.

“Hello, Sienna, my darling,” Roger says as he stands behind me.

Our eyes meet in the mirror. His left hand caresses my arm, moving up and down. It’s a familiar gesture, one that’s meant to comfort…and excite.

I smile at him.

“Hello, Roger.”

“Are you ready for your debut?”

I nod. My heart’s racing so fast, I worry it’s vibrating my skin and he can feel the thrum through the skin of my arm.

Roger bends and kisses my neck.

“You’re absolutely beautiful tonight,” he says. “They’ll be lining up for you.”

The other escorts told me to expect this.

He’s harmless ,” they all promised.

He thinks of us as his daughters ,” one girl told me.

He’s a pretty fucked up father.

I watch his eyes move over my body. Taking his time evaluating me.

When my eyes meet his, he smiles.

I hold my breath as his hand travels down the side of me and over my curves, fighting to keep my expression neutral.

“They’re going to love you,” he says. He skips a beat and looks to the door.

This is the opening, the break in his actions that lets me move on and I start to breathe again.

“Shall we?” he asks.

I nod and slip my feet into black leather heels.

Grabbing my clutch, I follow my new boss out the door, down the hall, and into the elevator made of glass.

Below us, the hotel is abuzz with activity. The lights on the machines flicker as the noise from jackpots sound incessantly.

My heart beats fast. I’m nervous… but I’m excited, too.

If I can handle this new job, I’ll be able to do everything I want to do.

I’ll move Dad from California to Vegas and into the Alzheimer care facility near Bonnie Springs.

Pay off my school loans.

Be able to save for the future.

I can buy myself time to figure out what I want to do with my life.

All I know is working with the Inner Sanctum can give me options.

To me, it feels less humiliating than waiting tables on the strip, where anyone can sit down at the table and ask you to tell them the specials. Anyone…like Leo.

This is just another job .

Though, of course, it’s not.

Still, it can set me up for a decade.

Let me explore myself.

Let me explore my fantasies.

I’m protected from being uncomfortable, for the most part, because with the exception of showing up for dinners and events, Roger says I can say no to everything else.

We ride down thirty floors to the mezzanine level.

When the doors slide open, Roger takes my elbow and guides me out.

The entire hotel looks like it’s gleaming. The marbled floors are buffed to a high shine. The chrome details on the ceiling stretch downwards like stalactites.

“This way,” Roger says, bypassing the escalator to the top of the curved staircase leading to the gaming room. “I want the entire floor to see you.”

It feels like every eye in the casino is on us. For a moment, the noise from the slots and the conversations fall mute as the seconds stretch out in a surreal dreamlike suspension of time.

What have I gotten myself into?

Then Roger places his hand on the small of my back and we walk together slowly down the golden staircase.

No turning back now.

We wind our way through the tourist tables towards an ornate set of doors where two men with beautifully tailored, monochromatic black suits stand ready. One of the men nods to Roger and inclines his head towards me.

“Good evening, sir,” he says. “Evening, madam.”

The man then opens the door to another room.

This one is filled with tables where tuxedoed men and elegantly clad women sit together. Gold and black chips are stacked high in front of most of the men in this room.

The cocktail waitresses aren’t smiling. They all have matching red lips and are wearing identical body-hugging, short black dresses. They move smoothly, deliberately, between the tables, deftly staying out of the grasp of high-rolling men sweating over their winnings.

“Welcome to your new office,” Roger says to me with a laugh.

He takes the two glasses of champagne a waitress offers him and hands me one.

“Our clients are among the wealthiest, most powerful men and women in the world,” he says, using his glass to gesture at the room.

“They come to Las Vegas on business or on a break from business. They’re preoccupied with glamour and luxury. They want to experience sensuality. They come here to play among the elites, the crème de la crème.

“That’s where we—well, that’s where you come in,” he says, nodding at me.

“Your job is to make these men, and sometimes women, feel as if they’ve reached the pinnacle of their lives. It isn’t simply laughing at their jokes and seeing to their needs, but your success hinges on your ability to make our clients feel as if they’ve arrived at the inner sanctum, as if the Earth turns with their every desire.

As I listen to Roger, I let my eyes move over the crowd.

“Make our clients feel like they’re the most interesting people you’ve ever met, as if they’re each more exceptional than the last. You’ll be a player in their beautiful game.”

My eyes lock with an attractive Indian man. He holds my gaze for a beat before nodding to Roger.

The man’s gaze follows me as he whispers to a beautiful Asian woman sitting next to him.

I note her delicate features as she looks to Roger, then locks my gaze.

The man gets up and he walks towards us, stopping in front of me.

“Hello, Roger,” the man says, “it’s good to see you.”

“Rahul,” Roger says. “Have you met Sienna?”

“No,” Rahul replies, his eyes on me and not Roger. “I’m sure I would have remembered.”

“It’s lovely to meet you,” I say. I look up at him through my lashes and let my eyes linger over his full lips. I extend my hand and he takes it.

This is part of the job.

This is what you chose .

These reminders do little to calm my fast-beating heart.

Rahul holds my hand a little longer than necessary as he rubs his thumb across my palm, then finally lets it go.

“I hope I’ll see you soon,” he says to me.

“How is your night going?” Roger asks him. “I see you’re with Salma.”

“She’s lovely,” Rahul says, turning towards Roger.

Rahul looks at me again. “It was nice to meet you, Sienna. Welcome to the Sanctum.”

Salma and Rahul return to their table.

Roger seems pleased. Rahul, he tells me, is one of the wealthiest venture capitalists working in Silicon Valley. It’s rumored he’ll be running for governor of California.

I wonder vaguely if Rahul knows my brother, Jax, Nevada’s junior U.S. senator.

It’s a good thing I chose to wear a disguise…Jax is already furious enough that I took this job. If it became public knowledge…

Roger walks over to another man who is elegantly dressed in a crisp white shirt and dark blue suit. His name, I’m told, is Johnny Engles. He’s a multibillionaire hedge fund founder who happens to be confined to a wheelchair.

Johnny smiles at me and pushes his long dark hair out of his eyes. He looks at me curiously.

Perhaps he’s trying to place me.

We exchange pleasantries and I’m not doing so poorly right now. Rahul touched me longer than necessary, and Johnny was cordial. I think after the variety of introductions I’m sure to get tonight, I’ll just try to take everything in stride.

Roger pulls me along. I’m introduced to several more men and the female head of a robotics company. Each one takes my hand and stares at me hungrily.

When my glass is finally empty, I lift my eyes to find a cocktail waitress to refill it.

Instead, I see Leo.

Our eyes lock.

The champagne flute falls through my fingers.

It doesn’t shatter, it rolls along the black carpet that covers the floor in this room.

He’s still beautiful.

Taller than I remember, or maybe it’s that he’s more imposing.

Broad shoulders contained in a perfectly tailored suit. Layers of clothing covering deeply tanned skin.

My eyes take in his face, prominent cheek bones, square jaw, and full lips.

Leo once said that looking at me could set him at ease or drive him wild.

Now he’s looking at me hard, taking in my wig and dress.

I watch his eyes slide towards Roger, who’s standing a few feet away from now speaking to a client whose name I’ve forgotten.

Even from a distance, I can see Leo’s furious. His jaw’s set, and his nearly black eyes narrow.

He’s recognized me.

He’s recognized Roger.

He knows exactly what I’m doing here.

He brings his head down to whisper something to the young woman standing next to him. She moves away and he stalks towards me.

I bite my lip. I want to run away, but my feet are glued to the floor.

I force myself to take a deep breath.

I can’t run away. How would that look? I need this job.

Who is he to judge me? He’s the one who left me to hold everything together alone.

I’m not the one who ran away then; I won’t now.

Instead, I square my shoulders and jut my chin out.

Leo’s coming towards me.

I’m more than a little afraid of what’s about to happen, but this time, I don’t plan to let myself be so vulnerable in his presence.


I’m struggling to walk, forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other. I want to leap over tables and run to her.

I can feel my jaw working, clicking in and out of place.

It feels like I’m running in place, moving through fucking molasses.

Why aren’t people trying to stop me? Why isn’t everyone staring at me? Someone should be holding me back because I’m not in control.

Completely not in control.

I’m breathing hard. It sounds like I’m growling.

The only person who can see how dangerous I am is Sienna.

My heart is beating so fast. I can almost feel the blood pushing against the valves in my veins.


Sienna Reid, the girl I chased around the ranch.

The girl I taught to climb trees.

The woman who surrendered herself to me.

The woman I loved.

She’s the reason I left California ten years ago. I left to prove myself as someone worthy of her.

And now she’s one of Roger’s women? Is she actually one of the Inner Sanctum?

The thought makes me feel completely fucking unhinged.

I spot Roger standing at a table some distance from her. He’s leaning on his cane, laughing with a blue-eyed man with a Spanish accent who claims to be twentieth in line for the British throne.

It doesn’t matter to me, or to Roger for that matter, what our customers’ stories are, how fantastic or horrible they say they are.

Roger and I sell fantasies. If these men and women want to pay for the privilege of endless drinks, fawning service, and everyone believing their tall tales, then so be it.

But Sienna doesn’t make sense in this world. She doesn’t belong here.

It has been ten years since we last saw each other.

Ten years since I promised I’d be back after I’d conquered some small part of the world.

And I did conquer. I conquered New York and now I’m winning Vegas.

But I never went back.

Even after I read in the papers along with the rest of the world how the Reid mines had been shut down and their assets had been seized.

I didn’t go back even after I read how Mr. Reid retreated from the spotlight and spent the last of their once vast fortune trying to stay out of prison.

I read how Jax took his schooling and his contacts and used them to get into politics.

I followed his elections, first to the House of Representatives and now the U.S. Senate, and how he vowed to clean up corporate kickbacks to government officials. Those kickbacks his father used to keep his family in business. He lambasted his father in the media throughout the campaign.

“I know how the rich guys think,” Jax said in one debate. “I was raised at their feet. But I’m not one of them, I know how to defeat them and fight back for the people.”

The people whispered that Mr. Reid had lost his mind and slipped willingly into dementia.

I knew all of this, but still I didn’t go back to Sienna.

I didn’t call her or email her.

I knew she had to cope alone.

I didn’t go back.

Now it’s been so long since we’ve been in the same room, I didn’t immediately recognize her.

My eyes are drawn to her golden dress. It must be made through some sort of sorcery, the fabric is so fine. It ripples over her like liquid gold.

The dress looks as if it was made for her. It hugs her hips and ass and falls over her tits like second skin.

I should have known her at a glance, but the black hair threw me.

Disguising yourself from me, Golden?

Seeing her smile, I know instantly it is Sienna. For one drawn out minute everything rushes back.

The pit manager is asking me something, but I can’t understand what she wants.

The only thing I can think is that Sienna is here .

Then I see Roger.

Sienna doesn’t see me until she turns around, empty champagne flute in hand, and our eyes connect.

What are you going to say to me, girl? How are you going to explain yourself?

I stalk toward her. I want to demand she get out.

But then I realize she doesn’t need to explain herself to me. She’s been taking care of herself for a long time—who am I to demand anything from her?

Doesn’t mean I don’t want to.

I can see she’s bracing herself for confronting me, but I change course.

I’m hunting Roger now.

I’ve let him work out of here for too fucking long. Selling nights with his women to people more interested in how they appear to the world than how they act in the world.

Selling a night of companionship to people too busy bringing in money to know that they’re sad, lonely, and pathetic.

Now Roger will be selling Sienna to a Spaniard with a shady past or to the film producer with the jowls and nose full of broken capillaries, the one known for cornering actresses in hallways and forcing them into his hotel room.

In theory, the women of the Inner Sanctum don’t have to sleep with their clients. Roger’s modelled the Inner Sanctum on geishas.

His employees are smart and cultured. They’re trained to be able to defend themselves against perverts like the film producer. They’re supposed to act like girlfriends and wives, but sex isn’t required.

The women can choose who they allow to touch them, whom they allow inside their rooms, their beds, themselves. The price is high, and Roger’s women are supposed to enjoy themselves.

I picture Sienna playing this game in one of my hotel’s beds. Her head is thrown back, her mouth open, back arched high. She’s moaning, a man’s head is between her legs and she’s in ecstasy.

I want to fucking break something.

It’s just your imagination . I can’t calm myself down though because I’m right behind Roger now. Before I can stop myself, my hand is wrapping like a vise around his arm. I yank him around to face me.

He stumbles and then regains his balance.

“What are you doing, Roger?” I hiss.

Roger looks down at my hand around his arm, his expression totally unruffled.

“Why Leo,” he says, “how can I calm—I mean, how can help you?”

“What are you doing here?” I say. “You know you can’t be openly working the floor.”

“Don’t worry, Leo,” he says. “Don’t worry. I’m not recruiting anyone. I’m just introducing my newest employee to potential clients.”

He pauses, scrutinizing me. “Would you like to meet her?”

I don’t trust my voice. I gather myself. I straighten my spine to the whole of my six foot two inch frame. I nod.

“Of course,” I say curtly. “I need to know all your employees.”

Roger leans towards me. “You’ll love this one, Leo,” he whispers. “She’s just your type.” He winks at me, like he fucking knows . I want to hit him hard.

“Watch yourself, Roger,” I say, my voice soft.

After a pause, Roger smiles.

“Come on,” he says cajolingly.

I follow him back to the table where Sienna is leaning. She’s been watching us the whole time.

“Leo Asher, meet Sienna Reid,” says Roger, his voice booming. “She’s new, but I think she has a lot of potential and promise. Sienna, this is Leo—he owns this palace and has supported the Sanctum for many, many years.”

She extends her hand for me to take. I grip it, trying not to crush it. I can see the pulse in her neck racing, though her expression is controlled.

“Sienna Reid,” I murmur. “Of all the gin joints.”

“Leo Asher,” she replies. “As I live and breathe.”

We don’t say anything for a moment. I let my eyes take in the contours of her face.

She’s taking in all of me, I can feel her eyes moving down my body. I wonder what she’s seeing. What she’s thinking.

“I didn’t realize,” Roger says, amused. “You two know each other?”

I nod, but keep my eyes on the woman with the golden eyes standing in front of me. “We grew up together. My father worked for her family.”

Sienna smiles at Roger. “I seem to have lost my drink. Buy me another?”

But before he can, I signal to one of the cocktail servers and ask her to bring two drinks—a champagne for her and a scotch rocks with a twist for me.

Roger takes the hint and says something about checking one of his girls who’s working a new client. He leaves us.

We’re alone for the first time in a decade. I want to grab her, pull her against me, maybe throw her over my shoulder and haul her up to my penthouse. But I grit my teeth and grip my drink instead.

“Last I heard, you wanted to be a lawyer,” I say. “Didn’t realize you changed careers, or is this the cliché about having to earn money to get through law school? Is that what’s happening here?”

I sip my drink and smile at her condescendingly. “If that’s the problem, I can give you all the money you could ever want.”

Her eyes flash. I’ve insulted her. I watch her wrestle with herself to keep her temper in check. She was always quick to anger…and quick to forgive.

“And the last I heard,” she says, “you were only going to be gone for a few months and back with a foolproof plan.”

She smiles slowly. “Now that we’ve established that minds can be changed and plans can be altered, what else would you like to talk about?”


I’m about to lash out at her, tell she doesn’t have a fucking clue what she’s talking about, but she doesn’t let me start.

“What is it, Leo? What are you going to say?” she says, her eyes flashing. “You left. Life went on. You don’t get to judge me. You don’t get to belittle my choices. You’re taking money from Roger, too. He gives you a cut on what his women bring in. You’re benefitting from this, too. And, even if you weren’t, you’re taking money from the same people I’ll be taking money from. You’re not different than me. You’ve sold out, too. And, hey, we both do that with our clothes on.”

“But you—” I shift so I’m towering over her. “You’re better than this.”

“But me?” Sienna moves toward me, not intimidated by my size or my anger. She places one hand on my chest, smoothing down the lapel of my suit. Even through my layers of clothing, the heat of her touch sears me as if she’s branded me.

She looks up at me through her black lashes. “But me, I get to ask my clients to give me pleasure first. I get to feel desired every time I go to work. Even better, I get to desire. I don’t just get paid, I’m not just making money. My job is just not about getting other people hard. It’s about me getting wet.” She licks her lips. “That’s what you don’t seem to understand.”

Her words both arouse and infuriate me. Fuck, thinking about Sienna, wet and wanting, is something I’m intimately familiar with.

But for someone else? That makes me want to put my fist through a wall.

“Leo, I’m not the girl you left behind,” she says, sounding tired. Then she turns and walks toward Roger, leaving me staring after her.

I know , baby. God, I fucking know.


Seeing Leo throws me off my game. I feel my confidence slipping, like the wind's been knocked out of me. The room is spinning.

As I approach Roger’s side, I grab his arm to steady myself.

Smiling down at me with a lecherous look in his eyes, he holds my hand a little too tightly and leads me across the room to introduce me to more of the crème de la crème of Las Vegas society and takes my attempt to stand as an advance on him.

Was it just minutes ago that I was feeling optimistic about working for Roger at Alchema’s Inner Sanctum? A brand-new escort making the rounds in the most exclusive place I could possibly be. That hopeful feeling vanishes as I struggle to catch my breath and my footing.

Now I’m a jumble of nerves, my mind reeling from what just happened.

The way Leo looked at me…so angry and judgmental. The way his voice practically dripped with condescension. Who the hell is he to judge what I’m doing?

Instead of feeling anticipation about where the night will lead like I did only moments before, I feel a heavy weight settle in the pit of my stomach.

As Roger leads me around, his hand resting on my hip, Leo's hard gaze bores into me from across the room. Wherever I go, his eyes follow. I don’t even have to look to know it’s true—that’s how aware I am of his commanding presence.

I can only imagine what he's thinking right now seeing me like this, dressed up with the sole purpose of attracting a client.

Though I don’t really have to imagine what he thinks.

He made it clear, practically coming right out and accusing me of being a whore. Sure, he didn’t say those words, but the implication was heavy.

What did I expect? He only knows the girl I used to be, and I’m not that girl anymore.

My fingers are tingling from where I rested them on his chest. The way he looked at me when I did that, I swear I saw a flash of heat cross his eyes.

Right before they blazed with fury when I talked about pleasuring my clients.

What I really wanted to do was curl my fingers around his shirt and pull him to me and show him just how much I’ve changed in the past ten years.

I’ve learned what I like and I know how to ask for it. When I looked at him, I was ready to do more than ask. I was ready to take, and see where it led.

I try to collect myself and not think about Leo, who treated me like shit at our little reunion.

You’re better than this .

Still, his words echo in my head.

It’s not like I’ve chosen this because it’s all I ever dreamed of. I've been thrust into this life by default because of my family's financial ruin.

Once the socialite and part of the upper echelon of society, now I’m the pauper instead of Leo. The help’s son…the tables have certainly turned.

"Sienna? Are you listening?" Roger is saying to me.

I blink, pulled from my thoughts. "What? Um, yes. Yes, I am."

"Okay good. Now, that's Mr. Peterson over there at the blackjack table. He's a regular patron, so make him feel special if he talks to you."

The man looks our way and raises a glass to me, and I nod my head and smile, slowly, seductively, in acknowledgment.

"Okay good, he's seen you. He's one of our clients with the deepest pockets, Sienna, so use this chance to shine." He gives my hip an encouraging squeeze, then lets it fall away slowly as he nudges me toward Mr. Peterson.

I'm here to work and I want to work . I am not here to worry about the ghost of an old life.

I can do this.

I smooth my hands over my dress and try to appear confident. Try to draw on some of that empowerment I was feeling before Leo swooped in and left me staggered.

I leave Roger's side and make my way over to the blackjack tables. If all goes well, this evening could end with a big paycheck coming my way.

"Hello, sir,” I say, pitching my voice low and seductive. “I'm Sienna."

I turn on the charm, going for an air of mystery.

If there's one thing I can do, it's make men swoon. When you grow up in a patriarchal household like I did, you learn the ropes of how to get your way as a woman, sometimes with nothing more than a touch and a smile.

My father had hundreds of elite parties over the years. More often than not I’d blow off his rich friends and their sons because I could afford to be snobby.

Now I’m at the beck and call of the very same type of men.

When Mr. Peterson reaches for me, it’s a bit more unnerving than I expect it to be.

I keep the smile firmly in place, though. "Mr. Peterson is it? I must say, you know how to wear a suit.” I want to laugh at the ridiculous statement falling from my lips, but instead just let my hand glide along the rich fabric as I take his arm. "Please, can you show me around? This is my first time here."

His eyes spark as he hears this, like he can’t wait to sample the newest item on the menu. "Of course. Sienna, is it? Let me get you a drink. A woman as beautiful as you should never be without a man waiting to provide you the very best."

Cue the inner eye roll.

He waves down one of the cocktail waitresses.

I envy her job right now. She doesn't have to schmooze this man who's twice her age. She can breeze right by and do her job without wondering what the patrons might ask of her later.

Me? I'll be stuck with him all night. With that thought, my mind races with a singular worry. What happens next?

As I take the glass of champagne from her, I look up and find Leo still staring at me with a dark look in his eyes.

He’s still brooding and I wonder why. Is it really about me taking a job with Roger?

Why the hell does he feel like he has any right to care about what I do? He didn’t care before when he left me heartbroken and alone.

I’m suddenly angry. He has no right to say the things he did. He obviously wanted to get under my skin with those comments.

Now I decide it's time to turn that around and to have a bit of fun with Leo. I ignore Leo and turn back to Mr. Peterson, turning up my flirting a few notches.

Let’s see what Leo thinks about that.

"Mr. Peterson, you look so dashing tonight.” I bat my eyelashes and look at him adoringly. “Please tell me you don't have plans. I'd love to spend the evening with you. Maybe you could teach me how to play poker?"

I know damn well how to play, but nothing gets men like this wrapped around your finger more than playing dumb.

It's how I got my father to do everything for me.

Though it’s a little disturbing that I think of this man like I would my father…and my mind travels back to the comments from the girls about Roger thinking of the girls as his daughters.

That’s what Leo thinks of me. As some girl with daddy issues now.

Whatever. It's go time.

This is supposed to be the new me, empowered and ready to do what I want with my life. I have to push any negative thoughts out of my mind and just do this.

If for no other reason than to make Leo jealous and prove to him that I don't care. That I'm over him. I want him to be the one left with want and regrets.

I refuse to go there again.

Not with him. Not for him.

Mr. Peterson leads me to the high roller poker table. I make sure to stand where Leo has a clear view of me and my new date.

It's five-card draw but I pretend not to know that as I lean over Mr. Peterson's shoulder. I make a big show of not understanding his cards and what they mean. And then I gush ridiculously when he makes a huge bet for me.

He eats it up.

"Oh, this is so exciting. Maybe a kiss for good luck?"

I bend and plant a kiss on his cheek, leaving a visible red lipstick mark. As I do, I peer back towards the bar, but Leo's gone.

Fuck. Where'd he go? I wonder if he saw my show of affection or if it was all for nothing?

I stay with Mr. Peterson all night, and make more money in those few hours than I could have in a week anywhere else.

Leo's still not around by the time the evening ends, and I don’t want to admit to myself that I’m disappointed.

I liked the feeling of him watching me, even if he was angry about it. I want his eyes on me.

Eventually, I call it quits and take my leave. Mr. Peterson was a total gentlemen and requested little more than a few kisses and for me to sit on his lap...a lot.

I’m struggling a little with my feelings about this new job but I refuse to dwell on it. It's a small price to pay for the wad of cash that I stuff into my Louis Vuitton.

My heels click on the marble floors as I make my way back to the elevators that will take me to my room.

It must be four in the morning, and though Vegas is still humming, it's a lot quieter now.

Someone grabs me from behind a giant column, and I see familiar dark eyes blazing with fury.

"What the fuck are you doing, Sienna? You spent all night with that creep?"

"Oh, hello, Leo." I pretend not to care about his indignation as I twist out of his grasp.

Inside, I'm screaming. W hat is he still doing here? How did he find me?

My skin is hot from his hands on my body, even though they were only on me for seconds. Just being in his presence makes my body feel like it might spontaneously combust, but I have to play this cool.

"You can't do this," he says, all authoritative dominance.

"The hell I can't!"

He's got some unbelievable nerve to think he can tell me what to do. "You stopped calling the shots a long time ago. I answer to no one. Can't you tell, Leo? I'm all grown up."

“I see that.” He rakes his eyes over my body. "But it's fucking dangerous, Sienna. Don 't you know anything about the business?"

"Listen, it's none of your concern, but I happen to have a very nice boss. And hey, I gotta do what I gotta do for money right now."

He actually looks sympathetic for a moment. "I heard about what happened to your dad."

"Yeah, well, he didn't plan very well," I reply, but I don’t want to talk about that. "What more can I say?"

I don't plan to get into my family heartache with him. Not after he left me alone to deal with the aftermath without a single word in ten years.

He takes my arm again like he has some right to touch me.

"You don't have to do this," he says.

I turn towards him and catch his eyes, anger vibrating within me. "Leo, you don't know the first thing about what I need or who I am. Not anymore. I'm a different person now and I don't owe you anything. This may be happening in your casino, but that's the extent of your involvement."

My words are biting but true. He hurt me in the past. I really don't owe him a damn thing.

He lets me go abruptly.

"Now, I've had a long night and I'm going to bed," I say, ready to just get away from him and the storm of emotions he dredges up.

I walk away, head held high, and don't look back, but I know his eyes are following me. I can feel it , just like earlier .

Once inside the elevator, I slump against the wall and try to catch my breath.

It took everything in me to stand up to Leo Asher like that. He's gorgeous. Even more than before because he’s all man now.

I'm not interested in him breaking my heat again. I have to keep my distance from him. No matter what my body says, my mind knows better.

I pull off my wig and let my blonde waves fall loosely around my shoulders as the glass elevator takes me up to my room.

How am I going to do this every single night? My only hope is that Leo won’t be around as much as he was tonight, staring me down while I flirt with other men.

Otherwise…this is going to be harder than I anticipated.

I look down as the elevator rises higher, and there he is.

Leo's just standing where I left him, watching me even in here.

Our eyes meet for a second, and then I'm gone, too high for him to see.

I'm grateful for the escape because the nervous energy that races through me overwhelms. I'm happy to be away from him because I can breathe again.

At least that’s what I keep telling myself hours later as I lie awake in my bed, thinking about what the next night will bring.


Golden eyes float above me, equally golden hair cascading down around my face as my girl hovers over me, her mouth open in ecstasy as she sinks down onto my throbbing cock.


Not again.

I slam my hand down on my desk trying to rid myself of the images.

I'm in my office going over some detailed paperwork. My executive assistant has cleared my schedule for the afternoon because she knows that it's urgent business. My head should be in the game but all I can think about is...her.

I never expected to see Sienna again. Last night was the shock of my life. Now that I’ve seen her, heard her, felt her, she permeates all of my thoughts.

As much as I try to put her out of my head and focus, fantasies like this keep invading my mind. I’ve been rock hard all day, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

Just as I’m about to try for the eighty-seventh time to get this paperwork wrapped up, my phone buzzes.

"Mr. Asher, I have Mr. Jax Reid waiting for you," my assistant, Carly, says.

I stare at my phone in shock. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

Not only did Sienna walk back into my life last night and throw me into a tailspin, but now the last person I thought I’d ever see again is here to further shake up my world.

Carly knows not to bother me unless the person is really important, and considering Jax's face has been all over the news as he's up for reelection, she must have deemed him important enough to disturb me.

Little does she know that he's the last person on earth I want coming into my office. With our history, things are strained. And that’s putting it mildly.

"Hello there, Leo." Jax strides right in before I can even tell Carly it’s okay to send him back.

"Jax. Still a presumptuous asshole, I see. What the fuck are you doing here?" I say, barely looking up from my paperwork. He doesn't deserve the time of day from me.

"Still grouchy about the past, I see.” His cocky attitude hasn’t changed, that much is clear.

This infuriates me, and I lift my head to meet his gaze now. "I think you’re the one to blame for that, if I remember correctly."

"Me?" he scoffs. "Excuse me, but you slept with my sister. You tricked her, stole her virginity and then ran away."

This enrages me further. It takes superhuman effort to keep myself from jumping over the desk and grabbing him by the throat.

I practically bark, "I did that for you, and you damn well know it. I stayed away because you wanted me to. I would never have abandoned Sienna."

It doesn’t take much for our history to come up from the depths in which I’ve buried it. Memories flash through my head as I stare at the man my old friend has become.

Yeah, we were friends, the best of friends, but when Sienna and I slept together ten years ago it made Jax crazy and we got into a huge argument over it. The things he said were unforgivable. It destroyed a friendship that had felt more like a brotherhood.

Ten years, and I haven't seen either of them. Until she walked back into my life last night. Upending everything.

When I saw that Sienna’s working as an escort, I took it upon myself to text her brother and tell him.

It doesn't matter how many years of animosity we have between us. Someone needs to protect her from herself. If she refuses to listen to me, which obviously she is, I don’t have a choice.

Jax needed to know.

Though the last thing I expected was for him to show up at my office.

"I know why you're here," I say calmly, deciding to avoid a rehashing of the conversations we've had in the past. It would be futile. "But I don't know what you think I can do about it."

He takes a seat, though I don't offer it. Bastard.

"I think there is something you can do, Leo. And at the very least you owe me this favor considering you were the one to steal her innocence, which probably led us to this point."

Unbelievable. He just has to make one more dig. I get up and walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows of my office that overlook the Vegas Strip. It's nice to have money and literally be at the top, but I guess it doesn't spare you from drama.

I almost want to laugh at the absurdity of it. Jax wants to make Sienna’s choice my fault because I took her virginity ten years ago?

Shaking my head, I turn towards him. "What is it Jax, huh? What do you want from me?"

Staring at my old friend, I see how distant we've become. It's weird to look on his face again, this man that I used to trust as a brother. He's come far in life, and so have I, yet we've each done it alone. We had plans, aspirations. We were going to take on the world together. Now I can't imagine trusting him the way I once did.

"I have a proposition that I think you'll like, considering the feelings you have for my sister." He sneers.

It infuriates me further with the emphasis he puts on feelings, like they weren’t fucking real. There’s nothing more goddamn real than the way that I felt for Sienna and that’s why it has been torturing me all day.

If I couldn’t focus then, him dredging up the lingering frustrations is making it all that much worse.

How can I maintain control when Sienna is always the key to me stopping everything and thinking about nothing but her soft body?

I slam my fists down on the desk and say, "I don't feel that way anymore. God, man, it's been ten years. But fuck you for minimizing what it was."

He looks at me suspiciously like he doesn't believe a word I'm saying.

I am over her. We slept together once, and then Jax swooped in like the foreboding older brother and kept me away.

Sienna’s fucking gorgeous and that distracted me. This isn’t anything more that I’m hung up on and Jax doesn’t get to make goddamn judgements about any of it now.

We’re not friends now and I can barely fucking stand him. He shouldn’t have come here.

Now he's asking for my help? He can't be serious.

"Fine, whatever you say, Leo. You loved her once.” He waves his hand dismissively. “But it's good if you're over her because my position on the two of you still stands. And what I’m about to propose doesn’t change a thing."

"Wow," I say sarcastically. "You're really good at buttering someone up to get your favors done. Aren’t politicians supposed to be better at that shit?"

He ignores my statement. "Now that I know Sienna's working as an escort, I need to handle it. I'm up for reelection and I can't have this news getting out about my sister."

Of course this is about him. Why would I think he was here because of what was best for Sienna? Nothing’s changed there.

"Yeah, so what's that got to do with me?"

"I want you to hire her permanently as your own personal escort. Then she'll still get paid for her sham of a job, but it will also remain a secret."

I stare at him in disbelief. His request actually forces me to sit down in the oversized leather chair.

I don 't want him to know it, but the thought of being so intimately connected with Sienna again makes my body burn with desire. My cock is instantly rock hard, when Jax’s intrusion today was the one thing that kept me from remaining hard while I tried to trudge through paperwork.

I try to remind myself that I'm over her, it could never be. Our chance has passed. But here’s her brother offering her up to me on a silver platter.

"I can't do that," I say, despite my overwhelming desire to say yes. "It's like opening Pandora's box. The past is the past, and it should stay there."

Jax’s face grows increasingly anxious, and I can see that he really needs me to do this for him.

I don't owe him a damn thing.

He cut me out of his life a long time ago and now he comes crawling back asking a favor?

I don't think so. I'm not somebody you can just jerk around and manipulate like his voters. I’m not a pawn in his game.

I’m another player in this fucking game…but the play he wants me to make is so damn tempting.

"I couldn’t agree more,” Jax says. “But this won’t be a repeat of the past. Unless you’re lying and you think you still have feelings .” Again with the sarcastic emphasis.

Jesus Christ, I want to slam my fist into his face just as much as I did ten years ago.

I ignore that jab because there’s enough rage running through my veins already. "Why don't you just tell her to stop?" 

That's what I would do in this predicament. Luckily, I don't have a sister to worry about and keep tabs on.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Do you remember anything at all about Sienna? You can't tell her to do anything. In fact, she'll probably do the opposite of what you tell her."

Ah, Sienna. The memory of her feisty nature isn’t hard to find. I saw it in full force last night. It's one of the things that I loved about her, and while it drives me crazy, I'm also glad to hear she hasn’t lost that, even all these years later. And with everything she’s been through.

But I stand my ground. "Well, I can't help you. Sorry, Jax."

I'm not sorry. This fool doesn't deserve any of my time and he's already been here too long. "Carly, my assistant, will show you out."

I'm about to press the call button for her, but Jax pleads with me one more time.

"Please Leo. Come on, you know I wouldn't be here unless it was important."

I do know that. And I mull over in my mind all the reasons this is such a terrible idea.

For starters, Sienna brings out things in me that are best left buried. It took me a long time to cover those emotions with a steely, impenetrable exterior, and I have no intention of taking that down now.

Secondly, my sexual nature has become a bit too depraved for her.

We've both grown up since I took her virginity.

Now my tastes are much harder to fulfill. I require a lot from a woman, and that's why I go through them so quickly. No one can keep up with my demands.

Besides, escort or not, Sienna will always be an innocent girl in my mind. I've already corrupted her once. No need to make it worse.

I want to protect her from who I’ve become…and that won’t fucking work if I’m supposed to have her at my personal, sexual beck and call. How do you keep from indulging every filthy fantasy you have when you have a personal slut on your payroll?

I know she doesn’t have to sleep with her clients.

She’s an escort.

I wouldn’t just be some client. Not with our history. Not with our chemistry. I couldn’t hold back.

Still, I don’t let these thoughts read on my face. Let Jax think I won’t take his fucking deal.

Jax stands up and he's almost to the point of begging. "Please man. You're the one that made me aware of what she's up to. And you’re in the perfect position to help fix it. As long as she's getting paid, she won't care who's in charge of her. It's the only way to navigate her ridiculous plan."

In charge of her…

Fuck, the notion of owning Sienna and of having her under my thrall whether she wants to be or not is appealing. I can think of several depraved things I’d do to her just to get her acquainted with my style. This idea of being her... master shall we call it? Well, it's overwhelmingly tempting.

Ultimately, I have to say no.

I have a business empire to run and I don't have time for any unforeseen complications.

Especially the kind I know Sienna would bring.

"I can’t help you, Jax. I have too much going on to keep track of your black sheep little sister. I hope you find a solution. I really do."

He turns on his heel and leaves without saying one more word. I can tell he's angry about my refusal, but that’s his problem.

I can’t worry about Sienna. I did my part by telling Jax. If he wants to do something about her, it’s his responsibility.

I know I made the right choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier to get her off my mind.


Night number two as part of Roger’s Inner Sanctum and I've been hired by another high roller who’s just in Vegas for the night. While he's old, lecherous, and kind of creepy, business is business, I guess.

I don't know what I thought being an escort would look like, but I must have been hoping it would be a lot more glamorous.

You know, getting to spend time with rich, hot men...not gross, ancient ones.

Reality is crashing down on me as I realize the life of being an escort may not be as fantastic as I thought.

I'm trying to be strong, though, and pull through and not back out of my commitment before it even begins. I need this money.

I force myself to breathe in and out steadily. I grip the sides of the sink in the casino powder room as I try to compose myself to play the girlfriend of this nauseating man, Robert, for the next few hours. My stomach turns at the way he looks at me.

You can do this. Come on. Get it together .

I give myself the pep talk as I reapply the deep red lipstick that matches my frilly little red dress.

I look like the perfect mix of sexy and sophisticated. I have a fresh spray tan and my hair is expertly highlighted by my stylist so that the combination makes me look perfectly desirable.

I decided to forget about the wig now that Leo’s recognized me. He’s why I chose to wear it...and he knows I’m here. Knows what I’m doing. There’s no point in disguising myself now.

I take a sip of water and prepare to make my entrance. Walking through the casino to the Inner Sanctum, I see that all eyes are on me. I'm used to the attention and I take it as a compliment.

Maybe I'll at least make a worthwhile profit tonight.

I hear my date for the evening wheeze before I see him.

"Hi, are you my honey for tonight?" Robert says.

I spin around and see the eighty-seven-year-old man dressed in a crinkled brown suit and mismatched socks. No one would think this guy had any money, but by the sizable check he hands me straightaway, I know he’s definitely loaded.

"Well, thank you, sir. So nice to see you. I can’t wait to spend tonight with you." Fake it ‘til you make it. "How shall we begin our evening?"

"Well, I want to show you off so let's go to the cocktail lounge first. I want everybody to see my new lady." His laugh devolves into a fit of coughs, and I just smile as I awkwardly reach out to pat him on the back.

What have I gotten myself into?

"Okay," I say when he finally stops coughing, grimacing at the thought of him calling me his lady.

We enter the lounge and sit at the glitzy bar on plush velvet seats, and I catch my reflection in the glass behind the many bottles that line the bar.

I see another young woman with a very old man. It seems like that’s the way things work here.

I sip my bourbon and let the warm feel add to my melancholy at my predicament, thinking that there's no saving this night. That’s confirmed as Robert places his bony hand way too high on my thigh.

Is he serious? I’m debating pushing it away when we’re interrupted.

“Good evening.” The smooth, deep voice slides right under my skin and warms me up far better than the bourbon ever could.

After last night, I never thought I'd be so glad to see that face.

"Leo! What are you doing here?" I swivel in my seat, and Robert’s hand falls from my thigh.

Leo closes in on me and there’s virtually no space between our bodies. He's at my side and the old man is on the other. It's like he's trying to claim me, even though I'm technically on a date.

I draw in a sharp breath, filling my nose with the masculine scent emanating from Leo. It masks Robert’s mothball stench.

He ignores my question but says to my date, "I'm Leo. I own this casino. Please let me know if there's anything you need."

The man chuckles and says, "Finally, some top of the line service here."

Robert obviously thinks that Leo’s here to be at his beck and call, but I know he's here for another reason.

Leo is checking in on me. At least that's the way it seems. Why else would he be lurking where he doesn't belong?

Leo’s also giving Robert a death glare. I almost feel bad for the old guy, even though less than a minute ago I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more than to get away from him.

Leo’s just taken the number one spot on that list, though.

I’m a strong, independent woman and I can take care of myself, as evidenced by the last ten years. I didn't need him then and I don't need him now.

Frustrated, I turn to him...and on him, no longer wanting him as my savior from an evening with my ancient date.

"You know, Mr. Asher, is it? We’re doing just fine here," I say as I cozy up to old Robert. "We're on a date in case you haven't noticed, and I think a little privacy is in order."

Robert is clearly appreciative of my advances, squeezing my thigh under the counter.

I want to smack him and pull away, instead I plaster on a big fake smile for Leo’s benefit.

Leo narrows his eyes at me like he’s trying to get a read on the situation.

I just lift my eyebrow expectantly, wanting him to make the next move.

The last thing I need is him thinking I can't handle myself.

Leo shrugs and takes his leave, and I do my best to ignore the pang in my chest as he flippantly discards the situation and moves to something I suppose he feels is more deserving of his attention.

Robert suggests we make our way over to the poker tables, and I gladly follow, happy that it won't just be me and him. Maybe he’ll keep his hands to himself.

We place our bets and Robert wins pretty big.

As the night wears on however, he becomes more and more aggressive with me. The alcohol he keeps imbibing emboldens him to put his hands all over me.

Pretty soon his hand is on my ass and he delivers a vague threat that he expects me to go home with him. He’s joking, right? Being the token dirty old man?

But no. It quickly becomes apparent that he’s dead serious. “I paid for you, girl,” he snarls. “And I plan on getting my money’s worth.”

This makes me really nervous and I know that whatever happens, I cannot leave with this man. Though he's old and kind of weak, he still seems dangerous. Something about him gives off a menacing vibe and I’m not just disgusted by him, now.

Now, I’m afraid.

I can feel Leo's eyes watching me from across the room. I’ve felt them all night, just like last night, he hasn't let me out of his sight since I spoke with him at the bar.

I want to ask for Leo’s help, but doing so would mean admitting defeat to the man that jaded me.

I catch his gaze, and in that split second, we’re connected, both aware of the painful past that's transpired between us. Something else is there too...the electric chemistry between us that seems insulated from our frustrations we’re both battling. I don't know what Leo’s thinking and at this point what I am, but in seconds I see Leo making his way over to me.

I pretend not to notice, unsure of how I feel about this development.

"Everything going okay?" he asks smoothly.

Robert is beyond drunk by this point, and he slurs something incoherent at Leo that neither of us understand.

I'm okay with this because the drunker Robert is, the easier I'll be to ditch him without notice.

Leo whispers in my ear, "come with me. Let me take you out of here."

"No, thank you," I say defiantly. "I’m working."

He glares at me and speaks through gritted teeth. "I can see that, but I can also see you're getting yourself into trouble."

"I'm fine," I tell him haughtily.

I grab Robert's arm, even though doing so makes my skin crawl. "Aren't we fine, Robert?"

Robert has all the ammunition he needs in this touch to put his hands where they don't belong. He strokes my hair and my face, his hands clumsy and bumbling in his drunkenness.

I cringe despite my best efforts to keep control of this situation. The conflicting disgust with Robert and my will to keep Leo from rescuing me, like I can’t handle myself, is escalating this situation out of my control.

"Oh yes," Robert says. "This sexy little thing and I are going to make a night of it."

My eyes dart toward Leo’s involuntarily, wide and anxious.

Leo's eyes turn to black fire.

His skin flushes red and his tone is heated as he grinds out, "Sienna, the gig is up. You’re not going anywhere with this creep."

He grabs my arm aggressively but I pull out of his grasp.

"Leave me alone, Leo. I have nothing to say to you."

Though the feeling of his hands on my skin makes my heart pump wildly, I know that any desire I allow myself to feel for Leo is far more dangerous than old Robert here.

Robert could take my body, but Leo could break my heart.

The damage dealt when I let Leo take my virginity left me with painful scars. The trust that I offered him was the first step in the pain, because then Leo never came back, despite his promises. He went to college and we never spoke again.

It took me years to get over him because he wasn’t just my lover, he was my friend first.

I never expected him to be such a heartless ass to me.

I never expected to be just some girl to him. But he threw me out like yesterday's garbage and that hurt more than anything I’d experienced before or since.

The lies mark themselves over every inch of trust I ever granted Leo, so no matter how much I want to be as far away from Robert, I don’t know how much I’m stepping out of one frying pan and into a fire that could tear me apart.

Even though Leo is radiating raw, powerful sex appeal with the way he's exerting his authority right now, I know that I can’t allow it to affect me. Leo’s untrustworthy and I can never let myself forget that. Lust clouds my thoughts and my heart aches at what hurt me, so it’s no wonder I suck in a breath and wonder what the hell I’ve gotten myself into right now.

Leo stalks off but I notice he doesn't go far.

I lay it on thick with Robert and am sure to feed him more and more drinks while keeping myself sober. It's my only recourse to get out of this mess.

Unless, of course, I want to ask Leo for help, which I will never do unless it’s a last resort. I have more dignity than that. I’m owning more than my financial future with this job; I’m taking care of myself.

Running to Leo is me saying it is okay to discard me and then be my saving grace. I’m more than that.

I see Leo over Robert's shoulder, still staring daggers at me. The air in the room is thick, electrifying, and I feel my body throbbing and pulsing just by being near him. No matter what my head thinks, my body is on pure instinctual lust and our attraction is raw.

"So," I say to Robert, "how about we call it a night? I've had a really great time with you," I lie. Swallowing, I hope that I’m pulling off a relaxed response.

"No, honey, you're coming with me. I've paid for the night and I intend to get my money's worth." 

His hands make their way to my waist, and I push him off. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm kind of in trouble here. 

I mean, I could probably take the old man if it came down to it, but I don’t want to cause a scene, and I definitely don’t want to get fired.

I glance at Leo but see that he's no longer there.


What do I do now?

I stand up and try to walk away, but Robert tugs at my arm. "No, you're not going anywhere."

"Like hell I'm not!" I jerk my hand away.

The poker dealer looks at us awkwardly, and so does the other couple at our table. They have no idea I'm an escort and they likely think I'm a gold digger dating this older man. No one comes to my aid.

I try to walk away, and Robert gets up to follow me.

Then just as I'm starting to feel a wave of panic, a pair of strong arms come around me from behind. I immediately feel safe in the familiar grasp.

"She's coming with me, sir. I suggest you take a cab or a limo or whatever else brought you here and leave." Leo’s voice is harder than I’ve ever heard it, almost unrecognizable.

The professionalism in his words and the power in his voice undoes the conflict I have. I want out of this situation, and this is the way…and I want Leo to be the way right now.

"You think you can stop me? I've paid for this whore and I intend to get my due."

“What did you just say?” Leo’s face is flaming red now.

I’ve never seen him so angry.

It almost frightens me, but at the same time the danger in him is directed at protecting me and it makes me feel safer, not scared.

Leo picks the old man up by his collar and personally pushes him through the high limit room and out the door. He tells the security guard to escort him the rest of the way out and never let him on the premises again.

"I'll get you for this," Robert yells to Leo's back. "I’ll turn you in for being complicit in the prostitution ring being run out of this casino."

I gasp at his accusation but Leo doesn't even flinch. He doesn't seem to care at all about the man's threats.

Instead, he scoops me up in his arms and holds me tight.

I allow myself to be held and I feel grateful, at least for the moment, because I don’t think I let myself feel how scary the situation had become until Leo removed me from it..

"Let’s go,” he says roughly.

"Where are we going?" I ask, still shaken up…but now there’s a different anticipation hanging over my head.

“Upstairs. I’m taking you to my penthouse.”


I stride through the casino with my hand clamped around Sienna’s arm, pulling her into my private elevator and away from the hands of that bastard.

What was she even thinking going out with a guy like that? Can't she tell bad news when she sees it?

I am absolutely disgusted by that mockery of date I saw down there. If Sienna thinks this is the only way to make money then she needs to be taught a lesson.

Someone has to show her how to protect herself.

Or at least step in and do her bidding for her.

Having her here with me goes against everything decision I tried to make with the best intentions. I vowed not to get wrapped up in her.

Fuck. She smells so delicious. I want to bury my face in her hair while I bury my cock deep inside her pussy.

I clench my jaw, trying to erase the images that won’t fucking stop coming.

She looks even more stunning than she did last night. Her body is tanned and tight like it is calling out for my touch. I want every perfect inch of her to beneath me. I want to push her up against this elevator wall taker her, claim her, just like I claimed her once before.

She's still the best I've ever had. I'll never forget that night and I don't want to. Right now I just want to retake what my body is fucking screaming is mine.

"What were you thinking?" I ask her with barely suppressed rage, lust coiling to the surface.

She looks at me like I have some nerve. "Who are you to question my motives? You're not even in my life anymore. You don’t control me."

It's not what she says but the way she says it. So defiant. Her tone has a biting quality that simultaneously turns me on, makes me want to control her, but that also stabs me right through the heart.

I left her, it's true, but I don’t think she has a clue about the real reason why.

That’s no excuse. My cock wants to make it all better. My mind doesn’t want to reason with what’s right.

I look away, not wanting my face to reveal my warring thoughts and the untamed hunger she draws from me. "It seems like I'm the only one here for you now. How did you expect to fend that guy off? Were you just going to leave with him?"

"Of course not!" She sounds indignant but from what I saw, she was in way over her head.

"I don't know how you could put yourself in that position. I mean, that lecherous old man was pushing the limits. Do you let every guy handle you like that these days as long as there’s something in it for you?"

She looks enraged. And then her hand flies up out of nowhere and she slaps me in the face. I stare at her in disbelief and put my hand to the burning skin.

Something about it turns me on, makes me crazy. I've never had a woman stand up to me like that.

It makes me want to turn her over my knee and punish her in my own way. I want to prove my dominance over her feisty little attitude, and I decide right then that I won't stop until she knows just how powerful I am.

"Aren't you a fiery little thing?" I say through gritted teeth.

She stares up at me unapologetically.

I did deserve it. I basically called her a whore, even though I know in my heart she's the farthest thing from it.

Still, I don't understand how she could sell herself like this for money.

I know she's just beginning to work as an escort and that she has no intention of sleeping with the men she dates for pay, but she doesn't know the business like I do.

Doesn’t know the men like I do. They're always going to try something.

They’ll always try to take things too far, and she needs a personal bodyguard to handle that safely.

She's like this innocent princess in a world of sharks. And this is especially true in Vegas.

"You deserved it," she says boldly, though her hands are shaking.

"I know."

My confession seems to appease her, and I hope we can let it go because my cock is straining hard against my pants and it's hard to contain.

She’s just upped the ante by standing up for herself like that.

Now I want her even more, and I always, always get what I want.

I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this. I told myself she was off limits.

Fuck, her goddamn brother showed up begging me to make her mine, and I told him no. But it’s getting harder to resist her with every second that passes.

Fucking finally, we reach the penthouse. I want to spread her over the dining room table and shove my cock into her over and over again to show her who’s really in charge, but I play it cool.

If I’m going to have her, I’ll seduce her first and then make her beg for it.

I casually walk up to the expensive backlit glass bar. "Want a drink?"

"Yes, please. Jameson."

She takes the liberty of inspecting my apartment, or rather, my deluxe penthouse bachelor pad. It's pure luxury and all male; there’s a not a hint of a feminine touch anywhere. It's all leather, chrome and wood.

Everything is perfect, situated to a tee, and that's how I like it.

I need to have control over every facet of my life, starting with where I lay my head at night and where I bring my women.

Those women never stay long, but I love seeing their shocked faces when they realize I live in a mansion on top of the most exciting city in the world.

I literally have it all at my feet.

Sienna sees this and tries to hide her reaction. I know she's as impressed as all the others have been even though she’s no stranger to luxury.

"Like what you see?" I meet her at the window and hand her a glass of the whiskey over ice.

"It's fine. I mean, I've seen better."

She's such a fucking liar. I want to laugh.

Although her brother is a politician with access to the world's most powerful leaders and her father’s company was worth a fortune before they lost everything.

There's no telling what she's seen.

I just know how much I want to show her. Fuck, she permeates my every thoughts in that maddening way where I can’t control myself. She’s a danger to me as much as I’m a danger to her.

I take a long, hard drink of the amber liquid and zero in on her, prepared for round two of battle.

"So, why are you escorting anyway? You know I think it's a bad idea."

She gazes at me with those golden eyes that haunt me.

"It's a good thing I don't really care what you think. I can do what I want, and I want to be an escort. End of story. I don't have to explain why."

I meet her defiant expression with my hardened gaze.

Fine. If she wants to play that way, I can play. I pick up my phone and send a quick text and then I shoot her a smug smile. Get ready for the fireworks.

"What did you just do?" She just can't help but ask.

"Oh, that?" I say nonchalantly. "I texted your boss. I now own you as my personal escort for the next thirty days."

"You what?" She's angry now, like I've hit a nerve. Her expression twists into a combination of fury and incredulity.

My lips curve up into a taunting smile, and I say, "You heard me."

It’s almost certainly a bad idea.

I refused Jax’s request, I denied myself twice already…yet here I am making sure she’s mine for the next thirty days.

I’m out of my fucking mind, I know.

But I refuse to let her be subjected to the perversions of the men who’d buy her. I tell myself I’m protecting her.

And while I’m at it, I might as well enjoy it.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I dare. It’s done"

She pulls her hand up to slap my other cheek, but this time I've seen her coming a mile away.

I catch her wrist and twist it so that she's curled into my chest, unable to escape.

"You're mine now. If you insist on being owned, I’m going to be the fucking one to own you."

"Let me go!" She says the words, but I can tell by her breathing, her flushed skin, her voice…she doesn’t want to be released. 

In fact, I feel the heat between us and I think it's time to make her admit she feels it too.

I pin her arms behind her back and wedge her between me and the window overlooking the vast heights of the city. My hips are pinned against her. She can't escape even if she wanted to. But I know she doesn’t want to.

She’s mine right now and she’s craving it like I do.

I have her right where I want her, though I didn't fully realize it until now.

I've missed her sexy body and that feisty spirit. Now I look forward to owning her body, mind, and soul for the next thirty days.

As for Sienna? Her eyes tell me she's just begging for it.

"You know, you might like being owned," I whisper.

The heat between us is so intimate and yet so fucking primal.

Sienna always delivers up something unexpected, and I can’t wait to find out what that is tonight, and every night that I want her thereafter.

This is going to be fucking good. So fucking good.

"No." She bucks against me, struggling to break free of my grasp, but I don't move a muscle. "You have me all wrong. I don't want this. I don't want you."

She says the words, but her body is quivering beneath mine. She may resist but I know I'm the one she wants.

"It's fine if you don't want me because I own you now. That's what you get for being an escort. You must secretly want to be owned."

"How dare you!" she continues to struggle. I push her back harder. And then I put both her wrists together with one hand and with the other I pull her chin up so she’s forced to look at me.

"Tell me you want this," I demand.

All I need is the green light to make her wildest dreams come true. Even though I’m commanding her body, holding her captive, I won’t make a move until she says so. I want her begging for it and she better fucking mean it. I’d never hurt Sienna no matter how goddamn much I crave her.

I don’t want her pain.

I want her pleasure.

I feel her hesitate. She stops struggling and I know she’s so close to giving into me at last.

I want to kiss her, hard and savage. I want to make her pay for driving me insane with this raging desire.

If she's going to sell herself, then she needs to know what it means to fully be owned.

By me.

She’s no virgin, but I need that trust she gave me all those years ago, placed in my hands like a total gamble…because she’s mine.

I am in control.

I need her to admit she likes it.

For tonight, she just needs to surrender, and I’ll claim her like we both crave.


“Let me go,” I say again, struggling against Leo and hoping the desire in my voice isn’t as obvious to him as it is to me. Because oh my fucking god. This man has me quaking, my entire body ready to melt into a hot, needy mess.

Leo’s lips pull up on one side in a knowing smirk. “If that’s what you want. But you have to say it like you mean it.”

Shit. He knows. He fucking knows what kind of power he has over me right now. And when he leans in, his mouth so close all it would take is a tilt of my head to feel them on me, I can practically feel the energy vibrating between us.

My arm is still twisted behind me, trapped between my back and the cold glass of the window. Leo’s hand is like a vise on my wrist. There’s no escaping him.

As much as I hate to admit it, even if only to myself, I don’t want to escape him.

There’s nowhere I’d rather be right now than right here, pinned against the glass, the lights of Vegas shining like a carnival below me while Leo makes my entire body ignite with a lust so powerful it seems surreal.

My eyes narrow at the amusement I see in his gaze.


He finds it funny that I’m so horny right now I can barely think, let alone convince him I don’t want this.

Well, fuck him then. I swallow hard, lifting my chin in defiance. Preparing to let the lie fall from my lips.

But just as I open my mouth to tell him that yes, I want him to let me the fuck go , he moves so fast I barely have time to register what’s happening.

Pulling my trapped hand from behind my back, he yanks it roughly up and around, spinning me in the process so that I’m facing the giant sheet of glass.

I throw my free hand up to steady myself as I stumble on my stilettos. Then he crowds in right behind me, his clutch on my wrist tight as he pins my hand above my head.

“Say it, Sienna.” The growl in his voice sends a spark of nerves racing all the way from my neck, where his warm breath teases, straight down to my pussy, which is now clenching and convulsing, desperate for something to grip and squeeze.

A strangled moan works its way up my throat. “Say what?”

His low chuckle sets my body on fire. I’m burning up from the inside. Unable to move from where I’m caught between Leo and the window, I rest my cheek against the cool glass, hoping it will help me chill the fuck out and find the will to not give in.

“Say you don’t want this. Tell me you don’t feel this too.” Leo emphasizes his words with a thrust of his hips, wedging his cock right between my ass cheeks.

My fingers contract, trying to grip the smooth glass, needing something to hold onto because apparently going weak in the knees is a thing. Who knew?

Yes, I fucking feel it. Though I know he’s not talking about his massive cock. Which, by the way, I’m know certain is crazy huge. The knowledge of how he can fill me up so completely doesn’t help my argument.

When Leo meets my eyes in the reflection of the glass, they’re burning with the same desire that I’ve been fighting all night.

He wants this.

I want this.

So what’s stopping us?

I’m having a hard time remembering, especially when he takes his free hand and reaches around in front of me, pressing his palm firmly against my chest.

My nipples tighten instantly, my body responding to him eagerly, even though my mind is still screaming at me, trying to get a message through.

As he drags his hand roughly over the swell of my tits—just close enough to make me ache for more—then slowly down my side, I lose all sense of time and place.

There’s a reason why this is bad, why I should go with my earlier instinct and just tell the lie—insist I don’t want this. But I can’t remember what it is anymore.

Leo’s fingers dig into my hip and his cock presses harder against my ass, and the last shred of pretense disappears.

“I do, Leo,” I moan. “God, I want it too. So fucking bad.”

“Say it,” he demands, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Tell me what you want.”

His fingers are so close to my throbbing pussy. If I just shift a little to the right, I might get a little relief from the building pressure that’s begging for more.

I feel him shake his head from behind me. His laugh is full of wicked intent. “Not so easy, Sienna. Not until you say it.”

Goddammit. Fine. If this domineering, commanding asshole wants me to say it, I’ll fucking say it. Just give me a fucking orgasm already.

“You, Leo. I fucking want you.”

“Not good enough.” He presses me harder against the glass and trails his fingers down to the hem of my short dress to stroke lightly at my inner thigh.

Looking down at the Vegas Strip below us, I feel dizzy. Not from the near-vertigo effect. No, from the fact that Leo fucking Asher’s hand is mere inches from my soaking wet pussy.

“I want you to fuck me.”

There. I said it.

It’s everything I told myself I’d never do.

I’d never beg a man, least of all this one.

Yet in mere minutes he’s reduced me to a begging wreck of need. I just want more. So much more from this moment. From the way he makes me feel.

Leo won’t make me wait; he responds to my words instantly. Keeping me firmly in place by his hand on my wrist and his cock against my ass, he reaches up under my dress and hooks a finger in my thong.

I almost come at the brush of his finger against my sopping wet pussy lips.

Then he shocks the hell out of me when he yanks down—really fucking hard—and tears my thong off me with one quick jerk of his wrist.

I gasp, more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life.

I don’t have time to think about how fucking hot that was because the next thing I know Leo’s shoved two fingers so deep inside my pussy that my knees really do buckle.

My breath comes hard and fast as he slides them back out and thrusts in again, over and over, so fast and furious that it’s almost punishing.

I whimper, my hips grinding down against his hand. I’m so close to surrending to the lust that rages through my body and threatens to take over my every thought. It won’t take much for me to be wet, shaking, mess in the throes of an orgasm.

Leo finger fucks me at a desperate pace, and the sound of my slick juices slapping wetly against his skin as he does is pretty much the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

“Jesus Christ, Sienna, you’re so fucking wet,” he groans against my neck.

I tilt my head to the side to give him better access to the sensitive flesh, and he dives right in. Lips and tongue and teeth assault me just as violently as his fingers. He nips and sucks and licks at my neck, my ear, my shoulder.

“Please, Leo.” I’m begging at this point. And I don’t even fucking care now. I just need to come.

“Say what you want,” he demands again.

Fucking hell. This guy. It’s like he’s getting off on me begging for it. And I can’t seem to help myself. I’ll gladly beg if he’ll just keep making me feel this crazy, mind-blowing pleasure.

“Make me come. I want to come. Please.” I barely recognize the sound of my own voice.

That’s apparently all he wants because in the next instant he flicks his thumb across my swollen, aching clit, and I’m done for.

That’s it. Like, I completely come undone. Erupt like a fucking volcano.

My whole body shudders as my pussy contracts over and over, my juices coating Leo’s already drenched fingers as he continues to drive deep into me. Just as I’m coming down from what has to be the most intense orgasm of my life, he adds another finger, stretching me in the most erotic way, pushing the boundaries of pleasure.

And I come again, even harder. Holy fuck. That’s two back-to-back orgasms. I didn’t even finish the first before he started in on the second.

My vision goes dark for a moment and I slump against the window, still held in place by Leo’s hard body, then pinpricks of light flash behind my eyelids as I ride out wave after wave of erotic bliss.

“Fuck, Sienna,” he murmurs. “You’re so goddamn sexy.”

Leo pulls his fingers from my pussy, and I’m left feeling satisfied but somehow still wanting more. He spins me around yet again, this time so that I can see him as he lifts his hand to his mouth. His fingers glisten with my sticky cum. Then he proceeds to lick every last drop of me from his fingers while I stand there and gape at him.

Holy hell. Did he really just do that?

I lock eyes with him, and the desire I see there makes me feel like I didn’t just come two times in the last five minutes. Like I’m ready to go all over again.

I fumble for his belt, desperate to see his cock for myself. I need to know if it’s as huge as I think it is.

But he wraps his hand around my wrist again and shakes his head slightly, his dark eyes unreadable.

“I’m not done with you yet.”






Sienna evokes a thousand conflicting sensations within me. I want to own her. I want to possess her. I want to make her mine.

In that same barrage of primal urges, I know on a logical level that I need to get as far away from her as I can.

She’ll be my undoing. She makes me weak. I can’t afford to be weak.

Not anymore.

I want to punish her for making me feel this way, for dredging up all the memories that I’ve fought against for so long.

What I really need to do is send her right out that door.

I know that I can’t. That I won’t.

Sienna’s mine now. For the next thirty days, I own her.

The thought makes my cock throb, almost painfully.

The way she completely surrendered to my touch, let me ravage her hot, tight little pussy, makes me wild.

I want to shove her dress up and drill my cock into her until neither one of us can think anymore. Fuck thinking. I need to be inside her. Everything will make sense when I fill her up with my cock and hear her soft little moans.

Sienna fights against my restraining grip, trying desperately to free her hands.

“I said I’m not done with you yet,” I whisper, my voice tense with the thin grasp of control I have left.

I know she doesn’t want to get away from me. Her eyes drop to my hips that still have her pinned, to my cock that’s demanding to be freed. “Leo,” she whimpers. “I want to see you. I want to touch you.”


My sweet, innocent girl from years ago is gone. In her place is a woman who knows exactly what she wants. Right now, what she wants is me.

This shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. I shouldn’t be ready to give her whatever she wants if she’ll just make those hot little noises again, calling out my name in a blissed out cry of pleasure.

I click my tongue and cock my head, my eyes burning into hers. “How soon you forget. I’m the one calling the shots here, Sienna. I own you.”

Her eyes flare at my words, her pupils dark and dilated. She likes the sound of that, even if she’ll never admit it.

“I’m not a whore for you to fuck whenever you want.”

I chuckle. Her breathy, needy voice does nothing to convince me that I’m wrong. I’m not in the business of being fucking wrong. I am in the business of owning her and she is going to admit it. “But you are mine.”

Mine .

The word echoes in my head, a primal chant demanding that I claim her. She may have become my escort by default, but I’m going to make sure every second of the next thirty days counts.

My hips surge forward again, and she lets out a low, throaty moan. “Leo…”

“Tell me you’re mine.” I order.

Her mouth drops open, the words suspended as she wages an internal struggle. I can see it all over her face. She wants more of this, but she’s still fighting for control. She doesn’t want to give me the upper hand.

I fucking love it.

Yeah, I like to be in charge and call the shots…but so many women submit to me all too easily.

There’s no challenge.

It’s completely different with Sienna. If challenge were a woman, my golden fucking temptress is that woman.

There’s no doubt she wants me, but she’s fighting it off as hard as she can, even after I just made her come all over my hand.

“You taste delicious,” I whisper, lowering my mouth to her neck, scraping my teeth along her flushed skin.

Her pulse pounds beneath my mouth, and I flick my tongue over the hollow of her throat.

Then because I want to see what she does, I loosen my grip on her wrists, giving her full use of her hands for the first time since I pushed her up against this glass.

Her fingers go straight for my head, tangling in my hair as I lick lower. Over the top of one tit, down into her cleavage that I really want to shove my cock into.

I groan at the image of fucking those glorious tits and spraying cum all over her.

Jesus, she’s making me crazy. I drop my head and capture her nipple in my teeth, biting down hard through the thin fabric of her dress.

She cries out again, and I bring my hand back to her pussy in time to feel more of her hot, sweet juices gush out. I swipe my fingers through it then lift them up between us as I raise my head to watch her reaction.

Her eyes flick between me and my cum-coated fingers, her mouth open as she practically pants with lust.

My gaze trained on her, I run my sticky fingers over her lips, painting them with her own arousal.

When her pink little tongue flicks out, I about fucking lose it. Without thinking, I shove my fingers deep in her mouth, so deep I’m sure she’ll gag. I want her to gag. I want to imagine she’s gagging on my thick cock.

Her eyes water, but she doesn’t struggle. Instead, she surprises the fuck out of me by swirling her tongue around my fingers, lapping up every drop of her own cum. Her muffled moans make my cock twitch.

I know she feels it because her eyelids drop halfway, hooded with drugging lust.

Sienna’s hands are back on my belt, working quickly. Probably hoping I won’t stop her again.

I wait until she has my pants and boxer briefs shoved down around my hips before I pull my fingers from her mouth and clamp them around her wrists again, holding them inches away from my throbbing cock.

“Goddammit, Leo,” she bites out in frustration, her eyes wild. She even stomps her foot on the ground, and I laugh.

“I told you to tell me you’re mine.”

I know it’s a dangerous game I’m playing, forcing her to say these things to me.

I can’t help it if I wanted to. I’ve wanted to hear it for ten fucking years, and right now I have her so horny I know she’ll say anything to get my cock inside her.

Sienna narrows her eyes. “I’m yours,” she says.

I drop her wrists instantly, and her fingers wrap around my shaft. My eyes close and I groan at the sensation of her soft hands on my steely cock.

“For tonight,” she adds.

My eyes snap open, and she’s fucking smirking.

I shake my head. Should have known she’d try to keep some semblance of control.

I start to tell her that’s not good enough, but then she starts stroking my cock, tugging and twisting her hand just fucking right, and I give in. It feels too goddamn perfect and I’ve wanted this for so long.

Fine. I’ll give her this one.

“Well played, Ms. Reid,” I say, bracing my hands on the glass on either side of her head as she continues to work me over.

Now that she has the upper hand, she seems determined to keep it.

Sienna drops to her knees in front of me, one hand still wrapped around my cock, the other cupping my balls. I smirk when she pauses for a moment, her eyes going wide when she sees up close and personally just how much I’m actually packing. She swallows, and the bob of her throat makes me impossibly harder. I want to see her swallow my cock as I pour hot jets of cum down her throat.

With a growl, I grip her head, wrapping my fingers in her silky blonde hair, and take advantage of the fact that her mouth is gaping.

I shove my cock right past her pretty lips until the tip rams into the back of her throat. This time she does gag, and I grin in satisfaction. But she barely bats an eye. She takes it all, flattening her tongue and hollowing out her cheeks as she creates a suction around me that threatens to make me blow my load right the fuck now.

Looking down at her with her lips stretched tight around my thick shaft, it takes every last shred of self-restraint to maintain control.

For years—fucking years—I’ve imagined what it would be like to have Sienna’s mouth wrapped around my cock.

The actual sight of it is a million times better than I ever could have hoped. It feels so fucking good.

In a goddamn heartbeat, I feel my balls tighten and a tingle start at the base of my spine, spiraling out as I feel myself getting ready to explode.

My grip on her head tightens and I fuck her mouth harder and faster, torn between the need to empty my cum down her throat and the need to draw this out as long as possible.

Indecision wars within me, but in the end, I don’t have a choice.

Because just as I start to pull out, Sienna shakes her head slightly, her eyes looking up at me while she takes my massive cock in her mouth. Then she swallows, her throat massaging my cock in a way that leaves me totally at her mercy.

Combined with the vision of her gorgeous face staring up at me, her eyes dark and hungry with desire, I don’t stand a chance. I let go of her head and brace myself again on the glass wall, then empty myself down her throat as the almost violent orgasm rips through me.

I’m left gasping for breath as I stare down at her. When she’s swallowed every last drop of cum, she pulls my cock from her mouth, licking the dripping tip for good measure, then stands up. Her breath is ragged and her golden hair is wild from where my hands were tangled in it, but there’s no mistaking the look of satisfaction on her face.

“Or, Mr. Asher ,” she smirks, “perhaps it’s you who’s mine.”

Then she starts to step aside as if she’s done here.

I growl. This fucking girl is going to be the death of me.

I’m the one in charge. Always.

So why does her need to maintain some bit of control have my cock already—or still, really—rock hard and ready to go again?

I grab her dress and yank it up, exposing her pussy. And fuck, it’s so pink and swollen and glistening. I drag my eyes away from it for a moment to pin her with a hard glare.

“Still not done with you.”

I grab her by the hips and lift her up, this time trapping her against the glass with nothing but my rock-hard torso. Then I slam my cock inside her.


Leo has me pinned against the glass again, his cock deep inside my pussy, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so full.

His cock is massive. I swear it has to be ten inches long. And it’s so thick that it fills me completely, stretches me until I’m clenched tightly around him, gripping his cock like we were made for this.

“Fuck, Sienna,” he groans, his head dropping to my shoulder as he stays there inside of me, holding still for a moment while I adjust to how large he is. “You’re so fucking tight.”

It’s not the first time I’ve slept with Leo, but it might as well be. I’ve never been with another man as big as he is, and oh my fucking god, I must have forgotten how crazy awesome it is when he’s buried in me balls deep.

Leo stays there for the span of a few heartbeats, then he tilts his head and watches me while he slides back out and slams into me again, just as hard as before.

I cry out and grip his shoulders while he continues to drill into me, holding me up against the window with nothing more than the strength of his body and the power of his thrusts.

Again and again, Leo slams me back against the glass, and every time it feels even better than the last as I quickly feel my body building right up to another orgasm.

Fuck, how many times is he going to make me come tonight?

My fingers dig into his tanned flesh, scratching and clawing as I try to hang on while he takes me on one of the wildest rides of my life.

“Ah,” I moan, “God, Leo, I’m gonna come.”

He’s already got me teetering on the brink.

One hand on my ass, he spreads my cheeks and teases my tight little hole, never slowing the pace of his cock driving me higher and higher.

I jerk away reflexively, unsure about what he’s doing. No man has ever touched me there.

“Leo…” I look at him warily.

“Shh,” he says. “Just enjoy it.”

I swallow hard, but I can’t argue with him. I’m completely under his power. He could probably do anything to me he wanted right now. That’s how desperate I am for him.

I’m still having a hard time believing that we’re doing this.

First of all, that I’m even here with Leo. But more importantly, that we’re fucking up against the glass window of his penthouse in fucking Vegas.

The one time I had with Leo was all I thought I’d ever get after he left.

The time he took my virginity.

It was earth-shattering, and I can now admit that no man has ever come close to making me feel as amazing as he can—though I’ll only admit it to myself.

Yet here I am, getting another chance to let him ravage my body, claim it for his own, push all my boundaries.

Leo continues to tease my ass and fuck me hard, then he suddenly pushes just the tip of his finger inside, and I come totally fucking undone.

My head flies back against the window, my body convulses and shudders, thousands of pricks of electric heat stinging all up and down my skin. And my pussy clamps down on his thick cock, milking it aggressively as I come so hard my vision flickers for a moment.

Holy hell.

Never in my life have I come like that before. And it isn’t over. My pussy continues to pulse around Leo’s cock for what feels like an endless amount of time.

When the waves subside, I lift my head and look at his chiseled face, his dark eyes piercing as I stare at him shock.

“That was…just…oh my god,” I mumble, panting as I try to catch my breath. My heart still pumps furiously in my chest, the rushing blood still making my clit throb.

Leo doesn’t say anything, his face tense with restraint. He raises his hand and brushes my wild hair out of my face, his eyes dropping to my lips.

My tongue darts out to wet them.

He hasn’t kissed me.

Not once.

Not when he finger fucked me into oblivion, not after I sucked him off, and not just now when he fucked me close to insanity.

But I wonder if he’s about to. I haven’t forgotten what it’s like to have Leo’s lips on mine. That’s been branded into my memory.

Both soft and punishing at the same time.


But giving at the same time.

My mouth drops open under his heated gaze, and I start to lean forward.

But then his jaw clenches and he grabs me by the ass with both hands and yanks me harder onto his cock, pulling me away from the window. My legs lock around his waist and my arms around his neck as he holds me up and walks me into what I’m assuming is his bedroom.

I cling to him, boneless from the orgasm that just wreaked havoc on my entire being.

“Leo,” I moan as he tosses me off his cock and onto the middle of his huge bed. Before I have a chance to move or protest the sudden emptiness in my pussy, he grabs me by the hips and flips me around.

Leo pull my thighs, bringing me to the edge of the bed, my ass in the air, no doubt giving him a perfect view of my pussy dripping with cum.

“Fuck,” he growls again. “Sienna do you have any idea how fucking perfect you are? How sexy? I want to fuck you all night.”

Yes, please. He can fuck me until forever for all I care. If we just stay here like this and never leave, I’m totally okay with that.

Running a hand over my back, down my spine, he palms my hips, then shocks me yet again by giving me a quick, hard slap on one cheek.

I gasp, taken totally off guard. But oh fuck, the way my skin tingles and stings from where he slapped me feels just as good as the fire that raced over me when he made me come.

I bite my lip, knowing if I don’t I might beg him to do it again.

But I don’t have to.

He does, his other hand coming down on the other side and making a loud thwack as he sends another shot of pleasure straight to my pussy.

I gush. I’m so wet right now that I can feel my juices running down my thighs.

“You like that, baby?” Leo’s voice is deep and dangerous.

I nod.

“Let me hear you say it.”

God, he sure does love to make me talk. He must get off to hearing me telling him what I like, and especially to hearing me beg for it.

I know exactly what he wants to hear, how dirty he wants me to be. And I don’t even bother defying him right now. Because all I want is for him to sink back into my hungry pussy so I stop aching so bad for him.

“I love it, Leo. So fucking much. Now stop talking and fuck me already.”

He chuckles, and the rumbling sound makes my clit quiver.

“You want this cock, baby? You want me to give it to you again?”

“Yes,” I say, begging at this point.

He pushes my shoulders down low so my back is arched, and I can see him through my spread thighs as he wraps his fist around the base of his cock, then drags it through my drenched, dripping pussy lips.

We both groan, but he doesn’t give me what I want yet. I push back against him, my pussy opening for him, telling him hey, get the fuck in here .

He still continues to just tease me with his cock, driving me mad with the need to have it inside of me again.

“Please, Leo. Make me yours.”

The words must unleash something within him. The next thing I know, his fingers are digging into my hips as he rams his cock into my pussy, this angle even better than before. I feel impossibly fuller. And it’s just what I needed.

My breath comes in quick pants as he fucks me hard and fast, frenetically, almost desperately.

In seconds, I’m coming again, gripping his cock so hard I can feel every ridge as he glides in and out of my pussy.

And, fuck, then so is he. I feel Leo tense, his fingers digging into my skin as he drives into me with one last hard thrust. I feel hot, powerful jets of his cum fill me up. Over and over again his cock throbs deep inside of me, pumping me so full of cum that it flows out and runs down my legs, mingling with my own sticky cum.

We both collapse in a heap on the bed and lie there for I don’t know how long, our hearts both thundering so hard I can feel his against my back.

After a while, I roll over, unsure what happens next. Does he send me back to my hotel room now? Does he keep me around and fuck me all night, like I hope?

Leo looks at me, his expression hard again, unreadable. I’m certain he’s going to tell me to leave. That my time as his whore for the night is over.

My chest clenches painfully because I really don’t want to hear that.

Then he does the one thing I didn’t expect. He grabs me by the chin, and presses his lips to mine.

He kisses me aggressively, all tongue and teeth, and it’s just like I’d expect from him.




But there’s also a hint of the Leo I used to know in that kiss. The kiss also has passion.

It feels giving while it’s demanding. Just like always.

It’s the first time I’ve kissed this man in ten years. And despite all the crazy sex we just had, it’s this right here that has me totally spinning out of control.


I leave the room early so as not to disturb Sienna.

This is so out of character for me but I just can’t help it, she looks like an angel when she sleeps.

It feels crazy to sneak around in my own apartment to get ready for the day because I’ve never, not even once, had a girl stay the night. They're always long gone before the sun's first rays hit Sin City.

I make them come and scream my name, and then I usher them right out the door.

Every woman I've had ends up clingy and begging for more...of me. But I just don't work that way. Giving myself to someone in any other way than physically was written off a long fucking time ago.

I need the excitement of the chase every single time or I grow bored.

So to have Sienna sleeping soundly in my bed is a new experience.

I'm not completely sure why I didn't kick her out and send her straight back to her hotel room. Maybe it's because of our history. She's an old friend and I’m looking out for her—that’s a totally valid reason to bend my standard rules.

And she's the sister of my childhood friend.

And she was in so shaken up last night.

I couldn't very well kick her out in that kind of condition. No, I'm very sure those are all great reasons this woman can be the one exception to my rule. It won't become a regular thing, that much is certain.

My private elevator descends the many floors to the administrative level. I'm dressed in my best Gucci suit, and as I walk out into the office lobby, my assistant meets me with black coffee and a list of the day's events. It's a morning ritual for us.

"Hey, Carly, how are you? How was your night?"

"Oh, Mr. Asher." She pushes her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. "You know me, cozy nights in."

"You should really go out more. You could come to the casino and try your hand at the slots."

She blushes at my inquiry into her personal life but is quick to tell me, "Sir, we've had a call from the legal department and I think you really need to get back with them right away."

"Fine, fine." I brush it off.

They're always overly prudent about handling the business of the casino. Any number of things could go wrong, and someone is always threatening to sue us. I've got the best lawyers in town, though, and they always take care of what I need.

We walk through the office, decorated in the same modern style as the casino and resort. I'm proud of this place considering I supervised everything from the ground up.

We compete for first-class luxury with the likes of the Wynn and the Bellagio. Yes, Alchema has become a power player in this glittering town, and that’s no easy feat.

Carly follows me into my private office.

It's my little place of respite from the rigors of being the casino owner. At least here I can take off my mask and I don't have to constantly socialize with everyone. It can be draining to be one of the most sought after men in town.

I sit at my oversized oak desk. "Go ahead and call them for me, Carly. I'll be waiting."

I spin around in my chair and look at the view. My huge glass windows look out at the jungle scene we've created as part of the hotel's features, and then at the Strip beyond.

No one can view this part of the exhibit, but I can see the parrots and other exotic animals comfortably from my office. An inky black jaguar stalks by below me right now.

I chose him specifically as a rescue from a circus in Asia. His name is Midnight and here he can roam around without having to turn tricks or anything.

His powerful presence reminds me of my own. I know that with my authority comes much responsibility, and Midnight helps me to remember that. It's lonely at the top, but in him, I have a reflection of myself and that at least is something. 

My phone rings and I answer, "What do you need?”

"Hi, Mr. Asher, this Mr. Mark Bryant from legal. We have some disturbing news."

If the head of the department is calling, this must be urgent.

"Well?" I ask impatiently, sitting forward in my chair.

"Someone has given a tip to the police that Alchema, and by extension you, are involved in some sort of prostitution ring."

"What?" I say, completely floored. Nothing could be more outrageous than this.

"I have my associate, a Mr. Elliott, coming by your office right now with the compelling evidence."

"Wait a minute," I say confused. "What possible evidence could there be? It's fake. You can’t produce evidence about something that doesn’t exist."

He clears his throat and is obviously uncomfortable with the nature of the conversation.

I'm not worried.

The story's completely fabricated, so there can’t be any real evidence.

Besides, stuff like this comes across my desk every day. It may not be prostitution but someone is always trying to bring me down. It comes with the territory.

When you're a powerful, successful businessman, people get jealous and want to knock you down from your lofty position.

"Fine,” I sigh. “I'll see Mr. Elliott and get back to you. The story has no merit, though, you must know that."

"Yes, yes of course, Mr. Asher. Of course. I’ll talk to you soon. Goodbye."

I wait and watch the jungle scene with fascination from behind the thick glass that insulates me from any danger. It's easy to look upon wild things from a safe distance. The danger lies in venturing out beyond the prescribed limits.

That's how I feel about Sienna.

Right now, she's tucked away safely in my bed, probably ordering room service by now.

But she’s wild and untamed. Her nature is fiery. And it would be a mistake to go there again. I need a woman I can control and someone that I don't have to get emotionally involved with. It can't be Sienna, it just that simple.

Carly’s voice interrupts my thoughts. "Mr. Asher, I have Mr. Elliott here."

“Send him in.”

The man is a weakling, small with sharp features. His pinstripe suit is a tad wrinkled and I wonder how the best law firm in town doesn't represent themselves better than this. 

"Hello, man, what have you got for me? Something about prostitution?" I’m almost amused at the idea.

Elliott clears his throat. "I'm afraid, sir, that there is corroborating evidence."

I gesture for him to take a seat and he does. I see his small eyes widen in fear as Midnight walks by the window at my back. That's one way to exude power, to have a panther at your back.

Despite his fear at the impressive beast, he tries to gather himself and he slides an envelope across the desk to me. I open it.


There are pictures of Sienna with that old dirtbag from last night. And there are damning photos of the two of us entering my elevator together.

"Who took these?" I ask, anger rising in my blood.

"Apparently that man in the photos with the young girl is an informant. He works directly with the police, and they’re trying to build a case against you for harboring a prostitution ring. Now, you know our firm values discretion above all else and we don't care what is."

He obviously thinks it's true. He thinks that I of all people would hire a prostitute. As if I need to pay for sex.

I scoff. "She is a friend, Elliott."

"Okay, sir, whatever you say."

It's fucking infuriating that he doesn't believe me. The swine.

"The thing is," he says, twisting his fingers nervously. "That girl is Sienna Reid. She's no ordinary person. The police are planning to go to the media with the story because the only thing better than you being linked with a prostitute is you being with a prostitute who’s the sister of a very influential politician."

He nervously looks at Midnight stalking around behind me. "You see our predicament, sir."

Goddammit . The photos actually are damning evidence.

If only Sienna wasn't the sister of someone so famous at the moment.

This is yet another reason why she should watch her step and not be a fucking escort in the first place. I think about how I own her for the next thirty days, and how I might punish her for this over and over again until her pussy is dripping wet for me. 

I push the thoughts away and focus back on the matter at hand. "How much will it take to make this go away? Everything has a price. Everyone can be bought."

He clears his throat and pulls at his tie. "Well, um, that may be a possibility yet. Let me just go over some things so that I can supply you with more information. I have an idea, but it will require more facts."

"Fine, do whatever. But your office better have this handled or else our patronage will go to someone else."

He gulps. If he loses our business, he’ll lose his job. I’ve put his firm in a very prestigious position and without me, they’ll lose a majority of their clientele. 

The man takes his leave and I’m left to figure out how my entire day has just gone to shit and it’s not even 9 a.m.

I think about the man last night and how he was a spy the entire time. Mr. Mothballs? It’s absurd. Though he sure didn't mind making advances on Sienna. What a pervert. He took his undercover work too far by putting his hands all over her body. A weird sense of possessiveness rushes over me. I feel like I want to kill the guy—and any other that would attempt to defile my new little plaything. 

I wish I never left the penthouse this morning and that I was back upstairs, making her see that I intend to make the most of my purchase.


I wake to the sun streaming in at various angles through openings in the heavy curtains. While they’re not drawn, the day is bright enough to reveal the fact that it must be afternoon.

How did I sleep so late?

I fumble around for my phone and find it beneath my crumpled dress in the corner.

Oh my God! It's past noon.

I’m frantic for a moment until I realize that I have nowhere to be. I'm an escort now, and beyond that, I've been bought by Leo for the next month.

I stretch out in bed and rerun the night in my head.

He didn’t disappoint.

The chemistry is crazy strong between us, yet I can't help but think I’m just another one of Leo's latest conquests.

He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would be tied down.

I know he's a playboy based on what I've seen written in the papers. He's a billionaire now, a mogul, and he's far different from the young man I remember, my brother's friend. He was humble then and didn’t possess this commanding authority.

Though I have to say, I like the way he manhandles me.

An image of the way his hands feel on my body flashes in my head. The way he can make me come apart with a simple touch.

I shiver as though he's actually in the room with me.

I wish he was.

As much as I don’t want to, I feel that I have to surrender to the fact that I’m bought and paid for, for the next month.

Part of me wishes it were anyone but Leo fucking Asher. And the other part is relieved it isn’t anyone else.

At least this way, I won't have to go out with any more creeps for a while. I can still keep my job as an elite escort and get paid, while feeling safe with Leo.

Though there’s nothing safe about him.

Not where I’m concerned.

My mind drifts back to last night as I luxuriate in the soft, oversized bed. Leo took me to new heights of pleasure many times over. I’ve never felt as good as I did with his cock deep inside me, his body taking control of mine.

I try analyze what happened. I gave up complete control to him. More than that, I wanted to.

That’s something new to me, and I don’t quite understand it yet. All I know is that I plan on making the most of these thirty days.

The penthouse is silent as I lie there, and I know Leo's at work, so this is the perfect time to snoop and take advantage of all the amenities being a resort mogul affords.

I go through his master bath first. While the sauna is warming up, I take a look at his immaculately lined up grooming tools. His closet, too, is categorized in such detail that I can see he applies this domination thing to every facet of his life.

I walk naked to the sauna and have a nice relaxing time of it. It's the perfect way to wake up from a long night of wild, crazy sex. I detox for about twenty minutes then take a shower.

Leo’s shower is large enough to accommodate a party, and knowing him it's probably been done. My clit pulses with the thought. I want to see just what we can do in this shower.

When I’m done showering, I step out and pull on his robe.

It smells like him, woodsy and spicy.

I brush my hair with his comb and make sure to leave things messy. I grin mischievously at myself in the mirror.

Leo needs a little shake-up in his too perfect palace.

I even squeeze the toothpaste from the middle of the tube rather than the bottom when I find a stash of spare toothbrushes. And because it pisses me off that he’s apparently prepared for sleepovers, I leave toothpaste smeared all over the top of the tub and conveniently lose the lid.

Walking into the kitchen and opening all the drawers in the refrigerator, I find nothing but a lot of healthy food.

So that's how he maintains his rock hard body. Hmm. Not that I’m complaining about that eight-pack, but the man needs some brownie mix or something.

There's a knock on the door.

I ignore it at first, but after a minute it becomes clear that the person knocking won’t be ignored.

I'm a little scared to open it since this isn’t my place.

What if it’s some other woman who has a jealous fit when she finds me here?

The knocking continues. It’s driving me crazy, so I go and reluctantly turn the handle and peek around the edge.

"Who is it?"

A flock of people burst through the minute I give them an inch. I have to jump back to avoid being trampled. They’re carrying what looks like all of my possessions from the room I've been staying in.

"Um, hello? What are you doing?"

A woman comes towards me to confirm. "You're Sienna, right? Sienna Reid?"

"Yes." I narrow my eyes indignantly and wrap the robe tightly around my body.

What a rude intrusion. And what the fuck is going on?

"What are you guys doing with my stuff?"

"Oh, Mr. Asher has requested that we move all of your things here. I assure you that we took the utmost care in handling your...delicacies."

God! I blush at the thought of strangers rifling through my intimate belongings. Oh my God, they probably even packed up my vibrator.

The nerve of Leo! What could he be thinking to command them to do this? I can’t just move into his penthouse, even if he does ‘own’ me for the next month. That’s ridiculous.

"Excuse me, but please take this stuff right back to my room." I cross my arms and wait.

The woman just looks at me like I'm not getting it.

"I can't do that. We're operating at the express command of Mr. Asher. And we are to inform you that the agency by which you are employed will no longer be paying the cost of your room. So, unless you'd like to pay for it yourself, I'm afraid your things will have to stay here in the penthouse."

What the hell? I'm flushed. Furious. Here I am standing basically naked, as I’m in nothing but Leo’s robe, while a half-dozen people mill about, setting up my things.

It's like I'm not even here. They arrange my clothes in his ample closet and they set my Louis Vuitton trunks up nicely so that I have access to all my belongings.

It's definitely a five-star service but it's a service I don't want and that I never asked for. I haven't been treated this nicely since before my father left us destitute.

Growing up, it was all luxury all of the time. Now I have to work for my money, and if things prove as difficult as they did last night with that old man then I could be looking at a very bleak future.

"Ms. Reid," the woman is prodding. "I have Guest Services coming up with a breakfast prepared by one of the head chefs, courtesy of Mr. Asher. May I send them in?"

I huff out a breath and shake my head.

Leo and I are going to have to duke this later, apparently, because these people aren’t taking no for an answer. I hate that he’s just taking control of yet another aspect of my life.

But you know what? If he's going to make me his virtual prisoner, at least he's doing it in style. Might as well take advantage.

Besides, I'm famished after a long night of fucking. And I'd give absolutely anything for some strong espresso right about now.

"Yes,” I finally agree, “go ahead, send them in."

Room service arrives and they plate my breakfast at Leo's long dining table which overlooks the entire Strip. There are fresh linens and a beautiful spread of breakfast items, including my long-awaited cappuccino.

And then the massive staff is gone, just like that. As quickly as they appeared, I’m left alone again in the echoing silence of Leo’s incredible penthouse.

I wonder how Leo survives up here in the thralls of luxury but all alone.

He seems to have created a place where no one can permeate the walled off fortress that is his life.

He's risen to the top and has become one of the greatest American success stories, but at what price?

I know he doesn't have girlfriends, and he seems so tightfisted about life that I wonder how many times he allows himself the freedom to let loose?

Maybe having scores of women at his feet are how he bides his time and releases tension.

Maybe he finds freedom in that lifestyle but to me, it just seems sad.

But who am I to say? I once mingled with the greats of society, too.

But while I used to be a socialite, I’ve since fallen from grace under the weight of my father's insurmountable debt.

Now, I'm working at the bottom. Being an escort was never my dream. Is it anybody's, really? I don’t judge the work…I’m just being realistic. My brief taste has me tentative and thinking of the endless possibilities life brings, the way you contemplate a situation when you’re shocked at your own reality.

Now I'm the humbled one and Leo's got the money.

I think about how he must have felt being my brother's friend. My brother was always handed everything. He's never really had to work a day in his life. Sure, he's a politician but that basically entails calling in favors.

Our family has certainly sunk deep into the dark crevices of society. Now I feel like the one who should be embarrassed, working as a glorified call girl.

And Leo Asher, of all people, owns me. What could his motivation possibly be?

I wonder about all of this as I look out over the incredible view. The desert stretches out in the distance, and it's as if Vegas is its own island removed from all the other cities, on its own in the middle of a beautiful desert.

It's the perfect city for Leo. They’re both as far removed from reality as possible. Nothing in Vegas lasts. Nothing’s real in Vegas…and nothing about Leo is authentic.

Not anymore.

I’ve known the true Leo, and he certainly had a lot more depth of feeling than the man who has bought me.

What he’s done for me today, moving me in, providing this breakfast, it’s not because he cares. It’s because he wants to prove his dominance, exert his authority and control.

The old Leo would never do that. And I don’t know how to reconcile the feelings I had for the old one and the desire I have for the new.

The old one left me and never came back…and this Leo saved me, but with a firm hand that’s rough and tender. My thoughts pull me in as many directions as the lights I see when I look down over the city.


I'm anxious to get back to Sienna after a long day's work. She's been on my mind all day.

As much as I want to forget about her and to treat her as one of my usual sex objects, I'm finding it increasingly hard to do so. I imagine she's furious with me for moving all of her belongings to the penthouse.

I smile just thinking about the indignation that will probably be on her face when I walk in.

But it was a move I had to make. I have to protect her from this media shit storm.

I loosen my black necktie as I step off the elevator already feeling a modicum of relief that she’s just on the other side of my penthouse door.

I just hope she hasn’t had some scheming idea to try to escape. She has to know I’d find her. She won’t get away from me that easily. Because I’ve bought her for the next month—not because I can’t stand the idea of not having her near. Not at all, because that would mean I care. And I don’t. Not anymore.

But if not, what’s this desire to take care of her, to make sure she's okay? I've never cared if a woman came or went. Why do I care now? I have to shake this growing obsession, this hold she has over me. I attribute once again it to the fact that we have a past and vow not to think about it again as I make my entrance.

"Hi, honey, I'm home," I say, hoping to elicit a reaction.

I find her in the kitchen brooding over a glass a wine.

"Hi," she responds in a voice laced with that feisty attitude that gets my already half-mast cock rock hard.

"Upset are we, darling?" I can’t resist pushing her. It’s too easy.

"And now why would you assume that? You've only upended my entire life here without my permission. Not a phone call, not an explanation. Nothing." Her jaw is set, her eyes flashing. “And the worst part is I have no choice in the matter. You know I can’t afford to pay for my own place in this hotel. I won’t even ask how you managed to get Roger to stop paying for my room.”

I don’t bother answering her, and instead just move in behind her and brush her hair away from her neck, leaning in to run my mouth along the smooth skin.

"Aww come on, baby,” I say. “Don't be mad. You should know I have a good reason for doing what I did." For everything I do. Always.

"I don't appreciate not being consulted."

I kiss her neck gently, and she lets me. I smirk. That’s what I thought. She may be mad, but she’s still here, and she’s not pushing me away. I spin her around and take her wine glass from her, swirling it around.

I bring it to my nose. "Ah, you’ve selected a nice burgundy. And I venture to say an expensive one."

She purses her lips and lifts her eyebrows. "I have indeed. I figured that as long as I'm here, you'd want me to make myself at home."

My eyes narrow in on her as I take a drink. "Exactly. What's mine is yours."

I see that she's going to make this hard on me. I'd expect nothing less. She's as strong-willed as ever.

Not so much changed from the girl I knew ten years ago. Just as contrary, just as sexy—no, that’s not true. She’s far more seductive than she used to be.

Except now I make the rules and I'm at the top. She's under my command. And this time she’s the one that’s penniless.

I might have grown up on the wrong side of the tracks, but I'd say I've made a hell of a life for myself out of nothing. That's probably what Sienna least expected from me.

But I’m done thinking about that. I want to focus on the here and now.

"Are you ready for dinner? I see that you're not dressed. Did you not receive the outfit I sent over?"

I took the liberty of having my assistant pick out a divine little Chanel number that will hug her curves perfectly.

I'm going to see it on her and then spend the evening out imagining how I’ll shred it off her body in pieces once we get back. She's awakened a primal instinct and there's no going back.

I need to taste her and pound my cock deep inside her tight little pussy all night long...after dinner, of course.

"I got the dress. But how was I supposed to know what you wanted? I mean, I'm yours now, right?” The sarcasm practically drips from her voice.

“Do you want to fix my hair, too? You seem to want to control every aspect of my life. Do you want me to wear panties or not? I haven't gotten dressed because how could I without my strong, powerful man to decide everything for me?"

She's angry, and not one drop of it is lost on me. But what she doesn't know is that I couldn’t care less.

She's mine now, and that does mean I determine everything.

I pull her arm up and whisper harshly into her ear. "You will get dressed and you will join me for dinner. That's all you need to know."

The tension between us is electrifying, sexually charged.

She's trying to stand her ground, to prove her own strength and control, but everything about her body language says otherwise.

I think she's playing a little game, trying to get me wrapped around her finger again.

I’ve grown up since our days of playing at romance. I’m a man now and I expect certain things of my escorts.

She's decided to lower herself to that level, so I’ll treat her as such.

"Now go." I say it without a hint of emotion.

Sienna silently gets up and walks away. My eyes follow her, and I can see the slender contours of her beautiful body beneath one of my oversized t-shirts. Fuck, how did I not notice she was wearing that? It does something strange to me to see her in my clothes.

Her tanned legs are toned and smooth. I imagine them around my neck as I fuck her into submission with my tongue. She'll be crying my name by night's end and begging me for more.

Once she's gone, I go to the bar and pour myself a stiff drink. I need to take the fucking edge off this situation.

She gets me heated in this kind of push-pull that I can't deny. Things are always so intense with her. I need a breather. Need to get my head on straight before she gets back in here so I can maintain the control I crave.

The liquid goes smoothly down my throat, and soon she reemerges. The dress is on and she looks like a million bucks, even though I can see she hasn't bothered to do anything different to her flowing hair.

I guess she's still trying to rebel and that makes my cock twitch against my pants. Jesus Christ, this woman is making me come completely unglued.

I long to punish right here for not trying harder, but time is of the essence and we have dinner reservations at the most expensive restaurant in the casino.

"You look...nice." I say the words but what I mean is you look fucking gorgeous even if you don't bother with your hair or makeup.

Out of ten, this girl's a fucking fifteen. She's only gotten more beautiful with age.

"Come." I escort her out of the penthouse and back into the elevator where last night we were still just building up to being together again. "So there is a method to my madness. You know that there's been a tip that you're a prostitute right?"

"Yes, Carly got me up to speed."

I nod. I knew she would. "So, the lawyers have a new plan. They want us to be seen together all over the place, act as though we are dating. It's the only way to cover your brother's good name."

It’s not the only way, but I don’t tell her that. I also don’t think too much about how readily I jumped on the suggestion when Elliott called me with it.

"I don't give a damn about him," she says defiantly.

I don’t either. But I won’t have Sienna labeled as a prostitute.

The lights dim, and we're almost at the main level. I back her up against the wall with one gentle push and plant a soft kiss on her full lips.

"Well, you better play your part, darling. Because your good name will be dragged through the mud as well. Not to mention my own."

I say it as a veiled threat. I don't want to playact that she's my girlfriend. For one thing, I have a reputation to uphold. Leo Asher does not date women. He fucks them and that’s it.

But even more importantly, I don't want to make things complicated with Sienna.

I don't want to dredge up the past and I don't want her mistaking my favors as some sentiment of emotion.

I don't care for her the way I once did.

I’m my own entity, cold, calculating, and certainly not hung up on one woman. Having to act like we're dating, well, it could make things complicated, and that's the last thing I want or need.

"So this is just an act?"


And I’ll keep tell us both that until we both believe it.

I led her out of the elevator and into the main palazzo. The restaurant will be expecting us as I reserved the best and most public seat in the house.

We’ll be on show for the world to see. While I'm nervous about this being perceived for what it is, not a part of me can't help but feel proud to be with this gorgeous woman.

All eyes turn towards her. She's always been able to command a room and tonight is no different. With a body like that, who wouldn't look?

While women typically feel lucky to be with me, tonight it’s me that feels lucky to be on her arm. It’s in direct conflict with what I know I should be feeling. It's Sienna, after all, she's not just some girl.

I do have a past with her and I was always loyal to her brother. Being with her like this is what I always thought I wanted. Back then.

And now, though I'm trying to ignore it, I'm feeling nostalgic. What would our lives have been like if I hadn't abandoned Sienna? I felt threatened at the time, like I wasn't good enough for her. Doubtful and uncertain that I could ever be enough.

But now? Now I'm on top of the world and all of that insecurity has vanished. I’m nothing like the boy I used to be. I wonder if Sienna would even be interested in me now, knowing who I’ve become? If we weren’t forced into this situation by her own poor decisions.

I clutch her hand as we walk through the casino and whisper into her ear, "You’re stunning. All eyes are on you."

She beams up at me, and for the briefest moment we’re not on opposing sides but are operating as one solid unit.

And I like the way it feels way too fucking much.


Leo's walking through the giant casino with his arm around my waist.

I'm shining in my Chanel dress and we must look like a power couple because virtually every head turns our way as we walk by.

Leo’s still in his black Gucci suit from the day, and damn, does he look good. His ass is perfectly showcased, and I swear, you can practically see his rippling muscles beneath the clean lines of the suit.

I'm still mad at him, though.

He moved all my things to his penthouse without even asking. I guess I’m basically living with him now, which is surreal. Not to mention awkward to reconcile in my mind considering what I used to dream of when I was a foolish girl.

We had one wild night, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to move in with him full time.

Yes, I know it's for show and to keep this prostitution thing at bay, but I still have to be around him all the time now, and that makes my stomach knot up in nervous anticipation.

Leo’s not the kind of guy that you can just relax around. His looks and domineering presence make feel on edge and jittery in that butterflies swirling kind of way. Last night was explosive, and I can’t help but wonder if he’ll take things to that level again tonight? And I must still be somewhat of a fool because, God help me, I want him to.

He confidently leads me to our destination. His hand gripping tightly, possessively on my hip. 

"Where are we dining?" I inquire.

"You'll see. It's somewhere that we can be on display."

He's sticking to his role pretty boldly.

I imagine this isn't much more to him than a facade to keep up appearances. In spite of my best efforts, though, my feelings are running deeper. I can't help but want to spend more time with Leo.

A part of me still cares for him deeply. But the wound of betrayal and abandonment is still there. It may be scarred over by now, but I’ll never forget how burned I got by straying too close to the flame that is Leo Asher.

I need to resist him at all costs.

"Your casino is really beautiful. You must be so proud," I say, trying to be nice and distract myself with small talk.

"It's a far cry from that dilapidated house I grew up in, right?" He grins cynically.

I'm surprised he would even mention that. His house and family were nothing great but that shouldn’t be a concern for him now.

His humble roots certainly never bothered me then. And yet I wonder if it bothers him.

"Your house? Oh yeah, well it's probably the inspiration for your success. I mean, Leo, you rose to the top, to the highest tier of society. You should be proud of that."

"I am," he says dismissively, his tone clearly shutting down any further discussion of it.

I take him at his word and try to forget about it, too.

The energy in the air in Vegas is always exciting. It's electrifying. The city never sleeps. And there are always any number of vices going on behind closed doors.

We get to the restaurant, and it's five-star high-class all the way. I should have known. Nothing less for this version of Leo Asher.

Instead of obscuring ourselves from sight behind the VIP section, he has us seated at a table above the casino floor where everyone can see us. 

I try to just enjoy the experience, but I can’t stop looking at Leo. He’s so fucking hot in his suit. I can’t get over how he’s turned from a charming boy into this hulking frame of masculinity.

Or how much I want to crawl beneath him and spread my legs wide so that he can drive me wild over and over again with his huge cock. I imagine riding him until the sun comes up.

It's hard to be around a man like Leo and to think of anything other than sex. I lick my lips just thinking about it.

It doesn’t go unnoticed. Leo’s eyes are full of cocky amusement.

"So," he says as we take our table. "How was your day?"

"How was my day?" I laugh. "Um, let's see. My latest business acquaintance had me locked up in his apartment. He moved all of my stuff into his place and I feel like a prisoner. How was your day?"

He smiles. "Well, I had to deal with a hopeless situation involving one very famous call girl and I was on the phone with lawyers all day. Sound fun to you?"

We both laugh, in spite of the situation.

Leo calls over the bartender and has him make us a drink. Two Smoky Martinis arrive and we toast to being reunited and then I settle in for a very liquid dinner.

I feel like getting tipsy tonight. It's been a long day but somehow being reconciled with Leo makes me feel happy again and at ease, even if it’s all just for show.

"You think everyone can see us? Do I look like a girlfriend and not a prostitute?" I say it as a joke, but he takes my comment very seriously.

"Never say that again. You’re nothing like a prostitute. Hell, you’re the classiest girl I know. Always have been."

His statement makes me feel warm inside.

But at the same time, it flies in the face of everything he said to me the last two days. He acted like he wanted to make me feel cheap, like nothing more than a whore.

Yet now he’s saying the complete opposite. I can’t keep up.

"I'm serious," he says when I don’t respond. "When I would come home with your brother and see you, well, you were all I could think about. You're stunning, Sienna. To this day, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen."

I blush.

He's being kind, very much like the old Leo I knew. A sweet Leo. He used to have a very caring soul and right now it's shining through.

Unless this is just all part of the act, the show we’re putting on for the public.

Maybe he just knows what to say to get me to give him his desired response.

The thought makes me uncomfortable, and I quickly finish my cocktail and order another.

"You'd better have a bite to eat if you're going to be drinking like that.”

He orders me a steak when the server comes by again.

We dine, and it's actually really fun to catch up with him and to relax in his presence. He's a very funny, charming guy when he's not being domineering and bossy.

We finish dinner but Leo doesn't seem satisfied that enough eyes have seen us together.

"How about hitting the casino?"

"Why not?"

He takes my hand and leads me into the main casino lounge this time. Not the Inner Sanctum. We stop at the craps tables.

A waitress comes and serves us a steady supply of cocktails, bringing new ones before we even need to ask. It's anything for the boss.

"Hey, you better not have this rigged to win."

He puts his hands up. "I promise I don't. I couldn't if I tried."

"Should we play up the girlfriend element?"

I hang on his arm as he throws the dice over and over again. We win some, we lose some, but ultimately we just have a good time.

Soon word gets out that Leo Asher is in the casino. He's famous for being a billionaire casino mogul and for being a playboy, so it doesn’t take long for a crowd to start forming around us.

For whatever reason, Leo decides then it's time to leave. He flashes his million-dollar smile to the onlookers and we walk by, his arm firmly around my waist.

"You must be satisfied now that we've been seen," I say, disappointed that the night’s coming to an end. I had much more fun than I anticipated.

"Indeed,” he says brusquely. “I think some people might have even taken some pictures."

We walk across the marble floors and enter the mall that's connected to the casino. Most of the high-end boutiques are closed now and we're mostly alone, even in the depths of Sin City.

He stops by a fountain and pulls me towards him, holding me in his strong arms. It feels so good and it feels so safe. I’m confused because we’re supposed to be putting on a show, yet there’s almost no one around to see us.

Why is he holding me close and staring at me like that, his eyes searing into me like he’s trying to see straight into my soul?

My heart’s pounding and all I can think of is how much I want him but also how much I don't want to be hurt again. I have to keep things surface level with Leo. He broke my heart once before and I will never let happen to me again.

I need to protect myself.

For the moment, though, it feels good to be with him. I allow myself to sink into his masculine embrace, and it dissolves all pain and fear. I feel like I’m home.

"You okay?" he whispers into my hair.

"Yeah, I had a great time. I'm just tired."

"Okay, we can go." He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine, the leads me back the way we came.

But as we go, an onlooker approaches. It's some drunk guy and a couple of his friends. He looks like a frat boy who’s extremely cocky yet with not much to brag about.

"Oh look, it's the billionaire and his whore." The guy laughs to his friends like he thinks he's just said the funniest thing ever.

Before anyone sees it coming, Leo tackles him to the ground. I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth.

Leo chokes the guy and says, "Apologize to Sienna. Right fucking now."

He bears down on the skinny guy, and I know his weight must be crushing him.

The twenty-something asshole spits out, "I'm sorry."

“Say it like you mean it,” he growls.

“I’m sorry, lady. Really,” he chokes out.

Leo slams his head back into the floor and then releases him.

"Remember that, kid."

We walk away and Leo takes my hand again, saying, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean for that to happen. Don't listen to him or anybody else."

I have to admit my heart is heavy that the consensus around the city is that I'm some kind of whore.

As much as we've tried to mask it, people will think what they want, especially about rich, hot men whose names are splashed all over the internet.

Leo has a reputation to maintain, and I'm actually quite honored that he would risk that to help me and to help my brother.

The night was going so perfectly, but now I'm just depressed and tired, and I let Leo lead me to a different elevator that only he has access to.

Once the doors close, he’s all over me, gripping my breasts and kissing my neck.

I’m taken aback for a moment.

For awhile there, I was thinking it could be like old times. I thought Leo was the same caring guy I once knew. But now that the show’s over, he’s right back to the same man I know he’s become.

I know that he's changed. He's back to domination mode. But what’s most confusing is that I can't say I'm entirely disappointed. Anticipation for Leo comes in two dancing flavors that don’t always conflict.


I'm glad to get Sienna away from that fucking prick. I saw the way her face darkened, her eyes shadowing over with thoughts of what people think of her. Of how her fall from grace and current status makes people demean her.

The nerve of that kid to make this goddess feel bad about herself. This is what happens, though, when you work as an escort.

Maybe Sienna will see now that this is the wrong path for her—unless, of course, I'm the one buying.

Those guys ruined what was shaping up to be an amazing evening. One of the best I’ve had in a long time, if I’m being honest. We had a perfect dinner, and it was the first time I've been with her where things felt normal and natural.

Almost like old times. Almost.

This new erotic dynamic between us has definitely changed things.

I can tell she's starting to relax around me, even in the face of my dominance. Our connection from the past gives context to what’s happening.

She knows me, better than most people, but she also knows that I've changed.

I’m not the hopeful kid she used to know, full of optimistic ambition. I’m rough around the edges now. Harder. Darker. I’m not sure she thinks that's a good thing, but part of me really fucking wants her to.

Despite the fun evening with her, I’m fucking pissed now.

So I take it out on her with a punishing kiss.

I can't get those idiots out of my mind. I should've pounded my fists into that guy's skull. He deserved it. It makes me angry because I’m on edge about what Sienna will endure if she remains an escort.

There's enough gossip already. I shudder to think of how she’ll cope with the constant insults and negativity that will come her way if she chooses this life forever. I can only protect her so much, a fact that doesn’t cease to piss me the fuck off.

At last, we arrive at the penthouse. We haven’t spoken the entire way up. She’s just let me ravish her. I break away as the elevator doors slide open. I storm inside and she follows.

"Leo, say something. Are you okay? Forget those guys. I'm over it and you should be too." She grabs my arm to try to make me look at her.

I whirl around and stare into her beautiful eyes. Does she means it or is she saying these things to appease my anger?

"How can you be over it? Didn't you hear what they said?" My voice is tense with barely suppressed rage.

"Of course, but I don't care. They don't know me, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Sure, it kind of frustrated me, but that's it. I'm ready to move on and enjoy the rest of this night."

Her words anger me. "Well, you should be upset because as long as you keep insisting on being an escort, shit like that is going to happen. Don't you see that it's dangerous?"

Her eyes flare, then narrow as she puts her hands on her hips. Feisty Sienna has come out to play. And it fucking turns me on.

"Not this again.” She waves her hand in the air for emphasis.

“Leo, I don't understand you. Why have you taken such an interest in my life suddenly? Why do you care if I’m an escort or not? It's not like you have any vested interest in me. I'm just another woman you can throw away at the end of all this."

Is that really what she thinks?

My plan was to keep my distance, compartmentalize the shit storm Sienna dredges up inside me, but the more I'm around her, the harder it is to stick to the fucking plan.

I can't get her off my mind for a single fucking second, but it’s not like I can let her know that.

So I say nothing. I’m not one to hold my tongue, but I will when it suits a purpose. People will keep talking when you give them silence, and I want to see what she fills it with.

"You know, I don't get you," she says again. "Why are you even putting on this charade for the world? What do you care if I’m labeled a whore? You obviously think that's what I am, so why bother keeping everyone else from thinking it?"

I glare at her. She can't mean it. She really thinks I'd stoop so low as to brand her that way?

"I'm doing it for Jax." The lie flows easily out of my mouth.

She pauses, studying me as if she’s trying to figure me out.

"Okay, Leo, then why did you hire me for thirty days, huh? Was that for Jax, too? I mean, you did that before the threat was a factor. You must have a reason. What is it?"

"It's nothing, okay?" I toss back, infuriated now.

Then realizing how defensive that sounds, I add, "there's no reason."

She stands on one side of the gigantic kitchen island while I’m on the other.

It feels like we’re worlds apart.

This should make me happy, right? I need the distance. I fucking need to put some space between us so I can think rationally again.

But all I want to do is go to her and make her smile, wipe this confusion and what I think looks like hurt from her face.

"Come on, Leo, just tell me,” she presses. “Why is this such a big deal?”

I avoid eye contact and try to shut this whole thing down. It’s a really fucking big deal, but I can’t go there with her. But she's like a damn dog with a bone. She won't let up.

"Tell me,” she demands. “I have a right to know why you hired me as your personal escort for thirty days."

"Jesus Christ, Sienna.” I just snap, completely lose my cool, throwing my arms out wide. "I did it because I can't fucking stand the idea of you being with someone else."

The words hang heavy in the air between us. I know instantly it was a mistake. I shouldn't have said it.

Fuck .

I need to get away. Out of her presence where all my common sense flies right out the goddamn window.

I turn and leave her standing speechless at the island while I go to the balcony and breathe in the fresh air. The familiar city lights do nothing to calm down my spinning head.

What the fuck have I done? I can't go there with her. But now it might be too late.

She follows me outside after a minute. Of course she does.

I want to avoid her gaze at all costs. She takes my hand and pulls me inside without saying a word. Still trying to pull back from the shit I just unleashed, I go to the bar and open a bottle of wine.

Sienna sits on one of the stools and watches me.

"You know,” she says softly. “I don't know why you care. It's been ten years since things transpired between us. I’m a grown woman now. Do you really think I haven't been with anyone else?"

I finally look at her, and her intense scrutiny has me speaking without out thinking again. "Of course I know that, Sienna. I just haven’t had to see it. Seeing you with someone else drives me fucking crazy."

I immediately wish I could take the words back.

What the fuck is wrong with me tonight? Spending this time together, pretending we’re dating, must have knocked a screw loose.

Her shocked expression tells me everything I need to know. The truth is on the table now. She can either take it or leave it.

She opens her mouth, no doubt to confront me about what I mean, but then my phone buzzes. I'm so fucking grateful for the interruption.

"What?" I snap, grabbing a wine glass and pouring up the expensive vintage.

"It's Jax, man. Listen, I heard that you've been out with my sister, pictures are already on the gossip sites, and I want it to stop right the fuck now."

Yeah, wine isn’t going to cut it. I pass the glass to Sienna and reach for the scotch. I set the phone down and put it on speaker so she can hear exactly what I've been up against. Maybe she needs to know what really went down ten years ago.

"You son-of-a-bitch," he continues to incriminate himself. "Stay the fuck away from my sister or you’ll have it coming."

Now she’s shocked by her brother's attitude. Just like I suspected, but having it confirmed changes things. She has no idea what he's like. What he did.

"Listen, Jax. Fucking relax, dude," I say. "It's all for show. I'm trying to keep you and your sister out of the media. You know this . You wanted this."

Sienna looks confused, as she should be. I’m pretty damn confused myself at this point. Is it for show or is there something real between us? Am I caught up in the game I’m playing, or have I gone too far and risked more than I intended?

"You better be telling the fucking truth, Leo. That better be all there is because if I find out that you’ve been fucking her, all hell will break loose. You hear me?"

"Loud and clear." I hang up the phone and slam it down on the bar.

Sienna comes around the bar to stand in front of me and attempts to pull more truth out of me.

"What the hell was that all about? Why is my brother threatening you like that?"

"It's just who he is, Sienna." My tone makes it clear it’s no longer on the table for discussion.

"Well, at least tell me what you meant. It drives you crazy to see me with other men? What the hell, Leo?" She gives me an incredulous look.

Fuck. She has me backed into a corner.

Of course it drives me crazy to see that. She's the first girl I ever loved, and I've loved her every day since, no matter how much I try to deny it. I don't know how we got here.

A part of me wants to run and separate myself from her before things get any more complicated. And another part just needs to have her. I crave her hot body, her kind soul, her brilliant mind, everything.

There isn’t a single thing about her that doesn’t make me want to claim her as my own.

I'm tempted to stop all this talking and strip her down right here next to the bar so that I can make her understand how real this is. But I can’t. I won’t.

I turn away from her, but she gets up and comes toward me. She traces her fingers over my abs. They tighten as I suck in a breath at her touch.

"You’re saying you've been thinking about me all these years?"

I say nothing. She'll not pull another ounce of truth out of me tonight. I just look at her.

Then she shocks the hell out of me by gripping my face gently between her palms as she stands on her tip-toes to plant the most tender of kisses on me.

My cock hardens even more—because who the fuck am I kidding?

I’ve been hard for her pretty much all night. Right now, I'm ready to rise to her challenge. Ready to fuck away all these thoughts and feelings that I don’t want to face.

Yes, I fucking want her.

But she will always have to pay with her submission. That's just how it is with me. I kiss her back, hard, rough, almost cruelly, all this turmoil and aggression coming out as I pull her to me. Tonight, I want to forget about everything except how good this feels. The night is only just beginning.

And tonight, she’s mine.


I surrender to Leo in confused disorientation. I’m still reeling from him saying it kills him to see me with another man.

How could that be possible?

What he did to me in the past jaded me, changed me.

I never thought the new Leo Asher had one ounce of an actual soul. He’s just a gorgeous, wealthy man with little else on his mind other than sex and power.

He's the biggest playboy in town, yet he just admitted I have the potential to drive him wild with jealousy. I don’t even know what to think anymore.

I can’t let myself get too caught up in what that might imply, though. I trusted Leo once before and I got burned. Badly.

I'm not going down that road again.

His admission probably just means he has some chauvinistic sense of control over me because he's purchased me for thirty days. That’s all I can let myself believe it means if I don’t want to get hurt again.

The thought pulls me out of my lust-filled haze and I try to break the kiss that almost feels like a punishment.

"Leo," I gasp, breathless, pushing against his chest. "I don't want you to get confused. You own me for thirty days and that's it. You can't expect to maintain control over me after that."

I have to keep my head on straight. I can’t let all this sex cloud my judgment.

"Of course. That's obviously what I meant, Sienna. His eyes are cold as stone now, his tone condescending. “So remember that. As long as I own you, I don't want you so much as looking at another guy, got it?"

I make myself believe him because I have no other course of action.

Nothing about him screams commitment or love. Even though I’m realizing I care for him as much as I always did, and even though my heart is screaming at me to dive in,

I know I can't love Leo Asher again. Getting over him was too hard.

I cried for weeks and then his abandonment left me with trust issues that turned me into someone completely different. I don't let anyone in anymore. And I especially can’t let him in.

So even though things are advancing between us and it feels like we’re skirting a very thin line, I'm keeping my walls up nice and high.

Even though part of me desperately wants to hear him say he’s secretly loved me all this time, I can’t handle that. So I push him to tell me what I need to hear: that this means nothing.

"So, you purchased me just to..." I watch his face closely.

"Keep you out the media." His expression is completely blank. “I knew this would be an issue right away.”

"Okay, well good. Now that it's all out on the table, then I guess we're fine."

His eyes turn dark and I know what's coming. He wants to make good on his money. I watch him as he stalks around the penthouse, removing his suit jacket, his shoes, his tie.

Finally, he grabs his glass of scotch again and takes a seat on the leather couch.

Then the bastard has the nerve to snap his fucking fingers at me.

"You think I'm gonna come to you just like that? I'm not your little whore or a prisoner here."

No man snaps their fingers to make me come like I’m their goddamn pet. I turn my back to him and retrieve my wine glass, sitting back at the bar. I hope to hell this move pisses him off.

Before I know it, he's right there behind me and he's pulling me back up off my seat. I knock back the remaining wine and let myself be taken. He drags me over to the couch, and I guess he's about to get his wishes fulfilled after all. 

Something must be wrong with me because I immediately kneel in submission between his legs. I know he wants it. I want it. I love the way he takes control of me, even while I simultaneously want to exert my own.

I know the image of me on my knees at his will is what he craves right now. He wants me to be defeated, bent to his will, giving in to his domination with total surrender.

He's doing a damn good job of breaking me down.

Any fight I have left in me flees the second he releases his thick, throbbing cock from his pants. There it is in all its hard glory. I swear it’s the most perfect cock I've ever seen. I don’t think I'll ever stop wanting it.

I lick my lips in anticipation but quickly try to maintain my composure. I don’t want him to know how much I want him, how desperate I am for him to control me. But he sees it. Of course he fucking does. Nothing gets by Leo Asher. 

I try to maintain a steady gaze as though I'm still in control, but my body betrays me. My heart is pounding and I'm feeling warm with desire.

He seems to know this too.

He fists his fingers in my hair and shoves my head toward his cock. I make a poor attempt at a struggle but it's futile. He wants me to suck him long and hard, take him deep, as if to prove that I like being bought, that I like being his.

When I resist the pressure he uses to force me down, he says, "I own you now, baby. And I know you fucking want it. So do it. Show me how much you love being owned by me. How much you want this cock in your mouth."

"Fine," I say with a strangled gasp. His dirty words make me inexplicably wet. So wet that I could take all of him inside my pussy right now without him ever even touching me.

If this is how he wants to play, then game on .

I’m going to give him the best blowjob he's ever had and he'll be the one to realize that it's me he can't live without. I want to flip the tables on him, make him suffer like I did. I want to make sure I blow him so good he'll remember this night forever.

I pull down my dress to reveal my perfect tits, but instead of gawking he just tilts his chiseled face calmly to the side as if he's trying to memorize what I look like.

His fingers yank on my hair and he pulls my face down to his cock. I open wide, unable to hide the moan of satisfaction when he rams his rock hard cock so far into my mouth that he hits the back of my throat.

I fucking love it.

I crave this. I want him to choke me with his cock so I'm gasping for breath, but I'll never admit it to him.

Instead, I try to pull my head back and give him my best "lollipop" move. He lets me tend to the tip of his cock. I swirl my tongue around the wide, smooth tip, but when I peek up I see nothing but amusement on his face. Is this a fucking game to him?

I narrow my eyes and start to pull away, but he tangles his fingers even tighter through my hair and forces my head back down on him.

His cock hits the back of my throat again, and I'm getting exactly what I want. I don't know why it feels so good to be choking on Leo's cock but then it dawns on me that he's worn me down into submission. I don't want to fight this anymore. 

And that's probably what he's wanted all along. My total nonresistance to his every desire. And the fucked up thing is that I want that, too.

I gag around his hard cock, and when I look up through my eyelashes I see the smirk of satisfaction on his face. He has me basically begging to be on my knees choking on his giant cock. 

"Come on baby, take it all. Just like you like it, nice and deep." The growl in his voice has my pussy clenching and gushing.

His fingers hold my head in place and I’m forced to breathe through my nose. I swallow hard, and the feeling of my throat closing around him must be too damn good because the next thing I feel is hot cum shooting down my throat.

Jet after hot salty jet pours from his cock, and I gulp to swallow it all.

I don’t want to waste a drop.

I suck down every last bit of his cum.

Then when he pulls out of my mouth, I get up and straighten my dress, trying to maintain some air of dignity, and walk around in front of him.

I pour myself more wine and wash the savory last drops of his cum down.

"I'm going to take a shower," I say nonchalantly.

His eyes flare with heat. Isn't he done yet? What’s he trying to prove?

"No, Sienna, I'm not done with you yet."

"But you just came."

He looks at me like I’ve said something amusing. "It doesn't matter. If I’m not done with you then you’ll do what I say. How about I join you for that shower?"

I want him to, and inside I'm hoping there's more to this evening. That him not being done with me means that he intends to make me come all night. But what can I do? I'm never in control with him. He’ll do what he wants to do, and nothing more.

"Yes, come join me."

"I want you in there, ready and waiting for me."

I do what he says. It's the easiest way. And if I’m honest, I don’t want to argue.

The thought of having hot streams of water pouring over my body sounds perfect right about now. But to have Leo's overpowering frame in there with me?

Holy hell.

It’s like living out my teenage fantasy. Only this time I won't have to do naughty things with the shower head. He'll do it for me. He'll get me off. He'll make me come and beg and submit. By the end of the night, I'll be so fucking spent that it'll feel like sleeping on a cloud.

I turn the water on and get in. It washes away the long day and my muscles melt under the force of the water hitting my skin. Steam rises up, and I inhale it all in. I'm tired, but I'm also confused.

Leo says it drives him crazy to see me with other men. Doesn't that normally mean someone cares for you as more than just a sexual plaything? Maybe not.

Maybe he’s just possessive with his toys.

I don't mind being his little slave for now, but it's only temporary. With every day that passes, I get pulled deeper into his charisma and power, and I already know it’s going to be hard to detach at the end of our agreement.

How did I get here? I made a solemn promise to myself to never again fall under the hypnotic influence of Leo. He's good at this. It's his mission to seduce women. And as he's gradually wiped out all the fight left in me, I find myself longing for something more, for something deeper. 

I'm in dangerous territory. There’s no doubt about it. But my thoughts evaporate as he walks in, totally fucking naked and hot as hell.

I pull back into a corner of the large shower, my body already wet and needy. He comes in, passes through the stream of water so his tanned skin is wet, and then he’s there in front of me.

He pushes his hips against mine, forcing me against the damp stone shower wall. He brings my hands up above my head and cinches them there, his favorite position, I’m learning. I fucking love it too.

I feel his throbbing cock between my legs. All I want is for him to take me, to fuck me, to claim me as his.

He's got other plans. He kisses me fiercely, and I kiss him back just as hard.

"You're starting to resist a little less," he says between breaths.

"Maybe you're wearing me down," I tease.

He smiles, a look of pure contentment passing briefly across his face before the mask is back in place, and then he bends his head and sucks at my breasts.

My nipples harden under his tongue, his teeth, his soft, full lips. It feels so good and it makes pure lust shoot straight down to my clit. I'm aching for him now. I'm throbbing and vibrating.

Everything in my body is on fire as he teases me closer and closer to the brink of insanity.

He knows it. He knows that one push of his cock into my trembling pussy will release all that desperate ache and need, and I’ll be free. He knows this, so he resists and he draws out my pleasure until I’m ready to beg.


I've got her right where I want her. My cock slides right across her pussy that's swollen for my touch, begging for me to fill her full of the thickest cock I know she’s ever taken.

I know that having it so close is killing her, and that gives me so much pleasure to know I have this power over her. She's starting to resist less and less.

Pretty soon she'll be begging for it anytime I want.

Soon she won't want to defy me.

And knowing that she has to have me, and only me, makes me so fucking hard.

I almost lost my position earlier by admitting that it makes me go ballistic to see her with another guy. I'm aware that my feelings for her are growing, but she doesn't know. I'm not ready to tell her anything, not the full truth just yet. I must seem like a stranger to her. Things are so different now.

Given our past, I can see why she’d think that. But the truth is too great a burden to bear.

I can't even imagine telling her that I left because of Jax. Because of the things he said. It might crush her forever.

Right now, I'm trying to push my lingering emotions out of my mind and focus instead on pushing my cock deep into her dripping wet pussy.

She's aching for it, I know. But first I have some surprises in store.

I release her arms, and this time it's me on my knees. I can't wait any longer to taste her essence. Her pussy is so tight and yet so willing to open up for my probing tongue. I find her sweet spot as easily as if I’ve been doing this forever. I'm a pro at this by now. She's not difficult to unlock. I memorized her cues the first time around. Her legs spread wide, giving me full access.

Her craving for my tongue to fuck her pussy is a massive turn on.

But she better fucking want only me. By the time I’m done with her, I’ll make damn sure that's the truth.

Mine will be the only name she knows, and I intend to fuck her at the end of this so hard she'll forget even her own name. 

I drag my tongue across her clit and it blooms under my attention. I know she likes a couple fingers in her at the same time, so I delve right in and rhythmically pace my tongue while I curl my fingers to tease her G-spot.

The combination forces her to cry out and I know she's close to giving in to me.

Fuck, her tight little pussy grips my fingers like a wet velvet glove.

"Let it go, baby,” I growl against her clit, and I’m rewarded with a shiver that shakes her whole body. “You know you want this. Call my name. Tell me I'm the only one who can make you feel this good."

She always resists this part, and I don't know why. It'd be so much easier for her to just submit fully. As it is, she already tries to maintain her autonomy in pretty much everything, and I have to wrestle her back down under my authority.

"Say it." My tone is firmer now.

"Oh fuck, Leo, you’re the only one, okay? Is that what you want to hear? Just please fucking make me come already."

I almost want to laugh at her combination of exasperation and need. I don’t know, though.

Maybe she's trying so hard to fight this because I hurt her in the past. That's gotta be it. If only she knew how very much I regret that.

I want to be master of her universe. I want her to trust me enough to be that for her. 

I flick my tongue a couple more times, and she comes for me. Her pussy clenches down hard on my fingers, gripping them like a vise, and I know immediately it was one of those earth-shattering orgasms that rocks her entire world.

She screams out my name as I continue to finger her, thrusting my fingers in and out of her so quickly that one climax rolls right into the next.

What's incredible about this girl is her ability to have multiple orgasms all night long. Wave upon wave of incredible release must be coming over her because it's written all over her face. Her eyes roll back in her head and I have her right where I want her. 

She’s so fucking gorgeous when she comes. I could watch her come every night of my life and it still wouldn’t be enough.

I stand and spin her around with my hands so that her ass is right up against my cock. She's going to pay for all those times that she wasn't with me.

Maybe I left her, but the reason is flying out the door right now because I just want to punish her for every single night I spent in an empty bed dreaming of her.

I want to claim her in every way possible. Though she pretends not to like it from the way she jerks away from me, I know she secretly wants me to take her ass. In the end, it means multiple massive orgasms for her, and even she can’t argue with that. I'll make her come so hard she won’t be able to think past the pleasure only I can give her.

I tease her tight little hole with my finger while I pour some oil onto my heavy cock that’s harder than ever at the thought of what's about to happen. What I’m about to do to her. Knowing I’m the first one drives me fucking insane.

Then I swipe my finger back through her pussy lips to get it nice and wet and bring it back to her ass, pushing it in slowly, probing gently, just the tip.

She's practically purring, and this time I don't even have to force her to say my name. She just says it.

"Fuck, Leo, not this. It's too much." But the words she says and the way she says them tell a totally different story.

"No. You’re going to fucking like it, baby. I promise. You have no idea how much you’ll fucking like it."

I push my finger in one more inch and she cries out, "Oh yes, God, yes."

I chuckle. Fuck yes, my girl is about to have her world totally rocked.

“Please, Leo. More.” That's my okay, my cue to move forward.

"I don't know why you pretend that you haven't been dreaming of this for years. Admit it, Sienna."

I remove my finger, and she gasps when I replace it with the tip of my cock. Inch by torturously slow inch, I push in deeper, fingering her clit as I do so.

She's so hot at this angle. Her heart shaped ass spreading ever wider to take in my huge shaft. It's throbbing at the feel of her tight hole stretching and clenching around it. Fucking finally, I’m all the way in, balls deep in her ass, and she moans and groans and writhes like she still can’t get enough.

“Just breathe,” I whisper against her neck. She does, a sigh of pleasure escaping her lips, and when I circle her clit with my thumb, that’s all she needs. I know she's at the edge. I barely move my cock and it's over for her. She's already coming again and again, so hard that her whole body shakes. And fuck, it feels so fucking good.

" Fuck , Leo, yes, you're all I want. You're all I ever want. Fuck ."

I bring my hands up to massage her tits, and this is it, this will send me over my own cliff. She's riding her waves and it's time to let myself go.

I pound in and out of her ass at a frenetic pace, almost unable to stop myself as I feel my balls tighten. After she comes, it’s too fucking hard to resist just plowing into her like this.

The gentle arch of her back is magnified by the fact that she's trying to clutch onto the stone wall. She's trying to steady herself and her nails search for any little edge to cling to as her body convulses in pleasure.

I push in again and Sienna's just moaning in ecstasy.

Her wild moans turn me on so goddamn much. I know her pleasure is higher than it’s ever been before and that she'll never forget this moment, or regret it. This is what she wants, my ultimate domination.

And I give it to her. I slide in and out more gently now, trying to pull myself back to draw out the moment and not come too quickly, but it’s not easy. I just want to unload inside her right the fuck now. 

"Rub your clit," I demand, and she happily does so to release even more of the pent-up sensations coursing through her body. 

She fingers herself, and I've got a firm hold on her tits, hanging onto her while I continue to drill into her from behind. The idea of owning Sienna Reid in this way is like my deepest, darkest dream. 

"Leo, I'm gonna come again."

"Wait for me baby. We'll come together."

A few more pushes of my cock into her tight ass and her whole body is shaking yet again. I push and I pound as I rail her so fucking hard. Her tight ass is just too good. I want to extend this but I also need to give both of us the relief our bodies crave. 

"Now?" She practically begs to be let loose.

"Now, baby. Come for me."

She lets go, and so do I as I pump so much of my essence into her that it feels like gallons of cum are pouring out of my body. I pound into her through my release, and she's just spent. I bite down on her shoulder as the last of my orgasm rips through me, and her sexy little cry makes my cock twitch deep inside of her. We stay like that a moment while both our heartbeats calm. 

The water glides over half my body. I pull out of her gently and release my tight grip on her, pulling her under the stream of water so it cascades over her back. 

She looks so beautiful and so tired, like she might pass out right here in my arms. I hold her upright and pour fragrant soap all over her body and mine. I clean every part of her gingerly. She's been through a lot and now I want to take care of her. 

She turns towards me and gazes into my eyes with a look of wonder.

"Was that good, baby?" I murmur.

She smiles and laughs a little. "Understatement of the year. I must've come a thousand times."

"It certainly felt like it," I say as I massage her tits in my hands. "You know you're perfect, right? Your body is just..."

I trail off. I don’t even know how to describe what a goddess she is. No one has ever sexually fulfilled me like she does. I don’t want to admit it, but she’s getting under my skin, making me think and feel things I don’t want. But it’s there. I can’t deny it.

So I don’t, but I also don’t want to think too much about it. Instead, I pull her back under the water and rinse her off, wanting nothing more than to take her to my bed and keep her there forever.


Leo rinses me off and wraps me up in towels, making sure I feel warm after that marathon session in the shower. He leaves me alone to brush out my hair. I stare at my reflection in the mirror and wonder who's looking back at me.

I've let this heartbreaker back into my life. It's not really a choice is it, when the guy buys you for a month? I'm glad I don't have to go out with any other men, at least for the time being. I really can't imagine it anymore...being with someone other than Leo, even for a date.

But this is bad, it worries me. I'm getting in too deep. I'll get hurt.

Suddenly I feel like I'm drowning in a flood of conflicting emotions and I don't know how to get out of it. I need to breathe. I need air.

I don’t hear him in the bedroom, so I push open the bathroom door and cross to the balcony off the bedroom, going outside to soak in the vibrant Vegas air. The city hums below me, full of noise and lights and sin, but I'm in the penthouse, on top of the world. I should feel privileged, right? I do. I mean, I'm grateful for him, I guess, but I'm also disposable and that realization cuts like a knife. 

"Sienna, are you okay?" Leo must have come back into the bedroom because he's calling through the door.

I take a deep breath and step away from the balcony railing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed some air."

I take another deep breath to try to calm the array of emotions that are swirling within me, making me feel simultaneously excited but nervous about the future. I can only play house with him like this for so long. Then he'll ditch me and I'll have to escort around town, all the time watching him from afar with his latest conquest.

I can't do it. That can't be my life. I've gotta get off this rollercoaster, and that means shutting down all feelings and breaking my threads of connection to Leo. It's just physical, right? I can handle that. It's fine. I’m strong.

I drop the towels to the floor as I step back inside and join him in bed. He's waiting with a glass of wine for me, scotch for him.

"It's getting late," he says.

"Yeah." I take a sip of win then put the glass on the night table and curl up next to him.

His body and his breathing always calm me down. I think I might've had a panic attack out there. For a moment, the earth stood still and I couldn't breathe. But something about being in his presence is soothing, like he's big enough to contain all my shit. Like nothing about me would ever scare him off.

I relax into that intimate feeling and fall asleep. Leo's entire body is curled around mine. I dream of a time when we can be together with nothing between us. It's a deep sleep.

And yet, something wakes me. Those same old fears are plaguing my mind.

What if I get hit with anguish again? It took me years to recover from him. I was finally finding my footing, my new life and now this comes out of nowhere. I'm back in bed with the enemy.

I take my wine glass from earlier and drink it all down to calm the anxiety. Then I look over at Leo's sleeping profile. He's so hot, boyish innocence softening his hard edges in sleep.

I decide the best way to quell any nagging fears is to embrace the moment. And what better way then to take advantage of the hot, naked body lying next to me? I crawl under the covers and start sucking his cock, licking up and down his shaft with long, slow strokes of my tongue before wrapping my lips around him and creating the tight, we suction that drives him crazy. I want him to wake up with my mouth wrapped around him. His cock rises to my touch before he does.

It doesn’t take long for him to wake with a start. He pulls my face up from his now hard cock to meet his eyes. He looks at me, his expression unreadable, and then kisses me.

I pull back. "Leo, I'm worried."

"About what?" he says groggily.

"I don't know. About the future, I guess."

"It's okay, baby. I promise. There's nothing that could go wrong. My plan is fullproof."

My heart sinks. He’s talking about our fake relationship. Of course he is. Why would I think this has turned into anything else for him? I’m setting myself up for heartbreak all over again if I forget for even a minute that this is all a game.

I try to forget about it. It’s not hard to do when he rolls me over and pins me under his hard body. He spreads my legs, and without delay or hesitation, pushes his cock all the way in. I'm already wet from sucking him off, so he slides right in. I watch as he spreads my legs wider and then I wrap them around his toned waist.

We fuck slowly this time, and I swear there's a connection. I know he must feel it, too. It can't just be me. You can’t fake this sort of thing, can you?

He moves his body, rocking into me at a slow, steady pace. And the rhythmic waves start to pull from deep within my pussy. Heat rises and my orgasm builds fast. I come hard all around his cock, biting the pillow to muffle my cry.

"I want to see you." He pulls my face forward so that he's gazing into my eyes, penetrating my soul, my body, everything.

There's nothing to hide and nowhere to run. He sees me.

And I guess I'm done running from this. If he hurts me, so be it. I'll live. I've gotten through it before. What's stopping me now? All I know is that I have to submit to this thing with him. I can’t hide from it anymore. I have to let it be and stop fighting against what everything in my nature is telling me to do.

He slides in and out, taking his time, fucking me at a leisurely pace, and I try to memorize every second of it. This a different side of Leo, and I love it. I move my hips to try to take him deeper, wanting to be as close as we can possibly be.

Eventually, after tearing through my soul with his eyes, he flips me over and thrusts into me from behind. The tip of his cock is hitting me just right, teasing my throbbing G-spot. It feels so fucking good.

"Tell me what I need to hear," he says.

I'm silent save for the moans that escape me.

"Tell me."

I resist, and he torments me over and over again. Finally, he's too strong and he wins. I simply have to come.

"I'm yours, Leo. There's no other."

As soon as I say it, he rocks harder and harder into me. He’s done being gentle. I let myself go and I come harder than before, my entire body quaking from the intensity. Blackness falls over me for a moment, and I know he's releasing into me but I'm so sated I’m hardly aware of it. 

I lean my head down onto the sheets and try to catch my breath. 

He slaps my ass and says, "Good girl."

We're both totally spent, but where's the love?

He casually leans over and takes his scotch. I watch him rest against the pillows, one arm behind his head. 

I turn over and wipe the sticky cum, both of our mingled juices, off my legs with the sheets. I crawl towards him and take the scotch from his hands.

"I need something...stronger."

He gazes at me like I'm his little plaything and nothing more. He knows he's got me wrapped around his fucking finger and I'm not sure if I love it or I hate it.

We finish the scotch together and then I let him wrap his body around mine once more. I'm a prisoner in the cage that is Leo, and yet it feels so safe. Are my instincts off or is something more happening here?

I just don’t know. That was so different, so intense, and not in the way it usually is with him. It felt like that was more than just sex, yet now here he is acting like it wasn’t anything different.

Pulling the dark grey sheets around my body, and feeling the weight of Leo's measured breathing around me makes me feel somehow at home, like I've found my place. Do I dare dream that this could be my reality?

This is me getting in deeper, choosing to fly rather than run. I hope I come out unscathed.

Being with Leo for at least the next month is all I have to count on. Either he'll prove to be that same old heartbreaker, or something new and undiscovered will emerge where I get to see a new depth to him.

I'm hoping that's he's changed, that he'd never hurt me again, but until I know for sure which way the pendulum will swing, all I have to rely on is his steady breathing and the solid way he's been changing my life.

There's a season for everything and maybe now is my time for something new. I just pray this whole prostitution ring accusation falls by the wayside and that I come out with something besides a broken heart.

For now, all I know is that I'm stronger now then I was back then, and no matter what Leo Asher does to me, I'll find a way to come out on top.


Sienna and I have just had another wild night of passion.

The dawn is still a couple hours away, and I get up and make myself a drink, then stand and stare out the window looking over the city. I need something to calm down the fury of emotions assaulting me. I still can't see clearly where I stand in terms of Sienna.

Yes, I can't stand the idea of seeing her with someone else. But does that have to mean anything? I'm perfectly happy in my bachelorhood and I’m not seeking to change anything.

Unable to go back to sleep after she woke me up with her mouth on my cock, which then turned into something completely unexpected, I decide to get in a quick workout to tame the emotions that are still wrecking my brain.

I go to my private gym in the penthouse and I pump up the music and dive right into my regular routine lifting weights. This is how I maintain my physique, and exercising always calms me down and provides clarity.

I deadlift and do the pull-ups and bench presses that mark my early morning routine nearly every day. All the while the night's events are playing in my mind.

I'm going through everything that happened, reliving every moment of it, just wondering how I got into this mess. Where did I go wrong? Didn't I take care to avoid this exact scenario? Wasn't I set on keeping her at a safe distance?

I hit the treadmill and run a quick three miles. This really gets me in the zone, and as I run, I imagine all the negativity leaving my body with each stride. I have to make sense of this tonight. I can no longer hide from what's going on.

I hit the lights and leave the gym and head straight to the shower. As I walk by the bed, I see her hair and face lit up in the moonlight. Seeing her in my bed does something to me. I never allow a woman to stay the night, and now Sienna is living here, spending every night with me. And for reasons I can’t even begin to voice, I like it. A lot.

This woman is everything.

She’s stunning when she sleeps and when she's awake. And more than that, she has a beautiful soul. Sienna's a good person, always has been.

She’s fiery and independent and determined. And even when she was so much higher than me in the upper echelon of society, she never acted for a moment like it mattered.

Sitting beside her, I take my time to watch her sleep. There's a pull of emotion between us that I can't deny. But maybe it's just the result of an unfinished past? Maybe we need closure. I don't know.

Finally, I get up and hit the shower. I stand there for a little bit letting the hot water relax my tense muscles and then wash off and get ready for the day. It'll be all business as usual now.

She's still sleeping as it's now only six am. I walk past her wearing nothing but my pants and go to the kitchen to refuel and get some coffee. Maybe she'd like a cappuccino in bed?

I walk to the window once again and overlook the glittering lights that are fading in the dawn's arrival. The city that never sleeps always seems most unusual in the morning. All the debauchery of the night is over and people rise hungover and wondering what transpired the night before.

I never let myself get that out of control. I know my limits and I respect them. While others come to Vegas for a wild time, I live here and see that wildness all the time. I've made it my mission to be a force to be reckoned with in this town and yet I feel so self-conscious with Sienna.

It's as if all my wealth, and fame, and power does nothing to elevate me in her eyes. I think she sees me for who I really am, just as she's always done.

This makes me uneasy to know that the impenetrable fortress I've carefully constructed around myself can so easily be torn down by one piercing look from her golden eyes.

I make an espresso from the machine built into the wall and I spike it with a little bit of whiskey, to you know, get the day started right.

I stare out upon the view but I still don't feel better, despite my morning ritual. I feel moody and brooding and nothing can lift this fog.

I think about when I first met Sienna. She was so young then and yet equally as free-spirited. She took my breath away during that first visit home with Jax.

"This is my sister," he said dismissively, flippantly, in passing.

There was nothing about Sienna that I could dismiss, though.

And it was all over from there. I'm not sure there's been a day since that I haven't thought about her. And here she is back in my life, back in my bed.

She and I were friends before anything. I'll never forget those carefree days of getting to know each other. I hung around her mansion a lot.

I used the pretense of being Jax's friend but it was really all about her.

She and I were always attracted to each other. There's always been this heat between us that is still palpable today. Neither of us can deny that spark. I took her virginity and then her brother told me what he really thought of me.

That I wasn’t good enough for his sister. That I was just trying to play games and see if I could fuck a rich girl. That I’d never amount to anything worthy of Sienna Reid.

It was a betrayal of our friendship. We’d been like brothers.

And instead of standing up to him for Sienna, for us, I left. I never felt worthy of her. She was this beautiful social butterfly. Her wealthy family had rank and power. And here I was, this young guy from the wrong side of the tracks. I never thought I’d fit in but I also never counted on falling in love with Sienna.

I essentially abandoned her after taking her virginity, and I wonder how she perceived that? She must have thought I was an asshole who walked out on her as soon as I got what I wanted. But that wasn't the case at all. I ran away for fear of not being good enough, fear that her very own brother put voice to.

And I’ve spent every day since trying to build my fortune and become a man worthy of her.

All of this dawns on me like a lightning bolt.

I realize so clearly now how everything I've done, all of my accomplishments, were all for her. I’ve been desperate to feel worthy and to put myself in a place in society that would match hers. That would make me good enough this time.

It wasn’t a conscious effort, but the reason behind it is still the same.

Now she's penniless and I'm the on with wealth, but it all seems for naught. I should never have run away like that. Innocent, trusting Sienna probably thought I was a snake.

I look out over the beautiful sun that's rising higher, highlighting the desert that spreads out on every side, and I sip my espresso just wondering how I could've missed this.

I wonder what life would look like if I’d just been man enough to stay. Would she and I have remained together? Would she have cared that I was a poor boy with nothing to offer her? Would she have stood by my side while I worked my way up in the world? Were these last ten years just waste of time, not being together?

I’ll never know because I took that choice away from her.

Were these last ten years just waste of time, not being together?

I regret what I've done, and that's a new emotion for me. Normally I plow forward and keep going no matter what. But having Sienna back in my life has made me reflect on all the wrong choices I may have made. I might have lost the girl of my dreams forever just for some misplaced sense of inadequacy. But no, it wasn’t completely unfounded. Jax solidified what I’d already been feeling, made sure I knew he felt the same way.

Just then a pair of arms slide around my bare waist from behind. It's her and I don't know what to do, where to go. I don’t feel ready to talk about this.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Hey." I spin around and meet her lips in the early morning sun. "Coffee?"

"Yes, please. It's still so early. Why don't we go back to bed?" She gives me a suggestive grin.

"Tell you what," I say. "Let me bring you the coffee in bed, okay? You like cappuccino, right?"

She looks beautiful in her little silk camisole and shorts. Maybe I can forget all these fucking deep thoughts and just spend the morning with her in bed. Maybe I can erase them completely and not have to wonder about any of this shit ever again.

"Yes, thank you, Leo."

She's disappears into my bedroom, and I go about making her the perfect little breakfast. I want to wait on her when she looks so fucking perfect.

I make the coffee and take her some eggs. She's waiting for me and the curtains are closed. It's dark in the room except for the dimmed lighting.

"Here, baby." I hand her the tray.

"Mmm, thank you so much. So it looks like you're fresh from the shower. How long have you been awake?"

"All night. I had some thinking to do."

"About me?"

I have to shut this down before it starts.

"I was just thinking about everything. The situation."

She frowns, then forces a smile. "Well, tell me. Maybe I can help."

She's determined to get to the bottom of whatever's bothering me. Is it that obvious? Is it written across my face?

"I don't want to talk about it," I say gruffly and rise up from the bed.

She tugs on my arm.

"Stay, please stay. Just talk to me. It will help."

I attempt to walk away.

"Fine, just walk away again. You're really good at running. It’s kind of your thing." Her voice is hard now.

The words cut through my heart. I turn around and grab her roughly. I hold her in my hands and I stare into her eyes, aching to reveal all my regrets and everything I've come to realize. Instead, I deflect and I kiss her hard, putting all my pent up frustration into it. She returns the affection, and for a minute I think this kiss can erase all the turbulent feelings I have. It can erase the past and we can just start over.

And then just as I have her nice and pliable beneath me, in the perfect position for me to turn things up a notch, all of my feelings come rushing up.

It's like a tidal wave of truth, and I see in this moment that I still love Sienna.

I always have.

And I guess I'm no longer willing to run from that.


Wrapped in the strength of Leo's arms, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of this. He’s everything I've been craving. Everything I need. He's the man of my dreams and yet he comes from my past.

Piecing together a new life with him and trying to understand his conflicting emotions hasn’t been easy. I don’t know what’s going on with him right now, but he’s dealing with something he’s not ready to share. I can only hope he’s starting to realize there’s something more between us than just sex.

Leo pulls back and looks at me, his gaze intense, and I wonder if he’s finally going to open up to me, an early morning knock at the door interrupts us.

Leo seems relieved as he moves to answer it. I guess he got out of this one. But I’m pretty pissed. It's taken forever to get Leo to open up to me and just when he was about to, we’re interrupted. And who the hell is coming around at six in the morning? It better be important.

I let him take care of it, and I make my way to the kitchen where that fancy espresso machine is all mine. There's nothing better to wake up to than your own personal Starbucks. This thing must've cost him twenty thousand dollars, which I know is just a drop in the bucket for Leo.

He really has made a name for himself, a life. Though his abandonment still stings, I’m starting to want to trust him again, and that's scary territory. I opened my heart before to this gorgeous man and to do so again might be a fool's mistake.

Leo comes into the kitchen with the last person on the planet I ever expected to see.

"Jax!” I pull my robe more tightly around myself and cinch the belt. “What are you doing here?” I haven’t seen him since I told him I was going to start working at the Inner Sanctum. He hasn’t spoken to me.

He's all enraged now, his face bright red, and I brace myself for what I know is coming.

"No, Sienna, the question is, what are you doing here?" He turns to Leo. "What is she doing here, man? You promised to stay away from her."

Jax pisses me off when he acts like this. He has no control over my life and I don't see why he doesn't get that.

"Jax! Leave him alone. This is my life."

I say the words but it's like I’m not even here. They both completely ignore me.

Leo crosses his arms across his broad ches. "Jax, I told you that it needs to look like we're dating. The most believable way to achieve that is by making it seem like we're living together. It's just temporary."

He takes in the scene...the absence of Leo's shirt. I take it in, too.

And then Jax looks over at my bed head and tiny silk robe. It doesn't take a genius to see what's gone on here…and we have history already that points to exactly what is going on here.

"This is going too far. You're exploiting the situation. You guys are obviously having sex." Jax looks like he’s about to bust a blood vessel in his forehead.

Leo approaches him, holding his hands out in attempt to placate my brother. "Come on, Jax. You're being a little extreme, don't you think?"

My brother turns aggressive, getting right up in Leo’s face. It's this tendency that has strained our relationship. He's always been too damn protective.

He sticks a finger in Leo’s face. "I told you to stay away from her. It looks like your cock just couldn't resist, could it, Leo? What's new?" he snarls.

Leo instantly shoves him back and the two guys start throwing punches. They’re both huge and there's little I can do to stop it.

I try to break them up. "Stop it, you guys. Come on. You're scaring me."

My cries fall on deaf ears. The two of them go at it like testosterone fueled teenagers. I can't even believe I'm in this position. They could kill each other and it feels like there's nothing I can do to stop it. I pull at Leo and beg for them to stop. Finally, I guess they wear themselves out.

"Had enough?" Leo asks.

"You're the one who's banging my sister."

"Don't talk about her like that, asshole. You don't own her."

"Well, neither do you."

It's time for me to step in and to at least say something.

"So what if we are, Jax? What are you going to do about it? I've had enough of you butting into my life. Why are you even here?"

My words stop him in his tracks and I suddenly see that there's more to the story of why Jax has shown up here in the early morning hours. Something I’m completely unaware of.

What has my brother gotten himself into now? I didn't even know that he and Leo were still in contact. I thought they had a huge falling out years ago.

I repeat myself. "Why are you here?"

Surely he can't be here to walk in on Leo and me. There has to be more.

He puts himself back together and then raises his arms as if to say he surrenders.

"Fine. I'm here because I'm being blackmailed okay? I didn't know who else to turn to."

Leo and I both stare at him in shock. My brother is being blackmailed?

That is so unlike him. Usually he's on top of his game and he pulls the whole family together under his wing with his political power.

We're penniless, but Jax has been working to rebuild the family name and bring honor back to the Reids. He's been working tirelessly.

But then to hear that some asshole is trying to destroy all that, to bring our family back down to the trenches…well, it's unbearable.

My instinct is to protect my brother, to help him out, and I know that’s Leo's instinct as well. We used to be inseparable, the three of us. Can we find that again? Can we band together and help Leo in his time of need, despite all the shit we’ve been through?

Lee offers him a seat at the breakfast table outside on the terrace.

We drink coffee and go over the details until the sun is rising high in the sky and the desert heat starts to descend upon us. His story is chilling, and all I know is that there has to be a way to fix this.

Because basically? Well, it's all my fault.


Jax, Sienna, and I are sit on the balcony sipping our coffee. I've ordered up room service to try to make them both feel at home. It's more than Jax would ever do for me.

Frankly, it's fucking weird being together again with him and Sienna.

And it's even stranger that Jax would come to me for help about anything. He made it pretty clear that I should stay away from both of them.

Despite his usually calm composure, Jax seems pretty worked up about the blackmail. You'd think he'd be used to such things working in politics.

"Aren't we all cozy sitting around this table?" I joke with him. 

It's his fault that none of us are friends anymore. He broke up the trio. Jax glares at me now, and I know he's not in the mood for levity.

Well, regardless of his insistence on maintaining his asshole status, I still offer him all the advice I can, even though he doesn't deserve it.

"You need to calm down, man. We'll figure out a solution to this," I tell him, though I don't yet know the brunt of the blackmail.

"You don't understand, Leo. I'm up for reelection. I can't have this on me now. One blemish on my records—or on my family—and it's all over."

I can't get past my astonishment that Jax is even here for my help. We haven't talked in years and now in one week I’ve heard from him three times, now on my fucking doorstep seeking counsel?

All I know is it must be pretty bad for him to come to me.

Jax is usually so self-sufficient. How else would he have made it in the Senate this long? He's a self-starter and generally a man who relies on no one.

I won't lie. It hasn’t been easy watching his ascension to fame.

Even though I have my own prosperity to account for, I’ve still feel animosity toward Jax and the way he threatened to ruin me if I didn't stay away from Sienna.

I loved my girl, and he convinced me to throw away our future.

"I've been trying to keep things straight and not to tarnish our family name any further. So, I can't believe this is happening. I just didn't know who to turn to. That's why I'm here."

He pushes an envelope toward me and I open it. 

"It's the blackmail letter," he says.

Sienna and I both read the nearly illegible scrawled handwriting.

"It says he was an employee of the mine that father shut down," she says as we squint to make it out.

"Yup, that's right," Jax says. "And now he's come back for some misguided retribution."

"But father had to close it,” Sienna says, wrinkling her brow. “That's when we lost everything. He couldn't afford to run that mine anymore."

"I know, Sienna," Jax says gruffly, and I can't say I like his tone.

The letter describes how the man is pissed that the mine closed and it ruined his career. Now he's out to exact revenge. He threatens to bring Jax down before the election by portraying Sienna as a prostitute and Jax as being in collusion with me with the prostitution ring. The one that doesn’t fucking exist.

Sienna and I look at each other, realization dawning.

We are both thinking the same thing. This is the same guy who she went out with, that old man, the informant who’s also threatening Alchema, It has to be. It’s too much of a coincidence otherwise. Now it all makes sense.

"We're familiar with this guy," I tell Jax, my mouth setting in a hard line. "He's the one who's painting your sister as a prostitute. He threatened me, saying he’d expose me for being a part of this prostitution ring, and that's why we're putting on this charade of being together, to try to deflect the rumors.” 

I cut my eyes toward Sienna and wonder what she thinks every time I refer to our arrangement as a charade.

It feels like it's deeper than that.

Like maybe we’re both finally ready to be together, but I can't be sure of her feelings so I say nothing.

My mind wanders through the last couple nights when we've been together. It's been a torrent of emotion. Wild nights like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Ever.

Sienna meets my gaze, then drops her eyes and twists her fingers together. She must have this on her mind too. There's no way she can deny that what we have goes beyond a mere charade.

"Wait a minute," Jax says. "This guy is the reason for your front?" His eyes narrow in on us. "Doesn't seem like much of a front to me."

"Jax," I say. "You’re here asking for our help. If you can't be respectful towards your sister, then just go."

His eyebrows fly up. "She’s the reason all of this is happening in the first place," he says, turning toward her. "I warned you not to get involved with that escort service. Didn't I tell you?"

Her eyes fill with tears. I know she already feels shitty enough that she and I have been having to prove to the public that she's no prostitute. The last thing she needs is a guilt trip from her brother.

I set my coffee mug on the table, gritting my teeth in an attempt to rein in my anger. "Don't blame her, Jax. I’m certain the guy would've found a way to get to you no matter what."

"Yeah, well, she made our family an easy target."

"That's enough!" I slam my fist on the table. I'm getting pissed now.

No one will disrespect her in my presence. I reach for her and pull her into my lap, holding her close as I brush away her tears.

"Don't listen to him, Sienna. Your brother’s just looking for a scapegoat. This isn’t your fault."

She peers up at me through tear-stained eyes. "Thank you."

"It's okay, baby." I pull her against my chest. Turning to Jax, I say, "You and I are enemies. Don't think I don't know that. But we’re in on this thing together. If this guy takes you down, I’ll likely go with you. That's why I'm willing to help. Let's put our differences aside and stop this motherfucker. Then we can go back to being enemies."

Jax stares angrily at the way my hands are on Sienna. 

He gets up and says, "No way. Forget it. You know, I thought I could do this, but I can't. To see you two flaunting this in front of me is just too much."

"Hey," I say. "You came to me for help, not the other way around."

"You know what, Leo? All you've ever done is to cause me trouble. I don't know what I was expecting from you, but this certainly isn’t it. I should have known better. From the moment you walked into my life, things have been a struggle. A competition. But you know what? The last ten years without you have been pure bliss."

"Good," I say, gently moving Sienna from my lap. I stand up and come toe to toe with Jax. "Why don't we go back to that?"

"Fine by me." He stalks back toward the French doors leading back into the penthouse, apparently finished with me. And that’s fine. I'm fucking glad to see him go.

"Besides,” he continues, “you're the reason all of this is going down. If it weren't for you and the way you've been seen all around town with my sister none of this would be happening. It's your fault, and you make me absolutely sick. You need to stay away from our family for good."

The guy just won’t take the blame for anything. Or realize that there isn’t actually anyone to blame. This is just a fucked up situation. Fallout from the shit his family endured. But he obviously needs someone to deflect the blame to. First it was Sienna’s fault, now it’s mine. Whatever. I’m just about done with this fucker.

He delivers one final glare towards Sienna. "I'm warning you, Sienna. You better break this thing off for good."

He leaves and we don't bother to walk him out. I should've known Jax was still Jax. Nothing about him has changed. He's dragging Sienna down with him. No matter what’s happened over the last ten years, he’s still sure I’m not enough for his precious sister. Yet he has no problem belittling and blaming her. I shake my head. I don’t fucking get the guy.

But that’s not what’s most important here. Sienna’s hurt by her brother’s harsh words, and I can’t fucking stand her thinking any of this is her fault. Jax is the one who ruined my life by pulling me away from her. If he’d kept out of it, who knows where Sienna and I would be now? I can guarantee she would have ever needed to take a job as a fucking escort. So yeah, some of the blame does fall on Jax.

At this moment, I'm wishing nothing more than that I'd defied him and stayed with her. But the question still remains, would she have loved me back when I was penniless? That’s an answer I may never get.

We hear him slam the door.

"Let's go inside," I say. "He's gone."

I help her up and out of the sun that’s warmed things up considerably. She sinks into a leather sofa and curls her legs up to her chest.

"I'm sorry, Leo," she says. "None of this is your fault like he said. It's all my fault. Both Jax and you warned me about staying out of the escort business, but I was too stubborn to see why. I needed money, and I guess that blinded me. This is all my doing."

She's crying again and I can't bear to see it.

"It's not your doing, baby,” I say, going to her. “I promise we'll make this right, even without Jax's help."

This seems to give her hope. "We will? You mean you'll still help fix things? Even after all he said?"

"Of course," I say as I pull her up off the couch and into my arms. "I'll help because you're involved. I would do anything to protect you."

I know I’ve once again said too much, but I don't care right now. All I can think about is dragging Sienna back to my bedroom to make her forget all about this sinister drama. She deserves a happy life, and I want to be the one to give it her.

I just have no fucking clue how to make that happen.


Leo has a way of making me feel calm even when everything seems to go wrong. Jax's early morning visit has me on edge and it makes me question everything that's going on with Leo. He's put himself in harm's way to try to protect both Jax and I from this prostitution scandal, so I don't know why my brother's so pissed and not a bit grateful.

Hopefully I can be the one to show Leo my eternal gratitude. Screw my brother. He's always trying to get involved in my business, especially my love life. He thinks it's his job to threaten every boyfriend I have.

But Leo's not even a boyfriend. He's just an old flame from the past that I'm becoming dangerously obsessed with. I’m not supposed to fall in love with Leo Asher. He's the guy you have fun with, not marry. At least that's the vibe he puts off to the world.

I sigh and pull back from Leo’s embrace. It's too early for me to care about anything but coffee.

"Hey, Leo, I'm going to grab some more espresso and then use your bathtub if that's okay."

"What's mine is yours,” he says, though there's a glimmer of something that I can't place in his eyes...I've lit him up but I'm not sure how.

The machine hums out more coffee and I take it with me to his master bath. Being in here is like having a spa within the house. I need to take advantage of its every perk for the next month.

I turn the water on in the huge tub, light some candles, and proceed to undress. My ass and my body still look in perfect shape even though I haven't made it to yoga since this whole debacle began. It must be those evening workouts that Leo's been giving me.

It's hard to keep up with him. He's got the stamina of a machine and the body of a professional athlete.

I smooth my hands over my full, perky breasts. I know he likes them. I catch him staring all the time. His stares hold the promise of the dark desires we both crave. Every time he looks at me, my body tenses up with pure craving. Does he feel that too?

I step into the bathtub that's overflowing with bubbles and let the warm, silky water cascade over my skin. It flows over every aching crevice and muscle. Like I said, Leo provides a workout every single day. My body feels like I've been in boot camp.

I close my eyes and sink back into the tub, trying to forget all about Jax. I'm not going to let my brother ruin this morning. We had an amazing night, and I just want to pretend the last hour never happened.

The next thing I know, soft jazz music is playing over the embedded speakers. I open my eyes and there's Leo.

"Mind if I join you?"

Even though his tub is massive, having his large 6'5 frame in here is going to cause all kinds of trouble, trouble that I think I'd like to have.

"Of course, come in."

He steps out of his clothes and then there it is. His giant cock standing at attention. I don’t even realize I’m licking my lips until Leo groans.

“Fuck, Sienna. Look what you do to me.”

There's that glimmer in his eye again. He must've planned this the moment I said, "bathtub."

He puts one leg in and then the other. Water spills over the side of bathtub as he lowers himself in. There's just no room for a man of his stature.

"Leo," I say, my eyes glinting. "You're just too...big."

He gets the innuendo and to my surprise takes my hand under the water and puts it on his huge cock.

Fuck me.

It's so hard. I twist my palm up and down his huge shaft. He moans and lies back, resting his head against the white porcelain.

I work my magic over and over before finally sliding myself towards him. I hoist myself up to straddle his thighs and gently ease his cock inch by sweet inch into my needy pussy.

I push my hand against his chest to stabilize myself as take his cock inside of me. Being on top makes his cock press into me just right, making my body shiver in anticipation of what’s to come—me—and then I’ve taken his whole length. He’s bottomed out inside me.

"Does that feel good?" he asks, looking at me through lowered lids.

"Yes," gasp, as he thrusts up into me. I put my arms around his neck and grind against him, moving my hips up and down, finding a slow rhythm.

I like to be on top. I can control my own orgasm. And I get to feel like I control him, even though nothing could be farther from the truth. He allows me this playtime and even heightens my pleasure by clamping down on my nipple with his teeth.

"Ow, Leo, fuck."

My tits are in his face and he's loving every minute of it. He twists and pinches one with his fingers as he sucks and nibbles on the other. It turns me on so much. I rock against him harder and faster. My clit is swollen and pulsing, and this angle I've found is perfect.

"Oh God, Leo, yeah." I grind my hips down to relieve some of the pressure in my clit, and mini explosions start sounding off in my body.

The combination of his lips around my nipple and me controlling this big strong guy is just too fucking good.

I groan and whimper, chasing my release. He sucks on my tits and then his mouth finds its way to mine. We’re kissing this time while we’re fucking, and he's letting me just ride him for as long as I want. It’s too much. The sensations are building and that familiar warmth rises in my body.

"Mmm baby, yes. God, yes!"

I tremble and quiver around his cock. My muscles tighten around him. I come all over his cock, squeezing it and massaging it.

He smiles as I pant and try to catch my breath.

"That was so..."

"Fucking mind-blowing?"

I laugh. "Exactly."

I climb off him and go back to my corner where I rest my head. That was exactly what I needed. The perfect way to start the day.

He takes my hand and pulls me back towards him.

"I'm not done with you yet," he says.

He never seems to be done with me. He can’t get enough of me. Just like I can’t get enough of him.

I watch as he pulls himself out of the tub and beckons me to follow. I'm dripping wet—everywhere—and he throws me a robe that I snuggle into. It's so warm and I'm still just completely floating, on cloud nine.

He stands by the sink, watching me, and I recognize the dark look in his eyes. It's time for him to be in control again. I've had my fun and it's made him thirsty for me.

Without him even having to ask, I sink down to my knees in front of him. Wet bubbles tickle my legs.

I tug at the robe so it falls down around me so he has a nice view of my tits from above. I know he likes to see me like this, down on my knees in submission, practically begging for him to let me suck his cock.

"Tell me how you want it," he says.

His huge cock is right in front of my face and I can't resist the urge to lick the length of the full ten inches. I start to take the tip into my hot little mouth.

He pulls my face back though.

Again he says, "Tell me first what I want to hear."

I'll say it. I don't care. All I know is I need this cock penetrating me in some way, somehow, in some hole, I don’t care which.

"Yes, Leo. I want your big cock deep in my throat. Fuck me. Please."

"That's better."

He pushes my head towards him and I lick and suck and tease his cock until it’s all wet and dripping. I go at my own pace and I can tell he likes it. But eventually he takes my hair and moves my head to the rhythm that he wants.

I'm trying to keep up and yet moaning around his cock because it's just too good. I try to yell and scream as my own desire heightens, but all my sounds are muffled by his thick cock.

I tighten my lips around him and moan again, and this seems to send him right over the edge. He casts me one ravenous look as though the sight of him fucking my face is the best thing ever and then he holds my head still as he pumps and releases his load down my throat.

I’m lapping it up but I’m also ready for more. I need to feel him deep inside me. And knowing Leo, there’s plenty more in store for me this morning.


I hold Sienna tightly by the hair and pump my load into her mouth. A part of me wants to pull out and see it spray all over her face and tits but the warm, tight feeling of her throat and the way she’s gagging on it makes me not want to ever leave her perfect mouth.

I watch her lap up all the sticky cum. My girl loves my cum. She doesn’t want to waste a single drop and the thought is enough to make me fucking blow an even stronger load out than I already do. I wanna feed her all my cum and then give her more. I want to give her everything.

I barely catch my breath when she stands up crooks her finger, imploring me to follow her to the bedroom. I’d follow her perfect, tight little body anywhere. A part of me finds a twisted satisfaction in knowing she can’t get enough of my cock. She’s never had anyone like me, guaranteed.

The sight of Sienna sprawled out across my bed is seductive torment. I immediately go from half-mast to rock hard again but this time I have a plan. She wants it so bad? Trust me she’ll have it.

I open the drawer to the nightstand and pull out a pair of handcuffs. Her eyes widen, and she looks a little timid.

“Ever done this before?” I ask in all seriousness.

She shakes her head no.

“Good. I want to be your first.”

I fucking love that I’ve been her first in a lot of things we’re doing together.

But I wonder if she trusts me enough to do it? I hurt her before and I hope that won’t impede her willingness to open her mind to the thought of me conquering her in this way.

I clank the steel cuffs together and the noise makes her bite her lip.

Yeah, she’s willing. She wants it.

Fuck yes.

“Trust me Sienna, okay? Just know that I’ll never push you too hard. I know your limits, okay?”


I climb on top of her and pull her arms up over her head. I’ve got one of those Herculean beds with posts that are the size of tree trunks. I cuff her wrists to either side of it then step back and look at my handiwork.

She looks fucking gorgeous sprawled out on my bed liked, her body pliant and exposed and mine for the taking.

She looks at me tentatively so I start slow. Very slow.

It makes me crazy thinking about playing out my dark desires with Sienna. And the fact that she’s loved every bit of my dominance so far, even if she won’t admit it.

“I want to hear you say you only want me, you’ve only ever wanted me.”

The defiance in her eyes screams my answer.

This both turns me on and infuriates me. I’ve thought only about her for ten years and I expect the same from her.

“You shouldn’t be so cocky when you’re chained to my bed post.”

She glares at me. “Why? What are you going to do about it?”

I smirk and say, “I’m going to leave for a little bit and you won’t know when I’ll be back.”

“Wait, Leo, what? You can’t leave me here like this.”

“Oh, but I can.”

It makes me rock hard to think of her being tied to my bedpost alone with only thoughts of me to occupy her mind. That’ll show her some temperance.

“Leo! Fuck, no.”

She’s struggling as I leave the room. Let her pine for me a bit. I go to the kitchen and take my sweet time having breakfast. I order up some room service and read the paper. Only after it’s been awhile do I go back in.

The minute I walk in, she turns, trying to cover herself by crossing her legs.

“There’s nowhere to hide, Sienna. It’s all me all the time. You better get used to this.”

She jerks her head to the side and refuses to look at me.

“Say it, baby. You know you want to.”

I remove the jeans I was wearing and sidle up between her legs. Stroking her inner thigh softly makes her tremble with need.

“Have you been thinking of me?”

I torment her by dragging my fingers over her stomach and waist, everywhere except the place where she most wants to feel me.

“Just say what I want to hear and this can all end in pleasure.”

She’s silent, defiant, so I get up to leave again.

“Fine,” I say. “If you want to play the hard way, we can.”

“No! Leo, please don’t go.”

“Then tell me what I want to hear and say it like you mean it.”

It’s almost at a whisper when she says, “I’ve only ever wanted you.”

I may have had to force it out of her, but it fucking sounds like the truth.

And when she lifts her golden eyes to meet mine, it’s like fireworks explode. We both feel it. I know this connection is as real for her as it is for me. Though neither of us has voiced our feelings, the sexual chemistry is palpable.

“Good girl,” I say with confidence as I make my way between her legs again.

I bend my head down and graze my tongue along the lips of her pussy. She’s so wet. Obviously our little time apart was good for her. She smells like a fragrant mix of body wash and her own delicious juices.

I lick at her clit and have to hold down her legs because she’s trying to buck her hips and take control and get what she needs from me. She wants it so bad. I can tell from her swollen, trembling clit that’s budding more with every flick of my tongue.

Soon she starts to relax into it and she lets herself be pleasured by me. It’s not worth fighting.

All I want to do is make her come until her head explodes.

I don’t know why she’s having such a hard time accepting that. All she has to do is submit to my control and the world will be hers. I’ll pleasure her as much and as long as she wants.

Why fight anything we feel between us? We’re both so fucking stubborn…but it is part of what makes us both so fucking perfect for each other.

I swirl my tongue around her clit for long, tantalizing moments. She’s arching her back into it but the handcuffs and my grip on her thighs stop her from getting far.

“Leo, I’m going to come,” she pants.

I’ve got her right where I want her. As she reaches her climax, I stroke my fingers around her opening, and this sends her soaring even higher, riding the wave of endless orgasms that just keep on coming.

She’s screaming my name.

“Leo!” It falls from her lips repeatedly.

That’s all I wanted to hear. She could’ve just done that from the beginning and made this process a lot easier.

She comes so hard, one right after the other. I take my place between her thighs and spread her wide. I know she does yoga and let me tell you that’s paying off right about now.

I plunge my cock deep inside her. She’s so wet and sticky from her cum that I slide right in. I push her legs back so that she’s wide open to me and the view is fucking gorgeous. My baby cuffed to the bed, tits out, craving my touch, and her wet pink slit is at my disposal.

I ram my cock in and out, not rushing, drawing out both of our pleasure. It feels so good to just have her like this at my utter beck and call.

“Say my name again, baby, tell me how much you enjoy this.”

I’ve got her going, so wet and horny and needy that she just says whatever’s on the tip of her tongue, what she’s been dying to say.

“Oh Leo, fuck, it feels so good. It’s only you. It’s only ever been you.”

They’re the only words that I want to hear. I push into her even deeper and I think my own eyes are rolling back into my head from the sensation of her pussy clamping down around me.

So. Fucking. Wet.

At the last minute I decide I want to paint her with my cum. Just as my orgasm is about to rip through me, I pull out of her clenching pussy let it go. I spray ropes of hot, sticky cum all over her stomach and tits. Jet after jet shoots all over the place, so much cum everywhere.

It’s so fucking hot to watch. And it takes her by total surprise.

Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open, and fuck, that makes the next sticky stream shoot right in her mouth and all over her cheek.

She moans like it’s all she’s ever wanted, running her tongue over her lips to get as much in her mouth as she can.

Jesus Christ, this woman fucking loves my cum.

I let my hands fall to the bed on either side of her heaving chest and stay there for a minute to catch my breath.

I take a hand and scoop up some of the cum from her tits, then watch as she licks it all off. She looks at me the whole time, her eyes full of raw lust.

Then it’s over. I step back, putting my mask back in place.

She eyes me with a look of apprehension. Like she doesn’t know what happens next. I know she’s torn, wanting more, because so am I. I could do this with her every day and every night.

I’m still not convinced she’s entirely mine, though, and that leaves me broody as fuck as I uncuff her.

“You good?” I ask as she rubs her wrists.

“Yeah. That was intense,” she says.

“In a good way, right?”

“Yes,” she says, suddenly seeming shy about what we just did. But then she flashes that beautiful smile, and I know I’m that much closer to winning her over for good.


I just told Leo that being handcuffed to his bed in the middle of the fucking day was intense...but that is an understatement. It was wild and stormy and explosive. What is it about this guy that has me ready to be chained to his bedpost?  

And yet somehow in losing all freedom, I felt most free of all. Suddenly I wasn't in control anymore. I didn't have to worry about bills, or my job, or my reputation. I was, soaring on cloud nine and ready to never look back. 

And in that release, those moments where I didn’t have to manage every facet of my life, I actually found myself more able to just be me.

My submission to him feels more and more natural every day. He can dominate me because I know that what fuels that authority is a complete devotion and adoration of least for the next month. 

And though I'll never tell him, that underlying protective tendency he has is a real turn on.

"I've never been tied up before," I admit as we're lounging around naked in the mid-morning sun.

His gray sheets are covered in so much sticky cum, delicious evidence of time very well spent. I love the filthy sight of it.

"I like that."

I grab his chin and pull it towards me so that we're eye to eye.

"I mean it. It's not like other guys haven't tried, but I never trusted anyone enough to do that."

His eyes flash. "God, Sienna. Fuck. That's not what I want to and other guys. I can't even imagine it. Don't tell me about other guys, or I might have to get the cuffs back out."

It was a slip of the tongue. I never meant to set off his jealousy. If only he knew...that no one else can ever compare to him. The uncontrollable way he makes me feel tops everything, everyone.

That’s what I was trying to tell him. That he’s the only one I’ve ever wanted to do all these things with. Do every thing with.

Everything with Leo is based on his need to contain me and make me his. What he doesn't know is that I'm pretty willing to let my reckless nature go.

I don’t miss being so unrestrained because ultimately it’s led me to some pretty bad being an escort under a guy that basically wants to pimp me out as a prostitute.

While my intentions have always been pure, I haven't always put myself in the best situations, and that's why having Leo in charge is not such a bad thing.

I can't believe I'm even admitting this to myself. I'm determined, though, to remain unbroken, even under his restraint.

It's probably what he likes most about me. I'm wild and complete in my unrestricted nature and that'll never change. He can control me, but only if I allow it.

"I think we should have a nice lunch on the balcony," I say. "Come on, the day is bright, the sun is shining."

The nice thing about being in the penthouse of a casino is that Leo has full access to all kinds of world cuisine, especially when he’s the fucking boss.

I smirk. I'll never tire of ordering up food and not having to cook.

"Lunch? Sounds nice. But at some point, I'll have to get some work done today."

"Should I call the concierge?" I ask.

He kisses me.

"No baby, you stay here and get ready. Let me handle everything."

Fine by me. I sink back into the pillows and try to absorb the luxurious feeling of having been thoroughly fucked by the man of my dreams.

Leo is no joke. He is very serious, and apparently very serious about me.

I don't dare hope he'd ever give up his playboy ways, but for the moment it's me in his bed and no one else.

Eventually, I feel like I’ve been lazy enough and that I need to haul myself out of bed. I go into the suite and wash off. Leo's got music blasting and it wakes me up to the fact that the day has officially begun.

I apply my makeup perfectly. There's no better light than up here at the top of the world. I pick out a simple black bodysuit with lace detailing, black slacks, and Jimmy Choos.

When I finally arrive on the terrace, Leo's jaw practically drops to the floor. He likes what he's seeing. I sit down to a white linen tablecloth and crystal glasses.

"Mimosa?" he offers.

"Could I ever say no to that?"

He makes my drink and I ask what we're having.

He goes inside to get the service tray from the kitchen. Then he reveals the perfectly plated brunch. 

He says, "Coffee-flavored Belgian waffles with homemade whipped cream."

"Leo," I say, “that sounds amazing.” Wow. I have to say, Leo Asher knows how to take care of a woman.

I dig in, ravenous from this morning.

"It's so peaceful up here," I remark. "You're in the middle of the action and yet so removed. I could stay out here all day."

"Well," he says. "You can. Why don't you lay out here, get a tan, order a massage, and then get ready to see me later tonight?"

"That sounds perfect.”

"You’re what’s perfect. But unfortunately, I have to escape to the office for a few hours, as much as I'd like to seduce you out here on the terrace."

Hmm, that gives me an idea. Surely he has time for just one more round.

I finish my mimosa and it gives me the liquid courage to make my move. Leo looks so good in his suit. But I'm dying to get him back out of it, to unleash his cock and give him one more reason to think about me today.

"I'll lay out and work on my tan," I say as I casually remove my black pants so I'm wearing nothing but my lacy bodysuit.

I immediately know my tactic works because his eyes are feasting on me. I make my way over to one of the lounge chairs and pretend to be up to nothing but getting some sun.

He comes over just like I knew he would. He's like a puppy, standing right next to my chair. He’s not the only one with some control, even though he’d never admit it.

"Hey." I peer up through the brightness. "You're blocking my sun."

"Come here," he says.

I sit up, and he pulls his cock free from the expensive pants. It's standing at attention, proud and hard in all its glory, up here on the penthouse terrace for no one to see but me. I eye it greedily, and soon he's pushing it towards me.

I wrap my hand around the length of his shaft. I can barely fit my hand around his cock because it's so fucking huge.

I’m instantly wet, and I know I won’t be wearing this bodysuit any more today after we’re done here. I suck the tip of his cock that’s beading with pre-cum and it makes him groan. He pulls my tit out of the lacy top and fingers my nipple.

I moan around his shaft and lick and suck and taste.

He forces his cock deeper into my mouth and take it all, just the way he likes it. He must be feeling so fucking powerful in his luxe suit with me, his bought and paid for escort, sucking on him like there's nothing I’d rather do.

I take it deep and I focus on making sure his cock is dripping wet from my mouth. It grows impossibly harder.

He picks me up and bends me over the lounge chair. Before I know it, he's unclasping the hook of my bodysuit that's right between my legs.

His fingers graze my pussy as he does so and I have to suppress a moan. I don't want him to know how very bad I want this. 

First, he licks a couple fingers and traces the line of my pussy with them. The motion makes me fucking soaking wet. I could come right now but I wait.

But he doesn’t make me wait long. He must want it as badly as I do. Soon his huge cock is pushing deep into me from behind.

"God, Leo. Fuck."

He doesn't say anything but just keeps on fucking my hole. It's so hot being out here on the terrace, partially but not all the way hidden from potential onlookers.

Something about that ups the ante and increases the rush between my thighs. I’m gushing everywhere and the sound of the wet slaps as he fucks me hard make me wild.

I grind back on his hips so that my G-spot is more easily stimulated. He's thrusting hard and I know I have only minutes to keep up. I finger my clit and he moans into me.

“That’s right, baby. Touch your pussy.”

He's holding my tits, gripping them tight, using them to pull me closer to him, deeper with every thrust.

I feel my pulse quicken and he knows I'm gonna come. We know how to read each other’s lust like a first language now.

I finger myself round and round my clit until a fuse lights, burning me up from within. And then as he fucks me so much harder, I feel the little waves turn into something tidal.

I’m about to come, and it's going to be one of those moments where I know I'll lose all control. I think I could even pass out right in the middle of sex.

I try to surf along the edges of the momentum, drawing out my pleasure, but the force of his cock is just too great. My walls clamp down on his cock for support and I shatter into a million pieces. Fireworks explode in a rainbow of colors behind my eyelids.

I know he's coming too because I hear him gasp and groan and he pulls my hips back to meet his own. He pumps his hot cum into me and both our bodies still.

I know it's ended, he's fucked me and it's over, but my body instantly misses him when he pulls out.

Leo's zipping up his pants and fixing his suit.

Another part of me, though, is relieved that he's going to work and that I'll have a break from fucking to compose myself and get a fucking grip. I’m running the real risk of getting in too deep with him.

Suddenly the idea of lounging the sun and getting a massage seems like truly the perfect tonic to rejuvenate myself. To just relax for a while.

Leo Asher is a man with more stamina than I’ve ever seen. But by the thunderous quality of that last orgasm, I'm starting to doubt whether I can keep up. I guess a girl could have bigger problems. I make another mimosa and watch him walk away.


The stylist arrives right on time. She brings in a rack of clothes for Sienna to choose from. The makeup and hair people come soon after. Sienna and I have come up with a plan to remedy the situation and she'll need to look perfect.

Maybe it's an excuse to spoil her a little. She's been through so much and she's been quite a trooper having her life turned upside down and dealing with her brother. I want to take the heaviness away from her and put it on my own shoulders for just a while. I can bear the brunt of gossip and bad news, she, however, doesn’t deserve it. 

She comes out of the shower, hair wet and wearing my robe. 

"What is this? Leo?" Her eyes light up, and I fucking love it. I want to be the one to put that look on her face every single day.

"I've ordered it all for you. I want you to just relax and let yourself be pampered."

She kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you."

She's always grateful for even the smallest things and that makes me want to spoil her even more. 

"You deserve some respite." I pour her a glass of wine to get the evening started. "Here, we might as well make this fun."

"Yes! Have a glass with me?"

"I'll have whiskey."

I pour myself some in a crystal tumbler. Then I leave her to enjoy all the fun that comes with having a glam squad.

"I'll let you enjoy it without any distractions."

"Okay." She’s already rifling through the rack of clothes with happiness. 

Well, at least something's been able to put a smile on her face.

I finish my drink and go to take a shower and by the time I come out, Sienna's squad is putting the final touches on her makeup. 

"You look...amazing."

"Just wait until you see her dress," the stylist says as she holds up a tiny black silky thing.

"Plus, there are sky-high heels," Sienna says with delight.

My eyes grow ravenous as I take her in. It's hard not to want to fuck her day and night. I feel like taking her perfectly polished appearance and fucking her until she’s in complete disarray. I feel like sending these people away and tossing her over my shoulder so that I can have my way with her in the bedroom.

She looks at me and sees what I'm thinking. Is my desire that obvious?

"No, Leo,” she says with a smile, though I see the heat in her eyes and her unwillingness to leave yet too. “We don't have time."

She read my mind.

"But later we will.” She says it like a promise. “And I guess that means we have all night to think about it."

The sexual tension is thick, and I'm happy to say we've made the glam squad suitably uncomfortable. They finish up quickly and pack away their things. There are kisses on the cheek and thank yous before they depart. Sienna has likely made fast friends of the squad and I imagine they'll be around more often. At least as long as she’s here with me.

I pull her close and kiss her. She leans back, her eyes wide.

"No, babe! My lipstick."

She doesn't leave me hanging, though, because she unties her robe and lets it fall to the floor. All she's wearing is a black lace bra and thong. She does a little spin, causing my cock to twitch, straining against my pants to get to her.

"Now help me get into the dress."

"No problem." My voice comes out thick, and I have to swallow hard and clear my throat. Fuck, this woman drives me crazy. Typically by this point, I’d be tired of a woman. Bored. But with Sienna I seem to want her more every day. It’s becoming an insatiable desire.

I hold the skimpy little dress up and try to determine front from back. She's laughing at me now as I fumble with the fabric.

"Give it to me,” she says, snatching it away.

She slides it over her head, and her lingerie sadly disappears, but the tight fabric of the dress hugs every curve just right so that my imagination doesn’t have to venture far.

"You ready for this?" I ask as I take her arm and lead her downstairs.

"Yes. But it's going to be pretty hard to hate you."

Breaking up is part of our plan.

"Well, you didn't seem to have any problem with it before," I jest.

"That's when things were different." Her voice is soft this time. There’s no anger there.

But I don't probe her more. I’m still uncertain about how to deal with what’s going on between us.

We go downstairs and into the Inner Sanctum. Our plan is to continue making it look like she's an escort so that we can possibly get a handle on who the informant is working for. The easiest way to kill the target is to go right for the hornet's nest.

Again, we walk through the casino, and there's a hushed silence despite all the chaos of slot machines going and tourists everywhere laughing and drinking. Our names have been splashed all over the media, and all eyes are on us, which is just the way we need it to be.

I lead her to the high roller tables and we begin gambling. We're pretending not to notice that people are watching our every move. Little do they know that a soap opera's about to be played out for their entertainment needs.

We act like the happy couple at first. I'm kissing her and smiling. We're ordering drinks and laughing as we play blackjack, poker, and roulette.

I whisper in her ear as we plan our dramatic scene.

"Do you think it's time?" I inhale her perfume as I say the words. 

My cock is throbbing, and I want to take her into a side room and fuck her brains out before the drama begins. I can't take my hands off of her. And she's happy to be wanted. She's flirting with me and I hate that we'll have to separate for even a moment before I ravage her tonight.

"I guess it can be time. But I'm having so much fun."

"I know. But the sooner this is over, the closer we'll be to freedom."

"Okay." She nods, and her eyes are wide, and I know she regrets as much as I do what has to be done.

"Alright, I'll start. Just remember that whatever I say, I don't mean." I feel like I need to give her fair warning after the harsh things I said to her when we first saw each other again.

I start to argue with her, loudly enough so that people in the immediate vicinity can hear.

"You little slut, are you telling me you want to break our agreement?"

She stands up and pours a glass of water all over my suit.

"That's exactly what I'm saying. You're an asshole and I wouldn't dream of spending a single moment more with you."

She turns to stalk out but I grab her arm. People are definitely looking but we stay true to our roles. It's the only way to put an end to this blackmail.

"You're not going anywhere," I say as a small crowd forms. "I paid a hundred thousand dollars for a month with you, and I expect you to make good on that arrangement. Otherwise, I'll call your boss and have you fired."

She turns around with viciousness in her eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

"I would," I say, confident like I always am, but with obvious anger in my voice.

"Fine. Call him. I don't give a damn. I just want to be away from you forever."

She storms out, and I know she's on her way back up to my penthouse through the private entrance like we agreed upon beforehand.

The crowd eventually scatters, and I make sure to stay awhile longer to flesh out the scene.

I act broody over my scotch, and in truth I am broody.

I still haven't told Sienna about my true feelings, that I've loved her from the moment I first laid eyes on her.

She still doesn't know that it was her brother Jax who kept us apart. She has no idea about his threatening nature and about how overprotective he is. I don't have to act the part of a crestfallen man because that's the way I truly feel. I don’t know how to get past all of that and to the point where we can be together.

I stay at the luxe lounge for two more drinks and then make my very public walk to the penthouse elevator. Everyone who didn't witness our breakup knows about it now. The news has traveled like wildfire. My phone is pinging as concerned friends hear of the news. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s trending on social media. We probably have our own fucking hashtag.

I go into the elevator and loosen my tie. I'm ready to be with Sienna without pretenses and without the charade. I want things to work out between us. I know this now. I'm ready to just be and to stop pretending.

A little while more, I tell myself. At least it's guaranteed that she'll be with me for a few more days yet, until we have this under control.

I go inside the penthouse and can't wait to find her. She's waiting for me by the window and we both burst out laughing at our pretend fight.

"You did really good down there," she says. "I'd hate to break up with you for real."

"Yes," I agree. "My suit is still wet. You didn't tell me you were going to do that."

She grins "Oh well, when the bartender delivered that water, I thought it'd be a nice touch."

Her eyes are mischievous. "Hey, at least it wasn't wine."

"Is that so?"

Her playful mood deserves my full attention. I make sure the doors are locked and then I show her just how she’s going to pay for that splash of water.


I can't believe I'm back on Roger's arm. After spending so much time with Leo lately, I'd nearly forgotten about what my real life was like when I was an actual, not just to him. Now every man pales in comparison to Leo.

As much as I've tried to resist getting emotional about anything that's transpired between us, I find myself constantly thinking of him. It feels like a betrayal somehow to even be on another man's arm, even though I know it's all part of a broader scheme. And even though Leo and I haven’t actually talked about what’s going on between us.

Roger thinks I'm here to work. As far as he's concerned, I've been paid by Leo and now he can keep the money and still sell me to other men. It's a money game, and I know Roger wouldn't bother to help us if he knew that ultimately we’re trying to bring down the informants that are trying to get to us. My boss certainly doesn't have a very good scouting system if he's been letting me be sold to men who are working undercover.

He's pretty well respected in this town though, and Roger's known for only having the best girls. Which is why I went to work for him in the first place. I would never work for some low-end escort service, but after this entire fiasco, I’m rethinking my job of choice.

A man approaches us almost immediately after entering the Inner Sanctum. Things move fast in this business, especially under Roger. He murmurs about the exchange and then it's done and I'm shifted subtly to the arms of the new businessman that has paid for my services.

"Well, hello there," I flirt as I take his proffered arm.

He's an average looking guy. His suit is of moderate quality. He looks like every other middle-income businessman in town.

I'm looking around for Leo. He's supposed to be watching me but at a safe distance. I don't feel right about any of this but I know I have to do what's required. It’s all part of the plan. All I can do is hope that Leo has eyes on me from somewhere.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"I'm William, at your service."

"Okay, William, well I'm Sienna. And shouldn’t I be the one at your service?" I tease, though the words nearly stick in my throat.

Leo told me I’m not supposed to use my real name in this business, even though Roger did at first, but it's the only way to catch an informant. They're looking for me, and the more obvious I can make it the better. Luckily he reveals himself a little too soon.

He says, "I know."

That little tidbit of information gives me everything I need to know. He's got to be an informant. Especially with how quickly he approached me. Our plan should work perfectly.

He tries to cover his tracks. "I mean, Roger there told me your name."

I know it's not true because I was standing right there. This guy is working undercover and he's not very good at it. At all.

"Do you wanna go to the bar over there? The Zen Lounge I think it's called."

"Sure that would be great."

I squeeze his arm and plaster on a big fake smile. I'm trying to not be obvious but I'm looking for Leo everywhere.

We enter the lounge and take a seat at a private little table partly shrouded in curtains. The waiter comes over and thinks we're just another couple in town. There's nothing extraordinary about our coupling except for the fact that I'm dressed better than him. Maybe I should've played it down a little bit and not worn Gucci. But the men who can afford escorts like me typically dress better. Yet another clue that this is my guy.

"I'll have a glass of pinot," I say when the bartender approaches.

"And the gentleman?"

"Martini, neat, no olives."

"Coming right up."

I wish I'd ordered something stronger. I'll need it to get through this night. The bartender comes back quickly with our drinks, and I see over his shoulder Leo is tucked away at the back of the bar. Thank god.

His eyes meet mine and I see a fury within them. He's jealous, I realize, though I don't know why. It's not like I want to be with this guy. It's all part of the plan. The plan he came up with!

I try to remind him of that by giving him the signal that I'm with an informant. I flip my hair to the right so he can see, and he acknowledges the movement with a slight nod.

I turn back to my date. "So are you in town for long?"

"Just a few nights. What do you say we scoot these chairs a little closer together so I can really get to know you?"

He moves his chair next to me before I even have a chance to protest. Yuck. I wrinkle my nose in spite of myself. I don't want this guy's paws all over me and yet I know that's what's about to happen.

He's got the ick factor for sure, and I’ll have to sit here and endure it, even pretend that I like it. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I try to smother the cringe that I feel. It’s becoming more and more obvious that I’m not cut out for this escort gig.

I see Leo about to get up. He's pissed that the man is touching me. That's not part of the escort contract, but for some reason, they all think they can do it. I'm supposed to be seen with them and to provide entertainment, not be groped and handled like this. It's really a dangerous position to put women in, and again and I'm wondering why I signed up for this job in the first place.

I really thought it was going to be a glamorous adventure with some of Vegas's richest bachelors. Instead, it's been nothing but a creepfest, and I can’t wait to get out of it. Leo was right. Even though I’m not required to have a physical relationship with the men, it’s still expected by most of the clients.

I toss Leo a pleading glance, and he sits back down.

The man notices my wandering eyes and he's a real asshole about it.

"Hey, honey, how about you focus on one man at a time?"

Thankfully he doesn't see Leo, because that would be a dead giveaway, but I have to take his comment in stride, and that’s really fucking hard. I turn up the charm and start to flirt to distract him. I need him to not notice Leo or that will blow up all our carefully laid plans. I also make sure to play my part.

"William," I give him my full attention, "no one could distract me from you. You have no idea how glad I am that you're my client. They're not all as hot as you are."

I'm playing it up big time, totally fucking lying through my teeth.

He grabs my head and pulls me toward him so he can whisper in my ear.

"I want to get you back to my hotel room and show you what a real man can do."

Normally I’d resist such a line but I have to pretend that I'm cool with everything. I turn my head so I can see Leo's angry eyes without William noticing.

Though Leo's so pissed, it makes me feel better to know that he has me covered. Otherwise, with the advances my date is making, I'd be feeling really unsafe by now.

"Come on," William says. "Let me get you out of here."

"Don't you want another drink?" I'm trying to stall. "Please, I'd love to have what you're having."

It works, and William is satisfied for now. I talk with him and try to extend the evening as much as possible. I emphasize the fact that I'm working for money and I like it. Normally I wouldn't talk about any of this, but to trap an informant I'll do anything.

I see Leo every now and then when I can sneak a glance. I see the possessiveness written all over his face. It turns me on to think of him wanting to kill any man who touches me.

My feelings for Leo are becoming harder and harder to ignore. I feel the intensity of our growing connection all the time.

Even though he broke my heart when we were younger and I had no idea why—still have no idea—I'm finding that those old feelings are not forgotten. I was in love with him then and I think I am now.

Maybe it was always him that I was waiting for. Maybe some secret part of my heart was always hoping that he'd find me, that his abandonment was all a mistake, and that he'd be the one after all.

I'm worried, though, that loving Leo again will leave me broken. He did it once and I might just be a fool to expect things to be different now. He's the ultimate playboy billionaire. I don't see him changing that lifestyle for me anytime soon. Yet his eyes are crazed with jealousy and I desperately want to know what that means for us.

William is becoming more and more insistent that I leave with him. It's time to deflect and to put an end to the night.

"You know what, William? If you meet me right here tomorrow night, I promise that I will spend the night with you. Okay? You see, I have another booking tonight that I have to get to."

He seems appeased for now, and we make the agreement. Thank God I can get away from him now. That was pure torture.


I'm going fucking ballistic watching Sienna on the arm of that average joe. How did he even get a date? Don't her clients have to at least be multi-millionaires? I know he's an informant so that's probably why he doesn't look worth a dime, but even if the guy had money, I'd still be going out of my fucking mind with jealousy.

I try not to get jealous and I usually don't. No woman has ever been worth it. No woman provokes that primal feeling of passion inside me.

Usually, I'm not into anything deep, but with Sienna, it's getting deeper every day. And watching her right now is making me want to throat punch that bastard.

I order tequila. It might not help, but there's a good chance it will. The fiery liquid goes down hot, just the way I like it. It's something to distract me from the repulsive scene I see before me.

That motherfucker’s hands are all over my woman and it's all I can do to stand back. I take another shot and then sit bleakly watching the scene unfold.

I know it's all for a purpose. I know we have a plan. But I wasn't expecting that watching her with someone else would awaken such powerful emotions in me.

I feel like taking her upstairs and fucking her brains out just to be sure that I'm still the only one she craves. Maybe her feelings go beyond that now? Do I dare hope?

I know I'm deep in the trenches of feeling something real for her, but she has no idea, and I can't tell if she returns the feelings. It's probably just lust that she has for me, like every other woman. But then we have this past...

She gets up to leave, and I'm glad that it looks like the date is over. She's played her part and it's finished. If he makes one more move towards her now, he'll be fucking done for. If he violates her space for one second after she's ended it for the night, I'll be right there to save her.

Thankfully he never saw me. The man's apparently too fucking stupid to know when he's being set up. He goes his way and she smartly avoids my gaze before gathering her things to leave.

I scribble out a note that says, "Meet me in the penthouse in thirty minutes."

Then I have the waiter deliver it to her. She takes it without looking up and reads it and then leaves the lounge.

I want to follow her and to see every step that she takes but it'd be impossible. I'll blow my cover. So as much as I don't want to, I return to the penthouse by myself, taking a different route. The casino's so massive it takes an eternity to get anywhere.

As I walk across the slick marble floors I think about how I can't take this anymore. By now, I know that my feelings for Sienna are real, they never went away. And yet I'm confronted with the fact that she doesn't know yet.

And we're involved in this high-stakes charade. If we don't play this right, she'll lose her reputation, I might go to jail, and her brother, though I couldn’t care less about him, will be ruined.

I wish this was all over but until then I’ll bide my time patiently. Seeing her tonight with that other guy made it all the more evident that I want her for myself. The minute we're done with this stupid scheme, I'll tell her everything.

I'll admit that I loved her then, ten years ago, and that I love her now. My feelings for her never went anywhere and that's why I cast aside every other woman who tried to make an imprint in my life, to take Sienna's place. I've been devoid of emotion only because my heart has all along belonged to her.

As I take some lesser-known routes through the casino, avoiding the crowds, a man shoves past my shoulder as he walks by me near a corner stairwell.

He's dressed all in black with a hat on and everything. No joke, he looks like a mobster out of crime novel.

All he says as he walks past is, "You have more at stake than you realize."

What the fuck? A cryptic message to say the least. Could this be any more surreal? I wonder about what it means and who exactly delivered it.

I'm anxious as all hell to get back to the penthouse and to ensure that Sienna's safe. I never should've left her alone even for half an hour. What was I thinking?

I get upstairs at last and make a very strong margarita. I might as well stick to the same poison. I wait in the darkness for her and the minutes feel like hours.

Where the fuck is she? Did something happen? I’m pacing the room so much that I’m going to wear a fucking hole in the carpet. If she doesn't knock on that door in ten minutes, I'm going to go check all the security footage and find her.

Finally, after I've finished my drink, I hear her soft knock. I race to the door and open it. She looks like a fucking goddess. Her dress is cinched tightly to her body, her hair cascades over her back. I take her by the hand and pull her inside, relieved to have her back in my arms.

"Get in here, now. You won't believe what just happened."

I pour her a drink then relay all the details of my mysterious run in. She's shocked and a little scared.

"It's okay, baby, I promise. I'll find whoever’s behind this. It won't be a big deal."

"I'm just so tired of all of this. I feel like we're constantly running from some unknown monster. I should've known I couldn't go unnoticed being an escort. And Leo, tonight I wanted it to be you at my table, not that creep. You had to have known that."

Her words are like music to my ears. It offers a hint of what she may be feeling. There's no way her devotion could match my own, though. I broke her heart years ago. How can she forgive me for that? And my playboy reputation isn't helping my cause.

I watch her sip demurely on her drink and decide that tonight has to be the night when I lay it all out on the table. She has to know how I feel about her, whether she feels the same way or not. She deserves to know the truth.

And then, as I watch her delicately take off her jewelry for the night and lay them out on the dresser as though she's lived here forever, I allow myself to dream the impossible and be optimistic for just a second.

There is a chance she feels this heat, this connection. I may not be alone on an island out here with my feelings. There's the slightest chance this may be real, that she can forgive the past, and tonight I want to hedge my bets on that.

I have to set the scene and get my thoughts in order. I'm so happy to have her home that it's overwhelming. I set the terrace lights on low, I play some music, and then I even go so far as to light a few candles before grabbing her hand and pulling her outside.

"Those wicks are fresh," she says. "You've never lit a candle out here before, have you?"

She's caught me but I won't admit it.

"Hey, I could just buy a lot of new candles. Maybe I light them so much that I always need new ones." I can’t keep the grin off my face, though. She brings out a lighter side in me, a side I thought was dead.

"Yeah right!" She gently swats my arm then takes her place on the couch.

I start a fire in the brick outdoor fireplace, and the mood is set. She probably thinks I'm trying to seduce her, but little does she know that I have much more in store for her than that.

I'm about to bare my soul to this girl and it makes me nervous as fuck. There's an unease in the pit of my stomach—like this might be the beginning of the rest of my life or it could literally be the end. If she leaves me hanging, it will be the first time a woman's ever refused my affections and it will hurt like hell.

No matter what, though, I'm determined to do it.


I felt pretty shaken up as I headed back to Leo's place. Having to spend the evening with that guy William was terrible. I know I had to do it but I feel like taking several showers to remove the creepy sensation of his hands on me that still lingers.

When I left the lounge after receiving Leo's note, I saw William kind of hovering to see what I'd do. I had to pretend to be waiting for another date at a different bar in the hotel. With the way he was touching me and how he asked for me to go back to his room with him, well, it was all too much.

I hate to think what could have happened had Leo not been there watching and if I didn't have an escape route planned.

Escorting is a risky business. Leo was right. I never plan on being part of it again. Money or no money I'll survive some other way.

It's not worth putting my life at risk and having to endure unwanted sexual advances from men I don't know who think they've paid for me to spread my legs.

When I met my boss Roger, he assured me this kind of thing wouldn't happen under his watch but he was sorely mistaken.

I'm panting, as I took the stairs up fifteen floors before grabbing a service elevator to the penthouse. Who needs a Stairmaster when you live in a hotel? My thighs are burning from climbing so many levels. I guess I won't have to hit the gym tomorrow.

I knock on the door, catching my breath, anxious to see how Leo's faring. He seemed so miserable at the bar watching me with that guy.

He opens the door, his face pinched with worry. "Get in here now. You won't believe what just happened."

I go inside and he looks like a total wreck, pacing the floors and running his hands through his hair. He relays to me what happened with his mysterious encounter. Now I feel more under threat than ever. And I know it's all my fault. 

I curl up on the couch on the terrace near a roaring fire. Leo lights some candles and we joke. It seems like he's trying to set the tone, but for what?

"I finally have you here all to myself," he says, kneeling between my legs. 

"Leo, I can't tell you how sorry I am for causing this whole mess."

He looks at me in wonder. "What are you talking about? None of this was your fault."

I look away sadly. I can hardly meet his gaze because I feel so ashamed, so disgusted with myself. I was warned not to enter this business and I stubbornly refused. Now multiple people's lives and careers are at risk, and it's all my fault.

"Honestly, Leo," I say, wanting to convince him to let me take this guilt upon my shoulders. "My brother and you both warned me, and you’ve done nothing but to try to fix the mess I've made."

"Don't ever say that, Sienna. Not ever. I'm serious."

"Why, Leo? Why won't you just let me feel bad about this? You don't have to fix everything."

He grips my legs and leans closer as he says, "Don't ever say that because if you hadn't entered the escort business, I may never have seen you again. So you see, it all worked out for the best. It’s like this was meant to happen."

His words hit me in an odd way, warming me up and making me feel alive.

"You think so?"

"I know so," he says confidently.

I don’t say anything, wondering at the meaning behind what he's just said.

He pulls away and gets up, nervously pacing the floor again. It seems like something's bothering him, though I can't tell what.

Leo is usually very chill and very in control. But tonight he kind of looks like a nervous wreck.

It can't just because of the date. That's over now and I'm home with him, so why is he still acting out of sorts?

"How about some champagne?" he asks.

"Champagne? Sure, but I mean, are we celebrating something?"

My words throw him off guard and he stops his pacing.

"Celebrating? Yes. No. Kind of."

He disappears inside, presumably to the glass-enclosed wine room off the kitchen, and comes out with a bottle of Dom Perignon. I watch him grab two very expensive looking champagne flutes from the bar and he comes back outside to where I'm nestled near the fire.

"We do have something to celebrate," he says, placing the bottle on the coffee table. "Only I'm not sure how to begin. I need to talk to you. It’s something I’ve needed to say for a while."

"What?" I say concerned. "Wait a minute, why would you need to talk to me? Did something else happen?" I’m suddenly worried that there’s something else hanging over us, more blackmail or something.

He's at my side, and I can feel the nerves reverberating off his body.

"I think you should know, Sienna, that this means more to me than just a casual fling."

Wait, what?

"It does?" I'm shocked. 

"Yes, of course, it does."

"Leo…" I have to say it. "That doesn't make sense because..."

"Because of the way I left you?"

"Well, yeah."

"I need to explain that, Sienna. Listen to me, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I did then and I do now and I have for the past ten years. There's been no other."

There. He's said it. And while he leans back in relief, the words hang there in the air between us. 

My body is frozen in shock. I can’t believe the things I’m hearing. My own feelings for Leo have been growing, and yet I've put a wall up to protect myself.

He hurt me in the past so I've held onto my resolve to not let myself care enough about him to get hurt again.

But with Leo, that's hard.

His charismatic personality, gorgeous looks, and domineering personality make it easy to want to trust him. For some reason, I’ve always feel safe with him. I guess my own feelings have been on par with his and yet I would never voice that if he hadn't said it first.

"You loved me? For ten years? How is that possible? Leo, you just left me all those years ago without an explaination. How could I have known?"

"You couldn't have known. Your brother found out about us. He threatened me…among other things. But he wanted me to pull away from you. I should never have listened, Sienna, but I did. That's why I left, and I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me and know that I’ve thought of you every day since and I've regretted leaving you."

"My brother pulled us apart?"

"Yes, Sienna. It’s a long story but I want to make it better now. I want to fix the mistake I made."

I’m reeling. As he says the words, all my emotions that I've tried to repress come bubbling up to the surface. I’ve been running from this for years. I loved him too, but I’ve been too afraid to have my heart shattered again. 

He's looking at me apprehensively, waiting for my answer.

"Leo, I love you, too. I just never thought in a million years that you'd return the feeling," As I tell him this, tears stream down my cheeks. It feels almost too good to be true.

I still don’t understand completely what he means about how Jax was partially responsible for this, but I can’t think past the incredible feeling of hearing Leo tell me he loves me.

He grabs me by the waist and buries his face in my hair. Then his mouth is searching for mine, and it feels like a new beginning. My admission has collapsed some wall that was between us.

Leo is still the strong, confident, dominating man I know, but now I see a tenderness there that wasn't obvious before.

"Baby," he says. "I'm never gonna let you go again. Not ever. You’re mine."

The last part is said with almost a growl, and I feel my body ignite with need. I want him so much I can barely think.

He grabs the bottle and now I see what the champagne is for. A celebration, like he said.

When he first brought it out I had no idea my life was about to change so drastically. Now my body is aching and vibrating, ready to really start celebrating. There's a fire burning between us.

He's like a predator watching his prey, waiting for that perfect moment to pounce. I sit there, desire building, and I can’t wait for what’s coming.


He just said I love you.

I can't believe it. I'm in shock. My knees are shaking as he pulls me up off the couch so that we can embrace. He holds me tight and I'm swamped by the weight of his large body. I want to curl up next to him and just fantasize about this moment for a second.

I didn't realize until now the full extent of how much I've missed Leo. He left my heart shattered and I tried to close up and to build walls around myself but he was always there within me.

I guess you could say he's been my dream guy. And now it's all coming true. There's no one like Leo, no one I could ever love like I love him.

I thought I was just a toy to him but now I see that's it been so much more all along. Suddenly the penetrating looks, the protectiveness, the way he makes me tell him that I'm all makes perfect sense.

He loved me the entire time. How did I miss it?

I want to sink into this moment and never forget it.

He holds my face in his big hands and there are tears in my eyes.

"Baby, you're crying," he breathes the words against my mouth and I can almost taste him.

"They're tears of happiness. I can't help it."

This seems to make him very happy and as I move to wipe them away he grabs my hand to make it stay. He kisses the tears away with his lips and it's a most tender act. Before I have a chance to get too sappy though his mouth is on mine and he's kissing me with renewed flare.

It's different from all those other times, kissing Leo now. Because now every move he makes has meaning behind it. I can never assume I'm just some girl again. I'll always be his. I guess I'm a prize worth fighting for and something about that makes me ache for him in a new way.

He's kissing me with fury and it's as if years of the torment of being apart is being expressed. 

"It's been so fucking hard...without you," he says.

"I thought I was no one to you," I look up at him with tear-stained eyes.

"No baby, never. I'm sorry I made you think that."

He hoists me up into his arms and takes me to the bedroom. Once inside he places me down on the bed gently as ever before beginning the process of taking off my clothes. He does it slowly and watches me the whole time.

One heel, then the other, my panties...until I'm stripped bare.

When I'm naked he lays on top of me, the full weight of his body making me sink ever deeper into this love.

His fingers find their way through my hair and he stares at me for a long time.

"I've wanted this Sienna forever. Now tell me what I want to hear."

I don't restrain myself from him, but rather I give in fully. It's the truth now, I'm his. There's no more fight left within me as the power of our connection is overwhelming. Now that I know it's been him all along all those days of struggling against loving him are gone, it's easy to let go. He has me right where he wants me and I don't mind it. I'll always give in to him now.

"I'm yours, Leo. There's no other."


Oh fuck, he always makes me take it too far. He wants to know how my thoughts revolve around fucking him day in and day out. He wants to see me squirm and to see how I ache for his massive cock to enter me.

"I want your...cock. Now."

He taunts me further.


"And I think it about all day, okay? Is that enough for you? I want you to be master of my soul, king of my universe...just fuck me please."

He smiles, and soon his mouth is kissing mine. He moves now to my neck and hovers over my tits. He sucks one and then the other, twisting and tormenting my nipples. Oh fuck.

Everything he does is laced with the knowledge that this has new meaning. He loves me. Leo Asher, billionaire Playboy, the casino mogul, and hottest man on the earth loves me.

Those days of feeling lonely and dating men who could never compare to him anyway are over. At last, he's mine.

And he's making that more clear all the time as his tongue slides down my torso. He kisses the concave of my stomach and then he slowly goes lower and lower.

I spread my legs but he spreads them farther, forcing me open to his tongue. He kisses my clit and tantalizes me by swirling his tongue over it again and again until I'm on the brink of letting go. But then he stops me there, at the height of my release, to torture and tease me into full submission.

I arch my back and raise my hips trying to find that perfect angle where his mouth and tongue will send me over the edge. Just a little to the right. But he pulls away and I moan in pure agony.

"I want you to really enjoy this baby."

Oh God, this is going to be intense. He makes me fly to the heights of pleasure and then he just stops before the explosion? This can only mean one thing. He has plans in mind. He's getting me nice and ready to have so much built up that when I finally do come it'll be one of those experiences to go down in the books. I guess that's a good thing for our night of I love you . But still, keeping up with this man and the powerful orgasms he delivers is a full-time job. He's only happy when I'm completely boneless afterward.

"Fuck, Leo, you're too much for me. It's too much," I moan and twist my body, needing to release.

He outlines my pussy lips with two fingers getting me ready for the next wave. His tactics are so unique. What, did he attend sex school? No guy has ever cared about my needs being fulfilled and yet Leo seems to get off on it.

He sinks two fingers into me and then a third. Damn. I buck my hips as the pressure mounts within my body. Release. I need the release. He'll have me begging for it.

"I need to know," he says all slow. "That you really, really want this."

Told you he'd make me say it. The torment is too great. I'm ready to come now as he circles my inner walls that are throbbing and shaking and swelling.

I am begging for it...inside. To admit my great desire for him to conquer me is just too defeating but in the end, he always pulls it out of me. I think he likes to hear how great he is, cocky bastard.

His fingers continue to circle me inside as he massages my G-spot.

"Okay, Leo fuck. I'll say it."

He works his way around that intense spot and then pulls his fingers all the way out at my silence. He strokes the lips the softy waiting for me to fess up.

"I need this Leo. I need you to make me come. You're the only one that can do it this well."

A happy smile spreads across his face. Those fingers are delving back into my cunt and he swirls them and strips away any shred of decency from me as I'm bucking wildly and just needing a little bit more.

His mouth comes back down on my clit. He twirls it with the tip of his tongue and beats down dexterously on my G-spot.

I'm gone. He does it. I come so violently. He strokes me more to bring the pleasure out but I'm not even there. I'm in the stars.

Flashes of light appear behind my eyelids and I'm convulsing still.

"That's it, baby, just let it go."

"No Leo, that was too intense," I manage to say.

My words have egged him on more because he gets a devious smile on his face and I know this is only round one.


She's just exploded into my mouth. I taste her sticky wetness and just want more. This girl has crazy powerful orgasms and just the thought of me causing that makes my cock hard and ready for more. 

I bend over her to kiss her mouth and to let her taste her own cum. It's fucking hot that she likes this.

She sucks her own taste off my lips and that makes me hungry to make her come again. I pull her up to the top of the bed and prop her back against the pillows. Now I have an adequate entry point.

I climb on top with my legs on either side of her chest. Her tits are squeezed together by my thighs and they look fucking gorgeous. 

I'd like to fuck them now and maybe I will but first I tell her, "Open wide."

She does as I command. Such an obedient princess. I have her trained well already. She knows I'm in charge and admits to my dominance because only when I hold the ropes can I make her come like there's no tomorrow. No other guy could make her see stars and I know that's what I do. She needs me to be content. She needs to have my giant cock probing her in some way or else she just can't be satisfied.

And me? I won't be satisfied until my heavy cock is pushed far down her throat. I'm straddling her chest and fucking her mouth at the tempo I like.

"Mmm, Sienna, such a good girl letting me fuck you like this."

I pull my fingers through her hair and look down to enjoy the view of her fantastic tits and her mouth spread tight around my cock. She always takes me so deep and I fucking love it.

I thrust into her mouth and it has a whole new meaning now that I own every part of her. I've longed to fuck her while knowing that I'm the only man who'll taste her sweet pussy ever again.

I pump my cum into her mouth and it feels fucking awesome to have her throat filled with all that cum. I feel it close in around my cock and it almost gets me harder. 

I stay still until all the cum is emptied down her throat and then I take one final look at girl. My legs are pinning her shoulders down and she can't even move with my cock down her throat and I love it so much.

I should've extended it out longer but I didn't want to be too much for her. Instead, I was exactly what she needed, just like I always am.

I pull off of her and she's breathing hard.

I know she loved it because she was moaning as I climaxed.

"You love it when I spray cum down your throat," I say, not at all teasing.

She says nothing but I see that hint of a smile as she licks her lips, not wanting to lose a precious drop.

Her tits look perfect, so full and perky. I take a handful and start sucking on her nipple.

"No baby!" she pushes me away. "I'm so fucking tired."

"Tired? How come?" I say all innocent.

"You know what you did," her eyes are teasing. "You almost made me pass out from fucking me so good.”

I give her a wink. No other guy can make her nearly pass out, I’m sure of that.

"So that was good?"

"Leo, you know what you did. You just want to hear me say it.”

I laugh. This feisty girl is just stoking the fire. She makes me want to bring her over that colossal edge again and again. I'll never hold back if she keeps talking this way.

I watch her nicely toned ass as she gets out of bed. I yank on her arm to pull her back in.

"You're not going anywhere," I growl.

She wrestles out of my clutches and I let her go.

"Yes! I have to get a drink or something," she leaves and I don't mind one bit watching her go. "Got any white wine?”

"In the fridge."

She's gone and oh how I like to watch her walk around the house naked. She's got a fabulous body but mostly it's those tits. I remember how I didn't quite get a chance to fuck them and it's lucky we have a lifetime to do it.

Reluctantly I get out of bed though I'm hungry for more...of her.

I pull on boxers and go to meet her in the kitchen. She peers up at me and her eyes glaze for a moment as she admires my body.

"I'm sorry, but you are so fucking hot. I'm the luckiest woman in the world."

Women just melt when they see abs. What's the deal? Or maybe it's the V that leads down to my cock. I always keep those muscles well maintained.

She hands me a beer and it's the perfect tonic to settle down all those ripe emotions. My head has been lost in the clouds there for a moment and that's so unlike me. I'm usually so grounded and focused.

I take her waist from behind and plant kisses along her hairline. She always smells so good. What is that? Is it natural? Is it my shampoo? Whatever it is I bury my face in it and inhale her sweet fragrance.

She giggles but then pushes me away.

"I need some air after all that."

We go out to the terrace in time to see the moon peek out over the surrounding casinos. The stars are out en masse and you can see them all despite the city lights. I've always feel closer to nature living so high in the sky and this night is evidence of that. The stars seem so close you could catch one. And then, as if to mark the special moment of Sienna and I being in love, at last, a shooting star flies across the desert sky.

"Did you see that?" she asks excitedly.

"Yes, baby," I say down into her ear.

I'm holding her naked body close to mine and all I can feel is swift admiration for everything about her.

"I've never seen one before," she says.

"Well make a wish," I urge. "But just don't tell me."

Her eyes are shut and it's like she's wishing for something special. Though I'm not sure what moment could ever top this. Just me and Sienna, together at last.


The stars are shining and I've just seen my first ever shooting one. What a magical night. I think I could get used to living in Vegas with this crisp desert air. Everything seems clearer up here like the world makes sense. My problems are far off now as Leo snuggles into my neck.

I'm drinking my beer just enjoying the moment. What could be better than this?

Leo made me come so hard that I can’t think straight. Life-changing orgasms are just how he operates. That’s my life now.

Leo is just a good guy. To many, he might seem like any player. A man with more money than he knows what to do with and an arrogant one at that.

But me? I've always known him at a deeper level. I saw him play catch with my dad and brother across the sprawling grounds of our mansion.

I saw him struggle to keep his grades up so he'd get into a good college.

I saw those moments when we were teens and he'd confess to me that had far greater dreams for his life. This is the man I know and love.

And as a testament to his strength and ingenuity he really made something of himself. He fought hard for this life. By his own strength and fortitude, he stayed out of trouble and did everything right. How else can you explain his meteoric rise to fame and fortune? I'm proud of him for having surmounted so many difficulties, like growing up poor. But more than that I'm in awe of the man he's become.

People don't know that he gives so much of not only his money but his time to charity. He keeps it quiet but Jax told me that Leo's working hard to lift the world out of poverty, starting with underprivileged kids. I can't think of a nobler cause or more of a reason to love him.

I smile at him now, "You know I think I've always loved you too."

His face is incredulous.

"But I hurt you so badly," he says with a hint of shame in his voice.

"I know, but even besides that I've always known your heart, your truth and it never failed to impress me...even when I hated you."

I love to rib him. It'll never get old.

"You mean that?" he says as he leans on the edge of the balcony wall.

"I do. You're really a good person. I knew you could never lose that, no matter how hard you tried."

He looks genuinely pleased and I'm glad. Leo's gotta know he's not just handsome as a person, he has a beautiful soul and that's more endearing than anything else.

His large muscly arms are around me and for a moment we're suspended in time as we look out over the stars.

"I can see why you chose to live up here...unobstructed views."

"Yeah," he says softly into my ear. "And total privacy."

I knew he wasn't done with me yet. How could he be with just what was technically a blowjob? He's dragging me back inside and I don't resist. I suck back the rest of my beer and follow him inside.

I head to the bedroom but he's got other plans. He grabs the bottle of champagne and sits in front of the sleek fireplace.

"Come," he pats the sheepskin rug next to him.

Eagerly, I cozy up next to him. He's right to want to commemorate this special occasion. It's kind of like an anniversary. The first of many.

Instead of glasses, he holds the bottle up to my lips. I tip my head back and gladly take a long sip.

I wipe my mouth, "Yum."

"It's the best," he pours some down his throat.

We watch the fire as the night is winding down. But before it quite does, Leo has me pinned beneath him on the rug.

"I'm not done with you yet."

He removes his boxers and I feel myself get wet at the sight of his large cock, warmly accented by the firelight. I move to take it in my hand but he stops me. I'm still naked of course and he takes full advantage. Gently he pushes me back so that the thick rug is warming my sprawled out body. I'm spread wide to him now and he stares at me like I'm a gift that he's ready to unwrap.

He shifts in between my legs and says, "I want you to finger your clit."

I do as he says and it helps me to take in the length of him that's pushing into me. Leo’s so fucking huge and I’m so slippery wet that there’s no friction to fight anything in the span of two seconds.

I'll always feel such an incredible thrill from the sheer size of his perfect cock filling me up. He thrusts into me deeper and his eyes close. He's just pushing and pushing me back into the rug. I breathe and try to find a rhythm. Leo is just...a lot. His manhood is overwhelming. I open my legs wider to try to accommodate him and it helps, so does fingering myself.

He's pumping into me not aggressively but deep and slow. His gaze is locked on mine the entire time. It's making me uncomfortable to have him see me on such a level. I turn away but he pulls my head back forward so that he can see me.

Not only is Leo's manly prowess a lot to take but the emotion behind it is intense. I love him. I love the way he infiltrates my soul. I love the way I can't hide from him even when I try. He wants to see and taste every part of me and that kind of dominion makes me excited.

"You're so beautiful," he says sincerely as he thrusts slowly in and out.

The effect is intoxicating. He pushes in and then pulls back so far that only the tip of his cock hits the edge of my hole. And then slowly he pushes in again. The movement is a delightful ebb and flow that eventually becomes torturous like he's teasing me with his cock knowing full well I want more.

"I want you to fuck me Leo, please. Harder."

Just a little more movement and I will come.

"Not yet baby. I want to savor this."

He peers right into my eyes and my soul shifts. I rub my clit at a leisurely pace, swiping my fingers in a circle so that all the warmth takes over and all levels of my senses become employed.

"Baby, I'm gonna come."

He takes his time and it's painstaking. He moves his hips at a rhythmic pace and it becomes all too much. Suddenly I'm coming in spite of his instructions. I can't help it. 

I convulse and shake around his cock and he's got a calculating expression on his face.

"You naughty girl. I told you not to."

"I couldn't help it, Leo," I say hoping it will help to pacify him.

"Now you'll have to pay."

He seems happy about it and soon has my flipped over. He's thrusting into me roughly and it feels so good like I might break.

His large hands hold one tit and the other is massaging my clit so that the feeling of my last climax merges with this one. It's starting to rise in that deep way and soon I'm gonna be a goner. He pumps and thrusts and I cry his name as I come once again.

He grips my hair and fucks me aggressively from behind. He moves his hips in a circular motion so that all of my pussy starting to tighten around him in a bid to hang on.

"Fuck, Leo, no."

He knows I'm close to a seismic orgasm and he keeps going and going.

"Call my name again, do it."

"Oh fuck Leo, yes," I come and explode around his cock.

Only then does he release loads of cum into me. It's a wet mess and yet my mind is soaring to that new dimension. My world is upside down and my walls are crumbling. It's all Leo all the time. That's what I want. It's how it should be.

I nearly pass out but he's pouring champagne down my throat. We celebrate naked in front to the fire and it's just about the most romantic thing ever. I don’t have think about how I was silly to want everything with him before…things are so perfect now.


Time to hit the casino floor again. Tonight, the plan is to secure the deal with that creep from last night.

If I can get our contract down on paper, we at least have a chance of infiltrating the circle of spies who are trying to bring down Leo and my brother. If my family's name gets more of a bad rap because of stupid decisions I've made, then I'll feel awful and never be able to make it up to Jax.

And I can't even allow myself to think of how damaging this could be for Leo if I don't set them straight.

That means another evening with William. I look good in my black miniskirt and free-flowing top, but I don't look great. I don't want this guy to be too impressed. Anything to avoid him putting his hands all over me like last night.

I leave the apartment and grab the key Leo gave me. He's already downstairs tending to business and getting things set up so he can keep an eye on me. I wish I had his hand to grab because the prospect of doing this alone is daunting. 

Instead, I summon my courage and go to the elevator. My thoughts wander to the events of last night...that moment when he said he loves me. My heart skips a beat thinking of it.

My pussy clenches as I remember the way his hands held me down as he made me come and come all night long.

If this is what my future with Leo looks like, where do I sign up? He's got the sexual stamina of stallion and it's fucking awesome.

My head's in the clouds and I'm not paying attention to my surroundings, and that's how it happens. 

He grabs me from behind and muffles my cries with one gloved hand over my mouth. I kick and I yell and I attempt to bite the hand that's covering me. I put up a good fight but he's stronger than me.

He says in a lowered voice, "Shut the fuck up if you don't want to get hurt."

I freeze.

Wait a minute.

I know that voice.

It's William.

I'm wrestled into the service elevator. I try to see the man who's got me, just to confirm, but I'm positioned with my back towards him.

My heart beats furiously in my chest, blood pounding through my veins so loudly that I can hear the rush of it in my ears. Am I going to get out of this alive?

We arrive at the twentieth floor. He pushes me out of the elevator and down the hall. He's looking to see that we're clear.

Oh my God, please let someone see us. But fuck ! No one's around.

I'm still trying to scream but it's no use. He pushes me against a wall and tapes my mouth shut, and it's hard to even breathe, much less scream my way out of this.

He smuggles me into a room, and as the door closes, I realize these might be my last few moments on earth. I panic. My ears are ringing and my vision is blurry as adrenaline courses through me.

It's crazy because even at this moment, all I can think of is how this will devastate Leo. We planned for everything tonight...except for this.

If I die, he’ll blame himself forever. What should be just the beginning of our amazing love story may end before we even have time to enjoy it.

And that's what I most regret.

He ties me to a chair and only when I'm well secured does he remove his mask and I see that I was right. Through my tears, I see him.

William, the guy from last night.

I was supposed to trap him in an escort agreement and now he's kidnapped me. How the hell did this happen?

Fear freezes up my heart and I think of anything I can say that will buy me a little more time, just until Leo realizes something's wrong. Surely he'll come. I have to hang on to that shred of hope.

William tells me, "Hush, or I'll put this tape back on."

At last, he removes it and I take in deep, heaving breaths, filling my deprived lungs as if I’ve been held underwater.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I’m thinking just clearly enough to realize I should try to get some answers from the man who might kill me.

"Well, first, I tried to blackmail your brother. But then you came into the picture and I realized not only could I completely ruin your family, but I could make some money while I was at it. I'll get a hefty ransom for you." He leans in and runs a finger over my cheek as he says it, and I can’t hide the shudder.

"My brother will never pay you." I spit out the words.

"Not him," he sneers. "The other one. Your boyfriend. He'll pay a pretty penny for you."

"No, he won't! We're not even dating."

"Don’t act like I’m stupid, girl,” he snarls.

“Do you even know who I am? I’m the person whose family you're father left destitute. The minute he shut down that mine was when I started planning. You think you can just bankrupt people without any consequences?"

I try to reason with the irrational man just to prolong my time.

"I wasn't part of any of that. None of us were. You know our family went bankrupt too? You think my father would do that to hurt people? You have it all wrong."

It's dawning on me that William is the man with the plan. He's the ringleader to all the informants. He's the one with a grudge to bear against my family.

I have the leader right here in the palm of my hand and yet there's nothing I can do.

And then things get really twisted...

"You know, I’ve had my eye on you for years. My family worked in your mine for generations. I grew up hearing about the beautiful Sienna, the senator's daughter, and now I finally have you."

The way he looks at me, half crazed, makes me more afraid than I’ve been yet.

My skin crawls. At this point, I'm hoping I make it out of here without this man getting his hands on me. What’s with his sick obsession? I don’t even know him.

"You were always too good for me. You acted like I was beneath you."

What the fuck is he talking about? I've never even laid eyes on him until last night. This is not happening. My life is not about to end at the hands of this psycho.

Please come, Leo. Please find me.

"Now it's all coming together." William laughs maniacally. "I'm going to destroy your family and your boyfriend. You will all die for what you did to me. This is almost over. Just as soon as I've had a taste of Sienna Reid's precious little cunt. Let's see if your reputation as a whore does you justice."


Thinking about having to watch Sienna have another evening with that asshole is making me feel crazy. This charade this has got to end.

After last night, I don't feel like pretending anything ever again with her. We've lost ten years and have to make up for a lot of time. I'm ready to make a life together and to never have another man touch her besides myself.

I'm at a bar/lounge called Unique within the casino. It's the designated meeting spot for Sienna and the guy William, who we're going to trap. 

I've only just arrived, and I make myself scarxce, shrouded in secrecy at a table in the back. I make sure to have a nice vantage point of the whole scene.

She just needs to get his signature on the escort contract and then we can ditch him and actually enjoy our evening.

Maybe I'll set up a private dinner for just the two of us. Or I could take her to someplace nice where she's never been.

The evening is up in the air and it'll be ours for the taking just as soon as we get this fucking business out of the way.

The only problem is neither of them have shown up yet.

Where is she?

I look around and don't see her on the dance floor or anywhere else. 

A waitress approaches and asks what I’m drinking.

"I'll have a Sidecar."

I wait impatiently, drumming my fingers on the table. My eyes are searching the room looking for any sign of her. She still has a half hour of our allotted window to show up.

The minutes fly by in the heat of my adrenaline. I'm ready to get this over with and to never let Sienna out of my sight again. 

We've barely had a chance to celebrate our renewed love affair. And having her set up on another date as an escort is not the romance I have in mind. I want to take her somewhere far away, a trip to celebrate.

I finish my drink and check the time. A sinking feeling hits my stomach.

She should have been here by now, and he certainly wouldn't be late to meet a woman like her. Something's wrong. I feel it.

Come on Sienna this is not the day to be late.

I hate to leave the designated spot in case she does arrive late, but I have to figure this out. I have to find her. I call her boss on my way out.

"Roger? You there, man? Yeah, it's Leo. Listen, I'm looking for Sienna and that William guy. Did they change their meeting location?"

"No, Leo. Actually, William called and canceled the whole agreement. He said he found a better offer."

Somebody better than Sienna? I don’t believe it.

"What? He canceled?" The dread in my stomach grows.

"Yes, this afternoon, and I haven't heard from Sienna since."

"Okay, thanks."

I slam down the phone and go into a total panic. This can't be happening. I should never have let her walk down alone. Where the fuck is she?

Now I know the bad feeling I’ve had isn’t for nothing. Something is very wrong about this situation.

I do another check of the lounge. Maybe she arrived late? I peek inside and see there's still no Sienna. Even though I knew that’s what I’d find.

I go all over the casino's main floor, checking restaurants and gambling tables. I know in my gut that she’s not going to be here, but I have to explore every possibility.

I go out to the front and ask all the doormen if they've seen her. No one has. She's not anywhere.

I'm in such a crazed frenzy to find her that I call the last person I would ever think to ask for help.

"Jax? It's me. You gotta get over here quick."

"I don't know why you're calling me, Leo. You know how I feel about you. I don't want to see or talk to you again as long as you're dating my sister."

Goddammit, this motherfucker and his outrageous ideas about Sienna and me.

"Wait! Don't hang up."

He's angry as he says, "You're the reason I'm in this mess of being blackmailed in the first place. Why should I talk to you?"

"Listen to me, Jax. I'm worried about Sienna."

This makes him pause. "Why, what's going on?"

I'm frantically searching the main floor as I speak to him. "Sienna's not here. We had things ready to take down whoever is blackmailing you. She was supposed to meet a client here tonight, only he never showed up, and neither did she."

"What? You mean you put her directly in the line of danger and now you can't find her? What the fuck, Leo? Can you not comprehend how dangerous this is? You should never have set her up like that."

I fucking know this. The last thing I need is a lecture.

All I need from Jax is a little backup. His words don't faze me, though, because a thousand more terrifying thoughts are rushing through my mind.

I'm trying not to picture the worst, but as I see no sign of her throughout the whole casino, it's kind of hard to do otherwise.

"I don't need this, Jax. Either get over here to help me or not, but stop being such an ass."

"Fine. I'll be there in ten minutes."

I know it’s bad if I have to call that asshole for help. I'm getting more and more frantic, grabbing every woman that even vaguely looks like her to see if it is in fact Sienna.

None of them are.

There are tourists milling about everywhere, and I can't get through them all fast enough. How am I supposed to find her in this sea of people? Especially as they enter and exit the building in such vast numbers. 

I search frantically for a while longer. People look at me like I'm crazy, and who knows, maybe I am. I will literally go fucking crazy if I don't find her soon. 

I finally head back to my office to meet Jax, checking all the faces as I go. I'm asking people if they've seen her. I'm running into all the shops and bars and exhibits.

There are too many people. She could be anywhere.

I'll need a team to help me find her at this rate. Hell, I'll close down the entire casino if I have to. I'll go through every single hotel room in the place if need be. I won’t let anyone leave the premises, seal of the building. I’ll do whatever it fucking takes.

At the back of the building, all is quiet in my office. I sink into my chair and impatiently wait for Jax to show up.


I'm going out of my fucking mind. I call Sienna's phone over and over again but it goes straight to voicemail.

I feel powerless and yet I know I'm all she has. I'm the only one that knows she's gone missing. I need to come up with a plan of action. I have to mobilize all the security forces that I can.

"I'm here." Jax walks into my office.

"Fucking finally."

"Don't give me shit when you're the one who lost my sister."

He's right. I hate to admit it but he's fucking right. I lost her. I didn't take care of her. This is all my fault.

"Hey," I say. "Are you here to help me or hurt me?"

He pushes an envelope across my desk.

"What's this?"

"It's another blackmail letter," he says. "Except it's not only that. He's asking for a ransom this time."

I read over the letter and it appears to be from one man. He's absolutely fucking insane talking about the Reid family and his obsession with Sienna. He says he was merely out for blackmail money but has changed his mind and now he wants a ransom.

It only cements my gravest thoughts. She's been taken. It's not a mistake.

All my searching and efforts to find her were done in vain because all the while she's been in the hands of this delusional captor. I imagine how scared she must be and what's being done to her.

It's my worst nightmare being played out in real life.

"This can't be happening. It just can't," I mutter to no one.

And then my cynicism and despair melt away as I realize this is a call to action. I have to save her.

She's probably waiting for me to show up and I won't abandon her now. I will never do that again.

So no matter what it takes, I will find and save her and prove to her that she never has to worry about being hurt by me again. We just have to get there in time.

"This guy is fucking crazy," I say to Jax.

"Yeah, he's hellbent on destroying my family because we closed down that mine. He's off his rocker for sure."

I’m enraged. All I see is red, and I imagine tearing through every inch of this building until I find her.

"We have to go. We can’t waste any more time. We have to save her now ."

I'm already up and pulling on my jacket. Though where I'm going, I don't really know. I plan to go somewhere, though, and to do something. Jax calls me on this.

"You can't be rash about it, Leo. You need to sit here and devise an actual plan, otherwise you're just wasting time. You can't go into this blindly."

His calm composure pisses me off. Doesn't he care about his sister? Isn't he angry enough to run out that door and to find her?

"The fuck I can't. I’ll do whatever I want. I love her."

There's a pause as he digests this.

"What did you just say?" He's pissed. I can tell.

My mind is racing, and I don't have time for this bullshit with Jax.

"I said I love her. Now get that through your thick fucking skull and come help me find her."

He gets up and starts pacing the office.

"I told you, Leo, to stay away from her forever. How dare you think you love her. It will never happen under my watch."

If he really believes he can threaten me and keep me away from her again, he's gravely mistaken. I listened to him once before and it's my biggest regret in life. I will never make that mistake again.

He's got to be crazy to think I'd stay away from her now. And I tell him as much.

"You think I care what you want? This isn't about you. It's about Sienna and me, and we're in love and there's not a goddamn thing you can do to change that."

Jax gets right up in my face. "If you think you can touch her then you have it all wrong. I will use all of my resources to take her away from you. You'll never set eyes on her again. I warned you once, and that was it. You know that I don't approve."

How is he even thinking of this total fucking nonsense when we should be out finding her together?

I see Leo for who he is now. His true colors are coming out more than ever before.

He's just an overly protective asshole brother, and whatever he says, I shouldn't listen.

This is Sienna's life, and if she wants me to go away I will. But until then, I'm going to worship the fucking ground she walks on despite what Jax says.

I should never have listened to him in the first place. His threats are tainted with some really fucking twisted sense of brotherly responsibility, and even if he hid her at the ends of the earth, I’d find her.

Just like I’ll find her now.

"I left her once because I trusted you, Jax. You wrecked me and you destroyed her. Neither of us ever got over loving each other, and why you'd want to stand in the way of that I don't know. But one thing's for damn sure. I will never leave her again, got that?"

He seems surprised that I'm standing up to him now. When we were younger he got me away from Sienna by making me think that I wasn't good enough for her. I've spent years building myself up trying to prove otherwise.

And now I'm a man of ridiculous wealth and power.

It took me this long but I finally believe in myself. And I believe in Sienna enough to know we'll make it through. He won’t stop us again. Not this time.

"I'll tear you down," he says, but his confidence isn’t there this time.

"No, you won't, Jax. Because you love Sienna and you want her to be happy. I make her happy. You need to see that now."

He looks at me, all macho anger and posturing.

"We're just wasting time," I say. "Every fucking second that slips by is one closer to Sienna getting hurt. Don't you want to formulate a plan to find her? Don't you care about her enough to put all this drama aside and make sure she's safe?"

At long last, he agrees. "Fine. Let's figure something out."

Finally. Shit. The dude has taken this to limit of reason.

We sit down at my desk. He's talked me out of making rash decisions and I've talked him out of standing in the way of Sienna's happiness. We may yet work as a team. Maybe

Together we combine our collective assets to make a plan. With our connections, the security footage, and our own personal protection officers, we make headway in determining exactly where Sienna is and how to free her.


I'm feeling more worried with each passing moment. It's obvious that William is totally unhinged.

Being in the hands of an insane person is terrifying because I have no idea what he'll do with each passing moment. He's simultaneously ranting and raving about how he's in love with me and how much he hates my family.

It's hard to get the story straight and I'm starting to worry that I'll be killed in the crossfire of his tormented mind.

If he were a sane, sober person, at least I might have a better idea of if I'll live or die, but as it is there's no telling.

His greasy black hair flops over his face and his suit is crinkled. He looks like a very deranged version of the person I met last night. I had no idea then that he was so crazy, and I wonder how he kept his wits about him for even one evening.

My instinct says to pacify him. I have no idea if anyone realizes I'm gone or how long I’ll have to placate him. I think if I pretend to return his affections, maybe I can gain some influence and convince him to untie me.

"William," I say. "Why am I tied up? I thought tonight you were going to meet me at Unique and we could finally be together."

He looks at me warily. "You did not. You would never have gone home with me."

"Yes, baby." I nearly choke on the word, but I'll say and do anything to save my own life. "I just needed you to get that contract out of the way with my boss and then I thought we were going to go somewhere, you know, together."

"You're lying,” he screams. “You could never love a guy like me."

I take a minute to consider my options and then say, "That's what I thought too at first. But then after I met you last night, you were all I could think about. Didn't you feel the same way?"

I've got him confused now. He shakes his sweaty head and tugs on his hair in a frenzied gesture.

"You mean you wanted to be with me?"

"That's right. Still do. But I don't like being tied up, so come release me and then we can get more comfortable."

"No!" he yells. "It's not true. You’re trying to trick me. I know you have a boyfriend."

I flinch at his manic switch from confused to insane.

I force a smile. "Oh, but you pale in comparison to him."

"I don't believe you, you lying bitch!"

I'm starting to lose him, and that means I'm starting to lose myself. I could be dead in an instant if I don't get a handle on him.

"William, please believe me.” My voice shakes as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. “I broke up with Leo today. My bags are packed ready to run away with you."

"Really?" Tears stream down his face now.

His mood is more mercurial than anything I've ever seen. I'm wishing now I'd gone into Psychology rather than Finance so that I could know how to talk him down from this ledge.

And to my utter horror, I see the flash of steel that indicates a gun as he reaches into his jacket for a tissue to wipe his sweating brow and tear-stained cheeks.

Oh my God.

It's all over.

These are my last moments. In a state of complacent calm, I accept my fate. Maybe it's the wrong reaction, but I just keep staring at the streams of sunlight as they come in through the window.

I think about how beautiful life is and how I need to appreciate these last moments of beauty. I hear myself breathing as if in slow motion. And then the most extraordinary thing happens.

"Sienna! Sienna are you in there?"

Leo? Am I imagining it? Am I actually already dead? Or maybe just unconscious and dreaming.

Then I hear the pounding on the door and I snap back to reality.

It is Leo! He’s come for me.

"Leo! He has a gun!" I yell hoping to keep him from coming in.

Please God, let it be me that dies and not him.

He came for me, but he's a moment too late. William grabs my hair and pushes the gun up to my temple.

"Please, William,” I sob. “Please don't do this. Think of the life you could have. My brother will still pay you. Just put the gun down. Please, put the gun down."

I'm full out crying now. I'm about to be shot. Leo will walk in and I'll be dead. I'm crying out of fear and I'm crying because he's just a minute too late to save me.

Everything we could’ve had was right within our reach. And now, because of this crazed maniac, it’s all going to be taken from me.

Then another paralyzing thought hits me. What if William kills him, too?

And it will all have been my fault. If only I'd listened and never insisted on being an escort, this tragedy wouldn't be happening.

"Please, Leo,” I beg, “just go! He's got a gun to my head."

Just then, as if on cue, the door bursts open. A crew of security guards surrounds us. And then there's Leo.

For a brief moment I think maybe I've died and this is a dream of how I wish it had all gone.

"Let her go," he says. He’s firm but cautious with William.

He tosses a bag of money towards him, and it distracts William enough to give the security team their chance.

They tackle him to the ground and a shot's fired. It bounces off the ceiling, but thank God it doesn't hurt anyone. 

Leo stalks toward William and crushes his wrist with one booted heel, forcing the psycho to drop his gun.

And then it's all over.

The police arrive and drag William off to jail.

Leo gently unties me. I'm in a shocked daze as he puts my arms around his neck and lifts me up.

"I'll never let you touch the ground again. All I want is for you to be safe. I'm so sorry, baby." He kisses me gently, as though a kiss could ever make up for what's transpired, what I’ve caused.

I blame myself for everything.

"Leo, I'm so sorry. He just grabbed me. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. I thought you'd find me dead and..."

"Shh, baby. It's okay. It's over now. It's all over."

"But it's my fault," I say as he wipes the tears away.

"It's not your fault, baby. None of this is."

"Can you forgive me?"

"For what baby? You're perfect. And now we're together."

And then I see my brother over his shoulder.

"What is Jax doing here?"

"He helped me. He helped organize everything. I couldn't have done it without his help."

"You mean you guys worked together?" I ask incredulously.

He laughs. "Pretty unbelievable, right?"

I want him to take me home to the penthouse and to fuck my brains out to make me forget this whole night, to remember that I'm alive, to give me reassurance that everything will be okay.

And I know he wants the same connect, to know that this is real. We haven't had any time to celebrate, But we can’t just yet. Right now, the place is a flurry of activity with policemen everywhere, and it looks like we won't be getting out of here anytime soon.


Finally, late into the evening, the cops set us free. I’ve given them all I can. My body is exhausted, and despite being back in Leo's arms, having a brush with death is no laughing matter.

I feel spent and not in a good way.

"Can we just go home so I can take a shower?" I ask him.

"Of course, baby."

He takes me back up to the penthouse and has extra security stand outside the doors just to make me feel safe. The threat is over, we know, but until the cops have investigated all the angles it makes me feel more at ease knowing they are armed guards just outside the door.

I immediately pull my clothes off and trash them. I never want to see that outfit again. I walk naked through the penthouse into the shower. Once inside, I curl up into a little ball on the floor and let the shower rain over me.

The water slides down my back, and in here, within this privacy, I let the tears fall freely for all I almost lost.

I cradle myself in my own arms and the warm water provides some assurance, like life is saying, You haven't lost yet, baby. You still have more to live.

The shower helps to wash the wretchedness of William off my body. The idea of my last moments on Earth being been spent with him makes me want to fall apart. I hope he's rotting in jail and that he never gets out.

Eventually, the water turns cool and it's only then that I rinse off and re-emerge back into the world of the living. The world I’m still a part of thanks to Leo.

Leo’s knocking gently on the door. "Sienna are you okay? You've been in there awhile."

"I'm okay," I say in all honesty. "I just needed some time...alone."

"All right, well come out soon. Your brother's here to see you."

My brother? What the hell is he doing here?

I wouldn't have thought he'd care if I lived or died the way he’s been acting lately. He's probably just happy not to have to make the ransom for me.

I brush my hair and pull on a pair of Leo's oversized sweats. I want to be warm and cozy, not cute.

I come out of the bathroom, swimming in his black sweat suit. Jax is there, and the two of them seem to be like old friends pouring shots at Leo's kitchen island.

"What am I missing?" I say, unhappy that Jax is here.

I might as well apologize for my part in the debacle. After all, none of it would've happened without me insisting on being an escort.

"Jax, I owe you an apology. You warned me to stay away from this business and I just didn't listen."

I'm too tired to argue if he won't accept my apology.

To my surprise, he says, "It's fine, Sienna. In fact, it really wasn't your fault. I'd heard about some disgruntled employee a while back, but I didn't take it seriously. I should've been more on guard."

"So," I rib him as only a sister can do. "You're saying it's actually all your fault?"

He smiles. "Yes, for the sake of avoiding an argument, or hell, an all-out war, let's just say that."

"Fine by me."

"Here, baby." Leo hands me a shot of whiskey.

"So it's going to be that kind of night?" I ask, ready for some levity.

"Let's hope so," he says with a gleam in his eye.

Instead of yelling at us and going crazy, Jax seems surprisingly fine about Leo and me flirting.

"Have you finally accepted it, brother? That I'm in love with your friend?"

"Love? Do you hear that, Leo? She loves you."

He sidles up next to me and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. It's a small act, but filled with promise. Leo never would have been so free with that type of affection before.

"It's a good thing, too," Leo says. "Because, Sienna, I think it's safe to say that I've loved you forever...since we were kids. After you and I were together that first time, Jax forced me to stay away from you. Right Jax?"

My brother looks up from his whiskey, his expression somber. "I admit it. I'm sorry, Sienna. I threatened him at the time and used all my influence to chase him out of town. That's why it appeared like he abandoned you. I just didn't want you to get hurt. Can you try to see it from my perspective?"

All those lonely nights of crying myself to sleep come flashing across my mind.

"I thought...I thought you just didn't like me, Leo. You'd had your fill. I was a conquest or something." I’d been devastated.

He looks at me and his eyes reflect genuine regret. "I never should've left. No matter what Jax did or what he threatened, I should never have left you like that. I've loved you since I first set eyes on you Sienna. I loved you then, and I've loved you every day since."

Tears of regret come up for all those times I spent ruminating over what I could've done wrong to make Leo leave so abruptly.

Now I realize it was all Jax.

How my brother could've remained tight-lipped for all that time I spent grieving Leo, I'll never understand. He saw how badly I was hurting for years afterward and yet he never revealed the truth.

"Jax, how could you?"

I am so tired of crying. I want this day to end with me by Leo's side, never looking back.

"I'm sorry, Sienna, truly I am. I thought he was going to hurt you. I really did. I thought he was just out to prove that he could get you. I had no idea he actually loved you. Now I see that his love is real. It's been him all along, and I'm so sorry for being so overprotective. I never should've overstepped my bounds like that."

I nod, taking a steadying breath. I want to be angry at him. I want to rail and rage that he caused me to lose ten years with the man I love. But if I’ve learned anything through this experience tonight, it’s that life’s too short to hold grudges.

Relationships are too important when they can just be taken away from you in a heartbeat.

"It's okay," I say, and this time I mean it. "I'm ready to put the past behind us for good now and never look back."

"Deal," Jax says. "I see now that Leo’s never going to break your heart. That's all I ever wanted for you, Sienna."

"Thanks, Jax."

He gets up and kisses me on the cheek. "I'm glad you're okay. You should've seen this guy in action.” He nods toward Leo. “He wasn’t going to stop until he'd torn through the entire casino making sure you were found. You've got a good guy here."

"Thanks man," Leo says. "But I couldn't have done it without you."

"Now I better take my leave and give you guys some privacy."

Leo walks him out, and I'm left in pure astonishment mulling over the fact that Leo never wanted to leave me. He was sent away by Jax.

If only I’d known, I would've followed him anywhere. I could've told him Jax was way too protective and that he threatened every boyfriend I ever had. Normally, I just ignored him back then, but poor Leo. Jax must've threatened him big time.

Leo walks back in and embraces me.

"We're finally alone," he says.

"Leo, I have one question. What could Jax possibly have said to make you leave?"

He looks away as though he's ashamed.

"What is it? Tell me."

Finally, he admits, "He used my Achilles Heel. He knew that I never felt good enough for you. I came from nothing and you came from everything. Jax said he'd use the family name to exert influence over me. He threatened to smear my reputation so that I'd never get into school and I'd never find a job. I believed he could do it, Sienna. That's why I left. I felt like you deserved someone better, someone with more to give."

The more I find out, the more it's all clicking into place. Leo didn't feel worthy.

"Is that why you created this empire?" I ask.

"Yes. I figured that if I ever saw you again in the future that I'd be ready. I did all of this for you. Though over time I became so jilted that the memory of you lay deeper in my heart as I covered it with booze, sex, and adrenaline. I've spent the last ten years trying to forget about you."

I hug his neck and kiss his lips tenderly. "But Leo, I never forgot about you. Not for one day. And you were always worth it. I never cared about that kind of thing. Money or no money, I always loved you too."

His eyes light up. He should've known me better than to think I could ever love anyone besides him. Or that where he came from mattered in the slightest.

His arms come around my waist and then he's pulling softly on my hair so that my chin lifts up and he has full access to my mouth.

"Now," he says authoritatively, "I can do what I want to you and no one will stop me."

Anticipation pumps through my veins as I imagine all the ways he'll make me his. After so much time lost, I see that Leo will need to know wholeheartedly that I’m his forever.

He kisses me with reckless abandon, with his commanding, dominating way that tells me it's going to be a long, unforgettable night...


I take her in my arms and want to offer a shoulder to cry on, a shield to protect her from all the pain of the night. But the only thing I can give her is myself...unabashedly here to give her whatever she needs to heal. 

There are no more games between us. No more taunting and tormenting each other by being apart. Tonight revealed the truth that if anything happened to Sienna I would be at a loss for how to move on. 

May that motherfucker who did this to her pay with his life. Jax will make sure he stays behind bars forever. But that doesn't ease the fact that I want to punch his face in.

"Leo, I was so scared," she says to me tearfully. "I thought I wasn't going to make it. I thought you would find my bloodied body and that would be more love story."

My God, the poor thing and what she must've been feeling, hoping I'd come to help her, but thinking probably that was the end. My heart is relieved that I came at the moment I did and that she's safe. 

Being with her is the only thing that can calm my violent temper about the situation down. I'll definitely be on the phone with security in the morning or as soon as she falls asleep.

I want her to know that I cherish every moment together, that I saved her tonight and I will always be there to save her, and that above all, I love her and always have.  

I envelop her with my arms and kiss her hair. My joy is in knowing that it's all over, the danger has passed, and finally, we can begin our happy ending.

"Baby, I know you must've been scared. But trust me, I was going to be there for you. Why else do you think I have my eye on you so closely? I'm always watching and I'm always prepared in case something happens."

"Oh Leo," she says. "I hope that's true because I've felt so alone for so long. I was scared to escort because it's an evil business. And I guess I learned that the hard way."

"It's okay. You thought it just meant dating and traditionally that's what it does mean. But here in Vegas there's a dark underbelly of prostitution going on and escorting is just a fancy name for that. Why else do you think I was desperate to get you out of it?"

"I'm lucky," she says. "I had you to buy me and to show me the way out. Lots of women don't have that and I hate to think what they'll experience."

She gives me an idea for the future, "We can change all that, you and me. I built this casino after all. We can build a new life for escorts."

She looks at me hopefully, "You think so?"

"I know so," I hold her tightly. "Now come relax. You've been through enough for one night. How about we go to the terrace, have some wine, and order up dinner?"

"That sounds perfect."

She's wearing my sweatpants and though I know it's not her aim she looks fucking hot. I pull up the sweatshirt a little so I can see her abs and how she's folded over the pants a couple times so they fit across her waist. There's something so sexy about seeing her all dressed down, not glam at all. If she can look this good in sweats imagine her body in a tight dress. Fuck. My cock is getting hard.

She hugs my neck and I know she can feel it.

"Leo, are you turned on by me, dressed down?" she laughs.

"I can't help it, baby, you look so good. It makes me want to get you naked."

She's giggling at the way I can't hold back. I kiss her and taste her hungrily. I don't want to dwell on it but for a moment there I was worried about losing her. She almost slipped through my fingers and it was too close of a call. In my head, I'm thinking about implementing extra security, but in my heart, I'm thinking about making her come so hard so that her mind is on me and not on what happened.

She kisses me and tastes me back. But it's not enough. I can never get enough of Sienna.

I pull her to the couch and she sits on my lap, legs on either side of me. The feel of her straddling me is such a turn on. She presses against my cock and it hardens more to think how close I am of pounding into that sweet pussy of hers.

I need to see her tits. I pull it up and over her head. Luckily she's not wearing a bra, so her beautiful tits are in my face.

I suck and tease them. I pinch and pull. The harder I pinch the more she loves it. Her back is arched so that she can get closer to my mouth while grinding her pussy along the length of my cock. She wants it...bad.

She unzips my pants and slides down to her knees so she's between my legs. God, her mouth feels so fucking good it makes me shiver. She moves her tongue along the shaft making me tense with pleasure. I feel like I could spray my load but I hold back though I'd like to see my cum shining all over her tits.

"Fuck Sienna," she's going to town.

She gasps and moans around me and the sound of how much she likes it is fucking heaven. I'm usually a man of great stamina but the way Sienna's sucking my cock like it's her mission in life makes me want to blow my load and...I do. But I pull out just in time to make that vision a reality.

My cock pops out of her lips and though she's trying to lap up every morsel of my seed most of it sprays on her tits and face. She takes a finger and scoops up as much as she can. Then she sticks that finger in her mouth and sucks off the cum so slowly that it gets me hard again.

"That's what you fucking wanted isn't it?"

She licks more off her tits and savors every second. I savor watching her. I'm so hard at the thought of her being my little sex slave for the rest of our lives that I have to take it one step farther.

I want to fuck her so bad. But she sees my cock rising again and her eyes dance with excitement. She pulls off the sweatpants and soon she's pulling off my pants as well so that my cock is unencumbered by clothes.

The next thing I know, before I can grab her and hold her down and fuck the living daylights out of her, she's crawling on top of me.

"I want to be on top," she says. "I own you."

She's teasing and it's fun to let her play. She wants to ride me? Fine.

"Mmm," she moans as she slides herself down around me.

I watch with hungry ambition as she sways her hips and finds a nice rhythm. I want to fuck her and be dominate but she gets off on this and the view of her tits is just stunning.

I twist one nipple between two fingers and she cries for more. No problem. I run my thumb over her clit though she's grinding so hard down onto my cock that it's hard to get a good angle. Her eyes snap shut and she's screaming my name.

"Leo, fuck yeah, that feels so good. Oh God!"

I know it does baby but this is just the beginning. I hoist her up so only the tip of my cock is inside her and then I let her fall back down so I'm in her deep. She's screaming and wailing with each thrust that I make. Soon I see her eyes roll back in her head and it's all over for her. She's coming around my cock, scratching her nails into my shoulders, and circling her hips to ride out the pleasure.

"Fuck baby was that good?"

She's just breathing, trying to calm herself down.

"That was good," her eyes open at last and she leans her head down on my chest.

I'm still inside her and haven't come yet.

"It's not over Sienna. I need more."

"I know," she says smoothing her hands over my pecs.

Then she pulls off and my cock is left throbbing, aching for more.

"Let me get a drink."

She's at the bar shaking up a cocktail. This is only the beginning.


Leo's in a crazy mood…I can tell. His eyes follow me to the bar. I need a drink, something to take the edge off. After almost dying today and then being reconnected with him and then coming so much like that, well, I need to recharge.

I make vodka soda with lime, and have a little glass of orange juice.

"Hey Leo, where are we on that dinner?"

His cock is still hard and he's likely not thinking about food but my stomach is grumbling.

"Come here," he says all domineering.

I sip my drink and tentatively walk towards him.

What does Leo have in store for me now?

Before I can protest or realize what's happening Leo sweeps me up off the floor and marches us both to his room.

My vodka soda splashes across his back and I place it on the bar on the way past.

"Leo, God, fuck. Give me a minute."

"No way."

He tosses me on the bed. And then there's a glint of something dark and mischievous in his eyes. He says to turn around and put my hands behind my back. I obey but turn my head enough to see him pull a perfectly steamed tie from the wooden rack in the corner. He wraps it around my wrists and makes some kind of complicated knot.

"What are you? A sailor? How'd you learn to tie a knot like that?"

He smirks and says, "hush."

Then he's pulling me across the bed by my ankles as if I weigh nothing at all. My hands are tied and I can't escape not that I would want to. Pulling my ass in the air he lines his hips up to me and I can feel that giant cock. A shiver of fear and anticipation takes me over. What ecstatic heights will he bring me to tonight?

He's standing and I'm at the edge of the bed, bent over, spread wide to his every whim. My ass is in line with cock and I wonder if he's going to take it that far.

I lay my face down on the bed and look to the side, wondering what my fate will be. I can see him behind me getting ready to fuck my brains out but by which hole I don't know. 

He slaps my ass and it stings. He slaps it again and I yelp. On the third slap, he's entering me.

I'm not sure if I'm riding the high from the pain of the slap or from his massive cock forcing my pussy to open past my limits.

"Oh, Leo, it feels so fucking good."

Thank God he's not ass fucking me. I'm not prepared for an orgasm like that tonight. I'd die for his cock though, anywhere he wants it to be.

"That's my girl."

I tell him what he wants to hear, he doesn't have to drag it out of me because it's the earnest fucking truth. I want him in all ways, especially when he ties me up and fucks me hard like this. It's a good thing I came before because it'll be easier and more intense than ever to ride that wave again.

He pumps into me easily because I'm so drenched in pre-cum.

"Mmm, you're ready for me aren't you?"

"Yes, Leo. I want it...fuck, I need you."

Telling him that sets him off like a goddamn rocket ship. He pushes and forces and thrusts his way to paradise. He grabs my hair and I'm screaming for more. The intensity builds up and it rises to a peak before I explode all around him again and again. I'm crying his name and it gets him off.

He thrusts harder and harder until with one final pump and a deep gasp he reaches his own bliss. I feel the warmth of his cum streaming out of me and in all directions.

My pussy is drenched with both our juices and it feels so wet and sticky.

He circles my clit with his finger and it causes small volcanic eruptions to course through me. I'm having multiple orgasms.

The feeling of this is heightened in knowing that he's my man forever. The past is behind us and the danger is behind us. We're celebrating our future now and it feels full of sexual promise.

Especially as Leo empties the final remnants of his load into me. He pulls out and massages my ass for good measure before untying that hell of a knot.

"Okay, now I'm truly spent," I say languidly, still enjoying the dream of total contentment.

"Come with me," he pulls me up and I follow him to the main part of the penthouse.

I lie back, grab my drink, and wait.

He's on the phone with the chef from one of the restaurants downstairs. He sees me watching him and smiles in that crooked way that I love. I can't believe we're reunited at last. Now that he's busy I have time consider all that was said and done. 

Jax basically admitted to forcing Leo to leave me. Anger at my brother steams to the surface but I try not to let it ruin this moment. The nerve of my stupid brother to ruin my life like that. Leo and I could've been together all these years.

He's coming towards me and I let him snag my drink for a quick sip.

"Yum. Make me one?"

"Of course. I love to play bartender."

I rise and mix him the best vodka soda I can. I infuse it with plenty of lime and top of the line vodka. 

This is a vision of what my life could be. Leo and I, relaxed and in love. Me making him drinks, him ordering food, the massages, the workouts, the days spent together, clubbing, and dining, and traveling, and all could be mine. It is mine. Finally.  

He's adventurous but chill, authoritative but sweet, but most of all, he's devoted to me. He worships the ground I walk on.

Now that I know the truth I realize that everything he's done was for me. It was all to make me safe and to make me his .

Dinner arrives and he has them make up the table on the terrace. It's like a scene from a movie with candles lit, wine chilling, and fairy lights everywhere, snaking through the topiary. I think his balcony may be my favorite part of the penthouse because it's far removed yet right within the city. I feel like I'm where all the action is, not missing out on anything, and yet able to relax up here.

"Sienna," he pulls a chair out for me and I gladly take a seat, anxious to replenish myself.

He removes the warming cover to the plate which reveals filet mignon and veggies. It looks so good and is just what I need after a long day.

"How did you know I love red meat?"

"I could tell you needed the extra iron after the day you've been through."

He's right and thinking of it sends me into a flashback of the guy with the gun at my head.

"How will I ever recover from that?" I ask hoping he can provide the answer and the outlet I need.

Leo reaches across the table and grabs my hand.

"I'll help you. I'm here. And don't forget all the extra security outside. They'll be your constant companions."

"Thanks," I say.

I know he's got me covered. He didn't let me die today and there's a freedom in that for the future.

"You're always gonna be there for me, huh?"

He looks up in a funny way like the answer is obvious, "Of course."

"So even if my brother threatens to bring down all hell you'll still be there for me?"

He smiles, "Of course. I'd say I'd be the one threatening him now."

We laugh because it's true. Leo's risen to such a position of power that it eclipses even that of my brother Jax.

"But Sienna," he says in honesty. "I left because I really believed I didn't deserve you. Even if Jax hadn't been overprotected I might not have been ready. I needed to find myself first and to prove to myself that I can do anything, do you see?"

Knowing that maybe our separation was meant to happen because we both needed to grow up a little bit helps relieve the pain. And it helps me not to want to kill Jax.

"Well, that's good news for my brother because now I might want to forgive him."

"You should. He was just looking out for your best interest. Besides I would have found you, one day."

"I'm glad that day is now."

"Me too."

We eat under the stairs that are dimmed a little by his balcony lights. It's romantic and perfect and just the thing I need to reenergize me and to ground me back into he fact that I'm really gonna be with Leo...forever.


After dinner, I play some music and lead her back inside. I know she's tired. It's been the longest day but it's also the first day that we've been free. There's no more secrets and no more danger so the world is ours for the taking.

She needs to rest though. So when she curls up on the couch and falls fast asleep I let her. Watching her sleep has its own joy.

Sienna is so fucking perfect. And she’s all goddamn mine.

I take the opportunity to unwind with a glass of scotch and then I start making my plans to employ more security at the casino. My team did a great job of helping to find her today, but I'll need to know where Sienna is at all times. With loving her comes a fear of losing her that can only be squelched by my being even more in control of everything.

I make some phone calls even though it's late. The world stops for me, day or night, the benefit of having money. By morning I'll have this place reinforced and only then will I feel like things are good.

She sleeps softly and after I've made my calls I can't help but want more of her. Gently I pick her up in my arms and she doesn't even wake. I place her in my huge bed and she looks so small, curled up into a ball. The sight of her, occupying that space where I've never even let another woman stay the night, well it completes everything. 

It was Sienna all along that I was missing. And now that I have her here I feel excited about life and optimistic. We have our entire futures left to get to know each other again and to deepen what we have. I want it to go ever deeper, ever more, and even further.

I can't imagine there's much territory we haven't covered but that's the thing about her, each day is something new and interesting and better than the last.

She's beyond comparison. I couldn't do better than this. I finally have what I want. 

I look at her for awhile as she sleeps before finally removing my clothes and sliding in next to her. I hold her and she seems to know even in dreamland that I'm there. My body dwarfs her own and it feels so good to know this is the first of many nights we'll spend together like this.

I let myself catch some shut-eye. I don't need much sleep but after a day like what we've had even I need more rest.

I wrap my body around her and contain her easily under my frame. She seems to like the feeling of it because she pulls me in close. 

We sleep for a few hours and I dream of what I always dream about...conquering Vegas and by extension the world.

We toss and turn throughout the night and it just feels right to sleep by her side, not something I'd ever think to say about a woman.

And then I wake. It's still the middle of the night but I need Sienna. I lightly stroke her breasts and I bend over her and take one in my mouth. These perfect tits are mine forever. I stroke my finger across her torso and kiss her stomach. This taut stomach is mine forever. And I move down to her pussy and lick and suck all the juices out...mine forever.

She awakens, likely to the warmth rising in her belly. I'm going down on her with passion and my cock is getting so fucking hard. She grasps my hair and moans. I swivel my tongue around her clit and then slip two fingers into her now swollen slit.

"Please, Leo, fuck me. I need you."

She pulls me up to her but I grip her hands tightly to her sides and continue my work. She hasn't seen heaven yet and I won't stop until she does.

I twist and torment her little jewel and massage my fingers against her G-spot. She moves her hips, trying to get more of me but I hold her down steady. Not yet my princess.

Her climax arrives at the exact time I want it to. I feel her tremble beneath my mouth. It's hot to suck all the cum out of her. She tastes like a sweet and salty snack.

Before she can settle down too much I rise and meet her mouth so that she can kiss me and taste herself. It turns me on to see her submit with such pleasure to my control. She's kissing me furiously, aching for more, desirous of nothing but me inside of her.

I take my sweet time because I want to tantalize her but it's just as hard on me. My cock is literally pounding, dying to feel Sienna's tightness.

I kiss her breasts some more and bite her nipples so that I can feel her slightly shake with anticipation of what's to come.

"Tell me what I want to hear," I say and she knows what I mean.

She looks away, blushing, not wanting to admit that she needs me to dominate her.

"Come on," I place my cock so that just the tip is entering her.

Then I pull out and slide my shaft along her pussy lips, up and down, so that she feels what she's missing. It works because the torment is written across her face.

"Fine, okay, mercy," she says with a sexy flush to her cheeks, at once playing with me but knowing she is at my fucking mercy. "Leo, I want you and only you...and mostly I want that gigantic cock inside of me now."

I plunge right in and the relief I feel is damn near glorious at finally being in her. She feels so fucking wet and tight.

She pulls my face towards her and looks up at me. I can't help but peer down at her and then we connect in that special way. She knows it. I know it. We have something unique.

I thrust in and out. She spreads her legs open for me to reach the maximum depth that I can. My cock is hitting up against the back of her sweet wetness. Her hands are on my ass pulling me in closer but the whole time we're fucking our eyes are affixed on one another.

She's soul mate.

I push in and out, ever deeper, and soon she's gushing and euphoria is written across her face. She's calling my name and convulsing. The effect of seeing her come undone, so genuinely happy to have me inside her, well it makes me unleash.

I blast my cream into her sopping wet pussy. She's crying out and loving every minute of it.

"Leo, I'm coming again. Fuck..."

This girl, my God, she's got the ability to come so much. Every night she's having multiple orgasms.

I collapse on top of her. She strokes the beads of sweat that coat my back. I fall to the sheets and she nestles up to me.

It's all over. Even I'm done for. Exhausted beyond repair. We curl into each and fall into a happy sleep knowing our future's at last secure.


I smooth my hands over the short black wig that I wore my first night of being an escort. It's kind of an ode to the past and it's also part of the seduction package that I'm willing to put on.

I own the Inner Sanctum now, and in all seriousness, it's still just as sexy as ever. Only now instead of having to be groped by that disgusting old man Roger, or any of his clients, I'm in charge. And I ensure my girls are kept safe.

I walk out onto the floor where the big players are hedging their bets. Just like that very first night, I can feel his eyes on me from across the room. I look up, and instead of anger at me being handled by some other guy, desire is written all over his face.

He mouths the words, "I love you."

I feel my pulse start to race as things in the Inner Sanctum begin to heat up. This is only the beginning, and it's like this every night. 

I take my place among the women.

I sell them to eager people for a very high price.

They relish the attention...and, of course, the money. Everything is safe and kept above board. My clients feel like winners because they are.

Flanked by beautiful women, each one has the chance to be envied. Our little sanctum is in the envy of all of Vegas.

Everyone wants in, but only a select few are allowed. This ups the IT factor. We’re the place to see and be seen.

I play host to celebrities, millionaires, and billionaires who all want in on the game. My pleasure, though, lies in being watched by one man...Leo.

He runs this casino and he runs this town. With me by his side, we’re both actually happy for once in our lives.

Only time will tell how thoroughly we can make up for the past, but trust me, Leo makes every night feel like I've hit the jackpot.

He takes me to new heights, the bliss and pleasure beyond description. Yet it always hinges on these beginning moments of tantalizing temptation when the evening's just starting and he can't yet have me.

I take the new girl, Emily, across the room to meet the richest power players in town. She deserves it. She’s young and beautiful and trying to pay for college. I told her to give me a week and I'd have her all paid up.

"Get ready, honey, you're about to go big."

I take her up to the poker table that's hidden from view by many layers of velvet curtains. This is where I keep the best of the best.

"Who do you have for us tonight, Sienna?" one of the richest billionaires in town asks. His name is Gary, and he's one of my favorites.

"This is Emily. She's about to make your night very exciting. Just give her a chance to get comfortable and by the end of the night I'll see you eating from the palm of her hand."

They laugh and accept Emily into the fold. Lucky girl that she found me. The other operations in town are just terrible, and I hate to think of how many women lose themselves to men who have no respect for them, who force themselves on them.

It's sad, but my brother Jax is going about trying to change all that. He was reelected as Senator, and he's even earned my respect for turning the tables on the escort industry. He sees my vision now, and it didn't take long. It's what I thought I was getting myself into when I started, it's what all women think. But now we’ve made that a reality.

Jax is taking sexual abuse to the Senate floor, and from what I hear, he’s making headway.

As for me? I'm happy here with Leo and don't plan on changing anything anytime soon. We've made a little love nest in the penthouse apartment.

I call it home because home is wherever Leo is. We could live in a cardboard box for all I care. He'd still be mine and I would be his...forever.

We're about to make it official but I'm no bridezilla. Leo's trying to get me to plan a really big wedding but we're married already in our hearts and minds so I don't see what the big deal is.

If it were up to me we'd go down to the Little Vegas Wedding Chapel and get it done tonight. As it is, I think he's sweeping me away to Venice or something for the nuptials. All I care about is the honeymoon and I've made that perfectly clear. Me plus him on a beach equals Pleasure Island.

He's staring at me now in that way of his—the one that makes me need to go change my panties—and I wonder if we'll even make it to the beds tonight or if he'll have to fuck me in the powder room of the Inner Sanctum first.

I pretend I don't notice his gaze that's trailing me as I make my way to the bar. My silver dress hits the floor just right, making it look like I'm floating, my perfect goddess filthy only for me.

As soon as I order my very dirty vodka martini, he's at my side whispering about all the dastardly things he plans to do to me tonight.

"No, Leo, I'm trying to work." I pretend to give him the rub off.

"But I want you in the penthouse wearing nothing but that garter belt I know you have on. I want to rip it off with my teeth."

His whispered words almost make me come right here. Having Leo talk to me that way, when he tells me what he'll do, well, I have to press my legs tightly together just to avoid making a mess of my new silver dress. 

"Leo,” I say with a teasing wag of my finger, “I have to take care of Emily, my new charge. Besides the night's hardly begun."

I wave at someone, Andrea—the CEO of a new cosmetics line called Flash that's making waves in the beauty industry. It's nice to have connections. I've previously set her up with one of my male escorts and she wasn't disappointed.

My guys can make any woman ruin their panties upon first sight. They're all dazzling, ripped, and most of all, they know how to show my women clients the time of their lives. Many a girls’ trip happens here if they're exclusive enough to get in.

I'm taking in my success, the business, everything—it’s beautiful, and yet I have Leo here impatiently growling in my ear that he's ready to fuck.

"Fine, baby, let's go upstairs. I can hardly wait myself."

He leads me out of the Sanctum through a back exit, and all the while his fingers are tracing the line of my ass.

"Get ready for a long night, Sienna. I’m going to make you mine."

"It always is, Leo. With you it always is. And don’t you know yet? I’ve always been yours."




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